Difference between revisions of "File:Tf danish.txt"

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(uploaded a new version of "File:Tf danish.txt": October 14, 2011 Patch)
(Updated diff for October 14, 2011 Patch.)
Line 1: Line 1:
<!-- This page is updated by a bot. Changes made to it will likely be lost the next time it edits. -->
<!-- This page is updated by a bot. Changes made to it will likely be lost the next time it edits. -->
== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=October 13, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|p=October 14, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -101,3 +101,3 @@}}
{{tf diff|c|2=No changes.}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel" "Healing:"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Usårlighed:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Usårligheder:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Invulns:"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -935,3 +935,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" "%s1 more area to win"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Vinder erobring: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Sejrserobring: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Winning capture: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1225,3 +1225,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Gametype_EscortRace" "Payload Race"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Gametype_Koth" "King of the Hill"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Gametype_Koth" "Konge af bakken"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Gametype_Koth" "King of the Hill"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1359,3 +1359,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatPanel_Healing_Best" "You healed more as %s1 that round than your previous best."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "Du var mere usårlig i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "Du gjorde dig usårlig mere i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "You went invulnerable more that round than your previous best."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1395,3 +1395,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatPanel_Healing_Tie" "You tied your record for healing as %s1 that round."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i usårlighed i denne runde."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i usårligheder i denne runde."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "You tied your record for invulns that round."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1431,3 +1431,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatPanel_Healing_Close" "You came close to your record for healing as %s1 that round."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "Du var tæt på at slå din rekord i usårlighed i denne runde."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "Du var tæt på at slå din rekord i usårligheder i denne runde."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "You came close to your record for invulns that round."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1503,3 +1503,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists" "Avg assists"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Mest ødelæggelse"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Mest skade"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Most damage"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1651,3 +1651,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses" "Most defenses:"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Mest ødelæggelse:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Mest skade:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Most damage:"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1661,3 +1661,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostHealing" "Most healing:"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns" "Mest usårlighed:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns" "Flest usårligheder:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns" "Most invulns:"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2569,3 +2569,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_NAME" "Sovjetblok-ering"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_NAME" "Sovjetblok-kering"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_NAME" "Soviet Block"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2753,3 +2753,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_DESC" "Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Batman"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Jeg er Batman"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_NAME" "I'm Bat Man"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3383,3 +3383,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Tartan Spartan"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Gør eksplosionsskade for i alt 1 million point."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Gør sprængskade for i alt 1 million point."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Do 1 million points of total blast damage."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4104,3 +4104,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Skade øges efterhånden som brugeren bliver skadet"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Damage increases as the user becomes injured"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Damage and move speed increase\nas the user becomes injured\nBlocks healing when in use"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Decreased" "%s1% mindre spredningsskade"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4133,3 +4133,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MedalIndex_Description" "Medal no. %s1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction" "%s1% eksplosionsskade fra rakethop"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction" "%s1% sprængskade fra rakethop"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction" "%s1% blast damage from rocket jumps"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4149,3 +4149,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1" "The Blutsauger"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "Ubersawen"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "Ubersaven"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "The Ubersaw"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4166,3 +4166,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Naturkraften"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Force-A-Nature"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "The Force-A-Nature"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomic Punch læskedrik"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4531,3 +4531,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_12" "As a Sniper, all hits on enemies who have been doused with Jarate are minicrits."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_13" "Som Sniper forårsager Tribalman's Shiv blødning ved træffere. Det kan være nyttigt til at opspore Spies."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_13" "Som Sniper forårsager Stammemandens Machete en blødning ved træffere. Det kan være nyttigt til at opspore Spy."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_13" "As a Sniper, the Tribalman's Shiv causes a bleed on hit.  This can be useful for tracking down Spies."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5693,3 +5693,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Tool_DecoderRing_Desc" "Used to open locked supply crates."