Community Pipeline strategy

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Community Pipeline strategy
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Industrial
Setting: Nighttime, clear
Map Photos
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This article is about Community Pipeline strategy.

General (All Classes)

  • Due to the long hallways in the first and second rounds and the tight, roundabout corridor layout, the map has a reputation for players favoring Snipers and Spies, who can use the long horizontal distances and twisting hallways for their benefit. The action on the map can also be very chaotic, allowing for effective disguising and backstabbing at either team's spawn areas.
  • There are only a few choke points on either Round 1 or 2, which can be built up quickly by Engineers, creating long standoffs. Good Kritzkrieg Medic and Demoman/Soldier pairs can effectively clear out these choke points, especially when backed up by Heavy or Pyro support.
  • Moving in a wave formation, with Demomen and Soldiers up front to clear Sentry Guns, with several good Snipers behind to harass enemy Snipers and prevent headshots, all moving the cart forward, can be a formidable offense.
  • During Stages 1 and 2, a group of three or more Scouts, along with other classes, can be used to push the cart at a maximum velocity. Scouts switch to another class as soon as they get killed. This is an effective offense, when coupled with backup.
  • Engineers can also be particularly useful on this map by covering the entrance of the ramps with a Sentry Gun, preventing Pyros from compression blasting your team away as well as preventing the other team from going to their own cart.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Due to its multiple paths and ways to the enemy areas, Pipeline is good for Scouts who want to harass and use hit and run tactics. However, as it is essentially a Payload map with more focus on chokepoints, pushing the cart solo is generally a bad idea unless otherwise noted.

Section 1

  • The upper path that goes to the balcony overlooking the opposing area as well as their spawn is a good place to go if you are trying to sneak up on enemy Snipers or enemies hiding from your team's pushes. However, be careful of Sentry Guns, as they will force you to go through the main chokepoint otherwise.
  • If the enemy team is not watching the cart despite it being right next to the capture point, drop down from the upper ledge onto or behind it. You may be able to push the cart closer to victory, or even win the round should the enemy team not react fast enough.
  • The long range of the first area makes the Sandman very usable, and the curve of the central hill means you can fire balls over and stun unseen enemies if you know where to aim. Do not use the Sandman if you are primarily planning to push the cart over anything else, as you will need the extra health to spend more time next to the cart in enemy territory.

Section 2

  • The main corridor where both carts pass through is good for the Sandman, but not much else. This area is perhaps the most prominent chokepoint in the map, and it will be impossible do any direct attacking here due to the amount of enemies on the opposite side of the corridor.
  • The rear area, conversely, is very good for Scouts. Its darker corridors and higher ground above the main point areas make this great for flanking Scouts, but be cautious of any Sentry Guns set up on the ground floor near the main corridor.
  • If you can, try to get into the stairwell on the enemy side of the main corridor. This is an ideal ambush spot for passing enemies, and if you have Crit-a-Cola it becomes extremely useful for killing key targets.
  • Use Bonk! Atomic Punch when going around the corner from the main corridor to the enemy area, as they may have a Sentry Gun lying in wait. Work with your team to distract the Sentry Gun while they destroy it.
  • Once again, you can use the rear pathways to jump onto the cart should it be within meters of the capture point, and possibly cap the point in the process. This works especially well if you have a distraction, such as your team pushing in from the opposite direction.

Section 3

  • The third point is good for Force-A-Nature Scouts as they can jump between the ramps AND over to the enemy Sniper deck. This is useful if you need to clear out any Snipers causing problems for your team.
  • As a Scout, your speed will allow you to reach the top of the tracks the quickest. Do this at the start of the round to prevent any enemy Engineers or other classes from building defenses up there and so limiting your team's movements around the middle area.
  • Flank enemies on the middle raised area by going through the ground floor tunnels directly below. This path is rarely used, and can make for a good surprise.
  • Use the hiding spots near the enemy spawns to your advantage, killing select targets and running over to your side of the middle rocks to cause confusion and panic among the spawning enemies.
  • In the rare event of a Sentry Gun being set up at the top of the ramps, use Bonk! to distract it, and push the cart by crouching on your team's side of it (to stop yourself being sniped).

