Difference between revisions of "File:Tf danish.txt"

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== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=November 25, 2015 Patch}}
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== File info ==
== File info ==
'''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}.
'''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}.

Revision as of 23:47, 2 December 2015

Recent changes

December 2, 2015 Patch (previous patches)

1284012840"[english]TF_DS_DumpsterDevice_Desc" ""
1284112841"TF_DS_FootballHelmet" "Helmet Without a Home"
1284212842"[english]TF_DS_FootballHelmet" "The Helmet Without a Home"
N/A12843"TF_DS_FootballHelmet_Desc" "Tænk på denne hjem som et befæstet, transportabelt hjem til dit hoved. Den er også foret med sølvpapir, så ingen vil være i stand til at stjæle din værdifulde vagabondtanker."
N/A12844"[english]TF_DS_FootballHelmet_Desc" "Think of this helmet as a fortified, portable home for your head. It's also lined with tin foil, so nobody will be able to steal your valuable tramp-thoughts."
1284312845"TF_DS_CanGrenades" "Captain's Cocktails"
1284412846"[english]TF_DS_CanGrenades" "The Captain's Cocktails"
1284512847"TF_DS_CanGrenades_Desc" "Hør efter, vagabonder! Er du MAND nok til at bære rundt på dåser fuld af for gammel suppe? Er du SKØR nok til at lade, som om de er granater? Er du SULTEN nok til at, formentligt, spise suppen senere, når ingen ser på? Det vil vi vædde på!"
1466614668"[english]TF_TW_Mane" "The K-9 Mane"
1466714669"TF_TW_Sniper_Hat" "Stovepipe Sniper Shako"
1466814670"[english]TF_TW_Sniper_Hat" "The Stovepipe Sniper Shako"
N/A14671"TF_TW_Sniper_Hat_Desc" "Denne hat er perfekt for snigskytten, der kan lide at gemme sig i skyggerne, og pludselig løbe fra disse skygger for at føre en parade an."
N/A14672"[english]TF_TW_Sniper_Hat_Desc" "This hat is perfect for the sniper who likes to hide in the shadows, then run suddenly from those shadows to go lead a parade."
1466914673"TF_TW_Medic_Coat" "Foppish Physician"
1467014674"[english]TF_TW_Medic_Coat" "The Foppish Physician"
1467114675"TF_TW_Medic_Coat_Style1" "Slips"
1505815062"[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I"
1505915063"TF_Weapon_Knife_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Knife Mk.I"
1506015064"[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Knife Mk.I"
N/A15065"TF_Duel_UserTemporarilyUnavailable" "Der var et midlertidigt problem, der forhindrer duellen i at starte. Prøv venligst igen om nogle få minutter."
N/A15066"[english]TF_Duel_UserTemporarilyUnavailable" "There was a temporary problem preventing the duel from starting. Please try again in a few minutes."
1506115067"TF_Mysterious_Promo2" "Mystisk Promo 2"
1506215068"[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo2" "Mysterious Promo 2"
1506315069"TF_Mysterious_Promo3" "Mystisk Promo 3"
1528615292"[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghostly_Desc" "Dominate a player wearing any Gibus hat, collect the Ghostly Gibus, and take your rightful place on the Halloween-update-related-hat-throne."
1528715293"TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat" "Skull Island Topper"
1528815294"[english]TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat" "The Skull Island Topper"
N/A15295"TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat_Desc" "Denne frygtindgydende (harmløse) trolddomshue blev fundet af den almægtige (middelmådige) troldmand Merasmus i Hadesspiralens dyb (lige ved indgangen til Hadesspiralen)."
N/A15296"[english]TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat_Desc" "This terrifying (innocuous) witching cap was found by the all-powerful (mediocre) wizard Merasmus in the depths of the Hades Spiral (right near the entrance of the Hades Spiral)."
