Difference between revisions of "File:Tf italian.txt"
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m (Updated tf_italian.txt for January 7, 2015 Patch.) |
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(No difference)
Revision as of 21:01, 13 January 2015
Recent changes
January 7, 2015 Patch (previous patches)
41374137"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "The Sandman"
41384138"TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "La Forza della Natura"
41394139"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "The Force-A-Nature"
4140N/A"TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Pugno Atomico"
N/A4140"TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Il Bonk! Pugno Atomico"
41414141"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomic Punch"
41424142"TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "Il Walkabout"
41434143"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "The Walkabout"
64576457"[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_No" "No"
64586458"TF_Weapon_Gloves" "Guantoni da boxe"
64596459"[english]TF_Weapon_Gloves" "Boxing Gloves"
6460N/A"TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Title" "Fa' un dono"
N/A6460"TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Title" "Fai un dono"
64616461"[english]TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Title" "Deliver a Gift"
64626462"TF_DemomanPirate" "Il Raccogli-Pioggia Bordato"
64636463"[english]TF_DemomanPirate" "Rimmed Raincatcher"
67146714"[english]TF_Halloween_Boss_Killers" "�%s1� has defeated the Horseless Headless Horsemann!\n"
67156715"TF_Wearable_Glasses" "Occhiali"
67166716"[english]TF_Wearable_Glasses" "Glasses"
6717N/A"TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Title" "Fa' un dono"
N/A6717"TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Title" "Fai un dono"
67186718"[english]TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Title" "Gift Delivery"
67196719"TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Success" "Il dono è stato consegnato!"
67206720"[english]TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Success" "The gift has been delivered!"
1213012130"[english]Tip_4_18" "As a Demoman, when using the Scottish Resistance remember that you can see your Stickybombs through walls and floors and can detonate them from any range. Use this to your advantage."
1213112131"Tip_4_19" "Come Demolitore, ricorda che un singolo colpo a segno con lo Spadaccino Mancato su qualsiasi nemico che la impugni a sua volta corrisponderà ad un uccisione istantanea."
1213212132"[english]Tip_4_19" "As a Demoman, remember that a successful hit with Half-Zatoichi on any enemy wielding the same weapon will result in an instant kill."
12133N/A"Tip_4_20" "Come Demolitore, usa il Lanciagranate del Loch per infliggere più danni contro le classi più lente e le costruzioni. Prendi la mira con attenzione, però! Avrai solamente due colpi a disposizione prima di dover ricaricare l'arma, ed infliggerai danno solamente con dei colpi diretti."
12134N/A"[english]Tip_4_20" "As a Demoman, use the Loch-n-Load to inflict additional damage against slower moving classes and buildings. Aim carefully however! You only have two shots before you must reload, and you will only inflict damage on a direct hit."
N/A12133"Tip_4_20" "Come Demolitore, usa il Lanciagranate del Loch per infliggere più danni contro le classi più lente e le costruzioni. Prendi la mira con attenzione, però! Avrai solamente tre colpi a disposizione prima di dover ricaricare l'arma, ed infliggerai danno solamente con dei colpi diretti."
N/A12134"[english]Tip_4_20" "As a Demoman, use the Loch-n-Load to inflict additional damage against slower moving classes and buildings. Aim carefully however! You only have three shots before you must reload, and you will only inflict damage on a direct hit."
1213512135"Tip_4_21" "Come Demolitore, usa il Tronco di Ullapool quando sei circondato dai nemici. L'esplosione che ne risulterà infliggerà seri danni a tutti gli avversari nelle vicinanze."
1213612136"[english]Tip_4_21" "As a Demoman, use the Ullapool Caber when surrounded by enemies. The resulting explosion will inflict heavy damage on all nearby opponents."
1213712137"Tip_4_22" "Come Demolitore, usa la Claidheamh Mòr per massimizzare l'efficacia del tuo Brocchiere da Carica. Non sarai in grado di infliggere colpi critici o collezionare teste, ma la durata extra della tua carica ti permetterà di coprire una distanza maggiore, o dileguarti rapidamente!"
