Community Freight strategy

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Community Freight strategy
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Desert / Industrial
Setting: Daylight, sunny
Hazards: Trains
Map Photos
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This article is about Community Freight strategy.


  • Often times, teams will send a Pyro or a Scout underwater at the middle cap point to flank an opposing Medic or other important targets.
  • At the middle point, the left or right side ledges can be jumped by a Soldier or Demoman in order to flank the other team.

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

Attacking Control Point 3

  • At the beginning of the map both teams are rushing towards the middle for the mid-fight as usual. You have the speed advantage as always, being the fastest class, so you will likely be there first up against enemy Scouts.
  • The fastest route to the middle is to run left down the ramp at the last point, turn left in the second point and go up out of the left ramp straight to the middle point.
  • Your best bet as a Scout on the middle is to shoot across the point at anyone trying to cross, and watch the extra routes enemies can take to get into your team, such as the right side stairs, the left side crate, and the water.
  • If your team has a Sniper, protecting him can often give your team much more offensive power as the Sniper denies a good portion of the map to the enemy.
  • Do not go on the point yourself unless you're confident it's safe or you can deal with any threats coming to you, as the area is very tight and easily spammed by explosives.

Defending Control Point 3

  • If you're defending middle point, the enemy will be coming from their second point.
  • As a Scout you cannot do much here, so your best bet is to watch the water by jumping in and coming up for air when necessary.
  • To increase mobility in the water, do not move forwards or backwards, only strafe, as forward or backward motion reduces strafe speed in water.
  • Be prepared for your team to launch an offensive and be on the watch for this happening.
  • Watching the two doors can work as a Scout, and can be highly useful for sneaking in behind the enemy to kill off high priority targets such as a Medic, however this requires a high level of skill.
  • Do not be surprised if your team is forced to fall back as the area can be difficult to keep control of, so be prepared to run away or hide to get behind the enemy.

Attacking Control Point 2/4

  • Upon attacking the second point, the best option for a Scout is usually to go through the left door after checking for any stickies. Then running to the walkway above second point to get behind or above the enemy, or to run straight down the left and harass enemies from behind or the side.
  • Equally, priority targets such as a Medic should be your focus as an enemy ÜberCharge can ruin your team's push into the area.
  • Other classes that pose a serious threat are as usual Heavies, Demomen, and Soldiers, while surprisingly enemy Scouts are dealt with most often by the rest of your team.
  • There is often a short period before any attack is made on the second point where Medics on your team will build their ÜberCharges.
  • Be prepared to run ahead to the last point for a quick win if the entire enemy team has been taken out.

Defending Control Point 2/4

  • Here your best bet is to hide on the upper levels and pop out occasionally to take pot-shots at enemies poking through the doors from the middle point.
  • As is often the case with the Scout you are at your most useful when you can get behind the enemy, so either try and escape the area via the water located in the room next to the resupply in this area, or sneak out one of the side doors.
  • If you manage to escape, attempt to force the enemy to move in by assaulting their Medic and forcing their ÜberCharge, or totally stall them by killing said Medic.
  • Failing this, wait for the enemy to move into the area and come in to harass them during their attack or afterward.
  • In this area, assuming the rest of your team can hold the fort, escaping out to the middle point to back-cap while the enemy team attacks second can bring your team back outside. The enemies do not often expect it, and can be complacent about it due to their own confidence in attacking the second point.

Attacking Control Point 1/5

  • Upon the final push to last point a Scout should be coming in to clean up enemies after the main bulk of the team has inflicted their damage, and to cap the point.
  • In this area coming in from the lower area or the top left is your best bet, but watch out for Sentry Guns hidden behind the sheet metal, Snipers on the crates at the back of the point, and Heavies hidden in place of Sentry Guns.
  • Running on and off the point to increase how far it has been capped is a good strategy here, as you can cap the point just as an enemy moves off it to attack someone else due to the fast capture speed on the last point.
  • If the enemy Medic uses an ÜberCharge here, you should keep out of the way of it and harass the other players until it wears out.

