Difference between revisions of "File:Tf german.txt"

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(uploaded a new version of "File:Tf german.txt": July 27, 2011 Patch)
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{{Externally linked}}
{{Externally linked}}
== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=July 22, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|p=July 27, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2935,3 +2935,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -599,7 +599,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_NAME" "Shock Treatment"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_DemomanHallmark" "Hustler's Hallmark"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC" "Töten Sie einen Spy, dessen Versuch, Ihnen einen Messerstich in den Rücken zu versetzen, durch Ihren Razorback abgewehrt wurde."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_SpyNobleHair" "Adelsperücke"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC" "Töten Sie einen Spy, dessen Versuch, Ihnen einen Messerstich in den Rücken zu versetzen, durch Ihren Stammesschild abgewehrt wurde."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SpyNobleHair" "Magistrate's Mullet"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC" "Kill a spy whose backstab attempt was blocked by your Razorback."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_EngineerWeldingMask" "Schweißermaske"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3055,3 +3055,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_EngineerWeldingMask" "Schweiß-Maske"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_NAME" "Die Another Way"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_EngineerWeldingMask" "Hotrod"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC" "Töten Sie einen Sniper, nachdem Sie seinen Razorback mit Ihrem Messer zerstört haben."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_ScoutBeanie" "Krawallmachermütze"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC" "Töten Sie einen Sniper, nachdem Sie seinen Stammesschild mit Ihrem Messer zerstört haben."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_ScoutBeanie" "Troublemaker's Tossle Cap"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC" "Kill a Sniper after your backstab breaks his Razorback."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3131,3 +3131,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Close" "You came close to your record for revenge as %s1 that round."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Deep Undercover"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "Sie haben in dieser Runde Ihren Punkterekord als %s1 fast erreicht."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "Töten Sie denselben Gegner 3 Mal im gleichen Bereich und in einem einzigen Leben, während Sie die Cloak and Dagger tragen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "You came close to your record for points scored as %s1 that round."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "Töten Sie denselben Gegner 3 Mal im gleichen Bereich und in einem einzigen Leben, während Sie die Standuhr tragen."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="StatPanel_Label_Kills" "Anz. Kills: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "While using the Cloak and Dagger, kill the same enemy 3 times, all within the same area in a single life."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="StatPanel_Label_Kills" "Anz. Kills:"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3959,3 +3959,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_Kills" "# Kills: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Attrib_Spread_Positive" "%s1% more accurate"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Beschädigungen: "}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Mit Ihrem Schläger verteilen Sie fiese Betäubungsbälle."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Damage dealt: "}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Mit diesem Schläger verteilen Sie fiese Betäubungsbälle."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1463,13 +1463,13 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "This bat knocks out a mean stun ball"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_Healing" "Health points healed: "}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4171,3 +4171,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Aktivierte Unverwundbark.: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Invulnerable activated: "}}
{{tf diff|-|2="StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "Anz. Rückenstiche: "}}
{{tf diff|+|2="StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "Anz. Rückenstiche:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "# Backstabs: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Ausgelaugte Gesundheit: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Health leached: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "Anz. errichteter Gebäude: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "# Buildings built: "}}
{{tf diff|-|2="StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "Anz. Sentry-Kills: "}}
{{tf diff|+|2="StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "Anz. Sentry-Kills:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# Kills by sentry: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "Anz. Teleporter-Einsätze: "}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# uses of teleport: "}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2769,7 +2769,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC" "Capture the enemy intelligence 3 times in a single CTF round."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Drückeberger"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Artful Dodger"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Weichen Sie in einem einzigen Leben dank des Bonk! Atomenergie-Drinks 1.000 Beschädigungen aus."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Weichen Sie in einem einzigen Leben dank des Bonk! Energydrinks 1.000 Beschädigungen aus."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Dodge 1000 damage in a single life using your Bonk! Atomic Punch."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Druckwelle"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Fall Classic"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2801,7 +2801,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_DESC" "Stun a Scout with their own ball."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_NAME" "Fuß vom Gas – Tod bringt das"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_NAME" "Retire the Runner"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Töten Sie einen Scout, wenn dieser unter dem Einfluss von Krit-'n-Cola steht."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Töten Sie einen Scout, wenn dieser unter dem Einfluss von Crit-a-Cola steht."