File:Tf polish.txt

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Revision as of 22:52, 23 December 2021 by PhoneWave (talk | contribs) (PhoneWave uploaded a new version of File:Tf polish.txt)
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Tf_polish.txt(file size: 1.42 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

December 17, 2021 Patch (previous patches)

2704327043"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_Season" "Alpha Season"
2704427044"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_Desc" "Przyznany tym, którzy uczestniczyli w pierwszych sezonach TFCL."
2704527045"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_Desc" "Awarded to those who played in TFCL's earliest seasons"
27046N/A"TF2MapsCharitableHeart" "Dobroczynne serduszko TF2Maps"
27047N/A"[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart" "TF2Maps Charitable Heart"
N/A27046"TF2MapsCharitableHeart" "Dobroczynne serduszko TF2Maps 2017"
N/A27047"[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart" "TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2017"
2704827048"TF2MapsCharitableHeart2017_Desc" "Przyznane darczyńcom podczas TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer 2017!"
2704927049"[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart2017_Desc" "Awarded to donors during the Summer 2017 TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam!"
2705027050"TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2017" "Pomocnik Blapature Co."
3341133411"[english]TF_dec21_festive_frames_style2" "Festive (Hat)"
3341233412"TF_dec21_festive_frames_style3" "Udekorowane (z czapką)"
3341333413"[english]TF_dec21_festive_frames_style3" "Festivized (Hat)"
N/A33414"TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021" "Dobroczynne serduszko TF2Maps 2021"
N/A33415"[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021" "TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2021"
N/A33416"TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021_Desc" "Przyznane darczyńcom podczas TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter 2021!"
N/A33417"[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021_Desc" "Awarded to donors during the Winter 2021 TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam!"
N/A33418"TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Royalty" "Australian Hightower Highjinx - członek rodziny królewskiej"
N/A33419"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Royalty" "Australian Hightower Highjinx Royalty"
N/A33420"TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Royalty2022" "Udało ci się wspiąć na szczyt wieży pod względem swoich hojnych datków lub samego ducha rywalizacji! Daleko zaszedłeś, żołnierzu! Dziękujemy za dotarcie do szczytu, ale nie zapominaj o wspinaniu się coraz wyżej i wyżej, gdyż jest tam jeszcze wiele wież do zdobycia. Dziękujemy za obecność w AHH w 2022 roku! Jesteśmy z ciebie dumni!"
N/A33421"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Royalty2022" "You have managed to climb to the top of the tower in terms of your bountiful donations or your sheer competitive spirit! You've come far, soldier! Congratulations on seeing the summit, but don't forget to keep flying higher and higher. As there are many more towers to climb out there. Thanks for coming around for the AHH ride in 2022! We're Proud of you!"
N/A33422"TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Participant2022" "Ty i 8 innych graczy znalazło w sobie siłę na zagranie w Hightower, by wziąć udział w szalonym Highjinx, narobić nieco rabanu lub po prostu dobrze się bawić. Dziękujemy za wzięcie w udziału w AHH w 2022 roku!"
N/A33423"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Participant2022" "You and 8 others found the will to play Hightower for the sake of pursuing in mad Highjinx, turmoil and maybe to simply have fun. Thank you for being a part of AHH in 2022!"
N/A33424"TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Donor2022" "Niezależnie od tego, czy przybyłeś złożyć datek na szczytny cel, czy okazujesz swoją miłość mapie Hightower, udowadniasz, że jesteś najlepszy z najlepszych. Gratulujemy bycia częścią AHH w 2022 roku!"
N/A33425"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Donor2022" "Whether you came to donate for a cause or show your love for Hightower you proved that you are the best of the best. Congrats on being a part of AHH in 2022!"
N/A33426"TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Helper2022" "Ten medal został nadany tym, którzy mieli całe Highjinx pod kontrolą, upewnili się, że liczba ofiar jest minimalna, a także nasmarowali wszelkie mechanizmy, by wieża działała bez zarzutów przez całe Highjinx w 2022 roku!"
N/A33427"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Helper2022" "This medal recognizes those that kept the Highjinx under control, made sure casualties were set to a minimum, and made the cogs in the tower run smoothly through all the Highjinx in 2022!"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root/tf/resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
03:29, 3 July 2011 (1.41 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)July 1, 2011 Patch
11:17, 28 June 2011 (1.41 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 27, 2011 Patch
11:35, 26 June 2011 (1.36 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 23, 2011 Patch
23:33, 10 June 2011 (1.32 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)up to date as of June 8, 2011 Patch
23:22, 3 June 2011 (1.32 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 3, 2011 Patch
06:01, 26 May 2011 (1.32 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)May 25, 2011 Patch
09:12, 19 May 2011 (1.29 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)May 18, 2011 Patch
15:26, 13 May 2011 (1.29 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)12th May 2011 - Update
10:37, 7 May 2011 (1.26 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)as of May 6, 2011 Patch
13:20, 16 April 2011 (1.2 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)Updated to latest available version of the 15th April 2011
(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • You cannot overwrite this file.