2045920459"[english]TF_RegimePanzerung" "Die Regime-Panzerung"
2046020460"TF_RegimePanzerung_Desc" "Come dice il detto, \"coloro che non riescono a ricordare il passato alternativo sono condannati a ripeterlo\". Dato che dovrai comunque ripeterlo, perché non ravvivare le cose con questo costume da robot malvagio?"
2046120461"[english]TF_RegimePanzerung_Desc" "As the saying goes, \"Those who cannot remember the alternate past are condemned to repeat it.\" Since you have to do it again anyway, why not liven things up with an evil robot costume?"
20462N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_1st" "LBTF2 Elite - Primo posto"
20463N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_1st" "LBTF2 Elite 1st Place"
20464N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_2nd" "LBTF2 Elite - Secondo posto"
20465N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_2nd" "LBTF2 Elite 2nd Place"
20466N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_3rd" "LBTF2 Elite - Terzo posto"
20467N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_3rd" "LBTF2 Elite 3rd Place"
20468N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_Participant" "LBTF2 Elite - Partecipante"
20469N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Elite_Participant" "LBTF2 Elite Participant"
20470N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_1st" "LBTF2 Central - Primo posto"
20471N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_1st" "LBTF2 Central 1st Place"
20472N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_2nd" "LBTF2 Central - Secondo posto"
20473N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_2nd" "LBTF2 Central 2nd Place"
20474N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_3rd" "LBTF2 Central - Terzo posto"
20475N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_3rd" "LBTF2 Central 3rd Place"
20476N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_Participant" "LBTF2 Central - Partecipante"
20477N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Central_Participant" "LBTF2 Central Participant"
20478N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_1st" "LBTF2 Access - Primo posto"
20479N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_1st" "LBTF2 Access 1st Place"
20480N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_2nd" "LBTF2 Access - Secondo posto"
20481N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_2nd" "LBTF2 Access 2nd Place"
20482N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_3rd" "LBTF2 Access - Terzo posto"
20483N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_3rd" "LBTF2 Access 3rd Place"
20484N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_Participant" "LBTF2 Access - Partecipante"
20485N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Access_Participant" "LBTF2 Access Participant"
20486N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_1st" "LBTF2 Open - Primo posto"
20487N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_1st" "LBTF2 Open 1st Place"
20488N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_2nd" "LBTF2 Open - Secondo posto"
20489N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_2nd" "LBTF2 Open 2nd Place"
20490N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_3rd" "LBTF2 Open - Terzo posto"
20491N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_3rd" "LBTF2 Open 3rd Place"
20492N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_Participant" "LBTF2 Open - Partecipante"
20493N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Open_Participant" "LBTF2 Open Participant"
20494N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Season9" "LBTF2 Stagione 9"
20495N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Season9" "LBTF2 Season 9"
N/A20462"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite - Primo posto"
N/A20463"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place"
N/A20464"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite - Secondo posto"
N/A20465"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place"
N/A20466"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite - Terzo posto"
N/A20467"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place"
N/A20468"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite - Partecipante"
N/A20469"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant"
N/A20470"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Central - Primo posto"
N/A20471"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place"
N/A20472"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Central - Secondo posto"
N/A20473"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place"
N/A20474"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Central - Terzo posto"
N/A20475"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place"
N/A20476"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Central - Partecipante"
N/A20477"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant"
N/A20478"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Access - Primo posto"
N/A20479"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place"
N/A20480"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Access - Secondo posto"
N/A20481"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place"
N/A20482"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Access - Terzo posto"
N/A20483"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place"
N/A20484"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Access - Partecipante"
N/A20485"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant"
N/A20486"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Open - Primo posto"
N/A20487"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place"
N/A20488"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Open - Secondo posto"
N/A20489"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place"
N/A20490"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Open - Terzo posto"
N/A20491"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place"
N/A20492"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Open - Partecipante"
N/A20493"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant"
N/A20494"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Season9" "LBTF2 Stagione 9"
N/A20495"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Season9" "LBTF2 Season 9"
2049620496"TF_Scoreboard_Support" "Supporto:"
2049720497"[english]TF_Scoreboard_Support" "Support:"
2049820498"TF_Scoreboard_Damage" "Danno:"
2092420924"[english]Attrib_SniperCritNoScope" "Charge and fire shots independent of zoom"
2092520925"Attrib_SniperIndependentZoom" "Lo zoom non ha effetti sulla carica"
2092620926"[english]Attrib_SniperIndependentZoom" "Zoom does not affect charge"
20927N/A"Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Uccidere qualcuno mentre stai caricando riporterà al 100% la barra della carica."