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SupplyCrate" "MannCo-forsyningskasse"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SupplyCrate" "Mann Co.-forsyningskasse"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SupplyCrate" "Mann Co. Supply Crate"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6324,3 +6324,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TradeWindow_ChatPrompt" "Chat :"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TradeWindow_WarnPassword" "Oplys aldrig din adgangskode til andre."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TradeWindow_WarnPassword" "Fortæl aldrig din adgangskode til nogen."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TradeWindow_WarnPassword" "Never tell your password to anyone."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6714,3 +6714,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump" "The Sticky Jumper"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemands Hovedtager"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "Den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemands Hovedtager"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6939,3 +6939,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Egypt_Desc" "En Angreb/Forsvar Kontrolpunktsbane\n\nLavet af Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Egypt fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Egypt_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Egypt community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Egypt_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Egypt community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Coldfront" "Coldfront"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6951,3 +6951,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Fastlane_Desc" "En Kontrolpunktsbane\n\nLavet af Arttu 'SK' Mäki\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Fastlane fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Fastlane_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Arttu 'SK' Mäki\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Fastlane community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Fastlane_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Arttu 'SK' Mäki\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Fastlane community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Turbine" "Turbine"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6957,3 +6957,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Turbine_Desc" "En Erobr Flaget-bane\n\nLavet af Flobster\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Turbine fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Turbine_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Flobster\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Turbine community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Turbine_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Flobster\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Turbine community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Steel" "Steel"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6969,3 +6969,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Junction_Desc" "En Angreb/Forsvar Kontrolpunktsbane\n\nLavet af Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Junction fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Junction_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Junction community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Junction_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Junction community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Watchtower" "Watchtower"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6975,3 +6975,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Watchtower_Desc" "En Arenabane\n\nLavet af Joshua 'JoshuaC' Shiflet\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Watchtower fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Watchtower_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Joshua 'JoshuaC' Shiflet\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Watchtower community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Watchtower_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Joshua 'JoshuaC' Shiflet\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Watchtower community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Hoodoo" "Hoodoo"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6987,3 +6987,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Offblast_Desc" "En Arenabane\n\nLavet af Magnar 'insta' Jenssen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Offblast fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Offblast_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Magnar 'insta' Jenssen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Offblast community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Offblast_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Magnar 'insta' Jenssen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Offblast community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Yukon" "Yukon"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6998,4 +6998,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Harvest" "Map Stamp - Harvest"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_MapToken_Harvest_Desc" "En King of the Hill Bane\n\nLavet af Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Harvest fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Harvest_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Harvest community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_MapToken_Harvest_Desc" "En Konge af bakken-bane\n\nLavet af Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Harvest-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Harvest_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Harvest community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Freight" "Freight"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7011,3 +7011,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_MountainLab_Desc" "En Angreb/Forsvar Kontrolpunktsbane\n\nLavet af Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Mountain Lab fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_MountainLab_Desc" "An Attack/Defence Control Point Map\n\nMade by Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Mountain Lab community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_MountainLab_Desc" "An Attack/Defence Control Point Map\n\nMade by Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Mountain Lab community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_ManorEvent" "Mann Manor"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7329,3 +7329,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Nightfall_Desc" "En Last-ræs bane\n\nLavet af Aaron 'Psy' Garcha og Paul Good\n\nVed at købe denne ting støtter du direkte Nightfalls skabere. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Nightfall_Desc" "A Payload Race map\n\nMade by Aaron 'Psy' Garcha and Paul Good\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Nightfall community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Nightfall_Desc" "A Payload Race Map\n\nMade by Aaron 'Psy' Garcha and Paul Good\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Nightfall community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Frontier" "Frontier"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7335,3 +7335,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MapToken_Frontier_Desc" "En Last bane\n\nLavet af Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland og Arhurt\n\nVed at købe denne ting støtter du direkte Frontiers skabere. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Frontier_Desc" "A Payload map\n\nMade by Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland and Arhurt\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Frontier community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Frontier_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland and Arhurt\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Frontier community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Lakeside" "Lakeside"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7340,2 +7340,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Lakeside" "Map Stamp - Lakeside"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_MapToken_Lakeside_Desc" "En Konge af bakken-bane\n\nLavet af Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Lakeside-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Lakeside_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Lakeside community map.  Show your support today!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tournament_Countdown_Sec" "Starter om %s1 sekunder... 'F4' for at annullere"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7680,2 +7682,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Replay_Stat_Label_14" "HEALING"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_Stat_Label_15" "USÅRLIGHEDER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Replay_Stat_Label_15" "INVULNS"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Replay_Stat_Label_16" "ASSISTEREDE DRAB"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7730,2 +7734,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Replay_Go" "GO!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_HighestVideo" "Render med de bedste videoindstillinger"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Replay_HighestVideo" "Render with highest video settings"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Replay_QuitWhenDone" "Afslut når færdig"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7746,3 +7752,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Replay_TakeMeToReplays" "Take me to the replays"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Replay_YesReallyQuit" "Ja, slut nu"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_YesReallyQuit" "Ja, afslut nu"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Replay_YesReallyQuit" "Yes, really quit"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7982,2 +7988,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Replay_Err_Recon_Alloc" "Ran out of memory."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_NoUnrenderedReplays" "Alle midlertidige gengivelser er allerede blevet gemt som film."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Replay_NoUnrenderedReplays" "All temporary replays have already been saved as movies."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Replay_NeedQuicktime" "For at gemme film, skal du først installere QuickTime. Hvis du lige har installeret QuickTime og kan se denne meddelelse, genstart og prøv igen."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8030,2 +8038,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Replay_Disabled" "Disabled"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_RenderInfo" "RENDERINGSINFORMATION"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Replay_RenderInfo" "RENDER INFO"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Replay_RewindWarningTitle" "SPOL TILBAGE"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8050,2 +8060,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Title" "Login Failed"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "Bekræft venligst at dit brugernavn og adgangskode er korrekte og prøv igen."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "Please verify that your username and password are correct and try again."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=YouTube_LoginDlg_Title" "Log på YouTube™"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8062,2 +8074,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]YouTube_Upload_Title" "YouTube™ Upload"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=YouTube_Upload_Failure" "Der var et problem med at uploade filmen. Vær venlig at tjekke indstillingerne for din internetforbindelse og prøve igen."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]YouTube_Upload_Failure" "There was a problem uploading the movie. Please check your internet connection settings and try again."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Title" "Symbolerne '<', '>', eller '&' må ikke benyttes i titlen."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8184,2 +8198,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng_TeleExitHint" "Build Exit Here"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Eng_EndTitle" "Nedbrydning"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Eng_EndTitle" "Breakdown"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng_End" "Ved længere ture kan det være mere effektivt at destruere dine bygninger fremfor at flytte hver enkelt."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8202,2 +8218,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Bounce" "Grenades can bounce around corners, behind obstacles, etc.  Destroy the target which is partially protected by bouncing a grenade near it."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot1BounceHint" "Tildækket mål"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1BounceHint" "Obscured Target"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Title" "Klæbebomber"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8306,2 +8324,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Eng1_TeleTitle" "The Teleporter"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Eng1_TeleBuild" "Byg en teleporter-indgang tæt ved tilbagevendelsesområdet ved den indikererede position for at fortsætte."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TR_Eng1_TeleBuild" "Build a teleporter entrance near the spawn at the indicated position to continue."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TR_Eng1_TeleBuildHint" "Placer Indgang Her"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8725,3 +8745,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TrafficCone_Desc" "Du vil standse dem brat, når du bærer denne smarte trafikkegle."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TrafficCone_Desc" "You’ll stop them dead wearing this stylish traffic cone."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TrafficCone_Desc" "You'll stop them dead wearing this stylish traffic cone."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Replay_Waiting" "VENTER"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8767,3 +8787,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "Du er dagens vigtigste ingrediens..."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "You’re today’s theme ingredient…"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "You're today's theme ingredient..."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_VillainsVeil_Desc" "De gode, de onde, og de døde."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8786,2 +8806,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_NAME" "Time For Your Close-Up, Mr. Hale"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_DESC" "Render en film ud fra en gengivelse."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_DESC" "Render a replay into a movie."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_NAME" "Stjernen i mit eget show"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9407,3 +9429,3 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MadeMan_Desc" "En gentleman har altid en blomst ved hånden til at smide på en modstanders grav."