Difference between revisions of "File:Tf polish.txt"

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== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=December 1, 2017 Patch}}
{{tf diff|p=December 13, 2017 Patch}}
== File info ==
== File info ==
'''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}.
'''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}.

Revision as of 04:13, 14 December 2017

Recent changes

December 13, 2017 Patch (previous patches)

39093909"[english]Attrib_MaxHealth_Positive" "+%s1 max health on wearer"
39103910"Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative" "%s1 maks. punktów zdrowia dla noszącego"
39113911"[english]Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative" "%s1 max health on wearer"
3912N/A"Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff" "Po zabiciu: +50 punktów zdrowia dla pobliskich towarzyszy\nPo zabiciu: +10% szansy na trafienie krytyczne dla pobliskich towarzyszy"
N/A3912"Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff" "Po zabiciu wroga: +50 pkt. zdrowia dla pobliskich sojuszników\nPo zabiciu wroga: +10% szansy na trafienie krytyczne dla pobliskich sojuszników"
39133913"[english]Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff" "On Kill: +50 health on nearby teammates\nOn Kill: +10% Crit Chance on nearby teammates"
3914N/A"Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill" "Po zabiciu: trafienia krytyczne na %s1 sekund"
N/A3914"Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill" "Po zabiciu wroga: trafienia krytyczne na %s1 sekund"
39153915"[english]Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill" "On Kill: %s1 seconds of 100% critical chance"
39163916"Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit" "Przy trafieniu wroga: %s1% szansy na spowolnienie celu"
39173917"[english]Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit" "On Hit: %s1% chance to slow target"
57195719"[english]Attrib_DisguiseSpeedPenalty" "%s1 sec slower disguise speed"
57205720"Attrib_DisguiseNoBurn" "Po przebraniu odporny na obrażenia od ognia"
57215721"[english]Attrib_DisguiseNoBurn" "Immune to fire damage while disguised"
5722N/A"Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "Po zabiciu: +%s1% zapasu energii niewidzialności"
N/A5722"Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "Po zabiciu wroga: +%s1% zapasu energii niewidzialności"
57235723"[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "+%s1% cloak on kill"
57245724"Attrib_AddCloakOnHit" "Przy trafieniu wroga: +%s1% zapasu energii niewidzialności"
57255725"[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnHit" "+%s1% cloak on hit"
70497049"[english]Attrib_EnablesAOEHeal" "Alt-Fire: Applies a healing effect to all nearby teammates"
70507050"Attrib_ChargeTime_Increase" "%s1 s czasu wydłużenia szarży"
70517051"[english]Attrib_ChargeTime_Increase" "%s1 sec increase in charge duration"
7052N/A"Attrib_DropHealthPackOnKill" "Po zabiciu: pojawia się mała apteczka"
N/A7052"Attrib_DropHealthPackOnKill" "Po zabiciu wroga: pojawia się mała apteczka"
70537053"[english]Attrib_DropHealthPackOnKill" "On Kill: A small health pack is dropped"
70547054"Attrib_HitSelfOnMiss" "Po chybieniu: uderzasz siebie. Idiota."
70557055"[english]Attrib_HitSelfOnMiss" "On Miss: Hit yourself. Idiot."
74477447"[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills"
74487448"Attrib_MarkForDeath" "Przy trafieniu wroga: jeden cel otrzymuje piętno śmierci, przez co będzie otrzymywał obrażenia minikrytyczne"
74497449"[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath" "On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits"
7450N/A"Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Po zabiciu: zyskujesz %s1% bazowego zdrowia"
N/A7450"Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Po zabiciu wroga: zyskujesz %s1% bazowego zdrowia"
74517451"[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Gain %s1% of base health on kill"
74527452"IT_ExistingItem" "Lub istniejący przedmiot:"
74537453"[english]IT_ExistingItem" "Or an existing item:"
1396013960"[english]Attrib_CritVsDisguised" "100% critical hit vs disguised players"
1396113961"Attrib_CritVsNonBurning" "Trafienia krytyczne, gdy cel nie płonie"
1396213962"[english]Attrib_CritVsNonBurning" "100% critical hit vs non-burning players"
13963N/A"Attrib_KillForcesAttackerLaugh" "Po zabiciu: gromki śmiech"
N/A13963"Attrib_KillForcesAttackerLaugh" "Po zabiciu wroga: gromki śmiech"
1396413964"[english]Attrib_KillForcesAttackerLaugh" "On Kill: Burst into joyous laughter"
1396513965"Attrib_ClipSize_Atomic" "+%s1 wielkości magazynka"
1396613966"[english]Attrib_ClipSize_Atomic" "+%s1 clip size"
1402814028"[english]Attrib_ExplosiveSniperShot_shortdesc" "Explosive Headshot"
1402914029"Attrib_RoboSapper_shortdesc" "Saper na roboty"
1403014030"[english]Attrib_RoboSapper_shortdesc" "Robot Sapper Power"
14031N/A"Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill_shortdesc" "Po zabiciu: +%s1s premii krytycznej"
N/A14031"Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill_shortdesc" "Po zabiciu wroga: +%s1s trafienień krytycznych"
1403214032"[english]Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill_shortdesc" "+%s1s Crits On Kill"
1403314033"Attrib_ArmorPiercing_shortdesc" "Penetracja pancerza"
1403414034"[english]Attrib_ArmorPiercing_shortdesc" "Armor Penetration"
2007020070"[english]TF_StrongboxKey" "Mann Co. Strongbox Key"
2007120071"TF_StrongboxKey_Desc" "Służy do otwarcia wzmocnionej skrzynki Mann Co."
2007220072"[english]TF_StrongboxKey_Desc" "Used to unlock a Mann Co. Strongbox."
20073N/A"Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "Po zabiciu: trafienia minikrytyczne przez %s1 s"
N/A20073"Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "Po zabiciu wroga: trafienia minikrytyczne na %s1 sekund"
2007420074"[english]Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for %s1 seconds"
2007520075"Attrib_NoMetalFromDispensersWhileActive" "Zasobniki nie zapewniają metalu, gdy broń jest dobyta"
2007620076"[english]Attrib_NoMetalFromDispensersWhileActive" "No metal from dispensers when active"
2078620786"[english]Attrib_AirBombardment" "Fires 3 barrages while explosive jumping"
2078720787"Attrib_IncreaesBlastJumpForce" "Zwiększona siła wybuchowego skoku"
2078820788"[english]Attrib_IncreaesBlastJumpForce" "Increased blast jump force"
20789N/A"Attrib_ExtraRocketsOnKill" "Po zabiciu: zwiększony rozmiar magazynka"
N/A20789"Attrib_ExtraRocketsOnKill" "Po zabiciu wroga: zwiększony rozmiar magazynka"
2079020790"[english]Attrib_ExtraRocketsOnKill" "Clip size increased on kill"
2079120791"Attrib_Summer2014Tag" "Przyznany za uczestnictwo w Wakacyjnej Przygodzie 2014"
2079220792"[english]Attrib_Summer2014Tag" "Rewarded for participating in the 2014 Summer Adventure"
2301123011"[english]Econ_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons_Chance" "This crate contains one of the following items.\nWeapons might be Strange."
2301223012"Attrib_OverhealUberchargeRate_Negative" "%s1% tempa ładowania ÜberCharge na nadleczonych pacjentach"
2301323013"[english]Attrib_OverhealUberchargeRate_Negative" "%s1% ÜberCharge rate on Overhealed patients"
23014N/A"Attrib_HealthOnRadiusDamage" "Przy trafieniu wroga: do +%s1 przywróconego zdrowia"
N/A23014"Attrib_HealthOnRadiusDamage" "Przy trafieniu wroga: do +%s1 pkt. przywróconego zdrowia"
2301523015"[english]Attrib_HealthOnRadiusDamage" "On Hit: Gain up to +%s1 health per attack"
2301623016"Attrib_metal_pickup_decreased" "-%s1% metalu z podnoszonej amunicji i zasobników"
2301723017"[english]Attrib_metal_pickup_decreased" "%s1% less metal from pickups and dispensers"
2303323033"[english]Attrib_stickybomb_charge_damage_increase" "Up to +%s1% damage based on charge"
2303423034"Attrib_LoseDemoChargeOnDamageWhenCharging" "Odniesienie obrażeń podczas szarży zmniejsza pozostały czas szarży"
2303523035"[english]Attrib_LoseDemoChargeOnDamageWhenCharging" "Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time"
23036N/A"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Po zabiciu: otrzymujesz premię do szybkości"
N/A23036"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Po zabiciu wroga: otrzymujesz premię do szybkości"
2303723037"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Gain a speed boost on kill"
2303823038"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "Przy trafieniu wroga: otrzymujesz premię do szybkości"
2303923039"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "On Hit: Gain a speed boost"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.42 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.39 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
01:09, 10 January 2024 (1.39 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
02:04, 19 December 2023 (1.38 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
23:54, 27 July 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch.
22:24, 12 July 2023 (1.3 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.29 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
21:21, 1 March 2023 (1.29 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch.
21:18, 21 December 2022 (1.29 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_polish.txt for December 21, 2022 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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