1528915297"TF_BooBalloon" "Boo Balloon"
1529015298"[english]TF_BooBalloon" "The Boo Balloon"
1529115299"TF_UnknownMonkeynaut" "Unknown Monkeynaut"
1646816476"[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat" "The Hanger-On Hood"
1646916477"TF_Henchboy_Wings" "Flight of the Monarch"
1647016478"[english]TF_Henchboy_Wings" "The Flight of the Monarch"
N/A16479"TF_Henchboy_Wings_Desc" "Modsat rigtige vinger, hjælper disse dig ikke med at flyve eller have Paul McCartney i dem. Men de er dog med 100% sikkerhed lavet af Steve Winwood."
N/A16480"[english]TF_Henchboy_Wings_Desc" "Unlike real wings, these don't help you fly at all, or have Paul McCartney in them. However, these wings ARE 100% made from Steve Winwood."
1647116481"TF_Bundle_Rockzo" "Rockzo-bundtet"
1647216482"[english]TF_Bundle_Rockzo" "The Rockzo Bundle"
1647316483"TF_Bundle_Rockzo_Desc" "Du er en klovn med pyromanske tendenser! Du antænder propaaaan!"
1722217232"[english]TF_robo_demo_pupil" "The HDMI Patch"
1722317233"TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier" "Bolted Bombardier"
1722417234"[english]TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier" "The Bolted Bombardier"
N/A17235"TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier_Desc" "Husker du dengang du mødte den klogeste robot i verden? Og rev hans skæg af og stjæl hans dumme pibe? Fordi politiet er her, og de ønsker at tale med dig."
N/A17236"[english]TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier_Desc" "Remember that time you met the wisest robot in the world? And tore his beard off and stole his stupid pipe? Because the police are here and they want to talk to you."
1722517237"TF_robo_heavy_boltedscraptowel" "Titanium Towel"
1722617238"[english]TF_robo_heavy_boltedscraptowel" "The Titanium Towel"
1722717239"TF_robo_heavy_football_helmet" "Gridiron Guardian"
1739417406"[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style1" "With Headphones"
1739517407"TF_BreatherBag" "Breather Bag"
1739617408"[english]TF_BreatherBag" "The Breather Bag"
N/A17409"TF_BreatherBag_Desc" "Siden opfindelsen af plastikposen, har menneskeheden længe ønsket at putte den på hovedet. Indtil nu, plejede dette ofte at betyde øjeblikkelig iltmangel. INDTIL NU! Plastikpose over dit hoved? Indånde luft? Tak til genier ved FaceBagHole Co., behøver du ikke at vælge."
N/A17410"[english]TF_BreatherBag_Desc" "Since the invention of the garbage bag, humanity has longed to put it over its head. Until now, this usually meant immediate asphyxiation. UNTIL NOW! Plastic bag over your head? Breathing air? Thanks to the geniuses at FaceBagHole Co., you don't have to choose."
1739717411"TF_WeatherMaster" "Weather Master"
1739817412"[english]TF_WeatherMaster" "The Weather Master"
1739917413"TF_BacteriaBlocker" "Bacteria Blocker"
1779417808"[english]TF_jul13_bagdolier_Desc" "\"So many little pouches. Now Heavy can help carry your itty-bitty baby guns.\""
1779517809"TF_jul13_bro_plate" "Das Naggenvatcher"
1779617810"[english]TF_jul13_bro_plate" "Das Naggenvatcher"
N/A17811"TF_jul13_bro_plate_Desc" "\"I centrum af dit hoved bor et skelet. Det er ikke nok! Denne hat er et hovedskelet til udenpå.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)"
N/A17812"[english]TF_jul13_bro_plate_Desc" "\"In the center of your head lives a skeleton. It is not enough! This hat is a head-skeleton for the outside.\" (Description translated from German.)"
1779717813"TF_jul13_gallant_gael" "Whiskey Bib"
1779817814"[english]TF_jul13_gallant_gael" "The Whiskey Bib"
1779917815"TF_jul13_stormn_normn" "Stormin' Norman"
1786017876"[english]TF_jul13_classy_royale" "The After Dark"
1786117877"TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket" "Delinquent's Down Vest"
1786217878"[english]TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket" "The Delinquent's Down Vest"
N/A17879"TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket_Desc" "\"Boom! Se hvor oppustet den her vest er, dummernik! Jeg sendte den sidste tilbage. Ikke. Oppustet. Nok.\""
N/A17880"[english]TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket_Desc" "\"Boom! Look how puffy this vest is, dummy! I sent the last one back. Not. Puffy. Enough.\""
1786317881"TF_jul13_sniper_souwester" "Wet Works"
1786417882"[english]TF_jul13_sniper_souwester" "Wet Works"
1786517883"TF_jul13_montys_menace" "Baron von Havenaplane"
1786617884"[english]TF_jul13_montys_menace" "Baron von Havenaplane"
1786717885"TF_jul13_uncivil_servant" "Das Fantzipantzen"
1786817886"[english]TF_jul13_uncivil_servant" "Das Fantzipantzen"
N/A17887"TF_jul13_uncivil_servant_Desc" "\"Smarte mænd er smukke men svage! Du er en stærk ækel idiot. Tag hvad der retmæssigt er dit!\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)"
N/A17888"[english]TF_jul13_uncivil_servant_Desc" "\"Fancy men are beautiful but weak! You are a strong filthy idiot. Take what is rightfully yours!\" (Description translated from German.)"
1786917889"TF_jul13_border_armor" "Bolshevik Biker"
1787017890"[english]TF_jul13_border_armor" "The Bolshevik Biker"
1787117891"TF_jul13_border_armor_Desc" "\"Jeg rider til din lille by.\""
1836018380"[english]CastServerEnchantment" "Cast..."
1836118381"TF_fall2013_air_raider" "The Bone Dome"
1836218382"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider" "The Bone Dome"
N/A18383"TF_fall2013_air_raider_Desc" "Kommer med et visir i stand til at beskytte dine øjne fra den hårde genskin af folk, der flygter fra dig, mens der er ild i dem."
N/A18384"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_Desc" "Comes with a visor capable of shielding your eyes from the harsh glare of people running away from you on fire."
1836318385"TF_fall2013_fire_bird" "The Air Raider"
1836418386"[english]TF_fall2013_fire_bird" "The Air Raider"
1836518387"TF_fall2013_the_braided_pride" "The Viking Braider"
1840618428"[english]TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer_Desc" ""
1840718429"TF_fall2013_eod_suit" "The Hurt Locher"
1840818430"[english]TF_fall2013_eod_suit" "The Hurt Locher"
18409N/A"TF_fall2013_eod_suit_Desc" "Alle kan lide at se deres fjender sprænge i luften. Men hvis du er tæt nok på til at se rigtig godt efter, sprænger du også i luften. Det er en af livets største tragedier."
N/A18431"TF_fall2013_eod_suit_Desc" "Alle kan lide at se deres fjender sprænge i luften. Men hvis du er tæt nok på til at se rigtig godt efter, sprænger du også selv i luften. Det er en af livets største tragedier."
1841018432"[english]TF_fall2013_eod_suit_Desc" "Everyone likes to watch their enemies blow up. But if you're close enough to get a really good look, you'll blow up too. It is life's greatest tragedy."
1841118433"TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana" "Pirate Bandana"
1841218434"[english]TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana" "Pirate Bandana"
1932219344"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate Key 2013"
1932319345"TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Nice_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Nice Winter Crate 2013.\nDenne nøgle åbner ikke Naughty Winter Crate.\n\nEfter d. 6/1/2014 bliver denne til en normal nøgle."
1932419346"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Nice_Desc" "Used to open Nice Winter Crate 2013.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 1/6/2014 this will turn into a normal key."
N/A19347"TF_StockingStuffer_2013_Desc" "Indeholder et sortiment af godbidder til artige små lejesoldater."
N/A19348"[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2013_Desc" "Contains an assortment of goodies for good little Mercenaries."
1932519349"TF_Tool_GiftWrap_Global" "Giftapult"
1932619350"[english]TF_Tool_GiftWrap_Global" "Giftapult"
1932719351"TF_Tool_Gift_Global" "Loaded Giftapult"
2014620170"[english]Attrib_Particle3001" "Showstopper"
2014720171"Attrib_Particle3002" "Showstopper"
2014820172"[english]Attrib_Particle3002" "Showstopper"
N/A20173"Attrib_Particle3003" "Hellige gral"
N/A20174"[english]Attrib_Particle3003" "Holy Grail"
2014920175"Attrib_Particle3004" "'72"
2015020176"[english]Attrib_Particle3004" "'72"
N/A20177"Attrib_Particle3008" "Midnatshvirvelvind"
N/A20178"[english]Attrib_Particle3008" "Midnight Whirlwind"
N/A20179"Attrib_Particle3009" "Sølvcyklon"
N/A20180"[english]Attrib_Particle3009" "Silver Cyclone"
2015120181"TF_TideTurner" "The Tide Turner"
2015220182"[english]TF_TideTurner" "The Tide Turner"
2015320183"TF_TideTurner_Desc" "Alt-skyd: Løb mod dine fjender.\nFå et kritisk nærkampsslag efter du rammer en fjende fra afstand."
2018220212"[english]TF_Weapon_AirStrike" "The Air Strike"
2018320213"TF_Weapon_AirStrike_Desc" " "
2018420214"[english]TF_Weapon_AirStrike_Desc" ""
N/A20215"ClassLoadoutTauntsExplanation_Text" "Klik her for at se dine udstyrede hån.\n\nLigesom med dine våben og kosmetiske genstande, kan du tilpasse dit hån-udstyr for hver klasse."
N/A20216"[english]ClassLoadoutTauntsExplanation_Text" "Click here to view your equipped taunts.\n\nJust like with your weapons and cosmetic items, you can customize your taunt loadout for each class."
2018520217"Store_Cosmetics" "Kosmetik"
2018620218"[english]Store_Cosmetics" "Cosmetics"
2018720219"Store_Taunts" "Hån"
2104021072"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson" "A Random Duck Token Gift"
2104121073"TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Duck Token til en tilfældig person på serveren!"
2104221074"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Duck Token\nto a random person on the server!"
N/A21075"Attrib_Particle87" "Forfrysning"
N/A21076"[english]Attrib_Particle87" "Frostbite"
N/A21077"BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Kontekstmenu"
N/A21078"[english]BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Context Menu"
2104321079"Context_UseTool" "Brug med..."
2104421080"[english]Context_UseTool" "Use with..."
2104521081"Context_Equip" "Gå til udstyr"
2129821334"[english]TF_Powerup_Precision" "Powerup: Precision"
2129921335"TF_Powerup_Agility" "Powerup: Agilitet"
2130021336"[english]TF_Powerup_Agility" "Powerup: Agility"
N/A21337"ctf_foundry_description" "Mål:
N/A21338For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base.
N/A21340Andre bemærkninger:
N/A21341Spillere mister mappen med efterretninger, når de dør. Når en spiller mister mappen med efterretninger, returneres mappen til basen efter 60 sekunder."
N/A21342"[english]ctf_foundry_description" "Objective:
N/A21343To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base.
N/A21345Other Notes:
N/A21346Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds."
N/A21347"ctf_gorge_description" "Mål:
N/A21348For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base.
N/A21350Andre bemærkninger:
N/A21351Spillere mister mappen med efterretninger, når de dør. Når en spiller mister mappen med efterretninger, returneres mappen til basen efter 60 sekunder."
N/A21352"[english]ctf_gorge_description" "Objective:
N/A21353To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base.
N/A21355Other Notes:
N/A21356Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds."
N/A21357"ctf_foundry_beta" "Mål:
N/A21358For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Tabte efterretninger vil vende tilbage til basen med det samme, hvis de røres af deres hold.
N/A21360Andre bemærkninger:
N/A21361Powerups kan samles op for at give dig forskellige forbedringer. Du kan kun bære én powerup af gangen, og du smider din powerup, når du dør. Du har adgang til en gribekrog, som du kan bruge til at flyve rundt på banen."
N/A21362"[english]ctf_foundry_beta" "Objective:
N/A21363To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team.
