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{{Mvm mission Seaside Sacrifice}}
{{Mvm mission Seaside Sacrifice}}
== Custom Robot ==
=== Normal Robot ===
==== Milk Scout ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=scout milk
|name=Milk Scout
|secondary=Mad Milk
|attribs={{info|{{common string|bot always fire}}}}<br>{{buff|+100% faster recharge rate}}
==== Bazooka Soldier ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=soldier bazooka
|name=Bazooka Soldier
|primary=Beggar's Bazooka
|attribs={{buff|+3 rockets in clip}}{{buff|+40% faster firing speed}}{{buff|+40% faster reload speed}}{{nerf|-20% movement speed}}{{nerf|Does not fire until fully reloaded}}
==== Cow Mangler 5000 Soldier ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=soldier mangler
|name=Cow Mangler 5000 Soldier
|primary=Cow Mangler 5000
|attribs={{info|Always do charged shot}}<br>{{buff|+100% faster reload speed}}
==== Mini BurstFire Soldier ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=soldier libertylauncher
|name=Mini BurstFire Soldier
|primary=Rocket Launcher
|attribs={{info|0.8x smaller in size}}<br>{{common string|bot 100 crit chance}}{{buff|+40% blast radius}}{{buff|+10 rockets in clip}}{{buff|+90% faster firing speed}}{{buff|+25% faster reload speed}}{{buff|Rocket knock back enemies}}{{buff|+30% movement speed}}{{buff|Does not take fall damage}}{{nerf|100 HP}}{{nerf|-90% damage penalty}}
==== Gas Pyro ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=pyro gascann
|name=Gas Pyro
|secondary=Gas Passer
|hat=Brigade Helm
|attribs=Degreaser stats:<br>{{nerf|Cannot airblast}}{{nerf|-50% damage penalty}}{{nerf|-40% afterburn duration}}Gas Passer stats:<br>{{nerf|700% slower recharge rate}}
==== Bomber Demoman ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=demo clusterbomb
|name=Bomber Demoman
|primary=Iron Bomber
|hat=Tartan Spartan
|attribs={{buff|+95% faster firing speed}}{{nerf|-50% clip size}}{{nerf|75% slower reload speed}}{{nerf|+3 degree grenade spread}}{{nerf|Does not fire until fully reloaded}}
==== Stickybomb Parachuter ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=demo quickie para
|name=Stickybomb Parachuter
|primary=B.A.S.E. Jumper
|secondary=Stickybomb Launcher
|attribs={{info|Jumps every 1-4 seconds}}<br>{{buff|-100% sticky charge time}}{{buff|+100% faster firing speed}}{{buff|+500% greater jump height}}{{buff|Does not take fall damage}}{{nerf|-50% clip size}}{{nerf|-50% damage penalty}}{{nerf|50% slower reload speed}}{{nerf|-55% projectile range}}{{nerf|-4 max stickybomb out}}{{nerf|Does not fire until fully reloaded}}
=== Giant Robot ===
==== Giant Explode on Ignite Pyro ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=pyro gascann explode
|secondary=Gas Passer
|hat=Rusty Reaper
|misc1=Wraith Wrap
|attribs={{buff|5000 HP}}{{buff|+50% faster recharge rate}}{{buff|+7400% afterburn damage}}{{buff|+100% knockback resistance}}{{nerf|-99% afterburn duration}}{{nerf|400% slower throwable cooldown}}{{nerf|-50% movement speed}}{{nerf|Cannot see past 1200 units}}
==== Giant Flaregun Pyro ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=pyro flare
|name=Giant Flaregun Pyro
|secondary=Flare Gun
|attribs={{buff|3000 HP}}{{buff|+60% faster firing speed}}{{buff|+40% knockback resistance}}{{nerf|-50% movement speed}}
==== Giant Fury Pyro ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=pyro fury
|name=Giant Fury Pyro
|primary=Dragon's Fury
|hat=Respectless Robo-Glove
|attribs={{buff|3000 HP}}{{buff|+40% knockback resistance}}{{nerf|-40% damage penalty}}{{nerf|-20% afterburn damage}}{{nerf|-50% movement speed}}{{nerf|Cannot see past 600 units}}
==== Giant Steel Gauntlet ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=heavy steelfist
|name=Giant Steel Gauntlet
|melee=Fists of Steel
|hat=War Head
|attribs={{buff|10000 HP}}{{buff|+200% damage bonus}}{{buff|+70% knockback resistance}}{{nerf|50% slower attack speed}}{{nerf|-70% movement speed}}
==== Giant Kritzkrieg Medic ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=medic kritz
|name=Giant Kritzkrieg Medic
|primary=Syringe Gun
|hat=Titanium Tyrolean
|attribs={{buff|2000 HP}}{{buff|Spawn with Full Charge}}{{buff|+19900% heal rate}}{{buff|+9900% ubercharge rate}}{{buff|+9999 seconds of ubercharge duration}}{{buff|+40% knockback resistance}}{{nerf|-50% movement speed}}
==== Giant Shield Medic ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=medic shield qf
|name=Giant Shield Medic
|hat=Das Naggenvatcher
|attribs={{buff|2000 HP}}{{buff|Use level 2 projectile shield}}{{buff|+19900% heal rate}}{{buff|+300% shield duration}}{{buff|+40% knockback resistance}}{{buff|+100% airblast resistance}}{{nerf|Cannot use ubercharge}}{{nerf|-50% movement speed}}
=== Bosses ===
==== The General ====
{{Robot loadout
|icon=soldier rocketrain
|name=The General
|primary=Rocket Launcher
|secondary=B.A.S.E. Jumper
|hat=Armored Authority
|misc1=Fancy Dress Uniform
|misc2=Marshall's Mutton Chops
|attribs={{info|1.95x larger in size}}<br>{{info|Jumps every 6-8 seconds}}<br>{{buff|35000 HP}}{{common string|bot 100 crit chance}}{{buff|+44 rockets in clip}}{{buff|+100% projectile speed}}{{buff|+100% faster firing speed}}{{buff|+90% faster reload speed}}{{buff|Rocket knock back enemies}}{{buff|+100% knockback resistance}}{{buff|+100% airblast resistance}}{{buff|+500% greater jump height}}{{buff|Does not take fall damage}}{{nerf|-75% blast radius}}{{nerf|-50% damage penalty}}{{nerf|+8 degree rocket spread}}{{nerf|-60% movement speed}}{{nerf|Cannot see past 1200 units}}{{nerf|Does not fire until fully reloaded}}
{{Template:Madness vs Machines nav}}
{{Template:Madness vs Machines nav}}
[[Category:Operation Madness vs Machines missions]]
[[Category:Operation Madness vs Machines missions]]

