Community Badwater Basin strategy

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Community Badwater Basin strategy
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Desert
Setting: Daylight, sunny
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.

This article is about Community Badwater Basin strategy.

General Strategy (All Classes)


  • There is a lot of running without an Engineer. Enlist one if you do not have one.

First Point

  • Taking control of the ridge provides you with overwhelming control of the first point, and is more important than pushing the cart at the very start of the game.
  • When pushing the cart through the tunnel, watch for attacks from the rear.

Second Point

  • Taking control of the roof prevents RED from defending the third point. Until this is done, you have virtually no capability to push the cart forward.
  • Much of the roof can be hit from the back roof by Snipers, Soldiers, and Demomen, and from the backyard by Demomen.
  • ÜberCharges are extremely useful to attack the roof.

Third Point

  • This point is a battle slog. Expect heavy casualties.
  • Coordination is key, with multiple players hitting from multiple flanks at once and/or working with medics being the most effective offensive strategy.
  • Because of the long run from the Original spawn, it is extremely important to protect the Teleports. If the RED team manages to destroy the Teleports, BLU is effectively routed all the way back to the second point.

Final Point

  • Hitting from multiple flanks is important: use the map room and the Sniper tower / backyard stairwell areas as part of you attack. For those classes that can reach them, the spiral stairwell and the map room catwalks provide even more assault directions.
  • A sentry that cannot be hit from where you are can often be hit from another room or area. Coordinate with your team to make the best use of this.
  • ÜberCharged attack classes coming out of map room or off the catwalks are effective at destroying Sentry Guns.


  • Use height differences to your advantage. On points one and two, this means the high ground; on point three, the loft; and on the final point, the pit and its protected alcoves.

First Point

  • The ridge is the most important location to defend this point, and should be held at all costs. Once the ridge is lost, the point is usually quickly captured.
  • Watch for enemies trying to slip past and head to the RED spawn. Most classes will run past via the tunnel, but Demomen can sticky jump all the way to the second point with the Sticky Jumper or a Medic assist.
  • Prevent Sentry Guns from being built by BLU near their spawn, as they will disrupt all flanking attacks.

Second Point

  • The roof is the most important location to defend this point, and should be held at all costs. Once the roof is lost, the point is usually quickly captured.
  • Watch the back yard and back roof as these are the only flanking (non-ÜberCharge) positions to attack the roof.

Third Point

  • Most of the battle for this point occurs in and around the slope leading up to the third point.
  • Watch for players jumping into the attic/loft in an attempt to flank you.
  • Aggressive counterattacks back to the second point can be sustained and held with Teleport support, forcing the enemy to retake the roof. The long run from the Original spawn can make such a counterattack devastating, if successful.

Final Point

  • Most of the battle for this point will occur in the pit.
  • Maintaining control of map room is very important to keep spam from disrupting defensive preparations in the pit.
  • Preventing Snipers from setting up in the Sniper is another important task.
  • Aggressive pushes to dislodge Engineer nests around the third point can delay the BLU push into the pit.
  • Even though the third point is captured, it's still a good idea to try and defend the corner area where it resides. Once BLU has control of this area, they have many more options for an attack and thus defending will be more challenging.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout


  • Badwater Basin is very open on the first two points, but is significantly less so on the last two. This makes the Scout a much less effective choice on these later points. The front lines are a dangerous place for a class with as little health as the Scout.
  • The first area and the courtyard behind the roof are paradise for Scouts, as they offer a large range of cover to hide behind, wide open spaces to dominate single enemies, and large heights to ambush from.
  • The third point is usually a highly contested area, especially at the lowest part of the valley. The Scout is not likely to survive a direct assault.


  • If the tunnel is unguarded, it is a direct, safe route behind the enemy team. Otherwise, use Bonk! to slip by any defenses.
  • The last point is generally the least open to BLU Scouts because it will be heavily defended, presumably with at least one Sentry Gun and numerous enemies. Aside from the stairs going to the ground floor and the upper balconies, there are few places a BLU Scout can travel safely.
  • It is possible to double jump from the window room to RED's spawn via the right corridors and windows, allowing the Scout to harass enemy Snipers who may be preventing the final push.


  • The Sandman is very easy to aim in the tunnel. Stunned opponents will not have any cover to hide behind either, making them easy kills.
  • The courtyard behind the roof is good for defending Scouts, as it allows them to flank the attacking team and get behind them as they push up the front stairs.
  • The side room by the third point is very useful for sneaking behind BLU as they push away from the second point.
  • The Sandman may also help when the BLU team attempts to push through the main chokepoint down the ramp, as it will pin them down so they can be sniped or killed easily.
  • On the last point, the best thing a Scout can do is to prevent BLU from setting up behind the Sniper hut, and use this area to flank them and stall for time so RED can prepare ÜberCharges or build up their defenses.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier


  • Rocket jump to higher ground to ensure greater control over the cliffs.
  • Rockets fired down the tunnel prevent enemies from blocking the way, and deal splash damage to Sentry Guns and Spies hiding around the tunnel's corners.
  • Rockets fired off the roof are a powerful force for clearing the second point. Don't let the enemy team control it.
  • The last point is a great place for the Direct Hit on either team. It is good for quickly destroying any Sentry Guns under the overhangs, and for picking off enemy Soldiers and Demomen who are attempting to jump up to the point.


