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I suggerimenti sono consigli ufficiali che appaiono nello schermo quando ci si connette a un server. Possono essere anche scelti casualmente nel tab dello schermo di gestione degli oggetti. Di seguito e riportato un elenco di tutti i suggerimenti attualmente visualizzabili.
Tutti i tasti indicati sono i tasti standard e possono essere diversi per la configurazione.

Leaderboard class scout.png Esploratore

  • Come Esploratore, salta mentre sei in aria per cambiare direzione, ed evitare fuoco nemico.
  • Come Esploratore, puoi catturare punti di controllo e spingere carrelli al ritmo di due persone.
  • Come Esploratore, sei più efficace quando rimani in movimento e usi la velocità a tuo vantaggio.
  • Come Esploratore, la tua pistola e perfetta per colpire i nemici a distanza.
  • Come Esploratore, il tuo fucile a corto raggio fa danni elevati a bruciapelo, uccidendo la maggior parte delle classi in 2 colpi.
  • Come Esploratore, sparando con la Forza-Della-Natura in mezz'aria ti spingerà lontano dalla direzione in cui stai puntando; puoi usare questo per estendere il campo dei tuoi salti.
  • Come Esploratore, prendi vantaggio dei percorsi alternativi per assalire i nemici per attachi a sorpresa.
  • Come Esploratore, quando impugni la Sandman, usa MOUSE2 per lanciare una palla che stordisce i nemici a distanza.
  • Come Esploratore, impugnando la Sandman riduce la tua vita massima. Usa la Mazza se sopravvivere e una priorità.
  • Come Esploratore, colpendo nemici vicini con la Forza-Della-Natura ti spingerà lontano da loro.
  • Come Esploratore, più lontano viaggia la palla della Sandman, più lungo sarà lo stordimento del nemico che colpisci - per un massimo di 7 secondi.
  • Come Esploratore, la palla della Sandman non può stordire nemici a distanza ravvicinata, ma stordirà completamente un nemico alla distanza massima.
  • Come Esploratore, usa il Bonk! Pugno Atomico per attraversare terreni pericolosi e assorbire fuoco dalle torrette nemiche per i compagni di squadra.
  • Come Esploratore, usa il Latte Pazzo per spegnere le fiamme su di te o su i tuoi compagni.
  • Come Esploratore, L'interbase e la Pistola hanno in comune la stessa riserva di munizioni, quindi sii attento delle munizioni quando hai entrambi le armi equipaggiate.
  • Come Esploratore, se hai il Bastoncino di Zucchero, i nemici uccisi lascieranno kit sanitari, indipendentemente quale arma sia stata utilizzata.
  • Come Esploratore, fai attenzione quando usi la Crit-a-Cola. risparmiala per attachi a sorpresa e prendendo vantaggio della tua velocità puoi evitare di prendere mini-critici.
  • Come Esploratore, you and your allies regain lost health when hitting enemies drenched in Mad Milk. Initiate fights with it to improve your team's survivability.
  • Come Esploratore, l' Assaltatore di Boston causa sanguinamento ai nemici quando vengono colpiti, ma mancando causa sanguinamento a se stessi.Il sanguinamento può essere curato rapidamente con kit sanitari.
  • Come Esploratore, the Sun-on-a-Stick/it deals critical damage to burning foes, but is otherwise weaker than the Mazza. Work with friendly Pyros/it to make full use of it.
  • Come Esploratore, a Fan O'War/it hit turns subsequent attacks against the target into mini-crits. Use allies and other weapons to get the most from the damage boost.
  • Come Esploratore, the Mini-Crits achieved through the Soda Popper's Hype Meter will also affect your secondary and melee weapons!
  • Come Esploratore, controlla la tua salute quando usi l'Atomizer. Un salto triplo in un momento sbagliato potrebbe costarti la vita!
  • Come Esploratore, you can utilize both the Force-A-Nature's knockback and Atomizer's triple jump for a quadruple jump combination!
  • Come Esploratore, the Atomizer will allow you to perform a triple jump! Use it to outmaneuver enemies and access hard-to-reach areas!
  • Come Esploratore, the Soda Popper's mini-crits are automatically activated once your Hype Meter fills, and cannot be stored. Plan your movements so that the buff is activated at the right moment!
  • Come Esploratore, the Winger inflicts more damage than the Pistol, but this is offset by its reduced magazine size. Use the Winger at close range in order to ensure that you hit your target!