20928N/A"[english]Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Kills while charging refill 100% of your charge meter."
N/A20927"Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Uccidere qualcuno mentre stai caricando riporterà al %s1% la barra della carica."
N/A20928"[english]Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Kills while charging refill %s1% of your charge meter."
2092920929"Attrib_AirControl" "+%s1% al controllo aereo."
2093020930"[english]Attrib_AirControl" "%s1% increased air control."
2093120931"Attrib_HypeDecays" "La tensione si riduce col tempo."
2205022050"[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair_style1" "Helmet"
2205122051"TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty" "Cassa Invernale Cattiva del 2014"
2205222052"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate 2014"
22053N/A"TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Desc" "I contenuti di questa cassa sono sconosciuti e\nle chiavi normali non entrano nella serratura.\n\nFarai meglio a conservarla.\nSpunterà senz'altro un modo per aprirla in futuro."
22054N/A"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Desc" "This crate's contents are unknown and\nnormal keys don't fit the lock.\n\nYou'd better hold onto it.\nThere will probably be a way to open it later."
N/A22053"TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Desc" "I contenuti di questa cassa sono sconosciuti.\nSolo le Chiavi per Casse Cattive del 2014 entrano nella serratura.\nAlcuni oggetti in questa cassa sono di qualità Strana...\n\nGli oggetti contenuti sono ad edizione limitata e sono ottenibili solo da questa cassa.\nQuesta cassa non potrà più essere aperta dopo il 16/2/2015."
N/A22054"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Desc" "This crate's contents are unknown.\nOnly Naughty Keys fit the lock.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange...\n\nIts contents will be limited and only come from this crate.\nAfter 2/16/2015 this crate can no longer be opened."
2205522055"TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice" "Cassa Invernale Buona del 2014"
2205622056"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate 2014"
22057N/A"TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Desc" "I contenuti di questa cassa sono sconosciuti e\nle chiavi normali non entrano nella serratura.\n\nFarai meglio a conservarla.\nSpunterà senz'altro un modo per aprirla in futuro."
22058N/A"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Desc" "This crate's contents are unknown and\nnormal keys don't fit the lock.\n\nYou'd better hold onto it.\nThere will probably be a way to open it later."
N/A22057"TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Desc" "I contenuti di questa cassa sono sconosciuti.\nSolo le Chiavi per Casse Buone del 2014 entrano nella serratura.\nAlcuni oggetti in questa cassa sono di qualità Strana...\n\nGli oggetti contenuti sono ad edizione limitata e sono ottenibili solo da questa cassa.\nQuesta cassa non potrà più essere aperta dopo il 16/2/2015."
N/A22058"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Desc" "This crate contains limited community cosmetics.\nOnly Nice Keys fit the lock.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange...\n\nIts contents will be limited and only come from this crate.\nAfter 2/16/2015 this crate can no longer be opened."
