Difference between revisions of "File:Tf spanish.txt"
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m (Updated tf_spanish.txt for October 19, 2018 Patch.) |
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== Recent changes == | == Recent changes == | ||
− | {{tf diff|p= | + | {{tf diff|p=October 19, 2018 Patch}} |
== File info == | == File info == | ||
'''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}. | '''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}. |
Revision as of 05:17, 20 October 2018
Recent changes
October 19, 2018 Patch (previous patches)
47344734"[english]ChallengeDetails" "%s1 as a %s2"
47354735"FriendsList" "Ver todos tus %friendsplaying% amigos que están jugando"
47364736"[english]FriendsList" "See all %friendsplaying% friends playing"
4737N/A"MMenu_StartPlaying" "Empezar a Jugar"
N/A4737"MMenu_StartPlaying" "Empezar a jugar"
47384738"[english]MMenu_StartPlaying" "Start Playing"
4739N/A"MMenu_ChangeServer" "Cambiar Servidor"
N/A4739"MMenu_ChangeServer" "Cambiar servidor"
47404740"[english]MMenu_ChangeServer" "Change Server"
47414741"MMenu_CharacterSetup" "OBJETOS"
47424742"[english]MMenu_CharacterSetup" "ITEMS"
4743N/A"MMenu_Achievements" "Logros y Estadísticas"
N/A4743"MMenu_Achievements" "Logros y estadísticas"
47444744"[english]MMenu_Achievements" "Achievements & Stats"
47454745"MMenu_NoRecentAchievements" "Has conseguido %currentachievements% de %totalachievements% logros."
47464746"[english]MMenu_NoRecentAchievements" "You've earned %currentachievements% of %totalachievements% achievements."
47804780"[english]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Button" "OFFLINE PRACTICE"
47814781"MMenu_ViewNewUserForums" "Ver foro de novatos"
47824782"[english]MMenu_ViewNewUserForums" "View new user forums"
4783N/A"MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title" "Foro de Novatos"
N/A4783"MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title" "Foro de novatos"
47844784"[english]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title" "New User Forum"
47854785"MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text" "Hemos preparado unos foros para los novatos. Si tienes preguntas, este es un buen sitio para hacerlas."
47864786"[english]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text" "We've setup some forums for new users to talk. If you've got questions, here's a great place to ask them."
49444944"[english]TR_DustGeneric_FFTitle" "Friendly Fire"
49454945"TR_DustGeneric_FF" "¡Tranquilo, no puedes herir a tus compañeros en ningún momento!"
49464946"[english]TR_DustGeneric_FF" "Don't worry, you cannot hurt your teammates at any time!"
4947N/A"TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle" "¡Ups!"
N/A4947"TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle" "¡Uy!"
49484948"[english]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle" "Oops!"
49494949"TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed" "Parece que te has saltado el �Punto de Control�. El último punto está bloqueado hasta que captures el primero."
49504950"[english]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed" "Looks like you ran past the �Control Point�. The last point is locked until you capture the first one."
73727372"[english]TF_RiftFireMace_Desc" "Spiky end goes into other man."
73737373"rarity1" " de Aspecto Genuino"
73747374"[english]rarity1" "Genuine"
7375N/A"MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "Ver Códigos Promocionales"
N/A7375"MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "Ver códigos promocionales"
73767376"[english]MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "View Promotional Codes"
73777377"TF_UseClaimCode_Title" "¿Reclamar Código?"
73787378"[english]TF_UseClaimCode_Title" "Claim Code?"
75507550"[english]Replay_Downloading" "DOWNLOADING"
75517551"Replay_UnrenderedReplays" "GRABACIONES TEMPORALES (%s1) :"
75527552"[english]Replay_UnrenderedReplays" "TEMPORARY REPLAYS (%s1) :"
7553N/A"Replay_SavedMovies" "VIDEOS GUARDADOS (%s1) :"
N/A7553"Replay_SavedMovies" "VÍDEOS GUARDADOS (%s1) :"
75547554"[english]Replay_SavedMovies" "SAVED MOVIES (%s1) :"
75557555"Replay_ConversionWarning" "Son temporales y, a no ser que las guardes, pueden perderse con la próxima actualización."