Revision as of 13:43, 31 March 2020

Seaside Sacrifice
Basic Information
Name: Seaside Sacrifice

File name:

Developer(s): Mince
Map: Coastrock
Mission type: Invasion
Waves: 6
Difficulty: Advanced
Starting credits: 800
Maximum possible credits: 5050
Minimum respawn wave time: 6
Maximum respawn wave time: 12
Fixed respawn time: No
Tour: Madness vs Machines
Sentry Buster spawn time: 15 seconds
Sentry Buster respawn time: 30 seconds

Seaside Sacrifice is an advanced invasion mission made by Mince. It is available on the custom Coastrock map.


Sub-wave Class Count Delay(s) Credits
Wave 1 (500 Credits)
Heavy heater

Heater Heavy
Normal 2 2 12 1 2 100
Pyro flare
Normal Spawns from above the tunnel 3 6 12 2 4 50
Expert 1 1 2 12 6 50
Easy Spawns from above the tunnel 2 6 18 12 6
Scout giant fast
Easy 1 2 2 12 12 100
Scout stun armored
Expert Pictogram minus.png -55% movement speed 9 9 9 4 200
Medic uber
Medic uber
Medic uber
Medic uber

Medic uber
Medic uber
Medic uber
Medic uber

Über Medic
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Pictogram plus.png +400% ÜberCharge rate
Pictogram minus.png -90% heal rate
Pictogram minus.png -3 seconds Über duration
Expert 2 25 60
Scout stun