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Voll erwischt"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Caught Napping"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4165,7 +4165,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "The Sandman"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Die Force-A-Nature"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "The Force-A-Nature"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomenergie-Drink"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomic Punch"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomic Punch"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "Der Walkabout"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "The Walkabout"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "The Walkabout"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "Der Cloak and Dagger"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4509,9 +4509,9 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "Die Standuhr"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_1_13" "As a Scout, the Sandman's stun ball will render the target immobile if hit at maximum range."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "The Cloak and Dagger"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Tip_1_14" "Beim Spielen eines Scouts betäubt Ihr Sandman-Ball zwar nicht aus kurzer Entfernung, fügt dem Getroffenen aber leichten Schaden zu."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4177,3 +4177,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_1_14" "As a Scout, remember that the Sandman's stun ball doesn't stun at close range but still does slight damage to the target."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver" "The Ambassador"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_1_15" "Als Scout kann Ihr Bonk! Atomenergie-Drink eine Sentry ablenken und Teamkollegen erlauben, sie zu zerstören."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "Der Razorback"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_1_15" "Als Scout kann Ihr Bonk!-Energy-Drink eine Sentry ablenken und Teamkollegen erlauben, sie zu zerstören."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "Der Stammesschild"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, use the Bonk! Energy Drink to distract a sentry and allow other teammates to destroy it."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "The Razorback"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_1_16" "Als Scout kann Ihr Bonk! Atomenergie-Drink Sie vor Sentry-Beschuss und anderem Schaden schützen."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4523,5 +4523,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_1_16" "Als Scout kann Ihr Bonk!-Energy-Drink Sentrys und anderem Schaden vorbeugen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_2_8" "As a Sniper, Jarate can reveal hidden Spies."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_1_16" "As a Scout, use the Bonk! Energy Drink to avoid sentries and other damage."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_2_9" "Als Sniper zerbricht Ihr Razorback nach Messerstichen. In der Versorgungsstation gibt es Nachschub."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Tip_2_5" "Als Sniper sind die Kopfschüsse bei einem voll aufgeladenen Scharfschützengewehr bei den meisten Klassen sofort tödlich."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_2_9" "Als Sniper zerbricht Ihr Stammesschild nach einem Messerstich in den Rücken. An einer Versorgungsstation können Sie einen neuen holen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_2_5" "As a Sniper, a fully charged sniper rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_2_9" "As a Sniper, the Razorback breaks after being stabbed. Grab a new one from a resupply locker."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4603,7 +4603,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_2_10" "Als Sniper macht Ihr Razorback ein lautes elektrisches Geräusch, wenn ein Spy versucht, Sie durch einen Rückenstich zu töten. Achten Sie darauf!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_5_13" "As a Medic, remember that syringes travel in arcs. Aim higher than your intended target to land successful hits."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_2_10" "Als Sniper macht Ihr Stammesschild ein lautes elektrisches Geräusch, wenn ein Spy versucht, Sie durch einen Rückenstich zu töten. Achten Sie darauf!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Tip_5_14" "Denken Sie als Medic daran, dass kritische Treffer keinen Effekt bei Sentryguns haben. Nutzen Sie die Kritzkrieg daher eher in Gebieten voller Gegner."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_2_10" "As a Sniper, your Razorback emits a loud electric sound when a Spy attempts to backstab you. Listen for it!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_5_14" "As a Medic, remember that critical hits have no effect on sentry guns. Use the Kritzkrieg in areas full of players instead."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4673,3 +4673,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_5_15" "Als Medic lädt ein Treffer mit der Übersäge selbst dann Überladung auf, wenn der Gegner ein Scout unter dem Einfluss des Bonk! Atomenergie-Drinks ist."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_8_12" "As a Spy while cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_5_15" "Auch wenn Sie als Medic mit der Übersäge einen Scout unter dem Einfluss von Bonk! Atomic Punch treffen, wird Ihre Überladung weiter aufgefüllt."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_8_13" "Als Spy kann sich Ihr Cloak and Dagger nur dann bei Bewegung wieder aufladen wenn Sie sich dabei nicht getarnt haben."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_5_15" "As a Medic, the Übersaw will still gain you ÜberCharge if the enemy being hit is a Scout phasing with Bonk! Atomic Punch."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_8_13" "Als Spy kann sich Ihre Standuhr nur dann bei Bewegung wieder aufladen, wenn Sie sich dabei nicht getarnt haben."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Tip_5_16" "Als Medic macht Sie Ihre Überladung zwar unverwundbar gegen Schaden, schützt Sie aber nicht vor anderen Gefahren. Achten Sie auf die Druckwellen von Pyros und Explosionen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_8_13" "As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger can regenerate cloak while moving around so long as you are uncloaked when doing so."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_5_16" "As a Medic, using ÜberCharge to be invulnerable to damage does not mean you are free from harm. Watch out for Pyro air blasts and explosive knock back."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4677,5 +4677,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5880,7 +5880,7 @@ verkleiden Sie sich schnell als Ihr Opfer"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge cloak when using your invis watch or the Dead Ringer."