Difference between revisions of "File:Tf portuguese.txt"

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m (Updated tf_portuguese.txt for April 7, 2020 Patch.)
(PhoneWave uploaded a new version of File:Tf portuguese.txt)
(No difference)

Revision as of 00:36, 17 June 2020

Recent changes

April 7, 2020 Patch (previous patches)

46794679"[english]Tip_9_13" "As an Engineer, you can do more than just maintain your buildings. Use your Shotgun and your Pistol to assist in fights and to defend your buildings."
46804680"Tip_9_14" "Enquanto Engineer, as Sentinelas não servem apenas para defesa. Coloca-as rapidamente em locais escondidos para auxiliarem em manobras ofensivas."
46814681"[english]Tip_9_14" "As an Engineer, Sentry Guns aren't restricted to just defensive measures. Deploy them quickly in hidden locations in order to aid in an offensive push."
4682N/A"Tip_9_15" "Enquanto Engineer, lembra-te que os Spies disfarçados podem usar o Teu teletransportador. Evita estar em cima da saída do teu Teletransportador, especialmente quando estás a melhorá-lo ou a repará-lo."
N/A4682"Tip_9_15" "Enquanto Engineer, lembra-te que os Spies disfarçados podem usar o teu Teletransportador. Evita estar em cima da saída do teu Teletransportador, especialmente quando estás a melhorá-lo ou a repará-lo."
46834683"[english]Tip_9_15" "As an Engineer, remember that disguised enemy Spies can use your Teleporter. Try not to stand on top of your Teleporter exit, especially when upgrading or repairing it."
46844684"Tip_9_16" "Enquanto Engineer, usa as tuas armas para verificar se alguém suspeito é um Spy."
46854685"[english]Tip_9_16" "As an Engineer, check for Spies with your weapons if someone suspicious approaches."
97189718"[english]TF_CaponesCapper_Desc" "This dashing number will help you commit crimes of all kinds—except against fashion."
97199719"TF_DesertMarauder" "Saqueador do Deserto"
97209720"[english]TF_DesertMarauder" "Desert Marauder"
9721N/A"TF_PocketMedic" "Médico de Bolso"
N/A9721"TF_PocketMedic" "Medic de Bolso"
97229722"[english]TF_PocketMedic" "Pocket Medic"
97239723"TF_PocketMedic_Desc" "Nome original inglês: POCKET MEDIC\n\nMantém o homenzinho da cura por perto."
97249724"[english]TF_PocketMedic_Desc" "Keep little healing man close."
1195411954"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut" "The Battle Bob"
1195511955"TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Simples e elegante, este fino capacete de cabelo irá realçar os contornos naturais da tua cara de guerra medonha."
1195611956"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Simple and elegant, this slimming hair helmet will bring out the natural contours of your fearsome war face."
11957N/A"TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_NoHelmet" "Sem Capacete"
N/A11957"TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_NoHelmet" "Sem capacete"
1195811958"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_NoHelmet" "Without Helmet"
11959N/A"TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_WithHelmet" "Com Capacete"
N/A11959"TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_WithHelmet" "Com capacete"
1196011960"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_WithHelmet" "With Helmet"
1196111961"TF_Jag_Shadow" "Boonie dos Arbustos"
1196211962"[english]TF_Jag_Shadow" "The Bushman's Boonie"
1664116641"[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat_Desc" "Protect your civilian identity from those who would harm you for your complicity in nefarious deeds, and those who would punch you in the stomach for dressing up like a moth."
1664216642"TF_Henchboy_Wings" "O Voo do Monarca"
1664316643"[english]TF_Henchboy_Wings" "The Flight of the Monarch"
16644N/A"TF_Henchboy_Wings_Desc" "Nome original inglês: THE FLIGHT OF THE MONARCH\n\nAo contrário de asas de verdade, estas não te ajudam nada a voar."
N/A16644"TF_Henchboy_Wings_Desc" "Nome original inglês: THE FLIGHT OF THE MONARCH\n\nAo contrário de asas de verdade, estas não te ajudam nada a voar, nem têm Paul McCartney nelas. No entanto, estas asas SÃO 100% feitas de Steve Winwood."
