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| == Recent changes == | | == Recent changes == |
− | {{tf diff|p=August 3, 2011 Patch}} | + | {{tf diff|p=August 9, 2011 Patch}} |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -3896,5 +3896,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}} | + | {{tf diff|@|@@ -8878,3 +8878,3 @@ gjenstand!}} |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% utført skade"}}
| + | {{tf diff|c|"TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Pigg & pil"}} |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% damage done"}}
| + | {{tf diff|-|"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Spike & Arrow"}} |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% damage bonus"}}
| + | {{tf diff|+|"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Spike And Arrow"}} |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% utført skade"}}
| + | {{tf diff|c|"TF_TrialNeedSpace_Title" "Trenger du mer plass?"}} |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% damage done"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% damage penalty"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_HealRate_Positive" "+%s1% helbredelsesfrekvens"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -3960,3 +3960,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Med dette balltreet kan du slå en skikkelig knock out-ball"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "This bat knocks out a mean stun ball"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Alt-Fire: Launches a ball that stuns opponents"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned" "%s1% skadede spillere kontra spillere som ikke er satt ut av spill"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -3982,3 +3982,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Deaktiverer dobbelthopp på bæreren"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump on wearer"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "Absorberer %s1% skade når du er usynlig"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -3986,3 +3986,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Krits ved et nøyaktig hodeskudd"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Crits on an accurate headshot"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Crits on headshot"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_BackstabShield" "Beskytter mot ett forsøk på ryggdolking"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -4024,5 +4024,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% brannskade"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% burn damage"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% burn damage bonus"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% brannskade"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% burn damage"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% burn damage penalty"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "+%s1% brannvarighet"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -5715,3 +5715,3 @@ du raskt som offeret."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_SilentKiller" "Dette våpenet er en lydløs morder"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_SilentKiller" "This weapon is a silent killer"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_SilentKiller" "Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DisguiseSpeedPenalty" "%s1 sek langsommere forkledningshastighet"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -5756,3 +5756,3 @@ målet i %s1 sekunder"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "Bæreren kan ikke drepes med hodeskudd."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_AchievementItem" "Prestasjonsgjenstand: Kan ikke byttes"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -5766,3 +5766,3 @@ målet i %s1 sekunder"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "Dette våpenet får krits der det vanligvis får minikrits."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "This weapon crits whenever it would normally mini-crit."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_HealOnKill" "+%s1 helse gjenopprettet ved drap"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -5770,3 +5770,3 @@ målet i %s1 sekunder"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "Ingen selvpåført eksplosjonsskade."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "No self inflicted blast damage taken."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "No self inflicted blast damage taken"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit_Major" "Ved treff: Målet beveger seg 40 % saktere i %s1s"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -5784,3 +5784,3 @@ målet i %s1 sekunder"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "Ved død bevares opptil %s1% av den lagrede superladningen."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "On death up to %s1% of your stored\nÜberCharge is retained."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "On death up to %s1% of your stored\nÜberCharge is retained"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Particle0" "Ugyldig partikkel"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -6684,3 +6684,3 @@ gjenstand!}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Halloween_Item" "Dette er en spesiell Allehelgensaften %s1 gjenstand."}} | |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_Halloween_Item" "This is a special Halloween %s1 item."}} | |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_Halloween_Item" "This is a special Halloween %s1 item"}} | |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump" "Klisterhopper"}} | |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -7410,7 +7410,7 @@ gjenstand!}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Honorbound" "Dette våpenet er æresbundet og kan ikke trekkes vekk før den har drept."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "This weapon is Honorbound and once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "Honorbound: Once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_MarkForDeath" "Ved treff: ett mål av gangen er merket for døden, slik at alle skader mottatt vil være minikrits."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath" "On hit: one target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath" "On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Ved drap: gjenoppretter deg til %s1% helse."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "On kill: restores you to %s1% health."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "On Kill: Restores you to %s1% health"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="IT_ExistingItem" "Eller en eksisterende gjenstand:"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -8574,3 +8574,3 @@ gjenstand!}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_MakersMark" "Konstruert av %s1."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_MakersMark" "Crafted by %s1."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_MakersMark" "Crafted by %s1"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="HTTPError_ConnectionClosed" "Tilkobling stengt"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -8708,3 +8708,3 @@ gjenstand!}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_MedicKilledRevenge" "Når medicen som helbreder deg blir drept,\nfår du 2 hevnkrits."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_MedicKilledRevenge" "When the medic healing you is killed you\ngain 2 revenge crits."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_MedicKilledRevenge" "When the medic healing you is killed you\ngain 2 revenge crits"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_MedicKilledMiniCritBoost" "Når medicen som helbreder deg blir drept,\nfår du minikrits i %s1 sekunder"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -8936,3 +8936,3 @@ gjenstand!}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Lar deg se fiendens helse."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Allows you to see enemy health."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Allows you to see enemy health"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "Hvert siktet hodeskudd vil senke våpenets ladetid.\nEt siktet kroppsskudd vil redusere bonusen.\nEn siktet bom vil fjerne bonusen.\n"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -9088,9 +9088,9 @@ gjenstand!}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "Dette våpenet krever ikke ammunisjon."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "This weapon does not require ammo."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "Does not require ammo"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoHurtBuilding" "Dette våpenet gjør redusert skade mot bygninger."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoHurtBuilding" "This weapon deals reduced damage to buildings."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoHurtBuilding" "Deals only 20% damage to buildings"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponPenetration" "Dette våpenet avfyrer et prosjektil som\npenetrerer fiendtlige mål."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponPenetration" "This weapon fires a projectile that\npenetrates enemy targets."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponPenetration" "Projectile penetrates enemy targets"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoDeflect" "Dette våpenets prosjektil kan ikke bli avledet."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoDeflect" "This weapon's projectiles cannot be deflected."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoDeflect" "Projectile cannot be deflected"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|@|2= -9109,2 +9109,4 @@ gjenstand!}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_CowMangler" "The Cow Mangler 5000"}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnActive" "Dette våpenet har PÅ BÆRER-attributter som bare gjelder når det er AKTIVT. Mens de fleste På bærer-attributtene gjelder når spilleren er utstyrt med denne gjenstanden i oppakningen, gjelder disse attributtene bare når våpenet er spillerens aktive våpen."}}
| |
− | {{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnActive" "This weapon has ON WEARER attributes that only apply when it's ACTIVE. Whereas most On Wearer attributes are applied to the player when the item is equipped in the loadout, these attributes only apply when this weapon is the player's actively wielded weapon."}}
| |
| </div> | | </div> |
| + | * [[August 3, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_norwegian.txt&oldid=657835 Diff] (permalink) |
| * [[July 27, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_norwegian.txt&oldid=640606 Diff] (permalink) | | * [[July 27, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_norwegian.txt&oldid=640606 Diff] (permalink) |
| * [[July 22, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_norwegian.txt&oldid=634020 Diff] (permalink) | | * [[July 22, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_norwegian.txt&oldid=634020 Diff] (permalink) |