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_TheShortstop" "The Shortstop"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_8_15" "Als Spy verliert Ihr Cloak and Dagger nur dann Energie, wenn Sie sich bewegen. Bleiben Sie still stehen oder enttarnen Sie sich um verlorene Energie wieder aufzuladen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_LEtranger" "L'Etranger"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_8_15" "Als Spy verliert Ihre Standuhr nur dann Energie, wenn Sie sich bewegen. Bleiben Sie still stehen oder enttarnen Sie sich um verlorene Energie wieder aufzuladen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_LEtranger" "L'Etranger"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_8_15" "As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak to regain lost charge."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_EternalReward" "Deine Letzte Belohnung"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="Tip_8_16" "Als Spy wird Ihr Umriss sichtbar, wenn Sie sich zu lange getarnt mit der \"Cloak and Dagger\"-Uhr bewegen. Suchen Sie eine sichere Stelle und laden Sie Ihre Tarnung wieder auf."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_EternalReward" "Your Eternal Reward"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Tip_8_16" "Als Spy wird Ihr Umriss sichtbar, wenn Sie sich zu lange getarnt mit der Standuhr bewegen. Suchen Sie eine sichere Stelle und laden Sie Ihre Tarnung wieder auf."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_EternalReward" "Your Eternal Reward"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Tip_8_16" "As a Spy, your silhouette can be seen if you move around while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger for too long. Find a safe spot to sit and recharge."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_TheBattalionsBackup" "Der Bataillonsbeistand"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5549,3 +5549,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_TheBattalionsBackup" "The Battalion's Backup"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_PyroFiestaSombrero_Desc" "This hat adds spice to any occasion."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7324,7 +7324,7 @@ verkleiden Sie sich schnell als Ihr Opfer"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_PyroPlunger" "Pyro-Pömpel"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_UllapoolCaber" "The Ullapool Caber"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_PyroPlunger" "Toiletten-Toni"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_LochNLoad" "Der Lochnesser"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_PyroPlunger" "Handyman's Handle"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_LochNLoad" "The Loch-n-Load"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5890,3 +5890,3 @@ verkleiden Sie sich schnell als Ihr Opfer"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_BuffaloSteak" "Das Büffelsteak-Sandvich"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SydneySleeper" "The Sydney Sleeper"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_BuffaloSteak" "Das Buffalo-Steak-Sandvich"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_DarwinsDangerShield" "Darwin's Danger Shield"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_BuffaloSteak" "The Buffalo Steak Sandvich"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_DarwinsDangerShield" "Darwins Gefahrenschild"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_GatlingGun" "Das Messingmonster"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_DarwinsDangerShield" "Darwin's Danger Shield"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_GatlingGun" "The Brass Beast"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6320,3 +6320,3 @@ verkleiden Sie sich schnell als Ihr Opfer"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7416,7 +7416,7 @@ verkleiden Sie sich schnell als Ihr Opfer"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis4" "..."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_RiftFireMace_Desc" "Spiky end goes into other man."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_TradeWindow_MyNOTReady" "KLICKEN SIE, sobald Sie zum Tausch bereit sind"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="rarity1" "Echt"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_TradeWindow_MyNOTReady" "KLICKEN SIE, sobald Sie zum Handel bereit sind"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]rarity1" "Genuine"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_TradeWindow_MyNOTReady" "CLICK when ready to trade"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "Promo-Codes anzeigen"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9580,4 +9580,4 @@ verkleiden Sie sich schnell als Ihr Opfer"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "Zeige Promo-Codes"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Event_Saxxy_Awarded" "And the %year% Saxxy for \n%category%\ngoes to: \n\n%winners%\n\nWatch the video now?"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "View Promotional Codes"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title" "Suche nach verfügbaren Spielen"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_UseClaimCode_Title" "Code einlösen?"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title" "Searching for Available Games"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_UseClaimCode_Title" "Claim Code?"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title" "Suche nach dem besten verfügbaren Server"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10174,7 +10174,7 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title" "Searching for the Best Available Server"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_LordCockswainChops" "Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_MM_GenericFailure_Title" "Fehler"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_CowMangler" "Der Kuhmetzler 5000"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9594,4 +9594,4 @@ verkleiden Sie sich schnell als Ihr Opfer"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_CowMangler" "The Cow Mangler 5000"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Quickplay_Title" "Start Playing"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_RighteousBison" "Der Rechtschaffene Bison"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Aktive Spiele: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Active Matches: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Spielserver, die die Suchkriterien erfüllen: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Game servers meeting search criteria: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Los geht's!