File:Tf norwegian.txt

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Revision as of 04:30, 19 October 2019 by Kaezle (talk | contribs) (Updated for October 18, 2019 Patch)
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Tf_norwegian.txt(file size: 989 KB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

October 18, 2019 Patch (previous patches)

867867"[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Spire"
868868"Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "basen til BLU"
869869"[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base"
870N/A"koth_setup_goal" "Erobre og hold kontrollpunktet for å vinne spillet."
N/A870"koth_setup_goal" "Erobre og hold kontrollpunktet for å vinne spillet!"
871871"[english]koth_setup_goal" "Capture and hold the Control Point to win the game!"
872872"koth_viaduct_cap" "kontrollpunktet"
873873"[english]koth_viaduct_cap" "the Control Point"
70127012"[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Australium3" "24-karat Australium:"
70137013"TF_MapDonationLevel_Unobtainium" "Uoppnåelium:"
70147014"[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Unobtainium" "Unobtanium:"
7015N/A"medieval_setup_goal_red" "Erobre og hold på det siste kontrollpunktet for å vinne runden!"
N/A7015"medieval_setup_goal_red" "Erobre og hold det siste kontrollpunktet for å vinne spillet!"
70167016"[english]medieval_setup_goal_red" "Capture and hold the final Control Point to win the game!"
70177017"medieval_setup_goal_blue" "Åpne porten og erobre det siste kontrollpunktet for å vinne runden!"
70187018"[english]medieval_setup_goal_blue" "Open the gate and capture the final Control Point to win the game!"
1735917359"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen"
1736017360"pd_pit_of_death_authors" "Christian «Roll» Richardson\nKenny «Flip» Wheeler\nMichael Egan\nFissionMetroid101\nChristian James DeRosa"
1736117361"[english]pd_pit_of_death_authors" "Christian 'Roll' Richardson\nKenny 'Flip' Wheeler\nMichael Egan\nFissionMetroid101\nChristian James DeRosa"
N/A17362"TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent" "Maple Ridge Event"
N/A17363"[english]TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent" "Maple Ridge Event"
1736217364"TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent" "Kartfrimerke – Maple Ridge Event"
1736317365"[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent" "Map Stamp - Maple Ridge Event"
1736417366"TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "Et kongen på haugen-kart\n\nUtviklet av Sammy «Berry» Bunting og Theo «TheoF114» Fletcher\n\nKjøp av denne gjenstanden støtter direkte utviklerne av samfunnskartet Maple Ridge Event. Vis støtten din i dag!"
1736517367"[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Sammy 'Berry' Bunting and Theo 'TheoF114' Fletcher\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Maple Ridge Event community map. Show your support today!"
1736617368"TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_AdText" "– Kjøp av denne gjenstanden støtter direkte utviklerne av samfunnskartet Maple Ridge Event."
1736717369"[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Maple Ridge Event community map."
N/A17370"TF_Map_FifthCurveEvent" "Brimstone"
N/A17371"[english]TF_Map_FifthCurveEvent" "Brimstone"
1736817372"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Kartfrimerke – Brimstone"
1736917373"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Map Stamp - Brimstone"
1737017374"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Et nyttelast-kart\n\nUtviklet av Tomi «ICS» Uurainen\n\nKjøp av denne gjenstanden støtter direkte utvikleren av samfunnskartet Brimstone. Vis støtten din i dag!"
1737117375"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map. Show your support today!"
1737217376"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "– Kjøp av denne gjenstanden støtter direkte utvikleren av samfunnskartet Brimstone."
1737317377"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map."
N/A17378"TF_Map_PitOfDeath" "Pit of Death"
N/A17379"[english]TF_Map_PitOfDeath" "Pit of Death"
1737417380"TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath" "Kartfrimerke – Pit of Death"
1737517381"[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath" "Map Stamp - Pit of Death"
1737617382"TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_Desc" "Et kart for spillerutslettelse\n\nUtviklet av Christian «Roll» Richardson, Kenny «Flip» Wheeler, Michael Egan, FissionMetroid101 og Christian James DeRosa\n\nKjøp av denne gjenstanden støtter direkte utviklerne av samfunnskartet Pit of Death. Vis støtten din i dag!"
1969719703"[english]TF_MapToken_Precipice_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Precipice community map."
1969819704"koth_bagel_event_cauldron" "gryten"
1969919705"[english]koth_bagel_event_cauldron" "the Cauldron"
N/A19706"cp_sunshine_event_blu_clock" "BLUs klokketårn"
N/A19707"[english]cp_sunshine_event_blu_clock" "The BLU Clocktower"
N/A19708"cp_sunshine_event_red_clock" "REDs klokketårn"
N/A19709"[english]cp_sunshine_event_red_clock" "The RED Clocktower"
N/A19710"cp_sunshine_event_blu_volcano" "BLUs vulkan"
