Difference between revisions of "File:Tf italian.txt"
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m (Updated tf_italian.txt for December 15, 2014 Patch.) |
(MousseBOT uploaded a new version of "File:Tf italian.txt") |
(No difference)
Revision as of 03:57, 23 December 2014
Recent changes
December 15, 2014 Patch (previous patches)
48114811"[english]BackpackItemsExplanation_Text" "Here you'll find all your items. You can click and drag them to rearrange to your liking.\n\nItems that are equipped in a class's loadout will be marked as 'equipped'."
48124812"BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Pagine dello zaino"
48134813"[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Backpack Pages"
4814N/A"BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Il tuo zaino contiene numerose pagine di oggetti. Usa questi pulsanti per passare da una all'altra."
N/A4814"BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Il tuo zaino contiene numerose pagine di oggetti. Usa questi pulsanti per passare da una pagina all'altra."
48154815"[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Your backpack has multiple pages of items. Use these buttons to jump between them."
48164816"BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Eliminazione di oggetti"
48174817"[english]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Deleting Items"
55735573"[english]OpenGeneralLoadout" "OPEN LOADOUT..."
55745574"OpenBackpack" "APRI LO ZAINO..."
55755575"[english]OpenBackpack" "OPEN BACKPACK..."
N/A5576"Armory" "CATALOGO MANN CO."
55775577"[english]Armory" "MANN CO. CATALOG"
55785578"Loadout_OpenTrading" "Apri la schermata Scambio"
55795579"[english]Loadout_OpenTrading" "Open the Trading screen"
55895589"[english]DiscardItem" "Permanently Discard"
55905590"BackpackApplyTool" "Seleziona l'oggetto a cui applicare lo strumento %s1:"
55915591"[english]BackpackApplyTool" "Select the item to apply the %s1 to:"
5592N/A"ApplyOnItem" "USA CON..."
N/A5592"ApplyOnItem" "Usa con..."
55935593"[english]ApplyOnItem" "Use with"
5594N/A"ConsumeItem" "USA"
N/A5594"ConsumeItem" "Usa"
55955595"[english]ConsumeItem" "Use"
55965596"CustomizeItem" "PERSONALIZZA"
55975597"[english]CustomizeItem" "CUSTOMIZE"
58915891"[english]customized" "Customized"
58925892"TF_ShowNotificationsInGame" "Mostra avvisi pop-up durante il gioco (es. richieste di scambio)"
58935893"[english]TF_ShowNotificationsInGame" "Show pop-up alerts while in-game (e.g. trade requests)"
5894N/A"MMenu_Tooltip_Armory" "CATALOGO DELLA MANN CO."
N/A5894"MMenu_Tooltip_Armory" "CATALOGO MANN CO."
58955895"[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Armory" "MANN CO. CATALOG"
58965896"MMenu_BuyNow" "Acquista ora"
58975897"[english]MMenu_BuyNow" "Buy Now"
59095909"[english]TradingExplanation_Title" "Trading"
59105910"TradingExplanation_Text" "Qui puoi effettuare scambi con altri giocatori di TF2, barattando gli oggetti del tuo zaino con quelli del loro."
59115911"[english]TradingExplanation_Text" "Here you're able to trade with other TF2 players, swapping items in your backpack for items in theirs."
5912N/A"BackpackArmoryExplanation_Title" "Catalogo della Mann Co."
N/A5912"BackpackArmoryExplanation_Title" "Catalogo Mann Co."
59135913"[english]BackpackArmoryExplanation_Title" "Mann Co. Catalog"
59145914"BackpackArmoryExplanation_Text" "Seleziona un oggetto e premi il bottone DETTAGLI per vedere tale oggetto nel Catalogo Mann Co. Il catalogo fornisce informazioni aggiuntive riguardo l'uso e il funzionamento degli oggetti."
59155915"[english]BackpackArmoryExplanation_Text" "Select an item and press the DETAILS button to view that item in the Mann Co. Catalog. The catalog provides additional information on how items work and how they are used."
64656465"[english]TF_DemomanPirate_Desc" "Because there's no alliteration\nlike alliteration with an 'ARR!'"
