Community Erebus strategy
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Community Erebus strategy | |
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Basic Information | |
Developer(s): | Unknown |
Map Info | |
Environment: | Halloween |
Setting: | Night |
Hazards: | Pumpkin bombs, Pitfalls, Skeletons |
Map Photos | |
This article is about Community Erebus strategy.
Note: It is recommended to read the main Erebus article first to become familiar with the names of key map locations used in this article.
General strategy
See also: Community Attack/Defend strategy
See also: Community Skeletons strategy
This Halloween map features pumpkin bombs and Halloween pumpkins; see Community Halloween maps strategy.
Stage 1
- In order to capture Point A, the Blu team will first need to secure the Lumber Yard. This can be done by either approaching it from the Lower area, or by flanking around it through the Tree Stumps. In general, the Tree Stump route is usually better, as it is not at a height disadvantage when compared to the Lumber Yard.
- After Point A has been captured, the Blu team should be able to quickly secure the Sawmill adjacent to it.
- However, if traversing the Sawmill proves to be too hard, a pair Mineshafts serving as alternative routes can then be utilized.
- Due to the Point B's exceedingly fast capture rate, it might be possible to simply ignore the Red team and go straight for the point.
Stage 2
- At the beginning of an round, an offensive team should dedicate all their efforts on capturing the Cliff, a location with valuable High ground advantage.
- Unless none of the Red members are paying attention, the Ravine route should not be utilized, as its high ground disadvantage makes it fairly dangerous to traverse.
- Due to a multitude of routes leading up to Point B, capturing it should not really be too much of a problem.
- The Sniper Deck's long sightlines can be used to harass and put constant pressure on the defenders from a far.
- With the help of the appropriately named Left Flank, Blu team can pull of many ambushes and sneak attacks aimed at the Church.
- Despite the Shed's lack of high ground, it is still useful for sneaking up to the Red spawn.
Stage 3
- Although the Building 237 is in fact the fastest and most direct route to Point A, its overall cramped nature makes anyone inside it prone to explosives, so tread carefully.
- The Yard, on the other hand, is very open and spacious, making it an excellent flank route.
- If pushing through the Computer Room becomes a problem, then the Under Flank can be used to end up behind it.
Stage 1
- The main thrust of Blu's attack will usually come from the Lower Area, so Red members should mostly focus their defenses on that location. However, this does not mean that the Tree Stump area should be forgotten, since it opens up a dangerous flank on the left.
- The Sawmill's chokey nature works in favour of the defending team, which can use it to stop the Blu's rapid advance and halt them for a bit.
- At least one person needs to be on the point at all times, due to Point B's very fast capture rate of only a few seconds.
Stage 2
- On the beginning part of stage 2, Red team should focus all their efforts on protecting the Cliff, as without it, they are at a significant height disadvantage.
- In the case that the Cliff is lost, it would be a wise idea to slowly start retreating back to Point B.
- There are about three paths which lead up to the aforementioned Point B, and all three need to be effectively defended in in order to keep the point secured.
- Attackers camping in the Sniper's Deck can be severely disrupted by letting a couple of Soldiers and Demomen rocket jump into their nest.
- Due to the Left Flank's open and spacious nature, Snipers and Scouts are best at defending it.
- Pyros and Heavies can drop down from the Church and into the Central area, giving a nasty surprise to any Blu members who have just exited the Shed.
Stage 3
- Explosive classes, such as Soldier and Demoman, should primarily operate within the Building 237. Where their explosives will do a lot of damage inside the chokey corridors.
- Red flankers can quickly traverse the Yard and reach the Blu spawn, allowing them to disrupt the attackers from behind.
- Once Point A is lost, careful measures should be taken in order to secure the Computer room, which is the most straightforward route towards Point B.
Class-specific strategy
Stage 1
- The Tree Stump area and the Lumber Yard are both relatively open and filled with numerous obstacles, allowing you to freely exercise the Scout's incredible mobility.