  • Come Esploratore, l'Interbase e veramente efficace da una distanza media ad una lontana, consentendoti di mantenere una distanza da nemici pericolosi.
  • Come Esploratore, l'attacco secondario del Wrap Assassin (MOUSE2) può essere usato per infliggere sanguinamento sui nemici. Usalo per colpire nemici da una distanza.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldato

  • Come Soldato, you can rocket jump to great heights or distances by simultaneously jumping and firing a rocket on nearby surfaces; crouching as you jump will increase the momentum you gain from the rocket.
  • Come Soldato, aim rockets at an enemy's feet in order to ensure that they can't avoid the explosion damage.
  • Come Soldato, make sure you keep your Rocket Launcher loaded. Press R to reload manually or enable auto-reloading in Advanced Multiplayer Options.
  • Come Soldato, you risk taking splash damage when firing rockets at nearby enemies. Try switching weapons to avoid hurting yourself.
  • Come Soldato, consider damaging yourself in safe situations if a Medic is healing you. ÜberCharge builds slower while you're overhealed (except during setup time).
  • Come Soldato, your rockets have strong knock back. Use this to jostle enemies or knock them airborne.
  • Come Soldato, use your Shotgun to conserve rockets and avoid waiting for your Rocket Launcher to reload in the middle of combat.
  • Come Soldato, the Direct Hit's rockets have a very small blast radius. Aim directly at your enemies to maximize damage!
  • Come Soldato, the Buff Banner's rage meter will reset if you die. Don't be afraid to use it for yourself if you need to make a push or escape!
  • Come Soldato, activating the Buff Banner provides mini-crits to you and nearby teammates, which can swiftly turn the tide of a difficult battle.
  • Come Soldato, the Equalizer provides a speed bonus when your health is low. Use it to escape dangerous areas and dodge enemy fire!
  • Come Soldato, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you're at very low health, but it deals less than the Shovel when you're at high health.
  • Come Soldato, Medics cannot target you for healing or ÜberCharges while you actively wield the Equalizer. You will also be unable to call for a Medic.
  • Come Soldato, remember that the Half-Zatoichi attacks instantly kill any enemy that is also wielding one!
  • Come Soldato, the Black Box heals you whenever you damage an enemy with a rocket. Use it when friendly Medics and health kits are scarce.
  • Come Soldato, the Gunboats greatly reduce health loss from rocket jumps. Use them when positioning and mobility are especially important.
  • Come Soldato, activating the Battalion's Backup provides damage reduction and crit immunity to yourself and nearby team mates. Be mindful of the effect radius when protecting teammates!
  • Come Soldato, activating the Concheror lets you and your teammates heal themselves by damaging enemies. Use it to improve your team's survivability in fights.
  • Come Soldato, you can use the Rocket Jumper to get to the front lines quickly without taking damage. Be careful however, as you will take increased damage from most weapons while it is equipped, and you will need to rely on your secondary and melee weapons in order to deal damage.
  • Come Soldato, the Frying Pan does identical damage as the Shovel, but is a lot louder. Don't use it when you are trying to stay hidden, as the distinct sound will give your position away!
  • Come Soldato, the Righteous Bison can hit the same enemy multiple times, and will hit the most times on enemies who are moving away from the projectile. Use it to punish retreating enemies!
  • Come Soldato, hitting a teammate with the Disciplinary Action will increase both your and your ally's speed dramatically for a few seconds! Use it on slower classes like other Soldiers and Heavies in order to reach the front lines faster!
  • Come Soldato, you can use MOUSE2 when wielding the Cow Mangler 5000 to fire a charged shot, dealing additional damage and setting the enemy briefly on fire. Be careful however, as a charged shot entirely depletes the Cow Mangler 5000's ammunition.
  • Come Soldato, the Mantreads dramatically reduce weapon knock back. Use them in order to avoid being pushed back by the Force-A-Nature, explosives or Sentry Guns!
  • Come Soldato, the Liberty Launcher and Black Box only load three rockets at any time. Be sure to make each shot count, or you may be left vulnerable.
  • Come Soldato, rocket jump to quickly close the distance between you and your enemies, and then use the Market Gardener to finish them off as you land.
  • Come Soldato, consider using your Shotgun against enemy Pyros that are reflecting your rockets.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Piro

  • Come Piro, your Flamethrower/it does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.
  • Come Piro, ambush/it enemies in order to ensure that you engage them at close range so that your Flamethrower will inflict maximum damage. Use corners and alcoves to your advantage.
  • Come Piro, your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.