N/A21365Other Notes:
N/A21366Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
N/A21367"ctf_gorge_beta" "Mål:
N/A21368For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Tabte efterretninger vil vende tilbage til basen med det samme, hvis de røres af deres hold.
N/A21370Andre bemærkninger:
N/A21371Powerups kan samles op for at give dig forskellige forbedringer. Du kan kun bære én powerup af gangen, og du smider din powerup, når du dør. Du har adgang til en gribekrog, som du kan bruge til at flyve rundt på banen."
N/A21372"[english]ctf_gorge_beta" "Objective:
N/A21373To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team.
N/A21375Other Notes:
N/A21376Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
2130121377"TF_Powerup_Pickup_Strength" "Du fik en STYRKE-powerup!"
2130221378"[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Strength" "You got the STRENGTH powerup!"
2130321379"TF_Powerup_Pickup_Resist" "Du fik en MODSTAND-powerup!"
2132021396"[english]TF_LordCockswainChops_style0" "Helmet"
2132121397"TF_LordCockswainChops_style1" "Ingen hjelm"
2132221398"[english]TF_LordCockswainChops_style1" "No Helmet"
N/A21399"TF_Medal_6v9_Event_Desc" "Tildelt deltagerne i Pubstars vs. Pros 6vs9-begivenheder"
N/A21400"[english]TF_Medal_6v9_Event_Desc" "Awarded to the participants of the Pubstars vs. Pros 6vs9 events"
2132321401"TF_Wearable_Holster" "Hylster"
2132421402"[english]TF_Wearable_Holster" "Holster"
2132521403"TF_tr_jungle_booty_Desc" " "
2138221460"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Participant"
2138321461"TF_Wearable_Horns" "Horn"
2138421462"[english]TF_Wearable_Horns" "Horns"
N/A21463"KillEaterEvent_NonCritKills" "Ikke krit- eller minikrit-drab"
N/A21464"[english]KillEaterEvent_NonCritKills" "Not Crit nor MiniCrit Kills"
2138521465"KillEaterEvent_PlayersHit" "Spillere ramt"
2138621466"[english]KillEaterEvent_PlayersHit" "Players Hit"
2138721467"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticAssists" "Assisterede drab"
2144021520"[english]TF_brimstone_Style_WithNoHat" "No Hat"
2144121521"GameType_Medieval" "Medieval"
2144221522"[english]GameType_Medieval" "Medieval"
N/A21523"TF_Powerup_Knockout" "Powerup: Knockout"
N/A21524"[english]TF_Powerup_Knockout" "Powerup: Knockout"
N/A21525"TF_Powerup_Pickup_Knockout" "Du fik en KNOCKOUT-powerup!"
N/A21526"[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Knockout" "You got the KNOCKOUT powerup!"
N/A21527"TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny_Spy" "Spies kan ikke bruge en KNOCKOUT-powerup"
N/A21528"[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny_Spy" "Spies cannot use the KNOCKOUT powerup"
N/A21529"TF_Powerup_Knocked_Out" "Din powerup blev slået ud!"
N/A21530"[english]TF_Powerup_Knocked_Out" "Your powerup was knocked out!"
N/A21531"TF_Powerupvolume_Available" "Dit holds hævn-powerup er nu tilgængelig, få fat i den!"
N/A21532"[english]TF_Powerupvolume_Available" "Your team's revenge powerup is now available, go get it!"