Hyper League Scout
Hard Begins after 1A-1 has finished spawning
Pictogram plus.png +75% recharge rate
Spawns from above the tunnel
8 8 2 8
Heavy shotgun
Hard Begins after 1B is all dead
Spawns from the left flank
5 5 2 6
Wave 2 (750 Credits)
Leaderboard class demo loch nys.png

Loch-n-Load Demoman
Hard 4 16 32 2 6 150
Heavy steelfist
Hard 2 2 8 2 6 150
Scout bat
Easy Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Fires continuously
Holy Mackerel The Holy Mackerel
Spawns from the left flank
2 8 24 20 2 50
Expert Natascha Natascha
Vision range 1200
Spawns from the tunnel
3 3 3 4 200
Heavy shotgun
Heavy shotgun
Hard 2 6 12 4 0
Soldier crit
Normal 5 10 20 12 0 200
Medic uber

Über Medic
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Pictogram plus.png +400% ÜberCharge rate
Pictogram minus.png -90% heal rate
Pictogram minus.png -3 seconds Über duration
Soldier libertylauncher
Soldier libertylauncher
Soldier libertylauncher
Heavy gru
Easy Begins after 2B is all dead
Spawns from the left flank
2 6 4 8
Wave 3 (650 Credits)
20,000 Takes the same path as the bomb 1 1 1 2 150
Heavy steelfist
Expert 7 7 42 4 10 150
Medic uber

Über Medic
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Pictogram plus.png +400% ÜberCharge rate
Pictogram minus.png -90% heal rate
Pictogram minus.png -3 seconds Über duration
Leaderboard class pyro phlog.pngLeaderboard class pyro phlog.pngLeaderboard class pyro phlog.pngLeaderboard class pyro phlog.pngLeaderboard class pyro phlog.png

Phlog Pyro
Hard Fires continuously

Suction Prototype Pyro
Easy Fires continuously
Spawns from the left flank
3 6 12 12 6
Leaderboard class demo quickie para.png

Stickybomb Parachuter
Expert Pictogram comment.png Cannot pick up the bomb
Fires continuously
Spawns from above the tunnel
2 6 12 32 6 50
Scout bonk

Giant Bonk Scout
Normal 1 2 4 8 0 50

Type 2
Expert 2 2 4 4 8
Hard 8 8 24 6 6
Soldier spammer

Type 1
Expert 2 4 4 2 24 150

Type 2
Leaderboard class scout pistol.png
Normal Secondary only 10 10 40 6 6 100
Sniper bow
Hard Vision range 2500 2 30 30
Wave 4 (650 Credits)
Soldier conch
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
8 16 32 2 12 100
Medic uber

Über Medic
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Pictogram plus.png +100% ÜberCharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +400% heal rate
Demo burst
Demo burst
Demo burst
Demo burst
Demo burst
Demo burst
Sniper bow multi

Bowman Rapid Fire
Hard 2 4 4 6 6
Expert 2 2 4 8 16 75
Leaderboard class pyro gascann explode.png

Expert Pictogram plus.png 0.5 seconds recharge time
Secondary only
Vision range 1200
2 2 8 4 16 200
Demoknight samurai

Type 1
Heavy gru
Easy 6 6 12 2 6
Expert 2 2 2 14 25
Leaderboard class demo knight bottle.png

Hard Spawns from the left flank 4 8 48 32 4 100
Scout bat
Easy Spawns from the left flank
Holy Mackerel The Holy Mackerel
6 6 12 2 6

Type 2
Expert 1 2 2 4 10 100
Leaderboard class scout pistol.png
Normal Secondary only
Vision range 400
6 6 12 4 0
Expert Vision range 600 2 2 2 4 50
Leaderboard class demo quickie para.png

Stickybomb Parachuter
Expert Pictogram comment.png Cannot pick up the bomb
Begins after 4A is all dead
Fires continuously
Spawns from above the tunnel
4 4 4 6
Scout stun
Hard Begins after 4B-2 is all dead
Spawns from the left flank
2 2 2 24
Wave 5 (700 Credits)
Soldier blackbox
Normal Spawns from the left flank 4 12 12 2 4 25
Heavy deflector
Hard Vision range 1200 8 8 16 2 6 25
Scout shortstop
Easy Spawns from above the tunnel 4 4 16 2 10 150
Heavy heater
Expert 4 4 8 4 16 150