  • Sentry Guns on the cliffs can be very effective at shutting down rocket jumps.
  • Use the courtyard behind the roof to harass Engineers on the roof and prevent them from setting up a defense.
  • You can rocket jump onto the pipe behind the back roof, allowing you to get an angle on Sentry Guns you cannot otherwise hit.
  • Beware of Sentry Guns in the valley on the third point, as they will shoot rocket jumpers out of the air.
  • The long sightlines of this map make the Direct Hit a very effective anti-sentry measure.
  • Rocket jump into the attic/loft at the third point and into the spiral stairwell at the forth point to flank the enemy.
  • The flush mounted computer cabinets in the map room above the catwalk can be stood on giving you an angle down onto different enemy positions.
  • By rocket jumping from the map room onto the catwalk, you can get near the RED spawn shoot down Sentry Guns located in the two garages, but beware the sentry under the map room will shoot back.


  • The ridges of the first area provide significant cover and high ground to rain rockets down on BLU's spawn.
  • Soldiers can rocket jump across the the second point onto the roof, bypassing the stairs and ambushing any BLU players.
  • RED Soldiers will have a much easier time at the third point, being able to use rockets to deny enemies the chance to go through the chokepoints. Try not to push too far out, as this will provide BLU Snipers an easy shot from the second point's roof area.
  • It is possible to rocket jump onto the lip of the roof above the third point area, which is a good place to take out enemy Medics or warn teammates of incoming Spies.
  • You can rocket jump into the attic after the third point is taken via the back door, allowing you ambush Engineers setting up teleports in that area.
  • From the chicken wire room, you can shoot Sentry Guns at the door into the attic without the sentry being able to quickly shoot back. Using a duck and shoot method, this sentry can be easily taken down by a pair of soldiers.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro


  • There are numerous large vertical drops, which can be used for ambushes.
  • Dropping off the cliffs, roofs, or buildings to assault the cart is a particularly effective way to painlessly close distance.
  • Flares are a powerful disincentive to players trying to travel through the tunnel.
  • The courtyard behind the roof near the second point is a great spot for Pyros. It provides plenty of cover and supplies to survive a long time and control the area.


  • The enemy tends to build Sentry Gun nests in elevated positions, as well as the boxed-off rock formation on the right and the enclosed garage area next to the first Control Point. Try to take a path that facilitates the use of edging to destroy Sentry Guns, or attack from an unexpected angle.
  • The third Control Point is often well-defended with numerous Sentry Guns placed in various locations. Due to the enclosed nature of the buildings immediately following the second Control Point, corners can be exploited very easily to devastate any enemy entrenchments in those areas. Beware of the wide-open areas immediately around the cart's path, however.
  • The last Control Point's main area is a problem for BLU Pyros as it is so open, and will also have Sentry Guns ready to ambush players that try to drop down from the walkways and windows. Try to stay in the areas near the sniping loft on the left side-path to stop any ambushes or attempts to push through this area. Alternatively, stay near the main chokepoint above the stairs and compression blast any grenades, stickies or rockets back down the ramp.
  • If an ÜberCharge is ready, try to jump down on enemy Sentry Gun positions from the deck overlooking the final point, or from the map room. It is possible to easily destroy any Sentry Guns here as long if knockback can be negated.
  • When teammates have pushed into the basin area, try to harass players coming out of the lower spawn by hiding in the stairwell and attacking them from behind as they try to rebuild or defend the area.


  • Defensive Pyros with the Backburner can use their weapons to great effect. There are many passages for flanking, and players tend to cluster on the cart. On the second point, Pyros can be especially devastating to roof BLU assaults by hitting the front steps from behind.
  • When defending Sentry Guns, be especially vigilant for Spies and explosives. Use the Homewrecker to quickly remove Sappers should the Engineer be killed, and use the Flamethrower's compression blast to neutralize explosives directed at the Sentry Guns.
  • Pyros can help immensely to defend the cliffs with the airblast. Keeping enemy players and projectiles off teammates will drastically improve their lifespans.
  • Scouts, Soldiers and Demomen also try to jump up into this building to try to flank. Compression blast them back into the gully.
  • When ÜberCharged pairs push in on the final point, try to separate them by knocking one up the ramp, and the other into the path of any Sentry Guns.
  • The basin stairs is especially useful for getting rid of any enemies firing from the Sniper tower, as it provides instant access as well as a path to flanking the enemy. Be aware that Scouts, Soldiers and Demomen will also use the stairs to try to open up an additional avenue for attacking teammates.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman


  • A Demoman on the roof can hail grenades on the second point, and can shut the enemy team out entirely.