1664516645"[english]TF_Henchboy_Wings_Desc" "Unlike real wings, these don't help you fly at all, or have Paul McCartney in them. However, these wings ARE 100% made from Steve Winwood."
1664616646"TF_Bundle_Rockzo" "O Conjunto Rockzo"
1664716647"[english]TF_Bundle_Rockzo" "The Rockzo Bundle"
1729517295"[english]TF_ConspiracyCap" "Conspiracy Cap"
1729617296"TF_ConspiracyCap_Desc" "Não protejas a tua cabeça dos segredos do governo com um daqueles chapéus de folha de alumínio como se fosses um nabo que não sabe o que está a fazer. Lê as mensagens de chat privadas dos nossos líderes metamórficos Reptilóides! Descobre quem vai ganhar a liga de basebol deste ano! Fica a saber o que têm realmente lá escondido na Área 51! Escuta as partidas telefónicas que o Yeti fez ao presidente quando estava bêbado!"
1729717297"[english]TF_ConspiracyCap_Desc" "Don't shield your head from government secrets with a tinfoil hat like a know-nothing chump. Listen in on the private chat lines of our shape-shifting Reptiloid overlords. Find out who wins next year's World Series! Learn what's really in Area 51! Eavesdrop on Bigfoot's late-night drunken calls to the President!"
17298N/A"TF_ConspiracyCap_Style0" "Com Chapéu"
N/A17298"TF_ConspiracyCap_Style0" "Com chapéu"
1729917299"[english]TF_ConspiracyCap_Style0" "Hat"
17300N/A"TF_ConspiracyCap_Style1" "Sem Chapéu"
N/A17300"TF_ConspiracyCap_Style1" "Sem chapéu"
1730117301"[english]TF_ConspiracyCap_Style1" "No Hat"
1730217302"TF_PublicAccessor" "Sintonizador Público"
1730317303"[english]TF_PublicAccessor" "Public Accessor"
1730417304"TF_PublicAccessor_Desc" "Esta antena partida é o recetor perfeito para qualquer estação de rádio local que esteja a transmitir a mais de seis metros de ti. Sintoniza-te a todos os sucessos de operadores de rádio amadores locais, entusiastas de walkie-talkies e crianças que usam latas vazias ligadas por fios."
1730517305"[english]TF_PublicAccessor_Desc" "This broken antenna cap is the perfect receiver for any local radio stations broadcasting up to twenty feet away from you. Tune in to all the hits from local-area ham radio operators, walkie-talkie enthusiasts, and small children with soup cans connected by old wire."
17306N/A"TF_PublicAccessor_Style0" "Com Chapéu"
N/A17306"TF_PublicAccessor_Style0" "Com chapéu"
1730717307"[english]TF_PublicAccessor_Style0" "Hat"
17308N/A"TF_PublicAccessor_Style1" "Sem Chapéu"
N/A17308"TF_PublicAccessor_Style1" "Sem chapéu"
1730917309"[english]TF_PublicAccessor_Style1" "No Hat"
1731017310"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_1st" "Primeiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Gold"
1731117311"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_1st" "UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place"
1769317693"[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageResolutionNotPowerOf2" "Couldn't load %file%\nResolution must be power of 2"
1769417694"TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadIconResolution" "Não foi possível carregar %file%\nA resolução do ícone tem de ser 512x512"
1769517695"[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadIconResolution" "Couldn't load %file%\nIcon resolution must be 512x512"
17696N/A"TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style0" "Sem Auscultadores"
N/A17696"TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style0" "Sem auscultadores"
1769717697"[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style0" "Without Headphones"
1769817698"TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style1" "Com Auscultadores"
1769917699"[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style1" "With Headphones"
1771117711"[english]TF_BacteriaBlocker_Desc" "The human face is nature's garbage can. Everything from saliva (make-outs) to grease (engine repair) to clumps of partially chewed beef (eating) to poison (food-tasting for kings) can be found on the average (your) face. Keep it marginally less filthy with the Bacteria Blocker."
1771217712"TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style0" "Com Auscultadores"
1771317713"[english]TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style0" "With Headphones"
17714N/A"TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style1" "Sem Auscultadores"
N/A17714"TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style1" "Sem auscultadores"
1771517715"[english]TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style1" "Without Headphones"
1771617716"KillEaterEventType_MedicsWithFullUberKilled" "Medics com ÜberCarga pronta mortos"
1771717717"[english]KillEaterEventType_MedicsWithFullUberKilled" "Medics Killed That Have Full ÜberCharge"
2062220622"[english]TF_LockedCrate" "Supply Crate"
2062320623"TF_CrateKey_BL" "Chave para Caixote Sortido Mann Co."
2062420624"[english]TF_CrateKey_BL" "Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key"
20625N/A"TF_CrateKey_BL_Desc" "Item utilizado para abrir Caixotes Sortidos Mann Co.."
N/A20625"TF_CrateKey_BL_Desc" "Item utilizado para abrir Caixotes Sortidos Mann Co."
2062620626"[english]TF_CrateKey_BL_Desc" "Used to open locked Mann Co. Stockpile Crates."
2062720627"TF_SupplyCrate_BL" "Caixote Sortido Mann Co."
2062820628"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BL" "Mann Co. Stockpile Crate"
2095620956"[english]Winreason_CoresCollected" "%s1 won by destroying robots and collecting power cores"
2095720957"Winreason_ReactorReturned" "%s1 ganhou por defender o núcleo do seu reator até ele voltar"
2095820958"[english]Winreason_ReactorReturned" "%s1 won by defending their reactor core until it returned"
20959N/A"TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style0" "Sem auscultadores"
N/A20959"TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style0" "Sem headset"
2096020960"[english]TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style0" "No Headset"
20961N/A"TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style1" "Auscultadores"
N/A20961"TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style1" "Headset"
2096220962"[english]TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style1" "Headset"
2096320963"TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_style0" "Sem chapéu"
2096420964"[english]TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_style0" "No Hat"
2943229432"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case"
2943329433"TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Usada para abrir uma Caixa de Acessórios de Inverno 2018\n-Pode conter um item Estranho ou um chapéu Inusual de Inverno 2018"
2943429434"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2018 Hat"
29435N/A"TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style0" "Chapéu"
N/A29435"TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style0" "Com chapéu"
2943629436"[english]TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style0" "Hat"
2943729437"TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style1" "Sem chapéu"
2943829438"[english]TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style1" "No Hat"
2945229452"[english]TF_dec18_catchers_companion" "Catcher's Companion"
2945329453"TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style0" "Normal"
2945429454"[english]TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style0" "Default"
29455N/A"TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style1" "Chapéu"
N/A29455"TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style1" "Com chapéu"
2945629456"[english]TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style1" "Hat"
2945729457"TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper" "Jérsei Juvenil"
2945829458"[english]TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper" "Juvenile's Jumper"
2946229462"[english]TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style1" "Modern"
2946329463"TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style2" "Estilo simples"
2946429464"[english]TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style2" "Plain"
29465N/A"TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary" "Mercenário Millenial"
N/A29465"TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary" "Mercenário Millennial"
2946629466"[english]TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary" "Millennial Mercenary"
2946729467"TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style0" "Óculos"
2946829468"[english]TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style0" "2Much2Fort!"
