User:ShunyValdez/Community Spy strategy

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Cleanup of Community_Spy_strategy. My aim is to make it easier to read.

General Tips and Tricks

  • Your Cloak and Disguises take 1 second to fully activate. During this time, you can't use any weapons. Watch your class image at the bottom left corner of the screen to see when your disguise is complete or if your cloak is depleted.
  • When you disguise or change disguise, your body will be covered by smoke puffs visible to everyone, including your enemies. If you are cloaked, this smoke can only be seen by teammates.
    • If you have the Dead Ringer equipped, the smoke will linger if you disguise shortly before you are "killed," making it immediately obvious that you are still alive.
  • Change your disguise after you are discovered. Assume that the enemy team is aware of your previous disguise and will be looking for you.
  • After uncloaking, there is a three second cooldown period where you can't use any weapons.
  • The default Invisibility Watch takes 1 second to fully Cloak and 1 second to fully uncloak, with 10 seconds of Cloak time from start to finish, effectively providing about 8 seconds of full cloaking. Without refills, it will take 30 seconds for the charge to go from empty to a full.
  • Any source of ammunition, including metal from destroyed buildings, will recharge Cloak time for the Invisibility Watch and the Dead Ringer, even if they are active. Dispensers will also restore Cloak time, however, only Level 2 Dispensers and higher can restore Cloak time when cloaking is active; Level 1 Dispensers will only maintain the current level of charge. You must be using an enemy disguise to use enemy Dispensers, but friendly Dispensers will heal and refill your ammo and Cloak charge regardless of Disguise. The bomb cart Dispenser on Payload maps will NOT refill your Cloak meter while cloaked.
  • Use your enemy's blind spots such as around the corner or behind them to recharge your Cloak.
  • Avoid broadcasting the obvious signs of an enemy Spy. The following are example of an obvious Spy:
  • You can trick spychecking players by acting normally when you are shot and not looking at them. This will not work against a pyro
  • If someone start shooting at you, use your Cloak to escape. You can also try killing them with your Revolver if they have low health and has no backup.
  • While disguised, enemy Sentry Guns will not attack you and you can use enemy Dispensers.
  • While disguised, enemy Medics can heal you.
  • Even while disguised, you can still be harmed or killed by an enemy Sentry if it hits you while its shooting at your teammates.
  • The most dangerous counter-class against the spy is the Pyro. Avoid them at all costs. They are as fast as you and their flames make your Cloak useless. Pyros loves to spy-check and will puff flames everywhere. Bump into a pyro and they will immediately light you up.
  • Backstabs are a spy's best option for killing targets. If you are not in range for the knife, either use your Revolver or run away.
  • Don't underestimate the power of the Revolver. If you're being chased, run backwards while side-strafing and firing at your opponent.
  • Use the Revolver for sniping. A Spy makes a decent Sniper; at long range, damage is low but he has a good rate of fire and excellent accuracy.
  • One of the best ways to stop an enemy rush is to backstab the Medics. If they are close to a full Übercharge, it will be beneficial to the team if you kill the medic, even at the cost of your life.
  • If you happen to run into a Heavy and Medic pair, use your judgment in picking your target. If many enemies are around, the Medic is a higher priority as he can keep everyone healed. If the pair are on their own, stabbing the Heavy will leave the Medic completely defenseless. If the pair is pinning down a group of allies, it is best to kill the Heavy and allow your team to advance and possibly kill the Medic if you weren't able to.
  • Snipers and Heavies with no backups are the easiest targets for Spies.
  • The perfect time for an attack is when they are distracted.
  • To remove any suspicion that your team has a spy, you can disguise yourself as a friendly class.
  • If you step onto the enemy Intelligence, you will immediately pick it up and lose your disguise. You can drop the Intelligence by pressing the dropitem key (default key is L)
  • You cannot pick up the enemy Intelligence while cloaked.
  • To the enemy team, your disguised name will be of their teammate with the same class as your current disguise. If the enemy team don't have a player with your disguise, your name would be a random player from the enemy team.
  • You can change disguise to change your disguised name at any time. Just be sure that you are not seen.
  • If an enemy sees you Cloak, you can stay in course and then head another way.
  • Your disguise's health level will be the same as the health of the player you disguised as at the moment you equip the disguise. As such, if the disguised class is overhealed, to the enemy team, you are permanently overhealed.
  • You can increase your disguise's health level if you are healed by a Medic, standing near a Dispenser, or by picking up a medkit.
  • You will pick up medkits even if your disguise health is full, so try not to use them around enemies unless wounded as it may look suspicious that you picked up the medkit despite being at full health.
  • While you are disguised, your disguise will wear the same equipment as your target including their hats and misc items.
  • While wearing an enemy disguise, Spies can see enemy names and health. Spies can also see enemy Engineer's building's stats, including health and upgrade status.
    • If you notice an enemy with low health and they have no backup or is running towards a medkit, you can try killing them with your Revolver.
    • You can also spot enemy Spies this way! Enemy Spies using Cloak, regardless of their disguise, will show the Spies name and health. Of course, as you cannot see them, you'll need to scan around to keep a track of him, but this can be a great asset to your team by keeping a running tab on a dastardly Spy and keep your Medics and Engineers safe from their backstabbery! Be wary, though, as Spies using your team's disguise (same color as you) can also spot you too! Keep in mind that you need to assume an enemy disguise to see the Spy (friendly disguises or your normal Spy mode won't activate the enemy name and health display when you mouse over them).
    • You can also see the Medic's ÜberCharge / Kritzkrieg charge status. Coordinate with your teammates so they would be aware of a possible push.
  • Remember that all your weapons except for the Electric Sapper makes a loud and identifiable noise.
  • Be wary of long drops while cloaked; your enemies can see the blood particle effect and hear the cracking sound of your fall damage.
  • To scare away enemy Spies, disguise as a Pyro of your own team.
  • If an enemy Medic starts to heal you and you notice that their ÜberCharge is full, run towards your team mates while yelling for an Ubercharge. If the Medic fell for the trick, he would run with you, expecting you to kill the "enemy" team.
  • Be wary on servers with sv_alltalk set to 1, as your voice bubble is visible to enemies even if cloaked.
    • Most servers with alltalk on allow players to individually turn it off (usually by saying "/voiceall", but it varies); be sure to do this before changing to Spy. If you can't, use the Cloak and Dagger and stick to team chat.
  • Spies can choose which disguised weapon they display to the opposing team. This will allow for more convincing disguises. An example tactic is having the Kukri out as a Sniper when moving through compact and enclosed spaces, where using a Rifle wouldn't make sense.
  • Try to single out the better enemy players and target them for assassination. Sometimes you can stop a push in its tracks by killing the good player acting as its mainspring.
  • If you are being pursued by an enemy and want to make a quick escape, a great tactic is let the enemy see you round a corner. Right as you begin to round the corner though (Allowing the enemy see you going in that direction), activate your Cloak and quickly turn and run towards and around the enemy. This illusion makes the enemy believe you are still running in the direction you chose and might continue that path trying to find you. However, in reality you've turned and ran right at/past them and are long gone. This maneuver can also be used to get behind the enemy for a quick backstab, although since they are on alert for a enemy Spy, its best used as a get away tactic.
  • Choose your targets carefully when attacking a large group of enemies. Depending on the situation, it might be better to stab only one or two and running away.

  • When targeting an enemy Engineer and his sentry:
    • if the Engineer is behind his sentry: Go outside the Sentry's line of sight, stab the Engineer and then sap the Sentry Gun.
    • if the Engineer is away: Sap the Sentry Gun and stab the Engineer as he comes back. If the Engineer is distracted and there is no immediate threat, you can use your revolver to damage the buildings while they are being sapped. If you see that enemy backups are arriving, hide immediately. The backups will notice the sapped building and will actively spy-check.
    • During an attack, the Engineer and his team will be distracted. This will be the perfect opportunity to kill and destroy.
    • when camping a Sentry Gun nest and the Engineer is nowhere to be seen, mouse over a building to find his name and check the scoreboard to see whether he's dead. If he's stuck in spawn you'll often be able destroy his toys with impunity.
    • See the Against Engineers section for more strategies against this specific class.
    • Weapon switching is done by pressing the "Last Disguise Used" button.
      • Holding out the Revolver will change your "fake" weapon to that class's primary weapon.
      • Holding out the Electro Sapper will change your "fake" weapon to that class's secondary weapon. ***Holding out the Knife will change your "fake" weapon to that class's melee weapon.
    • Weapon switching is instantaneous and does not emit any smoke or shimmers. To the enemy team, it will look as if the class had switched weapons. Use this to your advantage in further confusing your foes.
    • You'll only be able to hold out the primary, secondary or melee weapons; the Engineer's PDA, Destruction Remote Control, Toolbox (right before placing a building), the Spy's Disguise Kit and Electro Sapper tool will not be available for you to use as your "fake" weapon.
  • Once in the enemy's base, communicate with your own team. You are in a good position to report Sentry Gun placements, the routes enemies are using. Note that on alltalk servers, your speech bubble is your own team color even when cloaked.

Weapon Specifics


Item icon Knife.png

  • When you are in range for a successful backstab, the Spy will ready his Knife for a stab with a reverse-grip stance. If the Spy doesn't have his Knife in a reverse-grip, you may perform a low-damage slash instead. Look for the change in grip before attempting a backstab if you're unsure if the backstab will actually register.
  • Although a backstab grip guarantees a backstab, many other pokes will register a backstab as well. As long as your stab connects with the enemy's rear-facing half, any swipe or poke should kill him. This allows many advanced techniques, including quick passing stabs, stair-stabs, and more.
  • Always remember the Knife does pitiful damage and cannot Crit outside of backstabs. In most scenarios, you should switch to the Revolver to fight enemies once you've been discovered. Even in close range, the Revolver is significantly more powerful than non-backstab Knife swipes.
  • Because a backstab is always a Critical hit, enemies killed by a Knife backstab will always emit a blood-curdling scream upon death. It is important when killing an enemy that you have a plan to either run from or kill nearby foes as soon as you perform your first stab.
  • While you can use disguises or binds to remove an enemy disguise, a quick swipe of the Knife into thin air is usually the fastest way to silently drop your disguise. This can be useful when performing covert Capture Point maneuvers.
  • Before backstabbing a Sniper, make sure the Sniper doesn't have the Razorback. If he does have the Razorback, shoot him with the Revolver or the Ambassador. When the Sniper is under attack, it will take him a while to react and fight back giving you plenty of time to finish him off. It's also very easy to headshot a still Sniper from behind.
  • When discovered, an advanced technique to help fend off the pursuer is to run up a slope, jump over the head of the pursuer, do a 180 degree turn, crouch, and backstab him. This is commonly called the stairstab. [1]

Your Eternal Reward

Item icon Your Eternal Reward.png

  • The lack of ability to choose your disguise while using this weapon means a greater reliance upon cloaking efficiently and choosing good hiding places.
  • Choose your attacks wisely when faced with a large group. A misplaced backstab will get rid of your disguise until you land a successful backstab, something that may be difficult once you've been discovered/exposed.
  • Kills with Your Eternal Reward are truly silent; your poor foe will make no noise at all when he is killed with this weapon.
  • This weapon is extremely well-suited for taking out Sentry Gun placements when you already have a disguise. You can backstab the Engineer and the Sentry Gun won't detect your presence between disguises. Afterwards, you can sap the buildings.
  • Wait around an area in which opponents are looking forward to push. Surprisingly, this weapon works incredibly well in the initial clusters of an enemy push. By waiting and assimilating an opponent's guise in a pack of enemies quickly, usually the one who is the slowest, one can assume his identity almost instantly without raising any suspicion in those around him. During firefights is also a wise time, as their attention will be focused on what is in front of them, and not behind them.
  • If you do not have the full Polycount set, it is a good idea to use the original default Cloak, because it produces less noise than the Cloak & Dagger.
  • Using the full polycount set, the reduced de-cloaking noise bonus helps counter the Dead Ringer's loud de-Cloak sound. Use this to your advantage.
  • Using Your Eternal Reward is especially efficient on Payload maps. Most of the enemy team will be distracted by the cart, making it easier to backstab either the attacking or defending team.
  • When using Your Eternal Reward on Control Point maps, be wary when defending the final point. Because the Eternal Reward disguises instantaneously, stabbing enemies capping your last point will not disrupt the cap. This can allow for survivors to continue to cap while you frantically try to stab them. If your objective is to stop the cap rather than kill, using your Revolver is the best response.
  • Prior to obtaining your first disguise, look for enemies who are separated from the rest of their team. Once you stab them and obtain their identity, approach their front lines from behind. This will allow you to rapidly disguise on each kill, eliminating members of their team while staying safe from any Sentry Guns in the area.
  • Try to prioritize which disguise you want to use first over the kills you want, as using obvious disguises (such as Scout) or slow ones (Heavy or Soldier) will restrict your movement between areas a lot more and you will be unable to move as you like without losing the disguise.
  • If you are stuck with a slower disguise (Soldier, Heavy, Demoman), remember that you can Cloak at any time to move at normal walking speed. Your disguised speed will resume when you uncloak. If the disguise is inappropriate for the situation, you can remove the disguise manually by swinging your knife.
  • Because backstabs with Your Eternal Reward makes the corpses disappear and instantly disguises you, you can get away with backstabbing in front of a group of enemies without being noticed, but be aware of that the killicon appears when you kill them.
  • If you're already disguised, backstab a Medic's healing target and proceed forward as if nothing had happened.
  • The Cloak and Dagger works well with this knife, since you can search for people to backstab and disguise without having fear of being exposed.
  • With the use of a Cloak and Dagger with Your Eternal Reward you can potentially crush any enemy opposition by setting up near a largely used path way. Hide in a nice little nook where you know your enemies will pass by. When you spot a straggler, take him down with a backstab. You'll disguise yourself as him and easily slip in behind your enemies. Dish out as many backstabs as you can before getting caught. Once you are caught, bail out and Cloak until the coast is clear.
  • Your Eternal Reward gives players less flexibility in fending off close encounters. Even if the target that was chasing you has died, you are left without a disguise if a backstab wasn't performed.
  • If a Medic's heal target was killed by Your Eternal Reward, the Spy will instantly become the new heal target. This will not only put players in a safer position to blend in amongst the group, but they will also be overhealed. However, an observant Medic can notice his heal target's name at the kill notifications corner. It is best to take over when the Medic isn't looking at his target such as when they are around the corner.
  • Due to the speed of the disguise, it is possible to backstab enemy players while being übercharged by an enemy Medic without breaking the ÜberCharge.

Electro Sapper

Item icon Electro Sapper.png

  • The Electro Sapper is a tool used to take down an Engineer's buildings. There is an unlimited supply of these Sappers, and there is no "reload" delay between placing them. Thus a Spy can continuously sap a building until it has been destroyed.
  • Even if an Engineer is removing the sappers, a new one immediately replaces it. During the time it takes to remove a sapper, it will continuously deal damage to the building.
  • Holding MOUSE1 when approaching a building will place the Electro Sapper as soon as you are in range. This tactic also allows you to replace an Electro Sapper immediately after an Engineer removes it.
  • The Electro Sapper has a significant vertical range in addition to its horizontal range. In many instances, you may be able to sap a building from well below or above it, allowing you to confuse its Engineer. This method may also permit you to more safely retreat from the scene of the crime if your sabotage efforts are interrupted. <--needs pictures/references -->
  • The Homewrecker allows Pyros to remove Electro Sappers from Engineer buildings. Combined with their Flamethrower's Spy-checking ability, it is advised to either eliminate these Pyros or choose another target.
  • It is possible to stab an Engineer, then quickly sap the Sentry Gun. When attempting this, it is recommended that you circle strafe away from the sentry to gain more time to sap.
  • It can also be rapidly deployed to slowly destroy buildings while the engineer removes them.

Invisibility Watch / Enthusiast's Timepiece

Item icon Invisibility Watch.png Item icon Enthusiast's Timepiece.png

  • Cloaking is the Spy's special ability. Right clicking (by default) activates the Cloak, which renders the Spy fully invisible for enemy players. Friendly players can still see an outline around him. When cloaked, you can not use any of your weapons. Taking damage or running into an enemy will make the Spy flicker for a very brief period of time.
  • The Cloak is used to get into an enemy base or to flee an unfavorable situation.
  • Cloaking takes 1 full second and uncloaking takes 3 during which you can be recognized by the enemy. Therefore, it is advisable to look for a safe and covered spot to uncloak. See the Cloak article for a more detailed explanation.
  • The margin of error with the Invisibility Watch is small. Plot your courses carefully; approach targets as if being spotted will result in instant death. Don't be afraid to retreat if the situation is dangerous.
  • The Invisibility Watch allows the most mobility when cloaked. Picking up ammo boxes, fallen weapons or scrap metal from destroyed buildings will add to your mobility.
  • When detected, attempt to feign the direction in which you will retreat. If you run toward an exit while cloaking followed immediately by moving in another direction when fully invisible, the enemy is likely to pursue you along the path you appeared to use.
  • Grab metal whenever you can. Stealing an enemy engineer's ammo box can sabotage their defense. Observant enemies can detect an ammo box inexplicably disappearing.
  • When waiting in the enemy base, hiding near an enemy Dispenser is a good way to emulate the Cloak and Dagger's effect, given you are disguised. This eliminates the need to hide to recharge your cloak or search for metal drops, and can pass time waiting for the right moment to attack or sap the Engineer's base.
  • Take note of shortcuts and ammo box locations. These can save your life.
  • Among the Spy's three watches, the Invisibility Watch creates the least amount of noise when decloaking. However, you will be heard if you decloak directly behind an enemy, unless you are wearing the The Sarahan Spy set.

Cloak and Dagger

Item icon Cloak and Dagger.png

  • The Cloak and Dagger's Cloak time while moving is shorter than the Invisibility Watch.
  • Despite being less focused on movement, the Cloak and Dagger can be preferable to take on maps with not enough ammo boxes to get you past a large enemy front.
  • The Cloak drain is based on how fast you are moving, however, it is capped at the Spy's normal walking speed, so moving any faster than that will not increase the drain rate.
  • Crouching while moving can minimize the Cloak drain.
  • You cannot pick up ammo boxes to replenish your Cloak and Dagger. Be sure to take this into account when attempting to infiltrate the enemy base.
  • With the Cloak and Dagger, Spies can safely report important information to their team, such as the locations of Enemy Sentry Guns or Offensive Pushes, with a much lower risk of getting caught.
  • If you can find a good vantage point where you can see incoming enemy troops, you can relay off what's coming in to alert your team to the enemy team's movement. If necessarily, you can sacrifice your position to kill a dangerous target.
  • Your Eternal Reward works well with this watch, as you will have to rely more heavily on Cloak without the power to disguise on command.
  • Cloaked spies can assist teammates in destroying sentry guns hidden behind doors by cloaking and remaining stationary by the door; this will cause the door to remain open while another player with long-range weaponry (such as the sniper) can destroy the sentry gun from a distance with ease.

Dead Ringer

Item icon Dead Ringer.png

  • The Dead Ringer makes a loud and distinctive sound that lets all the enemies in the vicinity know that you are using the item. Try to uncloak in a safe location, then move in for the kill.
  • To make feigned deaths appear more realistic, you can take fire for about a second, then pull out the Dead Ringer.
  • While cloaked with the Dead Ringer, you take 90% less damage, and you do not flicker from enemy shots. Use this to your advantage when crossing chokepoints with a large amount of enemy fire.
  • You can recharge your Cloak with ammo, even while cloaked.
  • With the Dead Ringer, you can't manually Cloak.
  • The Dead Ringer is most effective when the enemy is very close by. When the game boils down to the last control point and the enemy is in your base, the Dead Ringer can be a better alternative than the Cloak and Dagger.
  • You can disguise as a friendly teammate to occupy an enemy sniper. Use the Dead Ringer to prevent your death from a headshot.
  • The Dead Ringer can be used to bypass the initial spam during the start of a round. You can also clear up enemy Demomen's sticky bombs by using yourself as bait.
  • The Dead Ringer can psychologically scare opponents, making them more susceptible to goose chases. The more confused your enemy is the easier it is to uncloak, however this does tend to bring more Spy checkers into the game, so switching between Dead Ringer and Cloak and Dagger is a good idea.
  • The Dead Ringer can be held up when capturing a point, carrying enemy Intelligence, or pushing a cart on Payload map, making it a relatively safe method for doing so, especially in combination with friendly unit disguises. If you are hit by enemy fire that causes the Cloak to activate, however, you will drop the Intelligence/cease to capture the point until you uncloak again.
  • A fairly effective tactic is to use ammo boxes to your advantage and constantly Cloak and uncloak while picking up ammo boxes, so as to replenish your Cloak. Since the Dead Ringer removes 90% of damage taken, this tactic can be used for an incredibly long time.
  • The Dead Ringer cannot be fully recharged with a Large Ammo Box.
  • Once the Dead Ringer's initial Cloak duration (approximately 5 seconds) is up, you will no longer benefit from the 90% damage reduction, nor the 'flicker-less' Cloak effects.
  • When on fire, don't immediately pull out the Dead Ringer. An immediate death due to fire will look suspicious. It is much more effective to escape the Pyro before activating the Dead Ringer.
  • When you're bleeding with the Dead Ringer active, you won't flicker from the damage. However, the bleeding effect will still show, revealing your location to enemies.
  • The Dead Ringer can be helpful for dealing with Soldiers. Smart Soldiers will constantly Spy check suspicious team mates by firing two well placed rockets at them. Since it only takes two rockets to kill you, this can make playing as Spy difficult. Because of this the Dead Ringer can be a life saver against teams with a lot of Soldiers.
  • Using the Dead Ringer will always cost you at least 60% of its charge, regardless of whether you de-activate it before that amount of charge is used. As such, you should maximize the time the Dead Ringer grants you, rather than simply flicking it on and off.
  • When using the Dead Ringer, if you choose to not take the high or back roads it is better to disguise as another friendly class rather than an enemy, as the other team will become suspicious if they see a disguised Spy running straight towards the front line.
  • If you have equipped the Saharan Spy pack, the Dead Ringer's loud uncloaking sound is replaced with the uncloaking sound (at a lower volume) used for the other cloaks. This makes it extremely useful in both getting through fortifications and obtaining stealth kills with the Eternal Reward.
  • An enemy Dispenser can lengthen your invisibility time, even indefinetely if the Dispenser is fully leveled; however this will make uncloaking difficult as you will likely be around an enemy hotspot. Try to plan your escape away from or behind the buildings before uncloaking.
  • Having the Dead Ringer activate while you're in the middle of disguising will cause you to emit smoke while you're invisible. If you backstab and immediately flee, keep the Dead Ringer out as a shield, then disguise after it is activated by damage.

Disguise Kit

Item icon Disguise Kit.png

  • The Disguise Kit is the Spy's major infiltration tool. Most of your time spent disguised will be done while pretending to be an enemy. Each plays differently when trying to blend in.
  • For more information on the disguises, check the Disguise Strategy section

Saharan Spy Set

  • The uncloak volume reduction this set grants you is invaluable when using the Dead Ringer; its main problem of people detecting you upon uncloaking is nullified, and as such it is entirely possible to backstab targets who just triggered your Cloak by uncloaking directly behind them.
  • With the normal Invisibility Watch or the Cloak and Dagger, bumping into people or running out of Cloak will cause your silhouette to flicker for a lot longer, revealing you much more easily.
  • A regular Spy works wonders among packs of enemies, where he cannot be noticed, while the Saharan Spy is much better at dealing with lone targets or in very big maps, where a regular Spy's decloak noise would give his position away. Keep this in mind and change your loadout accordingly.
  • Remember that even if you can uncloak silently, trying to stab and steal someone's disguise in an area guarded with Sentry Guns is not recommended unless you already have a disguise. This makes using the Dead Ringer to proceed behind enemy lines a lot more risky, as if you uncloak in a hostile area there will be no escape.
  • If an enemy sees you undisguised with the Familiar Fez equipped, they may assume you are using the Dead Ringer or Your Eternal Reward. Try to minimize the amount of time you are undisguised behind enemy lines.
    • At the same time, you can exploit your appearance by purposely not using the whole set, but just wearing the hat. Most players will still assume you have the pros and cons of the set bonus.
  • When using the Dead Ringer in conjunction with the Saharan Spy Set an easy way to get behind enemy lines is take fall damage to activate the Dead Ringer, then move from ammo box to ammo box until a suitable backstab target can be found. This way, the enemy is unaware of your presence until you achieve the first backstab.
  • Just because you can not disguise without getting a backstab does not mean you are incapable of taking out a Sentry Gun. Approach the sentry while cloaked, and uncloak directly behind the sentry while holding down Mouse1 with the Electro Sapper out. The sentry will not lock on to you until you are completely decloaked, at which time the Electro Sapper will be placed. This tactic is extremely difficult if enemies are around.

Revolver / Big Kill

Item icon Revolver.png The Revolver is the Spy's primary weapon. While not as useful as the Knife, it is still an integral part of the Spy's arsenal. A Critical hit with this weapon does 120 damage, enough to kill all damaged classes with low default HP level, like Scout, Sniper, Spy and Engineer. It is also moderately accurate, enabling a skilled Spy to use it for medium-range sniping. It also has a very fast reload time.

  • Use the Revolver for killing low-health classes when backstabs are not easy or possible (for instance, if a Sniper has their back against a wall). Additionally, it is a good getaway weapon: if you are being pursued by a Pyro, for instance, the Revolver is powerful enough at short range to take the Pyro down within 4-6 direct shots.
  • The Revolver is an excellent weapon against Scouts. If you can't backstab a scout because of their speed, you can kill them with the Revolver.
  • A good scenario for using the Revolver is to sap a lone building, then shoot the Engineer who comes to save his building. 3-4 hits is enough to kill an Engineer. The Spy can also shoot at the sapped building to speed up the demolition process if necessary. This strategy is fairly effective against Teleporters, which can be destroyed in 4 shots if sapped, usually faster than the Engineer can remove the Electro Sapper from the other end.
  • The Revolver can be used as a getaway weapon.
  • Buildings that are being set up can be destroyed by the Revolver with 1 or 2 shots. This can be useful if the buildings are too far to sap.
  • Remember that the Revolver is always 100% accurate (as accurate as a Sniper Rifle bullet) when putting a delay of 1.25 seconds between shots. You can time this by holding down reload while firing the first shot, let the reload play, and when your ammo count goes back up to 6, fire again for a 100% accurate shot.
  • Every at long-range, shots from the Revolver deals about 20 damage to players and full damage to buildings.
  • When moving down long narrow corridors (the sewers on 2Fort) it is best to keep the Revolver out. If you see an incoming enemy from the other end of the corridor, you have the option of getting up close and personal with him (if he is fooled by your diguise which is not likely nowadays) or you can have your Revolver at the ready and pump a few shots into him while backpedaling. The corridors also assist in your aim as there is not much space for your enemy to strafe.


Item icon Ambassador.png

  • The Ambassador is one of the Spy's unlocks for the Revolver.
  • The Ambassador can Headshot. If caught unaware, two headshots will prove lethal for any non-overhealed class aside from the Heavy or Soldier.
  • Remember that the Headshot ticker icon shows the bullet coming from behind. This suggests that the developers may have intended the Ambassador to be something of a 'ranged backstab', and the weapon does work well towards that end.
  • The Ambassador can also be used to "snipe" Engineer buildings from a distance like the Revolver, as an alternative to sapping. But if an Engineer is working on the building, shooting the Engineer first is preferable.
  • With good aim, the Ambassador can be deadly against a Scout. If you manage to headshot him at close quarters he will be left with 23 health on the default loadout, 8 with the Sandman and 48 with the Special Delivery Set's health bonus.
  • Even when a Sniper is wearing the Croc-o-style kit, they can still be headshot to leave him with 1 HP.
  • The ability to see enemy health is invaluable with the Ambassador. When it drops below half of its base value, the health meter is shown in red. Against all classes except Heavy, this means a guaranteed kill upon headshot.


Item icon L'Etranger.png

  • L'Étranger converts shots into potential fleeing power; it allows a Spy to turn scenarios where running away is a priority.
  • The +15% Cloak per hit is applied regardless of the amount of damage you do to the opponent or your distance from him. The L'Etranger is a hitscan weapon and is 100% accurate when fired within 1.25 seconds of each shot (like the Revolver and Ambassador).
  • Don't use the L'Étranger unnecessarily. Depending on the situation, it might be safer to replenished by picking up ammo packs and fallen weapons or by standing next to a friendly or enemy Dispenser.
  • As the Cloak and Dagger is not recharged by sources of ammo, L'Étranger can be very useful in providing another source of Cloak.
  • L'Étranger does considerably less damage than the Revolver and slightly less damage per shot compared to the Ambassador. However, L'Étranger does not suffer from the slower firing time of the Ambassador. If you are consistently hampered by Scouts or looking to take out Razorback-protected Snipers, you may want to consider using the Revolver or the Ambassador over L'Étranger. The damage reduction of L'Étranger also applies to buildings, making any Sap, Stab and/or Shoot techniques a little more tricky to do.
  • L'Étranger can be used along with the Dead Ringer as another source to refill the Cloak quickly. However, be forewarned that when players realize both items are being used, they'll Spy-check around your corpse to make sure you are truly dead. Be careful not to use the gun too much in direct confrontation, or players will double-check no matter how convincing the death was and waste the Cloak that was earned.
  • Remember that most players check their back for spies. Use the L'Etranger from an elevated position or at their side.


Behind enemy lines is a Spy's most effective position. Here are some strategies to get there:

  • You can disguise as your own team by hitting the minus (-) sign (or the e key if you have the simple disguise menu enabled) at the top of the keyboard after bringing up the disguise interface. As a friendly non-Spy class, players on the other team are much less likely to alert each other to Spies entering the base if they see you. However, the best way to get in and out is to Cloak properly.
  • On the defense team, using a friendly disguise can help you get farther from your base before needing to cloak.
  • When you disguise yourself, you take the name of an enemy player that is playing the same class as the disguise. Disguise as a class that would fit the area such as a sniper far away or a pyro looking for a spy.
  • When you decloak, you'll take on the color of your team until you are 100% visible. It is vital to let the Cloak come on fully before entering into areas where you would be seen. Try to decloak around a corner where an opponent can't see you. It's very obvious that you are a Spy as no other class is able to Cloak.
  • While cloaked, remember to avoid all enemy fire - if you're hit, you will flicker for a few moments. The same is true if you bump into an enemy. The only exception to this is when you are using the Dead Ringer.
  • While cloaked, avoid giving away your position, especially to Snipers or alert enemies. So do not:
    • ...pick up medkits (unless you're burning) or ammo crates.
    • ...enter the enemies' line of sight before your Cloak is fully active. (See above)
  • If you go through a door while cloaked it will be obvious to the enemy team that there is a Spy.
  • If you come out of swimmable water, water will be dripping from you for a few seconds. This is true even when cloaked.
  • Walking over a medkit will add to your disguise health. You will also pick up medkits if your disguise health is down, even if your real health is full.
  • You can deliberately grab medkits in order to deny them to the enemy. However, be aware of injured allies in the area, they might need that medkit.
File:Spy for Medic.jpg
Friendly disguised Blue Spy calling for a Red Medic
  • Remember that you can call for and be healed by enemy Medics while disguised. This is a great way to hold your cover and can open an opportunity to backstab. Beware that this also risks drawing undue attention to yourself, especially if your alter-ego notices his own name calling for a Medic.
  • Retreating into an enemy base while disguised looks much less suspicious than running into it at full tilt. But do not overuse this as it'll become obvious as the game goes on.
  • Disguising as a Medic will give you a fake ÜberCharge percentage equal to the disguised enemy Medic. If there aren't any enemy Medics you will receive a random ÜberCharge meter.
  • During your infiltration, you might notice an attack force heading for your base. Running against their movement will likely result in a Spy check. Instead, try to move with them towards your base. Before approaching their group, check that the person you are disguised as is not among them.
  • If you see someone barreling down a corridor at you, it's usually a better idea to avoid the corridor and use an alternative path.
  • You can fool some players into thinking you just respawned if you are near the enemy spawn and are heading towards the frontlines. Just check the scoreboard for newly spawned players and wait for them to exit the spawn point. Follow them with a good distance from behind. The bigger the group of players that exit the spawn point, the easier it is to approach them.

Fooling the Enemy

  • Reloading the Revolver/Ambassador will reload the weapon equipped by your disguise. Use this to fool your opponents.
  • While disguised, try to use voice commands, such as the battle cry. It will make your disguised model talk so it can fool some enemies. Beware, alert players can tell its a trick.
  • You can act as if you are an enemy ally by walking backward away from your allies and looking backwards occasionally as if spy-checking for spies.

Surviving Spy Check Attempts

Most players will spy check as a precaution. Here are some tips to help you evade detection.

  • Don't react to enemy shots. If you continue heading in the same direction prior to the shot without looking at the direction of the shot, the enemy can be fooled into thinking you passed their spy-check. This strategy won't work against Pyros.
  • Spies cannot walk pass enemies and vice versa. It is advisable to try to avoid passing by enemies. Once they bump into you they will try to kill you immediately. Try to walk close to the walls and enter corners at a wide turn. Be sure to leave enough room for enemy players to run past you.

Running Away and Hiding

  • If you are discovered and must Cloak to run away (assuming that you are not using a Dead Ringer), use misdirection to break away from your foes. If you are running in a certain direction while you Cloak, your enemies will usually head in that direction, so you can immediately make a radical turn after becoming completely invisible, or even turn in the immediate opposite direction to get behind them for a backstab opportunity.
  • While cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger, try to jump up on obstacles such as crates and ledges as you move through the map. This is to prevent enemy players from running to you.

Approaching The Target

Approaching your victim for a backstab is difficult without getting caught. It is common for an enemy player to randomly Spy check hiding places and teammates. You can expect the enemy team to Spy check more often if they are alerted to the presence of a Spy.

The easiest targets to approach are distracted players. Common targets are Engineers that are building/upgrading, Snipers who are looking through their Sniper Rifle and during an attack from your team.

There are a few things to keep in mind before going in for the killing blow:

  • Determine who your target is.
  • Don't panic when you are discovered.
  • Make sure to double check the routes behind you before decloaking, especially in routes which are commonly used. A recently spawn enemy player might catch you decloaking.
  • Check the scoreboard for dead enemy players so you can be aware if someone will come out from spawn.
  • If you know that someone has just spawn, you can wait for them to pass you. You can also try to delay their movement to the frontline by timing one of your kills as they spawn. This would force them to look for you before heading out to battle.
  • Your disguise does not guarantee that you can get close to your target. But if your disguise fools them, you'll be able to approach them easier.
  • Be aware that a Heavy and Soldier disguise will slow you down. While enemies may be less suspicious of these uncommon disguises, you will have a much harder time trying to hunt down your victim.
  • If discovered, you can run away or try to fight back with techniques like stairstabbing, sidestabbing, or just simply shooting at them.
  • Be careful on approaching the same target too often. Even the most inexperienced player will start checking their back after being stabbed too frequently.
  • When attempting to backstab during an enemy push, be sure to wait until they have engaged your teammates. Be wary of enemy players who are watching the team's back.
  • When you see a friendly Spy approaching a target, choose another target. Choosing the same target will only increase the chance that both of you will be discovered.
  • If your spy teammate targeted an [Engineer], sap their buildings once they are distracted by your ally. Alternatively, you can also watch out for approaching reinforcements and target them instead.

A Spy's weapons and gadgets can drastically change how a Spy has to approach his target. Keep these tips in mind when choosing your loadout:

  • If you have the Dead Ringer, refill the watch as much as possible before going for your target. You'll need insurance in case you fail to catch your victim and you becomes a target. Make sure your death is convincing enough otherwise the enemy team will double-check the area.
  • In case you are discovered, the L'Étranger can help quickly refill Cloak in areas with no ammo boxes.
  • With Your Eternal Reward, you cannot disguise until you backstab someone. You need to be careful during your approach.
  • Be aware of the level of noise each of your cloaking devices make. A common mistake is to decloak too close enough for your target to hear you. However, the Saharan Spy Set nullifies your cloaking sound to a whisper.
  • Keep an eye on the enemy players that are about to respawn. If you know a player is alert that there is a spy nearby, don't give away your hiding place and wait for them to leave. Also remember, if you've just killed the same player say twice in the exact same spot, they are going to be checking the area the next time he spawns.

Backstabbing Techniques

See the article Backstab


  • As long as there's a damage indication on your HUD, you are semi-visible. To ensure that you're completely invisible, wait until the damage indicator clears before moving.

Disguise Strategy


The Scout disguise should be donned when the disguise is not being used to trick the enemy for a substantial amount of time, such as when hiding or when the enemy is too watchful to not Spy-check. The Scout's character model is very small and none of its weapon models stick out, so it hides well. It has no move speed reduction, though it does not gain speed to match that of the Scout. The disguise will generally fail to convince competent enemies up close both because of move speed and because it can't emulate double-jump.

Because Scouts are known to wander for extended periods, it's usually viable for quick glances, particularly from long distances.

The Scout disguise is common in competitive play because of the nature of competitive team composition and the fact that disguises don't work well for blending in against coordinated teams regardless of disguise choice.


Disguising as a Soldier can work well for blending in. Most players don't suspect a Soldier as a spy. But because of a Soldier's speed, you'll have trouble dodging enemy fire and avoiding blocking enemy movement, and if your target starts moving at full speed (assuming it's not Soldier or Heavy), you might not be able to catch up to it without losing your disguise. If there are enemy Medics on the enemy team, you might be able to get them to heal and/or Über you.

If your disguise is wielding the Equalizer, you will not go faster. You also won't block Medics from healing you, which could easily give you away.


As a class with 100% move speed, no need to reload, and reasons to hide by himself, among teammates, and near Sentry Guns, the Pyro disguise is fairly well-rounded. Pyros aren't expected to attack until they get close to others, and they commonly patrol their own bases, so the Pyro disguise can get in and out of enemy areas nicely.

Unfortunately, the Pyro disguise is a common disguise and therefore frequently Spy-checked. Pyros are also expected to Spy-check constantly, so competent nearby enemies will almost always attack you when they notice you aren't Spy-checking them. If you're lit on fire by an enemy Pyro, it might be more immediately noticed because Pyros never catch fire. If you're trying to hide around a corner or wall, switch your disguise's weapon away from the Flamethrower because its long weapon model and can sometimes be seen through walls and props.

The Pyro's Shotgun is arguably tied with the Engineer's for being the best fake reload in the game.


Demoman is an average disguise in almost all ways, with both advantages and disadvantages in each of its traits: its move speed is reduced, but only slightly; it has reasons to stay in the enemy's base, but not for very long without using stickies; it's used in both offense and defense, but is expected to spam its weapons while doing so; its character and weapon models aren't too big, but aren't particularly small either. Because of this, the Demoman disguise works well as a general first-glance disguise, but is oftentimes foiled after loitering for too long.

It has a moderately believable fake-reload on both of its guns.


Because of its severely reduced move speed, Heavy is a rare disguise.

A Heavy disguise can't chase well for backstabs, takes a long time in transit, is too large to hide in some places or blend in, and has little reason to move around by himself. However, the very fact that the Heavy disguise is rare can make it more effective in some situations, as most players won't expect it.

The Heavy disguise is a great choice if you want an enemy Medic to heal you (or even possibly ÜberCharge you) regardless of what your health appears to be. Heavies have a commonly-used primary weapon that isn't usually fired on a whim, so the enemy Medic usually won't immediately Spy-check you.


The Engineer disguise is good for taking down enemy structures and those in the surrounding area.

The Engineer has 100% move speed, small character and weapon models, and a tendency to stay around his own base (and buildings). Enemies are prone to Spy-check Engineers that avoid wrenching for too long, though, and it's not unlikely that you'll by Spy-checked by an enemy Engineer when/if he spots you with his name.

Engineers are also very rarely used anywhere outside of their bases. Because of these things, the Engineer disguise is generally limited to taking down enemy bases, though it does this quite well.

The Engineer's Shotgun is arguably tied with the Pyro's in being the best fake reload in the game.


The Medic disguise isn't very effective in most situations.

While it's true that enemies usually won't notice the lack of increased move speed, the Medic disguise is flawed in much more significant ways. Medics are usually quick to be joined by team mates, who expect to be healed quickly, which you can't fake. Because Medics are almost never by themselves and because the Medic disguise is incapable of emulating a Medic's teamwork behavior, it generally doesn't last very long.

The only real benefits of using the Medic disguise are that it can be used to bait enemies and that it has a good fake-reload. Though because Medic disguises used to not have a ÜberCharge meter until the Spy/Sniper update, some enemies will forget and assume a Medic with a ÜberCharge meter isn't a Spy.


Disguising as a Sniper is usually effective if you stick to where Snipers are expected to be, which you can use to set up repeated Sniper backstabs.

It's not suspicious for Snipers to stay within their base's perimeters for extended periods, and they aren't specifically expected to Spy-check allies.

However, the inability to actually look down the sniper scope can make the disguise less effective against observant foes, and Snipers are conspicuous when they stray too far from Sniper posts or look away from their targets. Enemies will also take note if they spot a Sniper trying to approach a group of allies in almost any area other than said Sniper posts.

Furthermore, take care if you are disguised as a Sniper with a Huntsman, as enemy Pyros may attempt to light your arrow. The Sniper disguise has the advantages of being relatively small and having 100% move speed.


The Spy disguise can work fairly well, though its ability to blend in is largely based on the Spy-checking habits of your enemies.

The Spy disguise is the only disguise that has an excuse to mingle with your team mates without attacking, so it can come in handy when getting into firefights. Using an enemy Spy disguise has no effect on the color of your disguise smoke or your Cloak, so you can still be spotted by those.

Many players will instinctively fire at all Spies (even friendly ones), so the Spy disguise is still risky. But some players assumes a masked Spy is a friendly Spy.

The Spy disguise has a good, complete fake-reload.

Friendly Disguises

Friendly disguises are handy in a number of situations. In general, a friendly disguise is recommended during setup time in all maps. This is to avoiding giving away that you're a Spy while making the enemy prepare for a class such as a Heavy at the gate.

If you're having trouble getting into an enemy area, a friendly disguise can be used to scare enemies. Heavy and Pyro are good for cramped spaces; Sniper is good for open areas; Demoman is good for doorways.

If an important ally needs help, you can use a friendly disguise to draw enemy fire (Heavy or Medic usually works well).

Additionally, your hit box is not the same as your disguise class, which can be used to draw Sniper fire with a reduced risk of headshot.

Friendly disguises (especially Medic and Sniper) are good for baiting. This can be used either for prepping a stab or faking out an enemy by visibly moving behind a corner, cloaking, and going for the backstab when the enemy chases your phantom. These tricks can be used more safely and repeatedly with the Dead Ringer, which will let you fake friendly deaths. In a Spy Rush, friendly disguises can be used to fool the enemy team before they realize what you're doing.

Against Engineers

Spies are a natural counter Engineers. Here are some strategies to deal with Engineers.

Most, if not all, tactics concerning Engineers will only work if the Engineer is not surrounded by allies. Use these tactics wisely.

  • A tremendously useful ability to have is the power to surprise an enemy Engineer. The worse the Engineer is at Spy checking, the better. An excellent way to check if an Engineer is in the vicinity is to Cloak, run in, and survey the area before retreating. However, this technique is less effective with the Dead Ringer equipped, as you cannot Cloak at will. When a lone Engineer is blocking an objective with a Sentry Gun, you can use the Ambassador to attempt to take out the Engineer at long range first, using nearby objects for cover.
    • An alternative strategy is to use the Engineer's own buildings against him. This can be done by disguising as a player with low health, and crouching near the Dispenser to heal your disguise, while simultaneously using the Dispenser as cover from the Sentry Gun. Using this strategy will allow you to eliminate the Engineer at close quarters, while being safe from his Sentry Gun's fire.
  • A lonely Engineer building a Sentry Gun can be easily killed by the Ambassador. Shooting him first in the head and then on any body part will kill him; afterward, you simply sap the building. Very useful if the Engineer is busy wrenching said building.
  • If an Engineer leaves his buildings unattended, some players may simply rush in and sap everything in sight. It is advised you do not do this, unless you are totally sure that the Engineer is dead or too far away to respond in time. What you should do is shoot at a building once, and then hide in cover to defend against the Sentry Gun. The Engineer may come rushing back to hit it with the Wrench, allowing you to then follow him back to wherever he was previously. Wait at the area and backstab him as he attempts to return to his buildings.
  • A similar tactic is to find an enemy building outside of the Sentry Gun's field of vision and sap that, then pull out the Ambassador and wait. When the engie comes to remove the Electro Sapper, quickly headshot him then shoot him, as the headshot on its own is unlikely to kill him. Since it takes two whacks with the Wrench to remove an Electro Sapper, you should have ample time.
  • If you are far from an Engineer nest but has a clear sight of an Engineer and no enemies in your area, you can use your Ambassador to kill the Engineer. Remember that the Ambassador is highly accurate even at range.

Sentry Guns

  • A sapped Sentry Gun cannot fire. If the Engineer is standing next to them, you have several options:
    • Sap the Sentry Gun and stab the Engineer if he goes to repair it. If he is already in position and repairing the Sentry Gun, the Electro Sapper will be removed before you can switch to the Knife and backstab. If he is out of position, you will have time to make the attempt. If he is in position and is repairing the Sentry Gun, all you can do is run for it, or keep putting new Sappers on the Sentry Gun. He will keep removing them as you place new Sappers, but it takes a long time to destroy a Sentry Gun this way. You will almost certainly be spotted by a teammate of the Engineer and be killed without destroying the Sentry Gun.
    • Your Revolver can destroy Sentry Guns at long range well. With your Cloak you can move around and try shooting from different angles; try to find hiding spots where no one notices you firing.
    • When an Engineer first deploys a building, it's vulnerable to damage. Your Revolver does more damage against buildings that aren't sapped, so if you find a lone Teleporter or Dispenser, and an Engineer isn't far off, shooting it without sapping it is the best course of action. However, when there are no Engineers near by, sapping a building and fleeing is the best way to avoid being spotted.
    • In certain situations, a Sentry Gun may be built so close to the cap point that you can reach it while capping. In this instance, you can quickly sap the Sentry Gun, undisguise, and resume sapping the Sentry Gun over and over. However, watch out for the Engineer breaking the capture with his body. Watch the Spy Guide Part#2 Engineers: Section 2 by [ESG] Orca to see how it's done.
    • Communicate with your teammates so you can time the sap. The best time to sap is during a push from your team.
    • A Sentry Gun takes about a second to execute a full 180° rotation. If you are directly behind a Sentry Gun and the Engineer is close to and facing his Sentry Gun it is possible to take out the Engineer and then the Sentry Gun. It requires that you backstab and as soon as the Knife hits the Engineer use the quick switch key to change to your Electro Sapper and place one before the Sentry Gun locks on. Strafe with the Sentry Gun's rotation (remember that the Sentry Gun will attempt to rotate as little as possible to shoot its target) so that you will have more time to place your Electro Sapper. Note that due to lag, it is possible for the Sentry Gun to shoot you between the actual placement of the Electro Sapper and the Sentry Gun being shut down. A level 3 Sentry Gun will not always kill you immediately (although it has a good chance of doing so unless your reaction time is superb); however, it will still be sapped and most likely destroyed.
    • If the Sentry Gun and Dispenser are in such a position that you cannot reach the back of the Engineer for a backstab, try jumping on the Sentry Gun or Dispenser and sitting on the Engineer's head. This is an ideal spot as it is in your victim's blind spot and will allow you to backstab him from above (and apply the stab and sap trick above). However, if the Engineer is crouched and tries to stand or jump, they will be unable to do so and suspect a Spy. At that range, a Shotgun blast or two will kill you instantly. This trick also works well against a Heavy taking the role of a makeshift Sentry Gun.
    • A difficult trick is to take advantage of the fact that Engineers take damage from the gunfire of their own Sentry Gun. Stand in a position where the Engineer is between his Sentry Gun and you, then uncloak. You will die, but hopefully so will the Engineer. This is useful if the Engineer is in a position where you simply cannot backstab him.
    • A variation of this trick can be used against a common Engineer Sentry Gun/Dispenser setup. Some Engineers like to sandwich themselves between their Sentry Gun to the front and a Dispenser to the back. Disguise as a Pyro (as if you are helping the Engineer Spy-check) and walk up behind him, so the Dispenser is between you and the Engie. As quick as you can, fire a few rounds into the Engineer with the Revolver. Duck as soon as the Engineer dies from the combined damage of your Revolver and the Sentry Gun's fire. If done correctly, the Sentry Gun will lose you as you hide behind the Dispenser. Re-disguise, sap everything and leave. Watch the Spy Guide Part#2 Engineers: Section 1 by [ESG] Orca for a demonstration of how this is done.
    • A usually difficult technique is to stab a Sentry Gun to death. It takes a bit of practice and won't work if there are enemies nearby to kill you. Essentially you crouch on top of a Sentry Gun and strafe around it so it does not lock onto you - it keeps tracking, and you repeatedly stab it until it dies. The reason this is difficult is because you have to time your strafing carefully to stop the Sentry Gun locking on; going too fast results in the Sentry Gun turning in the other direction and you not having time to react, and going too slow means it simply catches up to you. You can also do this just circling the Sentry Gun, but you'll need a rather large mouse pad to pull that off.
    • The Engineer's Wrangler weapon permits the Engineer to control his Sentry Gun entirely. Take extreme caution, as many Engineers will Spy-check with this, and it will make sapping the Sentry Gun much harder. Killing the Engineer while he is using the Wrangler will give you a few crucial seconds to sap his Sentry Gun bullet-free.
  • With Your Eternal Reward, you can backstab someone in the range of the Sentry Gun including the Engineer behind it without being detected. Just remember that you need a disguise equipped before you can do this, otherwise the Sentry Gun will kill you as soon as you step in range uncloaked.
  • A clever way for Spies to get rid of Engineers that build their Sentry Guns in front of them and their Dispensers behind, then camp between the two is to disguise/Cloak, stand behind the Dispenser and then undisguise/uncloak. the sentry will turn around on the Engineer, and shoot him to death. The Spy will be protected from rockets and bullets by the Dispenser, yet the Engineer will not.


  • Keep an eye out for Dispensers once you infiltrate the enemy base. They can heal you and you can use them while your Cloak is still active (doesn't work with Cloak and Dagger). In fact, all Dispensers above Level 1 can recharge your Cloak even while you're cloaked. Level 1 Dispensers don't recharge your Cloak but your Cloak won't drain, either. Level 2 Dispensers recharge it slowly and Level 3 recharge it much faster.
  • Note that the healing beam CANNOT be seen when cloaked and when next to a Dispenser - but be sure to watch out for Engineers, as they will constantly run back to their Dispenser, possibly running into you and revealing you. To avoid the Engineer, jump on top of the Dispenser instead of standing beside it. Be careful though, as his teammates can still run through it and, if they do, reveal your location.
  • Note that on maps with narrow corridors, like 2Fort, Engineers may place superfluous Dispensers in locations to block your path. They also use these Dispensers to lure you into sapping them, thus alerting him and his team of your presence. If possible, take another route.
  • When uncloaked, avoid standing on Dispensers. Because most players (except the Engineer who built the Dispenser) will clip through buildings, being spotted in this position will instantly alert your enemy to your presence.
  • If you have no other option, using a Scout disguise and crouching behind a Dispenser while uncloaking may minimize the odds the Engineer will spot you instantly. This can be useful in small, commonly camped areas.


  • The Spy can use enemy Teleporters. This can be useful for getting into well-defended Sentry Gun nests and/or nests that would otherwise be unreachable.
  • A Spy can sneak his way to the enemy's Teleporter entrance, sap it, and then stand on it, waiting for an Engineer on the exit side to knock off the Electro Sapper. Once the Electro Sapper has been knocked off the Spy will teleport to the other side, telefragging the Engineer if he is close enough, and is free to sap any buildings the Engineer has built. This is a risky but effective way of taking down forward bases built by one Engineer.
  • If you're disguised as an enemy and take one of your team's Teleporters, the glowing ring and trail effect will not show up. Using friendly Teleporters with friendly disguises will give you a ring and trail but these are removed as soon as you wear an enemy disguise.
  • Walking over an enemy Teleporter exit when someone uses it kills you. This is referred to as telefragging.
  • When you find an exit Teleporter, observe it first to see which way players comes out. Then stand behind the Teleporter and wait. When the next player comes out, backstab him instantly. He should report this to his team, but he'll be dead for a bit, so you can risk waiting a little for a second Teleport and kill, or you can just sap the Teleporter and leave the area. This is referred to as tele-camping.
  • Whenever a teleport entrance or exit is sapped, the other end will be sapped as well. However, the Engineer can now remove Sappers from both the entrance and the exit by using his Wrench on either teleporter.
  • If you're trying to telefrag enemies with their own teleporters, either step over them while cloaked or use a slow disguise (Heavy and Soldier are the best) in order not to draw too much attention towards you.
  • Be aware that Engineers can place teleporters in unusual places as a trap. Some Engineers place their Teleporters inside their base as an early warning system, hoping that you will be unable to resist sapping them and will thus alert the Engineer to your presence. (One way you can trick the Engineer in this scenario is by firing 2-3 Revolver shots at it, or if the Engineer is close by, hit it with your Knife as it is much quieter, but not enough to destroy it. Engineers will almost always expect a Spy to sap it if anything, so this may throw off the Engineer who built it)
  • If you are lucky, you may manage to telefrag an enemy upon taking an opposing Teleporter. While this normally applies to your own team's Teleporters as well if an enemy somehow stands on it without destroying it, the likelihood is higher as a Spy, as enemies may be clustered around the exit on the other side. In some cases, you may even be able to telefrag the enemy Engineer on the other side.
  • Another way to deal with Teleporters is to simply sap the entrance, and then put another back on immediately after it gets knocked off, and repeating. As the Engineer cannot repair the Teleporter while it is being sapped, you can slowly wear down the entrance and take out both sides with little to no risk; this is one of the safer courses of action if the Engineer is smart enough to stand off of his exit and Wrench whoever comes through right after he knocks the Electro Sapper off. However, beware that this takes a long time, and in the case of spawns with only one exit, greatly increases the risk of an enemy seeing you and killing you.
  • You can quickly kill Teleporters by sapping them and then shooting them a few times with your Revolver. However, this can attract attention.
  • An Enginner can only destroy both sapper at both teleporters if both ends were successfully built. Sapping a teleporter while its building would prevent an Engineer from the other end to destroy your sapper.

Map Specific

Map specific strategies.


  • An effective start rush is to disguise, then swim so you're under the grate just as the round starts; the grate opens, you go up and immediately Cloak. Then go into the central Control point 3 and over to the ramp on the far side. As you run up, the opposing force should already be in front of you and you're at the back of the CP area, so you can uncloak as you go up; then you'll be standing right behind a bunch of players who are typically busy firing at your team-mates on the other side of the CP itself.
  • Lots of swimming: Swim out of your base and into the center of the map (where the trains pass), cloaking just as you pop out of the water. Remain invisible until you've reached the water entrance on the other side of the tracks. The water makes a great place to Cloak/decloak and change disguises unsupervised, as most other classes don't use the water tunnels at all. However, do note that coming out of water while cloaked makes a water-dripping outline appear for several seconds.
  • Fighting generally happens in clusters on Well, and when the middle point is being fought over, the first and sometimes second enemy points may be entirely undefended. This is a great opportunity for the patient Spy to capture points solo, especially the final point, which can be captured by a single combatant in a matter of moments. A Spy seeing his team pushing hard on point 2 can slip to the rear of the base and stay hidden, waiting for the moment point 2 is taken. Then he can step out of hiding and quickly nab the final point, winning the round.
  • Since Well is such a long map, enemy Engineers will often drop Teleporter entrances outside their first spawn point, and then build their Sentry Guns near capture point 2 or 3. As a result, a Spy who manages to infiltrate all the way to the rear of the enemy base can easily score points by sapping these unattended Teleporters. Better yet, stand behind an exit Teleporter and stab people just as they come out.
  • When a point is being hotly contested, freshly spawned combatants on the offense (Soldiers, Heavies, Demomen, and Medics) will rush out of their spawn and hustle into combat, one after the other. A Spy waiting just outside the base can tag along behind them, backstabbing as he goes, often taking out an entire string of enemies who are too busy to look behind them.


