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Revision as of 06:02, 29 May 2014
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이제 서머타임입니다, 모든것이 세일하게 될 때이죠. 만약 우리 모든 작성자들만 작성자들의 캠프에서 당신에게 이거 엄청난 세일이잖아라고 말할수는 없겠지요. 만약 그들이 스카웃의 새 타올에 대해 재치있게 쓴다면 당신은 아마도 이렇게 말할것입니다. "나는 진짜로 지금당장 여기를 나가 내 스카웃에게 타올을 하나 사고싶어." 만약 그들이 스카웃 병과의 새 FLIP-FLOPS에 관련된 무언가 흥미로운 사실을 말한다면 당신은 아마도 이렇게 말할것입니다. "내가 Flip-Flops에 대해 깊이 신경을 쓰는데, 내가 저 Flip-Flops을 내 깊은 심정의 일부를 보여주는 용으로 가질수 있을꺼야!" — TF2 공식 블로그
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여름 캠프 세일 이벤트는 벨브에서 6월 30일에서 7월 11일 까지 하였습니다. 13개의 새 아이템, 이벤트 기간 한정 아이템 4개에 대한 소개가 패치되었습니다.
Cosmetic items
The Flip-Flops, Summer Hat, and Lucky No. 42 were only available through a limited time purchase in the Mann Co. Store. The Summer Shades were only available through the prize booth during the Summer Camp Sale for 3 tickets.
Noise Makers
6월 30일
일광욕 Be perfect in Transition up to the first intermission in BIT.TRIP BEAT
프로메튬 여름 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution에서 화염방사기를 가지고 50명의 적을 죽이세요.
Summer Hits Kill 7 enemies in a row with headshots without dying in Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Air. Wind. Sun. Pain. I Am All of This, and Your Mom Makes a Fine Pasta Dinner Complete the Summer Sun level from the main menu with full points in AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Get a Tan Stand in all sun beams in Toki Tori
Vamos a la playa Complete Viking Campaign level 3 by killing all units in Swords and Soldiers HD.
캠프에 오신걸 환영합니다 Steam 공식 여름 캠프 그룹에 참가하세요
7월 1일
해변 2011 Complete the "Up, up and away" extra level in the Amazon Jungle in Hamilton's Great Adventure
과학은 집안에서만 하는겁니다. Beat 3 published ResearchNet assignments in SpaceChem
Summer Son Your daimyo wins 3 consecutive land battles during the summer season in Total War: SHOGUN 2
Time to Party! Complete 3 Co-op Assault multi-player games in Alien Breed: Impact
더위 탈출 팀 포트리스 2에서 불붙은 채로 시원한 물에 뛰어드세요.
명사수 Hit a target with every single axe in the Carnival minigame in Dwarfs!?
친구 찾기 Steam과 페이스북 프로필을 연동시키세요.
7월 2일
스웨덴식 여름 Experience Rain and/or Blizzard 20 times during one Versus match to unlock a much needed treat in Magicka
Fireth of July Cause 12 groups of fireworks to go off in a Hoard Mode level in HOARD
Bon Voyage Send a shipmate on a trip to remember in Jolly Rover
미디엄 레어 Super Meat Boy에서 지옥에서 최소한의 시간을 보내세요.
Cool'em in Summer Throw ten enemies in the water while on the raft in Garshasp: The Monster Slayer.
자기소개 친구의 Steam 프로필 페이지에 코멘트를 다세요.
