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| group6 = Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

| list6 = Mining Light · Engineer's Cap · Texas Ten Gallon · Texas Slim's Dome Shine · Hotrod · Safe'n'Sound · Buckaroo's Hat · Industrial Festivizer · Big Country · Professor's Peculiarity · Hetman's Headpiece · Western Wear · Ol' Geezer

| group7 = Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

| list7 = Prussian Pickelhaube · Otolaryngologist's Mirror · Vintage Tyrolean · Gentleman's Gatsby · Ze Goggles · Berliner's Bucket Helm · German Gonzila · Geisha Boy · Medic's Mountain Cap · Grimm Hatte · Private Eye · Team Captain · Doctor's Sack · Planeswalker Helm

| group8 = Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

| list8 = Trophy Belt · Master's Yellow Belt · Professional's Panama · Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative · Shooter's Sola Topi · Bloke's Bucket Hat · Ol' Snaggletooth · Larrikin Robin · Crocleather Slouch · Desert Marauder · Anger

| group9 = Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

| list9 = Fancy Fedora · Backbiter's Billycock · Magistrate's Mullet · Frenchman's Beret · Familiar Fez · Détective Noir · Noh Mercy · Private Eye · Charmer's Chapeau · Janissary Ketche · Cosa Nostra Cap

| group10 = All classes

| list10 = Cheater's Lament · Bill's Hat · Modest Pile of Hat · Noble Amassment of Hats · Towering Pillar of Hats · Uncle Sam · Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat · J.Axer's Dapper Topper · Max's Severed Head · Alien Swarm Parasite · Ellis' Cap · Mann Co. Cap · Wiki Cap · Horrific Headsplitter · Bounty Hat · Treasure Hat · Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect · A Rather Festive Tree · World Traveler's Hat · Athletic Supporter · Humanitarian's Hachimaki · Benefactor's Kanmuri · Magnanimous Monarch · Aperture Labs Hard Hat · Frontline Field Recorder · Lo-Fi Longwave · Proof of Purchase · Summer Hat

| group11 = All classes
(Halloween) | list11 = Ghastly Gibus · Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask · Ghastlier Gibus · Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head · Spine-Chilling Skull · Voodoo Juju · Halloween Masks · Saxton Hale Mask }}