- In the case the traversing through the Sawmill proves to be too hard, you can make use of the two surrounding Mineshafts to wrap around the Reds and surprise them from behind.
- It is also possible to surprise enemies inside the Sawmill by approaching them from the aforementioned Tree Stump.
- With the Scout's increased capture rate, you will be able to secure the control point B in mere seconds. Because of this, simply rushing down the said point can be more successful then trying to fight its defenders.
Stage 2
- By going through the concealed Cave immediately after exiting the Spawn, you will flank around the Cliff, where the majority of Red defenses are commonly located.
- If this doesn't work out well, you can then rush down Point A by sneaking through the Ravine.
- The Left Flank can be used to discretely approach the Church from its right side, opening up ambush opportunities.
- The central area located in between the Church and the Sniper's Deck is very open and filled with numerous platforms. This makes it an excellent location for dueling your opponents.
Stage 3
- Attempting to go through the Building 237 is not a great idea, as you are more the likely to die in its cramped and claustrophobic corridors. A smarter tactic would be to use your speed in order to quickly traverse the Yard and climb up to the Elevation from behind.
- You can use Bonk! Atomic Punch in order to break through the Computer room and cause a distraction for your teammates.
- Although the Propane Yard is open and spacious, it is usually filled with Red Sentry Guns. Due to this, you can not do much here, other then to wait for your teammates to take them out.
Stage 1
- Try to play around the Lower Area and the Lumber Yard, as those two are among the few open spaces in which you can comfortably hold against the attackers.
- Just like your Blu counterpart, its possible to use the Mineshafts in order to flank around the enemies in the Sawmill, giving you an opportunity to attack them from the rear.
Stage 2
- You can use your agility to quickly change positions between the Cliff and the Ravine, making yourself an unpredictable target.
- Be careful while traversing the Cave, since its compact nature restricts your mobility and makes you a sitting duck.
- Movement enhancing weapons, such as the Soda Popper or the Winger, are useful when it comes to maneuvering around the Central area.
- Make heavy use of the Flank Route and the Shed, as they can get you in behind the enemies camping out in the Sniper's deck.
Stage 3
- The Force-A-Nature's increased Knockback can be used to push hostile opponents of the Elevation, thus denying them the point.
- The Computer Room's long and narrow hallway makes it a great place to utilize your projectile-based weapons, such as the Flying Guillotine or the Wrap Assassin.
Stage 1
- When attacking the first point, you should approach it from the Tree stump area, since the Lower area puts you at a height disadvantage.
- You can use the Sawmill's second floor to rain rockets onto defenders protecting the Point B from a far.
- Going through the right Mineshaft will bring you to a suboptimal position, that being yet another lower area.
Stage 2
- The left most spawn exit leads out to a section of the roof far above the battlefield, allowing you to rain fire onto enemies below.
- A sneaky strategy you can employ would be to enter the Canyon and then Rocket jump onto the Cliff from the side, thus surprising the defenders located on it.
- You can camp out in the Sniper's Deck and spam out the Reds from a far. This tactic is useful if you want to get rid of an annoying Sentry Gun found inside the Church.
Stage 3
- If you want to flank around, you can make your way through the Yard and quickly rocket jump onto the Elevation from the side. A more direct route, however, would take you through the Building 237.
- Sentry Guns defending the last point can usually be take care of by spamming at them from the Wood Pulp.
Stage 1
- There are some boxes and planks you can stand on while inside Lumber yard, giving yourself a slight height advantage.
- Make use of the Sawmill's numerous corners by utilizing your explosives, which can damage enemies even without direct line of sight.
- Try to stay up on the cliff encircling the capture point B, so that you can rain down fire on anyone attempting to take the said point.
Stage 2
- Since this particular section of the map is very open and spacious, its possible to use the Base Jumper and the Air Strike to freely hang in the air and bombard the attackers below.
- Even after the first control point is captured, you can still stay on top of the Shed and delay the enemy's further advance.