2205922059"TF_EOTL_medal" "Medaglia dell'aggiornamento della comunità \"End of the Line\""
2206022060"[english]TF_EOTL_medal" "End of the Line Community Update Medal"
2206122061"TF_EOTL_medal_Desc" " "
2206222062"[english]TF_EOTL_medal_Desc" ""
N/A22063"TF_Weapon_FestiveShotgun" "Fucile a pompa Festivo"
N/A22064"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveShotgun" "Festive Shotgun"
N/A22065"TF_Weapon_FestiveRevolver" "Revolver Festivo"
N/A22066"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveRevolver" "Festive Revolver"
N/A22067"TF_Weapon_FestiveBonesaw" "Segaossa Festivo"
N/A22068"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveBonesaw" "Festive Bonesaw"
N/A22069"TF_Weapon_FestiveTarge" "Il Brocchiere da Carica Festivo"
N/A22070"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveTarge" "Festive Chargin' Targe"
N/A22071"TF_Weapon_FestiveBonk" "Il Bonk! Pugno Atomico Festivo"
N/A22072"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveBonk" "Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch"
N/A22073"TF_Weapon_FestiveBackburner" "Il Retrobruciatore Festivo"
N/A22074"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveBackburner" "Festive Backburner"
N/A22075"TF_Weapon_FestiveSMG" "SMG Festivo"
N/A22076"[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveSMG" "Festive SMG"
N/A22077"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander - Primo posto"
N/A22078"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander 1st Place"
N/A22079"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander - Secondo posto"
N/A22080"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander 2nd Place"
N/A22081"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander - Terzo posto"
N/A22082"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander 3rd Place"
N/A22083"TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander - Partecipante"
N/A22084"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Participant"
N/A22085"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller - Primo posto"
N/A22086"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 1st Place"
N/A22087"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller - Secondo posto"
N/A22088"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 2nd Place"
N/A22089"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller - Terzo posto"
N/A22090"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 3rd Place"
N/A22091"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller - Partecipante"
N/A22092"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller Participant"
N/A22093"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet - Primo posto"
N/A22094"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 1st Place"
N/A22095"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet - Secondo posto"
N/A22096"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 2nd Place"
N/A22097"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet - Terzo posto"
N/A22098"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 3rd Place"
N/A22099"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet - Partecipante"
N/A22100"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet Participant"
N/A22101"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten - Primo posto"
N/A22102"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 1st Place"
N/A22103"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten - Secondo posto"
N/A22104"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 2nd Place"
N/A22105"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten - Terzo posto"
N/A22106"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 3rd Place"
N/A22107"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten - Partecipante"
N/A22108"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten Participant"
N/A22109"TF_Map_powerup_ctf_foundry" "Foundry - BETA"
N/A22110"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_foundry" "Foundry - BETA"
N/A22111"TF_Map_powerup_ctf_gorge" "Gorge - BETA"
N/A22112"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_gorge" "Gorge - BETA"
N/A22113"GameType_Powerup" "Mannpower"
N/A22114"[english]GameType_Powerup" "Mannpower"
N/A22115"TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Footer" "Potrebbe contenere un oggetto speciale eccezionalmente raro!\n"
N/A22116"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Footer" "May contain an Exceedingly Rare Special item!\n"
N/A22117"TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Footer" "Potrebbe contenere un cappello Insolito normale o dell'aggiornamento invernale del 2014!\n"
N/A22118"[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Footer" "May contain an Unusual hat or a Winter 2014 Unusual hat!\n"
N/A22119"TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty" "Chiave per Casse Cattive del 2014"
N/A22120"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate Key 2014"
N/A22121"TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty_Desc" "Si usa per aprire le Casse Invernali Cattive del 2014.\nQuesta chiave non apre le Casse Buone.\n\nSi trasformerà in una chiave normale dopo il 16/2/2015."
N/A22122"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty_Desc" "Used to open Naughty Winter Crate 2014.\nThis key will not open Nice crates.\n\nAfter 2/16/2015 this will turn into a normal key."
N/A22123"TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice" "Chiave per Casse Buone del 2014"
N/A22124"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate Key 2014"
N/A22125"TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice_Desc" "Si usa per aprire le Casse Invernali Buone del 2014.\nQuesta chiave non apre le Casse Cattive.\n\nSi trasformerà in una chiave normale dopo il 16/2/2015."
N/A22126"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice_Desc" "Used to open Nice Winter Crate 2014.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 2/16/2015 this will turn into a normal key."
N/A22127"TF_Crate_MomentoNote_Desc" "Un ricordo di un'era passata, questa cassa non può più essere aperta ed è puramente decorativa."
N/A22128"[english]TF_Crate_MomentoNote_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened."
