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(better be all of the maps)
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*Middle pond features various bird and cricket chirps and mooing cows.  
*The middle pond features various bird and cricket chirps and mooing cows.  
*Atop the exit door of the red team spawn, there is a bovine skull with one antler partially broken off on a mount.  
*Atop the exit door of the red team spawn, there is a bovine skull with one antler partially broken off on a mount.  
*Both sides feature a small area away from the middle that is open to the sky. Adjacent to this area on red team's side, there are 2 cutouts of cows.  
*Both sides feature a small area away from the middle that is open to the sky. Adjacent to this area on red team's side, there are 2 cutouts of cows.  
===2Fort Invasion===
===[[2Fort Invasion]]===
*The Invasion update version of the map does not have bird or cow noises. Cricket noises are present, but less audible.  
*The [[Invasion update]] version of the map does not have bird or cow noises. Cricket noises are present, but less audible.  
*Inside the blue base there are posters that state "know your enemy" along with sketches of cyclops aliens with tentacles. The aliens are surrounded by a ring-shaped device that assumedly lets them move in mid-air.  
*Inside the blue base there are posters that state "know your enemy" along with sketches of cyclops aliens with tentacles. The aliens are surrounded by a ring-shaped device that assumedly lets them move in mid-air.  
*In an elevated room adjacent to the room that holds blue's intelligence, there is part of a large tentacle on an operating table.  
*In an elevated room adjacent to the room that holds blue's intelligence, there is part of a large tentacle on an operating table.  
*In another room adjacent to the room that holds blue's intelligence, a poster of a Labrador Retriever says "a safe lab is a safe employee."  
*In another room adjacent to the room that holds blue's intelligence, a poster of a Labrador Retriever says "a safe lab is a safe employee."  
*Inside the red base there are posters advertising a dog food brand. The poster shows a dog, a food bowl, and a box of the food, which shows the exact same advertisement as the poster, but without another box.  
*Inside the red base there are posters advertising a dog food brand. The posters show a dog, a food bowl, and a box of the food, which shows the exact same advertisement as the posters, but without another box.  
*In the underground part of the blue base, Sally the Safety Snake gives questionable advice on what to do in case of an emergency.  
*In the underground part of the blue base, Sally the Safety Snake gives questionable advice on what to do in case of an emergency.  
*A drawing depicts the mercenaries fighting aliens. These aliens look relatively similar to the "know your enemy" posters, but are in full body suits.  
*In blue team's spawn room, a drawing depicts the mercenaries fighting aliens. These aliens look relatively similar to the "know your enemy" posters, but are in full body suits.  
*Occasionally, dogs can be heard outside.  
*Occasionally, dogs can be heard outside.  
*Rarely, an owl will hoot or crows or a seagull will chirp.  
*Rarely, an owl will hoot or crows or a seagull will chirp.  
===[[Badwater Basin]]===
*Seagulls chirp relatively frequently.
*Occasionally, dogs can be heard outside.
*Dog barks and owl hoots can be heard, but are seldom.  
*Dog barks and owl hoots can be heard, but are seldom.  
*A sign at the bottom of the stairwell near point B reads "rodent control station" with a rack below it holding a shovel and rake.  
*A sign at the bottom of the stairwell near point B reads "rodent control station" with a rack below it holding a shovel and rake.  
*A sign above a hill near point C advertises fresh chicken eggs.  
*A sign above a hill near point C advertises fresh chicken eggs.  
*Crows frequently caw.
*Dogs sometimes bark.
*Various types of birds including seagulls chirp very frequently, sometimes at the same moment.
*In a room adjacent to the RED spawn, a flyer on a board tells mercenaries to sign up for Friday gorilla wrestling. [[Saxton Hale]] is the only signer, and with a stamp.
*Various birds and squirrels occasionally chirp.
===[[Cactus Canyon]]===
*Frequent dog and owl noises.  
*Frequent dog and owl noises.  
*Crows frequently caw.
*Dogs and seagulls sometimes bark and chirp.
*In the destroyed cabin in the center of the map, a deer mount hangs on one wall. Its plaque is blank.  
*In the destroyed cabin in the center of the map, a deer mount hangs on one wall. Its plaque is blank.  
*In the left RED spawn, 3 horseshoes are nailed to one wall.
*A Friday gorilla wrestling flyer identical to the one on Byre appears in a room behind the BLU spawn. Another is inside the RED spawn.
*In the room behind the RED spawn, a projector shows a newspaper with news of the monkey launch on the front page.
*Occasionally, Owls hoot, dogs bark, and birds chirp.
*Above the RED spawn exit there is a bovine skull identical to the one in 2fort.
*Near the RED spawn a weather-vane identical to the one in Lumberyard features a rooster on top.
===[[Carnival of Carnage|Doomsday event]]===
*All animal noises are absent except for crows.
*Constant cricket chirping. Occasional dogs and owls.  
*Constant cricket chirping. Occasional dogs and owls.  
*Constant crickets. Occasional owls, dogs, and crows.  
*Constant crickets. Occasional owls, dogs, and crows.  
*Atop a doorway near the final control point in stage 1, a bovine skull identical to the one in 2fort is present.  
*Atop a doorway near the final control point in stage 1, a bovine skull identical to the one in 2fort is present.  
*A "rodent control station" poster identical to the one on Barnblitz appears inside the 3-room building in stage 2. Below it is a mouse hole.
*A "rodent control station" poster identical to the one on Barnblitz appears inside the 3-room building in stage 2. Below it is a mouse hole.
*Most doors, and some other places, depict hieroglyphics, some of which are birds and snakes.  
*Most doors, and some other places, depict hieroglyphics, some of which are birds and snakes.  
*A bird may rarely chirp.  
*A bird may rarely chirp.  
*A chicken egg poster identical to the one on Barnblitz (but smaller) is on an elevated platform near the middle control point on blue team's side.
===[[Ghost Town|Ghost Town (Coaltown Event)]]===
*Gargoyle statues stand on either side of the upgrade stations.
*No dogs or seagulls are present.