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • This map, like an average Payload map, relies on people pushing the cart to victory and trying to deter the enemy from pushing theirs. The Buff Banner is especially effective here because of this, as it will motivate your team to push the cart and also make them a lot more likely to win in the initial push past the enemy cart.
  • The map is also vertically open enough to facilitate rocket jumping wherever you go, so if you wish to cover ground fast but not have to rely on health kits, use the Gunboats.
  • Because of the open space of the map and also its suitability for airblasting Pyros (thanks to the long, wide and level corridors), try using the Direct Hit when going solo. This will give you a much higher success rate when dueling enemy Soldiers jumping to meet you, and also be too fast for most Pyros to easily reflect at close to mid range.
Section 1
  • The balconies from either team's side that overlook the enemy spawn area are ideal for rocket jumping up to in case you need to deny them a path of attack or Sniper unaware enemies with long range rockets. That said, be sure to drop down to a safe area if too many enemies come through the one way gate at once.
  • The ledges that overlook the control points are also great for Soldiers, as you can rain rockets down on players leaving the spawn and jump down with a Buff Banner when your team is present. If the enemy team is trying to harass you like this, simply jump up there to stop them.
  • The aforementioned ledges can also be used to push the cart onto the point if the enemy team is not looking. To do this, simply wait for the safest moment then drop onto the cart for a quiet yet sudden win.
Section 2
  • This area's different paths are suited for different rocket launchers; the main corridor is good for the normal Rocket Launcher as the corners and blind spots of the enemy team can be bombarded with splash damage as a good rage meter builder/deterrent, and the rear corridors are good for the Direct Hit as you can access the enemy's area and use the high ground to your advantage (this is also where enemy Soldiers and Demomen jump up to stop you the most).
  • When firing rockets down the main corridor with the cart tracks, take note of any enemy Pyros waiting to reflect your rockets. This is likely the easiest area in the whole map for reflection, and as such they can aim your rockets right back at your team and abuse your splash damage with ease (this is especially dangerous if you have used a Kritzkrieg, as the reflected critical rockets may do considerable damage to anyone hiding near the cart),
  • If the enemy team has taken the main corridor's alcove, use the normal Rocket Launcher's splash damage to destroy any Sentry Guns set up around the numerous corners or pillars. The bunched up enemies will also take a large amount of damage, possibly killing them (thus making it easier for your team to retake the area) or building up a rage meter for the Buff Banner sufficiently.
  • If you can see Sentry Guns around the enemy's main area from the higher ground around their spawn (having come from behind) use the Direct Hit to suddenly and carefully destroy them (only 2 rockets are needed and they travel at a higher speed, making it all the more sudden for the enemy team).
Section 3
  • The high ledge areas up the ramps are good places to rocket jump up to, as you can fire your rockets down at the enemy cart as they try to push it and also stop enemies coming out of their far spawn door on the middle level.
  • The rocks that separate the lowest level where the carts start out will act as good cover from the enemy team initially. However, take this opportunity away from them by rocket jumping over and killing any hiding or unsuspecting players that might be looking elsewhere (do not do this too much though, as the enemy will know you are coming and lie in wait to counter your efforts).
  • Jump over to the enemy Sniper deck if their Snipers are becoming a problem for your team. If you jump from their blind spot (to the direct side of the deck or from the ground level) they won't see you coming, allowing you to dispatch them quickly and easily.
  • When trying to stop the enemy team pushing their cart, hide on the roof above their lowest spawn door, in the corner closest to the wall next to where the carts begin. This will let you fire directly down onto anybody on either side of the cart, and regardless of whether you are killed stall the enemy team long enough for your team to have an opportunity to push your cart.
  • If a friendly Engineer or other teammates decide to set up a defense at the top of the ramps, guard them well as the enemy team will be unable to push the cart onto the uppermost level until they are taken care of. Conversely, if you see the enemy team setting up use the Direct Hit to snipe them and destroy any Sentry Guns they may be building (this may require the help of a friendly Sniper, Soldier or Demoman if the Engineer is constantly repairing his Sentry Gun).

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • While moving the cart, defend teammates from incoming explosives with compression blasts whenever possible. Remember that the cart will continuously refill the ammunition of all friendly players standing nearby, so spray fire in all directions to detect Spies.
  • Attacking the enemy cart head-on is not a good idea, as afterburn damage is rendered useless with the cart's healing.

Section 1

  • Make extensive use of the side route on the left to get behind the enemy. Use this path to attack the enemy Snipers and assist friendly Spies with removing Sentry Gun nests.
  • The Flare Gun is very useful in igniting any enemy Snipers attempting to fire from the upper levels at teammates pushing the cart.
  • If the cart is near the end, consider sneaking around and dropping on top of it, using compression blasts to knock away foes so that the capture can be completed more easily.