  • Come Piro, switch to your Shotgun/it or Flare Gun/it if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your Flamethrower.
  • Come Piro, you can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the burning/it.
  • Come Piro, your Flamethrower can ignite an enemy Spy if he is cloaked, or is disguised as a member of your team. Spy check/it teammates that look or act suspicious!
  • Come Piro, utilize the bonus damage on the Axtinguisher/it by igniting your foes before attacking.
  • Come Piro, help protect an Engineer's Sentry Gun by using the Flamethrower's compression blast/it (MOUSE2) to reflect explosive projectiles and check for enemy Spies.
  • Come Piro, you can neutralize an ÜberCharge by pushing the Medic and his heal target away from each other by using the Flamethrower's compression blast (MOUSE2).
  • Come Piro, push enemies out of your way using the Flamethrower's compression blast with MOUSE2.
  • Come Piro, the Flamethrower's compression blast (MOUSE2) can extinguish burning teammates.
  • Come Piro, you cannot be ignited by fire-based weapons. Use your Shotgun or melee weapons against enemy Pyros in order to counter this.
  • Come Piro, the Backburner/it very effective when ambushing the enemy as it inflicts critical hits when attacking from behind.
  • Come Piro, the Flare Gun can cause critical hits if fired at enemies who are already burning.
  • Come Piro, your Flamethrower or Flare Gun will not work underwater, so rely upon your Shotgun or melee weapon.
  • Come Piro, use MOUSE2 when using the Flamethrower in order to let out a blast of compressed air. Use it to reflect incoming projectiles/it, put out burning teammates, or push enemies back!
  • Come Piro, use your Flamethrower on friendly Snipers in order to light their Huntsman/it arrows on fire. Flaming arrows can ignite the enemy and inflict additional damage.
  • Come Piro, use MOUSE2 to reflect projectiles back at the enemy team! This includes rockets, grenades, Huntsman arrows, Jarate and more!
  • Come Piro, remember that the Flamethrower's compression blast (MOUSE2) can use up a lot of ammo/it. Use it only when you need to!
  • Come Piro, utilize the Flamethrower's compression blast (MOUSE2) to push Stickybombs out of the way. Help out your Engineers or clear a Control Point!
  • Come Piro, the Homewrecker/it can be used to remove enemy Sappers from buildings.
  • Come Piro, your Sharpened Volcano Fragment/it sets enemies on fire upon a successful hit. Use in combination with the Flare Gun in order to inflict substantial damage!
  • Come Piro, you can use the Back Scratcher/it in order to help a Medic build their ÜberCharge more quickly.
  • Come Piro, the Powerjack/it is able to overheal/it you if you make a kill at full health.
  • Come Piro, the Flamethrower's compression blast (MOUSE2) is a very useful tool. Use it to push enemies, even invulnerable Medics and their buddies, off cliffs or into other environmental hazards.
  • Come Piro, the Degreaser/it inflicts less afterburn/it damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly. This allows you to more easily perform deadly combination attacks, such as setting the enemy on fire and then using the Axtinguisher in order to inflict a critical hit!
  • Come Piro, the Backscratcher inflicts additional damage, but Medics and Dispensers will heal you more slowly. Healthpacks will provide you with more health than normal however, so note their locations on the map!
  • Come Piro, the Flamethrower's compression blast can be used to counter Demomen using the Chargin' Targe! Time your compression blast correctly, and you can push the Demoman back before he can strike, and then counter-attack!
  • Come Piro, the Reserve Shooter/it will mini-crit/it enemies that are airborne. Use your compression blast (MOUSE2) to push an enemy into the air, and then switch to the Reserve Shooter in order to inflict additional damage!
  • Come Piro, the Detonator/it's flares can be detonated at any time using MOUSE2. Use the blast radius to hit enemies behind cover, or to set multiple enemies on fire!
  • Come Piro, inflicting damage with the Phlogistinator fills the 'Mmmph' meter. Once it is full, activate it using you secondary attack (MOUSE2) in order to completely refill your health and inflict crits for a short time!
  • Come Piro, you can use the Manmelter's secondary fire (MOUSE2) to extinguish teammates that are on fire. For each teammate extinguished you store a critical hit, so save the crits until the opportune moment!

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demolitore

  • Come Demolitore, when using the Stickybomb Launcher hit MOUSE1 to fire Stickybombs and then use MOUSE2 to detonate them later.
  • Come Demolitore, when you use the Stickybomb Launcher or Scottish Resistance, note that the longer you hold down the fire button the further the shot will go.