2144321533"TF_HatAndHeadphones_Style" "Hat og hovedtelefoner"
2144421534"[english]TF_HatAndHeadphones_Style" "Hat and Headphones"
2144521535"TF_NoHat_NoHeadphones_Style" "Ingen hat og ingen hovedtelefoner"
2158021670"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Medal"
2158121671"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015" "Jaunty Pin 2015"
2158221672"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015" "Jaunty Pin 2015"
N/A21673"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Tip of the Hats-velgørenhedsbegivenheden"
N/A21674"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Tip of the Hats charity event"
2158321675"TF_NoHat_Style" "Ingen hat"
2158421676"[english]TF_NoHat_Style" "No Hat"
2158521677"ItemHistory_ActionWithTime" "%s1 d. %s2"
2166021752"[english]ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove" "Trade was rolled back"
2166121753"ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyRevoke" "CD-nøgle tilbagekaldt"
2166221754"[english]ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyRevoke" "CD key revoked"
N/A21755"ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Remove" "Brugt i vielsesringsproces"
N/A21756"[english]ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Remove" "Used in wedding ring process"
2166321757"ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection" "Fjernet gammel samlingsgenstand"
2166421758"[english]ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection" "Removed old collection item"
2166521759"ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_CollectedItem" "Føjet til en samling"
2184021934"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Trade" "Open Trade"
2184121935"Achievement_Group_2800" "Powerhouse-pakken (%s1 af %s2)"
2184221936"[english]Achievement_Group_2800" "Powerhouse Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
N/A21938"[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "The Power and the Glory"
2184321939"TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 142 runder."
2184421940"[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 142 Rounds."
2215022246"[english]Attrib_MeleeRangeMultiplier" "%s1% increased melee attack range"
2215122247"Attrib_ConsumeCloakFeignDeath" "%s1% usynlighedsmeter, når der spilles død"
2215222248"[english]Attrib_ConsumeCloakFeignDeath" "%s1% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated"
N/A22249"Attrib_Particle701" "Varm"
N/A22250"[english]Attrib_Particle701" "Hot"
N/A22251"Attrib_Particle702" "Isotop"
N/A22252"[english]Attrib_Particle702" "Isotope"
N/A22253"Attrib_Particle703" "Kølig"
N/A22254"[english]Attrib_Particle703" "Cool"
N/A22255"Attrib_Particle704" "Energikugle"
N/A22256"[english]Attrib_Particle704" "Energy Orb"
2215322257"TF_Unique_Achievement_Flaregun_desc" "Dette våben genlader, når det ikke er aktivt"
2215422258"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Flaregun_desc" "This weapon will reload when not active"
2215522259"TF_Sandvich_desc" "Spis for at få op til 300 helbred tilbage\nAlt-skyd: Del en Sandvich med en ven (medium helbredspakke)"
2237222476"[english]TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff" "Taunt: The Proletariat Posedown"
2237322477"TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_desc" "Heavy-hån"
2237422478"[english]TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_desc" "Heavy Taunt"
N/A22479"TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån\n-Vis dem hvem der bestemmer!"
N/A22480"[english]TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_AdText" "-Community Created Heavy Taunt\n-Show off who's the boss!"
2237522481"TF_HUD_Event_WeaponPickup" "Du har lige samlet et nyt våben op. Ønsker du at udstyre det?"
2237622482"[english]TF_HUD_Event_WeaponPickup" "You just picked up a new weapon. Would you like to equip it?"
2237722483"TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace1" "Arms Race 1"
2273822844"[english]Invasion_collection_01" "Quarantined Collection Case"
2273922845"TF_Invasion2015Case01" "Quarantined Collection Case"
2274022846"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01" "Quarantined Collection Case"
N/A22847"Attrib_Particle91" "Bortførelse"
N/A22848"[english]Attrib_Particle91" "Abduction"
N/A22849"Attrib_Particle92" "Atomisk"
N/A22850"[english]Attrib_Particle92" "Atomic"
2274122851"Attrib_Particle93" "Subatomar"
2274222852"[english]Attrib_Particle93" "Subatomic"
N/A22853"Attrib_Particle99" "Stjernetåge"
N/A22854"[english]Attrib_Particle99" "Nebula"
2274322855"TF_invasion_sniperrifle_Desc" "Forvandl dine fjender til aske!"
2274422856"[english]TF_invasion_sniperrifle_Desc" "Turn your enemies in to ash!"
2274522857"TF_invasion_pistol_Desc" "Forvandl dine fjender til aske!"
2274622858"[english]TF_invasion_pistol_Desc" "Turn your enemies in to ash!"
2274722859"TF_invasion_bat_Desc" "Overvældende energi!\nDesintegrer dine fjender!"
2274822860"[english]TF_invasion_bat_Desc" "Energy Overwhelming!\nDisintegrate your enemies!"