*Occasional dog, owl, seagull, and rarely other bird noises.  
*Occasional dog, owl, seagull, and rarely other bird noises.  
*A bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort rest on a wall directly across blue team's first spawn point.  
*A bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort rests on a wall directly across blue team's first spawn point.  
*Constant bird and squirrel noises outside.  
*Constant bird and squirrel noises outside.  
===Gorge Event===
===[[Gorge Event]]===
*Birds and squirrels are replaced with owls and crows.  
*Birds and squirrels are replaced with owls and crows.  
*Bird chirping is common, but seems to be more common on red team's side of the map.  
*Bird chirping is common, but seems to be more common on red team's side of the map.  
*Moderate bird chirping
*Moderate bird chirping
*A chicken egg poster identical to the one on Barnblitz (but smaller) is on an elevated platform near the middle control point on blue team's side.  
*Birds and squirrels chirp quietly but constantly.
===[[Harvest Event]]===
*the event map seems perfectly consistent with the original by sounds.
*Rarely, owls or crows make sounds.
*A bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort is mounted on a building near where the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] spawns.
*A poster near the lava pit warns of crocodiles and gorillas and advises wearing a face mask.
*Birds and squirrels chirp quietly but constantly.  
*Occasional dog barking and owl hoots.  
*Occasional dog barking and owl hoots.  
*Red team's spawn features a bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort above the exit.  
*Red team's spawn features a bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort above the exit.  
===Hightower Event===
===[[Helltower|Hightower Event]]===
*Owls and crows can be heard occasionally
*Owls and crows can be heard occasionally
*A "rodent control station" poster identical to the one on Barnblitz is near RED's spawn in stage one at the top of a tunnel. Below it is a mouse hole.
===[[Kong King]]===
*A high pitched dog bark can sometimes be heard through the sounds of the city.
*A sign reads "Fish and Chips".
*Near the shore of the lake, there are wooden cutouts of crocodiles.  
*Near the shore of the lake, there are wooden cutouts of crocodiles.  
*Lakeside has many of the same hieroglyphics as Egypt, including birds and snakes.  
*Lakeside has many of the same hieroglyphics as Egypt, including birds and snakes.  
===Lakeside Event===
===[[Ghost Fort|Lakeside Event]]===
*The event version features no crocodiles.  
*The event version features no crocodiles.  
*A crow or owl can sometimes be heard.  
*A crow or owl can sometimes be heard.  
*Most hieroglyphics are gone.
*Most hieroglyphics are gone.
*Frequent bird and seagull noises.
*Frequent bird and seagull noises. Occasionally a squirrel chirps.  
*Frequent bird and seagull noises. Occasionally a squirrel chirps.  
*At the top of one building in the middle, a weather-vane has a rooster on it.  
*At the top of one building in the middle, a weather-vane has a rooster on it.  
*Rarely, a distinct bird sings.
*A billboard advertises a $50 reward for finding a missing gorilla.
*Occasional crows cawing.  
*Occasional crows cawing.  
===[[Moonshine Event]]===
*A sign near the control point advertises a restaurant selling crawdads.
*In the water below the control point, a bloody crocodile cutout will instantly kill any player who approaches it. More cutout crocodiles are placed on land outside the playspace.
*On the top floor of the Bayou Shipping House there is a spider next to a telephone.
*A frog may ribbit. Owls and crows hoot and caw sometimes.
===[[Mann Manor]]===
*Gargoyle statues stand at the entrances to a graveyard next to the mansion.
*There are nine rubber duckies hidden throughout the map.
*A frog is hidden behind the slightly open doors to the right of the mansion fireplace.
*2 spiders are hidden in the map, one on top of the fireplace, the other near the roof of the building on point B.
*Crows and owls occasionally make noises.
*Occasional bird chirps and dog barks.  
*Occasional bird chirps and dog barks.  
*2 chicken egg posters identical to the one on Foundry are seen in the back wall of red team's spawn room and the outer side of the room red team's cart is in during setup phase.  
*2 chicken egg posters identical to the one on Foundry are seen in the back wall of red team's spawn room and the outer side of the room red team's cart is in during setup phase.  
*Very rarely and very faintly, a seagull may be heard.  
*Very rarely and very faintly, a seagull may be heard.  
*Constant cricket chirping and occasional dog barking and owl hooting.
*In the wood house, a bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort hides above the entrance to the middle building.
*Seagulls and birds chirp frequently.
*Constant cricket chirping and occasional dog barking and owl hooting.  
*An inaccessible room at the top of the silo contains a [[Spycrab]] on the fireplace.
*Alien UFOs will sometimes fly around out of bounds and abduct wooden cows that were first seen on 2Fort. Other wooden cows are stationary in inaccessible areas.
*Occasional dog, owl, hawk, warbler, and crow sounds.  
*Occasional dog, owl, hawk, warbler, and crow sounds.  
*A chicken egg poster identical to the one on Foundry appears on a wall directly across from red team's spawn room.  
*A chicken egg poster identical to the one on Foundry appears on a wall directly across from red team's spawn room.  
*Dog, crow, owl, and dove sounds.  
*Dog, crow, owl, and dove sounds.  
*A pharmacy sign advertises baboon hearts.  
*A pharmacy sign advertises baboon hearts.  
*In BLU's spawnrooms, large amounts of rubber duckies occupy the locker space and the floor near it.
*In both stages, some pigeons flying with a bomb can be seen above the trees in the skybox next to the cliff.
* In the resupply room at BLU spawn, there is a colored drawing by the [[Pyro]] on the wall. The drawing is of the Pyro wearing the [[Wartime Warmth]] with a kitten.
*In stage 1, a cardboard cutout of a yeti can be seen next to a cliff.
*Constant and faint cricket chirping and occasional owl or crow noises.
*Frequent bird chirping.
===[[Thunder Mountain]]===
*Hawk, warbler, crow and other bird sounds.  
*Hawk, warbler, crow and other bird sounds.  
*Occasional owl hooting.  
*Occasional owl hooting.  
===[[Eyeaduct|Viaduct Event]]===
*Billboards near both goals advertise a $50 reward for those who find a missing gorilla.
*Owl hooting is somewhat less frequent than normal Viaduct.
