Community Odyssey strategy

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Basic Information
Map type: Payload
File name: pl_odyssey
Released: July 18, 2024 Patch
(Summer 2024 Update)
Developer(s): Evan "Defcon" LeBlanc
Nickolas "KrazyZark" Fenech
Map Info
Environment: Greece, ruins
Setting: Daytime
Hazards: Drowning
Deep Water: Yes
Map Items
Healthico.png Health Kits: Smallhealth.png ×TBD  •  Mediumhealth.png ×TBD
Ammoico.png Ammo Boxes: Smallammo.png ×TBD   •   Mediumammo.png ×TBD   •  
Largeammo.png ×TBD
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Odyssey overview.png

This article is about 'Community Odyessy strategy

General Strategy (All Classes)

See also: Community Payload strategy

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Because the map ends with a control point, when attacking; you are especially useful due to your 2X capture rate. Try to flank along the edge of the final point and start capping from an unexpected angle.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • There are cubic Rock formations by the side exit of BLU's spawn; placing a Sentry or Mini Sentery on top allows for a hidden Sentery to push RED off the carts starting place, giving an opening to begin pushing it.
  • The map is quite open and vertical for a payload map, try to get creative and put your Sentery on one of the many high up ledges or props; keep in mind that anything too out of reach or high up can be shot down by a Soldier or Sniper out of range.
  • The map ending with a control point makes it easy for you to make a Sentery on the cliff above the point to stop pushes, this works even better when done with the Wrangler to help reduce damage from the constant fire.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy