Difference between revisions of "File:Tf danish.txt"

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(Updated diff for August 23, 2011 Patch.)
(Updated diff for August 23, 2011 Patch.)
Line 1: Line 1:
== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=August 23, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|p=August 23, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -365,3 +365,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassSkill_Heavy" "HEAVY: Spin Minigun Barrel"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER: Zoom ind med snigskytteriffel"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER: Zoom Sniper Rifle"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER: Zoom Sniper Rifle"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Skjul/vis"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Skjul/vis"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Usynliggør / Synliggør"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Usynliggør / Synliggør"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Cloak / Uncloak"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Cloak / Uncloak"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SPY: Sidste forklædning"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -1268,3 +1268,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SPY: Last Disguise"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "Når BLU indtager Erobringspunkt A og Erobringspunkt B, låses der op for det sidste erobringspunkt"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "After BLU owns capture point A and capture point B the final Capture point unlocks"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU vinder 3 minutter på uret, hver gang de har held til at erobre et punkt. RED kan ikke tilbageerobre punkterne, når først BLU ejer dem."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU vinder 3 minutter på uret, hver gang de har held til at erobre et punkt. RED kan ikke tilbageerobre punkterne, når først BLU ejer dem."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU earns 3 minutes on the timer for each succesful captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU earns 3 minutes on the timer for each succesful captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU earns 3 minutes on the timer for each successfully captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU earns 3 minutes on the timer for each successfully captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Hint_spotted_a_friend" "Du har fået øje på en holdkammerat!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Hint_spotted_a_friend" "Du har fået øje på en holdkammerat!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a teammate!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -5537,3 +5537,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "Du har fået øje på en fjende!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -5535,7 +5535,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ScoutBombingRun" "Bombing Run"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_ScoutBombingRun_Desc" "Døden fra oven!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ScoutBombingRun_Desc" "Death from above!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ScoutBombingRun_Desc" "Death from above!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SoldierShako" "Charmerende chakot"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SoldierShako" "Charmerende chakot"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SoldierShako" "Charmerende Chakot"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SoldierShako" "Charmerende Chakot"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SoldierShako" "Stout Shako"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SoldierShako" "Stout Shako"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_SoldierShako_Desc" "Viktoriansk militærmodes\nstørste bedrift."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -6817,3 +6817,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SoldierShako_Desc" "The grand achievement of\nVictorian military fashion."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -6815,7 +6815,7 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Tool_PaintCan_20" "Mørk laksefarvet uretfærdighed"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_20" "Dark Salmon Injustice"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "Den" [$ENGLISH]}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "Den" [$ENGLISH]}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The "}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "En" [$ENGLISH]}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "En" [$ENGLISH]}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "A"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8188,2 +8188,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TreasureHat_1" "Dusørhat"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8186,6 +8186,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng_EndDestroy" "Press %slot5% to bring up the DESTROY TOOL and destroy all your buildings to conclude Engineer training."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Tillykke, du har nu fuldført Engineer-træning.\n\nDette afslutter din træning. Prøv OFFLINETRÆNING for at fortsætte med at finpudse dine evner eller prøve nye klasser.\n\nHvis du er klar til at spille online, PÅBEGYND SPIL i hovedmenuen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Congratulations, you've completed Engineer training.\n\nThis concludes your training.  Try OFFLINE PRACTICE to continue honing your skills or try new classes.\n\nIf you're ready to play online, START PLAYING at the main menu."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Congratulations, you've completed Engineer training.\n\nThis concludes your training.  Try OFFLINE PRACTICE to continue honing your skills or try new classes.\n\nIf you're ready to play online, START PLAYING at the main menu."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "Demoman"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "Demoman"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "The Demoman"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "The Demoman"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_Intro" "Demoman er en fleksibel klasse med våben som lader ham beskytte mål eller gå på offensiven ved at smadre sentry-positioner."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_Intro" "Demoman er en fleksibel klasse med våben som lader ham beskytte mål eller gå på offensiven ved at smadre sentry-positioner."