Difference between revisions of "Template:Did you know"

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m (Not really a did you know fact, the two things are completely unrelated because stranges count something and collector's implies you've collected a lot of them (hence why you need ~100))
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*...that healing beams from the [[Medi Gun]] and its alternatives, [[Dispenser]], [[Payload]] cart, and team leaders in [[Player Destruction]] mode decrease the duration of [[Jarate]] and [[Mad Milk]] effects?
*...that healing beams from the [[Medi Gun]] and its alternatives, [[Dispenser]], [[Payload]] cart, and team leaders in [[Player Destruction]] mode decrease the duration of [[Jarate]] and [[Mad Milk]] effects?
*...that disguising as a friendly [[Spy]] with the [[Disguise Kit]] will simply remove your disguise?
*...that disguising as a friendly [[Spy]] with the [[Disguise Kit]] will simply remove your disguise?
*…that there was concept art for woman versions of the classes but it never made it into the game?
<!-- Add the new fact right above this comment. Add the break (----) after every 7 DIY facts --->
<!-- Add the new fact right above this comment. Add the break (----) after every 7 DIY facts --->

Revision as of 23:42, 17 June 2021

Currently displayed facts

  • ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
  • ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
  • ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?

Facts suggestions

Add new fact suggestions at the very bottom of the section below this title

  • ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
  • ...that there are Cool Beans hidden on the map Banana Bay?
  • ...that Valve for a while accidentally changed the unusual drop rate to 100% on some old crates on 25th July 2019?
  • ...that the Whoopee Cap's description references Jughead Jones, of Archie Comics fame, who is well-known for wearing a similar cap?
  • ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
  • ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
  • ...that at point-blank range the Force-A-Nature deals more damage than Soldier's Rocket Launchers (except the Direct Hit)?

  • ...that it is possible to perform a flare jump using the Flare Gun at a very specific angle on some locations of the maps?
  • ...that it is possible to survive to perform the Soldier's Kamikaze taunt by colliding with a ceiling before the explosion part of the taunt?
  • ...that the Minigun is named Sasha, the Brass Beast is named Oksana, the Huo-Long Heater is named Sheila, and the Tomislav is named Svetlana?
  • ...that Heavy has a Ph.D. in Russian literature?
  • ...that the Your Eternal Reward is a reference to Aladdin?
  • ...that when Demoman cleaned up at Merasmus's home, he lost his eye?
  • ...that the oldest known unusual is a Circling Peace Sign Stout Shako?

  • ...that it was revealed in the Comics that there were several teams hired by the Administrator named Vanguard, Echelon, and Citadel?
  • ...that the BLU Team Fortress Classic Pyro is a woman named Beatrice?
  • ...that there are a total of 160 weapons?
  • ...that Scout has 7 older brothers and he is the youngest?
  • ...that the Engineer and Medic have the least amount of weapons?
  • ...that the Scout and Pyro have the most amount of weapons?
  • ...that the only taunt you can unlock for free is the Director's Vision?

  • ...that the Pyro has the most taunt kills?
  • ...that in the Ghoul Box, a cosmetic item for the Engineer, it shows a hidden rat in its textures referencing the creator's late pet rat?
  • ...that the highest player peak as of 2020 is 131,300 players?
  • ...that the Demoman was once poisoned in the comic, Old Wounds, by nothing but food since he drinks alcohol a lot?
  • ...that the Horseless Headless Horsemann is Zepheniah Mann's brother?
  • ...that the Nessie's Nine Iron, a melee reskin for Demoman, is a reference to the legendary Scottish monster, the Loch Ness Monster?
  • ...that the Spy is known to speak phrases in French, Spanish and Italian?

  • ...that in Meet the Spy while Spy fights with the Medic, after knocking his glasses into the air a Half-Life 2 crate prop appears?
  • ... that the Bread Bite has 2 completely unique inspect animations, unlike the rest of Heavy's gloves?
  • ... that Archimedes used to be a wedding dove, before the Medic stole the catering van used for the prime minister's wedding where Archimedes was situated?
  • ...that the Flame Thrower and Knife are the single class weapons with the most reskins?
  • ... that Sinshine became an official map added in the Scream Fortress 2015 event, before its non-Halloween counterpart Sunshine which was added in Meet your Match?
  • ...that according to the comic Death of a Salesbot the President of the United States by 1999 is a Pomeranian named "Kisses Von Butternubs"?
  • ...that Medic's pet Archimedes, had his name based off of a real scientist that studied physics?

  • ...that TF2 had grenades in it at some point?
  • ...that the bobblehead in Meet the Sniper was originally supposed to be an "Old Geezer" instead of the Civilian?
  • ...that Pier has a secret disco room behind the vent in BLU spawn?
  • ...that when you suicide in spawn, you can immediately respawn by changing classes?
  • ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
  • ...that the Soldier has a higher chance of spawning bread when teleporting?
  • ...that collecting heads with the Eyelander or its reskins also increases your Shield bash damage?

  • ...that there are exactly 21 bars in the loading screen?
  • ...that the Spy has the most class-exclusive weapon reskins, at 8?
  • ...that healing beams from the Medi Gun and its alternatives, Dispenser, Payload cart, and team leaders in Player Destruction mode decrease the duration of Jarate and Mad Milk effects?
  • ...that disguising as a friendly Spy with the Disguise Kit will simply remove your disguise?
  • …that there was concept art for woman versions of the classes but it never made it into the game?

See also

Previously featured facts