N/A22129"Attrib_stickybomb_fizzle_time" "Le bombe adesive spariscono %s1 secondi dopo il contatto con una superficie"
N/A22130"[english]Attrib_stickybomb_fizzle_time" "Stickybombs fizzle %s1 seconds after landing"
N/A22131"Attrib_stickybomb_charge_rate" "Tempo di carica massimo delle bombe ridotto del %s1%"
N/A22132"[english]Attrib_stickybomb_charge_rate" "Max charge time decreased by %s1%"
N/A22133"Attrib_grenade_no_bounce" "Le bombe rimbalzano e rotolano a malapena"
N/A22134"[english]Attrib_grenade_no_bounce" "Grenades have very little bounce and roll"
N/A22135"Attrib_GrenadeDetonationDamagePenalty" "Le granate che esplodono senza contatto diretto con i nemici infliggono il %s1% di danno in meno"
N/A22136"[english]Attrib_GrenadeDetonationDamagePenalty" "%s1% damage on grenades that explode on timer"
N/A22137"Attrib_PanicAttack" "Tieni premuto il tasto di fuoco per caricare fino a 4 cartucce"
N/A22138"[english]Attrib_PanicAttack" "Hold fire to load up to 4 shells"
N/A22139"Attrib_FireRateBonusWithReducedHealth" "La velocità di fuoco aumenta mano a mano che perdi salute"
N/A22140"[english]Attrib_FireRateBonusWithReducedHealth" "Fire rate increases as health decreases"
N/A22141"Attrib_PanicAttackNegative" "Il raggio di diffusione dei colpi aumenta mano a mano che perdi salute"
N/A22142"[english]Attrib_PanicAttackNegative" "Weapon spread increases as health decreases"
N/A22143"Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" " "
N/A22144"[english]Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" ""
N/A22145"Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull" " "
N/A22146"[english]Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull" ""
N/A22147"TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook" "Rampino"
N/A22148"[english]TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook" "Grappling Hook"
N/A22149"TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook_desc" "Tieni premuto il tasto dello slot \"Azione\"\nper lanciare rapidamente il rampino.\n\nPuoi in alternativa premere il tasto dello slot 6\nper lanciarlo manualmente usando il tasto dell'attacco primario.\n\nUtilizzabile solo in modalità Mannpower o se è abilitato sul server a cui sei connesso."
N/A22150"[english]TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook_desc" "Press and hold the Actionkey\nto quickly fire a grapple line.\n\nOptionally can be switched to by pressing slot6\nand manually fired using primary attack.\n\nCan only be used in Mannpower Mode or when enabled by the server."
N/A22151"TF_GrapplingHook_EquipAction" "Rampino non equipaggiato. Accetta per equipaggiarlo nello slot \"Azione\" e iniziare ad usarlo."
N/A22152"[english]TF_GrapplingHook_EquipAction" "Grappling Hook not equipped. Accept to equip your Grappling Hook in the Action slot to use it."
N/A22153"TF_Weapon_Sticky_Quickie" "Il Mortaio a Bombe Adesive Dinamiche"
N/A22154"[english]TF_Weapon_Sticky_Quickie" "The Quickiebomb Launcher"
N/A22155"TF_Weapon_Iron_bomber" "Il Bombardatore di Ferro"
N/A22156"[english]TF_Weapon_Iron_bomber" "The Iron Bomber"
N/A22157"TF_Weapon_PanicAttack" "L'Attacco di Panico"
N/A22158"[english]TF_Weapon_PanicAttack" "The Panic Attack"
N/A22159"TF_GameModeDesc_Powerup" "Raccogli i potenziamenti e usa il rampino in questa nuova versione della modalità \"Cattura la bandiera\"."
N/A22160"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Powerup" "Pick up powerups and use your grapple hook in this new take on Capture the Flag."
N/A22161"TF_GameModeDetail_Powerup" "Funziona come la modalità \"Cattura la bandiera\", ma toccare la valigetta della tua squadra lasciata da un nemico la farà ritornare subito in base.\n\nCi sono vari potenziamenti disseminati nella mappa che puoi raccogliere per ottenere vari bonus. Puoi trasportare un potenziamento alla volta e lascerai quello che stai trasportando alla morte.\n\nIl rampino è abilitato: usarlo ti permette di volare per la mappa."