  • Come Demolitore, time the detonation of your Stickybombs as you jump over them to propel yourself in the desired direction!
  • Come Demolitore, shoot Stickybombs onto walls and ceilings where they're hard to spot.
  • Come Demolitore, you can detonate Stickybombs with MOUSE2 at any time, regardless of which weapon you're currently using.
  • Come Demolitore, crouch when preparing for a Stickybomb jump in order to achieve maximum height.
  • Come Demolitore, use your Grenade Launcher for direct combat. Grenades detonate upon impact with an enemy unless they touch the ground first.
  • Come Demolitore, your Bottle does the same amount of damage whether it is smashed open or not.
  • Come Demolitore, the Scottish Resistance is great for defense. Place multiple groups of Stickybombs in order to defend a lot of territory. Your Stickybombs can also destroy enemy Stickybombs!
  • Come Demolitore, when using the Scottish Resistance keep a line of sight to your Stickybombs so you can detonate them when needed.
  • Come Demolitore, the Chargin' Targe's explosive and fire damage resistance in addition to its charge ability complement the Eyelander's lower max health and inability to cause random critical hits.
  • Come Demolitore, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability doesn't grant a critical hit until near the end of the charge. Your weapon will glow when the time is right!
  • Come Demolitore, when using the Chargin' Targe you can't change direction during a charge. Try to line charges up with where an enemy will be rather than where an enemy is.
  • Come Demolitore, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability is also perfect for quick getaways!
  • Come Demolitore, your Bottle has no negative attributes when compared to the health reduction penalty of the Eyelander. Use your Bottle if survival is a priority.
  • Come Demolitore, collect heads by killing enemies with the Eyelander. Each head increases your maximum health and also gives you a speed boost!
  • Come Demolitore, the only way to recharge your Ullapool Caber is to visit a resupply locker. Make every hit with it count!
  • Come Demolitore, when using the Scottish Resistance remember that you can see your Stickybombs through walls and floors and can detonate them from any range. Use this to your advantage.
  • Come Demolitore, remember that a successful hit with Half-Zatoichi on any enemy wielding the same weapon will result in an instant kill.
  • Come Demolitore, use the Loch-and-Load to inflict additional damage against slower moving classes and buildings. Aim carefully however! You only have two shots before you must reload, and you will only inflict damage on a direct hit.
  • Come Demolitore, use the Ullapool Caber when surrounded by enemies. The resulting explosion will inflict heavy damage on all nearby opponents.
  • Come Demolitore, use the Claidheamh Mòr to maximize the effectiveness of your Chargin' Targe. You won't inflict critical hits or collect heads, but the extra duration of your charge will allow you to cover more distance, or make a quick escape!
  • Come Demolitore, if you're paired with a Medic, take advantage of safe opportunities to damage yourself in order to build an ÜberCharge faster.
  • Come Demolitore, your Eyelander will collect the stored heads from a slain enemy Demoman.
  • Come Demolitore, a successful taunt kill with the Half-Zatoichi will allow you to sheath the sword.
  • Come Demolitore, you can use the Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen to launch off small ramps and go flying! Use it to surprise enemies by charging over their heads.
  • Come Demolitore, the amount of heads you collect with your Eyelander will increase the damage your shield bash does.
  • Come Demolitore, you can use the Sticky Jumper to get to the front lines quickly. Be careful however, as it inflicts no damage at all, requiring you to rely on your primary and melee weapons!
  • Come Demolitore, the Scotsman's Skullcutter will reduce your speed. Consider pairing it with the Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen in order to offset the speed reduction.
  • Come Demolitore, the Persian Persuader converts all ammo pickups into health packs, preventing you from acquiring ammo for your primary and secondary weapons. Make every shot count!

Leaderboard class heavy.png Grosso

  • Come Grosso, hold MOUSE2 in order to keep your Minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies.
  • Come Grosso, you're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medi Gun on you.
  • Come Grosso, your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.
  • Come Grosso, your Sandvich can be a lifesaver. Try to find a safe place before eating your Sandvich or you may be rudely interrupted.
  • Come Grosso, you have more health than any other class on your team. Use this to your advantage by drawing enemy fire and allowing the other classes to flank the enemy.
  • Come Grosso, you don't lose momentum while spinning up your Minigun in the air. Use this to surprise enemies around corners!
  • Come Grosso, use your Sandvich to heal up! Use MOUSE2 to throw it on the ground for friendly players to pick up as health. Don't worry, it comes with a plate to keep it clean.
  • Come Grosso, your fists swing faster than the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Equip them with the Sandvich to quickly dispatch lunchtime attackers.
  • Come Grosso, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting MOUSE2. A dropped Sandvich can heal a teammate similarly to a health kit.
  • Come Grosso, be sure to get another Sandvich if you drop yours. Sandviches can be replenished from health kits, but only if your current health is full.
  • Come Grosso, your Minigun's spin-up time can waste the Killing Gloves of Boxing's five-second critical buff. Carry your Shotgun with the K.G.B. in order to maximize the critical boost!
  • Come Grosso, the Sandvich and the Buffalo Steak Sandvich can be dropped by hitting MOUSE2 and can extinguish burning teammates. Use this to save your Medic.
  • Come Grosso, the Gloves of Running Urgently increase your speed dramatically but drain your health while in use. Use the speed bonus to quickly reach the frontlines or to ambush enemies.
  • Come Grosso, the Brass Beast inflicts additional damage but decreases your mobility while in use. Use it when playing defensively, as you will find it more difficult to successfully pursue fleeing enemies.
  • Come Grosso, the Dalokohs Bar's temporary health increase can be a powerful advantage in battle or help offset the health drain of the Gloves of Running Urgently.
  • Come Grosso, the Fists of Steel's ranged weapon damage reduction helps to counter the threat of enemy Snipers. Use them to protect yourself while moving through open areas!
  • Come Grosso, the Warrior's Spirit will inflict additional damage, which makes them very effective in combat. The penalty is a slight reduction in health however, which may affect your longevity.
  • Come Grosso, the Fists of Steel will dramatically reduce the amount of damage taken from ranged sources while increasing the amount of damage from melee weapons. Use them to push through enemy lines or to close the distance with the enemy.
  • Come Grosso, the Tomislav not only spins up more quickly than the Minigun, it does so silently! Use it to ambush enemies and take them by surprise!
  • Come Grosso, the Natascha will slow down enemies it hits. Use it to support your teammates and increase their damage output.
  • Come Grosso, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!
  • Come Grosso, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Ingegnere

  • Come Ingegnere, use the build tool to place Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters.
  • Come Ingegnere, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen weapons to replenish your supply.
  • Come Ingegnere, hit your Sentry Gun with your Wrench in order to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower.
  • Come Ingegnere, build Dispensers to provide your teammates with health and ammo. They also generate metal for you to use.
  • Come Ingegnere, build Teleporters to help your team reach the frontlines faster.
  • Come Ingegnere, keep an eye out for enemy Spies attaching Electro Sappers to your buildings. Use your Wrench to remove Sappers.
  • Come Ingegnere, help your fellow Engineers! Your Wrench can upgrade or repair their buildings as well as your own.
  • Come Ingegnere, hit your buildings with your Wrench while they are constructing in order to make them build faster.
  • Come Ingegnere, it can be useful to move your buildings forward in order to support your team. Use MOUSE2 to pick up your buildings and carry them.
  • Come Ingegnere, remember to upgrade your buildings. Level 3 Teleporters recharge much faster, allowing your team to keep the pressure on.
  • Come Ingegnere, hit either the entrance or the exit of your Teleporter with your Wrench in order to repair and upgrade both sides.
  • Come Ingegnere, hit MOUSE2 to rotate building blueprints before you hit MOUSE1 to build. Use this in order to orient Teleporters away from walls.
  • Come Ingegnere, you can do more than just maintain your buildings. Use your Shotgun and your Pistol to assist in fights and to defend your buildings.
  • Come Ingegnere, Sentry Guns aren't restricted to just defensive measures. Deploy them quickly in hidden locations in order to aid in an offensive push.
  • Come Ingegnere, remember that disguised enemy Spies can use your Teleporter. Try not to stand on top of your Teleporter exit, especially when upgrading or repairing it.
  • Come Ingegnere, check for Spies with your weapons if someone suspicious approaches.
  • Come Ingegnere, the Short Circuit lets you protect your buildings by eliminating incoming enemy projectiles.
  • Come Ingegnere, the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns build much faster than normal Sentry Guns and require less ammo to build. This makes Combat Mini-Sentry Guns the perfect offensive tool.
  • Come Ingegnere, your Wrangler can be used to greatly extend the range of your Sentry Gun.
  • Come Ingegnere, try to keep your keep your metal reserves full - it can help to save your buildings later on.