- You can use your rocket jump ability in order to reach the Sniper's Deck, surprising many opponents in the process.
Stage 3
- The Building 237's tight and narrow hallways increase the Direct Hit's effectiveness, making it an excellent choice for this part of the map.
- The Direct Hit can also be used when firing down the Computer room.
Stage 1
- Enemy Soldiers and Demomen are probably going to target the Lower Area, so make sure to use your Compression Blast in order to deflect their Projectiles.
- Your Compression Blast will also be needed when flanking through the Mineshafts, which are prime targets for enemy projectiles.
- While engaging the enemy, do not forget about enemy Spies sneaking around. They are most likely hiding somewhere in the Lumber Yard or are attempting to reach you team's backline via the Mineshafts.
- When attempting to capture the point, make sure to airblast away defenders dropping down from the cliffs in order to stop you.
Stage 2
- You can use the Thermal Thruster in order to reach the Cliff from within the Canyon.
- There will be many Sentry Guns present on this stage, warranting the use of the Dragon's Fury, whose fireballs are better equipped for such threats.
- If you can get a Medic to ÜberCharge you while inside the Church, you have the potential to clear out the entire point and win the game.
- The Detonator is useful when fighting inside the Central area, as its vertical mobility allows you to quickly change elevations.
Stage 3
- It is also possible to use the Thermal Thruster for purposes of quickly reaching the Elevation.
- By going through the Under Flank, you will be able to sneak up on enemies inside the Computer room.
Stage 1
- The Sawmill's cramped interior works in favour of your Flame Thrower's close ranged nature.
- Try to protect the point at all cost with your airblast, since it only takes the attackers a few seconds to capture it.
- There is a small hole in one of the Mineshafts, which can be reached by the Detonator in order to quickly access the Sawmill
Stage 2
- If you have the Phlogistinator equipped, you can sneak your way through the Cave and end up in front of the Blu spawn, allowing you to swiftly burn anyone exiting it.
- This same strategy, involving the Phlogistinator, can be employed when you need to clear out the Church filled with attackers.
- The Thermal Thruster is useful when it comes to reaching the Sniper's Deck. It is also possible to employ the Detonator in this situation.
- Enemies can be prevented from using the Left Flank by covering it with the Gas Passer.
Stage 3
- The Dragon's Fury is particularly effective when inside the Building 237, whose long, narrow hallways synergize with its fireballs.
- Pyro's compression blast comes in handy when pushing players of the Elevation, thus preventing them from securing the Point A.
Stage 1
- You can position yourself inside the Lower Area and lob Projectiles towards the Lumber Yard.
- If you are approaching point A from the Tree Stump direction, you can lay down sticky traps in front of the Sawmill, thus preventing anyone inside the Lumber Yard from escaping.
- Common Sentry Gun positions surrounding the Point B can usually be destroyed by charging your stickies and launching them from the Sawmill.
Stage 2
- Make use of your projectile's arc in order to bombard the Reds on top of the Cliff, even if you don't have access to high ground.
- Cave's cramped nature will amplify the effectiveness of your explosives, but will also leave you susceptible to self-damage.
- It is recommended to bring the Loch-n-Load with you when attacking the point B, as it can greatly help with destroying the numerous Sentry Guns commonly present.
- Try to avoid the Central area where someone could easily drop on your head and immediately kill you.
Stage 3
- From the Yard, you can carelessly launch a barrage of projectiles onto the Elevation, disrupting the enemy defense.
- The Building's 237 tight and narrow corridors make it an excellent location for Charging, especially while using the Claidheamh Mòr.
- Make use of the Red Shed's position to get a nice angle on the Sentry Guns defending point B.
Stage 1
- Watch out for Scouts, which are Demoman's biggest counter, approaching you from the Tree Stumps.
- There are plenty of props and obstacle found within the Lumber Yard behind which sticky bombs can be hidden.