*Gorilla billboards identical to the one from Mannhattan are high up near both goals.
*Seagulls and other bird chirping is commonly heard outside.
*Birds and dogs frequently make noises.
*The [[Horrific Head of Hare]] replaces the Scout's head with that of a white hare, with ears that [[jiggle bones|move]] with the Scout.
*The [[Hound's Hood]] is a large Boston terrier costume head.
*The [[Sprinting Cephalopod]] is a pair of [[jiggle bones|floppy]] team-colored octopus tentacles that replace the Scout's default shoes. Equipping this item replaces the footstep sound for the Scout with a wet squish sound.
*The following three make up the [[Isolationist Pack]].
**The [[Alien Cranium]] appears as a head of a [[w:Alien (creature in Alien franchise)|Xenomorph]], the main enemies in ''[[Alien: Isolation]]''.
**The [[Biomech Backpack]] appears as the tail and back pipes of a Xenomorph.
**The [[Xeno Suit]] appears as the legs and arms of a Xenomorph.
*The following three make up the [[Deep-Fried Dummy]] set.
**The [[Fowl Fists]] give the Scout a pair of feathery sleeves with floppy team-colored crests, taken from a chicken costume along with a pair of gloves.
**The [[Nugget Noggin]] gives the Scout the headpiece from a white chicken costume, with a team-colored crest on its head, and area around its eyes. The crest and eyes move around as the player does.
**The [[Talon Trotters]] give the Scout yellow chicken legs, which end at the knees with some white feathers at the top.
*The [[Larval Lid]] is an oversized maggot sticking out of the Soldier's head and helmet that [[jiggle bones|wobbles]] with movement. Equipping it enables [[Soldier responses#With Larval Lid equipped|additional voice responses]].
*The [[Compatriot]] is a community-created cosmetic item for the Soldier. It is a [[w:bald eagle|bald eagle]] that sits upon the Soldier's left shoulder, and moves about with the Soldier.
*The [[Freedom Feathers]] replaces the Soldier's head with that of a bald eagle, similar to the Compatriot. Equipping it [[Soldier responses#Item-related responses|enables additional voice lines]].
*The [[Triboniophorus Tyrannus]] is a green, gelatinous slug with beady black eyes, placed off-center atop the Pyro's gas mask-burnished head.
*The [[Pyromancer's Mask]] is a community-created cosmetic item for the Pyro. It is a cracked skull (presumably of a dragon) missing its jawbone and the right horn, covering the front of the Pyro's gas mask.
*The [[Birdcage]] is a community-created cosmetic item for the Pyro; it's a brass birdcage that fits around the Pyro's head and holds a small, team-colored bird sitting on its perch inside that [[jiggle bones|swings about]].
*The [[Bolted Birdcage]] is a robotized version of the Birdcage, complete with a team-colored metallic bird on the perch.
*The [[Carrion Companion]] is a community-created cosmetic item for the Pyro. It is a small, team-colored skeleton of a baby bird with glowing eyes. It sits upon the Pyro's shoulder, and wobbles with movement.
*The [[Bird-Man of Aberdeen]] is a large green and yellow [[w:macaw|macaw]] that sits on the Demoman's shoulder and [[jigglebones|wobbles]] around under movement.
*The [[Mann-Bird of Aberdeen]] is a community-created cosmetic item for the Demoman. It replaces the Demoman's head with that of a team-colored Bird-Man of Aberdeen, but with Demoman's eyepatch.
*The [[Polly Putrid]] is an undead version of the Bird-Man of Aberdeen with [[Self-illumination|glowing]] yellow eyes.
*The [[Parasight]] replaces the Demoman's eye patch with a starfish-like creature with one [[jiggle bones|loose]] eye.
*The [[Red Army Robin]] is a team-colored [[Wikipedia:European Robin|European Robin]] that sits down on the Heavy's shoulders.
*The [[Chicken Kiev]] replaces the Heavy's head with that of a team-colored [[Red Army Robin]]. Equipping it [[Heavy responses#Item-related responses|enables additional voice lines]].
*The [[Sucker Slug]] is an alien slug-like life form, that has attached itself to Heavy's head. Its eye and antennae [[jiggle bones|wobble]] as the player moves.
*The [[Pocket Purrer]] is a small tuxedo cat that rests in the Engineer's ammo pouch.
*The [[Ein]] is a tiny, team-colored [[Wikipedia:Yellow_Canary|canary]] perched on the Engineer's left shoulder, wearing a pair of goggles similar to the ones worn by the Engineer himself.
*[[Clubsy The Seal]] is a small, white baby seal that rides around in the Engineer's pocket.
*[[Archimedes]] is the Medic's pet white dove splattered in blood, as seen in ''[[Meet the Medic]]'', sitting on the Medic's shoulder, and [[jiggle bones|moves]] around when he walks. The [[BLU]] version of Archimedes does not have blood splattered on his body. His eyes and beak are connected with Medic's facial animations, allowing him to mimic the Medic's expressions.
*[[Mecha-Medes]] is a robotized version of Archimedes, complete with team-colored eyes, and wobbles when the Medic moves. The blood splatters on the normal Archimedes are also replaced with oil stains.
*[[Archimedes the Undying]] is the Medic's pet dove, Archimedes, but "zombified", with rotting flesh, exposed bones and [[Self-illumination|glowing eyes]]. Like Archimedes, it is sitting on the Medic's shoulder, and moves around when he walks. Equipping this item [[Medic Responses#With Archimedes the Undying equipped|alters the Medic's voice responses]].
*The [[Medimedes]] replaces Medic's head with the one of a team-colored Archimedes. Equipping this item [[Medic Responses#With Medimedes equipped|alters the Medic's voice responses]]. The eyes and beak are connected to the Medic's face, allowing it to mimic his facial animations.
*The [[Hundkopf]] replaces the Medic's head with one of a white-furred canine.
*[[Ol' Snaggletooth]], often shortened to just Snaggle, is the top half of a crocodile's head, with a loose elastic band attached around the Sniper's jaw.
*The [[Cobber Chameleon]] is a light green chameleon on the Sniper's left shoulder that [[jiggle bones|looks]] around as the Sniper moves.
*The [[Carious Chameleon]] is an undead Cobber Chameleon with rotting flesh, bones exposed on the face, upper head, legs and tail, and [[Self-illumination|glowing]] yellow eyes.
*[[Li'l Snaggletooth]] is a small crocodile resting in the Sniper's ammo pouch, whose head bobs around when the player moves.
*The [[Sir Shootsalot]] replaces Sniper's head with that of an owl, similar to [[Sir Hootsalot]]. Equipping it adds additional [[Sniper responses]]. The eyes and beak are connected to the Sniper's face, allowing it to mimic his facial animations.
