Community Decoy strategy/ru
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Community Decoy strategy | |
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Информация | |
Автор(-ы): | Неизвестно |
Информация о карте | |
Окружение: | Desert |
Условия: | Daylight, sunny |
Снимки карты | |
This article is about Community Decoy strategy.
Основная Стратегия (Все классы)
- Основные пути продвижения роботов и танков проходят по сторонам здания посередине и по мостам, но не забывайте про верхние пути, где роботы могут проскользнуть через вашу оборону.
- Если вы собираетесь сражаться с роботами в котловине, куда они спрыгивают в начале волн, подумайте об улучшении Высоты Прыжка. Оно позволит вам забраться на камни слева в этой котловине и добраться до верхнего уровня без особых усилий.
- Перед вашей базой находится небольшой каньон. Если вам понадобится время, столкните робота с бомбой вниз.
- Later waves will often overrun the spawn point, so it's best to prepare between waves or have someone clear the area periodically.
- Если вы были оттеснены роботами назад, к точке сброса бомбы, помните, что мосты-хорошая оборонная позиция, хоть она и зависит от пути роботов с бомбами и того, прошли роботы эти мосты или нет.
- Атаки и пули блокируются забором-рабицей перед точкой возрождения, так что они безопасны для наблюдения за роботами и обнаружением роботов-снайперов.
- Вы можете вести огонь из здания в центре карты через окна, так же вы можете взять среднюю коробку с патронами если понадобятся патроны или металл, и использовать стены как прикрытие. Несмотря на все плюсы, окна слишком узки чтобы запрыгнуть внутрь, поэтому заходите в него только чтобы скрыться от роботов.
- У зданий есть несколько уровней, удобных для побега игроков от роботов. Будьте осторожны даже там, ведь роботы в некоторых волнах могут попасть к вам (особенно волны с большим количеством роботов-разведчиков).
Class-specific strategy
- Invest in fast reload before upgrading clip size as rockets are loaded one by one. The Giant Robots can be quickly killed with a Critical Hit Boost Canteen or two, and you'll need to be able to fire more rockets to make use of the five seconds of critical hits.
- If you have the Buff Banner equipped and your Rage meter is full, fall back to a Dispenser or ammo pack while reloading. Once you've loaded up, use the Buff Banner to boost yourself and your teammates.
- Soldiers, along with Pyros and Stickybomb Launcher/Scottish Resistance Demomen, are effective at defending the spawn point if the team is pushed back, since they can quickly fire at robots about to deploy the bomb without needing to aim well.
- Defense-oriented Pyros should focus on upgrading airblast to make sending the bomb into the ravine much easier and slowing down bomb carriers from deploying the bomb.
- When Spy bots arrive on the map, fall back to the Engineer's Sentry Gun, possibly with a Homewrecker, to keep his nest intact as long as possible, and remember to Spy check all teammates.
- Upgrading the primary weapon's afterburn damage and duration followed by attack power will help early waves, while waiting until later waves to upgrade Pyro's airblast and bullet resistance will help defend against the giant robots.
- Once a Tank enters the area, attack constantly and use any Crit Boost Canteens on hand while using the Tank as cover from any robots following behind.
- While it's the Engineer's job to move his Sentry when a Sentry Buster is attacking, a decent Pyro with enough ammo can juggle the Sentry Buster into the air where others can help destroy it and give time for the Engineer to move his buildings if he needs to.
- In front of the middle 'MANN CO.' building where the main bomb path splits, the corner can be used as a prime safe retreat, where an Engineer should have a Dispenser setup you can defend. You can also use the corner to surprise enemies and juggle them.
- Once outside the base, there is a wire fence that ends at the bridge's exit, another safe zone where you can wait for attacking bots to run into your flame while avoiding Soldier and Heavy robots' barrage. It is also a good area to wait for the bomb carrier to arrive, so you can airblast it off the bridge.
- The main entrance, between the middle hallway on the map, both bridges, and the bomb hatch are the main choke points where stickybombs are most effective.
- If you are going to attack robots near where they spawn, use the stairs on the right to get to high ground, where robots are less likely to run through. However, watch for Scout rushes, as they sometimes use that high ground to run through.
- The Scottish Resistance can be used to place several groups of stickies simultaneously, which can be detonated as needed. Place several crit-boosted stickybombs at the front entrance, and another few stickybombs on both of the bridges. Monitor the progression of the bomb-carrier and detonate your bombs if the bomb-carrier manages to break through your defenses.
- Demomen are very effective when it comes to eliminating Über Medics. Place your stickybombs beneath the cliff where the robots spawn, and detonate them once the Medics drop down. Both grouping and timing are important, as merely damaging a Medic will cause him to Übercharge, costing your team valuable time. Shooting stickybombs in a circular pattern toward the right side of the landing zone roughly three feet out from the fence renders the most consistent results.
- The Heavy's primary role in Mann vs Machine is a defensive linebreaker; this is no exception in Decoy.
- Narrow chokepoints, such as the bridges over the ravine, are where you will excel at defending.
- Consider using Natascha to slow down speedy robots such as Super Scouts and Pyros for your team to finish off. When combined with knockback rage and penetration, you become a sublime mob control unit.
- Before each wave, there will be blue arrows showing the path the robots will take to reach the bomb. Consider deploying your Sentry Gun behind the building where the hallway opens but on the opposite side of the preset path, e.g. if the robots' path goes left, leave your Sentry on the right. The majority of robots will try to follow that path if they can, so they will be less likely to turn towards your Sentry Gun.
- If you have a disposable Mini-Sentry, set it up at a corner of the path where the robots will go through. If your Mini-Sentry is destroyed, you can use those kills as revenge crits for your Frontier Justice, if you have one, without having to sacrifice your Sentry Gun.
- The middle 'Mann Co.' building and corner where the main bomb path splits are great Dispenser locations.
- When falling back towards the base, set up your buildings where the rear health kit and ammo box are so you can grab more metal if you need, and your Sentry Gun will be shielded the most.
- Purchasing Explosive Headshots can be useful when aiming at chokepoints to the left and right of the central 'Mann Co.' building or at the robot spawn.
- The top of the central 'Mann Co.' building is a good vantage point, but you will probably need to sidestep rocket fire and you will be vulnerable to Spies coming up the ramp behind you. Consider equipping the Razorback for rounds with Spies if you are having trouble with backstabs, as you cannot afford to have a teammate constantly watch the ramp for you.
- Sniper Robots will often take up positions on the bridge over the robot spawn and on the walkway under the 'CACTUS VALLEY' sign to the left of the path split. Deal with these quickly.