- Spamming grenades inside the Sawmill is a relatively safe way to prevent anyone from traversing it.
- No matter where you are currently fighting, always make sure to place at least a couple of stickies on top of the Point B.
Stage 2
- You can launch projectiles into the Blu spawn from within the Cave.
- Even if you have been pushed back, you can still cause some casualties to attackers by attacking them from the Shed, while they attempt to capture Point A.
- It is possible to Sticky jump your way onto the Sniper's Shed.
Stage 3
- Laying multiple sticky traps inside the Building 237 will severely slow down the Blu's advance. Even better results can be achieved when using the Scottish Resistance.
- You can use the Elevation's height advantage to bombard players inside the Yard.
- The Computer room is a very high-traffic chokepoint, so make sure to always fill to the brim with explosives.
Stage 1
- Slowly creeping up the Lower area before emerging inside the Lumber Yard will surely surprise many opponents.
- Utilize your massive health pool in order to push through the Sawmill.
- Once the Sawmill is secured, you can use its position to lay heavy fire onto Point B, suppressing its defenders and giving your team a chance to capture it.
Stage 2
- When fighting for Point A, you should primarily focus on capturing the Cliff, as that position holds massive strategic importance. This can be achieved by either ÜberCharging your way through the Cave, or staying back with the Tomislav and laying long-range fire.
- Do not try to sneak through the Ravine, where your slow moving body will be an easy target for anyone on top of the Cliff.
- If no one is watching, you might be able to sneak through the Left Flank and reach the Church, giving a nasty surprise to anyone defending it. However, it is recommended that you have a Medic accompany you while employing this tactic.
- If, however, this is not possible, then you should approach the Church from the Sniper's deck.
Stage 3
- Flanking through the Yard is not recommended, as you will be in the open and exposed while doing that.
- A better strategy involves giving direct support to your teammates which are attempting to secure the Building 237.
Stage 1
- When defending Point A, you should stay close to the Sawmill, as that will shield you from Blu Snipers peeking out of the Tree Stump.
- Holding the Sawmill will deny the attacker's the most direct path to Point A, thus buying your team some time to organize a defense.
- If you instead plan on playing around the Mineshafts, equipping the Second Banana would be a good idea then, as there will not be much Medics present around there.
Stage 2
- Standing on top of the Cliff and shooting up anyone trying to reach it will severely delay the attackers.
- You can also position yourself down in the Ravine, giving a real surprise to any opponents which are forced of the Cliff by your team.
- Do not wonder too much around the Left Flank (Right from your perspective), as you will be an easy prey for any Snipers located there.
- Also keep an eye out on Snipers positioned inside the Sniper's Deck.
Stage 3
- While standing on the Elevation, watch out for enemy Snipers positioned in the Yard.
- The Brass Beast is quite effective when inside the Building 237, where it can shred through the numerous waves of defenders.
Stage 1
- Setting up a Sentry Gun among the Tree Stumps and then using the Wrangler to attack the defenders on Point A is a good way to fend them off.
- Once the Lumber Yard is captured, you should construct a Dispenser in the forward echelons of Sawmill, where it can directly support your teammates attacking Capture Point B.
- When the coast is clear, you may also move up your Sentry out of the Sawmill, where it can start attacking the preoccupied defenders.
- Due to how small this stage is, a Teleporter is not really necessary. But if you have the resources necessary for its construction, you might as well put one in the Sawmill.
Stage 2
- For the first few moments of the round, try to build a Sentry Gun on the right side of your spawn, where it can shoot down the Cliff and clear it out for your team.
- If no one is looking, you might be able to sneak through the Ravine and setup a Teleporter exit beside the Point A.
- Once the Point A is captured, you should move that Teleporter exit into the Sniper's Deck, where it can teleport allies directly to an advantageous location. Your Sentry Gun and Dispenser should be located here as well.
- However, if you prefer a more flank-oriented playstyle, then sticking to the Left Flank and supporting fellow teammates over there is also a viable strategy.