64666466"TF_loadoutrespawn" "Applica subito cambi d'equipaggiamento nelle aree di rientro."
64676467"[english]TF_loadoutrespawn" "Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones."
6468N/A"RefurbishItem" "RIPRISTINA"
N/A6468"RefurbishItem" "Ripristina"
64696469"[english]RefurbishItem" "Restore"
64706470"RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Rimuovi vernice"
64716471"[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remove Paint?"
66426642"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_WARN_AGGRO" "You have angered the Horseless Headless Horsemann!"
66446644"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_LOST_AGGRO" "You are no longer IT."
6645N/A"WrapGift" "INCARTA"
N/A6645"WrapGift" "Incarta"
66466646"[english]WrapGift" "Wrap Gift"
6647N/A"UnwrapGift" "SCARTA"
N/A6647"UnwrapGift" "Scarta"
66486648"[english]UnwrapGift" "Unwrap Gift"
6649N/A"DeliverGift" "SPEDISCI"
N/A6649"DeliverGift" "Spedisci"
66506650"[english]DeliverGift" "Deliver Gift"
66516651"NoAction" "N/D"
66526652"[english]NoAction" "NO ACTION"
1800518005"[english]standin_cap_B" "cap B, the Bridge"
1800618006"standin_cap_C" "il punto C, la Sala di controllo"
1800718007"[english]standin_cap_C" "cap C, the Control Room"
N/A18008"GetKey" "Compra una chiave"
1800918009"[english]GetKey" "Get key"
1801018010"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "Filtro Strano: Process (Comunità)"
1801118011"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "Strange Filter: Process (Community)"
1882918829"[english]TF_Spell_LightningBall" "Ball o' Lightning"
1883018830"TF_NineIron_Desc" "Quest'arma possiede un'ampia portata in mischia.\nAumenta la velocità e la salute massima\nper ogni testa recisa."
1883118831"[english]TF_NineIron_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nGives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
18832N/A"ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2"
N/A18832"ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2%s4"
1883318833"[english]ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2%s4"
18834N/A"ItemNameQualityFormat" " %s2(%s1%s3)"
N/A18834"ItemNameQualityFormat" " %s2(%s1%s3%s4)"
1883518835"[english]ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s1%s4 %s3%s2"
1883618836"ItemNameFormat" "%s2%s5%s6%s4%s3 %s1"
1883718837"[english]ItemNameFormat" "%s1%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3"
2081220812"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "Kill a charging Demoman while charging."
2081320813"ItemSel_TAUNT" "- PROVOCAZIONE"
2081420814"[english]ItemSel_TAUNT" "- TAUNT"
20815N/A"UseKey" "APRI CON CHIAVE"
N/A20815"UseKey" "Apri con una chiave"
2081620816"[english]UseKey" "Open with a key"
2081720817"Recharge" "RICARICA"
2081820818"[english]Recharge" "RECHARGE"
20819N/A"ShuffleContents" "CAMBIA"
N/A20819"ShuffleContents" "Cambia"
2082020820"[english]ShuffleContents" "Shuffle"
2082120821"ShufflingContents" "CAMBIO IN CORSO..."
2082220822"[english]ShufflingContents" "SHUFFLING..."
2173421734"[english]TF_Nabler_Desc" ""
2173521735"TF_EOTL_Crate" "Cassa della comunità di \"End of the Line\""
2173621736"[english]TF_EOTL_Crate" "End of the Line Community Crate"
21737N/A"TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "I contenuti di questa cassa sono sconosciuti e\nle chiavi normali non entrano nel lucchetto.\n\nFarai meglio a conservarla.\nSpunterà sicuramente un modo per aprirla più in là."
N/A21737"TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "Questa cassa è speciale.\nI suoi contenuti sono sconosciuti e\nserve una Chiave di \"End of the Line\" per aprirla.\n\nGli oggetti trovati in una cassa della comunità di \"End of the Line\" prima del 5 gennaio 2015 avranno un'etichetta commemorativa del tuo stato di sostenitore iniziale.\n\nLa cassa della comunità di \"End of the Line\" contiene effetti Insoliti ottenibili solamente da essa."
2173821738"[english]TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nEnd of the Line Community Crate Key to unlock.\n\nItems found from an EOTL Community Crate before January 5th, 2015, will receive a commemorative early supporter tag.\n\nThe End of the Line Community Crate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate."
2173921739"TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Gold" "Gamers Assembly - Medaglia d'oro"
2174021740"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Gold" "Gamers Assembly Gold Medal"
2176021760"[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo" "TF2mixup Community Event 2014 Promo"
2176121761"TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo_Desc" " "
2176221762"[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo_Desc" ""
N/A21763"TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "Benvenuto"
N/A21764"[english]TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "Welcome"
N/A21765"TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Aumenta la velocità di costruzione delle strutture quando le colpisci, oltre a permetterti di ripararle e migliorarle"
N/A21766"[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Speeds up construction, upgrades, and repairs friendly buildings on hit"
N/A21767"TF_Wearable_Shorts" "Pantaloncini"
N/A21768"[english]TF_Wearable_Shorts" "Shorts"
N/A21769"TF_Wearable_Sweater" "Maglione"
N/A21770"[english]TF_Wearable_Sweater" "Sweater"
N/A21771"TF_Wearable_Pants" "Pantaloni"
N/A21772"[english]TF_Wearable_Pants" "Pants"
N/A21773"TF_Wearable_Vest" "Giacca"
N/A21774"[english]TF_Wearable_Vest" "Vest"
N/A21775"TF_YourStats" "Le tue statistiche"
N/A21776"[english]TF_YourStats" "Your Stats"
N/A21777"TF_DuckPromoList" "Oggetto decorativo per tutte le classi con undici stili\n-Tiene traccia delle tue statistiche durante l'evento\n-Competi con gli amici nelle classifiche\n-Le vendite supportano gli autori di \"End of the Line\""
N/A21778"[english]TF_DuckPromoList" "-All-Class cosmetic with eleven styles\n-Tracks your stats during the End of the Line event\n-View leaderboards and compete with your friends\n-Sales support the End of the Line team"
N/A21779"TF_GetDucky" "Acquistalo"
N/A21780"[english]TF_GetDucky" "Get Ducky"
N/A21781"Attrib_duck_badge_level" "Miglioramenti : %s1 / 5"
N/A21782"[english]Attrib_duck_badge_level" "Duck Power : %s1 / 5"
N/A21783"Attrib_duck_rating" "Livello : %s1"
N/A21784"[english]Attrib_duck_rating" "Duck XP Level : %s1"
N/A21785"Attrib_eotl_early_supporter" "Sostenitore iniziale dell'aggiornamento della comunità di End of the Line"
N/A21786"[english]Attrib_eotl_early_supporter" "Early Supporter of End of the Line Community Update"
N/A21787"Attrib_duckstreaks" "Consente le serie paperose"
N/A21788"[english]Attrib_duckstreaks" "Duckstreaks Active"
N/A21789"Duck_ViewLeaderboards" "Guarda le classifiche"
N/A21790"[english]Duck_ViewLeaderboards" "View Leaderboards"
N/A21791"ToolDuckTokenConfirm" "Sei sicuro di voler usare il gettone\nsu questo diario delle paperelle?"
N/A21792"[english]ToolDuckTokenConfirm" "Are you sure you want to use the Duck Token\non this Duck Journal?"
N/A21793"TF_Tool_DuckToken" "Gettone delle paperelle"
N/A21794"[english]TF_Tool_DuckToken" "Duck Token"
N/A21795"TF_Tool_DuckToken_Desc" "Si usa per migliorare il tuo diario delle paperelle.\nPuoi migliorare un diario fino al livello 5.\n\nPiù alto è il livello del diario, più paperelle troverai.\nNon potrai più trovare paperelle in seguito al 5 gennaio 2015."
N/A21796"[english]TF_Tool_DuckToken_Desc" "Use to increase the Power level of an existing Duck Journal.\nJournals have a MAX level of 5.\n\nHigher level badges can find more ducks.\nAfter January 5th, 2015, ducks can no longer be found."