7월 3일
Out of Bullets Beat all 5 'Out of Bullets' challenge modes without using Gun or Cannon towers in Defense Grid: The Awakening
바베큐의 그랜드 마스터 Complete the steam summer sale bonus mission in Men of War: Assault Squad
Nice Shades Open all umbrellas simultaneously on the Stunt airfield in Flight Control HD
화상 Use the sun to kill an enemy in The Polynomial - Space of the music
좀 많이 더워지는데요 Trick a Bomber to hit and destroy a Zytron Walker (LA) in A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda
해 아래 모든것 Purchase every available weapon and upgrade in Iron Grip: Warlord
Write home - Steam Recommend a game to your friends in Steam
7월 4일
호수의 아가씨 As female character, give a companion character a great sword in Mount & Blade: Warband
여름 핫도그 Make a barbecue of 20 zombie dogs in a single slaughter mode match in Zombie Driver
수확자 Collect 50 sunflowers on Greemland or Classic levels in Fortix 2
자유 Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign in Homefront
Summer Dip Stay Underwater for 40 sec without taking damage in Trine
수영 강사 Drown an enemy in Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
7월 5일
Heat Wave Brown out Accumulate a net energy balance of 300,000 in AI War: Fleet Command
Bayheimer Cool guys don't look at explosions: This achievement can be earned by killing an enemy pro with explosion damage with your back turned in Monday Night Combat
Striptease Strip the turrets off 2 bosses and keep them alive for 60s in Beat Hazard
치킨 바베큐 Kill 25 chickens in Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood
몰로토프 그릴 Start a game in Strategic Mode and pick only four perks: Fire Starter, Friendly Fire, Remote Detonator and Molotov, then detonate 12 Molotov grenades in one game in Nation Red
Bat-Wetter Heat wave in the cave! Cool down a sweating bat with a drop of water in The Great Escape in And Yet It Moves
플레이 타임 Play a free game demo via Steam
7월 6일
The Big Hunt Kill a circus Scrake with a crossbow in Killing Floor
Dog Days Rescue at least 100 people in July in Atom Zombie Smasher
Stream Crosser Survive the Cold Stream campaign on any difficulty in Left 4 Dead 2
Solar Flare Complete the Solar Flare level in RUSH
Star-Spangled Bomber Get Cracking! Add the Firecracker bomb to your arsenal in Spiral Knights
불꽃 세일 Hit at least three enemy units simultaneously using either the Hell Storm or Wild Fire spell cards in Guardians of Graxia
Roastin' yer Marshmallows Bump into a fire in a Bonus Challenge in BIT.TRIP RUNNER
7월 7일
해변 파티 Start the party on Glade in Sanctum
Sunburn Turn 21 blocks red with a single paint in AudioSurf
Happy Camper Get 2 kills standing in the same spot with a zoomed sniper rifle in Counter-Strike: Source
Summer Swimming Hole Create A Combo At Least 6 Deep in Tidalis
Road Trip Rampage Achieve 5 kills on each map in Metal Drift
Wonderful Big Bladder Reset the game, and complete the entire thing in one sitting in The Wonderful End of the World
Summer of 69 Win a hand with a 6 card and a 9 card of any suit in Poker Night at the Inventory
Catch Some Rays Hooked up space solar power arrays by 2110 in Fate of the World
Movie Night - Steam Download and watch a trailer via Steam
7월 8일
Heat Wave Plunge the Earth into the Sun in Universe Sandbox
Summer of 69 Take exactly 31 damage from a worm with 100 health in Worms Reloaded
Hot And Bothered Fall into a pit of lava 3 times in Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time
I Beat City 15 Get 50%+ of the maximum score AND 50,000+ points with any song on City 15 in 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby)
수영장 파티 Win 5 Rounds in Multi-player Billiards in Galcon Fusion
Summer's Gone, But A Lot Goes On Achieve a 100% success in the third encounter of the prologue (departure of the father), after walking on the 'Summer Scent' in Winter Voices
Summer Slaying Kill 5 Banshees in the Bloodied Colloseum in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
Beat the Heat Win a round on each of the winter themed maps: Dod_Kalt and Dod_Colmar in Day of Defeat: Source
Wish upon a star - Steam Build a wishlist of 10 items via Steam
쇼 타임 Steam에 있는 여러분의 비디오를 업로드 시키세요.
7월 9일
Summer Jam Adjust a Tuning Slider and save the new setting in Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
Solar Shock Wave Destroy a Solar Power Plant in X3: Terran Conflict
장기자랑 Never lose a cube in Chamber 6 of the Mobility Gels co-op course in Portal 2
Put another shrimp on the barby Player must use the environment to take down 3 Malthusians with fire in Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Precision BBQ Bump the meat onto the grill on World 2-4 in Nimbus
Treasure diving Find a secret under water in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Electric Firefighter Interrupt an enemy's afterburners with Loopy's EMP grenade. Easy peasy lemon squeezy in Altitude
Summer Block Party In one combo, clear at least 5 blocks of each color, 2 silver blocks and 1 bomb block. Those red blocks are real party animals in Turba
솔직한 피드백 Post a comment on a friend's screenshot via Steam
- The Star-Spangled Bomber achievement was removed from the list of July 2 objectives, yet introduced again during the July 6 objectives.
- The TF2 Blog post regarding the Mann Co. Summer Sale first introduced the concept of wearing 2 misc. items at once (before hats and miscs. were merged into Cosmetics). This concept was implemented later in the Manniversary Update & Sale.
In-game ending notification
External links