Defending Control Point 1/5

  • Here a Scout can do very little but attempt to get behind the enemy and harass them, however the main areas that need watching are the top right for Snipers, and the bottom for anyone else trying to sneak in.
  • When the enemy team push in, look for players who have not been Übered and attack them at close range to inflict maximum damage with your Scattergun, as they will most likely be focused on other people.
  • In general, this area needs to be played depending on the situation in game at the time, but the basic idea is to prevent Snipers picking off your team, and harassing enemies until you're able to finish them off or your team can kill them.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Control point 3


  • Soldiers can exploit a lot of height advantage at this control point. The two roofs on the buildings around the point can be utilized by the Soldier to cover the point. A small health is also located on both roofs making the Soldier less reliant on the team's Medic.
  • Defensive minded Soldiers during the initial mid-fight should look to cover the main flank left of the point. This route is popular with Scouts and Pyros. The Soldier's ability to rocket jump makes him a very able class to defend this flank quickly and effectively.
  • Hurt enemies will often retreat for medium Health Packs. Try to kill them or rocket jump onto the item, taking it and finishing the victim(s) off.


  • Pushing out from second onto mid, Soldiers should be with the main group watching the immediate flanks whilst the likes of the Heavies and Demos worry about the resistance in front of the pack. If the team has successfully pushed the enemy back and is capping mid, the Soldier should push forward and hassle any enemies looking to block the point.
  • An alternative push would see the Soldier immediately push up regardless of how the team is doing cap wise and try and flank them through the stairs on either the left, via rocket jump, or to the right at mid. He should look to get a pick on the team's Medics and Snipers, making any push onto mid a lot easier. And even if the push fails, if the Medic goes down, it should delay any push onto the second point; allowing the team to regroup and push again.


  • A Soldier can be at a number of places defending mid. The first should be the door to the right, as it is a much short corridor and also he can see the whole room down to the bottom unlike the left door. Enemies will be looking to flank from this door as well as Soldiers should keep their eyes peeled.
  • A second area for a Soldier to cover is in water. Here is a very popular place for Spies to slip by undetected. Other, heavier classes may try this route as well, but so long as the Soldier informs his team of the incoming flank the team should have little problem addressing it.

Control point 2/4


A popular route for Soldiers attacking this point is the balcony overlooking the point, this is accessed from the left entrance of yard and through the "water room", the room with the chute into the water which leads back into yard. The balcony can provide an excellent spamming position when the team is pushing onto the point. Further down the balcony is a small room, there maybe some resistance in here but the stairway within this room leads down to a small area commonly holding the defensive line making it a perfect flanking route.


Defensive Soldiers should try and hold the water room, possibly with the aid of a Demoman. Giving up the balcony can mean giving up the point as it is much easier to defend this point with the balcony and water room secure. Falling back from water room, try and hold the stairs discussed beforehand as some enemy players may try and push for a quick flank on the rest of your team.

Control point 1/5


  • Soldiers should opt straight for the main doors through to final when attacking because of the short distance to the point, being wary of sticky traps is required before going through this door.
  • The middle, and lowest, entrance to the point is the second option for the Soldier, although he should try and rocket jump as walking up to the point will make him Sniper fodder.
  • The entrance furthest left is perhaps the least used option for Soldiers wishing to attack mainly because enemy Snipers will usually watch this entrance because Snipers attacking the final cap will use this area. Soldiers around here are not unheard of, however, as they can make solid defenders for Snipers and also counter and block and potential flanks from Scouts and Spies.


    • The primary location for a Soldier should be near the main door to the left of the point as this will be where any large pushes will be. Alternatively he can stand behind the corrugated sheets to the right and use as a potential ambush spot.
    • Soldiers looking to help their teams push out onto the second cap should look to the right entrance, commonly there will be low HP classes such as Snipers and Scouts around here to provide little resistance. Soldiers may choose to either hold station here and provide an easier time for his Snipers knowing there is potentially one less spot for them to worry about or they can continue along a small corridor which overlooks the hallway down to the middle entrance to last - at the end should be a small platform which looks over the second control point; opposite balcony. Here Soldiers can happily spam any defenders on the point. A small health kit is immediately behind him in cover.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • Snipers are able to get many picks from the staircase outside the base, as it directly faces the middle point, and gives a view of the left and right flanks. However, Snipers are vulnerable to other Snipers and flanking Soldiers, Demomen, and Scouts at the stair position.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • Spies can make use of the canals to easily reach the enemy's side of the central control point. They are useful as they let you pass to the other side without going through the major areas of combat.