Type 2
Pyro flare
Pyro flare

Giant Flaregun Pyro
Leaderboard class scout sunstick.png
Hard 8 8 24 16 8 50
Soldier spammer

Type 1
Expert 3 3 9 2 10 150
Soldier crit
Soldier crit
Heavy shotgun
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
6 6 12 6 6 75
Leaderboard class scout cola.png
Hard 6 6 24 2 3 75
Soldier buff
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Begins after 5A is all dead
Spawns from the left flank
3 6 2 12
Soldier libertylauncher

Mini BurstFire Soldier
Hard Pictogram comment.png Cannot pick up the bomb
Pictogram comment.png Goes for the hatch first
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Begins after 5B is all dead
Spawns from the left flank
4 4 32 8 4
Wave 6 (500 Credits)
Heavy steelfist
Hard 6 6 12 2 14
Heavy steelfist

Giant Steel Gauntlet
Expert 1 1 2 6 16 100
Leaderboard class soldier bazooka.png

Bazooka Soldier
Hard Spawns from the left flank 4 8 30 6 4 100
Normal Pictogram comment.png 50% bigger in size
Pictogram plus.png 900 HP
Leaderboard class scout milk.png

Milk Scout
Hard Pictogram plus.png +300% recharge rate
Secondary only
Fires continuously
Spawns from above the tunnel
7 7 14 10 8
Leaderboard class demo clusterbomb.png

Bomber Demoman
Normal Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
5 10 40 5 5 100
Pyro gascann

Gas Pyro
Hard Pictogram plus.png 8 seconds recharge time
Secondary only
1 1 6 7 4
Leaderboard class pyro dragon fury swordstone.png

Giant Fury Pyro
Expert Pictogram comment.png Does not attempt to airblast
Vision range 600
2 2 2 7
Scout fan
Expert Vision range 1200 2 4 4 24 10 100
Soldier backup
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Spawns from the left flank
4 4 12 2 8
Heavy shotgun
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 2 4 4 16
Expert Pictogram plus.png +70% damage dealt
Brass Beast The Brass Beast
Vision range 1200
Spawns at the tunnel
3 3 3 12 100
Leaderboard class medic shield qf.png

Giant Shield Medic
Expert Pictogram comment.png Ignores enemies
Pictogram minus.png 2000 HP
Leaderboard class medic kritz.png

Giant Kritzkrieg Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Pictogram minus.png 2000 HP
Leaderboard class demo knight bottle.png

Hard 6 6 12 12 5
Leaderboard class soldier rocketrain.png

The General
35,000 HP
Expert Pictogram comment.png Boss announces its own arrival
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 1 1 4
Leaderboard class soldier mangler.png

Cow Mangler 5000 Soldier
Expert Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to Sniper-bots
Pictogram comment.png Uses charged Mangler shots
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster reload rate
Cow Mangler 5000 The Cow Mangler 5000
4 15 30
Soldier conch
Normal Begins after 6C-2 is all dead
Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Spawns from the left flank
2 4 4 16
Leaderboard class scout milk.png

Milk Scout
Hard Begins after 6C-2 is all dead
Pictogram plus.png +300% recharge rate
Secondary only
Fires continuously
4 4 10 14
Leaderboard class pyro phlog.png

Phlog Pyro
Hard Begins after 6C-2 is all dead
Fires continuously
Spawns from the left flank
4 8 32 48

Custom Robot

Normal Robot

Milk Scout

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Scout milk
Milk Scout Mad Milk
Mad Milk
Pictogram info.png Fires continuously
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster recharge rate

Bazooka Soldier

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Soldier bazooka
Bazooka Soldier Beggar's Bazooka
Beggar's Bazooka
Pictogram plus.png +3 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +40% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +40% faster reload speed
Pictogram minus.png -20% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Cow Mangler 5000 Soldier

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Soldier mangler
Cow Mangler 5000 Soldier Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Pictogram info.png Always do charged shot
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster reload speed