N/A21797"TF_Item_DuckBadge" "Diario delle paperelle"
N/A21798"[english]TF_Item_DuckBadge" "Duck Journal"
N/A21799"TF_Item_DuckBadge_Desc" "Equipaggialo nello slot \"Azione\" per aumentare il tasso con cui trovi paperelle.\nUsa i gettoni appositi per migliorarlo.\nTroverai più paperelle se il diario è di alto livello."
N/A21800"[english]TF_Item_DuckBadge_Desc" "Equip in the ActionSlot to increase duck drops.\nUse Duck Tokens to increase power level.\nHigher levels give increased duck drops."
N/A21801"TF_Armory_Item_DuckBadge" "Equipaggialo nello slot \"Azione\" per aumentare il tasso con cui trovi paperelle.\nUsa i gettoni appositi per migliorarlo, fino al livello 5.\n\nEsaminalo nello zaino per vedere le classifiche degli amici.\nIn seguito al 5 gennaio 2015, non potrai trovare altre paperelle e le classifiche verranno bloccate.\n\nLe vendite supportano gli autori di \"End of the Line\"."
N/A21802"[english]TF_Armory_Item_DuckBadge" "Equip in the ActionSlot to increase your ability to find ducks.\nUse Duck Tokens to increase the badges level to MAX 5.\n\nInspect in your backpack to view friend leaderboards.\nAfter January 5th, 2015, ducks cannot be found and leaderboards will be locked.\n\nSales support the End of the Line team."
N/A21803"TF_DuckBadge_Style0" "Nessuno"
N/A21804"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style0" "None"
N/A21805"TF_DuckBadge_Style1" "Esploratore"
N/A21806"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style1" "Scout"
N/A21807"TF_DuckBadge_Style2" "Cecchino"
N/A21808"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style2" "Sniper"
N/A21809"TF_DuckBadge_Style3" "Soldato"
N/A21810"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style3" "Soldier"
N/A21811"TF_DuckBadge_Style4" "Demolitore"
N/A21812"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style4" "Demoman"
N/A21813"TF_DuckBadge_Style5" "Medico"
N/A21814"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style5" "Medic"
N/A21815"TF_DuckBadge_Style6" "Grosso"
N/A21816"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style6" "Heavy"
N/A21817"TF_DuckBadge_Style7" "Piro"
N/A21818"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style7" "Pyro"
N/A21819"TF_DuckBadge_Style8" "Spia"
N/A21820"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style8" "Spy"
N/A21821"TF_DuckBadge_Style9" "Ingegnere"
N/A21822"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style9" "Engineer"
N/A21823"TF_DuckBadge_Style10" "Quackston Hale"
N/A21824"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style10" "Quackston Hale"
N/A21825"TF_Duck_Level" "Livello"
N/A21826"[english]TF_Duck_Level" "Level"
N/A21827"TF_Duck_XP" "Esperienza"
N/A21828"[english]TF_Duck_XP" "Duck XP"
N/A21829"TD_Duck_XPToNextLevel" "Esperienza al prossimo livello:"
N/A21830"[english]TD_Duck_XPToNextLevel" "Duck XP to next level:"
N/A21832"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING" "Duck Experience Points"
N/A21833"TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS" "Catture dalla squadra"
N/A21834"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS" "Team Captured"
N/A21843"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP" "Quackston Hale ottenuti"
N/A21844"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP" "Quackston Hales"
N/A21845"TF_Duck_Stats_Desc" "Le tue statistiche personali registrate durante l'evento di End of the Line, durato dall'8 dicembre 2014 al 5 gennaio 2015."
N/A21846"[english]TF_Duck_Stats_Desc" "Your personal stats recorded during the End of the Line event that occurs between December 8, 2014, through January 5, 2015."
N/A21847"TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING_desc" "Esperienza ottenuta da te e i tuoi amici."
N/A21848"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING_desc" "Duck XP amongst you and your friends."
N/A21849"TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS_desc" "Il numero di paperelle che hai creato catturate dalla tua squadra.\n\n3 punti esp. per paperella"
N/A21850"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS_desc" "Number of ducks your team picked up that you helped create.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21851"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED_desc" "Il numero di paperelle lasciate dai tuoi compagni di squadra che hai recuperato.\n\n1 punti esp. per paperella"
N/A21852"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up that were dropped by your team.\n\n1 Duck XP each"
N/A21853"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE_desc" "Il numero di paperelle lasciate dai tuoi nemici che hai catturato.\n\n3 punti esp. per paperella"
N/A21854"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up that were dropped by the opposite team.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21855"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE_desc" "Il numero di paperelle generate dagli obiettivi completati che hai catturato.\n\n3 punti esp. per paperella"
N/A21856"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up spawned by doing objectives.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21857"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION_desc" "Il numero di paperelle recuperate che hai creato uccidendo i nemici.\n\n3 punti esp. per paperella"
N/A21858"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION_desc" "Number of ducks you helped make the enemy drop.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21859"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP_desc" "Il numero di paperelle speciali che hai recuperato.\n\n50 punti esp. per paperella"
N/A21860"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP_desc" "Number of special ducks you picked up.\n\n50 Duck XP each"
N/A21861"Msg_DuckStreak1" "�%s1� è in una �serie paperosa %s2"
N/A21862"[english]Msg_DuckStreak1" "�%s1� is on a �Ducking Spree %s2"
N/A21863"Msg_DuckStreak2" "�%s1� è �a caccia di papere %s2"
N/A21864"[english]Msg_DuckStreak2" "�%s1� is �Unflappable %s2"
N/A21865"Msg_DuckStreak3" "�%s1� è �spaperato %s2"
N/A21866"[english]Msg_DuckStreak3" "�%s1� is on a �Quackpage %s2"
N/A21867"Msg_DuckStreak4" "�%s1� è �come Quackston %s2"
N/A21868"[english]Msg_DuckStreak4" "�%s1� is �Quackston-Like %s2"
N/A21869"Msg_DuckStreak5" "�%s1� è ancora �come Quackston %s2"
N/A21870"[english]Msg_DuckStreak5" "�%s1� is still �Quackston-Like %s2"
N/A21871"Msg_DuckStreakEnd" "�%s1� ha appena interrotto la serie di %s3 paperelle di �%s2�"
N/A21872"[english]Msg_DuckStreakEnd" "�%s1� ended �%s2's� duckstreak %s3"
N/A21873"Msg_DuckStreakEndSelf" "�%s1� ha appena messo fine alla propria serie di %s2 paperelle"
N/A21874"[english]Msg_DuckStreakEndSelf" "�%s1� ended their own duckstreak %s2"
N/A21875"Msg_DuckLevelup1" "Congratulazioni, �%s1�. Il tuo diario ha raggiunto il �livello %s2"
N/A21876"[english]Msg_DuckLevelup1" "Congratulations �%s1�. You reached �Duck Level %s2"
N/A21877"Msg_DuckLevelup2" "Ottimo lavoro, �%s1�. Il tuo diario ha raggiunto il �livello %s2"
N/A21878"[english]Msg_DuckLevelup2" "Awesome work �%s1�. You are now �Duck Level %s2"
N/A21879"Msg_DuckLevelup3" "Sorprendente, �%s1�. Il tuo diario ha raggiunto il �livello %s2"
N/A21880"[english]Msg_DuckLevelup3" "Quacktastic job �%s1�. You've hit �Duck Level %s2"
N/A21881"Duck_Streak" "%s1"
N/A21882"[english]Duck_Streak" "%s1"
N/A21883"ItemSel_UTILITY" "- UTILITÀ"
N/A21884"[english]ItemSel_UTILITY" "- UTILITY"
N/A21885"GetDuckToken" "Compra un gettone"
N/A21886"[english]GetDuckToken" "Get Duck Token"
N/A21887"UseDuckToken" "Usa un gettone"