Section 2

  • The initial hallway hems in players on both teams, making compression blasts and the Flare Gun invaluable for supporting teammates.
  • Use the side route often to ambush enemies. The route opens up above the enemy base, allowing Pyros to plan an attack to kill enemy Snipers, destroy Sentry Gun nests or assault the cart. Consider taking the Backburner to clear the enemy cart off quickly.
  • The narrow pathways on the second level make Spy checking much easier. Make sure to anticipate where a Spy might try to infiltrate, and head them off accordingly

Section 3

  • The abundance of deep water and lack of flanking paths makes this section of the map difficult for Pyros to work effectively on. Do not rely on afterburn to kill anyone.
  • Attack the enemy Snipers in their bunker when possible to keep teammates protected as they move the cart.
  • When the enemy dives into the water to attempt to dry off, pull out an axe or a Shotgun. The Shotgun is particularly useful in this situation.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman


  • Your specialty on this map is to clear the enemy cart with Grenades or Stickies. Wait for the opposing team to bunch up on the cart before launching your attack.
  • Consider using the Scottish Resistance if you are going to focus on defense so that you can cover the many pathways simultaneously.
  • Keep an eye out for enemy Snipers. Your lack of a decent long-range weapon makes it difficult to effectively attack back, save with grenade spam or the occasional charged Sticky.

Section 1

  • Stickies around the center door are hard to see and very effective in deterring enemy assaults. Consider saving the Stickies for any Medics with an ÜberCharge or Kritzkrieg ready to blunt their offense.
  • Watch for any enemies using the side route to get behind your team. Be sure to warn your teammates if anyone is spotted up there.
  • Stickies on the enemy exit door out of the spawn is a very effective tactic, though some may consider it spawn camping even though there is another exit.

Section 2

  • The long, wide cart track does not favour your stickies or pipe bombs, the enemy can simply move away before they get there. Focus on clearing the cart or destroying Sentry Gun nests where you know the enemy will congregate.

Section 3

  • The exit from the enemy spawn by the cart starting location is an ideal spot for a Sticky trap, especially at the start of the round.
  • With enemies on their cart, stay below the track and lob explosives upwards onto it to confuse and kill them.
  • Move to the highest point at the end of the tracks for an ideal location to shoot explosives at the enemies below you.
  • On each side of this stage there are balconies that Snipers like to use. Use the sticky launcher and/or grenades to generally harass them from below, out of sight.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy


  • The cart is your friend. Stay behind it and shoot over top of it for cover as well as health and ammo.
  • Keep an eye out for Snipers, they have an easy shot on you while you are pushing the cart. Crouch behind the cart to stay out of sight.
  • A well-timed Kritzkrieg on the enemy cart can easily wipe out anyone defending it.

Section 1

  • Snipers near the enemy spawn are your main threat; take the side routes to surprise them.
  • ÜberCharge with a Medic to remove Sentry Guns placed by the cart or to hold the enemy team at their spawn while your team moves the cart.

Section 2

  • The main hallway is free of obstacles, making it harder for enemies to surprise you, but easier for them to headshot you or attack you from a distance.
  • Watch out for enemy Spies dropping down from behind you by your base, the side routes make it easy for them to flank you.
  • Utilize these side routes to get behind the enemy, surprising them by their spawn, relieving some pressure on your team.

Section 3

  • The wide-open area favors Snipers and Soldiers, stay near cover so you aren't overwhelmed.
  • Hide behind the cart while it is moving up the hills and watch both in front and behind you, those are the only directions anyone can get close to you from.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Section 1

  • The elevated wooden platform to the right as you go towards the middle offers metal and a higher position to build a Sentry Gun on. This place is also fairly close to the spawn, allowing your teammates to protect you.
  • The elevated platform beside the final point is a bit cramped but offers a railing to protect your Sentry Gun as well as a good view of any attacking players.

Section 2

  • Building anywhere above your spawn where it can cover the many doorways is ideal, protecting your base while keeping enemies from flanking your teammates.
  • Building a Sentry Gun nest in the center of the map in the tunnel is difficult but very effective if it is fully upgraded. This is a good spot for a Teleporter as well, keeping your team near your cart.
  • You can attempt to build a Sentry Gun nest somewhere above the enemy spawn. It can be difficult for them to find and your team has easy access to their base.