75567556"[english]Replay_ConversionWarning" "These are temporary, and unless saved, may be lost with the next game update."
77327732"[english]Replay_RenderReplay" "RENDER REPLAY"
77337733"Replay_RenderReplays" "RENDERIZADO"
77347734"[english]Replay_RenderReplays" "RENDER MOVIES"
7735N/A"Replay_OlderMovies" "VIDEOS ANTERIORES:"
N/A7735"Replay_OlderMovies" "VÍDEOS ANTERIORES:"
77367736"[english]Replay_OlderMovies" "OLDER MOVIES:"
7737N/A"Replay_Rendered" "VIDEOS"
N/A7737"Replay_Rendered" "VÍDEOS"
77387738"[english]Replay_Rendered" "MOVIES"
77397739"Replay_Go" "OK"
77407740"[english]Replay_Go" "GO!"
78667866"[english]Replay_MotionBlur_High" "High"
78677867"Replay_MotionBlur_Enabled" "Activar Desenfoque de Movimiento (incrementará el tiempo de renderizado)"
78687868"[english]Replay_MotionBlur_Enabled" "Enable Motion Blur (will increase rendering time)"
7869N/A"Replay_Codec" "Códec de video"
N/A7869"Replay_Codec" "Códec de vídeo"
78707870"[english]Replay_Codec" "Video Codec"
78717871"Replay_Codec_H264" "Lento, calidad óptima (H.264)"
78727872"[english]Replay_Codec_H264" "Slower, Best Quality (H.264)"
78907890"[english]Replay_ExportMovieSuccess_Title" "Success"
78917891"Replay_ExportMovieSuccess_Text" "¡El vídeo ha sido exportado con éxito!"
78927892"[english]Replay_ExportMovieSuccess_Text" "The movie has been exported successfully!"
7893N/A"Replay_MovieFiles" "Video QuickTime"
N/A7893"Replay_MovieFiles" "Vídeo QuickTime"
78947894"[english]Replay_MovieFiles" "QuickTime Movie"
78957895"Replay_PerfTip_EnterPerfMode" "Para entrar en el editor de grabaciones,\npulsa espacio."
78967896"[english]Replay_PerfTip_EnterPerfMode" "To enter the replay editor, press space."
82968296"[english]TR_Eng_SentryBuilt" "�Upgrade� the sentry to level 3 by hitting it with your wrench. You can also get �metal� from �ammo boxes�!"
82978297"TR_Eng_SentryHint" "Construye la centinela aquí"
82988298"[english]TR_Eng_SentryHint" "Build Sentry Here"
8299N/A"TR_Eng_SentryErrorTitle" "¡Uups!"
N/A8299"TR_Eng_SentryErrorTitle" "¡Uy!"
83008300"[english]TR_Eng_SentryErrorTitle" "Woops!"
83018301"TR_Eng_SentryErrorPos" "Coloca la construcción en la posición indicada. Permanece cerca de ella y pulsa �%attack2%� para recogerla y reposicionarla. Colócala de nuevo pulsando �%attack%�."
83028302"[english]TR_Eng_SentryErrorPos" "Place the building in the position indicated. Stand near your building and press �%attack2%� to pick it up and reposition it. Place it down using �%attack%�."
94489448"[english]Replay_Contest_Category10001" "Best Overall Replay"
94499449"MMenu_NewGame" "Nueva partida"
94509450"[english]MMenu_NewGame" "New Game"
9451N/A"MMenu_BrowseServers" "Buscar Servidores"
N/A9451"MMenu_BrowseServers" "Buscar servidores"
94529452"[english]MMenu_BrowseServers" "Browse Servers"
94539453"MMenu_AdvOptions" "Opciones avanzadas"
94549454"[english]MMenu_AdvOptions" "Advanced Options"
98929892"[english]TF_Weapon_Bust" "Bust of Hippocrates"
98939893"strange" "de Aspecto Raro"
98949894"[english]strange" "Strange"
9895N/A"MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Title" "Objetos y Equipamiento"
N/A9895"MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Title" "Objetos y equipamiento"
98969896"[english]MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Title" "Items and Loadouts"
98979897"MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Text" "¡Tienes nuevos objetos! Pulsa el botón 'Objetos' para ir al menú de equipamiento, donde podrás equiparlos en una de tus clases.\n\nTambién puedes intercambiar objetos con otros jugadores, fabricar nuevos objetos a partir de los que no quieras y ojear el Catálogo Mann Co. para ver qué otros objetos puedes coleccionar."
