Gang Garrison 2
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Gang Garrison 2 | |
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基本信息 | |
发布日期: |
2008年8月7日 |
开发商: |
Faucet |
模式: | |
配乐师: |
MedO, mrfredman, Synnah |
平台: |
Windows |
“ | Two feuding, quasi-legal freelance security and espionage firms endlessly square off against each other in treacherous battlegrounds in an attempt to acquire each other's deepest secrets. A demake of a 3D game in 8-bit, side-scrolling style.
— Gang Garrison 2 readme description
” |
《Gang Garrison 2》是为TIGSource 论坛的盗版“Demake”比赛(Bootleg Demake Contest)所创建的。正如比赛的名字所示,这款游戏的目标在于使用复古风格的音效和图形,在保留原版游戏大部分游戏玩法的同时,将《军团要塞2》“Demake”(降级式做旧)成《Gang Garrison 2》,TF2中的任何物品或职业的原始名称在《Gang Garrison 2》中都会被替换为其他专有的名称。游戏自身是使用专有软件程序 Game Maker 进行编写和创建的。
《Gang Garrison 2》获得了indieDB 2010年年度独立游戏的提名,虽然最终没有获胜,但它仍被评为了2010年第九大最佳独立游戏。[1]
从2.8版本开始,该游戏拥有 8 种游戏模式可供游玩:
- 夺旗:获取敌方团队的情报,并将其运回至我方情报所在的区域,即可赢得一分。获得一定分数后即可赢得这一回合。
- 控制点:控制点有两种类型,标准和进攻/防御:
- 标准:占领所有的控制点即可获胜。
- 进攻/防御:红队必须占领所有控制点才能获胜,而蓝队必须阻止红队进行占领。
- 竞技场:在该模式下死亡后不会重生,最后存活在战场上的团队即可赢得这一回合。如果两队都没有被对方完全消灭,则两队可以通过占领控制点来赢得这一回合。在比赛结束时累积回合获胜次数最多的队伍将赢得比赛。
- 发电机(Generator):《Gang Garrison 2》独有的原创模式。双方队伍都拥有自己的特殊发电机,即地图目标。一方队伍必须保证他们的发电机运行,同时还要摧毁敌方的发电机,由此才能获胜。发电机周围有一片可恢复的力场以用来保护它们。
- 山丘之王:地图中央有一个中立的控制点。双方队伍需要争抢控制点,并将其成功占领,以此启动他们团队的倒计时。累积占领 3 分钟的团队即可获胜。
- 双重山丘之王(Dual King of the Hill):《Gang Garrison 2》独有的原创模式。双方队伍都拥有一个主场控制点。他们必须控制敌方的控制点,才能开始倒计时,同时还要保护控制点不被敌方夺回。在两个控制点都被同一个队伍占领时,该队伍的主场控制点是锁定的。
- 入侵(A/D CTF):《Gang Garrison 2》独有的原创模式。进攻方队伍必须将情报箱运送到防守方基地并将其放置,而防守方队伍则必须阻止进攻方这样做。成功运送到指定次数后,进攻方获胜;回合时间耗尽后,防守方获胜。
- 团队死亡竞技(Team Deathmatch):杀死敌方玩家,为你的队伍贡献分数。首个达到分数上线的队伍获胜!
Z, X, C:聊天菜单(表情、娱乐和命令)
N, M:更改队伍/职业
左 Shift:显示记分板
《军团要塞2》职业与《Gang Garrison 2》职业的差异
军团要塞 2 | Gang Garrison 2 | 职业的差异 | ||
职业 | 生命值 | 职业 | 生命值 | |
125 | 跑手(Runner) | 100 | 2D的游戏环境使得躲闪更困难,但也使得双重跳跃和抄捷径更容易。2D的环境也使得偷偷溜过敌人变得更困难,因为所有人都能看见周围的事物。However, "dancing" is emulated by many classes having deadzones very close to them where their projectiles cannot appear. Also, the Scattergun's projectiles can be some of the fastest moving projectiles in the game thanks to inertia inheritance, and it has among the highest damage output in the game at point blank range. | |
200 | 火箭人(Rocketman) | 160 | 作为火箭人,火箭跳无需通过下蹲以达到最大高度和速度,因而更加容易。火箭可在任何距离内穿过队友,但也会在开火一段时间后消失。火箭穿过队友会缩短消失的时间。 | |
175 | 纵火狂(Firebug) | 120 | 纵火狂的火焰喷射器的弹药会持续恢复,而火焰兵的火焰喷射器拥有200点弹药。纵火狂在按下主开火键的同时使用压缩空气会将火焰推向自己瞄准的方向,使其可作为范围攻击的选项。 | |
175 | 引爆者(Detonator) | 120 | 作为引爆者,因敌人对于地图拥有更好的视野,设立陷阱变得更加困难,但2D的游戏环境也使得敌人更难躲避黏弹。地雷引爆前无需等待就绪,且其会穿过战场上的所有人,但不能穿过建筑。范围内的爆炸会引爆地雷,包括其它地雷的爆炸。It's possible to knock rockets around with mines, given good timing. It is possible to knock teammates around with mines, making damage-less stickyjumps possible, although it requires incredible coordination. | |
300 | 超重者(Overweight) | 200 | The 2D environment makes it harder to go around the Overweight. 超重者的链式机枪(Chaingun)的弹药会持续恢复,且开火前无需预热,而机枪手的转轮机枪拥有200点弹药且开火前需预热。 超重者还能在发射他的链式机枪时跳跃。The Overweight's Manvich heals for 200 health and recharges in roughly 45 seconds, but cannot drop them for teammates. | |
125 | 建造者(Constructor) | 120 | 2D的环境使得更难躲开建造者的自动枪(Autogun),但其范围被限制在其上下90°之间。建造者会随着时间推移获得“螺栓和螺母”(nuts and bolts),但只能建造一挺无法升级的自动枪,且无法建造其它建筑。他也不能维修他的自动枪。建造者的自动枪需要100“螺栓和螺母”建造,而工程师的步哨枪需要130金属建造。 | |
150 | 治疗者(Healer) | 120 | 治疗者的医疗枪无法绕过拐角。他也不能超量治疗他的队友。对队友释放超级爆发(Superburst)会使得队友获得无限弹药和无敌。 | |
125 | 步枪手(Rifleman) | 120 | 2D的环境使得队友挡住你的枪口时,你更难击中敌人。步枪手可通过开镜获得更好的视野。步枪手开镜时可以跳跃,尽管高度有所降低。步枪手无法爆头。 | |
125 | 渗透者(Infiltrator) | 100 | 渗透者隐身时不消耗能量,他也不能伪装。他只能在隐身时使用刀子,且在使用刀子时拥有挥舞的动作并暂时不能移动。刺击只要命中了敌人就是秒杀(即使不是背刺),且一次最多可以解决两名敌人。因为缺少电子工兵,所以刀子也可用于一击报废自动枪。 |
职业 | 职责 |
The Runner is the fastest class in the game. He excels at recovering objectives like capturing the Intelligence and capturing control points, thanks to his speed and ability to double jump. His health is 100, and he fires 6 bullets per shot at 8 damage per bullet. | |