  • Come Ingegnere, the Southern Hospitality can be very useful for Spy checking. If you hit an enemy and they start bleeding, you have discovered an enemy Spy.
  • Come Ingegnere, the Jag allows you to construct buildings considerably faster if you hit them while they are under construction. Use the Jag when you need to construct buildings quickly in order to close a hole in your team's defensive line.
  • Come Ingegnere, the Frontier Justice will gain revenge crits for every assist and every enemy killed by your Sentry Gun. Use it to quickly deal with enemies when your Sentry Gun has been destroyed.
  • Come Ingegnere, if you perform three hits successive hits with the Gunslinger, the final blow will be an automatic critical hit. Use this technique to ambush and eliminate stronger classes when you lack support from your team or your Sentry Gun.
  • Come Ingegnere, you can use MOUSE2 in order to pick up your buildings and carry them. Remember that you will move more slowly and be unable to attack when carrying a building however, so be careful!
  • Come Ingegnere, be aware that your building will be destroyed if you are killed while carrying it. Only move your buildings when you are guarded by your team, or it is safe to do so!
  • Come Ingegnere, be careful when switching your melee weapon loadout as doing so will destroy all placed buildings!
  • Come Ingegnere, consider defensive locations that are hard to assault, and use them as staging areas when constructing buildings. Sentry Guns in particular are most effective when placed in the right location.
  • Come Ingegnere, the Widowmaker draws from your limited metal reserves for each shot. Make sure that you take note of ammo box locations and friendly Dispensers to quickly resupply when you need to; also consider equipping the Pistol to be able to deal damage when you can't.
  • Come Ingegnere, the Pomson 6000's projectiles drain the ÜberCharge meter of enemy Medics and the Cloak meter of enemy Spies.
  • Come Ingegnere, activating the Eureka Effect's taunt (G) will teleport you back to spawn and replenish both your health and metal reserves! Use it in conjunction with a Teleporter in order to quickly upgrade and repair buildings on the frontline.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medico

  • Come Medico, use your Medi Gun to heal teammates, and buff them up to 150%% of their normal health.
  • Come Medico, fill your ÜberCharge by healing teammates and then hit MOUSE2 to become invulnerable for a short time.
  • Come Medico, your ÜberCharge makes both you and your Medi Gun target invulnerable for a short time.
  • Come Medico, you can fill your ÜberCharge faster by healing teammates who are more injured.
  • Come Medico, keep alert for teammates calling for your help. Use the Medic arrows onscreen to find them.
  • Come Medico, your ÜberCharge will build much faster during setup time.
  • Come Medico, you cannot capture a Control Point or pick up the Intelligence while invulnerable.
  • Come Medico, heal Soldiers and Demomen at the beginning of a round in order that they can use the extra health to rocket or sticky jump across the map.
  • Come Medico, you can ÜberCharge without a heal target in order to save yourself in dire situations.
  • Come Medico, it's better to use an ÜberCharge too early than lose it by being killed.
  • Come Medico, fool the enemy by using the \ÜberCharge ready!\ voice command in order to pretend you have an ÜberCharge prepared.
  • Come Medico, you can keep multiple targets overhealed allowing them to absorb more damage.
  • Come Medico, your Bonesaw swings 25%% faster than the Übersaw. Use the Bonesaw in defensive situations in which an ÜberCharge isn't as important.
  • Come Medico, remember that syringes travel in arcs and have a travel time. Lead your targets and aim higher in order to land successful hits.
  • Come Medico, remember that critical hits have no effect on Sentry Guns. Use the Kritzkrieg in areas full of players instead.
  • Come Medico, the Übersaw will still increase your ÜberCharge meter if the enemy being hit is a Scout phasing with Bonk! Atomic Punch.
  • Come Medico, using ÜberCharge to be invulnerable to damage does not mean you are free from harm. Watch out for the Pyro's compression blast and explosive knock back.
  • Come Medico, when attacking with an ÜberCharge, try to get Sentry Guns to target you so that your teammates can get close enough to destroy them.
  • Come Medico, your default Syringe Gun automatically heals you over time by 3 health per second compared to the Blutsauger's 1 health per second. Use the Syringe Gun when playing defensively, as the passive healing rate will provide you with an advantage.
  • Come Medico, the Übersaw will not increase your ÜberCharge meter if the enemy being hit is a disguised Spy.
  • Come Medico, the Kritzkrieg's taunt heals 10 health. Use it when there are no health kits or other Medics nearby.