*The [[Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou]] appears as the head of a caribou with a glowing team-colored nose, placed on the Sniper's head.
*The [[Smissmas Caribou]] is a Reindeer [[Wikipedia:fur|pelt]] worn on top of the Sniper's head.
*The following three make up the [[Manngaroo]] set.
**The [[Kanga Kickers]] replace the Sniper's regular shoes with kangaroo feet and adds a kangaroo tail to the back of his pants.
**The [[Roo Rippers]] replace Sniper's normal hands with furry Kangaroo paws.
**The [[Marsupial Muzzle]] replaces the Sniper's head with that of a Kangaroo, but with the Sniper's default sunglasses.
*The [[Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride]] gives the Sniper an ostrich-shaped pair of pants with false legs making it appear as if he were riding it. The head and the tail of the ostrich move around as the Sniper does.
*The [[Spycrab]] adds a crab which sits on the Spy's left shoulder. The crab has a cigarette and a team-colored balaclava, similar to the Spy's, though the balaclava goes over the crab's legs and pincers, which grow out of the top of the head.
*The [[Graylien]] replaces the visible portion of the Spy's face with that of a stereotypical [[Wikipedia:Grey alien|grey alien]].
===Multi Class===
*The [[Baphomet Trotters]] are a pair of goat legs that replace the wearer's normal ones, resembling a mythological faun or satyr.
**Wearable on [[Demoman]] and [[Scout]].
**This item cannot be worn with the [[Ali Baba's Wee Booties]] or [[Bootlegger]], as they occupy the same [[equip region]].
*The [[K-9 Mane]] appears as a team-colored wolf head draped on the player's head.
**Wearable on [[Demoman]] and [[Heavy]].
**When worn by the [[Demoman]], the K-9 Mane will have a scarred left eye.
*The [[Deadliest Duckling]] appears as a rubber duck with a black trilby, a matching suit, and a tie.
**Wearable on [[Soldier]], [[Pyro]], [[Demoman]], [[Engineer]], and [[Sniper]].
**The Duckling either sits in the pockets of the Sniper and Engineer, or replaces the Pyro, Demoman and Soldier's grenades.
*The [[Hillbilly Speed-Bump]] is an armadillo that fits in the wearer's pocket.
**Wearable by [[Engineer]] and [[Sniper]].
The rest of the cosmetics below are wearable by every class.
*[[Max's Severed Head]] is the eponymous Max's head with his jaw removed, giving the appearance of him biting on the wearer's head. The ears [[jiggle bones|swing]] when in motion.
*The [[Alien Swarm Parasite]] is a stylized version of an enemy parasite from the game ''[[Alien Swarm]]''. The creature attaches to each class's head differently, and sports a limp tail.
*The [[Seal Mask]] is a paper mask depicting a seal's face with crudely taped-on whiskers.
**When worn by the [[Demoman]], the seal's left eye is taped out.
*The [[Balloonicorn]] is an inflatable, team-colored unicorn that floats behind the player.
**This item may only be seen in-game by users who are in [[Pyroland]].
*The [[Whale Bone Charm]] is a mystical trinket fashioned out of whale bone styled after the [http://dishonored.wikia.com/wiki/Bone_Charms whalebone charms] found in ''Dishonored''.
*The [[Reindoonicorn]] is an inflatable reindeer-unicorn that floats behind the player.
**This item may only be seen in-game by users who are in [[Pyroland]].
*The [[Guano]] is a black bat that flies behind the player, who moves about as the player does.
*The [[Quoth]] appears as a black raven that flies over the player, moving about with them.
*[[Horace]] is a brown plush bear's head that covers the top of the head when equipped.
**When worn by the [[Demoman]], it will have a missing button, marked by an "X", for the left eye of the plush.
*The [[Dadliest Catch]] resembles the head of Octodad from the game ''[[Octodad: Dadliest Catch]]''. The back of the head flops around as the player moves.
*The [[Catastrophic Companions]] are a group of small striped kittens that closely resemble [[w:Tabby cat|Tabby cats]].
**The number of kittens and their positions vary by class.
*The [[Space Hamster Hammy]] is a beige and white hamster wearing a small team-colored space suit that floats behind the player's shoulder.
*The [[Grim Tweeter]] is a black bird, possibly a raven, wearing a stitched cloak and a skull-like mask and holding a scythe, features which make it look like the Grim Reaper.
*The [[Duck Billed Hatypus]] is a cap modeled after a duck.
*The [[Prehistoric Pullover]] is a team-colored hood that resembles a dinosaur with 3 horns atop of the head, white teeth along the brim of the hood, and a loose googly eye on both sides of the hood.
*The [[Mutated Milk]] is a [[secondary weapon]] for the [[Scout]]. It is a jar of "milk" with a mutated bread monster inside.
**This weapon functions identically in gameplay to the [[Mad Milk]].
*The [[Holy Mackerel]] is a [[melee weapon]] for the Scout. It is a fish, presumably a mackerel, wrapped in faded newspaper and tied with a rubber band. The end of the newspaper is shaped for easy handling.
**The Holy Mackerel is identical to the default [[Bat]].
*The [[Fishcake]] is a [[secondary weapon]] for the [[Heavy]]. It is a thick, breaded fishcake in a team-colored wrapper.
**This weapon functions identically to the [[Dalokohs Bar]].
*The [[Bread Bite]] is a [[melee weapon]] for the [[Heavy]]. It is a small [[bread monster]] from the short film [[Expiration Date]] torn in half and worn as boxing gloves.
*The [[Self-Aware Beauty Mark]] is a [[secondary weapon]] for the [[Sniper]]. It is a sealed jar containing translucent green fluid which sloshes inside the container as the player moves. There is a [[bread monster]] suspended inside it. A label on the jar reads "SPECIMEN; DO NOT OPEN" with the serial number of #384. The bread monster struggles and squirms inside the jar while growling.
**This weapon functions identically to the [[Jarate]].
*The [[Quäckenbirdt]] is a promotional [[secondary PDA ]]weapon for the [[Spy]]. It is a silver and golden plated watch with a blue, monochrome screen containing an image of a pixelated duck.
**This weapon functions identically to the [[Invis Watch]].
*The [[Snack Attack]] is a [[Weapons#spybuilding|building weapon]] for the [[Spy]] introduced in the [[Love & War Update]]. It resembles a broken Sapper with several rods suspending a bread monster in the center, which snaps at the player when the item is active.
**The Snack Attack functions identically to the [[Sapper]].
*The [[Freedom Staff]] is a [[melee weapon]] usable by all classes except [[Engineer]] and [[Spy]]. It is an [[w:Aquila (Roman)|aquila]] with a splintered end. Topping the staff is a golden depiction of an eagle.

