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m (PhoneWave moved page Bandwidth Beatdown (mission) to Bandwidth Beatdown (custom mission) without leaving a redirect: Auto: Change page title)
(12 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 18: Line 18:
'''Bandwidth Beatdown''' is an advanced invasion mission made by [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197988531991 Braindawg]. It is available on the custom [[Steep]] map.
'''Bandwidth Beatdown''' is an advanced invasion mission made by Braindawg. It is available on the custom [[Steep]] map.
{{Mvm mission Bandwidth Beatdown}}
{{Mvm mission Bandwidth Beatdown}}
== Custom Robot ==
== Custom Robots ==
=== Normal Robot ===
=== Normal Robot ===
Line 107: Line 107:
|hat=Blast Defense
|hat=Blast Defense
|attribs={{info|Use Air strike rocket model}}<br>{{buff|+320% fuse time on grenades}}{{nerf|-15% projectile speed}}
|attribs={{info|Projectile uses Air strike rocket model}}<br>{{buff|+320% fuse time on grenades}}{{nerf|-15% projectile speed}}
Line 135: Line 135:
|icon=medic bullet
|icon=medic bullet
|name=Bullet Resist Medic
|name=Bullet Resist Medic
|secondary=Civil Servant Medi Gun
|secondary=Medi Gun
|secondary-skin=Civil Servant
|hat=Teufort Knight
|hat=Teufort Knight
|misc1=Vascular Vestment
|misc1=Vascular Vestment
Line 143: Line 144:
==== Blast Resist Medic ====
==== Blast Resist Medic ====
{{Robot loadout
{{Robot loadout
|icon=medic bullet
|icon=medic blast
|name=Bullet Resist Medic
|name=Blast Resist Medic
|secondary=Civil Servant Medi Gun
|secondary=Medi Gun
|secondary-skin=Civil Servant
|hat=Berlin Brain Bowl
|hat=Berlin Brain Bowl
|misc1=Das Metalmeatencasen
|misc1=Das Metalmeatencasen
Line 153: Line 155:
==== Fire Resist Medic ====
==== Fire Resist Medic ====
{{Robot loadout
{{Robot loadout
|icon=medic bullet
|icon=medic fire
|name=Bullet Resist Medic
|name=Fire Resist Medic
|secondary=Civil Servant Medi Gun
|secondary=Medi Gun
|secondary-skin=Civil Servant
|hat=Foster's Facade
|hat=Foster's Facade
|misc1=Coldfront Carapace
|misc1=Coldfront Carapace
Line 228: Line 231:
==== Giant Death-Ray Engineer ====
==== Giant Death-Ray Engineer ====
{{Robot loadout
{{Robot loadout
|icon=engineer pomson
Line 256: Line 259:
|hat=Platinum Pickelhaube
|hat=Platinum Pickelhaube
|attribs={{buff|3500 HP}}{{buff|Use level 1 projectile shield}}{{buff|+900% longer shield duration}}{{nerf|Cannot use ubercharge}}
|attribs={{buff|3500 HP}}{{buff|Use level 1 projectile shield}}{{buff|+900% longer shield duration}}{{nerf|Cannot use ubercharge}}
=== Sentry Buster ===
'''Note: Each sentry buster had same spawn chance, while normal sentry buster does not spawn.'''
==== Buff Buster ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=sentry buster
|name=Buff Buster
|secondary=Buff Banner
|melee=Scotsman's Skullcutter
|misc1=Teufort Tooth Kicker
|attribs={{buff|3700 HP}}{{buff|Spawn with Full Rage}}{{buff|Cannot be backstabbed}}{{buff|+800% longer buff duration}}{{buff|+100% movement speed}}{{buff|+50% knockback resistance}}
==== Battalions Buster ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=sentry buster
|name=Battalions Buster
|secondary=Battalion's Backup
|hat=Glasgow Great Helm
|attribs={{buff|3000 HP}}{{buff|Spawn with Full Rage}}{{buff|Cannot be backstabbed}}{{buff|+800% longer buff duration}}{{buff|+100% movement speed}}{{buff|+50% knockback resistance}}
==== Conch Buster ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=sentry buster
|name=Conch Buster
|attribs={{buff|3700 HP}}{{buff|Spawn with Full Rage}}{{buff|Cannot be backstabbed}}{{buff|+800% longer buff duration}}{{buff|+100% movement speed}}{{buff|+50% knockback resistance}}