  • On attack the various rocks and outcrops present in the first area provide good cover from Sentry Guns. The nearby corners also make splash damage very effective.
  • Using the Chargin' Targe on the first point is a risky prospect as there will usually be a Sentry Gun covering where enemy players are moving around.
  • The second point will almost always have Sentry Guns on the roof to destroy on the offensive team, so be sure to pack a sticky launcher.
  • An attacking Demoman on the building at the back of the courtyard can lob grenades over onto the roof and destroy any Engineer building covering the cart.
  • The third point area is good for a Demoman on BLU as it is long enough to lob grenades down and hurt or deter any enemies around the corners next to the third point itself. The upper right and cart track entrances to the main third point area are not ideal to push in as they're chokepoints that will likely be subject to enemy Demomen and Soldiers.
  • Sticky jumping Demomen can easily cross the map with the aid of their sticky launcher. It is possible to land next to the main sniping spots of the RED team and kill any Snipers preventing BLU from advancing.
  • The Sentry Guns positioned underneath the overhangs and out of sight can be easily destroyed with stickies. Often they will be so close to the edge of the corner that an Über will be unnecessary.
  • While a Demoman can use sticky grenades to reach the RED spawn in order to mine it, this is generally considered bad form and on many servers may result in being kicked. When not kicked, this often results in a large number of RED players leaving the server, ruining gameplay. A Demoman going to RED spawn to destroy Teleporters, and only destroy Teleporters, is never a problem.


  • Stickies placed on the path from BLU’s spawn to the right cliffs translate into easy kills and a protected position from which to launch grenades. The Scottish Resistance is especially useful for this.
  • Remember that you can use clustered sticky grenades on the ground to blow ÜberCharges off the roof overlooking the second point, disrupting their attack when there is no Pyro available. This strategy also works well on the final point to help protect Sentry Guns in the various protected positions.
  • Stickies are very effective on the third point, where the various chokepoints and doorways can be locked down to limit enemy movement. In addition, they can be placed on the sign by the third point to prevent attackers from hiding behind the cart.
  • The vertical drops on the third point are good for ambushes with the Targe.
  • The Chargin’ Targe is not recommended on the final point, because enemies are will be attacking through several chokepoints which may not be covered by teammates.
  • In the alley it is possible to sticky jump onto the very edge of the top most roof above the door leading to the map room. Once up there you will be unnoticeable leaving you free to place sticky bombs on the ground below you detonating them when players run by.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy


  • When trying to retake the roof, be very careful while going up both sets of stairs as there may be a Spy lying in wait. If there are enemies on the roof, be sure to kill any airblasting Pyros, Spies or Scouts using the Sandman first.
  • Don't go around the top left courtyard alone as it is a very common spot for Spies to lie in wait.
  • The last point is a very difficult place for Heavies to attack on their own or without a Medic as there are so many open spaces from where the enemy can attack.


  • Due to the long sightlines going from the BLU spawn to the other side of the first area, it is best as a Heavy to back up friendly charges or wait until the coast is clear. If there is an ÜberCharge ready, use it to push around corners being guarded by Sentry Guns, being careful to avoid any Spies or airblasting Pyros.
  • Snipers are likely to congregate around the corner and zoom in over the concrete fence, and most Sentry Guns will be positioned on the roof to the left, making it difficult to concentrate on both potentially deadly threats.
  • Sentry Guns on the roof can be easily destroyed from the left building, even without an Über, as the corner can be used for edging.
  • The RED team's Sentry Guns will almost always be found underneath the overhangs that are usually out of sight from the BLU team. To deal with these, drop down from the left overhang or windows on the right to instantly start firing on the Sentry Gun and hopefully take the Engineer by surprise.


  • On defense, a Heavy can guard the tunnel and other enclosed areas like the main point fairly well, being able to drop down from the cliffs to surprise enemies pushing the cart and if needed push them back with a Kritzkrieg to clear out the tunnel and cliffs.
  • It is important to know where the BLU Snipers are when on defense and hide accordingly, as some areas that are good for ambushing or jumping down from may be easy to snipe from the BLU spawn.
  • In a worst case scenario on defense, jump down from the roof onto the cart to stop it reaching the second point. This is a fantastic means of blocking the capture due to the Heavy's good staying power and ambush potential.
  • Try to hold the area and keep it safe for any Medics or Engineers, such as the courtyard in the dip with the Maximum Health and Ammo kits. When doing this, watch out for Spies and other enemies dropping down from the balcony, along with any projectiles being fired diagonally at the Health and Ammo from around the corner.
  • The third point is great for defending Heavies as there are many places to drop down on hiding BLU players and ambush them. This is especially useful for stopping any enemy Über progress.
  • When trying to defend the last point as a Heavy, push up the ramp with ÜberCharges to destroy any defenses the BLU team may have built. If a Kritzkrieg is ready, this tactic will also work well, but move quickly to prevent the enemy from hiding around the corner at the third point.
  • When the BLU team pushes the final point, try hiding in one of the many corners or shadows in order to surprise any cart pushers or people looking the other way.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer


  • Engineers are especially vital to both teams. Sentry Guns on both sides can either help to delay the cart or to prevent the defending team from counterattacking too much. There are numerous spots throughout the map where Engineers can place Sentry Guns and Dispensers.
  • In particular, Teleporters are crucial, as the scale of the map requires their use in order to allow players to quickly reach their destinations. This is especially important after the second point has been taken.
  • Remember that certain places can be reached by using Dispensers as a stepping stone, or the Wrangler.