N/A22162"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Powerup" "Standard Capture the Flag, but your dropped flag will instantly return to base when touched by your team.\n\nPowerups are strewn about the map and can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your carried powerup when you die.\n\nYou have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
N/A22163"TF_sept2014_cosmetic_desc" "Oggetto decorativo della comunità di fine estate del 2014"
N/A22164"[english]TF_sept2014_cosmetic_desc" "Late Summer 2014 Limited Community Cosmetic"
N/A22165"TF_dec2014_marauders_mask" "La Maschera da Menestrello"
N/A22166"[english]TF_dec2014_marauders_mask" "Mountebank's Masque"
N/A22167"TF_dec2014_truands_tunic" "La Sciarpa da Giullare"
N/A22168"[english]TF_dec2014_truands_tunic" "Courtier's Collar"
N/A22169"TF_dec2014_fools_footwear" "Le Babbucce da Buffone"
N/A22170"[english]TF_dec2014_fools_footwear" "Harlequin's Hooves"
N/A22171"TF_dec2014_copilot_2014" "Il Copilota"
N/A22172"[english]TF_dec2014_copilot_2014" "Co-Pilot"
N/A22173"TF_dec2014_skullcap" "Il Berretto con Teschio"
N/A22174"[english]TF_dec2014_skullcap" "Skullcap"
N/A22175"TF_dec2014_2014_pyromancer_hood" "Il Cappuccio da Piromante"
N/A22176"[english]TF_dec2014_2014_pyromancer_hood" "Pyromancer's Hood"
N/A22177"TF_dec2014_pyromancers_raiments" "Gli Abiti da Piromante"
N/A22178"[english]TF_dec2014_pyromancers_raiments" "Pyromancer's Raiments"
N/A22179"TF_dec2014_black_knights_bascinet" "Il Bacinetto del Cavaliere Nero"
N/A22180"[english]TF_dec2014_black_knights_bascinet" "Black Knight's Bascinet"
N/A22181"TF_dec2014_torchers_tabard" "Il Tabarro del Piromane"
N/A22182"[english]TF_dec2014_torchers_tabard" "Torcher's Tabard"
N/A22183"TF_dec2014_armoured_appendages" "La Cotta di Maglia Bruciacchiata"
N/A22184"[english]TF_dec2014_armoured_appendages" "Charred Chainmail"
N/A22185"TF_dec2014_viking_helmet" "L'Elmo del Valhalla"
N/A22186"[english]TF_dec2014_viking_helmet" "Valhalla Helm"
N/A22187"TF_dec2014_viking_boots" "Gli Stivali Invernali"
N/A22188"[english]TF_dec2014_viking_boots" "Storm Stompers"
N/A22189"TF_dec2014_heavy_parka" "Il Cappuccetto Siberiano"
N/A22190"[english]TF_dec2014_heavy_parka" "Siberian Facehugger"
N/A22191"TF_dec2014_the_big_papa" "Il Grosso Natale"
N/A22192"[english]TF_dec2014_the_big_papa" "The Old Man Frost"
N/A22193"TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveholster" "Le Fondine Fumanti"
N/A22194"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveholster" "Holstered Heaters"
N/A22195"TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveradio" "Il Filo Diretto"
N/A22196"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveradio" "Cop Caller"
N/A22197"TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveglasses" "L'Acconciatura da Conagher"
N/A22198"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveglasses" "Conagher's Combover"
N/A22199"TF_dec2014_engineer_seal" "Clubsy la Focuccia"
N/A22200"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_seal" "Clubsy The Seal"
N/A22201"TF_dec2014_medic_unknown_mann" "L'Uomo dai Mille Volti"
N/A22202"[english]TF_dec2014_medic_unknown_mann" "Unknown Mann"
N/A22203"TF_dec2014_surgeons_shako" "Lo Shakò da Chirurgo"
N/A22204"[english]TF_dec2014_surgeons_shako" "Surgeon's Shako"
N/A22205"TF_dec2014_hunter_beard" "La Barba e i Baffi da Cacciatore"
N/A22206"[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_beard" "Bushman's Bristles"
N/A22207"TF_dec2014_hunter_ushanka" "Il Colbacco del Professionista"
N/A22208"[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_ushanka" "Professional's Ushanka"