N/A21888"[english]UseDuckToken" "Use Duck Token"
N/A21889"LoadoutSlot_Utility" "Utilità"
N/A21890"[english]LoadoutSlot_Utility" "Utility"
N/A21891"KillEaterEvent_DucksDiscovered" "Paperelle trovate"
N/A21892"[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksDiscovered" "Ducks Discovered"
N/A21893"KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "Paperelle raccolte"
N/A21894"[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "Ducks Collected"
N/A21895"Journal_DuckBadge0" " "
N/A21896"[english]Journal_DuckBadge0" ""
N/A21897"Journal_DuckBadge1" "Caccia-molliche"
N/A21898"[english]Journal_DuckBadge1" "Crumb Chasing "
N/A21899"Journal_DuckBadge2" "Leggermente paperoso"
N/A21900"[english]Journal_DuckBadge2" "Kinda Ducky "
N/A21901"Journal_DuckBadge3" "Piuttosto paperoso"
N/A21902"[english]Journal_DuckBadge3" "Fairly Fowl "
N/A21903"Journal_DuckBadge4" "Conosciuto tra le papere"
N/A21904"[english]Journal_DuckBadge4" "Somewhat Quackworthy "
N/A21905"Journal_DuckBadge5" "Dotto sulle papere"
N/A21906"[english]Journal_DuckBadge5" "Quacknowledged "
N/A21907"Journal_DuckBadge6" "Famoso tra le papere"
N/A21908"[english]Journal_DuckBadge6" "Duckstinguished "
N/A21909"Journal_DuckBadge7" "Adorabilmente sguazzante"
N/A21910"[english]Journal_DuckBadge7" "Pleasantly Paddling "
N/A21911"Journal_DuckBadge8" "Perfettamente lisciato"
N/A21912"[english]Journal_DuckBadge8" "Perfectly Preened "
N/A21913"Journal_DuckBadge9" "Deliziosamente gommoso"
N/A21914"[english]Journal_DuckBadge9" "Duckalicious "
N/A21915"Journal_DuckBadge10" "Paperosamente fantastico"
N/A21916"[english]Journal_DuckBadge10" "Quacktastic "
N/A21917"Journal_DuckBadge11" "Estremamente paperoso"
N/A21918"[english]Journal_DuckBadge11" "Duckrageous "
N/A21919"Journal_DuckBadge12" "Arruffapiume"
N/A21920"[english]Journal_DuckBadge12" "Feather-Ruffling "
N/A21921"Journal_DuckBadge13" "Liquefante"
N/A21922"[english]Journal_DuckBadge13" "Down-Melting "
N/A21923"Journal_DuckBadge14" "Purifica-piume"
N/A21924"[english]Journal_DuckBadge14" "Plumage-Clearing "
N/A21925"Journal_DuckBadge15" "Ridicolosamente paperoso"
N/A21926"[english]Journal_DuckBadge15" "Reduckulous "
N/A21927"Journal_DuckBadge16" "Provoca-euforia paperosa"
N/A21928"[english]Journal_DuckBadge16" "Quackphoric "
N/A21929"Journal_DuckBadge17" "Positivamente paperoso"
N/A21930"[english]Journal_DuckBadge17" "Positively Duckulent "
N/A21931"Journal_DuckBadge18" "Leggenda tra le papere"
N/A21932"[english]Journal_DuckBadge18" "Legenducky "
N/A21933"Journal_DuckBadge19" "Spettacolarmente paperoso"
N/A21934"[english]Journal_DuckBadge19" "Specquackular "
N/A21935"Journal_DuckBadge20" "Il preferito di Quackston"
N/A21936"[english]Journal_DuckBadge20" "Quackston's Own "
N/A21937"TF_EOTL_Key" "Chiave di \"End of the Line\""
N/A21938"[english]TF_EOTL_Key" "End of the Line Key"
N/A21939"TF_EOTL_Key_Desc" "Si usa per aprire le casse della comunità di \"End of the Line\".\nGli oggetti trovati in una cassa della comunità di \"End of the Line\" prima del 5 gennaio 2015 avranno un'etichetta commemorativa del tuo stato di sostenitore iniziale."
N/A21940"[english]TF_EOTL_Key_Desc" "Used to unlock an End of the Line Community Crate.\nItems found from an EOTL Community Crate before January 5th, 2015, will receive a commemorative early supporter tag."
N/A21941"TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson" "Una Chiave di \"End of the Line\" a caso in regalo"
N/A21942"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson" "A Random End of the Line Key Gift"
N/A21943"TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson_Desc" "Quando lo si utilizza, questo oggetto ad attivazione\nregala una Chiave di \"End of the Line\"\na una persona scelta a caso sul server!"