  • On offense, Sentry Guns should be put down after each area to prevent the attackers being pushed back, and Teleporters should always be kept running and fully upgraded as a priority due to how large the map is.
  • Until the third point is captured, BLU team uses their Original spawn and so the exit will need to be moved up after every capture along with the Sentry Gun. Once the third point is captured, your Teleporter entrance should be destroyed and rebuilt (this is faster than moving it up).
  • While mini-Sentry Guns can be used, the biggest threat on Badwater Basin is aggressive counterattacks by the RED team which need level three Sentry Guns to block. Due to the large number of flanking routes available to RED, area control with a full sized Sentry Gun is critical.
First Point
  • An aggressive Engineer facing a poor enemy team may be able to run past the enemy team and set up a flanking teleporter in the attic/loft of the third point, the Sniper tower, or the fourth point spiral stairwell. This virtually guarantees a quick capture of the first three points. You can use a ÜberCharge Medic to help get through the enemy team.
  • Sentry Guns (and other buildings) can be built inside spawn near the left center door by facing toward the door frame corners. Remember to rotate the Sentry Guns to the correct orientation to fire out the door. Two Sentry Guns can be placed in these locations. Two strategies can be used with these sentries: (a) pick up the level three Sentry Gun before the round starts to protect it from ÜberCharges, hide in the hallway for about 30 seconds, then deploy it outside or (b) wrangle the Sentry Gun and use it to suppress Demoman, Soldier, and heavy spam from the cliff.
  • Once the doors open, placing a Sentry Gun across from spawn to the right or left of the tunnel entrance will prevent enemies from flanking your team once they enter the tunnel. Sentry Guns can be placed in other locations near BLU spawn, but these two locations are especially hard to destroy. Theses Sentry Guns should be rotated to face the BLU spawn.
  • If the tunnel is empty, placing a level 3 Sentry Gun near the far end of the tunnel (but in the tunnel) will guarantee a quick push through the tunnel. Note that a Sentry Gun in this location can be very vulnerable.
  • If you can make it to the ridge, placing a wrangled level 3 Sentry Gun on the ridge will suppress the entire RED team ability to defend point one. Be sure to take some strong offensive classes with you.
Second Point
  • The biggest purpose of Engineers for the second point is Teleporters. The best location for teleports are to the left of the first point, either on the ridge, near the end of the tunnel, or in the various protected spots along the building. Engineers often place teleports to the right in the rock outcropping - this is not a good location since enemy Snipers often pick off your teammates as they exit the protection of the rocks.
  • A Sentry Gun located on top of the bunker provides very good enemy suppression and is generally unable to be destroyed by the defending team unless they are playing with offensive ÜberCharges.
  • A Sentry Gun located on the ridge or near the end of tunnel can also suppress, but is generally less effective than one on the bunker.
  • When you push, you can place a Sentry Gun with teleporter inside the back roof for easier flanking, a Sentry Gun with teleport below the main roof near the ammo crate, or a Sentry Gun immediately outside the doorway. These all provide better area control to your team.
  • Once you take the roof, moving a Sentry Gun quickly to the roof prevents the RED team from retaking the roof. Be sure to place the Sentry Gun in a location that protects both the back stairwell and the front edge, but is protected from Demoman spam and enemy Snipers. Generally the best location is near the ammo crates at the top of the front stairs. Your team will be able to quickly take the second point once the roof is secured.
Third Point
  • The best locations for Teleporters for the third point are in the alcove at point two or near the second BLU spawn door. A Sentry Gun at either of those locations will also suppress enemy counterattacks. Against an exceptionally aggressive enemy team you may find that setting up on the roof is safer for both your equipment and your teammates (this should be considered a last ditch position). Forward teleport locations include near the old RED spawn door, in the bridge, and in the left building.
  • Be warned not to set up in the bridge unless there is at least one other Engineer not setting up in the bridge. It is way to easy for the RED team to use sticky grenades to prevent exit from the bridge via either door, trapping your team in a very confined defensive space with little to no offensive options.
  • Moving your Sentry Gun to hold the bridge room or to overlook the gully will suppress the enemy team's counterattack options.
Final Point
  • For the fourth point you will want to destroy your previous Teleporters and build new (this is faster than lugging your equipment all forward). The best teleport locations are at the top of the steps, just behind the wall setback, and in the loft. Both of these locations provide excellent sites for defensive Sentry Guns to control counterattacks. Beware Spies as both locations are also easy to sneak into.
  • Secondary Teleporters are often placed behind the concrete pipes. However, due to their ground level location, this location is easier for RED to attack than the other two locations.
  • Forward teleport locations are often set up in or near the Sniper tower or in the outer map room on the wooden structures. Make sure that at least one teleport stays in the back locations, or else the enemy team can run past your forces and easily destroy your teleports at spawn. Make sure that a Sentry Gun protects access to these locations as they are easily counterattacked.
  • An aggressive forward teleport location is at the top of the spiral stairwell. The fenced edge can be accessed by using a Dispenser as a step, though you will have to go back to spawn and teleport through if you want full access to the stairwell since you are unable to clear the fence.
  • A Sentry Gun in the attic window overlooking the map room entry is the best defensive location, as it provides full area defense for access along both the main approach and both flanks. Beware that enemy attacks from the chicken wire room (between the attic and the Sniper tower) can destroy this Sentry Gun without it being able to fire back. This Sentry Gun position also provides an excellent preposition for an aggressive push into pit.
  • The best way to support your team on the final point is to camp in the sniper tower. When you are in, place a teleporter exit by the ammunition and health. Note that the room contains a small healthpack and a large ammunition crate. Place a dispenser in the middle of the entrance to the room; it helps separate Spies. To get over the dispenser, crouch-jump. Place a sentry at the top of the staircase overlooking the dispenser. Not only will it be defensive, you can pick it up later once upgraded to Level 3. Move the sentry in a suitable location where it can assist your teammates and will last for a typical amount of time. As soon as you've placed it, head back to the sniper tower. Continue to upgrade your dispenser, teleporter and sentry at all times.
  • Less defensible Sentry Gun locations that are commonly used are placed all along the track between the third point and the map room door. These should only be used if the enemy team is not being aggressive, or in support of an attic Sentry Gun, since they will not stand up to coordinated enemy attacks.
  • When the final point is ready to be taken, generally with an ÜberCharge or a large number of teammates moving into the pit, move the Sentry Gun up to an offensive position: (a) on the ramp covering the pit; (b) on the catwalk overlooking the pit; or (c) wrangled in the map room overlooking the pit (note that the map room Sentry Gun will not automatically target anyone in the pit, while the other two locations will). This usually guarantees success in capturing the final point.


First Point
  • Ammo crates are located on the cliff and in the rock pile at the left.
  • Maintaining control of the ridge is critical on defense, especially when playing on a large server. The cliff is relatively safe from attacks, but beware of ÜberCharges and Spies. The best defensive location to build here is near the ammo crate, just behind the rock outcrop that blocks Demoman spam. A secondary location to build is above the tunnel exit, but beware Snipers and soldiers shooting at Sentry Guns in this position from the far left side of the map.
  • The next most popular build location is in the rock pile at left. This position does a good job covering the point as well as preventing a push up the middle. It is vulnerable to rocket and grenade spam from the ridge, so maintaining control of the ridge is critical to this position.
  • Placing Sentry Guns either in the bunker/overhang, just outside the bunker near the track, or just to the right of the tunnel exit are popular track defense location. Again, Sentry Guns in these locations are vulnerable to rocket and grenade spam from the ridge.
  • Other popular, but less successful defensive locations include placing Sentry Guns on the cliff overlooking BLU spawn, which are often quickly destroyed; placing Sentry Guns just behind the rocks overlooking spawn, which are often hit by early ÜberCharges and Demoman spam; and placing Sentry Guns on top of the bunker, which are very vulnerable to Demoman and Soldier spam.
  • In addition to Teleporters located near the Sentry Guns, a teleport is often placed in the alcove near the Second Point to provide a more defended location aware from enemy attacks that is still proximal to the first point.
  • On a team with more than two Engineers, getting Dispensers up quickly is important. Engineers may also team so that one builds both ends of a teleport while another builds a level three Sentry Gun at spawn, that is brought through shortly before round start.
  • Keep a pyro on duty on the ridge to maintain that Sentry Gun - it is the most important Sentry Gun position in the game at this point and an experienced Engineer should always take that position.
Second Point
  • The principle defensive position for the second point is the roof which oversees the track and prevents BLU from advancing until the roof is taken. At least one Sentry Gun should always be placed overlooking the cart track. If two or more Sentry Guns are placed on the front face of the building, be sure to space them out so that ÜberCharge Demomen cannot take out both Sentry Guns at the same time. Be sure to always keep a Pyro with a Homewrecker on roof to root out Spies and push ÜberCharges away.
  • The roof has very scarce ammo. It is very important if there is more than one Engineer on the team to build Dispensers immediately.
  • Once one or two Sentry Guns are on the front of the roof, defending the back yard and the front stairwell are the next tasks. The front stairwell can be defended by a Sentry Gun placed immediately behind the stairwell. This Sentry Gun will go down quickly to an ÜberCharge, but it will force the ÜberCharge to be fired early enough that the front covering Sentry Guns are generally unable to be attacked at the same time.
  • Placing a Sentry Gun on the back edge of the roof overlooking the back yard will prevent enemies from spamming grenades from below, but is quite vulnerable to enemies on the back roof unless wrangled, and can be hit from demospam directly below without being able to shoot back, meaning you always want an offensive class assisting you to suppress enemy fire.
  • The ventilation units on the Roof above the second point can be built on by standing on a Dispenser. For RED, this can be especially effective in protecting buildings such as Teleporters from immediate destruction, but be sure to defend the back roof which can snipe these Teleporters.
  • A Sentry Gun can be placed in the alcove across the capture point from the roof. This is a good early defensive location, but will generally fall quickly to Soldier and Sniper fire.
  • A Sentry Gun can be placed directly below roof on top of the stack of crates. This is a very good supplementary Sentry Gun for the one or two already located on the roof. It is difficult to kill if roof is taken, and will provide a sudden surprise when the enemy team thinks they have cleared out the RED team defenses by taking roof.
  • A Sentry Gun can be placed in the second point doorway to roof. This position can aid in protecting both the point and a lower level teleporter from direct attack, but generally should be thought of as a last ditch defensive location due to it's more vulnerable location and poor field of fire.
  • On a very aggressive team, placing a Sentry Gun in the doorway below the back roof (the door facing the main entrance from the first point) can be extremely effective at nullifying attackers heading to roof. Beware Spies in this location as your back will be vulnerable. Enlist a Pyro for support.
  • The last two locations that Sentry Guns are generally built do not defend the point and can be easily ignored by the BLU team: in the back roof and next to the RED spawn door. The back roof can be a very effective location if you have an aggressive team that likes flanking the enemy or if you want to try to get a teleport behind enemy lines if you know they will cap the second point. A Sentry Gun near the RED spawn door is almost never effective, because once the roof is taken this Sentry Gun is easy fodder.
  • There is also a Sentry Gun jump location where an Engineer can set up over the alcove. To use this, you will need to prepare before BLU team ever leaves their spawn by using a level 3 Sentry Gun's rocket to reach the location. However, this location is highly vulnerable to Snipers and rockets.
  • Engineers also may try to place a teleport exit in the back yard with no entrance if they know they are going to lose the point. They can later activate this teleport by building the entrance. The idea is the place this in a location you do not expect the enemy to look, such as behind a rock pile or in a corner, and then hope that no one searches for it.
Third Point
  • The third point is the hardest point for Engineers to defend. Here you rely a lot more on your team and your equipment becomes principally support for the team, whereas at point two it was the team that supported the Engineer.
  • On the far side of the third point is the Attic or Loft. A common defensive location is to place a Sentry Gun below the overhang that covers the capture point. Beware that the enemy can capture the point by hiding behind the cart. Additionally, this location is vulnerable to spam from the bridge area.
  • Above that location, in the loft, a window overlooks the capture point. This window can be extremely effective when using a wrangled Sentry Gun. Be sure to keep two Engineers if possible on this Sentry Gun, since pausing to re-ammo the Sentry Gun will take it out of service long enough to be destroyed by focus fire. Also be sure to keep a pryo to sweep for Spies or a heavy to suppress enemy Snipers and soldiers.
  • Near the Map room doorway is another location to build Sentry Guns, with easy access to ammo and a protected location to build teleports and Dispensers. Beware that this location does not adequately cover the point and can result in the enemy easily capturing the point. However, it can maintain control over that location for quite a while after the third point is captured. Using this location in combination with another Engineer under the attic/loft (opposite side of the point) can provide very strong capture point defense.
  • A defensive location using the attic/loft area that is hidden from view by BLU is great for teleports and Dispensers to keep your teammates well supplied on the second floor, out of harms way.
  • There are four forward positions often used for sentries: In the bridge room (very hard to dislodge, but does not cover the track so only effective with a strong, aggressive team); below the bridge near the ammo box (good ammo to build it, but a difficult location to hold due to enemies able to hit it from multiple flanks at once); at the end of the attic/loft overlooking the bridge deck (provides very good cover fire, but again difficult location to hold); and just forward and right of the point, next to the cart track (very aggressive Sentry Gun position for only experienced Engineers, needs a Wrangler, harder to displace than the location below the bridge, but still vulnerable).
  • There is one fourth point defensive location that is commonly used: In the attic/loft, at the door overlooking the map room entrance. This protects Teleporters located in the attic/loft while preventing the enemy from advancing until it is destroyed. Beware that Sniper and rocket fire can bring this Sentry Gun down quickly.
Final Point
  • The last point has a number of "safe" build location that are difficult for the enemy to attack. These locations are in the garages and below the catwalk near the lower spawn.
  • A Sentry Gun under map is very difficult to destroy and usually takes an ÜberCharge or Spy to eliminate. Beware that soldiers in the spiral stairwell can shoot Sentry Guns in this location if not placed in the very corner.
  • A Sentry Gun in the other bunker is hard to destroy, but can be vulnerable to spam from map room, or the errant Soldier or demo that jumps, via the map room, to near the left upper spawn door.
  • A Sentry Gun on the back ramp, behind the railing, can shoot through the railing. This is a very difficult location to destroy since spam from the map room will generally be stopped by the railing, blocking the Sentry Gun from harm. Make sure that you place the Sentry Gun as far down the ramp as possible to still shoot through the railing, as it makes it more difficult to destroy. Use a Wrangler to help suppress the map room. Good demos can arc grenades over the railing from map room, soldiers and demos can lob attacks from the spiral stairwell, and a very experienced heavy or pryo can drop down from the catwalk above "behind" the Sentry Gun and circle strafe it until dead. Spies are an especially deadly enemy with Sentry Guns in this location, and you should not stay on the Sentry Gun unless it is under attack to prevent being backstabbed. An alternative location if Spies are especially problematic is at the top of the back ramp in the very corner, where you can wall yourself in with Sentry Guns and Dispenser to prevent backstabs. This is a much more vulnerable location and requires a Wrangler to protect the entire pit.
  • Generally placing a Sentry Gun in at least two of the above locations will defend the last point very well.
  • Good wranglers can place a Sentry Gun on the platform outside the right upper spawn door (the back wall of which faces the spiral stairs). This location will maintain control over both the map room and the point, and is very difficult to destroy.
  • Aggressive Engineers can place a level three Sentry Gun halfway between the non-map garage and the final cap point to prevent ÜberCharges from making it out of the map room windows. This is a highly vulnerable location and should only be used to support the defense of other Sentry Guns.
  • Early positioning of a Sentry Gun on the ramp into the pit can slow BLU down, but this Sentry Gun usually goes down quickly and should only be considered a slowing measure to give other Engineers time to build up.
  • Placing a Sentry Gun in the map room (the best location is on the catwalk, but sometimes one may be placed on the outer map room's wooden structures) can restrict BLU team to mostly frontal attacks. The catwalk's railing acts as a natural defense, making it difficult for enemies to shoot the Sentry Gun. This Sentry Gun does not defend the capture point, and should only be used if other Sentry Guns are covering the pit.
  • Engineers may place defensive Sentry Guns in the Sniper Tower, on the roof outside the Sniper tower entrance (to the left of the tires), and on the roof of the map room entrance. These locations rarely help in the defense of the final point and are usually quickly destroyed.
  • Engineers sometimes place Sentry Guns outside of either the left or right spawn doors, on the platform overlooking the pit or on the catwalk. These locations are highly vulnerable to enemy fire and should not be used. Similarly, placing a Sentry Gun in the spiral stairwell facing the point is usually quickly destroyed from above.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic


  • Never to run out into the open, as Snipers have numerous places from which they can pick off their targets. Always use cover and teammates to prevent being killed.
  • Deploying coordinated ÜberCharges or Kritzkriegs with other medics will drastically improve your effectiveness, especially when attacking your enemy's forward bases.


  • Be aware of the most common places where Engineers will try to set up Sentry Gun nests, and steer clear of them until an ÜberCharge can be deployed to destroy them.
  • When deploying an ÜberCharge, always remember that it can sometimes be wise to take an alternate route rather than straight down alongside the cart's path. In particular, when attacking the final point, remember that there are at least two other paths that can be used other than straight down into the basin: jumping down from the map room, or from the alcove overlooking the basin.


  • Deploying a Kritzkrieg on a Soldier on the cliffs overlooking the first point will drastically increase their effectiveness, because it will eliminate range falloff. Beware Pyros lying in wait to reflect your rockets, however. Similarly deploying a Kritzkrieg on a Demoman on the cliffs will usually guarantee a large number of enemy deaths.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper


  • Badwater Basin is a good map for Snipers, as each of its points have good lines of sight for both sides. While there are limited locations to set up to snipe from, all the locations provide effective suppression of enemy players.
  • The tunnel that the cart goes through for most of the first area is also a good sniping spot for both teams as it provides a very long line of sight down the otherwise most covered part of the area.
  • The second area of the map is another good spot for Snipers, with narrow but key sightlines coming from the top of the hill where the rocks are all the way to just next to RED's forward spawn/shortcut. On attack, this view can be used to effectively lock down the area that spans the back of the second point by preventing them from running over to the stairs/roof building directly, and forcing them to take Teleporters or try tricky jumps to evade headshots.


  • The BLU Spawn is an obvious sniping spot when attacking the first area due to its darkness, but be wary of enemy Snipers positioned at the very top of the hill next to, behind and on the rock formations at the top of the hill. Conversely, the rock is a great spot for defending Snipers, as they can pick off enemies as they leave spawn or try to take pot shots up the hill.
  • Standing near the tunnel entrance or near the center left spawn door can control enemy movement through the tunnel.
  • By moving along the right side of the battlefield, you can snipe enemies and Sentry Guns on the ridge, though some positions are blocked by rock formations.
  • Snipers can cover the second point from the rocks that the enemy just vacated. Watch for enemy Snipers near the second BLU spawn door.
  • Using the back roof can aid your team capture the second point by sniping enemies on the roof. Your first priority should be to take down any teleports on top of the A/C units. You can also snipe through the breaks in the metal plating covering the back right of the main roof, letting you hit Sentry Guns covering the capture point.
  • If you can make it to the backyard (or courtyard), you can snipe from the far rock area, with the health pack, taking down enemy Engineers heading for ammo and health. These rocks can be climbed, but doing so is usually impossible due to enemy positions on the roof.
  • The roof of the second point can be used by BLU Snipers once the cart passes the second point, but it only covers 2/3 of the distance to the third point, with most of the enemy positioned blocked by the bridge.
  • The most popular Sniper location for the third point is in the building at left, which can cover all enemy Sniper locations, as well as the capture point itself. You can easily duck back into the room for a small health, or run back to a Dispenser if you take a lot of damage.
  • You can also snipe from the dip, hiding behind the walls, but this is a dangerous location with no real defense against enemy offensive classes.
  • For the last point, sniping from near the concrete pipes, near the top of the ramp, or under the Sniper tower is effective and easy to retreat from if the enemy makes a push.
  • Sniping from the Sniper tower is probably the best Sniper location, but also the most vulnerable since your back is exposed to attack at all times. Your team rarely controls this location enough for you to be truly safe, and many players attempt taunt kills against Snipers located here.
  • Once the map room is taken, sniping from the map room can be effective, but beware attackers entering from the catwalks above.


  • Snipers can climb the rocks to the left of the first spawn point to get a good countersniping position against BLU Snipers. When in the very right front area, you are effectively hidden by the rocks, but can still shoot the enemy. The two ways up onto the rocks are from the from the middle facing the RED spawn and on the side facing BLU spawn in the center. Watch for enemy Snipers in the left BLU spawn door.
  • Standing near the tunnel exit can control enemy movement through the tunnel.
  • For the second point, Snipers standing near the second BLU spawn can snipe BLU players exiting Teleporters in the rocks, as well as cover the cart track. Watch for enemy Snipers hiding in the rocks you just vacated.
  • Snipers at the third point can blend in upstairs, sniping out the windows, or stand near the concrete pipes. Both of these positions are hard to counter-snipe and cover most of the cart track as well as enemy Sniper locations. Watch for enemy Snipers in the right building.
  • Snipers defending the last point can do so from the relative safety of either of their upper spawn doors, as they can easily aim and hide from enemies by retreating into spawn, but run the risk of being backstabbed if they stay still for too long. If the cart is already at the bottom of the ramp and enemies are pushing, picking the upper left spawn is probably the best as the prime BLU sniping spots are easily visible. If necessary, it's within range to throw some Jarate, jump down and use the melee weapon. Watch for enemy Snipers near the concrete pipes and in or below the Sniper tower.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy


  • The Spy is an excellent class for this map. Because of the size of the map and the multiple sidepaths to access each point, a Spy can take out several enemies at a time before retreating. There are a large number of places where Spies can hide to ambush unwary players.
  • The large vertical drops are also a problem while cloaked as Spies flicker when taking fall damage. To combat this, try to move down through lower routes and crawl down ledges to minimize contact with BLU players, slowly if necessary and choosing the right time to strike before retreating over the hill or through the tunnel.


  • The first stage of this map is good for Spies on BLU as they can use their Cloak to quickly move over the hill, but this is often dangerous as the exit of the tunnel and top of the hill are bound to have Pyros or Demomen locking down the area with their flames or grenades.
  • Spies are vital for Sentry Gun destruction, as the prime spots for Sentry Guns are all directly below a piece of easily accessible terrain. With this in mind, it may be best to try to coordinate a charge so when the Sentry Gun is disabled they can provide backup and push the point.
  • Before BLU reaches the first point with the cart, try to sneak ahead and take the back entrance up onto the roof to prevent enemy Engineers from building.
  • The second point is an area that Spies can easily access on offense, as the back courtyard allows Spies of both teams to move between the first and second point areas with relative ease.
  • The roof will likely have a Sentry Gun or two on it, which can be easily sapped when the Engineer is on occupied or dead, and the courtyard on either side of the building can be jumped down into to escape.
  • Defending Snipers will often sit just behind the concrete wall next to the point and scan the main corridor, but be wary of Sentry Guns or Pyros covering the area before attacking them.
  • The third point is difficult for Spies to attack beyond sapping any Sentry Guns in the ditch and coordinating with BLU because there are no alternate routes to the area beyond the point.
  • The last point is also an area where Spies are useful due to there often being hidden Sentry Guns that only Übers can usually take care of otherwise. However, it is difficult to move around and stay in the main area as it is so open and there will be many RED players running between the spawn doors and the main ramp. To remedy this, try to spend as little time as possible in the open, and get out of there as fast as possible after sapping a Sentry Gun and/or killed the Engineer.


  • The alcove to the left of the cart or under the garage overhang next to the first point are good hiding places to ambush passing enemies.
  • Defending the third point is significantly easier as a Spy due to the height advantage. It is at this point it may be worth destroying the BLU Teleporters if they have any, as it is quite a long trip from their spawn.
  • BLU Snipers may also position themselves on the roof of the second point, a spot easily accessible and not normally noticed due to its secluded nature (just be wary of Snipers if they have Jarate or the Razorback.
  • On defense the main area of action will be around the chokepoint at the top of the ramp leading to the third point, and the top right courtyard where the top window can be reached. Up there, any intrusive Snipers can be dealt with, and it is close to the chokepoint, allowing attacks on any charges or Snipers standing at the top of the ramp.
  • The darkness of the rooms next to the top of the ramp is a good hiding spot for stabbing BLU players coming from either side, and making a quick retreat into RED's safe zone.
  • While dealing with huge (therefore hard to remove) Sentry nests on the roof by the second checkpoint, it may be good to hide in the backyard with the medium Health kit and the crates, go up the stairs, sap the buildings, Cloak, and run back into the backyard. This can severely disorient Engineers, but be wary, because they will most likely spycheck you on sight. Allow your team, once you have sapped the buildings, to destroy the buildings.