Obtaining Scout achievements/it

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64px L'anno D'oro Del Baseball

Totalizza 2004 uccisioni in una vita.

Difficoltà: Facile

How To: Prima o poi succederà di ottenerlo (dopo circa 15 ore ad una velocità di 2 uccisioni al minuto). Il risultato fa riferimento alla stagione del 2004 dei Red Sox di Boston, quando vinsero la World Series.

64px Schivata Antiproiettile

Schiva 1000 danni in un'unica vita usando Bonk! Pugno atomico.

Difficoltà: Facile

How To: Dovrebbe essere abbastanza semplice. Usa la bevanda energetica, poi corri direttamente in mezzo al fuoco nemico od in fronte ad una Sentinella, poi torna indietro quando sta per finire. Continua finché non prendi il risultato. Un altro modo di farlo è catturare l'attenzione di un Grosso, correre dietro un angolo (funziona bene in Dustbowl), attivare il Bonk!, e corrergli incontro appena volta l'angolo. Assicurati di fuggire con anticipo perchè il Grosso al contrario delle sentinelle può inseguirti.

64px Battuta Al Salto

Esegui 1000 salti doppi.

Difficoltà: Facile

How To: Semplicemente esegui dei doppi salti per ottenere il risultato. Non è necessario "grindare", poiché ti troverai a saltare moltissimo già normalmente nel gioco. Qualsiasi salto effettuato a mezz'aria conta per questo risultato. Il modo più rapido per ottenerlo è premere rapidamente il tasto del salto lungo una rampa di scale per ottenere tanti piccoli doppi salti. Puoi anche prendere moltissimi doppi salti in aree con soffitti bassi, come sulle porte. Un'area di questo tipo sono le condutture dell'aria in Turbine.

64px Battuta D'arresto... Cardiaco

Uccidi un Medico pronto a utilizzare una ÜberCarica.

Difficoltà: Media

How To: I Medici più accorti lanciano l'ÜberCarica non appena vengano attaccati. Puoi tentare la fortuna con un Critico o sperando che non siano attenti mentre li colpisci. Puoi anche usare la Sandman per stordire il medico prima di tentare di ucciderlo per assicurarti che non possa contrattaccare né attivare la ÜberCarica. Se riesci a beccare un Medico da dietro di sorpresa, la Forza della Natura lo può uccidere prima che possa accorgersi di essere sotto attacco. Un altro metodo può essere quello di bere una Crit-A-Cola subito prima di partire all'attacco per cercare di incrementare le chance di uccidere il Medico prima che possa reagire, anche se se già si sta preparando ad attaccare, potresti arrivare già in ritardo.

64px Fallo Tecnico

Stordisci un Esploratore con la sua stessa palla.

Difficoltà: Medio

How To: Sempicemente cerca di raccogliere la palla che un Esploratore nemico ha appena lanciato e stordiscicelo. Fai attenzione agli Esploratori con la Sandman avversari, cercando di capire chi stiano per colpire e dove stia per finire la palla.

64px Scambio Tra Agenti

Uccidi un avversario che possiede i tuoi segreti mentre tu hai i suoi.

Difficoltà: Media

How To: Può accadere spesso all'inizio delle partite in modalità Cattura i Documenti, assicurati solo di raggiungere i Documenti prima di tutti gli altri Esploratori nel tuo team. Aspettati che succeda lo stesso anche nell'altra squadra, e cerca di incontrare l'avversario per ucciderlo. E' più semplice realizzare questo risultato se ci sono pochi giocatori.

64px Questa Base è Mia

Blocca la conquista di 50 punti di controllo.

Difficoltà: Facile

How To: Anche se la Difesa non è esattamente pane per i denti dell'Esploratore, puoi rimanere nei pressi dei punti che vengono assaliti e correrci sopra quando questi vengono catturati. Una mossa scaltra consiste nel correrci su e giù per ottenere più punti. Il Carico non conta come punto di controllo, quindi non puoi prendere questo risultato sulle mappe Carico.

64px Palla Spiovente

Stordisci 50 nemici mentre stanno conquistando un punto o spingono il carrello.

Difficoltà: Facile

How To: Allontanati dal carrello o dal punto di cattura e fai volare le palle: nelle mappe di Carico tieni d'occhio il carrello ed appena viene spinto lanciaci una palla, se hai fortuna riuscirai ad ottenere questo risultato in breve tempo. Anche se la descrizione parla soltanto di nemici intenti a catturare o spingere, puoi stordire chiunque si trovi su di un punto o in prossimità del carrello anche se già catturato e/o bloccato, e conterà per ottenere il risultato. Non hai bisogno di colpire il nemico da lontano per questo risultato, semplicemente colpire qualcuno con una palla da qualsiasi distanza finché si trovino sul punto o attorno al carrello basta.