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MadeMan_Desc" "A gentleman always has a flower handy to drop on an opponent’s grave."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MadeMan_Desc" "A gentleman always has a flower handy to drop on an opponent's grave."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter" "Scout Startpakke"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9628,2 +9650,4 @@ genstand!}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ReserveShooter" "The Reserve Shooter"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_LibertyLauncher" "Frihedsfordreren"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_LibertyLauncher" "The Liberty Launcher"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Tomislav" "Tomislav"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9881,3 +9905,3 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MaskOfTheShaman_Desc" "En udødelighedsmaske lavet af de Oldgamle. Den har ikke virket i meget, meget lang tid."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MaskOfTheShaman_Desc" "An invincibility mask made by the Ancients. It hasn’t worked in a long, long time."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MaskOfTheShaman_Desc" "An invincibility mask made by the Ancients. It hasn't worked in a long, long time."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Pilotka" "Pilotka"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9962,2 +9986,4 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterEventType_Kills" "Kills"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=KillEaterEventType_Ubers" "Ubere"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]KillEaterEventType_Ubers" "Ubers"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterEventType_KillAssists" "Assisterede Drab"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9986,2 +10012,4 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_SapperKillsCollectCrits" "Gives one guaranteed critical hit for each\nbuilding destroyed with your sapper attached"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_ElectricalAirblast" "Ved affyring: Genererer et elektrisk felt som destruerer\nprojektiler og udfører en smule skade på modstandere."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_ElectricalAirblast" "On Fire: Generates an electrical field that destroys\nprojectiles and does slight damage to players"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_Particle29" "Stormfuld Storm"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10008,2 +10036,4 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Revolver" "The Diamondback"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_DEX_Rifle" "Maskinaen"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_DEX_Rifle" "The Machina"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Pistol" "Kortslutningen"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10068,2 +10098,4 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Econ_DateFormat_GMT" "%day%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%) GMT"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Kan ikke byttes eller smedes om"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=AttribFormat_AdditionalNote" "( %s1 )"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10082,2 +10114,122 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]ClassSelectionItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "You can load your saved presets by clicking on one of these buttons.  To set up your presets, click \"EDIT LOADOUT\" below, and select a class to get started."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_New" "Nye udgivelser"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_New" "New Releases"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_OnSale" "På udsalg"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_OnSale" "On Sale"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Items" "Genstande"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Items" "Items"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Items_Unowned" "Ikke ejede genstande (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Items_Unowned" "Unowned Items  (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ClassFilterLabel" "Klasser:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ClassFilterLabel" "Classes:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemTypeFilterLabel" "Genstandstype:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemTypeFilterLabel" "Item Type:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortByLabel" "Sorter efter:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortByLabel" "Sort By:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ViewMore" "VIS FLERE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ViewMore" "VIEW MORE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_BrowseTheStore" "GENNEMSE BUTIKKEN"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_BrowseTheStore" "BROWSE THE STORE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_FreeTrial_Plus" "Plus!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_FreeTrial_Plus" "Plus!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_FreeTrial_UpgradeCalloutHeader" "Opgrader til en premium-konto med dit første butikskøb!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_FreeTrial_UpgradeCalloutHeader" "Upgrade to a Premium account with your first store purchase!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift2" "Plus! Få en gratis Mann Co.-hat\nmed dit første køb!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift2" "Plus!  Get a free Mann Co. hat\nwith your first purchase!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_Alphabetical" "Alfabetisk"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_Alphabetical" "Alphabetical"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_HighestPrice" "Højeste pris"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_HighestPrice" "Highest price"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_LowestPrice" "Laveste pris"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_LowestPrice" "Lowest price"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_DateNewest" "Dato"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_DateNewest" "Newest First"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_UsedBy" "Brugt af:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_UsedBy" "Used by:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Slot" "Position:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Slot" "Slot:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Tradable" "Kan byttes:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Tradable" "Tradable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Giftable" "Kan gives som gave:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Giftable" "Giftable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Nameable" "Kan navngives:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Nameable" "Nameable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Craftable" "Kan smedes om:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Craftable" "Craftable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Yes" "Ja"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Yes" "Yes"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_No" "Nej"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_No" "No"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_ItemWikiPage" "Genstandens Wiki-side..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_ItemWikiPage" "Item Wiki Page..