N/A21944"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none End of the Line Key\nto a random person on the server!"
N/A21945"TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer" "Mucchio di Chiavi di \"End of the Line\" in regalo"
N/A21946"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer" "Pile of End of the Line Key Gifts"
N/A21947"TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer_Desc" "Quando lo si utilizza, questo oggetto ad attivazione\nregala una Chiave di \"End of the Line\"\na un massimo di 23 altre persone sul server!"
N/A21948"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none End of the Line Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
N/A21949"TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer" "Mucchio di Gettoni delle paperelle"
N/A21950"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer" "Pile of Duck Token Gifts"
N/A21951"TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer_Desc" "Quando lo si utilizza, questo oggetto ad attivazione\nregala un Gettone delle paperelle\na un massimo di 23 altre persone sul server!"
N/A21952"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Duck Token\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
N/A21953"TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson" "Un Gettone delle paperelle a caso in regalo"
N/A21954"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson" "A Random Duck Token Gift"
N/A21955"TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "Quando lo si utilizza, questo oggetto ad attivazione\nregala un Gettone delle paperelle\na una persona scelta a caso sul server!"
N/A21956"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Duck Token\nto a random person on the server!"
N/A21957"Attrib_Particle87" "Gelo"
N/A21958"[english]Attrib_Particle87" "Frostbite"
N/A21959"Attrib_Particle88" "Paperella infuocata"
N/A21960"[english]Attrib_Particle88" "Molten Mallard"
N/A21961"Attrib_Particle89" "Gloria mattutina"
N/A21962"[english]Attrib_Particle89" "Morning Glory"
N/A21963"Attrib_Particle90" "Morte del tramonto"
N/A21964"[english]Attrib_Particle90" "Death at Dusk"
N/A21965"BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Menu contestuale"
N/A21966"[english]BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Context Menu"
N/A21967"BackpackContextExplanation_Text" "Cliccando su un oggetto aprirai un menu con le varie interazioni disponibili.\n\nPuoi selezionare più oggetti tenendo premuto il tasto CTRL."
N/A21968"[english]BackpackContextExplanation_Text" "Clicking on an item will display a menu with all of the possible actions you can take on that item.\n\nYou can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key."
N/A21969"Context_UseTool" "Usa con..."
N/A21970"[english]Context_UseTool" "Use with..."
N/A21971"Context_Equip" "Vai all'equipaggiamento"
N/A21972"[english]Context_Equip" "Go to Loadout"
N/A21973"Context_Rename" "Rinomina"
N/A21974"[english]Context_Rename" "Rename"
N/A21975"Context_Description" "Cambia la descrizione"
N/A21976"[english]Context_Description" "Change Description"
N/A21977"Context_Paint" "Vernicia"
N/A21978"[english]Context_Paint" "Paint"
N/A21979"Context_Trade" "Scambia"
N/A21980"[english]Context_Trade" "Trade to Another Player"
N/A21981"Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Vendi nel Mercato"
N/A21982"[english]Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Sell on Steam Marketplace"
N/A21983"Context_Delete" "Elimina"
N/A21984"[english]Context_Delete" "Delete"
N/A21985"TF_TauntPyroPoolParty" "Provocazione: La festa in piscina"
N/A21986"[english]TF_TauntPyroPoolParty" "Taunt: Pool Party"
N/A21987"TF_TauntPyroPoolParty_Desc" "Provocazione del Piro"
N/A21988"[english]TF_TauntPyroPoolParty_Desc" "Pyro Taunt"
N/A21989"TF_EOTL_skier" "La Maschera Calorosa"
N/A21990"[english]TF_EOTL_skier" "Wartime Warmth"
N/A21991"TF_EOTL_insulated_innovator" "L'Inventore Isolato"
N/A21992"[english]TF_EOTL_insulated_innovator" "Insulated Inventor"
N/A21993"TF_EOTL_blinks_breeches" "Gli Stivali di Brooklyn"
N/A21994"[english]TF_EOTL_blinks_breeches" "Brooklyn Booties"
N/A21995"TF_EOTL_demo_dynamite" "La Dinamite Doppia"
N/A21996"[english]TF_EOTL_demo_dynamite" "Double Dynamite"
N/A21997"TF_EOTL_briskweather_beanie" "Il Berretto di Lana"
