[Looking through the Sniper's scope, the camera pans rapidly first to a window, then to a green apple hanging from a tree branch with a bite taken out of it, and then to the BLU Pyro running by, next to the BLU Heavy standing with a pair of Earbuds and putting them on]
[The BLU Heavy looks directly at the camera through the scope, while a faint version of the Team Fortress 2 main theme can be heard emanating from the Earbuds]
[The screen cuts to black, with the word "MACs" written in white]
[Then it cuts to the RED Sniper looking up from his scope, with the RED Engineer behind him turning his head to look over.]
[Again the screen cuts to black, this time with the word "PCs" written.]
[The BLU Demoman shows up with his Grenade Launcher, next to the Heavy, also putting on a pair of Earbuds. The BLU Scout then turns up, making a quick hand gesture, and proceeds to take off his headset.]
[The camera cuts back to the RED Engineer stepping over to the window holding a Frontier Justice. In the background the RED Soldier is standing over a box of hats, holding a Tyrant's Helm and a Texas Ten Gallon; he suddenly looks up and then in the direction of the Sniper and Engineer.]
[The camera cuts back to the BLU team, with the BLU Scout holding up the Earbuds and puts them on, as the TF2 Main Theme turns up and uses the original sound quality. The Scout turns around to walk towards the camera, wielding his Bat, while the Heavy and Demoman nod their heads to the beat in the background.]
[The screen cuts to black again and reads "The debate ends" and underneath "The war begins" fades in.]
[The camera shows the RED team looking out through a broken window frame. The Sniper makes a handgun gesture and mouths the word "boom" at the camera. Next to him, the Engineer smiles and cocks his shotgun. The Soldier jumps up from behind, putting his hands on the Engineer's shoulder, looking out the window and doing a cutthroat gesture at the camera.]
The Announcer: "3... 2... 1!..."
[At the sound of a boxing bell, the screen cuts to black, showing the Steam logo with text underneath reading "TEAM FORTRESS 2 NOW ON OSX".]
[The screen then shows a white outline of a bullet with the subtext "think bullets" and fades to black.]