Latest revision as of 03:59, 20 February 2016



  • The middle pond features various bird and cricket chirps and mooing cows.
  • Atop the exit door of the red team spawn, there is a bovine skull with one antler partially broken off on a mount.
  • Both sides feature a small area away from the middle that is open to the sky. Adjacent to this area on red team's side, there are 2 cutouts of cows.

2Fort Invasion

  • The Invasion update version of the map does not have bird or cow noises. Cricket noises are present, but less audible.
  • Inside the blue base there are posters that state "know your enemy" along with sketches of cyclops aliens with tentacles. The aliens are surrounded by a ring-shaped device that assumedly lets them move in mid-air.
  • In an elevated room adjacent to the room that holds blue's intelligence, there is part of a large tentacle on an operating table.
  • In another room adjacent to the room that holds blue's intelligence, a poster of a Labrador Retriever says "a safe lab is a safe employee."
  • Inside the red base there are posters advertising a dog food brand. The posters show a dog, a food bowl, and a box of the food, which shows the exact same advertisement as the posters, but without another box.
  • In the underground part of the blue base, Sally the Safety Snake gives questionable advice on what to do in case of an emergency.
  • In blue team's spawn room, a drawing depicts the mercenaries fighting aliens. These aliens look relatively similar to the "know your enemy" posters, but are in full body suits.