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_Intro" "The Demoman is versatile class with weapons that allow him to defend objectives or go on the offensive destroying sentry positions."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8196,2 +8198,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_WeaponTitle" "Våben"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8194,6 +8196,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_Weapon" "Demomen are equipped with a GRENADE LAUNCHER, STICKY BOMB LAUNCHER, and a BOTTLE."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Title" "Granatkaster"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Title" "Grenade Launcher"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Title" "Grenade Launcher"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Bounce" "Granater kan hoppe omkring hjørner, bag forhindringer osv. Ødelæg et delvist beskyttet mål ved at få en granat til at hoppe nær den."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Bounce" "Granater kan hoppe omkring hjørner, bag forhindringer osv. Ødelæg et delvist beskyttet mål ved at få en granat til at hoppe nær den."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Bounce" "Grenades can bounce around corners, behind obstacles, etc.  Destroy the target which is partially protected by bouncing a grenade near it."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Bounce" "Grenades can bounce around corners, behind obstacles, etc.  Destroy the target which is partially protected by bouncing a grenade near it."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Title" "Klæbebomber"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Title" "Klæbebomber"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Title" "Sticky Bombs"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8206,2 +8210,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot2RangeTitle" "Langdistance-klæbebombe"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8204,6 +8208,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range2" "Destroy the target at long range to continue.  Remember to hold %attack% and release it to launch the sticky further."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Godt arbejde! Du har gennemført Demoman-træning!\n\nSpy-træning er nu låst op! Vælg ikonet TRÆNING i hovedmenuen og prøv ham.\n\nKlar til at spille online mod andre spillere? Vælg PÅBEGYND SPIL i hovedmenuen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Good job!  You've completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked!  Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Good job!  You've completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked!  Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "Spy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "Spy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "The Spy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "The Spy"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Spy_Intro" "Spies opererer anderledes end andre klasser. De foretrækker snigen og overraskelse i modsætning til direkte kamp."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Spy_Intro" "Spies opererer anderledes end andre klasser. De foretrækker snigen og overraskelse i modsætning til direkte kamp."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Spy_Intro" "Spies operate differently from other classes preferring stealth and surprise as opposed to head to head combat."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8230,2 +8236,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Spy_IntroRole" "Deres rolle drejer sig ofte om at dræbe og destruere centrale mål, så som Medics klar med ÜberCharge eller Engineers' forsvarende positioner."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8228,6 +8234,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Spy_CloakSuccess" "Well done.  Note when cloaked you cannot attack.  Remain out of sight of the sentry for now, you'll need a disguise to approach it."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Spy_CloakSentryHint" "Sentry"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Spy_CloakSentryHint" "Sentry Gun"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Spy_CloakSentryHint" "Sentry Gun"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Spy_CloakMoveHint" "Bevæg dig herover"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Spy_CloakMoveHint" "Bevæg dig herover"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Spy_CloakMoveHint" "Move Here"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Spy_CloakMoveHint" "Move Here"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Spy_DisguiseTitle" "Forklædninger"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Spy_DisguiseTitle" "Forklædninger"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Spy_DisguiseTitle" "Disguises"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8296,2 +8304,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Spy_Disguise" "For at forklæde dig selv som en fjende skal du skifte til dit FORKLÆDNINGSSÆT eller trykke %slot4%."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8294,6 +8302,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_TeleUpgrade" "Upgrade the teleporter to level three to continue.  When upgrading a teleporter it affects both the entrance and exit."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_TeleFinishTitle" "Yderligere Bygninger"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_TeleFinishTitle" "Additional Buildings"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_TeleFinishTitle" "Additional Buildings"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Eng1_TeleFinish" "Tilføj en dispenser og sentry på de indikerede placeringer. Opgrader disse til niveau tre for at fortsætte."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Eng1_TeleFinish" "Tilføj en dispenser og sentry på de indikerede placeringer. Opgrader disse til niveau tre for at fortsætte."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Eng1_TeleFinish" "Add a dispenser and sentry gun in the indicated positions.  Upgrade these to level three to continue."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Eng1_TeleFinish" "Add a dispenser and sentry gun in the indicated positions.  Upgrade these to level three to continue."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_StickyTitle" "Sentryforsvar"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_StickyTitle" "Sentryforsvar"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_StickyTitle" "Sentry Defense"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8306,2 +8316,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_Sticky" "KLÆBEBOMBER er ekstremt effektive mod bygninger. Demomen kan anvende adskillelige til at ødelægge bygninger øjeblikkeligt."