N/A22209"TF_dec2014_hunter_vest" "La Giacca in Mohair"
N/A22210"[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_vest" "Marksman's Mohair"
N/A22211"TF_dec2014_wally_pocket" "Il Canguretto Tascabile"
N/A22212"[english]TF_dec2014_wally_pocket" "Wally Pocket"
N/A22213"TF_dec2014_the_puffy_provocateur" "Il Cappotto da Spia"
N/A22214"[english]TF_dec2014_the_puffy_provocateur" "The Puffy Provocateur"
N/A22215"TF_dec2014_stealthy_scarf" "La Sciarpa Silenziosa"
N/A22216"[english]TF_dec2014_stealthy_scarf" "Stealthy Scarf"
N/A22217"TF_dec2014_comforter" "Il Berretto di Pura Lana Scozzese"
N/A22218"[english]TF_dec2014_comforter" "Scot Bonnet"
N/A22219"TF_dec2014_thermal_insulation_layer" "Lo Strato di Isolamento Termico"
N/A22220"[english]TF_dec2014_thermal_insulation_layer" "Thermal Insulation Layer"
N/A22221"TF_dec2014_pocket_momma" "La Mammina Tascabile"
N/A22222"[english]TF_dec2014_pocket_momma" "Pocket Momma"
N/A22223"TF_dec2014_cosmetic_desc" "Oggetto decorativo ad edizione limitata dell'aggiornamento invernale del 2014"
N/A22224"[english]TF_dec2014_cosmetic_desc" "Winter 2014 Limited Community Cosmetic"
N/A22225"TF_Powerup_Strength" "Potenziamento: Forza"
N/A22226"[english]TF_Powerup_Strength" "Powerup: Strength"
N/A22227"TF_Powerup_Strength_Desc" "Aumenta i danni inflitti da tutte le armi\nDona immunità alla riduzione dei danni in base alla distanza"
N/A22228"[english]TF_Powerup_Strength_Desc" "Increased damage from all weapons\nDistance damage falloff immunity"
N/A22229"TF_Powerup_Haste" "Potenziamento: Velocità"
N/A22230"[english]TF_Powerup_Haste" "Powerup: Haste"
N/A22231"TF_Powerup_Haste_Desc" "Aumenta la velocità di fuoco, di ricarica, le dimensioni dei caricatori delle armi e la quantità massima di munizioni trasportabili\nAumenta la velocità di movimento"
N/A22232"[english]TF_Powerup_Haste_Desc" "Increased fire rate, reload rate, clip size and max ammo count\nIncreased movement speed"
N/A22233"TF_Powerup_Regen" "Potenziamento: Rigenerazione"
N/A22234"[english]TF_Powerup_Regen" "Powerup: Regen"
N/A22235"TF_Powerup_Regen_Desc" "La salute, le munizioni e il metallo si rigenerano"
N/A22236"[english]TF_Powerup_Regen_Desc" "Health, ammo and metal regenerate"
N/A22237"TF_Powerup_Resist" "Potenziamento: Resistenza"
N/A22238"[english]TF_Powerup_Resist" "Powerup: Resist"
N/A22239"TF_Powerup_Resist_Desc" "Riduce i danni subiti\nDona immunità al moltiplicatore dei danni critici"
N/A22240"[english]TF_Powerup_Resist_Desc" "Incoming damage reduced\nImmune to critical damage multiplier"
N/A22241"TF_Powerup_Vampire" "Potenziamento: Vampiro"
N/A22242"[english]TF_Powerup_Vampire" "Powerup: Vampire"
N/A22243"TF_Powerup_Vampire_Desc" "I danni che infliggi rigenerano la salute\nRiduce i danni subiti\nAumenta la salute massima"
N/A22244"[english]TF_Powerup_Vampire_Desc" "Damage dealt returned as health\nIncoming damage reduced\nIncreased max health"
N/A22245"TF_Powerup_Warlock" "Potenziamento: Stregone"
N/A22246"[english]TF_Powerup_Warlock" "Powerup: Warlock"
N/A22247"TF_Powerup_Warlock_Desc" "I danni subiti vengono riflessi parzialmente a chi ti attacca\nAumenta la salute massima"
N/A22248"[english]TF_Powerup_Warlock_Desc" "Damage received partially reflected back to attacker\nIncreased max health"
N/A22249"TF_Powerup_Precision" "Potenziamento: Precisione"
N/A22250"[english]TF_Powerup_Precision" "Powerup: Precision"
N/A22251"TF_Powerup_Precision_Desc" "Riduce il raggio di diffusione dei colpi\nDona immunità alla riduzione dei danni in base alla distanza\nAumenta la velocità di razzi e granate"
N/A22252"[english]TF_Powerup_Precision_Desc" "Reduced bullet spread\nDistance damage falloff immunity\nIncreased rocket and grenade velocity"