Latest revision as of 18:59, 23 June 2023

Bandwidth Beatdown
Basic Information
Name: Bandwidth Beatdown

File name:

Developer(s): Braindawg
Map: Steep
Mission type: Invasion
Waves: 6
Difficulty: Advanced
Starting credits: 600
Maximum possible credits: 4970
Minimum respawn wave time: 5
Maximum respawn wave time: 10
Fixed respawn time: No
Tour: Madness vs Machines
Sentry Buster spawn time: 0 seconds
Sentry Buster respawn time: 30 seconds

Bandwidth Beatdown is an advanced invasion mission made by Braindawg. It is available on the custom Steep map.


Sub-wave Class Count Delay(s) Credits
Wave 1 (800 Credits)
Leaderboard class soldier banner trio.png

Buff Banner Soldier
Easy Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Melee only
Equalizer The Equalizer
9 18 36 0 3 200
Leaderboard class soldier banner trio.png

Battalion's Soldier
Easy Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Melee only
Escape Plan The Escape Plan
Leaderboard class soldier banner trio.png

Conch Soldier
Easy Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Melee only
Half-Zatoichi Half-Zatoichi
Heavy steelfist

Steel Gauntlet Pusher
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
5 15 30 0 3 100
Leaderboard class medic shield qf.png

Shield Medic
Expert Ignores enemies

Backburner Pyro
Expert Fires continuously
Backburner The Backburner
Expert Spawns with full 'МММФХ'
Phlogistinator The Phlogistinator

Dragon Fury Pyro
Expert Dragon's Fury The Dragon's Fury
Heavy shotgun

Expert Secondary only 2 16 32 0 2 200
Easy Original The Original
Scout shortstop

Giant Shortstop Scout
Hard Pictogram comment.png Does not attempt to dodge 1 2 2 5 0 200
Demoknight samurai

Giant Dueling Samurai
7,000 HP
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 1 1 4 100

Miner v2
Hard Pictogram comment.png Spawns similarly to Spy-bots
Pictogram comment.png Cannot pick up the bomb
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Fires continuously
Vision range 1
2 0 30
Wave 2 (600 Credits)
Soldier blackbox

Giant Shielded Black Box
Expert Pictogram minus.png 3000 HP 4 4 8 0 0 100
Leaderboard class medic fire.png

Fire Resist Medic
Expert Ignores enemies
Leaderboard class medic blast.png

Blast Resist Medic
Expert Ignores enemies
Leaderboard class medic bullet.png

Bullet Resist Medic
Expert Ignores enemies
Leaderboard class scout milk.png

Slow Milk Scout
Expert Pictogram plus.png +50% recharge rate
Fires continuously
3 9 27 0 6 100
Leaderboard class scout pistol.png

Pocket Pistol Scout
Hard Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Leaderboard class pyro neon.png

Giant Pyroshark
Expert Pictogram comment.png Does not attempt to dodge 1 2 4 0 5 50
Hard 1 15 30 0 2 50

Huo-Long Heavy
Normal Huo-Long Heater The Huo-Long Heater

Natascha Heavy
Hard Natascha Natascha

Brass Beast Heavy
Easy Pictogram minus.png 50% slower move speed while deployed
Brass Beast The Brass Beast

Deflector Heavy

Tomislav Heavy
Normal Tomislav Tomislav

Giant Huo-Long Heavy
Hard Pictogram minus.png 4500 HP
Huo-Long Heater The Huo-Long Heater
1 3 3 5 5 100

Giant Natascha Heavy
Expert Pictogram minus.png 4500 HP
Natascha Natascha

Giant Brass Beast Heavy
Normal Pictogram minus.png 4500 HP
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower move speed while deployed
Brass Beast The Brass Beast
Expert Vision range 1200

