Pile of Ash

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The Soldier trying to rebuild his treasures

The Pile of Ash was an action item for all classes. It is a heap of ash. It could be crafted by combining 4 incinerated remnants of the mysterious treasures.

When opened, it displayed identically to a Mann Co. Store Package and yielded a single Scorched Crate and/or one of the items introduced in the Pyromania Update (besides the Escape Plan).


See also: Crafting


Mysterious Treasures Pile of Ash
Item icon Mysterious Treasures.pngx4 = Item icon Pile of Ash.png

Update history

June 27, 2012 Patch (Pyromania Update)

  • The Pile Of Ash was added to the game.

July 11, 2012 Patch

  • All ash-related items have been faded away to dust.

March 2, 2021 Patch

  • [Undocumented] Renamed the "Pile Of Ash" to "Pile of Ash".


  • This item will stay in a player's inventory until the game is launched. Prior to an unknown update, these items were able to be traded to players who already had the game open and were then able to be used. They have since been made untradable, rendering the item completely unusable.