98989898"[english]MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Text" "You have new items! Click on the Items button to go to the loadout screen, where you'll be able to equip the item on one of your character classes.\n\nYou can also trade items with other players, craft new items from your unwanted items, and browse the Mann Co. Catalog to see what other items you can collect."
1106411064"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPublishFile" "Failed to publish file! Check to see if you have another item that has the same name."
1106511065"TF_PublishFile_kFailedToUpdateFile" "Error al actualizar el archivo publicado."
1106611066"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToUpdateFile" "Failed to update published file!"
11067N/A"TF_PublishFile_kSteamCloudNotAvailable" "Error de conexión con Steam Cloud."
N/A11067"TF_PublishFile_kSteamCloudNotAvailable" "No se ha podido conectar con Steam Cloud."
1106811068"[english]TF_PublishFile_kSteamCloudNotAvailable" "Failed to connect to the Steam Cloud!"
1106911069"TF_PublishFile_kSteamExceededCloudQuota" "Has superado tu cuota en Steam Cloud."
1107011070"[english]TF_PublishFile_kSteamExceededCloudQuota" "You have exceeded your quota on the Steam Cloud!"
1222412224"Tip_7_24" "Como Pyro, la explosión de aire comprimido del Lanzallamas (%attack2%) es una herramienta muy útil. Úsala para empujar a los enemigos, incluyendo a Medics invulnerables y a sus compañeros, por acantilados u otros peligros ambientales."
1222512225"[english]Tip_7_24" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) is a very useful tool. Use it to push enemies, even invulnerable Medics and their buddies, off cliffs or into other environmental hazards."
1222612226"Tip_7_25" "Como Pyro, el Desengrasador causa menos daño por quemaduras, pero te permite cambiar de arma de manera casi instantánea. Esto facilita la realización de combinaciones letales, tales como prender fuego a un enemigo para después asestarle un golpe crítico con el Hacherminador."
12227N/A"[english]Tip_7_25" "As a Pyro, the Degreaser inflicts less afterburn damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly. This helps you perform deadly combination attacks, such as setting the enemy on fire and using the Axtinguisher to inflict a critical hit!"
N/A12227"[english]Tip_7_25" "As a Pyro, the Degreaser inflicts less afterburn damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly. This helps you perform deadly combination attacks!"
1222812228"Tip_7_26" "Como Pyro, el Rascaespaldas inflige daño adicional, pero los Medics y Dispensadores tardarán más en curarte. No obstante, los botiquines te proporcionarán más salud de lo normal, ¡así que recuerda su ubicación en el mapa!"
1222912229"[english]Tip_7_26" "As a Pyro, the Backscratcher inflicts additional damage, but Medics and dispensers will heal you more slowly. Healthpacks will provide you with more health than normal however, so note their locations on the map!"
1223012230"Tip_7_27" "Como Pyro, la explosión de aire comprimido del Lanzallamas puede usarse para contrarrestar el Targe de Carga del Demoman. Elige el momento adecuado para usarla, y empujarás hacia atrás al Demoman antes de que pueda golpearte, ¡entonces contraataca!"
1266112661"[english]Attrib_ChanceOfHungerDecrease" "Reduces chance of hunger by up to %s1%"
1266212662"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promoción)"
1266312663"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promotion)"
12664N/A"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (Previsualizar mejora)"
N/A12664"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (Compra de objeto de prueba)"
1266512665"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (Preview Item Upgrade)"
1266612666"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1"
1266712667"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1"
1287512875"[english]TF_PEP_ScoutBag" "Dillinger's Duffel"
1287612876"TF_PEP_ScoutBag_Desc" "Esta mochila viene con correas de cuero para que el dinero no se caiga. Las correas de cuero no están apretadas del todo, así que algo de dinero SE CAERÁ, y las nenas sabrán lo rico que eres. (La respuesta es mucho. Y también guapo.)"