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8304,6 +8314,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_DemoTip" "A Demoman is very hard to counter as a lone Engineer.  Use the loss of the sentry as an opportunity to build one in a new location to surprise the opposition!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_DemoRelo" "Byg en fuldt opgraderet niveau tre på den angivne position for at fortsætte."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_DemoRelo" "Build a fully upgraded level three at the indicated position to continue."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_DemoRelo" "Build a fully upgraded level three at the indicated position to continue."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Eng1_SpyTitle" "Spy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Eng1_SpyTitle" "Spy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Eng1_SpyTitle" "The Spy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Eng1_SpyTitle" "The Spy"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_Spy" "Spys usynligheds- og forklædningsevner gør det mindre åbenlyst, hvor angrebet vil komme fra."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_Spy" "Spys usynligheds- og forklædningsevner gør det mindre åbenlyst, hvor angrebet vil komme fra."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_Spy" "A Spy's cloak and disguise abilities make it less obvious where the attack is going to be coming from."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8578,2 +8590,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_SpyAttack" "En fjendtlig Spy vil forsøge at sappe den venlige Engineers bygninger. Forklædte Spies påtager sig navne fra det modsatte hold."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8576,6 +8588,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SoreEyes" "Sight for Sore Eyes"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TeddyRoosebelt" "Teddy Roosebælte"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TeddyRoosebelt" "Teddy Roosebelt"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TeddyRoosebelt" "Teddy Roosebelt"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TeddyRoosebelt_Desc" "En sød, blød lomme-kammerat.\nÅrh, han har endda sin egen hat!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TeddyRoosebelt_Desc" "En sød, blød lomme-kammerat.\nÅrh, han har endda sin egen hat!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TeddyRoosebelt_Desc" "A cute, plushy pocket buddy.\nAw, he even has his own hat!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TeddyRoosebelt_Desc" "A cute, plushy pocket buddy.\nAw, he even has his own hat!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_BigCountry_Desc" "Det ville være en skam at gemme så lækkert hår."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_BigCountry_Desc" "Det ville være en skam at gemme så lækkert hår."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_BigCountry_Desc" "It'd be a damn shame to hide hair this handsome."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8586,2 +8600,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_GrimmHatte" "Grimm-hat"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8584,6 +8598,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Resurrection_Associate_Pin" "Resurrection Associate Pin"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Style_Desc" "Stil: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Style_Desc" "Style: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Style_Desc" "Style: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_StovePipe_Style0" "Smagfuld og Forædlet"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_StovePipe_Style0" "Smagfuld og Forædlet"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_StovePipe_Style0" "Tasteful and Refined"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_StovePipe_Style0" "Tasteful and Refined"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_StovePipe_style1" "Prangende og Overlegen"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_StovePipe_style1" "Prangende og Overlegen"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_StovePipe_style1" "Garish and Overbearing"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8680,5 +8696,5 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Gibus_Style_2010" "Gyselig"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8678,9 +8694,9 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_JanissaryHat" "Janissary Ketche"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "Den første stående hær, som bar uniformer, ville sgu have, at alle andre vidste det."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "The first standing army to wear uniforms wanted to make damn sure everyone else knew it."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "The first standing army to wear uniforms wanted to make damn sure everyone else knew it."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_BucketHat" "Hjerne spand"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_BucketHat" "Hjerne spand"}}
Line 119: Line 69:
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie testede, hjeeeerner godkendte."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie testede, hjeeeerner godkendte."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie tested, braaaains approved."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie tested, braaaains approved."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TrafficCone" "Død kegle"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8746,2 +8762,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TrafficCone" "Dead Cone"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8744,6 +8760,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_PERFORMANCE_MODE_DESC" "While watching a replay, press space bar to enter the editor."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_NAME" "Tid til Deres nærbillede, hr. Hale"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_NAME" "Time For Your Close-Up, Mr. Hale"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_NAME" "Time For Your Close-Up, Mr. Hale"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_NAME" "Stjernen i mit eget show"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_NAME" "Stjernen i mit eget show"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_NAME" "Star of My Own Show"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_NAME" "Star of My Own Show"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_DESC" "Brug noget tid på at redigere en gengivelse."