64px Fai la nanna

Uccidi 50 nemici da dietro con Forza della Natura.

Difficoltà: Media

How To: Prova ad attaccare in tondo (il modo di base dell'Esploratore di attaccare) od a sgattaiolare sui nemici da dietro, e dovresti riuscire ad ottenere questo risultato prima o poi. Puoi anche stordirli con la Sandman e sparare due colpi rapidi alle loro spalle finché sono storditi, e questo dovrebbe bastare ad eliminare le classi più leggere. Ricorda solo che devi uccidere il nemico da dietro, perciò se gli corri attorno in circolo, non ti allontanare troppo. Puoi anche sfruttare la tua velocità per individuare spie nemiche e sparare loro alle spalle qualora tentino di ripiegare. Se intendi fare delle imboscate, la Crit-A-Cola può aiutare molto poiché ti permetterebbe di uccidere qualsiasi classe con 125hp in un singolo colpo, e praticamente tutte le altre in due, a meno che non siano state sovracurate da un medico.

64px Vieni Più Vicino

Distruggi 3 entrate del teletrasporto.

Difficoltà: Facile

How To: In mappe come 2Fort capita spesso che l'Esploratore si trovi nella base avversaria dove si possono trovare la maggior parte delle entrate ai teletrasporti. Distruggile lì. Alternativamente, in mappe più lunghe come Dustbowl o Badwater, un Esploratore che usi il Bonk! più raggiungere le retrovie avversarie per distruggere i teletrasporti agli ingressi. Il fucile a corto raggio rende questo risultato più semplice, poiché la maggior parte dei teletrasporti richiede almeno tre colpi per venire distrutto.

64px La Cura Dei Campioni

Uccidi 3 nemici mentre sei sotto l'effetto dell'Übercarica di un Medico.

Difficoltà: Difficile

How To: Fatti Übercaricare da un Medico ed uccidi 3 nemici. più facile a dirsi che a farsi, poiché nessun medico sano di mente darebbe una Über ad un Esploratore in un momento cruciale. Se riesci a convincere un medico ad Übercaricarti, prova ad usare il Kritzkrieg. Questo risultato coincide con uno del Medico (Farà un po' male), quindi potresti essere fortunato e trovare un Medico disponibile. Utilizzare il normale fucile a corto raggio è una soluzione migliore in confronto al Forza della Natura, poiché non dovrai ricaricare dopo ogni due colpi.

Un altro metodo riguarda l'usare la Crit-A-Cola con un'Übercarica dalla Medigun. La combinazione implica l'avere mini-critici senza preoccuparti dell'effetto collaterale.

64px Dodgers 1, Giants 0

Kill an enemy Heavy and take his Sandvich.

Difficoltà: Easy/Medium

How To: Simply try to deal a large amount of damage to a enemy Heavy that has the Sandvich equipped (using the damage number indications in advanced multiplayer options, you can calculate what health the Heavy in question will have), or shadow one that's being attacked by a teammate. Avoid killing the Heavy, and follow him at a medium range. Try to use corners to avoid being caught off guard. Listen for the distinct chewing sounds the Heavy makes when eating the Sandvich and move in for the kill. Be sure to kill him while he has it out or before he finishes eating it, because he will instantly un-equip it once he finishes eating. Once you pick up the Sandvich you will obtain the achievement. There is much less chance of being caught off guard, as the Heavy lacks the Shotgun with the Sandvich equipped. Therefore, the spinup time of his Minigun will give you more than enough time to retreat to a safe range or finish him off. Killing a Heavy carrying the Dalokohs bar will also get you this achievement, and may be easier to accomplish since they will not be able to heal nearly as fast as with the Sandvich, though they may also be less willing to use it too close to the front lines because of this.

64px Fall Classic

Cause an environmental death or suicide using the Force-A-Nature's knockback.

Difficoltà: Easy/Medium

How To: Find a Sniper on his balcony and shoot him off it, the combined damage from the gun and the fall should do the trick. In maps with instant death pits, such as Steel and Lumberyard, stay near the pit and push an unlucky player down it. If your timing is good, you can also use the train in Well.

64px First Blood

Get the first kill in an Arena match.

Difficoltà: Easy

How to: Simply try to run to the enemy as quick as possible. However, try not to get yourself killed. Alternatively, find an Arena server with a low number of players and trust to your skill and the low odds of anyone else getting the first kill. This should happen eventually from playing aggressively in any Arena game.