Section 3

  • A Sentry Gun near the end of the track at the top of the map is difficult to destroy due to its location. This will allow for a Teleporter to bring your team closer to your cart.
  • Quickly build a sentry behind the pile of tall rocks at the beginning of the track. When the enemy pushes the cart along, your sentry will take them out with a surprise attack.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Section 1

The goal is simple, to uber teammates, break the defenses and push the cart simultaneously, but watch out for ambushing Spies coming from the side doors near the setup gate. Spies can cloak into there without being noticed and wait for someone to pass by. Devious Spies will use the Your Eternal Reward Knife and stab you or your teammates and rapidly disguising as you or them, leaving no impression of a Spy ever being there. Enemy Snipers will also be sniping near their spawn door, leaving you vulnerable when you are at the setup gate while not being ubered/ubering.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper


  • The long sightlines and lack of cover make this a very good map for Snipers. Set up with your teammates to deny the enemy access to corridors, doorways and their cart.
  • The abundance of shortcuts and flanking routes render Spies a very dangerous threat. Always keep an eye out for them sneaking around. Don't be afraid to Spy-check any suspicious teammates.
  • Toss Jarate on the enemy cart while they are pushing it, as your chances of coating multiple opponents at once will be maximized. This will make it much easier for your teammates to kill them.

Section 1

  • Stay near your spawn while defending your base so that respawned teammates can keep you safe and check for Spies.
  • Move up to the center when possible to support your team, keeping the enemy from using their main spawn exit doors under the threat of headshots.
  • The side route on the left as you exit your base will take you to an elevated platform behind the enemy. This will provide you with a good view of the enemy base until they spot you. Be aware as Soldiers and Demomen may attempt to rocket/sticky jump into your hiding spot, or clear you out with rockets or Stickybombs.

Section 2

  • The long, main corridor is perfect for sniping, as there is almost no cover for the other players. Note that you do not have any cover either, so be careful of incoming rockets, grenades or opposing Snipers.
  • There are numerous ways to get behind you in your base, so be sure to check these paths occasionally in case of Spies, Scouts or other enemy players.

Section 3

  • The Sniper bunker attached to your spawn can be the best location to snipe the opposing team from. There is a pathway up to the bunker, so be on the lookout for any incoming attacks or flanking players.
  • Focus on removing the enemy team's Snipers first, as they are the most dangerous to your team on this section.
  • The carts are usually hotly contested, so keep an eye out for anyone moving the enemy cart and attempt to kill them, slowing their progress.
  • Use your long sight lines to warn teammates of incoming attacks from above or below.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy


  • The twisting hallways and tight corridors allow for excellent flanking opportunities as long as you don't run into anyone.
  • Remember that most players who are on a cart usually have their attention directed forward. This present a prime opportunity to thin out the opposition with a few quick stabs. Don't expect to live long if there are Soldiers, Heavies or Pyros on the cart.
  • Don't be afraid to move the cart a little further, even at the risk of your own death. The cart never moves backwards on even terrain, so every inch helps. This is especially helpful when the cart is very close to the final point and the Defenders are occupied. Slip in and capture the cart before they can respond.
  • The long sight lines favor Snipers, so be sure to remove them if you are in the area. Be careful, as the respawn area is usually right behind them.
  • Due to the open nature of this map, you can sneak past defenses and then use the Ambassador to snipe at targets from unexpected angles. This sometimes can be a good way to surprise and kill a troublesome Engineer.

Section 1

  • At the start of the map, take the pathway through the door on the far left. This will take you above and behind the enemy. Use the elevated ground to spot Snipers, Medics and Engineers with Sentry Guns. Plan your attack, and move in.
  • Use the elevated wooden platform beside the cart track to hide and wait for approaching enemies before leaping over the railing to backstab them.

Section 2

  • For the second section of the map, take the route in the back of your base that will take you straight to the enemy team's base, placing you behind the enemy and close to their Snipers.
  • The tunnel with the carts can be a death trap for a Spy due to all the weapons being fired in it. Attempt to flank and take other routes whenever possible.
  • Use the high platforms and balconies to Scout out the enemy team, relaying information to your teammates before attacking.

Section 3

  • The third section of the map makes it difficult for Spies to effectively attack the enemy cart, as there are only two thin paths for you to follow. Communicate with teammates to distract the enemy before moving in.
  • Use the wooden pathways to get up to the enemy Sniper nest, removing the threat to your team while they move the cart.
  • The short hall next to the enemy spawn room is a great place to ambush respawning enemies.