  • Come Medico, pay attention to other Medics on your team. Keeping multiple Medics alive will help keep the rest of the team alive, too.
  • Come Medico, taunting with the Amputator will heal all nearby teammates.
  • Come Medico, your Crusader's Crossbow does damage to enemies or heals teammates upon a successful hit.
  • Come Medico, timing is everything. If it is safe to do so, withhold your ÜberCharge until just the right moment in order to maximize its effectiveness.
  • Come Medico, a successful hit with the Blutsauger will restore three health as well as damage the enemy. Use it when injured, when retreating, when on fire or when playing offensively.
  • Come Medico, the Vita-Saw will retain up to 20% of your ÜberCharge meter if you die before activating it. This can be very useful when attempting to assault a strongly-fortified position with only a small amount of time remaining.
  • Come Medico, the Solemn Vow allows you to see the health of enemies; use this information to identify weakened enemies to your team.
  • Come Medico, the Quick-Fix heals damage rapidly, making it useful for healing multiple teammates quickly; but be aware that you cannot Overheal teammates with it.
  • Come Medico, if you have been separated from your team, call out for a Medic yourself by pressing E to alert nearby teammates to your position.
  • Come Medico, the Overdose increases your speed proportionally to the amount in your ÜberCharge meter! Equip the Overdose when you need to reach the front lines or make a quick escape!

Leaderboard class sniper.png Cecchino

  • Come Cecchino, the longer you spend zoomed while scoped, the more damage the shot will do.
  • Come Cecchino, aim for the head in order to inflict critical damage.
  • Come Cecchino, zoom with the Sniper Rifle by hitting MOUSE2.
  • Come Cecchino, use your secondary Submachine Gun to deal with nearby enemies.
  • Come Cecchino, a fully charged Sniper Rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly.
  • Come Cecchino, your shot will usually miss if the Huntsman is pulled back longer than five seconds. Reset it by hitting MOUSE2.
  • Come Cecchino, Jarate can reveal hidden Spies.
  • Come Cecchino, the Razorback breaks after being stabbed. Grab a new one from a resupply locker.
  • Come Cecchino, your Razorback emits a loud electric sound when a Spy attempts to backstab you. Listen for it!
  • Come Cecchino, use Jarate to douse flames on yourself and on teammates.
  • Come Cecchino, all hits on enemies who have been doused with Jarate are mini-crits.
  • Come Cecchino, the Tribalman's Shiv causes your target to bleed when hit. This can be useful for tracking down Spies.
  • Come Cecchino, the Sydney Sleeper only applies Jarate to enemies. Do not waste your ammo trying to extinguish burning teammates as you would with normal Jarate.
  • Come Cecchino, your Jarate and Bushwacka make the perfect combo. Soak the enemy in Jarate and hit them with the Bushwacka for an automatic critical hit.
  • Come Cecchino, the Sydney Sleeper can kill most classes in one shot at 100% charge.
  • Come Cecchino, Darwin's Danger Shield adds an additional 25 health. Use it when survival is a top priority.
  • Come Cecchino, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in.
  • Come Cecchino, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy if the shot has been charged to 50% or higher, so take your time when shooting.
  • Come Cecchino, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot.
  • Come Cecchino, missing will only deduct a headshot from the Bazaar Bargain's counter if the shot was taken while scoped. Consider \No-Scoping\ risky targets to preserve accumulated heads.
  • Come Cecchino, with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult.
  • Come Cecchino, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spia

  • Come Spia, use your Knife/it to backstab/it enemies from behind, killing them instantly.
  • Come Spia, disguise yourself as an enemy with your Disguise Kit/it. Beware, attacking will remove your disguise.
  • Come Spia, hit MOUSE2 to Cloak/it and become fully invisible for a short period of time.
  • Come Spia, use your Cloak to get behind enemy lines, and your disguise to move around amongst them.
  • Come Spia, try to act like an enemy while disguised. Observe where enemy team members are, and disguise as one of them.
  • Come Spia, place your Electro Sappers/it on enemy Sentry Gun/it in order to destroy them. Note that disguises aren't lost when placing Sappers.
  • Come Spia, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Sap a Sentry Gun before attacking the Engineer.
  • Come Spia, call for enemy Medics by hitting E while disguised.
  • Come Spia, be careful when using voice commands/it while disguised. The enemy team will see them said in the text chat by whomever you're disguised as.
  • Come Spia, the Ambassador/it does not inflict critical headshots when cooling down. Make each shot precise and timed in order to inflict maximum damage.s a Spy
  • Come Spia, try not to be hit by flames when arming the Dead Ringer/it, or else the flames may hit you again and reveal your location.