64px First Blood, Part 2

Kill 5 enemies with the First Blood Crit buff.

Difficoltà: Medium

How to: This is an extension of the First Blood achievement, and requires you to not only get first blood, but goes further and requires you to follow up first blood with another kill in the period when the first blood Crit buff is applied. While obtaining first blood may be reasonably easy, getting another kill within the five seconds when the Crit buff is applied can be quite difficult. Your best bet would be to use the Scattergun since its ammo capacity allows you to quickly follow up First Blood with a second kill without having to reload. Just try to get First Blood, then quickly find someone else and take him out before the buff wears off.

64px Foul Territory

Cause an environmental death by stunning an enemy.

Difficoltà: Hard

How to: This achievement is highly dependent on the map, but the most reliable way to get this is at the center capture point on Well by stunning a player on the train tracks and hoping the train will run over your victim. Another thing you can try is finding a friendly Scout trying to get the Fall Classic achievement, and stunning someone while he pushes the victim into a hazard with the Force-A-Nature, getting both Scouts their respective achievements.

64px Gun Down

Destroy an active Sentry Gun using your Pistol.

Difficoltà: Medium

How to: The easiest way to do this is to find a Sentry being built, kill the Engineer working on it, wait until it's up, then shoot it down. You can also circle strafe around the sentry and Pistol it to death, or stand outside of its range and take advantage of the fact that attacking buildings does not suffer from falloff damage. However, if the Engineer is still alive (or worse, has a Wrangler equipped), this achievement is best attempted on another Sentry Another way is to "edge" it by going only slightly around a corner, and shoot at the tiny bit of sentry that you can see. If you are lucky, you can find a Sentry that you can shoot at out of range, which makes it easy to kill. Getting assistance from a heavier class also works, so long as you land the finishing hit.

64px If You Build It

Destroy 3 enemy buildings while they are still under construction.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: If you destroy an Engineer structure while it's building, chances are he will try building it again, hoping you will move onto a different target. When he first puts the building down, one hit from anything will destroy it. Keep in mind that Dispensers and Teleporters take twice as long to build than Sentries, and are just as easy to destroy.

64px I'm Bat Man

Survive 500 damage in one life.

Difficoltà: Medium

How To: While Scouts aren't built to take that much damage in one life thanks to their low health, staying near spawn exits while on defense in Payload matches is a good way to take small amounts of damage while being able to heal quickly. If on offense, try to hang around a Dispenser or a Medic, as most Medics won't keep up with the Scout's quick movement. Alternatively use fall damage and med kits to obtain this. A good trick is to jump on the torches in CP_Egypt as offense. Right as your health dips below 10, jump off and go to the resupply cabinet. Repeat this about 5 times.

64px Moon Shot

Stun an enemy for the maximum possible duration by hitting them with a long-range ball.

Difficoltà: Medium

HowTo: On maps with large open areas hit speculative balls across the maps, eventually one will connect. Remember if you can see the target aim above their head. Snipers are easy targets for this as they generally stay stationary while aiming, and as long as you keep strafing or attack from outside their field of view, you should remain relatively safe. An easy way to achieve the Moon Shot is on Watchtower. At the beginning of a round, launch a ball above the watchtower. The other team will be running along the pipe opposite the one you're on. If you're lucky, the ball will hit a member of the opposing team and earn you the achievement.

64px No Hitter

Steal and then capture the enemy intelligence without firing a shot.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: This achievement does not need to be done from the enemy intelligence spawn area, you can pick it up where a teammate dropped it and get this achievement so long as you don't fire your weapons while carrying it (note that your melee weapon can still be used). If you are capturing the intelligence yourself, you can drop it before reaching your own intelligence (default "L") and pick it up again and cap it.

64px Out of the Park

Bat an enemy 25 meters.

Difficoltà: Hard

How to: This is a hard one. To do this, you must have the Sandman equipped, and taunt with it; furthermore, the enemy must actually fly 25 meters, if their ragdoll collides into an object before doing so you will not get the achievement, so it is best not to attempt this achievement indoors. Note, that this is the longest taunt in the game, so it is best tried on a Sniper or distracted and revved-up Heavy. Another way is do it near Setup time when near the enemy base. Just be sure that you're aiming towards open space so that their ragdoll flies far enough.

64px Pop Fly

Kill 20 players while double-jumping.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: Double jumping constantly and firing will help get this achievement. Keeping yourself moving and jumping around enemies go hand and hand with firing your gun. However, if you're going up against another Scout note that he will usually take out his Bat and probably kill you faster than you can fire your primary.