N/A22861"arena_byre_description" "Mål:
N/A22862Dit hold skal enten eliminere alle spiller på det modsatte hold eller erobre og eje begge kontrolpunkter.
N/A22863Andre bemærkninger:
N/A22864Der er ingen tilbagevenden i Arena-tilstand."
N/A22865"[english]arena_byre_description" "Objective:
N/A22866Your team must either eliminate all players on the opposing team or capture and own both of the control points.
N/A22867Other Notes:
N/A22868There is no respawning in Arena mode."
2274922869"Winreason_PlayerDestructionPoints" "%s1 vandt ved at indsamle nok point"
2275022870"[english]Winreason_PlayerDestructionPoints" "%s1 won by collecting enough points"
2275122871"TF_KillCombo" "KOMBO"
2279222912"[english]TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent" "Map Stamp - Hellstone"
2279322913"TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Tomi \"ICS\" Uurainen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Hellstone-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"
2279422914"[english]TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Hellstone community map. Show your support today!"
N/A22915"TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberen af Hellstone-fællesskabsbanen direkte."
N/A22916"[english]TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Hellstone community map."
2279522917"TF_Map_powerup_ctf_hellfire" "CTF Hellfire"
2279622918"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_hellfire" "CTF Hellfire"
2279722919"TF_Map_GorgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Forslugen"
2281422936"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank4" "Happy"
2281522937"TF_Halloween2015Pass" "Sjælgargoil"
2281622938"[english]TF_Halloween2015Pass" "Soul Gargoyle"
N/A22939"Attrib_Particle101" "Det er et mysterie for alle"
N/A22940"[english]Attrib_Particle101" "It's a mystery to everyone"
N/A22941"Attrib_Particle102" "Det er mig en gåde"
N/A22942"[english]Attrib_Particle102" "It's a puzzle to me "
2281722943"Item_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "�%s1� har gennemført en merasmission og modtaget:: %s2 %s3"
2281822944"[english]Item_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "�%s1� has completed a Merasmission and received:: %s2 %s3"
2281922945"MMenu_Update" "Fremhævede genstande"
2282822954"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "No unusual items allowed"
2282922955"TF_HalloweenItem_SoulDisappeared" "Sjælgargoilen er forsvundet"
2283022956"[english]TF_HalloweenItem_SoulDisappeared" "The Soul Gargoyle has disappeared"
N/A22957"TF_Competitive_GCDown" "Serverens forbindelse til spilkoordinatoren er udløbet. Kampen er afsluttet og er nu sikker at forlade."
N/A22958"[english]TF_Competitive_GCDown" "The server's connection to the game coordinator has timed out. This match has ended, and is now safe to leave."
2283122959"TF_Competitive_Rank_1" "Rekrut"
2283222960"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_1" "Recruit"
2283322961"TF_Competitive_Rank_2" "Lejesoldat"
2283622964"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_3" "Field Mercenary"
2283722965"TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "Veteran-lejesoldat"
2283822966"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "Veteran Mercenary"
N/A22967"TF_Competitive_Rank_5" "Indtrænger"
N/A22968"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_5" "Infiltrator"
2283922969"TF_Competitive_Rank_6" "Operatør"
2284022970"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_6" "Operator"
2284122971"TF_Competitive_Rank_7" "Plyndrer"
2284422974"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_8" "Guerrilla"
2284522975"TF_Competitive_Rank_9" "Agent"
2284622976"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_9" "Agent"
N/A22977"TF_Competitive_Rank_10" "Feltagent"
N/A22978"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_10" "Field Agent"
2284722979"TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "Mesteragent"
2284822980"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "Master Agent"
2284922981"TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "Snigmorder"
2286222994"[english]QuestLog_Encoded" "<Encoded>"
2286322995"QuestLog_Identify_Merasmus" "Klik for at bryde forsegling"
2286422996"[english]QuestLog_Identify_Merasmus" "Click to break seal"
N/A22997"QuestLog_TurningIn_Merasmus" "Udfører ritual"
N/A22998"[english]QuestLog_TurningIn_Merasmus" "Performing ritual"
2286522999"TF_QuestObjective_Explanation_Merasmus" "At gennemføre en merasmission vil belønne dig med en klassisk halloween-genstand og bonussjæle!\n\nUdfør enhver af de følgende opgaver for at tjene merasmission-point."