1287712877"[english]TF_PEP_ScoutBag_Desc" "This duffel comes with leather straps so all your money doesn't fall out. The leather straps also don't tighten all the way, so some money WILL fall out, and ladies will know how rich you are. (Answer: Very. Also handsome.)"
12878N/A"TF_DS_DumpsterDevice" "Bazooka del Mendigo"
N/A12878"TF_DS_DumpsterDevice" "Bazuca del Mendigo"
1287912879"[english]TF_DS_DumpsterDevice" "Beggar's Bazooka"
1288012880"TF_DS_DumpsterDevice_Desc" ""
1288112881"[english]TF_DS_DumpsterDevice_Desc" ""
1539515395"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Intermediate2" "Day of Wreckening"
1539615396"TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Expert1" "Desesperación"
1539715397"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Expert1" "Desperation"
15398N/A"TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate" "Derrumbamiento"
N/A15398"TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate" "Derrumbe"
1539915399"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate" "Cave-in"
1540015400"TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate2" "Cantera"
1540115401"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate2" "Quarry"
1735117351Si no, deja este campo vacío."
1735217352"[english]TF_VR_SetEyeRelief" "If you know your eye relief, you can set it directly here.
1735317353If not, leave this field alone."
17354N/A"TF_VR_UseControls" "Teclas de dirección: moverse, Mayús.: ir más rápido, Intro: siguiente línea.
N/A17354"TF_VR_UseControls" "Teclas de dirección: moverse, Mayús: ir más rápido, Intro: siguiente línea.
1735517355Cruceta: moverse, gatillos: ir más rápido, botón A: siguiente línea."
1735617356"[english]TF_VR_UseControls" "Cursor keys to move, shift=faster, enter for next line.
1735717357D-pad to move, triggers=faster, A button for next line."
1955119551"[english]Attrib_Medic_MadMilkSyringes" "Syringes deliver a highly concentrated dose of Mad Milk. Duration increases per hit to a max of 4 seconds."
1955219552"Attrib_Rocket_Specialist" "+15% de velocidad de cohete por punto. Si se realiza un impacto directo: el cohete hace daño máximo, aturde al objetivo y aumenta su radio de explosión +15% por punto."
1955319553"[english]Attrib_Rocket_Specialist" "+15% rocket speed per point. On direct hits: rocket does maximum damage, stuns target, and blast radius increased +15% per point."
19554N/A"Attrib_Healing_Mastery" "+25% de ratio de curación por paciente, +25% de velocidad al revivir un aliado y +25% de curación propia por punto"
N/A19554"Attrib_Healing_Mastery" "+25% de velocidad de curación por paciente, +25% de velocidad al revivir un aliado y +25% de curación propia por punto"
1955519555"[english]Attrib_Healing_Mastery" "+25% heal rate for patient, +25% faster revive rate, and +25% self heal rate, per point"
1955619556"Attrib_RageOnHeal" "Acumula energía curando a tus compañeros de equipo. Cuando la barra esté completamente cargada, pulsa la tecla de ataque especial para activar un escudo antiproyectiles frontal."
1955719557"[english]Attrib_RageOnHeal" "Build energy by healing teammates. When fully charged, press the Special-Attack key to deploy a frontal projectile shield."
1982519825"[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2013_Promo_Desc" ""
1982619826"TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser" "Dispensador de Espíritu Navideño Portátil"
1982719827"[english]TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser" "The Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser"
19828N/A"TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia Rebajas Navideñas de Steam 2013."
N/A19828"TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia de las rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013."
1982919829"[english]TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge."
1983019830"TF_Winter2013_BattleHood" "La Capucha de Combate de la Guerra Navideña"
1983119831"[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood" "The War on Smissmas Battle Hood"
19832N/A"TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Desc" "Otorgada por fabricar la insignia Rebajas Navideñas de Steam 2013"
N/A19832"TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Desc" "Otorgada por fabricar la insignia de las rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013."
1983319833"[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge."