The Rocketman has very high health and holds a Rocket Launcher. His Rocket Launcher deals 55 damage per shot, can cause splash damage, and has a large range, but it possesses a slow rate of fire and only has 4 ammo. It can also be used to rocket jump, using the explosion to launch yourself into the air. This allows you to go higher than a Runner, but he is still a much less agile combatant. | |
The Firebug is the only 'melee' unit in the game. He is quick and packs quite a punch (30 flames per second, each dealing 3 damage). The Flame Thrower has a short range, about 5 times the Firebug's width, and is strongest at point blank range. It also has an afterburn effect which deals damage over time. The Firebug has the ability to airblast; this can deflects rockets, push sticky grenades away, and extinguish afterburn. | |
The Detonator hurls up to 8 mines from his gun and can detonate them remotely. Just a few mines can kill any unit (25-50 damage). He excels at long range, but up close, he needs skill and reflexes to take out his enemies. The Detonator is one of the less mobile units in the game. He can jump using the explosions from his mines, but this will take off quite a bit of his health. | |
The Overweight is really fat which makes him very slow and gives him a very low jump, but it also grants him the most health of any class. He wields a huge chain gun, which deals 120 damage per second, at 8 damage per bullet. His bullets are very compact at close range, but spread out over longer distances. A Healer is his best friend, together they are a force to be reckoned with due to their constant healing. By clicking the right mouse button, the Overweight can eat one of his Manvich which can restore his health slightly, but it leaves him defenseless for the duration of its consumption. Unlike the Heavy in Team Fortress 2, the Overweight can jump while shooting his chaingun. | |
The Constructor is like a cross between the Runner and Detonator. He wields a Shotgun which shoots 5 bullets at 7 damage per bullet and has the ability to make Autoguns. These are stationary gun turrets that will riddle nearby enemies with bullets on sight. However, these Autoguns cannot be upgraded or repaired. | |
The Healer is the only unit that can heal. To summon a Healer to help you, just yell "MEDIC!" (keyboard key "E"). He constantly regenerates health and can heal friendly teammates at a steady rate with his Medi Gun by holding the left mouse button. He can utilize his Syringe Gun with the right mouse button, which has a very quick rate of fire, but it greatly lacks in range and power. He has average mobility. He is best used as a healing support unit. Healing teammates builds the Healer's superburst meter. When it is completely filled, the Healer can grant himself and a teammate temporary invincibility and infinite ammo! Simply heal a teammate and right click at the same time to activate the Healer's superburst. | |
The Rifleman wields a Sniper Rifle, its shots connect instantly and have the largest range of any weapon. Using alternate-fire, the player can toggle between scoping in and out. Much like in TF2, scoping in will begin charging the power of the shot. A full charge is enough to deal a considerable amount of damage to a target, but its chief drawback is a slow rate of fire. It is mainly effective at long ranges, but if the Rifleman is skillful, he can take enemies down even at close range. Firing his rifle shows a team-colored beam; however, that can give away his location. | |
