User contributions
- 20:25, 8 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-125) . . m Shotgun (→Trivia: Removed the tfc single barrel shotgun trivia; it's a stretch at best, they're both shotguns and that's as far as the similarity goes. I guess this counts as speculation too)
- 20:14, 6 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+109) . . m Grenade Launcher (→Trivia: added trivia about how the grenades are caseless)
- 20:09, 6 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+40) . . m Ambassador (→Bugs: elaborated on why the spy doesn't load any rounds into the gun)
- 20:08, 6 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+19) . . m Panic Attack (→Trivia)
- 19:57, 6 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+231) . . m Shortstop (→Trivia: Added trivia about how peppergun sounds similar to pepperbox, and a little stuff about the term, since the Shortstop does look similar to a handful of pepperboxes)
- 10:27, 6 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+78) . . m Scattergun (Undo edit by Yossef (Talk) (3252154) Video proof right here. Also can be seen in gameplay footage of scout on youtube and the imfdb page) (Tag: Undo)
- 09:21, 6 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+78) . . m Scattergun (Added the bug that the scattergun ejects shells backward, since the same bug is listed on the Shotgun page but isn't listed on this page, which i thought was weird)
- 08:13, 5 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+50) . . m Classic (Added the fact that it's a G36 since the last guy removed it from the trivia. This isn't speculation, right? Like, it's clearly a G36.)
- 00:55, 4 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+274) . . m Classic (→Trivia: Added trivia about how the laser sight is actually a reflex sight and that the charging handle was replaced by an attachment rail)
- 09:50, 1 September 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+182) . . m Expiration Date (→Notes: Edited trivia about miss paulings silent pistol, because before it said that the revolver firing sound came from the silenced pistol, which makes no sense)
- 08:23, 30 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+102) . . m Expiration Date (→Notes: The derringer uses the same firing sound as the revolver as can be heard in the one time it is fired, so I added that)
- 08:06, 30 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+124) . . m Expiration Date (→Notes: Added a note about how pauling uses a revolver in the comics to the trivia)
- 20:40, 29 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+143) . . m Shortstop (→Trivia: Extra trivia about how the clip disappears during the reload)
- 20:35, 29 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+308) . . m Revolver (→Trivia: Added trivia about the how the revolver crane got simplified in the update that made the gun a c_model)
- 11:43, 29 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+500) . . Sniper Rifle (→Trivia: Added a new entry about the bolt handle and how it's different in meet the sniper.)
- 10:24, 27 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+164) . . m Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol (→Trivia: Added trivia about how the slide is too short for the ejection port to actually function)
- 10:20, 27 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+47) . . m Shortstop (Added the fact that it deals twice the damage at max fall off and reworded a little to make the grammer a little better)
- 10:07, 27 August 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+149) . . m Expiration Date (→Notes: Changed the trivia about Ms Pauling's derringer being a community weapon. If you look closely, you can tell that they're not the same model ~~~~)