2286623000"[english]TF_QuestObjective_Explanation_Merasmus" "Completing a Merasmission will reward you with a classic Halloween item and bonus souls!\n\nPerform any of the following tasks to earn Merasmission Points."
2286723001"QuestObjective_Required_Merasmus" "%s1 MP"
2287223006"[english]QuestPoints_Standard_Merasmus" "%s1/%s2 MP"
2287323007"QuestPoints_Bonus_Merasmus" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 MP"
2287423008"[english]QuestPoints_Bonus_Merasmus" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 MP"
N/A23009"TF_taunt_maggots_condolence" "Hån: Soldier's Requiem"
N/A23010"[english]TF_taunt_maggots_condolence" "Taunt: Soldier's Requiem"
2287523011"TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_Desc" "Soldier-hån"
2287623012"[english]TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_Desc" "Soldier Taunt"
2287723013"TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Soldier-hån\n-Vis de maddiker deres plads!"
2287823014"[english]TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_AdText" "-Community Created Soldier Taunt\n-Show those maggots where they belong!"
N/A23015"TF_zoomin_broom" "Hån: Zoomin' Broom"
N/A23016"[english]TF_zoomin_broom" "Taunt: Zoomin' Broom"
N/A23017"TF_zoomin_broom_Desc" "Hån til alle klasser"
N/A23018"[english]TF_zoomin_broom_Desc" "All Class Taunt"
2287923019"TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style1" "Stil 1"
2288023020"[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style1" "Style 1"
2288123021"TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style2" "Stil 2"
2293623076"[english]TF_Quest_PlayThisMap" "Play This Contract"
2293723077"TF_Quest_PlayThisMap_Merasmission" "Spil denne merasmission"
2293823078"[english]TF_Quest_PlayThisMap_Merasmission" "Play This Merasmission"
N/A23079"TF_Cancel_NoKey" "ANNULLER"
N/A23080"[english]TF_Cancel_NoKey" "CANCEL"
N/A23081"TF_ClassMenu_Cancel_NoKey" "ANNULLER"
N/A23082"[english]TF_ClassMenu_Cancel_NoKey" "CANCEL"
N/A23083"Tournament_Instructions_Ready_NoKeyHintText" "Klar/ikke klar"
N/A23084"[english]Tournament_Instructions_Ready_NoKeyHintText" "Toggle Ready"
N/A23085"Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon_NoKey" "Våbenhån"
N/A23086"[english]Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon_NoKey" "Weapon Taunt"
N/A23087"TF_Spectator_ChangeClass_NoKey" "Skift klasse"
N/A23088"[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeClass_NoKey" "Change Class"
N/A23089"TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam_NoKey" "Skift hold"
N/A23090"[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam_NoKey" "Change Team"
N/A23091"TF_Map_pass_pinewood" "Pinewood - BETA"
N/A23092"[english]TF_Map_pass_pinewood" "Pinewood - BETA"
N/A23093"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Batman" "Batman"
N/A23094"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Batman" "Batman"
N/A23095"TF_fall2013_air_raider_style1" "Stil 1"
N/A23096"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_style1" "Style 1"
N/A23097"TF_fall2013_air_raider_style2" "Stil 2"
N/A23098"[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_style2" "Style 2"
N/A23099"TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style1" "Stil 1"
N/A23100"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style1" "Style 1"
N/A23101"TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style2" "Stil 2"
N/A23102"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style2" "Style 2"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.37 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:03, 25 July 2024 (1.34 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
01:08, 10 January 2024 (1.34 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:06, 20 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
02:04, 19 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:05, 15 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
00:49, 21 July 2023 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 20, 2023 Patch.
22:23, 12 July 2023 (1.26 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.25 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:37, 20 March 2023 (1.25 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
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