  • Occasionally, dogs can be heard outside.
  • Rarely, an owl will hoot or crows or a seagull will chirp.

Badwater Basin

  • Seagulls chirp relatively frequently.
  • Occasionally, dogs can be heard outside.


  • Dog barks and owl hoots can be heard, but are seldom.
  • A sign at the bottom of the stairwell near point B reads "rodent control station" with a rack below it holding a shovel and rake.
  • A sign above a hill near point C advertises fresh chicken eggs.


  • Crows frequently caw.
  • Dogs sometimes bark.


  • Various types of birds including seagulls chirp very frequently, sometimes at the same moment.


  • In a room adjacent to the RED spawn, a flyer on a board tells mercenaries to sign up for Friday gorilla wrestling. Saxton Hale is the only signer, and with a stamp.
  • Various birds and squirrels occasionally chirp.

Cactus Canyon

  • Frequent dog and owl noises.


  • Crows frequently caw.
  • Dogs and seagulls sometimes bark and chirp.


  • In the destroyed cabin in the center of the map, a deer mount hangs on one wall. Its plaque is blank.


  • In the left RED spawn, 3 horseshoes are nailed to one wall.


  • A Friday gorilla wrestling flyer identical to the one on Byre appears in a room behind the BLU spawn. Another is inside the RED spawn.
  • In the room behind the RED spawn, a projector shows a newspaper with news of the monkey launch on the front page.
  • Occasionally, Owls hoot, dogs bark, and birds chirp.
  • Above the RED spawn exit there is a bovine skull identical to the one in 2fort.
  • Near the RED spawn a weather-vane identical to the one in Lumberyard features a rooster on top.

Doomsday event

  • All animal noises are absent except for crows.


  • Constant cricket chirping. Occasional dogs and owls.


  • Constant crickets. Occasional owls, dogs, and crows.
  • Atop a doorway near the final control point in stage 1, a bovine skull identical to the one in 2fort is present.
  • A "rodent control station" poster identical to the one on Barnblitz appears inside the 3-room building in stage 2. Below it is a mouse hole.


  • Most doors, and some other places, depict hieroglyphics, some of which are birds and snakes.
  • A bird may rarely chirp.


  • A chicken egg poster identical to the one on Barnblitz (but smaller) is on an elevated platform near the middle control point on blue team's side.

Ghost Town (Coaltown Event)

  • Gargoyle statues stand on either side of the upgrade stations.
  • No dogs or seagulls are present.


  • Occasional dog, owl, seagull, and rarely other bird noises.
  • A bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort rests on a wall directly across blue team's first spawn point.


  • Constant bird and squirrel noises outside.

Gorge Event

  • Birds and squirrels are replaced with owls and crows.


  • Bird chirping is common, but seems to be more common on red team's side of the map.


  • Moderate bird chirping


  • Birds and squirrels chirp quietly but constantly.

Harvest Event

  • the event map seems perfectly consistent with the original by sounds.


  • Rarely, owls or crows make sounds.
  • A bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort is mounted on a building near where the Horseless Headless Horsemann spawns.
  • A poster near the lava pit warns of crocodiles and gorillas and advises wearing a face mask.


  • Birds and squirrels chirp quietly but constantly.


  • Occasional dog barking and owl hoots.
  • Red team's spawn features a bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort above the exit.

Hightower Event

  • Owls and crows can be heard occasionally


  • A "rodent control station" poster identical to the one on Barnblitz is near RED's spawn in stage one at the top of a tunnel. Below it is a mouse hole.

Kong King

  • A high pitched dog bark can sometimes be heard through the sounds of the city.
  • A sign reads "Fish and Chips".


  • Near the shore of the lake, there are wooden cutouts of crocodiles.
  • Lakeside has many of the same hieroglyphics as Egypt, including birds and snakes.

Lakeside Event

  • The event version features no crocodiles.
  • A crow or owl can sometimes be heard.
  • Most hieroglyphics are gone.


  • Frequent bird and seagull noises.


  • Frequent bird and seagull noises. Occasionally a squirrel chirps.
  • At the top of one building in the middle, a weather-vane has a rooster on it.


  • Rarely, a distinct bird sings.
  • A billboard advertises a $50 reward for finding a missing gorilla.


  • Occasional crows cawing.

Moonshine Event

  • A sign near the control point advertises a restaurant selling crawdads.
  • In the water below the control point, a bloody crocodile cutout will instantly kill any player who approaches it. More cutout crocodiles are placed on land outside the playspace.
  • On the top floor of the Bayou Shipping House there is a spider next to a telephone.
  • A frog may ribbit. Owls and crows hoot and caw sometimes.

Mann Manor

  • Gargoyle statues stand at the entrances to a graveyard next to the mansion.
  • There are nine rubber duckies hidden throughout the map.
  • A frog is hidden behind the slightly open doors to the right of the mansion fireplace.
  • 2 spiders are hidden in the map, one on top of the fireplace, the other near the roof of the building on point B.
  • Crows and owls occasionally make noises.


  • Occasional bird chirps and dog barks.


  • 2 chicken egg posters identical to the one on Foundry are seen in the back wall of red team's spawn room and the outer side of the room red team's cart is in during setup phase.


  • Very rarely and very faintly, a seagull may be heard.