1983419834"TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Style0" "Sin Casco"
1983519835"[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Style0" "No Helmet"
1983719837"[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Style1" "Helmet"
1983819838"TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks" "Los Calcetines de Combate de la Guerra Navideña"
1983919839"[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks" "The War on Smissmas Battle Socks"
19840N/A"TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks_Desc" "Otorgados por fabricar la insignia Rebajas Navideñas de Steam 2013"
N/A19840"TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks_Desc" "Otorgados por fabricar la insignia de las rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013."
1984119841"[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge."
1984219842"TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack" "El Saco Petao de Navidad"
1984319843"[english]TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack" "The Sack Fulla Smissmas"
19844N/A"TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia Rebajas Navideñas de Steam 2013."
N/A19844"TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia de las rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013."
1984519845"[english]TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge."
1984619846"TF_Winter2013_Caribou" "El Cornudo Navideño"
1984719847"[english]TF_Winter2013_Caribou" "The Smissmas Caribou"
19848N/A"TF_Winter2013_Caribou_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia Rebajas Navideñas de Steam 2013."
N/A19848"TF_Winter2013_Caribou_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia de las rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013."
1984919849"[english]TF_Winter2013_Caribou_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge."
1985019850"TF_Winter2013_Randolph" "Randolf el Reno de la Nariz Rota"
1985119851"[english]TF_Winter2013_Randolph" "Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou"
19852N/A"TF_Winter2013_Randolph_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia Rebajas Navideñas de Steam 2013."
N/A19852"TF_Winter2013_Randolph_Desc" "Otorgado por fabricar la insignia de las rebajas de fin de año de Steam 2013."
1985319853"[english]TF_Winter2013_Randolph_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge."
1985419854"KillEaterEvent_PlayerWearingUnusualKill" "Víctimas con Inusuales"
1985519855"[english]KillEaterEvent_PlayerWearingUnusualKill" "Unusual-Wearing Player Kills"
2256922569"[english]ItemHistory_Action_ItemEaterRecharge_Remove" "Used to add charges"
2257022570"ItemHistory_Action_SupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove" "Modificado por el Soporte de Steam"
2257122571"[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove" "Modified by Steam Support"
22572N/A"ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired" "Periodo de previsualización finalizado"
N/A22572"ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired" "Periodo de prueba finalizado"
2257322573"[english]ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired" "Preview period ended"
22574N/A"ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought" "Objeto de previsualización eliminado tras la compra"
N/A22574"ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought" "Objeto de prueba eliminado tras la compra"
2257522575"[english]ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought" "Preview item removed after purchase"
2257622576"ItemHistory_Action__UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove" "Usado para mejorar el nivel del Patodiario"
2257722577"[english]ItemHistory_Action__UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove" "Used to update Duck Journal level"
2682826828"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Participant" "RGB LAN Participant"
2682926829"TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017" "Medalla de Participante de Mappers vs. Machines 2017"
2683026830"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017" "Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017"
26831N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017_Desc" "¿Tienes el valor necesario para clavarte una bomba de relojería en el pecho? Otorgado a todos los participantes del concurso de mapas MvM de la comunidad de TF2Maps.net y Potato's MvM Server de 2017."
N/A26831"TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017_Desc" "¿Tienes lo que hace falta para clavarte una bomba de relojería en el pecho? Otorgado a todos los participantes del concurso de mapas MvM de la comunidad de TF2Maps.net y Potato's MvM Server de 2017."
2683226832"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017_Desc" "Are you Mann enough to hammer a ticking time bomb on your chest? Awarded to all participants of the 2017 TF2Maps.net and Potato's MvM Server's community MvM mapping contest!"
2683326833"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Gold" "Primer Puesto de la CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl"
2683426834"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Gold" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place"
2819228192"[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_Recharge" "Recharged"
2819328193"ItemHistory_Transaction_RemoveItemCraftIndex" "Índice de fabricación eliminado"
2819428194"[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_RemoveItemCraftIndex" "Removed craft index"
28195N/A"ItemHistory_Transaction_MvM_ChallengeCompleted" "Modo Mann McM jugado"
N/A28195"ItemHistory_Transaction_MvM_ChallengeCompleted" "Modo Mann MvM jugado"
2819628196"[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_MvM_ChallengeCompleted" "Played MvM Mann Up Mode"
2819728197"ItemHistory_Transaction_SquadSurplus" "Bonificación de Excedentes de Pelotón (MvM)"
2819828198"[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_SquadSurplus" "MvM Squad Surplus bonus"
2821628216"[english]TF_CaseGlobalUnusualEffects" "Case Global Unusual Effect(s)"
2821728217"TF_CaseGlobalBonusItems" "Objetos adicionales globales"
2821828218"[english]TF_CaseGlobalBonusItems" "Case Global Bonus Item(s)"
28219N/A"TF_CaseGlobalBonusItemsDesc" "¡Latas de pintura!\n¡Inusualizadores de burla!\n¡Boletos MvM!\n¡Y herramientas de TF2!"
