Topic on User talk:Joeun

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Yossef (talkcontribs)

You made it bro! I’m so happy for you, may this an example of how you can accomplish every success and goal that you set in your life.

Mgpt (talkcontribs)

Congrats Joeun :D

Gabrielwoj (talkcontribs)

joeun tf2, got cap tf2

Denied (talkcontribs)

User Denied Yes yes yes.png

Lolimsogreat21 (talkcontribs)

It was about time haha :D

WindPower (talkcontribs)

It be dropped~ Steam is acting up though, can't even log in. If you see a friend request from me, please accept it and send me a message so I can send you to the Wiki Cap Owners Lounge group. Congratulations~ — Wind 01:21, 23 May 2022 (UTC)

123rse (talkcontribs)

조은님, 2년 반 남짓한 시간 동안 외롭고 힘든 길 걸어오시느라 고생 많으셨습니다. 이제는 마음 편히 쉬엄쉬엄 놀면서 현생이랑 편집 활동 같이하시기 바랍니다. 진심으로 축하드립니다!

ValS (talkcontribs)

위키모 축하합니다 조은님!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 그간 정말 고생많으셨어요... 앞으로도 화이팅입니다!!

Foxbite (talkcontribs)

Congrats and well deserved!!

these last voters sure took their time lul

Tark (talkcontribs)


Wookipan (talkcontribs)


Congratulations, and once again apologies for the extended wait time.

Ashe (talkcontribs)

Congrats. You are OJ now 😎 · Ashe (talk) 21:11, 23 May 2022 (UTC)

Joeun (talkcontribs)

Thank you guys! :3

GrampaSwood (talkcontribs)

Congratulations on your cap, Joeun \:)/
GrampaSwood (talk) 07:23, 24 May 2022 (UTC)

Ashes (talkcontribs)

Congrats and enjoy the sparkly as you POOT your way to victory. Also UwU Ashes 01:29, 25 May 2022 (UTC)

H20verdrive (talkcontribs)

Hey! Congratulations on the Wiki Cap! :3