  • In the wood house, a bovine skull identical to the one on 2Fort hides above the entrance to the middle building.
  • Seagulls and birds chirp frequently.


  • Constant cricket chirping and occasional dog barking and owl hooting.


  • An inaccessible room at the top of the silo contains a Spycrab on the fireplace.
  • Alien UFOs will sometimes fly around out of bounds and abduct wooden cows that were first seen on 2Fort. Other wooden cows are stationary in inaccessible areas.


  • Occasional dog, owl, hawk, warbler, and crow sounds.
  • A chicken egg poster identical to the one on Foundry appears on a wall directly across from red team's spawn room.


  • Dog, crow, owl, and dove sounds.
  • A pharmacy sign advertises baboon hearts.


  • In BLU's spawnrooms, large amounts of rubber duckies occupy the locker space and the floor near it.
  • In both stages, some pigeons flying with a bomb can be seen above the trees in the skybox next to the cliff.
  • In the resupply room at BLU spawn, there is a colored drawing by the Pyro on the wall. The drawing is of the Pyro wearing the Wartime Warmth with a kitten.
  • In stage 1, a cardboard cutout of a yeti can be seen next to a cliff.


  • Constant and faint cricket chirping and occasional owl or crow noises.


  • Frequent bird chirping.

Thunder Mountain

  • Hawk, warbler, crow and other bird sounds.


  • Occasional owl hooting.

Viaduct Event

  • Owl hooting is somewhat less frequent than normal Viaduct.


  • Gorilla billboards identical to the one from Mannhattan are high up near both goals.


  • Seagulls and other bird chirping is commonly heard outside.


  • Birds and dogs frequently make noises.



  • The Horrific Head of Hare replaces the Scout's head with that of a white hare, with ears that move with the Scout.
  • The Hound's Hood is a large Boston terrier costume head.
  • The Sprinting Cephalopod is a pair of floppy team-colored octopus tentacles that replace the Scout's default shoes. Equipping this item replaces the footstep sound for the Scout with a wet squish sound.
  • The following three make up the Isolationist Pack.
  • The following three make up the Deep-Fried Dummy set.
    • The Fowl Fists give the Scout a pair of feathery sleeves with floppy team-colored crests, taken from a chicken costume along with a pair of gloves.
    • The Nugget Noggin gives the Scout the headpiece from a white chicken costume, with a team-colored crest on its head, and area around its eyes. The crest and eyes move around as the player does.
    • The Talon Trotters give the Scout yellow chicken legs, which end at the knees with some white feathers at the top.



  • The Triboniophorus Tyrannus is a green, gelatinous slug with beady black eyes, placed off-center atop the Pyro's gas mask-burnished head.
  • The Pyromancer's Mask is a community-created cosmetic item for the Pyro. It is a cracked skull (presumably of a dragon) missing its jawbone and the right horn, covering the front of the Pyro's gas mask.
  • The Birdcage is a community-created cosmetic item for the Pyro; it's a brass birdcage that fits around the Pyro's head and holds a small, team-colored bird sitting on its perch inside that swings about.
  • The Bolted Birdcage is a robotized version of the Birdcage, complete with a team-colored metallic bird on the perch.
  • The Carrion Companion is a community-created cosmetic item for the Pyro. It is a small, team-colored skeleton of a baby bird with glowing eyes. It sits upon the Pyro's shoulder, and wobbles with movement.


  • The Bird-Man of Aberdeen is a large green and yellow macaw that sits on the Demoman's shoulder and wobbles around under movement.
  • The Mann-Bird of Aberdeen is a community-created cosmetic item for the Demoman. It replaces the Demoman's head with that of a team-colored Bird-Man of Aberdeen, but with Demoman's eyepatch.
  • The Polly Putrid is an undead version of the Bird-Man of Aberdeen with glowing yellow eyes.
  • The Parasight replaces the Demoman's eye patch with a starfish-like creature with one loose eye.



  • The Pocket Purrer is a small tuxedo cat that rests in the Engineer's ammo pouch.
  • The Ein is a tiny, team-colored canary perched on the Engineer's left shoulder, wearing a pair of goggles similar to the ones worn by the Engineer himself.
  • Clubsy The Seal is a small, white baby seal that rides around in the Engineer's pocket.


  • Archimedes is the Medic's pet white dove splattered in blood, as seen in Meet the Medic, sitting on the Medic's shoulder, and moves around when he walks. The BLU version of Archimedes does not have blood splattered on his body. His eyes and beak are connected with Medic's facial animations, allowing him to mimic the Medic's expressions.
  • Mecha-Medes is a robotized version of Archimedes, complete with team-colored eyes, and wobbles when the Medic moves. The blood splatters on the normal Archimedes are also replaced with oil stains.
  • Archimedes the Undying is the Medic's pet dove, Archimedes, but "zombified", with rotting flesh, exposed bones and glowing eyes. Like Archimedes, it is sitting on the Medic's shoulder, and moves around when he walks. Equipping this item alters the Medic's voice responses.
  • The Medimedes replaces Medic's head with the one of a team-colored Archimedes. Equipping this item alters the Medic's voice responses. The eyes and beak are connected to the Medic's face, allowing it to mimic his facial animations.
  • The Hundkopf replaces the Medic's head with one of a white-furred canine.