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_AllClasses" "Alle klasser"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_AllClasses" "All Classes"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Primary" "Primær"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Primary" "Primary"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Secondary" "Sekundær"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Secondary" "Secondary"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Building" "Bygning"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Building" "Building"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Melee" "Nærkamp"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Melee" "Melee"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Head" "Hoved"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Head" "Head"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Pda2" "Pda2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Pda2" "Pda2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Pda" "Pda"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Pda" "Pda"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Misc" "Diverse"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Misc" "Misc"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Action" "Action"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Action" "Action"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BlastDamage" "SPRÆNGSKADE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BlastDamage" "BLAST DAMAGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_DamageTaken" "SKADE TAGET"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_DamageTaken" "DAMAGE TAKEN"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Crits" "KRITISKE SKUD"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Crits" "CRITS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_ShotsHit" "TRÆFFERE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_ShotsHit" "SHOTS HIT"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_ShotsFired" "SKUD AFFYRET"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_ShotsFired" "SHOTS FIRED"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Damage" "SKADE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Damage" "DAMAGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Captures" "EROBRINGER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Captures" "CAPTURES"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Defenses" "FORSVARINGER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Defenses" "DEFENSES"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Revenge" "HÆVN"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Revenge" "REVENGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_PointsScored" "POINTTAL"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_PointsScored" "SCORE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BuildingsDestroyed" "ØDELÆGGELSE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BuildingsDestroyed" "DESTRUCTION"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Headshots" "HOVEDSKUD"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Headshots" "HEADSHOTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_PlayTime" "SPILLETID"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_PlayTime" "PLAYTIME"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Healing" "HELBREDELSE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Healing" "HEALING"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Invulns" "USÅRLIGHEDER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Invulns" "INVULNS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_KillAssists" "DRABASSISTERINGER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_KillAssists" "KILL ASSISTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BackStabs" "RYGSTIK"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BackStabs" "BACKSTABS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_HealthLeached" "HELBRED STJÅLET"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_HealthLeached" "HEALTH LEACHED"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BuildingsBuilt" "KONSTRUKTION"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BuildingsBuilt" "CONSTRUCTION"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_MaxSentryKills" "DRAB MED SENTRY"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_MaxSentryKills" "SENTRY KILLS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Teleports" "TELEPORTERINGER"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Teleports" "TELEPORTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_FiredDamage" "BRANDSKADE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_FiredDamage" "FIRE DAMAGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BonusPoints" "BONUSPOINT"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BonusPoints" "BONUS POINTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_Notification_Help" "Klik [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] for at INDSENDE NU.\nKlik [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] for at INDSENDE SENERE."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_Notification_Help" "Press [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] to SUBMIT NOW.\nPress [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] to SUBMIT LATER."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Package_Type" "Pakke"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Package_Type" "Package"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=AbuseReport_QueueCommandName" "Overtrædelsesrapport: Indsaml rapportdata"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10158,2 +10310,176 @@ ________________________________________}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessage" "You have either already submitted an abuse report for this player, or have submitted several abuse reports in a short time period."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_Bundle_Double" "%s1, %s2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_Bundle_Double" "%s1, %s2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_Bundle_DoubleContinued" "%s1, %s2,"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_Bundle_DoubleContinued" "%s1, %s2,"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Weapon_Sign" "Skilt"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Sign" "Sign"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Wearable_Conscience" "Samvittighed"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Wearable_Conscience" "Conscience"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Wearable_Shoes" "Sko"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Wearable_Shoes" "Shoes"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Wearable_Scarf" "Halstørklæde"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Wearable_Scarf" "Scarf"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Wearable_Necklace" "Halskæde"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Wearable_Necklace" "Necklace"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Wearable_Stethoscope" "Stetoskop"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Wearable_Stethoscope" "Stethoscope"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Wearable_Bombs" "Dekorative bomber"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Wearable_Bombs" "Decorative Bombs"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_NoiseMaker_Vuvuzela" "Støjskaber - Vuvuzela"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Vuvuzela" "Noise Maker - Vuvuzela"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SniperHat1" "Dit værste mareridt"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SniperHat1" "Your Worst Nightmare"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SpyHat1_Desc" "Denne hat er en spion."