N/A28219"TF_CaseGlobalBonusItemsDesc" "¡Botes de pintura!\n¡Inusualizadores de burla!\n¡Tickets de MvM!\n¡Y herramientas de TF2!"
2822028220"[english]TF_CaseGlobalBonusItemsDesc" "Paint Cans!\nTaunt Unusualifiers!\nMvM Tickets!\nAnd TF2 Tools!"
2822128221"Context_ConTracker" "Ver contratos"
2822228222"[english]Context_ConTracker" "View Contracts"
2828828288"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3_Desc" "You gathered six people together for the sole purpose of hitting others with Frying Pans, and we appreciate you for it. Thanks for participating in Ready Steady Pan Season 3!"
2828928289"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantástico Campeón de las Eliminatorias"
2829028290"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantastic Playoff Champ"
28291N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3_Desc" "¿Meterse en las eliminatorias del torneo competitivo de sartenes? Eso suena bastante prestigioso. ¡Enhorabuena por tu posición en la tercera temporada de Ready Steady Pan!"
N/A28291"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3_Desc" "Llegar a las eliminatorias de un torneo competitivo de sartenes parece algo bastante prestigioso. ¡Enhorabuena por tu actuación en la tercera temporada de Ready Steady Pan!"
2829228292"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3_Desc" "Getting into the playoffs of a competitive Frying Pan tournament is a rather prestigious accomplishment. Congratulations on your performance in Ready Steady Pan Season 3!"
2829328293"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Desc" "¡Gracias por tu gran trabajo y dedicación para hacer de Ready Steady Pan una realidad! Incluso pasando la mayor parte del tiempo entre bastidores, tú eres el verdadero MJ."
2829428294"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Desc" "Thanks for your hard work and dedication put into making Ready Steady Pan a reality! Regardless of you being mostly behind the scenes - you're the real MVP."
2879428794"[english]TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_Message" "Are you sure you want to reset all 520 Team Fortress 2 achievements in-game and on Steam?\n\nOnce reset your old achievements cannot be recovered!"
2879528795"TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_OK" "Reiniciar"
2879628796"[english]TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_OK" "Reset"
N/A28797"TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2018" "Primavera 2018"
N/A28798"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2018" "Spring 2018"
N/A28799"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Champions" "Campeones de RGL.gg (Invitación)"
N/A28800"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Invite Champions"
N/A28801"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_2nd" "Segundo Puesto de RGL.gg (Invitación)"
N/A28802"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place"
N/A28803"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_3rd" "Tercer Puesto de RGL.gg (Invitación)"
N/A28804"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place"
N/A28805"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Participant" "Participante de RGL.gg (Invitación)"
N/A28806"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Invite Participant"
N/A28807"TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Gold" "Primer Puesto de Copenhagen Games Highlander"
N/A28808"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Gold" "Copenhagen Games Highlander 1st Place"
2879728809"TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Silver" "Segundo Puesto de Copenhagen Games Highlander"
2879828810"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Silver" "Copenhagen Games Highlander 2nd Place"
2879928811"TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Bronze" "Tercer Puesto de Copenhagen Games Highlander"
2880228814"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Iron" "Copenhagen Games Highlander Participant"
2880328815"TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Participant" "Medalla de Participante de Beginnings 5"
2880428816"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Participant" "Beginnings 5 Participant Medal"
28805N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4_Desc" "Durante esta temporada has gobernado con puño de hierro. Desafiar a uno de estos jugadores es una gran muestra de valentía y augurio del desastre. ¡Enhorabuena por tu gran ejecución en la cuarta temporada del Ready Steady Pan!"