Giant Tomislav Heavy
Hard Pictogram plus.png +80% faster spin up time
Pictogram minus.png -50% fire rate penalty
Pictogram minus.png 4500 HP
Tomislav Tomislav
Scout jumping

Giant Flying Sandman
Expert Pictogram plus.png 2000 HP 1 1 1 0 100
Leaderboard class heavy accurate.png

Sniper Heavy
Expert Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 5 15
Scout jumping

Flying Sandman Scout
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 4 50 10 15 100

Knockback Engineer
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Eureka Effect The Eureka Effect
1 20 25
Wave 3 (600 Credits)

Roller Demo
Easy Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
8 16 40 0 0 100
Leaderboard class demo clusterbomb.png

Pipe Demo
Easy Fires continuously
30,000 Takes opposite path as the bomb 1 1 1 5 100
Leaderboard class demo loch nys.png

Mortar Demo
Hard 5 10 80 0 2 100
Leaderboard class medic crossbow.png

Giant Shotgun Medic
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
4 4 8 0 0 50
Soldier backup
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Leaderboard class spy enforcer nys.png

Enforcer Spy
Normal Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 10 20 0 1 100
Demoknight samurai

Giant Dueling Samurai
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 3 3 0 3 100
Demoknight samurai

Flying Samurai Demo
Expert 3 9 9 0 3 50
Leaderboard class soldier mangler.png

Raygun Soldier
Easy Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
Pictogram comment.png Uses charged Mangler shots
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 10 10
Leaderboard class soldier mangler.png

Charged Mangler Soldier
Easy Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
Pictogram comment.png Uses charged Mangler shots
Leaderboard class soldier mangler.png

Nuclear Soldier
Expert Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
Pictogram comment.png Uses charged Mangler shots
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Leaderboard class soldier mangler.png

Incendiary Soldier
Easy Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
Pictogram comment.png Uses charged Mangler shots
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Wave 4 (500 Credits)
Heavy deflector heater

Giant Deflector Huo-Long Heavy
Normal 4 8 16 0 5
Pyro flare

Hovering Flare Pyro
Expert Fires continuously
Leaderboard class pyro scorch.png

Hovering Scorch Shot Pyro
Expert Fires continuously
Leaderboard class pyro manmelter.png

Hovering Manmelter Pyro
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Fires continuously

Explosive Bowman?

35,000 HP
Hard Pictogram comment.png Boss will announce its own arrival
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
4 4 4 0 100
Medic vac trio nys

Fire Resist Medic
Expert Ignores enemies
Medic vac trio nys

Blast Resist Medic
Expert Ignores enemies
Medic vac trio nys

Bullet Resist Medic
Expert Ignores enemies
20,000 Pictogram plus.png +23% movement speed
Takes opposite path as the bomb
2 2 2 5 200
17,500 Pictogram plus.png +23% movement speed
Takes opposite path as the bomb
Scout jumping

Flying Sandman Scout
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
5 10 40 0 3 100
Leaderboard class engineer shortcircuit.png

Short Circuit Engineer
Expert Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots 1 10 30
Wave 5 (550 Credits)
Leaderboard class soldier bison.pngLeaderboard class soldier bison.pngLeaderboard class soldier bison.png

Bison Soldier
Expert 1/3 Pictogram comment.png Shoots Cyan colored projectiles
1/3 Pictogram comment.png Shoots Lime Green colored projectiles
1/3 Pictogram comment.png Shoots Red colored projectiles
Vision range 1000
6 12 48 0 3 150
Leaderboard class soldier bison.pngLeaderboard class soldier bison.pngLeaderboard class soldier bison.png

Pomson Engineer
Expert 1/3 Pictogram comment.png Shoots Team Spirit BLU colored projectiles
1/3 Pictogram comment.png Shoots Pink as Hell colored projectiles
1/3 Pictogram comment.png Shoots Cream Spirit RED colored projectiles
Pictogram comment.png Goes for the hatch first
Vision range 1000
Leaderboard class medic shield qf.png