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_DESC" "Brug noget tid på at redigere en gengivelse."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_DESC" "Spend some time editing a replay."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8944,2 +8962,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER1_NAME" "Hjemmefilm"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8942,6 +8960,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_autoreload" "If set, you'll automatically reload your weapon whenever you're not firing, if the weapon needs reloading and you have ammo."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_takesshots" "Hvis valgt vil du automatisk tage et skærmbillede af den afsluttende pointtavle ved slutningen af hver bane, du spiller."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_takesshots" "If set, you'll automatically have a screenshot taken of the final scoreboard at the end of every map you play."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_takesshots" "If set, you'll automatically have a screenshot taken of the final scoreboard at the end of every map you play."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "Hvis valgt vil du vende tilbage og holde det samme våben, du holdt, da du døde (antagende at du stadig har det valgt i dit udstyr)."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "Hvis valgt vil du vende tilbage og holde det samme våben, du holdt, da du døde (antagende at du stadig har det valgt i dit udstyr)."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "If set, you'll respawn holding the same weapon you were holding when you died (assuming you still have it equipped in your loadout)."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "If set, you'll respawn holding the same weapon you were holding when you died (assuming you still have it equipped in your loadout)."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_rememberlastweapon" "Hvis valgt vil tilbagevenden ikke påvirke våbenet, du vil skifte til, når du trykker på din 'forrige våben'-knap.\n\nHvis ikke valgt vil dit 'forrige våben' altid være sat til at være dit sekundære våben, når du vender tilbage."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_rememberlastweapon" "Hvis valgt vil tilbagevenden ikke påvirke våbenet, du vil skifte til, når du trykker på din 'forrige våben'-knap.\n\nHvis ikke valgt vil dit 'forrige våben' altid være sat til at være dit sekundære våben, når du vender tilbage."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_rememberlastweapon" "If set, respawning won't affect the weapon you'll switch to when you hit your 'previous weapon' key.\n\nIf unset, your 'previous weapon' will always be set to be your secondary weapon when you respawn."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8952,2 +8972,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_drawviewmodel_option" "Hvis ikke valgt vil første person-synet af dit aktive våben ikke blive vist."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -8950,6 +8970,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_flipviewmodel_option" "If set, the first person view of your active weapon will be drawn on the left hand side of the screen, instead of the right."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_DisableSprays" "Hvis valgt vil du ikke se andre spilleres spraybilleder."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_DisableSprays" "If set, you won't see other player's spraypaint images."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_DisableSprays" "If set, you won't see other player's spraypaint images."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tooltip_colorblindassist" "Hvis valgt vil flere effekter i spillet, som er sværere for farveblinde spillere at se, bruge alternative mere synlige effekter."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tooltip_colorblindassist" "Hvis valgt vil flere effekter i spillet, som er sværere for farveblinde spillere at se, bruge alternative mere synlige effekter."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Tooltip_colorblindassist" "If set, several in-game effects that are harder for colorblind players to see will use alternate, more visible effects."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Tooltip_colorblindassist" "If set, several in-game effects that are harder for colorblind players to see will use alternate, more visible effects."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_DisableHTMLMOTD" "Hvis valgt vil du ikke blive vist HTML-versioner af serveres 'Dagens besked'-velkomstskærme."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_DisableHTMLMOTD" "Hvis valgt vil du ikke blive vist HTML-versioner af serveres 'Dagens besked'-velkomstskærme."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_DisableHTMLMOTD" "If set, you won't be shown HTML versions of server's Message Of The Day welcome screens."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9112,3 +9134,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_SpectateCarriedItems" "Hvis valgt vil du blive vist udstyrsgenstandene, som bliver brugt af spilleren, du ser på."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9110,7 +9132,7 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MedicHealedDamageBonus" "While a medic is healing you,\nthis weapon's damage is increased by %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_MedicHealedDeployTimePenalty" "Mens du ikke bliver healet af en Medic,\ner du %s1% længere om at skifte våben"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MedicHealedDeployTimePenalty" "While not being healed by a medic,\nyour weapon switch time is %s1% longer"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MedicHealedDeployTimePenalty" "While not being healed by a medic,\nyour weapon switch time is %s1% longer"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Dette våben har ingen geværløbs-rotationslyd"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Dette våben har ingen geværløbs-rotationslyd"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Lydløs dræber: Ingen geværløbs-rotationslyd"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Lydløs dræber: Ingen geværløbs-rotationslyd"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Silent Killer: No barrel spin sound"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Silent Killer: No barrel spin sound"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_UberchargeRate_ForHealer" "+%s1% ÜberCharge-hastighed for Medic'en, som healer dig.