N/A28817"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4" "Gran Champiñón de la Tempurada"
N/A28818"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4" "Finalist Fry Hard"
N/A28819"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4_Desc" "Esta temporada has cortado el bacalao. Desafiar a cualquiera de estos jugadores puede hacerte salir escaldado y es la mejor receta para el desastre. ¡Enhorabuena por tu enjundiosa actuación en la cuarta tempurada de Ready Steady Pan!"
2880628820"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4_Desc" "This season you have ruled with an iron feast. Challenging one of these players is a great whisk, and is a recipe for disaster. Congratulations on your supper performance in the fourth seasoning of Ready Steady Pan!"
2880728821"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4" "Subchampiñón de la Tempurada"
2880828822"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4" "Second Seasonal Stomper"
28809N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4" "Champiñón del Tercer Pisto"
N/A28823"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4_Desc" "Esta medalla no es una medalla corriente, ¡también es antiadherente! Gracias a tu gran esfuerzo con los utensilios de cocina y el manejo de la sartén, te has ganado el apetitoso título de Subchampiñón de la cuarta tempurada de Ready Steady Pan."
N/A28824"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4_Desc" "This medal is no ordinary medal, it's non-stick too! Due to your hard efforts in cooking ware and pan-handling you earned the a-peeling title of The Second Seasonal Stomper in the fourth seasoning of Ready Steady Pan!"
N/A28825"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4" "Tercer Pisto de la Tempurada"
2881028826"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4" "Third Thyme Champ"
N/A28827"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS4" "Eliminatorias Pan-tásticas de Ready Steady"
N/A28828"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS4" "Ready Steady Pan-tastic Playoffs"
N/A28829"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS4" "Panticipante de la Cuarta Tempurada"
N/A28830"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS4" "Fourth Seasoning Pan-ticipant"
N/A28831"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS4" "Asistente Sobre-sal-iente"
N/A28832"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS4" "Eggcellent Helper"
2881128833"TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_First" "Medalla de Primer Puesto de HLMixes Showdown"
2881228834"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_First" "HLMixes Showdown 1st Place Medal"
2881328835"TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_Finalist" "Medalla de Finalista de HLMixes Showdown"
2881828840"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HydroTF_Participant" "Hydro.tf Participant Medal"
2881928841"TF_TournamentMedal_HydroTF_Allstar" "Medalla de All-Star de Hydro.tf"
2882028842"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HydroTF_Allstar" "Hydro.tf All-Star Medal"
N/A28843"TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1" "Patrocinador de Blapature Co."
N/A28844"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1" "Blapature Co. Backer"
2882128845"TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1_Desc" "Lo más importante al hacer mermelada es reemplazar literalmente todo con aguacates. ¡Gracias por apoyar la Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!"
2882228846"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1_Desc" "The most important thing when making jam is to replace literally everything with avocados. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!"
2882328847"TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier2_Desc" "Un aguacate al día mantiene al doctor en la lejanía: solo tienes que darle entre los ojos. ¡Gracias por apoyar la Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!"
2882628850"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier3" "Blapature Co. Benefactor"
2882728851"TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier3_Desc" "Distínguete de los «millennials» proclamando con orgullo que comes tostadas de aguacate. ¡Gracias por apoyar la Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!"
2882828852"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier3_Desc" "Distinguish yourself from Millennials by proudly proclaiming you eat avocado toast. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!"
N/A28853"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItem" "(Compra de objeto de prueba)"
N/A28854"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItem" "(Preview Item Upgrade)"
2882928855"ItemHistory_Action_DeletedAccountTerminated" "Eliminado por cierre de la cuenta"
2883028856"[english]ItemHistory_Action_DeletedAccountTerminated" "Deleted by Account Termination"
2883128857"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_Participant" "Participante de la Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus"
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current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.46 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.45 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
19:09, 18 July 2024 | (1.43 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for July 18, 2024 Patch. | |
19:07, 20 December 2023 | (1.38 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:05, 19 December 2023 | (1.38 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:06, 15 December 2023 | (1.38 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
22:24, 12 July 2023 | (1.34 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
21:47, 30 March 2023 | (1.33 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.33 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:21, 1 March 2023 | (1.33 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch. |
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