N/A21998"[english]TF_EOTL_briskweather_beanie" "Coldsnap Cap"
N/A21999"TF_EOTL_winter_pants" "L'Attrezzatura da Lavoro Invernale"
N/A22000"[english]TF_EOTL_winter_pants" "Snow Stompers"
N/A22001"TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "Il Maglione del Polo Nord"
N/A22002"[english]TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "North Polar Fleece"
N/A22003"TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Il Cappello di Pelliccia"
N/A22004"[english]TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Fur-lined Fighter"
N/A22005"TF_EOTL_furcap" "Lo Scaldatesta da Dottore"
N/A22006"[english]TF_EOTL_furcap" "Boxcar Bomber"
N/A22007"TF_EOTL_summerhat" "Il Cappello da Demolitore Sbronzo"
N/A22008"[english]TF_EOTL_summerhat" "Bomber's Bucket Hat"
N/A22009"TF_EOTL_soldier_garrison" "L'Aquila Urlante"
N/A22010"[english]TF_EOTL_soldier_garrison" "Screamin' Eagle"
N/A22011"TF_EOTL_hiphunter_hat" "Il Taglialegna"
N/A22012"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_hat" "Winter Woodsman"
N/A22013"TF_EOTL_hiphunter_jacket" "L'Abbigliamento Salva-Calore"
N/A22014"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_jacket" "Snow Sleeves"
N/A22015"TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Gli Stivali Invernali"
N/A22016"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Flashdance Footies"
N/A22017"TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "La Maglia Termica"
N/A22018"[english]TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Thermal Tracker"
N/A22019"TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Il Cappello Scaldatesta"
N/A22020"[english]TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Condor Cap"
N/A22021"TF_EOTL_beard" "La Barba Invernale"
N/A22022"[english]TF_EOTL_beard" "Mistaken Movember"
N/A22023"TF_EOTL_demopants" "I Pantaloni a Quattro Tasche"
N/A22024"[english]TF_EOTL_demopants" "Double Dog Dare Demo Pants"
N/A22025"TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "La Giacca Siberiana"
N/A22026"[english]TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "Sleeveless in Siberia"
N/A22027"TF_EOTL_sheavyshirt" "Il Grosso Cacciatore"
N/A22028"[english]TF_EOTL_sheavyshirt" "Hunter Heavy"
N/A22029"TF_EOTL_coldfront_curbstompers" "L'Abbigliamento di Coldfront"
N/A22030"[english]TF_EOTL_coldfront_curbstompers" "Coldfront Curbstompers"
N/A22031"TF_ItemType_Journal" "Diario"
N/A22032"[english]TF_ItemType_Journal" "Journal"
N/A22033"TF_tr_jungle_booty" "I Pantaloncini da Esploratore"
N/A22034"[english]TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Jungle Booty"
N/A22035"TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "La Corona del Regno Antico"
N/A22036"[english]TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "Crown of the Old Kingdom"
N/A22037"TF_tomb_readers" "Gli Occhiali da Esploratore"
N/A22038"[english]TF_tomb_readers" "Tomb Readers"
N/A22039"TF_brimstone_hat" "Lo Zolfo"
N/A22040"[english]TF_brimstone_hat" "Brimstone"
N/A22041"TF_CrossingGuard" "Il Semaforo"
N/A22042"[english]TF_CrossingGuard" "The Crossing Guard"
N/A22043"TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" " "
N/A22044"[english]TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" ""
N/A22045"TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "La Giacca Antigelo"
N/A22046"[english]TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "Cold Snap Coat"
File info
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![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
File history
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.48 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.48 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.45 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.44 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:05, 15 December 2023 | (1.45 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
23:54, 27 July 2023 | (1.39 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
01:27, 15 December 2022 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch. | |
02:57, 8 December 2022 | (1.33 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 7, 2022 Patch. |
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File usage
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