The Infiltrator is a very sneaky unit. He can Cloak, come up behind you, and shoot you! The Infiltrator can Cloak and uncloak with the right mouse button. He has a Revolver with a good amount of power and range, but it can only shoot while the Infiltrator is uncloaked. Using primary-fire while cloaked will begin a stabbing motion that is an instant kill, regardless if it's a backstab or not. If the Infiltrator is behind an opponent, the opponent cannot see him. | |
The Secret Class can be accessed by pressing Q on the class selection screen. They are Quote (RED team) and Curly Brace (BLU team): characters from Cave Story, using a Bubbler and the Blade, two weapons from said game. |
- The Civilian, like in Team Fortress 2, was cut from the game; a frame of its unanimated sprite can be downloaded from the Gang Garrison 2 website.[2]
- There are special sprites for falling autoguns in the source code, which have a parachute attached. Autoguns in Gang Garrison 2 fall to the floor where their Constructor is standing when they're placed, which the sprites are assumed to be for. For some reason, these sprites aren't being used for falling autoguns.[3]
- In the early stages of Gang Garrison 2 's development, Quote was the character used when the engine was being written. When the first version was to be released, Quote was left in as a class for RED team and Beta Quote was used as a class for BLU team. During Cave Story 's development, Quote's beta appearance was Blue and used the name Curly Brace. Much later in Gang Garrison 2 's development, Curly Brace replaced Beta Quote as BLU team's secret class representative.
- Every 7th of September, all classes don a Party Hat to honor the 'birthday' of Gang Garrison 2. In addition, blood spatter is replaced with confetti.
- Gang Garrison 2 released their own version of the Saxxy Awards called "Haxxy Awards", hosted by Haxton Sale himself (parody of Saxton Hale). Haxxys were awarded in:
- Haxxys 2011: Finalists each received a full set of death animations for the 9 classes, which turn corpses into golden statues.
- Haxxys 2012: Finalists received full sets of golden weapons for 9 classes. Other places received golden weapons for one chosen class.
- Haxxys 2013: Finalists received full set (for 9 classes) of bobblehead masks of Haxton Sale. Other places received a mask of Haxton Sale for one chosen class. Additionally, a lottery was opened in which 9 random postings in the GG2 forum lottery thread were selected, awarding each of the selected posters one of 9 golden weapons (1 weapon awarded per class).
- Haxxys 2014: Finalists received full sets of golden cosmetic items for 9 classes (belts, pouches, etc.). Second places received 3 golden cosmetic items for their selected classes and third places received one selected item. A GG2 forum lottery awarded one of 4 golden weapons or 5 Haxton Sale masks (1 item per class) to 9 random participants.
- Haxxys 2015: In this year, rewards were the same as the previous Haxxys. The GG2 forum lottery gave away 3 golden weapons, 3 masks of Haxton Sale, and 3 golden cosmetic items, one item per class, one item to each of nine winners.
- In 2014, Haxxy Awards were released with "Raybanns" hosted by Ray Bann, CEO Bann Co., in an effort to take over Fredmann Co. (named after mrfredman, creator of GG2). Similar to contracts in TF2, Raybanns were in-game and GG2 forum challenges, for which the community could earn a top hat, a top hat with golden monocle, or a death animation, "money explosion". Achieving 100% of the 2014 edition contracts granted a golden cosmetic item for one chosen class. Raybanns was repeated in 2015, but awarded 2015 Haxxy award items for 1, 2, or 3 classes.
- Official Site
- Forums
- Gang Garrison TIGForums Thread
- TF2 Official Blog - I'm gonna be all over ya like shingles.
- TF2 Official Blog - Gotta move that gear up.
- TF2 Official Blog - How does this blog thing work again?
- Gang Garrison 2 Wiki
- The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Gang Garrison 2