Stage 3
- There will be a lot of explosive classes inside the Building 237, so be careful until they are forced back.
- Once the Point A is secured, you can position your Sentry Gun onto the Elevation and use the Wrangler to target the Computer Room.
- With the Computer Room cleared out, you now have two options. Either setup a nest on the left hand side of the Computer Room, or on its right, where the Red Shed is located.
Stage 1
- Setting up your nest inside the Lumber Yard will most likely lead to it being overrun, meaning that it might be a better idea if you pull your nest further back; into the Sawmill.
- If you still insist on defending Point A from within the Lumber Yard, at least use the Rescue Ranger, so that you can heal your buildings from a safe distance.
- It is imperative that you maintain a constant defense around Point B, as without anyone or anything directly guarding the point, it can be easily taken by the Blu.
- Watch out for enemies attacking your Sentry from the Sawmill.
Stage 2
- The Cave is a perfect environment in which to establish a Sentry nest, since it is relatively safe, while being close to vital, strategic locations your team takes in interest in.
- It is not recommended to setup a nest inside the Shed, as you will be at a height disadvantage and will not be protecting Point A. Although, the Shed is a good route through which to make your retreat.
- Many Engineers often make the mistake of placing their Sentry Gun directly on top of the Point B. This is not a good idea, as such a Sentry can easily be destroyed from within the Sniper's Deck. A wiser decision would involve putting your Sentry in behind the Church, where it can defend the point and be relatively safe.
Stage 3
- For the Point A, try to have your Teleporter exit lead out to the Elevation, thus giving your team an automatic advantage.
- Keep an eye out on the Yard, as it is a common route for Blu Spies.
- Defending the final point should be relatively easy. Simply placing your Sentry somewhere around the Propane Yard should do the trick. Meanwhile, your Dispenser can be located near the Computer room, where it can assist fellow teammates.
Stage 1
- Unless your team is exceptionally unskilled, an ÜberCharge is usually not required to capture Point A, so save it for later.
- When helping out allies in the Sawmill, watch out for any Red flankers sneaking through the Mineshafts and surprising your from behind.
- If possible, try to Über a Demoman when assaulting Point B, as he is the most equipped for dealing with Red defenses in this situation.
Stage 2
- You and a Pyro buddy can sneak through the Cave and Über onto the Cliff, allowing you to swiftly clear it out.
- Keep an eye out on enemy Snipers positioned near Point A, who will be in a prime position to headshot you. If you want to avoid this, you should take cover inside the Ravine.
- The fastest way to capture Point B would be to clear out the Church with an Übered Pyro or Heavy, which can sneakily approach the aforementioned Church from either the Shed or the Left Flank before beginning their attack.
Stage 3
- Stay far way from your teammates while inside the Building 237, so that explosives launched at them do not hit you as well.
- You can Overheal friendly Soldiers and Demomen, thus allowing them to jump up to the Elevation and ambush its defenders.
- Look out for Spies and other flankers wrapping around the Under Flank and ending up behind you.
Stage 1
- The Tree Stump area is an often-utilized flank route for the Blu team, so steer clear of it, unless you want a Blu Scout to suddenly give you a nasty surprise.
- While healing teammates inside the Lumber Yard, try to stay as close as possible to the Sawmill. This way, you will be shielded from a lot of incoming damage, while having a swift escape route at your disposal.
- Übering a friendly Pyro when Point A is being captured can be very beneficial in preventing defeat.
Stage 2
- Allies positioned on top of the Cliff are bound to take a lot of damage, making the use of either the Crussader's Crossbow or the Quick-Fix a wise idea.
- When retreating through the Shed, beware of the Pumpkin Bomb commonly located there.
- Overhealing Soldiers and Demomen will allow them to rocket jump their way onto the Sniper's deck, while helping out friendly Scouts can result in your team having full control over the Left Flank.