Giant Shield Medic
Expert Pictogram comment.png Cannot pick up the bomb
Ignores enemies
1 1 2 0 0
7,500 Pictogram comment.png Audio cue will announce its arrival
Pictogram plus.png +100% movement speed
Takes same path as the bomb
1 1 1 0 100
Leaderboard class medic crossbow.png

Giant Shotgun Medic
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 4 6 10 0 50
Leaderboard class scout milk.png

Slow Milk Scout
Expert Pictogram plus.png +50% recharge rate
Fires continuously
Leaderboard class demo loch nys.png

Mortar Demo
Hard 5 10 25 0 3 50
Leaderboard class scout milk.png

Slow Milk Scout
Expert Pictogram plus.png +50% recharge rate
Fires continuously
2 6 6 0 15 100

Giant Death-Ray Engineer
Easy Pictogram comment.png Goes for the hatch first
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Vision range 8192
40,000 Takes opposite path as the bomb 1 1 1 0 100
Leaderboard class pyro reflect daan.png

Stun Thruster Pyro
Expert 4 4 15 5
Sniper explosion

Explosive Piss Sniper
Expert 1 15 15
Wave 6 (820 Credits)
Leaderboard class pyro gascann explode.png

69,420 HP
Expert Pictogram comment.png Boss will announce its own arrival
Pictogram comment.png Does not attempt to dodge
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 1 1 0 420

Wrap Assassin Scout
Hard Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots 4 0 5
Leaderboard class soldier banner trio.png

Buff Banner Soldier
Easy Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Melee only
Equalizer The Equalizer
6 18 100 5 1 400
Leaderboard class soldier banner trio.png

Battalion's Soldier
Easy Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Melee only
Escape Plan The Escape Plan
Leaderboard class soldier banner trio.png

Conch Soldier
Easy Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Melee only
Half-Zatoichi Half-Zatoichi

Custom Robots

Normal Robot

Flying Sandman Scout

Icon Name Melee Hat Misc Attributes
Scout jumping
Flying Sandman Scout Sandman
Hanger-On Hood
Hanger-On Hood
Flight of the Monarch
Flight of the Monarch
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 5 seconds
Pictogram plus.png 150 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +100% greater jump height
Pictogram plus.png +30% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Able to jump 5 times in midair

Slow Milk Scout

Icon Name Secondary Attributes
Scout milk
Slow Milk Scout Mad Milk
Mad Milk
Pictogram plus.png +95% faster recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png Apply -50% movement speed on targets

Charged Mangler Soldier

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Soldier mangler
Charged Mangler Soldier Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Pictogram info.png Shoots Dark Blue Projectile
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster reload speed

Incendiary Soldier

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Soldier mangler
Incendiary Soldier Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Pictogram info.png Shoots Flare projectile
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster reload speed

Nuclear Soldier

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Soldier mangler
Nuclear Soldier Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet
Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet
Pictogram info.png Shoots Airstrike Rocket
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +100% blast radius
Pictogram plus.png Rocket knock back enemies
Pictogram plus.png Rocket create huge smoke
Pictogram plus.png +80% airblast resistance
Pictogram plus.png Can deal critical hit
Pictogram minus.png -50% projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png 400% slower reload speed
Pictogram minus.png 100% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Raygun Soldier

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Soldier mangler
Raygun Soldier Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Pictogram info.png Shoots Bison Projectile
Pictogram plus.png +50% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +90% reload speed

Stun Thruster Pyro

Icon Name Secondary Attributes
Pyro reflect daan
Stun Thruster Pyro Thermal Thruster
Thermal Thruster
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 1-2 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Stun nearby enemies when landing
Pictogram plus.png +25% faster recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +100% greater jump height
Pictogram plus.png +100% greater air control
Pictogram minus.png Cannot pick up bomb

