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(Created page with '{{Trans|German|English}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:Granatenwerfer}} {{Weapon infobox | weapon-slot = Primär | used-by = Demoman | level-and-type = Granatenwer…')
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* After Grenade Bounces:
* After Grenade Bounces:
** Any range: 22-64  
** Any range: 22-64  
*** Critical hit: 190 (Splash at 3 ft/1m: 100 Crit)  
*** Critical hit: 190 (Splash at 3 ft/1m: 100 Krit)  
** Self damage: 25-64 (depending on how far you are from the explosion)
** Self damage: 25-64 (depending on how far you are from the explosion)
*** Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular grenade (25-64)
*** Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular grenade (25-64)

Revision as of 12:46, 30 August 2010

Template:Weapon infobox

Der Demoman über Problembehebungen.

Der Granatenwerfer ist eine Primärwaffe für den Demoman. Granaten fliegen nach dem Abschuß in einem Bogen nach unten und die Entfernung in die ein Projektil fliegen wird hängt von dem Abschußwinkel ab (wenn das Projektil weit fliegen soll, empfiehlt es sich vor dem Abschuß in die Luft zu springen, anstatt den Winkel höher als 45 Grad zu verändern). Granaten fliegen ungefähr 1065 Hammereinheiten pro Sekunde, ungefähr 45 Meilen pro Stunde. Granaten prallen von Oberflächen ab, aber verhalten sich sehr unelastisch und explodieren beim Kontakt mit Gegnern. Geanaten fliegen vom Fadenkreuz aus nach rechts, deshalb sollten sie nach links zielen um dies auszugleichen. Dies kann bei nahen Reichweiten und schnellen Klassen wie dem Scout sehr wichtig sein.

Granaten explodieren zeitbasiert nach 2.3 Sekunden, falls sie nicht schon zuvor einen Gegner getroffen haben. Direkte Treffer von Granaten haben einen kleinen Flächeneffektschaden und werden nur schaden, wenn der Gegner dem Spieler gegenübersteht (wobei Granaten, die nach dem ersten Abprallen explodieren Grenades are timed and will detonate after 2.3 seconds, assuming they don't detonate on impact with an enemy. Direct hits with grenades have very little splash range, and will only damage you if the enemy is face to face with you (whereas grenades that detonate after the first bounce have more splash range, but do a lot less damage). Grenades have the advantage of never suffering from falloff damage; hits at long range will still do full damage. There is a blast radius falloff: the greater the distance from the epicenter of the blast, the less damage will be done (even for Critical hits).

Inexperienced Demomen can injure themselves with their grenades. Doing so on purpose to grenade jump is a lot harder than sticky jumping and you won't fly as far. However, it uses much less health, and is good for when you need to jump smaller heights and distances, while the Chargin' Targe is equipped or when you don't want to detonate your stickies.


  • Base: 120
  • Direct Hit:
    • Any range: 81-111
      • Critical hit: 280-300
    • Self damage: 42-73 damage (only from point blank range)
      • Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular grenade (42-73)
  • After Grenade Bounces:
    • Any range: 22-64
      • Critical hit: 190 (Splash at 3 ft/1m: 100 Krit)
    • Self damage: 25-64 (depending on how far you are from the explosion)
      • Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular grenade (25-64)

Note: Explosive damage varies depending on how it hits a player, the larger the classes hit box and the closer you are to the explosion the more damage you will take, the further away from the explosion the less damage you can take. Explosions do the most damage when they happen at the mid point of a player model, the explosion will cover more of the hit box and thus do the most damage. Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.

Related Achievements

Tf demoman kill building direct hit.png Blind Fire

Destroy an Engineer building that you can't see with a direct hit from your Grenade Launcher.

Tf demoman freezecam smile.png Bloody Merry

Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your smiling face.

Tf demoman kill x scouts pyros.png Glasg0wned

Kill 25 Scouts and Pyros with the Grenade Launcher.

Tf demoman kill x with directpipe.png Laddy Macdeth

Kill 50 enemies with direct hits from the Grenade Launcher.

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.6
  • Reload Base: 1.24
  • Additional Reload: 0.6
  • Explosion Wait: 2.28

Reload base is the time it takes to reload the first ammo. Additional reload is the time it takes to reload each ammo after the first. Explosion wait is how long it takes for a fired grenade to explode when it doesn't have a collision explosion. All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.


  • Despite being a primary weapon, the Grenade Launcher is second in the loadout menu, and is treated as a secondary weapon when crafting.
  • The Grenade Launcher's magazine in the PC version holds 4 grenades, yet the model has 6 chambers. This is because originally the Demoman had a maximum clip of 6 along with a larger ammo reserve (as did the Soldier) but these counts were reduced in the interests of balance not long after TF2's public release. There are many custom made skins that rectify this problem and only give the magazine 4 chambers.
  • You can tell when a grenade is about to explode: each second after a grenade is fired a colored ring appears around it. When there are 3 rings it is about to explode (after around 4 seconds).
  • The Grenade Launcher has a Developer weapon variant.
  • The Demoman reloads the Grenade Launcher by placing multiple grenades into a single slot. This is most likely an animation oversight or bug.
  • Even if you are on the BLU team, reloading with the Grenade Launcher will still show red sleeves.
  • The Grenade Launcher is based off the real life M79 Grenade Launcher except that it's been modified to fire multiple grenades without having to reload between each shot.


See also

Extenal Links

Template:Allweapons Nav/de
Template:Demoman Nav/de