N/A22253"TF_Powerup_Agility" "Potenziamento: Agilità"
N/A22254"[english]TF_Powerup_Agility" "Powerup: Agility"
N/A22255"TF_Powerup_Agility_Desc" "Aumenta la velocità di movimento\nAumenta la velocità del rampino\nAumenta l'altezza di salto\nPassare a un'altra arma è istantaneo"
N/A22256"[english]TF_Powerup_Agility_Desc" "Increased movement speed\nGrapple speed increased\nJump height increased\nInstant weapon switch"
N/A22257"ctf_foundry_description" "Obiettivo:
N/A22258Ruba la valigetta dei segreti nemica e portala nella tua base per fare ottenere un punto alla tua squadra.
N/A22261I giocatori che stanno trasportando la valigetta la lasceranno cadere alla morte. La valigetta caduta torna alla propria base dopo 60 secondi."
N/A22262"[english]ctf_foundry_description" "Objective:
N/A22263To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base.
N/A22265Other Notes:
N/A22266Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds."
N/A22267"ctf_gorge_description" "Obiettivo:
N/A22268Ruba la valigetta dei segreti nemica e portala nella tua base per fare ottenere un punto alla tua squadra.
N/A22271I giocatori che stanno trasportando la valigetta la lasceranno cadere alla morte. La valigetta caduta torna alla propria base dopo 60 secondi."
N/A22272"[english]ctf_gorge_description" "Objective:
N/A22273To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base.
N/A22275Other Notes:
N/A22276Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds."
N/A22277"ctf_foundry_beta" "Obiettivo:
N/A22278Ruba la valigetta dei segreti nemica e portala nella tua base per fare ottenere un punto alla tua squadra. Toccare la valigetta della tua squadra lasciata da un nemico la farà ritornare subito in base.
N/A22281Puoi raccogliere i potenziamenti, che forniscono vari bonus. Puoi trasportare un potenziamento alla volta e lascerai quello che stai trasportando alla morte. Il rampino è abilitato: usarlo ti permette di volare per la mappa."
N/A22282"[english]ctf_foundry_beta" "Objective:
N/A22283To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team.
N/A22285Other Notes:
N/A22286Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
N/A22287"ctf_gorge_beta" "Obiettivo:
N/A22288Ruba la valigetta dei segreti nemica e portala nella tua base per fare ottenere un punto alla tua squadra. Toccare la valigetta della tua squadra lasciata da un nemico la farà ritornare subito in base.
N/A22291Puoi raccogliere i potenziamenti, che forniscono vari bonus. Puoi trasportare un potenziamento alla volta e lascerai quello che stai trasportando alla morte. Il rampino è abilitato: usarlo ti permette di volare per la mappa."
N/A22292"[english]ctf_gorge_beta" "Objective:
N/A22293To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team.
N/A22295Other Notes:
N/A22296Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
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![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.48 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.48 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.45 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.44 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:05, 15 December 2023 | (1.45 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
23:54, 27 July 2023 | (1.39 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
01:27, 15 December 2022 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch. | |
02:57, 8 December 2022 | (1.33 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 7, 2022 Patch. |
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