Miner v2

Icon Name Primary Hat Misc Attributes
Miner v2 Iron Bomber
Iron Bomber
Grenadier Helm
Grenadier Helm
Hurt Locher
Hurt Locher
Pictogram info.png Shoots Cow Mangler Rocket
Pictogram plus.png +300% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +200% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png 100% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -100% projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png Cannot pick up bomb
Pictogram minus.png Forced laugh on kill
Pictogram minus.png Loses 10 HP per second

Mortar Demo

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Demo loch nys
Mortar Demo Loch-n-Load
Blast Defense
Blast Defense
Pictogram info.png Projectile uses Air strike rocket model
Pictogram plus.png +320% fuse time on grenades
Pictogram minus.png -15% projectile speed

Flying Samurai Demo

Icon Name Melee Hat Misc Attributes
Demoknight samurai
Flying Samurai Demo Half-Zatoichi
Pictogram info.png 1.25x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 4 seconds
Pictogram plus.png 650 HP
Pictogram plus.png +130% greater jump height
Pictogram plus.png Does not take fall damage

Sniper Heavy

Icon Name Primary Hat Misc Attributes
Heavy accurate
Sniper Heavy Tomislav
Corona Australis
Corona Australis
Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun
Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png Headshot deal +200% more damage
Pictogram plus.png +80% more accurate
Pictogram minus.png -75% bullets per shot
Pictogram minus.png 900% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png Fires tracer rounds

Bullet Resist Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Misc Attributes
Medic bullet
Bullet Resist Medic Civil Servant Medi Gun
Civil Servant Medi Gun
Teufort Knight
Teufort Knight
Vascular Vestment
Vascular Vestment
Pictogram info.png 1.4x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Ubercharge is 100% bullet resistance
Pictogram plus.png 650 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% bullet resistance when healing

Blast Resist Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Misc Attributes
Medic blast
Blast Resist Medic Civil Servant Medi Gun
Civil Servant Medi Gun
Berlin Brain Bowl
Berlin Brain Bowl
Das Metalmeatencasen
Das Metalmeatencasen
Pictogram info.png 1.4x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Ubercharge is 100% blast resistance
Pictogram plus.png 650 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% blast resistance when healing

Fire Resist Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Misc Attributes
Medic fire
Fire Resist Medic Civil Servant Medi Gun
Civil Servant Medi Gun
Foster's Facade
Foster's Facade
Coldfront Carapace
Coldfront Carapace
Pictogram info.png 1.4x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Ubercharge is 100% fire resistance
Pictogram plus.png 650 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% fire resistance when healing

Shield Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic shield qf
Shield Medic Quick-Fix
Platinum Pickelhaube
Platinum Pickelhaube
Pictogram plus.png Use level 1 projectile shield
Pictogram plus.png +100% longer shield duration
Pictogram minus.png Cannot use ubercharge

Enforcer Spy

Icon Name Primary Hat Misc Attributes
Spy enforcer nys
Enforcer Spy Enforcer
Charmer's Chapeau
Charmer's Chapeau
Le Party Phantom
Le Party Phantom
Pictogram plus.png 200 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram minus.png 400% slower reload speed
Pictogram minus.png Fires tracer rounds

Giant Robot

Giant Flying Sandman

Icon Name Melee Hat Misc Attributes
Scout jumping
Giant Jumping Sandman Sandman
Hanger-On Hood
Hanger-On Hood
Flight of the Monarch
Flight of the Monarch
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 5 seconds
Pictogram plus.png 1800 HP
Pictogram plus.png +30% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Does not take fall damage
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +100% jump height
Pictogram minus.png +50% bigger head size

Giant Pyroshark

Icon Name Melee Hat Attributes
Pyro neon
Giant Pyroshark Neon Annihilator
Neon Annihilator
Airtight Arsonist
Airtight Arsonist
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png 15% slower attack speed
Pictogram minus.png -40% movement speed

Giant Dueling Samurai

Icon Name Secondary Melee Hat Attributes
Demoknight samurai
Giant Dueling Samurai Splendid Screen
Splendid Screen
Pictogram plus.png 4000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +1.2 seconds longer charge time
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower attack speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Giant Deflector Huo-Long Heavy