64px Quick Hook

Kill a player in Well before the round starts.

Difficoltà: Medium

How To: People (including Scouts) used to shoot through the gap between the train cart and the building to get lucky kills. Nowadays, people are more aware and don't stand near this danger spot. With the release of the Scout achievements, Scouts usually cluster around the spot trying to get a lucky kill. Another possibility is to wait for a Soldier to come the other way and shoot him from behind.

Alternatively, if you have the Force-A-Nature, you can triple jump over either train car by jumping from the balcony (jump towards the fence, double-jump towards the car, and blast yourself towards the car again), and try to score a kill on a low-health class. This method is more likely to succeed when there are fewer enemies near the car.

64px Race for the Pennant

Run 25 kilometers.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: Will come after time (approximately 172 minutes of running).

64px Retire the Runner

Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-A-Cola.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: Shoot at Scouts with a glowing weapon equipped. Remember that they will have Mini-Crits inflicted upon them, so there is no damage falloff. Using the Pistol against him will rapidly drop his health, and will give you the advantage since the enemy cannot equip both a Pistol and the Crit-A-Cola simultaneously.

64px Round Tripper

Capture the enemy intelligence 25 times.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: Should come after a reasonable amount of playing time. Obviously, go for the intelligence rather than trying primarily to kill people.

64px Set the Table

Initiate 10 point captures that ultimately succeed.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: Just like capping intel this should come after time. Point A of Gravel Pit is a likely candidate. Note that you just have to initiate a cap, so a suicide dash that starts the cap will work, as long as your team finishes the job. Just make sure to get there first. Capping points by yourself (aided by the Scout's double capture rate advantage) will also get you points for this achievement.

64px Side Retired

Capture the last point in a CP map.

Difficoltà: Medium

How To: Sneak behind enemy lines and wait on or near the final CP. Once the preceding one has been capped rush the point for an easy cap. This is a common team tactic, just let everyone else know you have the last cap covered. While this achievement does not have a time limit, it is generally easier to capture the final point while the enemy is focused on the first point(s), and surviving to capture the last point is harder when the enemy has multiple sentries and players guarding it.

64px Stealing Home

Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: Sneak behind enemy lines and wait on or near the final CP. Once the preceding one has been capped rush the point for an easy cap. This is a common team tactic, just let everyone else know you have the next point covered. You do not need to actually capture it, only initiating the cap is needed for this achievement. On maps like Granary or Well, capturing a point right after the enemy has finished capturing it also works, as well as pushing them off the middle point at the beginning of the round. The easiest way to achieve this is on KOTH_Harvest, prepare yourself from your base's roof and jump into the point via the broken roof 1 second before the point is availbable.

64px Strike Zone

Kill 50 enemies while they are stunned.

Difficoltà: Medium

How To: The hardest part with this is getting to the stunned player before the effect wears off as the closer you are the less time you have. If you have time, you can down a Crit-A-Cola right before hitting your ball at your target, and then finish them off with your primary weapon. Although it's rare, killing someone with the baseball itself counts toward this achievement.

64px The Big Hurt

Stun 2 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge.

Difficoltà: Hard

How To: This one won't be easy. Your best bet will be to sneak behind enemy lines and find a fully charged Medic who isn't paying attention to his flank.

64px The Cycle

In a single life, kill an enemy while you are on the ground, in the air, and in the water.

Difficoltà: Medium

How To: Not many maps have water and you have to be submerged in water in part of it. Most people mistake this achievement as to kill someone who is in the air, water, or on land. Land and Air are easy (also gets a kill towards Pop Fly achievement) so a good idea is to either stay in the water till someone jumps in with you and then go for the next two. This can be pulled off on 2Fort, by jumping from the battlements and killing someone, killing someone on the bridge, and killing someone in the water. Well has water near most of the combat, and is thus reasonably suitable for this.

64px Triple Play

Capture three capture points in a row in one life.

Difficoltà: Easy

How To: Play Well or Granary until you get the achievement. You can also get this on maps like Gravel Pit and Junction, but after you capture the first point make sure not to die for the rest of the round. If a group of enemies approaches as you are capping the point, it's wise to retreat unless there are numerous allies also on the point.

64px Triple Steal

Capture the enemy intelligence 3 times in a single CTF round.

Difficoltà: Hard

How To: This is best done on 24/7 CTF servers, as those usually have the time limits for each round greatly extended. Note that the captures do not need to be in a single life or even consecutive, so you do not have to worry about getting killed while carrying the intelligence or about other Scouts capturing it in-between your runs, unless the capture limit is only 3 (some servers will set it at 4 or more).