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{{See also|Damage}}
{{See also|Damage}}
*Base: 90-110
*基本: 90-110
* Direct Hit:
* 直接命中:
** Any range: 81-111
** Any range: 81-111
*** [[Critical hit]]: 243-333
*** [[爆擊]]: 243-333
** Self damage: 42-74 damage (only from point blank range)
** 自我傷害: 42-74 damage
*** Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular grenade (42-73)
*** 爆擊: 42-73
* After Grenade Bounces:
* 沒命中敵人爆炸的榴彈:
** Any range: 22-64  
** 傷害範圍裡: 22-64  
*** [[Critical hit]]: 190 (Splash at 3 ft/1m: 100 Crit)
*** [[爆擊]]: 190  
** Self damage: 25-64 (depending on how far you are from the explosion)
** 自我傷害: 25-64 (取決你與炸點有多遠)
*** Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular grenade (25-64)
*** 爆擊: 25-64
''Note:'' Explosive damage varies depending on how it hits a player. The larger the classes' hit box and the closer you are to the explosion, the more damage you will take. The further away from the explosion, the less damage you can take. Explosions do the most damage when they happen at the mid point of a player model. The explosion will cover more of the hit box, thus doing the most possible damage. Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.
''注意:'' 爆炸傷害取決於球員是站在哪裡受到波及的. 離越進,傷害愈大. 離越遠,傷害愈小. 爆炸半徑的圓心是傷害最大的地方.傷害範圍是可以被覆蓋的,因此可以做最有可能的打擊. 不過造成的傷害是差不多,經玩家社群驗證過
==Function times==
==Function times==

Revision as of 00:48, 14 December 2010

The Demoman

Grenade LauncherDemomanPrimary武器.它是一個有轉輪,可破壞東西的可調整Grenade Launcher,木製槍托和握把.

榴彈發射器發射出的炸藥會呈一個弧線飛行,因此在開火前要算好角度.當沒命中時,它反彈的角度會超過45度.榴彈可以發射到1065 槌單位,大約每小時45英里.榴彈可以在任何表面上反彈,盡管現實裡並沒有那麼有彈性,而且只要碰觸到地上,敵人碰觸到它,它並不會爆炸.榴彈發射時回略偏向右,因此玩家在發射時最好偏左發射;這是很重要的尤其是遇到速度較快的職業時,譬如Scout.

假如沒有命中敵人,榴彈丟出時會在2或3秒內引爆.榴彈直接命中的話,傷害範圍會變的比較小,而且只會傷害到與敵人面對面的Demoman.另一方面,榴彈直接命中的傷害範圍會變小,不過傷害會變大,傷害也不會隨著與敵人的距離而衰減.而沒有命中的話就會照著爆炸半徑衰減,儘管爆炸半徑有多大,威力有多強,譬如Critical hits.

榴彈也可以用來做爆破跳躍explosive jump,但這比黏彈跳還要困難的多sticky jumping.距離也比較小,不過造成的傷害會和距離及高度一樣變小,可以用來做一些戰術跳躍這樣玩家就會因為要裝備stickybombs,還是要裝備Chargin' Targe而傷透腦筋.


參見: Damage
  • 基本: 90-110
  • 直接命中:
    • Any range: 81-111
    • 自我傷害: 42-74 damage
      • 爆擊: 42-73
  • 沒命中敵人爆炸的榴彈:
    • 傷害範圍裡: 22-64
    • 自我傷害: 25-64 (取決你與炸點有多遠)
      • 爆擊: 25-64

注意: 爆炸傷害取決於球員是站在哪裡受到波及的. 離越進,傷害愈大. 離越遠,傷害愈小. 爆炸半徑的圓心是傷害最大的地方.傷害範圍是可以被覆蓋的,因此可以做最有可能的打擊. 不過造成的傷害是差不多,經玩家社群驗證過

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.6
  • Reload Base: 1.24
  • Additional Reload: 0.6
  • Explosion Wait: 2.28

Reload base is the time it takes to reload the first ammo. Additional reload is the time it takes to reload each ammo after the first. Explosion wait is how long it takes for a fired grenade to explode when it doesn't have a collision explosion. All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.


<div class="embedvideowrap bilibili-video" data-vaid="Expression error: Unrecognized word "imrcrtryryi"." data-vdanmaku="0" data-vpage="1" data-vwidth="637" data-vheight="470">

Related Achievements


使用榴彈發射器殺死 25 名偵察兵火焰兵

使用榴彈發射器直接命中殺死 50 名敵人。

Previous Changes

September 28, 2007 Patch

  • Demoman grenades (not stickybombs) no longer explode on contact after the first bounce.

October 09, 2007 Patch

  • Demomen grenades now collide with players and Engineer buildings after the first bounce, but still won't explode on contact.

February 28, 2008 Patch

  • Reduced Demoman's maximum Grenade Launcher reserve ammo from 30 to 16.


  • There are multiple issues with the first person view of the weapon:
    • It fires out of four chambers instead of six (due to the reduction in available ammo).
    • Reloading at any point will result in all loaded grenade slots emptying suddenly.
    • The Demoman only reloads continually into one chamber.
    • Upon snapping back the weapon into firing mode, grenades will appear in the slots.
    • Even if the player is on the BLU team, reloading with the Grenade Launcher will still show red sleeves.
    • Damage inflicted on direct hits has spread even when damage spread is disabled on the server.


  • Sharp-eyed players can tell when a grenade is about to explode: each second after a grenade is fired, a team colored ring appears around it. When there are 3 rings, it is about to explode (after around 4 seconds).
  • The Grenade Launcher is based off of the real life M79 Grenade Launcher except that it's been modified to fire multiple grenades without having to reload between each shot, similar to a M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher.


See also

Template:Allweapons Nav/zh-hant
Template:Demoman Nav/zh-hant