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10128,2 +10128,52 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Craft_Recipe_CustomDesc" "Craft any set of items you like, and we'll try to match it to an appropriate blueprint. Advanced users only!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_BISON" "BISON"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_BISON" "BISON"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_MANGLER" "METZLER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_MANGLER" "MANGLER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Weapon_FocusedWaveProjector" "Strahlenkanone"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Weapon_FocusedWaveProjector" "Focused Wave Projector"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Weapon_IndivisibleParticleSmasher" "Unteilbarer Teilchenzerschmetterer"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Weapon_IndivisibleParticleSmasher" "Indivisible Particle Smasher"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_DrGrordbortBadge" "Dr. Grordborts Wappen"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_DrGrordbortBadge" "Dr. Grordbort's Crest"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_DrGrordbortBadge_Desc" "Ein Symbol des Dienstes in den venusianischen Legionen."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_DrGrordbortBadge_Desc" "A symbol of service in the Venusian legions."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Duel_TempBanned_Initiator" "Ihr letztes Duell endete unerwartet, daher können Sie in den nächsten zehn Minuten kein weiteres Duell durchführen."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Duel_TempBanned_Initiator" "Your last duel ended unexpectedly, so you cannot duel again for at least ten minutes."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Duel_TempBanned_Target" "%target% war zuvor in einem Duell, welches unerwartet endete. Deshalb kann dieser Spieler für mindestens zehn Minuten an keinen weiteren Duellen teilnehmen."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Duel_TempBanned_Target" "%target% was last in a duel that ended unexpectedly, so they cannot duel again for at least ten minutes."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack" "Dr. Grordborts Sieges-Paket"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack_Desc" "Schnappen Sie sich das gesamte Paket an Gegenständen von Dr. Grordbort, entworfen vom WETA-Workshop."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items, designed by WETA Workshop!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Set_DrG_Victory" "Dr. Grordborts Sieges-Paket"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Set_DrG_Victory" "Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "Diese Waffe benötigt keine Munition."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "This weapon does not require ammo."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoHurtBuilding" "Diese Waffe verursacht reduzierten Schaden an Gebäuden."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoHurtBuilding" "This weapon deals reduced damage to buildings."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponChargedShot" "Diese Waffe kann einen aufgeladenen Schuss abfeuern, der\nSpieler mit einem Mini-Krit trifft und Gebäude für 4 Sekunden deaktiviert."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponChargedShot" "This weapon can fire a charged shot that\nmini-crits players and disables buildings for 4 sec."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponPenetration" "Diese Waffe feuert ein Projektil, das\ngegnerische Ziele durchdringt."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponPenetration" "This weapon fires a projectile that\npenetrates enemy targets."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoDeflect" "Die Projektile dieser Waffe können nicht zurückgeschleudert werden."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoDeflect" "This weapon's projectiles cannot be deflected."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_Particle28" "Vornehmer Pfeifenrauch"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_Particle28" "Genteel Pipe Smoke"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Store_GrordbortSale" "Dr. Grordborts unfehlbare Aether-Oszillatoren: Wo Wissenschaft auf Gewalt trifft\nKaufen Sie ein echtes Strahlengewehr auf www.DrGrordborts.com"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Store_GrordbortSale" "Dr. Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators: Where Science Meets Violence!\nBuy your real Rayguns at www.DrGrordborts.com"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_GifterText_SelfOpen" "%giver% hat ein Paket geöffnet!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_GifterText_SelfOpen" "%giver% has opened a package!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_CrossGame_Trading_FreeAccountInitiate" "Nur Premium-Accounts dürfen Gegenstände zum Handeln anbieten."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_CrossGame_Trading_FreeAccountInitiate" "Only premium accounts may add items to trades."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_LordCockswainPith" "Lord Cockswains Tropenhelm"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_LordCockswainPith" "Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_LordCockswainChops" "Lord Cockswains neuartige Koteletten und Pfeife"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_LordCockswainChops" "Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_CowMangler" "Der Kuhmetzler 5000"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_CowMangler" "The Cow Mangler 5000"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_RighteousBison" "Der Rechtschaffende Bison"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_RighteousBison" "Der Rechtschaffende Bison"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_RighteousBison" "The Righteous Bison"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_RighteousBison" "The Righteous Bison"}}
* [[July 22, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_german.txt&oldid=640187 Diff] (permalink)
== Licensing ==
== Licensing ==
[[Category:Text files]]
[[Category:Text files]]

Revision as of 22:12, 27 July 2011

Recent changes

July 27, 2011 Patch (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.48 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:03, 25 July 2024 (1.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
01:09, 10 January 2024 (1.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:06, 20 December 2023 (1.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
02:04, 19 December 2023 (1.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:05, 15 December 2023 (1.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
23:54, 27 July 2023 (1.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch.
22:23, 12 July 2023 (1.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_german.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
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