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SpyHat1_Desc" "This hat is a spy."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SoldierHat1" "Den saltede hund"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SoldierHat1" "The Salty Dog"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PyroHat2" "Fugleburet"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PyroHat2" "The Birdcage"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SniperNecklace" "Krokodillesmilet"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SniperNecklace" "The Crocodile Smile"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SpyGlasses_Desc" "Så mystisk. Så farlig. Så nærsynet."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SpyGlasses_Desc" "So mysterious. So deadly. So nearsighted."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "Hvis du lukker et øje, forsvinder et af holdene. Så lad være med det."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "If you close an eye, one of the teams will disappear. So don't do that."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SoldierHat2" "Hatten uden navn"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SoldierHat2" "The Hat With No Name"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SoldierHat2_Desc" "En navnløs hat til en navnløs mand."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SoldierHat2_Desc" "A nameless hat for a nameless man."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Football_Boots_Desc" "Vis bolden hvem der er boss."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Football_Boots_Desc" "Show balls who is the boss."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=cp_gullywash_final1_authors" "Jan 'Arnold' Laroy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]cp_gullywash_final1_authors" "Jan 'Arnold' Laroy"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Gullywash" "Gullywash"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Gullywash" "Gullywash"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_MapToken_Gullywash" "Banefrimærke - Gullywash"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_MapToken_Gullywash" "Map Stamp - Gullywash"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureTitle" "Fjern mærke?"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureTitle" "Remove Decal?"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTexture" "Fjern det tilføjede mærke fra denne genstand?"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTexture" "Remove the decal applied to this item?"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTextureErrorMsg" "Tilføjelsen af mærket på genstanden mislykkedes. Prøv igen senere."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTextureErrorMsg" "Failed to apply decal tool to the item.  Try again later."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTexturePleaseWait" "Vent mens dit mærke lægges på."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTexturePleaseWait" "Please wait while your decal is applied."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTextureStep1" "1. Vælg billede"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep1" "1. Select Image"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTextureUseAvatarImage" "Brug dit nuværende avatar-billede"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTextureUseAvatarImage" "Use your current avatar image"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTextureUseAnyImage" "Brug et billede fra din computer"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTextureUseAnyImage" "Use an image from your computer"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTextureBestResults" "Et billede på 256x256 giver det bedste resultat"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTextureBestResults" "For best results, select a 256x256 image"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTextureStep2" "2. Giv det Team Fortress-behandlingen!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep2" "2. Team Fortressize!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ToolCustomizeTextureStep3" "3. Endelig bekræftelse"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep3" "3. Final confirm"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=KillEaterEventType_Humiliations" "Ydmygelser"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]KillEaterEventType_Humiliations" "Humiliations"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem" "Mærke-værktøj"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem" "Decal Tool"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem_Desc" "Tilføj et mærke til kvalificerede genstande."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem_Desc" "Add a custom decal to eligible items."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_AirBlastPushScale" "Øget tilbageskub ved luftstød"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_AirBlastPushScale" "+%s1% increased airblast pushback"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=MMenu_SteamWorkshop" "Steam Workshop"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]MMenu_SteamWorkshop" "Steam Workshop"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_TryItOut" "PRØV DEN!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_TryItOut" "TRY IT OUT"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "Du er for højt oppe for enhver mulig klør fem-partner."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "You are too high up for any potential high five partner."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Sko/sokker (Scout)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Shoes/Socks (Scout)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=IT_Bodygroup_Bullets" "Kugler (Sniper)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]IT_Bodygroup_Bullets" "Bullets (Sniper)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=IT_Bodygroup_Arrows" "Pile (Sniper)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]IT_Bodygroup_Arrows" "Arrows (Sniper)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=IT_Bodygroup_RightArm" "Højre hånd (Engineer)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]IT_Bodygroup_RightArm" "Right Hand (Engie)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_TryItem" "Prøv den!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_TryItem" "Test It Out!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Title" "Har du det, der skal til?"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Title" "Contribute to the future of TF2!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Desc" "Har du nogensinde drømt om at blive berømt og muligvis endda tjene penge på at lave våben og genstande til dit yndlingsspil? Det kan du nu! Her kan du indsende genstande og få vurderet, om de kan bruges i Team Fortress 2. Måske vil din genstand blive udvalgt og sat til salg i spillet - et salg, hvorfra en del af indtægterne vil tilfalde dig!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Desc" "Create and submit new items, or review and rate what other people submit. Rate items highly and you just might see them become available in-game. If your creation is accepted for distribution in-game, you can even earn a percentage of sales.\n\nBy submitting an item to the Steam Workshop you agree to the Legal Agreement."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Publish" "Offentliggør ny genstand"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Publish" "Publish New Item"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_LearnHow" "Lær hvordan"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_LearnHow" "Learn How"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Instructions" "Instruktioner"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Instructions" "Instructions"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_YourItems" "Dine genstande:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_YourItems" "Your Items:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_ViewPublished" "Vis alle"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_ViewPublished" "View All"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Test" "Indlæs testkort"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Test" "Load Test Map"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Legal" "Se juridisk aftale"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Legal" "View Legal Agreement"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Images" "Billedfiler (*.jpg,*.tga,*.png)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Images" "Image Files (*.jpg,*.tga,*.png)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFiles" "Zip-filer (*.zip)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFiles" "Zip Files (*.zip)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Headgear" "Hovedudstyr"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Headgear" "Headgear"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Weapon" "Våben"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Weapon" "Weapon"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Misc" "Diverse"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Misc" "Misc"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_PopulatingList" "Henter liste over offentliggjorte Steam Workshop-genstande."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_PopulatingList" "Retrieving list of published Steam Workshop items."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_Error" "Fejl"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Error" "Error"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_ErrorText" "Der opstod en kommunikationsfejl med Steam Workshop-serveren."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_ErrorText" "There was a problem communicating with the Steam Workshop server."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Sletter Steam Workshop-genstand."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Deleting Steam Workshop item."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_Title" "Offentliggør fil"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_Title" "Publish Your File"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_Preview" "Vis billede:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_Preview" "Preview Image:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_Browse" "Gennemse..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_Browse" "Browse..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Titel:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Title:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_DescLabel" "Beskrivelse:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_DescLabel" "Description:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_FileLabel" "Fil:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_FileLabel" "File:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_Publish" "Offentliggør"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_Publish" "Submit"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_Error" "Fejl"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_Error" "Error"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPublishFile" "Kunne ikke offentliggøre filen! Kontroller, om du har en anden genstand med samme navn."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPublishFile" "Failed to publish file! Check to see if you have another item that has the same name."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kFailedToUpdateFile" "Kunne ikke opdatere den offentliggjorte fil!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToUpdateFile" "Failed to update published file!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kSteamCloudNotAvailable" "Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til Steam Cloud!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kSteamCloudNotAvailable" "Failed to connect to the Steam Cloud!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kSteamExceededCloudQuota" "Du har oversteget din kvote på Steam Cloud!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kSteamExceededCloudQuota" "You have exceeded your quota on the Steam Cloud!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kFailedToWriteToSteamCloud" "Kunne ikke offentliggøre filen på Steam Cloud!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToWriteToSteamCloud" "Failed to publish the file to the Steam Cloud!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kFileNotFound" "Kunne ikke finde filen for at offentliggøre den."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kFileNotFound" "Unable to find the file to publish it."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kNeedTitleAndDescription" "Du skal angive både en titel og en beskrivelse."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kNeedTitleAndDescription" "You need to specify both a title and a description."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "Filen kunne ikke bekræftes."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "The file failed to validate."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_Publishing" "Filen offentliggøres. Vent..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_Publishing" "Publishing file, please wait..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishFile_Updating" "Filen opdateres. Vent..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishFile_Updating" "Updating file, please wait..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishedFiles_Browse" "Gennemse"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Browse" "Browse"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishedFiles_Files" "Filer:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Files" "Files:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishedFiles_Add" "Tilføj"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Add" "Add"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishedFiles_Delete" "Slet"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Delete" "Delete"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishedFiles_Edit" "Rediger"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Edit" "Edit"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PublishedFiles_Refresh" "Opdater"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Refresh" "Refresh"}}
* [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|action=history}} '''Previous changelogs''']
* [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|action=history}} '''Previous changelogs''']

Revision as of 23:56, 14 October 2011

Recent changes

October 14, 2011 Patch (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.37 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:03, 25 July 2024 (1.34 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
01:08, 10 January 2024 (1.34 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:06, 20 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
02:04, 19 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:05, 15 December 2023 (1.32 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
00:49, 21 July 2023 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 20, 2023 Patch.
22:23, 12 July 2023 (1.26 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.25 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:37, 20 March 2023 (1.25 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • You cannot overwrite this file.