  • Ol' Snaggletooth, often shortened to just Snaggle, is the top half of a crocodile's head, with a loose elastic band attached around the Sniper's jaw.
  • The Cobber Chameleon is a light green chameleon on the Sniper's left shoulder that looks around as the Sniper moves.
  • The Carious Chameleon is an undead Cobber Chameleon with rotting flesh, bones exposed on the face, upper head, legs and tail, and glowing yellow eyes.
  • Li'l Snaggletooth is a small crocodile resting in the Sniper's ammo pouch, whose head bobs around when the player moves.
  • The Sir Shootsalot replaces Sniper's head with that of an owl, similar to Sir Hootsalot. Equipping it adds additional Sniper responses. The eyes and beak are connected to the Sniper's face, allowing it to mimic his facial animations.
  • The Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou appears as the head of a caribou with a glowing team-colored nose, placed on the Sniper's head.
  • The Smissmas Caribou is a Reindeer pelt worn on top of the Sniper's head.
  • The following three make up the Manngaroo set.
    • The Kanga Kickers replace the Sniper's regular shoes with kangaroo feet and adds a kangaroo tail to the back of his pants.
    • The Roo Rippers replace Sniper's normal hands with furry Kangaroo paws.
    • The Marsupial Muzzle replaces the Sniper's head with that of a Kangaroo, but with the Sniper's default sunglasses.
  • The Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride gives the Sniper an ostrich-shaped pair of pants with false legs making it appear as if he were riding it. The head and the tail of the ostrich move around as the Sniper does.


  • The Spycrab adds a crab which sits on the Spy's left shoulder. The crab has a cigarette and a team-colored balaclava, similar to the Spy's, though the balaclava goes over the crab's legs and pincers, which grow out of the top of the head.
  • The Graylien replaces the visible portion of the Spy's face with that of a stereotypical grey alien.

Multi Class

The rest of the cosmetics below are wearable by every class.

  • Max's Severed Head is the eponymous Max's head with his jaw removed, giving the appearance of him biting on the wearer's head. The ears swing when in motion.
  • The Alien Swarm Parasite is a stylized version of an enemy parasite from the game Alien Swarm. The creature attaches to each class's head differently, and sports a limp tail.
  • The Seal Mask is a paper mask depicting a seal's face with crudely taped-on whiskers.
    • When worn by the Demoman, the seal's left eye is taped out.
  • The Balloonicorn is an inflatable, team-colored unicorn that floats behind the player.
    • This item may only be seen in-game by users who are in Pyroland.
  • The Whale Bone Charm is a mystical trinket fashioned out of whale bone styled after the whalebone charms found in Dishonored.
  • The Reindoonicorn is an inflatable reindeer-unicorn that floats behind the player.
    • This item may only be seen in-game by users who are in Pyroland.
  • The Guano is a black bat that flies behind the player, who moves about as the player does.
  • The Quoth appears as a black raven that flies over the player, moving about with them.
  • Horace is a brown plush bear's head that covers the top of the head when equipped.
    • When worn by the Demoman, it will have a missing button, marked by an "X", for the left eye of the plush.
  • The Dadliest Catch resembles the head of Octodad from the game Octodad: Dadliest Catch. The back of the head flops around as the player moves.
  • The Catastrophic Companions are a group of small striped kittens that closely resemble Tabby cats.
    • The number of kittens and their positions vary by class.
  • The Space Hamster Hammy is a beige and white hamster wearing a small team-colored space suit that floats behind the player's shoulder.
  • The Grim Tweeter is a black bird, possibly a raven, wearing a stitched cloak and a skull-like mask and holding a scythe, features which make it look like the Grim Reaper.
  • The Duck Billed Hatypus is a cap modeled after a duck.
  • The Prehistoric Pullover is a team-colored hood that resembles a dinosaur with 3 horns atop of the head, white teeth along the brim of the hood, and a loose googly eye on both sides of the hood.


  • The Mutated Milk is a secondary weapon for the Scout. It is a jar of "milk" with a mutated bread monster inside.
    • This weapon functions identically in gameplay to the Mad Milk.
  • The Holy Mackerel is a melee weapon for the Scout. It is a fish, presumably a mackerel, wrapped in faded newspaper and tied with a rubber band. The end of the newspaper is shaped for easy handling.
    • The Holy Mackerel is identical to the default Bat.
  • The Fishcake is a secondary weapon for the Heavy. It is a thick, breaded fishcake in a team-colored wrapper.
  • The Bread Bite is a melee weapon for the Heavy. It is a small bread monster from the short film Expiration Date torn in half and worn as boxing gloves.
  • The Self-Aware Beauty Mark is a secondary weapon for the Sniper. It is a sealed jar containing translucent green fluid which sloshes inside the container as the player moves. There is a bread monster suspended inside it. A label on the jar reads "SPECIMEN; DO NOT OPEN" with the serial number of #384. The bread monster struggles and squirms inside the jar while growling.
    • This weapon functions identically to the Jarate.
  • The Quäckenbirdt is a promotional secondary PDA weapon for the Spy. It is a silver and golden plated watch with a blue, monochrome screen containing an image of a pixelated duck.
  • The Snack Attack is a building weapon for the Spy introduced in the Love & War Update. It resembles a broken Sapper with several rods suspending a bread monster in the center, which snaps at the player when the item is active.
    • The Snack Attack functions identically to the Sapper.
  • The Freedom Staff is a melee weapon usable by all classes except Engineer and Spy. It is an aquila with a splintered end. Topping the staff is a golden depiction of an eagle.