Mini BurstFire Soldier

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Soldier libertylauncher
Mini BurstFire Soldier Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Pictogram info.png 0.8x smaller in size
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +40% blast radius
Pictogram plus.png +10 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +25% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png Rocket knock back enemies
Pictogram plus.png +30% movement speed
Pictogram plus.png Does not take fall damage
Pictogram minus.png 100 HP
Pictogram minus.png -90% damage penalty

Gas Pyro

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Attributes
Pyro gascann
Gas Pyro Degreaser
Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Brigade Helm
Brigade Helm
Degreaser stats:
Pictogram minus.png Cannot airblast
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png -40% afterburn duration
Gas Passer stats:
Pictogram minus.png 700% slower recharge rate

Bomber Demoman

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Demo clusterbomb
Bomber Demoman Iron Bomber
Iron Bomber
Tartan Spartan
Tartan Spartan
Pictogram plus.png +95% faster firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size
Pictogram minus.png 75% slower reload speed
Pictogram minus.png +3 degree grenade spread
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Stickybomb Parachuter

Icon Name Primary Secondary Attributes
Demo quickie para
Stickybomb Parachuter B.A.S.E. Jumper
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Stickybomb Launcher
Stickybomb Launcher
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 1-4 seconds
Pictogram plus.png -100% sticky charge time
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +500% greater jump height
Pictogram plus.png Does not take fall damage
Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower reload speed
Pictogram minus.png -55% projectile range
Pictogram minus.png -4 max stickybomb out
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Robot

Giant Explode on Ignite Pyro

Icon Name Secondary Hat Misc Attributes
Pyro gascann explode
Death Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Rusty Reaper
Rusty Reaper
Wraith Wrap
Wraith Wrap
Pictogram plus.png 5000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% faster recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +7400% afterburn damage
Pictogram plus.png +100% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -99% afterburn duration
Pictogram minus.png 400% slower throwable cooldown
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Cannot see past 1200 units

Giant Flaregun Pyro

Icon Name Secondary Attributes
Pyro flare
Giant Flaregun Pyro Flare Gun
Flare Gun
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Giant Fury Pyro

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Pyro fury
Giant Fury Pyro Dragon's Fury
Dragon's Fury
Respectless Robo-Glove
Respectless Robo-Glove
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -40% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png -20% afterburn damage
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Cannot see past 600 units

Giant Steel Gauntlet

Icon Name Melee Hat Attributes
Heavy steelfist
Giant Steel Gauntlet Fists of Steel
Fists of Steel
War Head
War Head
Pictogram plus.png 10000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +200% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +70% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower attack speed
Pictogram minus.png -70% movement speed

Giant Kritzkrieg Medic

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic kritz
Giant Kritzkrieg Medic Syringe Gun
Syringe Gun
Titanium Tyrolean
Titanium Tyrolean
Pictogram plus.png 2000 HP
Pictogram plus.png Spawn with Full Charge
Pictogram plus.png +19900% heal rate
Pictogram plus.png +9900% ubercharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +9999 seconds of ubercharge duration
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Giant Shield Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic shield qf
Giant Shield Medic Quick-Fix
Das Naggenvatcher
Das Naggenvatcher
Pictogram plus.png 2000 HP
Pictogram plus.png Use level 2 projectile shield
Pictogram plus.png +19900% heal rate
Pictogram plus.png +300% shield duration
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +100% airblast resistance
Pictogram minus.png Cannot use ubercharge
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed


The General

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Misc 1 Misc 2 Attributes
Soldier rocketrain
The General Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher
B.A.S.E. Jumper
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Armored Authority
Armored Authority
Fancy Dress Uniform
Fancy Dress Uniform
Marshall's Mutton Chops
Marshall's Mutton Chops
Pictogram info.png 1.95x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 6-8 seconds
Pictogram plus.png 35000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +44 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +100% projectile speed
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png Rocket knock back enemies
Pictogram plus.png +100% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +100% airblast resistance
Pictogram plus.png +500% greater jump height
Pictogram plus.png Does not take fall damage
Pictogram minus.png -75% blast radius
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png +8 degree rocket spread
Pictogram minus.png -60% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Cannot see past 1200 units
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded