Community Nucleus (Arena) strategy

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Nucleus (Arena) strategy.

Community Nucleus (Arena) strategy
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Spytech
Setting: Indoor
Hazards: Pit
Map Photos
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General (All Classes)

  • Players moving through open areas of Nucleus should be cautious of enemy Snipers, who can kill higher priority targets very early into the round as players leave the spawn. Going into the doorway nearest the spawn is a good way to avoid them.
  • The roof on one side of the map has an opening on the top, giving Soldiers and Demomen an opportunity to do much damage without being noticed.
  • The Medkit on this map is extremely valuable as it will heal half of your maximum life. This can mean the difference between life and death.
  • The Medkit can also be a good ambushing position as most enemies going for it will have low health and will be easy to finish off before they reach it.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Scouts with the Force-A-Nature can knock their opponents into the center pit, resulting in an instant death. This also works for Soldiers and Demomen, although that is more difficult.
  • There are many fast routes in the map that are ideal for Scouts. Jumping over the chasm can provide a quick escape from an enemy. The medium health pickup is only two jumps away from almost any point on the map, seeing as it's placed low and in the middle.
  • At the start of a round, Scouts are able to jump on the roof of a low building to the right or to the left as they leave spawn depending on which team you are on (BLU = Left, RED = Right). This allows access to a fast route to the other team's spawn area. Be advised that Soldiers and Demomen may favour this route as well.
  • It is possible, albeit highly difficult, to escape from the lower platform of the map to the surrounding ledges as a Scout by double jumping and crouching as you approach the edge of the ledges. This technique is made much simpler through use of the Force-A-Nature or the Atomizer, though it can be performed by any Scout, regardless of loadout.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • Take advantage of your equipped (excluding the Direct Hit) Rocket Launcher's large splash damage to juggle enemies into the pit.
  • As with all Arena maps, banners are risky as they are very difficult to build rage with.
  • The Black Box gives you 15 hitpoints every time you hit someone, regardless of how much damage you actually do. This could prove to be invaluable on a team without Engineers or Medics.
  • The Direct Hit is an interesting option on this map, as it allows you to possibly injure an enemy Sniper at the start of the round.
    • The Direct Hit also allows for useful application of the Gunboats, allowing you to climb to the roofs effectively giving you a much larger field of view at little cost to health.
  • The Concheror is a good banner to use if you decide to use a banner. It takes less damage to activate, and provides health on hit; a much needed supply of.
  • The Reserve Shooter can be a good choice on this map as many people jump to reach the Medkit, and this can be exploited by quickly pulling out the Reserve Shooter to finish off injured enemies with the Mini Crits.
  • The Equalizer can provide a strong last stand and The Escape Plan can provide a quick escape when at low health.
  • On a team with no Medics, the Half-Zatoichi can be used as a means to replenish your health, but keep in mind, once drawn you cannot change your weapon and have to kill an enemy in order to use any other weapon.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • As a Pyro, try to stay around the Health Pack on the bottom walkway and use the compression blast to push any enemies going for it into the pit. The lack of health on the map makes this an effective strategy.
  • The majority of this map is indoors. Use that to your advantage by catching opponents off guard around corners or trapping them with your compression blast against a wall.
  • As this map is large, the Flare Gun may be more effective than the Shotgun to ignite enemies on the other side of the map.
    • The Flare Gun can be used at the start of the round to ignite enemies leaving the spawn on the other side of the map.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Remember that as a Demoman, your Stickybombs will not stick to the extending walkways leading up to the control point, and will instead bounce off.
  • Often people use the Demoman to sticky jump across the map at the beginning in an attempt to get first blood by catching the enemy team off guard. This can be done most effectively with the Ullapool Caber.
    • This is easily achieved with the use of the Sticky Jumper. The enemy can then be ambushed with grenades as they come out of their spawn.
  • Sticky Traps are useful when placed on the Medkit, this can be good when finishing off injured enemies.
  • The small catwalk where the Medkit is located can be a very strategic position. Grenades or stickybombs can be lobbed upwards onto the control point, which can be useful when attempting to clear enemies off the point. However, it is very hard to judge where your grenades or stickybombs will land. It is also a potentially vunerable position, as the explosion from a rocket or an airblast can easily push you into the pit.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • This map allows for successful Heavy ambushes, as the narrow catwalks leading to the center Control Point give enemies no space to avoid the Minigun.
  • Natascha is a great choice for Heavies on this map. The speed reduction allows for you to kill, or severely injure many players either trying to get health, or trying to capture the point.
  • The Sandvich and the Buffalo Steak Sandvich can be dropped by pressing alt-fire as a medium health pack to be given to your teammates on a team without Medics or used as quick healing to protect yourself from Spies or incoming threats.
  • The Hibernating Bear set can be used to protect yourself from the players who get the First Blood crit buff.
  • The Fists of Steel can allow you to make a safe retreat.
  • The Brass Beast is not advised on this map as on all arena maps because the slow movement speed while revved and the lengthy rev up time makes you an easy target for Spies, Snipers and enemy Heavies using the Minigun.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • As the Engineer, you can deploy a Sentry Gun or a Mini-Sentrynear the medkit, which finishes off any enemies with low health trying to get to the medkit. Sentry Guns can also be placed on the catwalks leading to the point. Although Sentrys will be largely exposed to enemy fire if placed on the catwalk, unaware or slow enemies may fall prey to your Sentry Gun.
  • Sentry Guns are extremely effective when used in the Flank Building.
  • An effective tactic is to build a Mini-Sentry on a roof. To do this, build a Sentry near the roof in the beginning of a round, then jump on it and do a Wrangler jump to the roof. Build a Dispenser and a Sentry there. It is better to take some ammo after building a Sentry near the roof, so that you can build a Dispenser there immediately.
    • Don't forget to watch for Scouts and Rocket Jumping Soldiers. They can prevent you from staying there.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • Medics are invaluable on this map for Buffs, so the Soldier and/or the Demoman can Rocket-Jump or Sticky-Jump to the roof without incurring damage.
  • Health packs on this map are few and far between. If your teammates are not utilising rocket or sticky jumps for travel, consider using the Quick-Fix to keep your teammates alive more comfortably. The Quick-Fix is especially useful here as players can still capture and defend whilst charged with it, and Engineers rarely have Sentry Guns in an appropriate position for defending the point.
  • The range of the Syringe Gun means that the Medic can attack enemies on the central point from the other end of any of the access bridges. If the point is being captured, there are several enemies on it, or you do not have a teammate nearby better suited to clearing the point, consider doing it yourself with your primary weapon.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • At the start of a round, run out of Spawn and go to the right, you should have a good position to headshot any enemies running for the stairs.
  • A good Sniper position is on the second floor of the access building, as there is good view of the map.
    • Spy check after you do every shot, as Spies can easily access the second floor of the building.
  • The Croc-O-Style set bonus is a great way to prevent enemy Snipers from taking you out of the game early, as Nucleus is a very pro-Sniper map.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • Though overall a good map for Spies, the circular nature of the map disrupts line of sight, meaning you have little warning before enemies are suddenly upon you.
  • It's effective to camp at the side stairs in the Access Building as you may be able to pull off a Stair Stab on unsuspecting enemies.
  • Staying near the medkit could let you pick off already weakened enemies with your Revolver.

See also