Meet the Pyro
Meet the Pyro | |
Video-information | |
Udgivet: | June 27th, 2012 |
Længde: | 2:32 |
Før udgivelsen
I marts 2010, afslørede Robin Walker i et interview med KritzKast Podcast at Meet the Pyro villede lade folk se verdenen gennem Pyroens øjne. [1]
I et blog-indlæg [2], som fortalte omkring kommende begivenheder i spillet blev det bekræftet af TF2-holdet, at Meet the Pyro ville blive udgivet på et tidspunkt i 2012, hvor der også blev udgivet et billede fra videoen.
I et interview med Gametrailers.coms "Bonus Round" i marts 2012, annoncerede Erik Wolpaw at Valve for nyligt havde færdiggjort produktionen af Meet the Pyro og at den "snart" ville blive udgivet sammen med noget andet.[3]
Et kort klip af Meet the Pyro blev drillet med i Valves video, "Perpetual Testing Initiative", hvor den første del af videoen blev vist i det første udgivede billede. [4]
Den 22. juni 2012 blev der skrevet et indlæg af Pyroen på den officielle Team Fortress-webside. Indlægget var "Mmmmph mmmmph, mmmmm mmmmmp mmmmmph. Mmmmmph mpm! Mmmmmph mph mm! Hm mmmmmph, hmmmmph mm mmmmmph mmmmmph!". Dette var morsekode og blev oversat til "Monday", hvilket var samme dag som Pyromania startede. [5]
Transcript |
The term "Pyro" below refers to the protagonist, the RED Pyro.
["Meet the Pyro" text appears, then is burned away to reveal the feet of the Pyro, Fire Axe in hand, walking over a pair of glasses towards the camera.] [Cut to a small room. The RED Heavy is seen almost completely in silhouette.] Heavy: I fear no man. But that... thing... it scares me. [Cut to a view behind the Pyro's right shoulder. A BLU Engineer shuts a door before a BLU Scout can join him inside. The Scout pulls desperately on the handle. Cut again to the interview room. This time it is the RED Scout in silhouette.] Scout: No, I... I ain't, I ain't talking about that freak. All right? [Worried, he tries to detach the lavalier microphone from his shirt.] Scout: He's not here, is she? [Scout continues to tug as he stands and walks toward the camera, knocking it over.] Scout: How do I get this f***ing thing off?! [Cut to Pyro kicking down the door into the BLU team's room, Flame Thrower ready. Fade back to the interview room, this time with the RED Spy.] Spy: One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask... [Cut to Pyro firing his Flame Thrower, then to a wider shot, showing an entire wooden town in flames.] Spy: ...what dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty? [Cut to a front view of the Pyro, zooming rapidly into the blackness of one of his eyepieces. There is the sound of the Pyro's breathing and a single white spot which zooms forward and splits into a binocular view. When these focus, it shows a psychedelic dreamscape. As Do You Believe In Magic? begins playing, the view from the Pyro's eyes shows colorful hills, lollipops and quaint villages. The Pyro's flame thrower appears in his hands as an unusually-shaped brass instrument, spraying a rainbow-coloured mist over ground, causing colourful flowers to spring from the lawn in front of him. The Pyro laughs. Within this dreamscape, BLU characters appear as little fairies and sound like babies. As a BLU Heavy appears and bounces on the ground, the Pyro grabs a lollipop and cheers. The two converge seemingly happily. While the Pyro in the dreamscape shoves the lollipop in the Heavy's mouth, in reality he's chopping the Heavy with the Fire Axe. Then a BLU Scout appears. The Pyro blows bubbles in his face. In reality, he shoots the Scout with the Scorch Shot, making him reel back. In the dreamscape, a BLU Medic appears out of a box, and Pyro closes the box on him. In reality, Pyro traps the BLU Medic in a shed by barring the door with his axe.] Medic: No! [Pyro bathes the shed and the Medic in flames, while in the dreamscape, the Pyro continues to shoot streams of magic from his weapon, creating unusual floating creatures that the BLU fairy characters ride. The BLU fairies salute and celebrate the Pyro as he leaves while in reality...] Demoman: I'm burning! [A BLU Soldier and Scout flee while a BLU Sniper crashes out of a second-story window to the ground. He crawls over to the ankle of a person nearby.] Sniper: Help! [The BLU Sniper is holding the Pyro's ankle. The Pyro looks down and shoots his flame thrower. The Sniper can be heard screaming as the view zooms in on his mask, flames reflecting off the eyepieces as the Pyro tilts his head.] [Ending title card appears and accompanying music plays] [Cut back to the dreamscape, where the Pyro happily walks away into the sunset. The view zooms out and passes through the burnt, gaping hole in the a stomach of a BLU Soldier. The view transitions back to reality as the Soldier clutches his smouldering innards for a moment and then falls over with a stifled groan. The Pyro continues to walk away into the sunset, whistling to Do You Believe In Magic? as the town begins to collapse from the inferno, the streets littered with charred BLU corpses. Fade to black.] |
- Denne er den sidste Meet the Team-video, hvilket formentlig afslutter serien. For at uddybe dette har Valve samtidigt udgivet Source Filmmaker (Engelsk), et program som blev brugt til at producere alle filmene.
- Denne video blev uploadet to gange til den officielle Team Fortress 2-Youtube-kanal. Den anden version kan ses ved hjælp af Adult Swims hjemmeside.
- I den anden version er RED Spies cigaret ikke tændt og videoen introducerer ikke Source Filmmaker til slut.
- Tændstikæsken som ses på titelkortet har en Balloonicorn på det.
- Musikken som bliver afspillet under Pyroens massakre af BLU-holdet blev tilføjet som hovedmenu nummer, ved navn "Dreams of Cruelty".
- Ifølge underteksterne på den officielle video siger RED-Scouten, "He's not here, is she?", som følger Valves joke om at de ikke afslører Pyroens køn.
- Sangen, som afspilles når verdenen ses gennem Pyroens øjne hedder Do You Believe in Magic (Engelsk) af The Lovin' Spoonful (Engelsk). Pyroen fløjter en langsommere version af denne sangen når han går væk fra den brændende by.
- Måden, Pyroen samler Lollichopen op og affyrer Scorch Shot mod Scouten er referencer til deres hån i spillet.
- Demoman bærer det gamle "dynamit stick"-klasseemblem. Dog har baby-Demomanen det nye klæbebombe-emblem.
- Pyroen bærer et væld af økser igennem videoen. Den første ses når Pyroen rammer Heavyen i hovedet med en. Den anden ses når Pyroen låser Medicen inde i et skur, ved hjælp af en Brandøkse. Nær slutningen af filmen, når kameraet zoomer ud, kan man se en Udbrænder sammen med en Brandøkse som stadig stikker ud af Heavyens hoved.
- Nær slutningen af filmen, når Soldieren griber fat i hans (manglende) brystkasse, kan man se at Rainbloweren stikker ud i den virkelige verden.
- Tiny Tims (Engelsk) Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight (Engelsk) var en anden ide til baggrundsmusikken i Pyroland. [6]
- Balloonicornen optrådte på coveret af A Smissmas Story som en juletræsdekoration, seks måneder før udgivelsen af Meet the Pyro.
Pyroen, som anvender Scorch Shot på en Scout, som set i videoen.
Relateret tilbehør
Oppustelig Balloonicorn (Engelsk)
Meet the Pyro T-shirt (Engelsk)
Meet the Pyro - Sunset litho (Engelsk)
Meet the Pyro - Rainbow litho (Engelsk)
Se også
Externe links
- Meet the Pyro på IMDb
- Do You Believe In Magic på YouTube
- ↑ Eksklusivt interview med Robin Walker(Engelsk)
- ↑ 2. februar 2012-blog-indlæg (Engelsk)
- ↑ Bonus Round - Episode 603 (Engelsk)
- ↑ (Engelsk)
- ↑ 22 Juni 2012 - Mmm Mmmph!
- ↑ En email fra Jeep (Engelsk)