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===副武器 {{anchor|Secondary weapons}}===
===副武器 {{anchor|Secondary weapons}}===
{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| Weapon
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| 武器
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| Anti-Spy strategy
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| 反间谍策略
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Revolver}} + '''reskins'''
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Revolver}} + '''其所有皮肤'''
* The Revolver fires quickly and accurately; make yourself a more difficult target by strafing from side to side.
* {{item link|Revolver}}射速较快,且很精准。请进行不规律移动以加大间谍射中你的难度。
* Be cautious when you are below half health, the Spy may try to finish you off with his Revolver. Spy-check teammates who seem to be looking at you while running away to find a health source.
* 当你的生命值低于50%时要特别注意:间谍可能会用{{item name|Revolver}}把你解决掉。请在当残血时对那些可疑的队友进行间谍检查。
* If the Spy is found out and chooses to fight, he commonly backpedals to create distance. Backpedaling is slower than moving forward, so you can still utilize cover while chasing him down.
* 如果间谍的身份被暴露且其想决一死战,他一般会向后后退以制造距离优势,但是,其向后移动速度比向前跑要慢。所以你仍可以借助掩体将其放倒。
* Most weapons outdamage the Revolver at close range. Unless the Spy is confident he can kill you, consider what routes he might try to escape with.
* 大多数武器近距离攻击伤害要比{{item name|Revolver}}要高。除非间谍十分有信心将你放倒,否则还是想一想他的逃跑路线吧。
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Ambassador}} + '''reskins'''
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Ambassador}} + '''其所有皮肤'''
* In direct combat, a Spy with the Ambassador will aim for your head to deal critical damage. Strafe and jump to throw off his aim.
* 在直接战斗中,间谍会使用{{item link|Ambassador}}瞄准你的头部以造成爆击伤害。向其扫射或不规律跳跃以躲避其射击。
* The Ambassador is weaker than the Revolver, dealing less damage and fires slower. Additionally, there is a cooldown after each shot where it cannot headshot at all.
* {{item name|Ambassador}}某种意义上要比{{item name|Revolver}}要弱,其造成更少的身体伤害且开火速度更慢。除此之外,在其射击后有一段时间间谍不能造成爆头伤害。
* Spy check teammates that look like they're aiming at you.
* 间谍检查任何瞄准你的队友。
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|L'Etranger}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|L'Etranger}}
* A Spy using the L'Etranger gains 40% additional cloaking and can attack to refill his Cloak meter, making him particularly elusive. Once you find a Spy, light him on fire or douse him in [[Jarate]] or [[Mad Milk]] to render cloaking useless.
* 一个使用{{item link|L'Etranger}}的间谍会获得40%的额外隐身能量且其每击中一个敌人就可以积攒隐身能量。当你找到一个装备该武器的间谍时,将其点燃或向他扔{{item link|Jarate}}或{{item link|Mad Milk}}使他无处遁形。
* The L'Etranger deals less damage than the Revolver, making his direct combat even weaker.
* {{item name|L'Etranger}}相对于{{item name|Revolver}}制造更少的伤害,在直接战斗中要比其弱许多。
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Enforcer}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Enforcer}}

Revision as of 14:30, 28 July 2023

Ohhhh... merde.

间谍是专门对你们队伍进行欺骗与破坏的特务,他们十分狡猾。他们会使用隐形手表来帮助自己隐身,或者用伪装工具 伪装成你的队友以进行间谍活动,并将目标直接背刺。最好防御间谍的方法就是观察:他仅仅只有这几种方法伪装自己,所以有经验的玩家可以迅速发现不对劲的地方。间谍的战斗能力较为低下,所以一般他们打不过就会立刻逃跑。请记住:间谍有着许多方式去欺骗你和你的队友,包括使用死亡之铃假装装自己已死。如果你们队伍能定时进行间谍检查,间谍就很难对你们造成威胁。而火焰兵可以用他的火焰喷射器快速筛选出间谍。


属性 反间谍策略
Spy emblem RED.png 职责
  • 间谍会尝试在你们的后方用自己的伪装和隐身能力干扰你们,请进行必要的间谍检查。
  • 一个伪装的间谍行动不会像你的队友一般自然。比如,他不能进行攻击且穿过你们队的任何一个人。
  • 一个高超的间谍可以以一己之力对抗整个没有协调的队伍,请及时与队友报告间谍和他的可能位置。
  • 你可以通过查看间谍的出装以判断他的总体的游玩风格。
  • 某些武器,比如火焰兵的拆迁者狙击手电击背脊盾,有特别的反间谍功能。
Leaderboard class medic.png 生命值
  • 间谍的身板较脆弱,其一般生命值为125。在其暴露后一般不难杀死,但他可能会通过隐身来减免受到的伤害或用死亡之铃来抛下一具假尸体。
Leaderboard class scout.png 速度
  • 一般来讲,间谍的移速要比兵种的平均移速快一点。当间谍进行伪装时,他的移速会与他当前伪装的这个兵种的移速相同。(除了侦察兵
    • 一个移速比平常慢的侦察兵一定是间谍!
Leaderboard class soldier.png 武力
  • 在直接战斗中,间谍的武器较弱。
  • 间谍可以看到敌方玩家的生命值,这样他可以确认敌方玩家是否可以一枪干掉。
  • 如果间谍神不知鬼不觉地潜入了敌方阵地并摸到了敌人的后背,他就可以背刺干掉那个敌人。
    • 一个高超的间谍会使用trickstabs解决他遇到的敌人。


主条目: 间谍的武器


武器 反间谍策略
左轮手枪 + 其所有皮肤
  • 左轮手枪射速较快,且很精准。请进行不规律移动以加大间谍射中你的难度。
  • 当你的生命值低于50%时要特别注意:间谍可能会用左轮手枪把你解决掉。请在当残血时对那些可疑的队友进行间谍检查。
  • 如果间谍的身份被暴露且其想决一死战,他一般会向后后退以制造距离优势,但是,其向后移动速度比向前跑要慢。所以你仍可以借助掩体将其放倒。
  • 大多数武器近距离攻击伤害要比左轮手枪要高。除非间谍十分有信心将你放倒,否则还是想一想他的逃跑路线吧。
大使手枪 + 其所有皮肤
  • 在直接战斗中,间谍会使用大使手枪瞄准你的头部以造成爆击伤害。向其扫射或不规律跳跃以躲避其射击。
  • 大使手枪某种意义上要比左轮手枪要弱,其造成更少的身体伤害且开火速度更慢。除此之外,在其射击后有一段时间间谍不能造成爆头伤害。
  • 间谍检查任何瞄准你的队友。
  • 一个使用陌生人的间谍会获得40%的额外隐身能量且其每击中一个敌人就可以积攒隐身能量。当你找到一个装备该武器的间谍时,将其点燃或向他扔瓶手道疯狂的牛奶使他无处遁形。
  • 陌生人相对于左轮手枪制造更少的伤害,在直接战斗中要比其弱许多。
  • The Enforcer deals bonus damage when breaking disguise, but fires 20% slower. If you survive the first shot, counterattacking should be easier.
  • The Enforcer ignores damage resistances and vulnerabilities.
    • If you are using items that grant resistances, such as the Vaccinator or Batallion's Backup, play safely if you know a Spy is using the Enforcer.
  • The Diamondback stores critical hits as the Spy successfully backstabs teammates or saps buildings. It deals less damage otherwise, so successful anti-Spy measures will leave him with an inferior weapon.


Weapon Anti-Spy strategy
刀子 + reskins
  • If you hear nearby teammates scream or notice them dying to backstabs on the kill feed, turn around immediately to avoid being the next victim of a Spy ambush.
  • The Knife does less damage than most other classes' melee weapons. If the Spy loses the element of surprise, he will likely fight with his Revolver or flee by Cloaking.
  • A Spy who approaches you with his Knife out is likely attempting to trick you into showing your back. Refrain from melee combat, where a misturn may lead to a backstab, and instead fight with a ranged weapon.
    • In addition, take caution if the Spy goes up a flight of stairs or goes behind a corner - these are common ways to trick pursuing victims.
  • If you see a Spy approaching a teammate and cannot kill him in time, aim to knock him back. The Soldier and Demoman have explosions, while the Pyro has the compression blast.
Your Eternal Reward
永生的回报 + reskins
  • Your Eternal Reward allows the Spy to instantly disguise as his victim, with no death notice given in the kill feed and no attack noise. If you die, tell your team!
  • Other than standard anti-Spy measures, watch your backs when traveling in a group. A Spy with Your Eternal Reward can silently take down an entire group that insists on always facing forward.
  • Your Eternal Reward makes the Spy's Cloak drain faster and consumes a full Cloak meter if he disguises manually, forcing him to rely on his disguise rather than his Cloak.
Conniver's Kunai
  • The Conniver's Kunai reduces the Spy's base health to 70 HP. If he has not backstabbed anyone yet, he should be an easy kill.
  • This severe health reduction may encourage the Spy to also use the Dead Ringer for a safety net.
  • Spy-check a teammate who is suspiciously overhealed, especially if there is no friendly Medic nearby.
Big Earner
  • The Big Earner grants the Spy a Cloak refill and speed boost upon successful backstab, making his escape much easier.
    • A good Spy who has landed a backstab may use the speed boost to attempt to trickstab you instead, watch out!
  • This weapon reduces his health to 100 HP - he is more vulnerable before landing that backstab.
  • Ice statues are a clear sign that your teammates were recently backstabbed. If the statues are still standing upright, the Spy killed them less than ten seconds ago - Spy-check nearby teammates!
  • A friendly Pyro can use fire to temporarily melt the Spy-cicle. Upon doing so, you can hear a loud extinguishing sound that identifies the Spy and prevents him from backstabbing your team for up to 15 seconds.


Weapon Anti-Spy strategy
Disguise Kit
  • Walk into your teammates; if you cannot pass through one, he is an enemy Spy in disguise.
  • Occasionally attack your teammates, preferably with fire, Jarate, or weapons that cause bleed damage; disguised enemy Spies will still be hurt.
  • For more info, see Spy checking.

Invis Watches

主条目: Cloak
  • Cloaked Spies can be revealed if they are doused, lit, or bleeding. Try using Jarate, Mad Milk, fire, and weapons that cause bleeding in areas where you suspect a Spy is hiding. These debuffs cure twice as quickly while the Spy is cloaked, so act quickly once you reveal him.
    • Emerging from water also compromises a Spy's invisibility, as water particles will drip off him for a few seconds.
  • Spies can pick up health and ammo even while cloaked. If health kits and ammo boxes are disappearing for no apparent reason, there is a cloaked Spy nearby.
  • Disguised Spies can receive health and ammo from enemy Dispensers. Occasionally Spy-check around Dispensers and check for healing beams attached to thin air.
  • The Invisibility Watch and the Cloak and Dagger will show a silhouette of a cloaked Spy if he bumps into an enemy; if a Spy's silhouette is revealed, press against him and attack to keep him visible.
  • A cloaked Spy still makes sound. You may hear his footsteps from running across hard surfaces, the crunch from fall damage, or voice responses from unknown sources. He also makes a distinct noise upon uncloaking.
  • If you see a Spy cloak, die at suspiciously high health, or otherwise escape your sight, alert your team and tell them exactly where they are.
Weapon Anti-Spy strategy
Invisibility Watch
隐形手表 + reskins
  • If a Spy tries to flee with the Invisibility Watch, grab surrounding ammunition boxes and dropped ammo packs from fallen players to deny him extra cloaking time.
  • Watch nearby pickups carefully and attack their location if they disappear, as you may catch the Spy red-handed.
Cloak and Dagger
  • Spies using the Cloak and Dagger will often wait in corners or secluded areas to recharge their Cloak. Many Spies use the same spots; check commonly trafficked areas or places you would hide in yourself.
  • With the Cloak and Dagger, the Spy can hide nearly anywhere. For instance, he might hide above high-traffic areas, then drop down behind passing enemies and backstab them.
  • When using the Cloak and Dagger, the Spy cannot pick up ammo to replenish his cloak meter while cloaked; this limits the distance he can quickly travel.
  • Decloaking with the Cloak and Dagger makes a louder sound than decloaking with the Invis Watch does. Listen closely!
Dead Ringer
  • The Spy can choose to activate the Dead Ringer upon taking damage to feign his death. When doing so, he is cured of fire and bleeding, and temporarily gains speed and damage resistance. If you believe the Spy is using this to sneak behind your team, predict where he will eventually decloak.
    • Jarate and Mad Milk are not cured even if a Spy feigns death. If possible, have at least a teammate equip one of the said weapons to help detect a Dead Ringer Spy.
  • When the Spy decloaks, the Dead Ringer emits a very loud, distinctive sound. If you hear it, look for a Spy immediately!
  • The Dead Ringer can only be activated when fully charged and cannot be refilled with ammo pickups or Dispensers. If the Spy has uncloaked recently, take him out before he recharges using the effects of weapons like the L'Etranger or Big Earner.
  • You might identify a Dead Ringer Spy based on his behavior, which is important information to relay to your team.
    • If a Spy dies in a single weak hit, he is probably faking his death.
    • The Spy cannot attack while the Dead Ringer is prepared.
  • The Dead Ringer can replicate or fake many in-game mechanics, but not all. For more information, see the "Feign death effects" section of the Dead Ringer article.


  • Even if the Spy is disguised, you can still see him reach out and place Sappers on buildings. Keep an eye out for this animation to quickly figure out which teammate is the Spy.
  • Pyros with the Homewrecker are excellent for defending buildings; it only takes one strike to dislodge Sappers, compared to the two strikes required by the Engineer's default Wrench.
  • Keep special notice of your team's Teleporters. If left unguarded, a Spy can place a Sapper on one end and continue to replace those that are removed on the other end, eventually sapping more health than what the Engineer can repair and slowing your team's reinforcements.
  • The Spy may put a Sapper on a Teleporter entrance and take it as soon as the Engineer removes it. Do not stand on your Teleporter Exit, as the Spy may Telefrag you.
Weapon Anti-Spy strategy
电子工兵 + reskins
  • A Spy can replace any Sappers removed from a target building faster than an Engineer can remove the Sapper and repair the building; locate the disguised Spy and kill him before removing his Sappers.
  • An Engineer who needs to leave his buildings should have a teammate, preferably a Pyro or another Engineer, guard them while he is away.
  • Spacing Engineer buildings from each other forces the Spy to cover more ground between Sapper placements, giving your team more time to react.
Red-Tape Recorder
  • The Red-Tape Recorder quickly downgrades buildings to their level 1 version, but takes some time to completely destroy them. You have more time to kill the offending Spy before restoring the affected buildings.
  • When your team's Sentry Gun is downgraded, that is a prime time for the enemy team to push in. Your team should support the Engineer while his buildings are re-upgraded.
  • An enemy Spy with the Red-Tape Recorder can waste the time and metal of an allied Engineer using the Gunslinger's Mini-Sentry Guns, as the Recorder’s slower destruction rate means the Engineer must wait longer before placing another Mini-Sentry. Mini-Sentry Guns are often placed at the frontlines away from other buildings, so gun down the Spy before he causes more problems.

Telling Them Apart

See Spychecking for more strategies.
  • Your team can always hurt an enemy Spy. A stray bullet or explosion may reveal a cloaked Spy.
  • A disguised Spy can't pass through you like teammates can. If you bump into a teammate and can't pass, they are a Spy.
  • The Spy cannot copy special abilities or use weapons of other classes. A strangely slow Scout or a Medic who is not healing warrants suspicion.
  • Consider where allied classes are typically found and are played. For example, two common disguises are the Sniper and Spy. The Sniper is usually played away from allies on high ground, while your Spy should be with the enemy team!
  • Teammates who appear overly-fixated on other allies, suddenly beeline towards friendly targets, ignore objectives, refuse to fire their weapon, or otherwise deviate from typical behavior should cause concern.
  • Note how teammates interact with the environment. A few situations might call for a Spy-check, including a teammate who is at full health but can pick up a health kit, an injured teammate moving away from your respawn area, or team-specific doors not opening for a teammate.