- Assist the local Engineers as well, whose Sentry Guns are excellent at protecting the Church.
Stage 3
- If standing on top of the Elevation proves to be too risky, you can reposition further back into the Computer Room, and then use the Crussader's Crossbow to heal teammates from a far.
- The Building's 237 cramped nature ensures that your teammates often cluster up together, creating a situation in which the Amputator can truly shine.
- There is a big rock within the Propane Yard, behind which you can stand in order to avoid Snipers targeting you from the Red Shed.
Stage 1
- By exiting through the left spawn exit, you will get a nice view of the Lumber Yard and Point A
- After the Sawmill has been successfully secured, you can stand on its balcony and focus down defenders located around Point B. Just watch out for rocket jumping Soldiers while doing this.
Stage 2
- When assaulting Point A, you should focus most of your attention on the Cliff, as that location is very strategically important for the Blu team.
- Since the Cliff is very narrow and tight, there is a fairly good chance that enemies are going to be neatly lined up, making the Machina's penetration ability useful.
- You can sneak through the Cave in order to quickly throw some Jarate at unaware enemies, before retreating back to Blu lines.
- Once the Point A is captured, you should reposition yourself into the appropriately named Sniper Deck, where powerful sightlines await you. Alternatively, you can also head towards the Left Flank, which is also an open piece of ground.
Stage 3
- Standing in the Yard will allow you to take potshots at anyone on top of the Elevation.
- When your team finally captures Point A, you should head over to the Red Shed, from which you will be able to overview nearly the entire Propane Yard.
Stage 1
- There are a couple of planks and boxes inside the Lumber Yard, on which you can climb on in order to give yourself a better overview of the battlefield.
- When defending Point B, watch out for Blu flankers sneaking through the Mineshafts and surprising you from the side.
Stage 2
- For the first few minutes of the round, you should primarily stand somewhere around Point A, from which you will be able to lookout onto the Cliff and the Canyon.
- If the situation changes against your favour, do not hesitate to run away. The best escape route from Point A would be through the Shed.
- For the most part, you shoulda aim to position yourself somewhere outside the Church, that being either on the Left Flank or inside the Central Area.
- In the case that you are forced back into the Church, you will only have a sightline partially covering the Sniper's Deck, hence the reason why it is not a great position.
Stage 3
- The Jarate has great potential inside the Building 237, whose tight hallways will force the attackers to clump up together, allowing you to douse multiple people at once.
- The Huntsman is also useful in this situation, as you can simply spam it down a hallways and garner a lot of accidental kills.
- If, however, you prefer sticking to the Elevation, make sure to target any Snipers inside the Yard, since they will have a clear shot on you.
Stage 1
- By going through the Tree Stump, you should quickly reach one of the Mineshafts. From there, you can climb up to the Sawmill and start harassing defenders inside the Lumber Yard.
- You can also utilize the Mineshafts for purposes of sneaking behind the defenders usually surrounding Point B.
- Due to Point B's ridiculously fast capture rate, you might get away with quickly securing the Point while no one is looking.
Stage 2
- If you want to sneak behind the Point A, you should make use of the Ravine, as unlike the Cliff, it is fairly concealed and is not a fierce battleground. However, the Ravine is quite long, so you might need the L'Etranger in order to fully traverse it.
- After Point A is captured, you should go through either the Sniper's Deck or the Shed, in an attempt to sneak into the Church. Once there, you can patiently wait for the perfect moment to strike.
Stage 3
- The Building's 237 narrow hallways and constant action makes it a subpar infiltration route, when compared to the Yard.
- You can use the Dead Ringer to force your way through the Computer Room.
Stage 1
- There is a small "indent" in the Lower Area, in which you can hide with the Cloak and Dagger and patiently wait for the attackers to pass by.
- Sawmill is usually the nesting place for Blu teammates attempting an attack on Point B. So if you can successfully infiltrate in there, there is potential to cause a lot of devastation.
Stage 2
Stage 3