2949629496"[english]TF_dec18_paka_parka" "Paka Parka"
2949729497"TF_dec18_wise_whiskers" "Barba Genial"
2949829498"[english]TF_dec18_wise_whiskers" "Wise Whiskers"
29499N/A"TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_Hat" "Chapéu"
N/A29499"TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_Hat" "Com chapéu"
2950029500"[english]TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_Hat" "Hat"
2950129501"TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_NoHat" "Sem chapéu"
2950229502"[english]TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_NoHat" "No Hat"
3107031070"[english]TF_dec19_missing_piece" "Missing Piece"
3107131071"TF_dec19_mislaid_sweater" "Camisola Desaparecida"
3107231072"[english]TF_dec19_mislaid_sweater" "Mislaid Sweater"
N/A31073"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Champions" "Campeões - RGL.gg Advanced"
N/A31074"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Advanced Champions"
N/A31075"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - RGL.gg Advanced"
N/A31076"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place"
N/A31077"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - RGL.gg Advanced"
N/A31078"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place"
N/A31079"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg Advanced"
N/A31080"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Advanced Participant"
N/A31081"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Champions" "Campeões - RGL.gg Main"
N/A31082"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Main Champions"
N/A31083"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - RGL.gg Main"
N/A31084"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place"
N/A31085"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - RGL.gg Main"
N/A31086"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place"
N/A31087"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg Main"
N/A31088"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Main Participant"
N/A31089"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Champions" "Campeões - RGL.gg IM"
N/A31090"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Champions" "RGL.gg - IM Champions"
N/A31091"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - RGL.gg IM"
N/A31092"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_2nd" "RGL.gg - IM 2nd Place"
N/A31093"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - RGL.gg IM"
N/A31094"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_3rd" "RGL.gg - IM 3rd Place"
N/A31095"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg IM"
N/A31096"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Participant" "RGL.gg - IM Participant"
N/A31097"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions_EU" "Campeões - EU.RGL.gg Div1"
N/A31098"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Champions"
N/A31099"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd_EU" "Segundo Lugar - EU.RGL.gg Div1"
N/A31100"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place"
N/A31101"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd_EU" "Terceiro Lugar - EU.RGL.gg Div1"
N/A31102"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place"
N/A31103"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant_EU" "Participante - EU.RGL.gg Div1"
N/A31104"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Participant"
N/A31105"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Champions" "Campeões - RGL.gg Invite 6v6"
N/A31106"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6"
N/A31107"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - RGL.gg Invite 6v6"
N/A31108"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6"
N/A31109"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - RGL.gg Invite 6v6"
N/A31110"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6"
N/A31111"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg Invite 6v6"
N/A31112"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6"
N/A31113"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Champions" "Campeões - RGL.gg Advanced 6v6"
N/A31114"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6"
N/A31115"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - RGL.gg Advanced 6v6"
N/A31116"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6"
N/A31117"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - RGL.gg Advanced 6v6"
N/A31118"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6"
N/A31119"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg Advanced 6v6"
N/A31120"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6"
N/A31121"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Champions" "Campeões - RGL.gg Main 6v6"
N/A31122"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6"
N/A31123"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - RGL.gg Main 6v6"
N/A31124"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6"
N/A31125"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - RGL.gg Main 6v6"
N/A31126"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6"
N/A31127"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg Main 6v6"
N/A31128"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6"
N/A31129"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Champions" "Campeões - RGL.gg Intermediate 6v6"
N/A31130"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Champions" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6"
N/A31131"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - RGL.gg Intermediate 6v6"
N/A31132"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_2nd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6"
N/A31133"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - RGL.gg Intermediate 6v6"
N/A31134"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_3rd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6"
N/A31135"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg Intermediate 6v6"
N/A31136"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Participant" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6"
N/A31137"TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Open_Participant" "Participante - RGL.gg Open 6v6"
N/A31138"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Open Participant - 6v6"
N/A31139"TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_OpenDayCup_Participant" "Participante - EBL One Day Cup"
N/A31140"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_OpenDayCup_Participant" "EBL One Day Cup Participant"
N/A31141"TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Cup1" "Cup 1"
N/A31142"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Cup1" "Cup 1"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
current20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.51 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
22:28, 19 July 2024 (1.48 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for July 19, 2024 Patch.
02:05, 19 December 2023 (1.48 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.48 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
23:54, 27 July 2023 (1.42 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch.
22:24, 12 July 2023 (1.39 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.39 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.39 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
15:15, 6 January 2023 (1.39 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for January 5, 2023.
01:28, 15 December 2022 (1.39 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_portuguese.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • You cannot overwrite this file.