Meet the Sandvich

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Meet the Sandvich
Meet the Sandvich Titlecard
Video Info
Released: August 19, 2008
Run time: 1:06


Meet the Sandvich video transcript


  • When the Heavy eats the Sandvich at the end of the video, he appears to be standing in the same spot as he is in the Meet the Heavy video where he is seen firing his Minigun.
  • The "Sandvich Edible Device" blueprint advertises a health restoration of 120 HP, whereas in the game it can restore up to 300 HP as a result of balance-related patches.
  • The ingredients required to make a Sandvich (According to the "Blueprints", and in order) are: Tooth-Pick, Olive, Bread, Lettuce, Two tomatoes, Three slices of Swiss-Cheese, a "Mysterious Meat", and more bread
    • Also, according to the blueprints, There is a "Bread and Grains" group, Two servings of the "Vegetable" group, a "Cheese and Dairy" group, a "Meat and Poultry" group, and another serving of the "Bread and Grains" group