N/A19711"[english]cp_sunshine_event_blu_volcano" "The BLU Volcano"
N/A19712"cp_sunshine_event_red_volcano" "REDs vulkan"
N/A19713"[english]cp_sunshine_event_red_volcano" "The RED Volcano"
1970019714"cp_sunshine_event_church" "kirken"
1970119715"[english]cp_sunshine_event_church" "The Church"
N/A19716"pl_fifthcurve_event_tumidum" "Tumidum"
N/A19717"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_tumidum" "Tumidum"
N/A19718"pl_fifthcurve_event_audere" "Audere"
N/A19719"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_audere" "Audere"
N/A19720"pl_fifthcurve_event_gratanter" "Gratanter"
N/A19721"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_gratanter" "Gratanter"
N/A19722"pl_fifthcurve_event_congeriae" "Congeriae"
N/A19723"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_congeriae" "Congeriae"
N/A19724"pl_fifthcurve_event_veteris" "Veteris"
N/A19725"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_veteris" "Veteris"
N/A19726"pl_fifthcurve_event_blu_objective" "Returner Redmond Mann til REDs base sammen med det skjulte sprengstoffet!"
N/A19727"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_blu_objective" "Return Redmond Mann to the RED base along with the TNT hidden inside!"
N/A19728"koth_maple_ridge_event_maple" "midtpunktet"
N/A19729"[english]koth_maple_ridge_event_maple" "Maple Ridge"
N/A19730"pd_monster_bash_objective" "Plukk opp falne kroppsdeler og ta dem med til gjenoppliveren for å få poeng!"
N/A19731"[english]pd_monster_bash_objective" "Collect fallen body parts and bring them to the reanimator to score points!"
N/A19732"pd_monster_bash_message" "Skjoldet er nede – sett inn poengene dine!"
N/A19733"[english]pd_monster_bash_message" "The shield is down - go deposit your points!"
N/A19734"pd_pit_of_death_event_objective" "Plukk opp og lever hjemsøkte sjeler til underverdenen for å få poeng!"
N/A19735"[english]pd_pit_of_death_event_objective" "Collect and deliver haunted souls to the Underworld to score points!"
N/A19736"pd_cursed_cove_objective" "Plukk opp og lever sjeler på spøkelsesskipet!"
N/A19737"[english]pd_cursed_cove_objective" "Collect and deliver souls to the Locker"
N/A19738"pd_cursed_cove_message1" "Sonen krymper!"
N/A19739"[english]pd_cursed_cove_message1" "The Zone Is Shrinking!"
N/A19740"pd_cursed_cove_message2" "Kom deg tilbake til overflaten!"
N/A19741"[english]pd_cursed_cove_message2" "Get Out Of The Locker!"
N/A19742"koth_slasher_objective" "Erobre og hold kontrollpunktet for å vinne spillet! Pass på farene fra ruletten!"
N/A19743"[english]koth_slasher_objective" "Capture and hold the Control Point to win! Beware the threats from the Boss Battle Roulette!"
N/A19744"koth_slasher_campground" "leirplassen"
N/A19745"[english]koth_slasher_campground" "The Campground"
N/A19746"pl_rumble_event_red_objective" "Stopp BLU fra å ødelegge den smakfulle suppen vår med spriten deres!"
N/A19747"[english]pl_rumble_event_red_objective" "Stop the BLU team from ruining our tasty soup with their booze!"
N/A19748"pl_rumble_event_blu_objective" "Dytt flaskevognen ned i REDs gryte og ødelegg kokkeleringen deres!"
N/A19749"[english]pl_rumble_event_blu_objective" "Push the scrumpy bottle cart into the RED team's cauldron and ruin their cooking!"
N/A19750"pl_rumble_event_message" "Førstemann til toppen av herskapshuset vinner!"
N/A19751"[english]pl_rumble_event_message" "Race to the top of the mansion to win!"
N/A19752"pl_rumble_event_clock_hill" "A – TIKK-TAKK-KLOKKEBAKKEN"
N/A19753"[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_hill" "A - TICK TOCK CLOCK HILL"
N/A19754"pl_rumble_event_clock_sawblades" "B – HJEMSØKTE SAGBLADER"
N/A19755"[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_sawblades" "B - HAUNTED SAWBLADES"
N/A19756"pl_rumble_event_clock_patch" "C - GRESSKARFLEKKEN"
N/A19757"[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_patch" "C - PUMPKIN PATCH"
1970219758"koth_slaughter_event_slaughterhouse" "slakteriet"
1970319759"[english]koth_slaughter_event_slaughterhouse" "the Slaughterhouse"
1970419760"koth_slaughter_event_pier" "bryggen"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
11:16, 28 June 2011 (1.11 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 27, 2011 Patch
11:34, 26 June 2011 (1.1 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 23, 2011 Patch
23:33, 10 June 2011 (1.09 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)up to date as of June 8, 2011 Patch
23:21, 3 June 2011 (1.09 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 3, 2011 Patch
06:01, 26 May 2011 (1.08 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)May 25, 2011 Patch
09:12, 19 May 2011 (1.08 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)May 18, 2011 Patch
15:28, 13 May 2011 (1.07 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)12th May 2011 - Update
10:37, 7 May 2011 (1.07 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)as of May 6, 2011 Patch
02:42, 19 April 2011 (1.06 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)Updated file from 18th April 2011
13:24, 16 April 2011 (1.05 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)
(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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