\nDenne effekt virker ikke i startrummet."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9439,3 +9461,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_UberchargeRate_ForHealer" "+%s1% ÜberCharge rate for the medic healing you\nThis effect does not work in the respawn room"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9437,7 +9459,7 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Niveau %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 - Drab: %s3"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 - Drab: %s3"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 - Kills: %s3"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 - Kills: %s3"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 - %s4: %s3"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 - %s4: %s3"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterRank0" "Sær"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterRank0" "Sær"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank0" "Strange"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9506,2 +9528,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterRank1" "Upåfaldende"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9504,6 +9526,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Set_Black_Market" "Black Market Business"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "Fan Nr. 1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "The #1 Fan"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "The #1 Fan"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Set_General" "Den Formelle General"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Set_General" "Den Formelle General"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Set_General" "The General's Formals"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Set_General" "The General's Formals"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "Manden Af Ære"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "Manden Af Ære"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "The Man of Honor"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9530,3 +9554,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemiesDeploy" "Påfører småkritisk skade til luftbårne mål i %s1 sekunder efter at blive anvendt"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9528,7 +9552,7 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_ChargeImpactDamageIncreased" "+%s1% increase in charge impact damage"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_ChargeRechargeRateIncreased" "+%s1% forøgelse i angrebsløbets opladningshastighed"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_ChargeRechargeRateIncreased" "+%s1% increase in charge recharge rate"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_ChargeRechargeRateIncreased" "+%s1% increase in charge recharge rate"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Giver tredobbelt hop. Det tredje hop tildeler 10 i skade ved brug."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Giver tredobbelt hop. Det tredje hop tildeler 10 i skade ved brug."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Giver tredobbelt hop: Det tredje hop gør 10 i skade ved brug"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Giver tredobbelt hop: Det tredje hop gør 10 i skade ved brug"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Grants Triple Jump: The third jump deals 10 damage when used"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Grants Triple Jump: The third jump deals 10 damage when used"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_SpeedBuffAlly" "Ved træffer på Allierede: Forøger spillerens fart i 1 sekund."}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9554,2 +9578,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_SpeedBuffAlly" "On Hit Ally: Boosts both players' speed for several seconds"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9552,6 +9576,8 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_PersianPersuader" "The Persian Persuader"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Ali_Babas_Wee_Booties" "Ali Babas Små Futter"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Ali_Babas_Wee_Booties" "Ali Baba's Wee Booties"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Ali_Babas_Wee_Booties" "Ali Baba's Wee Booties"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SultansCeremonial" "Sultanens Ceremoniel"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SultansCeremonial" "Sultanens Ceremoniel"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SultansCeremonial" "Sultan's Ceremonial"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SultansCeremonial" "Sultan's Ceremonial"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_SplendidScreen" "Den Pragtfulde Skærm"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_SplendidScreen" "Den Pragtfulde Skærm"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SplendidScreen" "The Splendid Screen"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9808,6 +9834,8 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MarketGardener" "Market Gartneren"}}
{{tf diff|@|2=@@ -9806,9 +9832,11 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Pilotka" "Pilotka"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Pipboy" "Pip-Boy"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Pipboy" "Pip-Boy"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Pipboy" "Pip-Boy"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s2%s3"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s2%s3"}}

Revision as of 04:15, 27 August 2011

Recent changes

August 23, 2011 Patch (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).
Previous diffs

See page history.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.37 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:03, 25 July 2024 (1.34 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
01:08, 10 January 2024 (1.34 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:06, 20 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
02:04, 19 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:05, 15 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
00:49, 21 July 2023 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 20, 2023 Patch.
22:23, 12 July 2023 (1.26 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.25 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:37, 20 March 2023 (1.25 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
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