스카웃 응답 대사
< Scout responses
Revision as of 20:14, 19 October 2011 by SlothEffect (talk | contribs)
이 페이지는 한국어로 번역 중입니다. 한국어를 능숙하게 하신다면 토론 페이지에 글을 남기거나 문서 역사를 참고하여 문서 번역에 참여한 번역가들과 이를 상의하시기 바랍니다. |
Voice Responses are contextually triggered lines that play after the player has achieved something, for instance killing a certain amount of enemies with a Primary or Melee Weapon, or the player has triggered something, like being set on fire. The Scout has several vocal responses, all of which are listed below (excluding Voice Commands).
사살과 관련된 응답
Kill Streak with Primary Weapon |
건물을 파괴했을 때 |
킬 어시스트 |
근접 무기로 죽였을 때 |
우세와 관련된 응답
우세 |
솔져 우세 |
파이로 우세 |
25px 데모맨 우세 |
엔지니어 우세 |
메딕 우세 |
스파이 우세 |
근접 무기로 적을 죽여 우세했을 때 |
사건 관련 반응
라운드 시작 |
서든데스 |
Stalemate |
불에 붙었을 때 |
자라테나 미치광이 우유에 맞았을 때 |
텔레포트를 했을 때 |
메딕에게 치료받았을 때 |
우버차지가 발동 되었을 때 |
Upon picking up a baseball |
Being attacked while on red health, Bonk! Atomic Punch equipped |
Achievement Unlocked |
Upon drinking Bonk! Atomic Punch |
Firing a weapon while under the effects of Crit-a-Cola |
Only spoken if the attack occurs about 1 second from the activation. |
Crit-a-Cola's effects wear off |
Mad Milk toss |
Attacking with the Sandman |
Double jumping |
Apex of triple jump |
After Picking Up Intelligence |
After Capturing Intelligence |
After Capturing Control Point |
Standing on captured Point, firing weapon |
Standing on a cappable Control Point, firing weapon |
Defense |
Attacking: Cart Goes Forward |
Attacking: Cart Goes Back |
Defending: Cart Goes Forward |
Defending: Cart Goes Back |
Attacking: Stay Close to Cart |
Attacking: Cart Has Stopped |
Defending: Stop The Bomb |
Starting a Duel |
Duel Accepted |
Duel Rejected |
Unused Responses
Domination |
Both of the lines below lack lip synching. |