  • Come Spia, cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies.
  • Come Spia, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge your Cloak when using the default Invisibility Watch/it or the Dead Ringer.
  • Come Spia, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak in order to regain lost charge.
  • Come Spia, your silhouette can be seen if you move around while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger/it for too long. Find a safe spot to sit and recharge.
  • Come Spia, the Dead Ringer makes a very loud noise when uncloaking. Find a safe place away from enemies to uncloak.
  • Come Spia, disguise as your own team by hitting the - key. Use this in friendly areas or with the Dead Ringer in order to hide your presence from the enemy.
  • Come Spia, hit B while already disguised to change the weapon your disguise is holding.
  • Come Spia, hit B in order to automatically assume the last disguise you previously used.
  • Come Spia, you can take enemy Teleporters/it while disguised. Surprise!
  • Come Spia, bumping into enemies while cloaked makes you slightly visible to everyone.
  • Come Spia, if you're set on fire while cloaked, the enemy can see you!
  • Come Spia, use your Revolver/it to pick off targets that are low on health, or to deal with classes that are dangerous to get near, such as Pyros.
  • Come Spia, if you are quick, you can stab an Engineer and then sap his Sentry Gun before it turns around and shoots you.
  • Come Spia, the Dead Ringer significantly reduces the amount of damage taken from all attacks while you are invisible.
  • Come Spia, avoid taking fall damage/it as it will give away your location!
  • Come Spia, your Electro Sappers sap both ends of a Teleporter. Try sapping the end that the Engineer isn't guarding.
  • Come Spia, your Dead Ringer can be used to fake your own death. Try to use it when you're weak, otherwise it may be wasted or too obvious.
  • Come Spia, reloading your Revolver will mimic the reload action of the weapon carried by your current disguise.
  • Come Spia, if you're too slow to sap a Sentry Gun after backstabbing an Engineer, you can Cloak or hide behind his Dispenser/it.
  • Come Spia, Your Eternal Reward/it automatically disguises you as the person you most recently backstabbed. Be aware that you will lose your disguise upon death or when attacking, however.
  • Come Spia, you can see enemies' health. Use this information to target weakened enemies with your Revolver.
  • Come Spia, the L'Etranger/it adds to your Cloak's battery when you successfully hit an enemy.
  • Come Spia, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Communicate with your team, and sap a Sentry Gun just before your teammates attack. This will prevent the Sentry from firing, and also make it more difficult for an Engineer to repair it.
  • Come Spia, the Conniver's Kunai/it allows you to absorb the current health of your victim upon a successful backstab. Be wary however, as your base health will be drastically reduced when using this weapon, so be sure to remain undetected!
  • Come Spia, a good technique is to backstab enemies that are alone or are otherwise vulnerable. Always check your surroundings before backstabbing an enemy in order to ensure that you remain undetected.
  • Come Spia, you can activate your Dead Ringer with fall damage. Feign a careless death!
  • Come Spia, Sanguinamento, Giarate, Latte pazzo, and emerging from water will reveal you while you're cloaked.
  • Come Spia, the Diamondback inflicts less damage, but will store a guaranteed Critical Hit for every building destroyed by your Electro Sappers. Destroy an Engineer's buildings before confronting him, and you will have a significant advantage!
  • Come Spia, the Vigilante increases the amount of time needed to activate your Cloak. Maintain your distance in order to have adequate time to completely Cloak.
  • Come Spia, taking any fire damage when using the Spy-cicle/it will melt the weapon, requiring you to wait before you can use it again.


  • Keep an eye on the player count at the top of the screen in order to tell if your team has an advantage.
  • There are very few sources of replenishing your health in Arena, so be sure to protect your Medics and Engineers!
  • Il punto di controllo nel mezzo della mappa diventerà attivo dopo 60 secondi dall' inizio della partita.
  • Non rientri in gioco in Arena, qundi non morire!
  • No single class is the most important in Arena. Focus on countering the other team's entire composition.
  • Puoi cambiare classe all' inizio di una partita Arena prima che le porte vengano aperte.
  • Come Ingegnere, costruisci Dispensers per guarire i compagni di squadra.
  • Come Medico, la tua UberCarica non viene conservata se viene usato il Vita-Saw.
  • Come Pyro, controlla i compagni di squadra vigorosamente per evitare spie che danno all' altra squadra un vantaggio strategico.