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Heavy deflector heater
Giant Deflector Huo-Long Heavy Huo-Long Heater
Huo-Long Heater
Bunsen Brave
Bunsen Brave
Pictogram plus.png 6000 HP
Pictogram plus.png Can shoot down projectiles
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -40% movement speed

Giant Death-Ray Engineer

Icon Name Primary Hat Misc Attributes
Engineer pomson
Giant Death-Ray Engineer Pomson 6000
Pomson 6000
Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%
Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%
Iron Lung
Iron Lung
Pictogram plus.png 9001 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% minicrit chance
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -70% movement speed

Giant Shotgun Medic

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Medic crossbow
Giant Shotgun Medic Crusader's Crossbow
Crusader's Crossbow
Pictogram info.png Shoots Rescue Ranger's claw
Pictogram plus.png 4000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +50% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +400% clip size
Pictogram plus.png +30% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty against player
Pictogram minus.png -10% projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png +4 degree projectile spread
Pictogram minus.png -65% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Shield Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic shield qf
Giant Shield Medic Quick-Fix
Platinum Pickelhaube
Platinum Pickelhaube
Pictogram plus.png 3500 HP
Pictogram plus.png Use level 1 projectile shield
Pictogram plus.png +900% longer shield duration
Pictogram minus.png Cannot use ubercharge

Sentry Buster

Note: Each sentry buster had same spawn chance, while normal sentry buster does not spawn.

Buff Buster

Icon Name Secondary Melee Hat Misc Attributes
Sentry buster
Buff Buster Buff Banner
Buff Banner
Scotsman's Skullcutter
Scotsman's Skullcutter
Teufort Tooth Kicker
Teufort Tooth Kicker
Pictogram plus.png 3700 HP
Pictogram plus.png Spawn with Full Rage
Pictogram plus.png Cannot be backstabbed
Pictogram plus.png +800% longer buff duration
Pictogram plus.png +100% movement speed
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance

Battalions Buster

Icon Name Secondary Melee Hat Attributes
Sentry buster
Battalions Buster Battalion's Backup
Battalion's Backup
Glasgow Great Helm
Glasgow Great Helm
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png Spawn with Full Rage
Pictogram plus.png Cannot be backstabbed
Pictogram plus.png +800% longer buff duration
Pictogram plus.png +100% movement speed
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance

Conch Buster

Icon Name Secondary Melee Hat Attributes
Sentry buster
Conch Buster Concheror
Pictogram plus.png 3700 HP
Pictogram plus.png Spawn with Full Rage
Pictogram plus.png Cannot be backstabbed
Pictogram plus.png +800% longer buff duration
Pictogram plus.png +100% movement speed
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance


Explosive Bowman?

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Explosive Bowman? Cleaner's Carbine
Cleaner's Carbine
Professional's Ushanka
Professional's Ushanka
Pictogram info.png 1.65x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Use huntsman animation
Pictogram info.png Shoots air strike rocket
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 15-20 seconds
Pictogram plus.png 35000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +1900% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +200% damage bonus against building
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +50% projectile speed
Pictogram plus.png Rocket knock back enemies
Pictogram plus.png +200% greater jump height
Pictogram plus.png +80% airblast resistance
Pictogram plus.png Does not take fall damage
Pictogram minus.png 1900% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -40% blast radius
Pictogram minus.png -70% movement speed

Humanoid-Autonomous Team Exterminator

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Misc Attributes
Pyro gascann explode
H.A.T.E. Degreaser
Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Fear Monger
Fear Monger
Pyromancer's Raiments
Pyromancer's Raiments
Pictogram info.png Had killstreak effect
Pictogram plus.png 69420 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +70% airblast resistance
Pictogram minus.png -80% movement speed
Degreaser Stats:
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster airblast cooldown
Pictogram minus.png Cannot shoot flames
Gas Passer Stats:
Pictogram plus.png +99% faster recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png Ignited enemies explode
Pictogram plus.png Apply -50% movement speed on target