Take the sewers


There are four main tasks for a Spy on 2fort:

  • Killing Snipers on the Sniper deck
  • Destroying Sentry Guns
  • Killing enemy players as they cross the bridge
  • Getting hold of the enemy Intelligence

The best way to get into the enemy base is to run from the spawn over the Sniper deck and into the water. Cloak before you come out onto the Sniper deck, so that you are fully invisible as you step out and fall down into the water. It is also possible to jump across the poles on the outside of the bridge. This is effective at avoiding and getting around Spy-checking but looks highly suspicious when decloaked. Once you're under the bridge and so well shielded from above, uncloak. Don't forget to get your Revolver out - you're running towards the enemy in a narrow passage, so the Knife isn't useful. Run through the sewers and up the stairs into the enemy base. Once you get to the top of the stairs you then have a choice; you can take the left passage, if you want to go for the Intelligence, or you can go straight on, if you wish to attack enemy Snipers on the Sniper deck.

If you go left, the ten seconds of Cloak is just the right amount to let you be fully cloaked as you turn into the longer passageway leading to the open air area, and remain cloaked right up until you're far enough down the back stairs to the basement that you won't be seen. You then continue down into the basement, dealing with whatever is down there and then taking the Intelligence.

If you go straight on, Cloak as late as possible before coming into the open air area and running up the main stairs. Then cross over into the Sniper deck and kill the Snipers there. Once you've done this, don't stay on the deck; when they respawn, they'll be looking for you. Either drop back down to your own base for a quick break, or better, run into the Grate room and disguise as a Demoman. You're out of sight, and if someone does come in, there's a chance they may think you're holding a Sticky bomb trap from that position.

If there is more than one Sniper on the deck (And there usually is) They might notice you backstabbing their buddies. As the Sniper decks are fairly cramped, they'll usually pull out their Kukri and charge you. To circumvent this, the best strategy is to run around the structure in the middle of the Sniper deck, Cloak, and then crouch walk onto the tiny ledge that surrounds said structure. You can then laugh as the Sniper runs around, swinging his Kukri and everyone and everything. This also give your OWN Snipers a good giggle, and an easy target. Snipers will catch onto this strategy eventually, and try to get onto the ledge as well...all the more fun for your own Snipers. Just remember: This ledge can save your life.

If however you simply want to get kills, a good place to wait is up against the front of the opposing fort. Enemy players generally spawn and then run to the Sniper deck and fall off to the area in front of the bridge; very few players actually exit via the ground floor. As such, a Spy waiting up against the front of the fort isn't seen and is behind the enemy players as they run down the narrow, straight bridge.

Disguising as a Demoman in the basement where the Intelligence is found is also good. Wait in front of the resupply and if any Engineers or Demomen come down, wait until they go into the Intelligence room or into the resupply. Right when they come out again, stab them. But this will only work once, usually, because the victim will report to his/her team (Unless he/she doesn't have a mic!).

A good spot to recharge your Cloak in the enemy base is behind the boxes/barrels near the entrance to the enemy's sewers while crouched. This area is hardly checked, and if your team is attacking from the enemy sewers, this serves as a good chance to backstab any enemies running past you.


  • There is an overhead passageway with a circular exit (leading from Control point 2 to Control point 3) which you may take to avoid wasting precious Cloak time.
  • Stand on containers at Control point 3: Enemies are less likely to expect attacks from above them than in front of them (Who is?). Be wary of enemy Snipers on the opposite side of the map however.


  • When attacking Stage 1 Cap 1, use the canyon pathway to sneak up on the attackers by using the back door. Be sure once you sap the Sentry Guns, you have a Demoman or Soldier standing by to destroy it. Be sure when going through the canyon you are fully cloaked or Snipers will take you down as you come out. Do not wait by the grating; wait next to it or they will be aware of your way of attack.
  • The balcony of the point building in Stage 1 Cap 1 can be accessed from the outside by jumping onto the wagon wheel leaning against the corner; use this to surprise Engineers on the stairs without having to come face-to-face with their Sentry Guns or taking the longer and harder route through the mine shaft.
  • Before Stage 1 Cap 1 is taken, you can quickly run to the second control point. Although this is locked, if your team is close to taking 1, it would be a good idea to stay here and base camp; the enemies will most likely not make it in time to stop you. This also works on Stage 2 and 3.
  • When defending Stage 2 Cap 1, have a Spy stay near the Control point building. This Spy will be able to backstab any enemies that come through.
  • When defending Stage 2 Cap 1, the ditch infront of the Blue spawn is Spy heaven as BLU players generally consider everyone in that ditch a friendly or they forget to Spy check you. Use this to your advantage and backstab enemies trying to edge your team's Sentry Guns or when they are trying to re-group. Note that they will eventually catch on and they will begin to intensely Spy-check the area.
  • When attacking Stage 2 Cap 2, consider using the passage in the center of the map, below the two health pickups. This area is home to little or no Red traffic, and nobody should bother you as long as you stay cloaked.
  • Stage 3 Cap 1 is nigh-suicidal due to the massive amounts of fire being exchanged through the one chokepoint, so the Dead Ringer is the only guaranteed way to get through unnoticed. Behind the enemy, either uncloak immediately and thin out the front lines, or head to the second control point. Here you can either wait until your team takes the first point and score a quick win, or take any Teleporters you see, which have a good chance of leading into the tunnel above the first point. Engineers will not expect a Spy attack from behind them here, so wiping them out should be no problem.


  • There's always one path that nobody uses. Take it, and you're less likely to bump into an enemy or die from random explosions, or bursts of gunfire.
  • More often than not, enemy Sentry Guns will be put in spots which can be shot at from afar with the Ambassador. In this case, try to snipe the Engineer so that you will have a clear sapping of his Sentry Gun (this should take only 2 shots if you headshot him first then follow up with a bodyshot while he tries to see where the shot came from, or less if he was already damaged enough).
  • When defending either of the last points, you can hide behind the ramps that just out of the ground as entrances to the undergound cap area, both to recharge Cloak with the Invisibility Watch or the Dead Ringer or to pick targets for ambushing and call out attacking Spies with the Cloak and Dagger.

Gravel Pit

  • Since Gravel Pit has 2 initial Control points it can be useful to soften up a lesser defended point (sap Sentry Guns, backstab Snipers etc.) coordinated by an immediate rush by some of your team (a Scout rush works best in this situation) to easily capture the point. Usually this point is A because it's considered harder to defend.
  • A Spy can be quite necessary on the most heavily defended Control point as there are usually at least one or two Sentry Guns that are supported by other players, making them almost indestructible. The best way to deal with these Sentry Guns is to co-ordinate with your team to sap the Sentry Gun and follow it with a push. Keep in mind that as you do this it's likely you'll be seen and killed.
  • Defending Engineers will often create Teleporters from their respawn to their front line. If you sap these Teleporters it will slow down the defensive players, and also coax the Engineer(s) away from their Sentry Gun(s), allowing your team to destroy it easier. Keep in mind that doing this will often result in the C area to be Spy-checked, so the best idea would be to sap them, Cloak and then run back into your own territory.
  • After the first point has been captured but before the second, you can Cloak up to the C point and camp there until the second point has been captured, when you can undisguise and quickly capture the point. It is likely that defenders will come up and kill you when they notice their point is being captured, but you may finish capping the point before they get there. This is position is easy to hold, because defenders rarely ever go up there until the second point is being captured, but you must make sure that they can't see you from the ground. If they do they'll usually start checking the point. Keep in mind though that the same task could be done with a Scout with usually a better outcome once you get on the point.

Badwater Basin


  • The first stage of this map is good for Spies on BLU as they can use their Cloak to quickly move over the hill, but this is often dangerous as the exit of the tunnel and top of the hill are bound to have Pyros or Demomen locking down the area with their flames or grenades.
  • A large part of your helping the team here will be Sentry Gun destruction, as the prime spots for Sentry Guns are all directly below a piece of easily accessible terrain (such as a Sentry Gun at the tunnel exit being below the cliffs, or a Sentry Gun on the right behind the rocks being reachable from over the rocks). With this in mind, it may be best to try to coordinate a charge with your team so when you drop down to sap a Sentry Gun they can back you up and push the point.
  • Before your team reaches the first point with the cart, try to sneak ahead and take the back entrance up onto the roof to prevent enemy Engineers from building up too much so your team has a much easier time getting passed the potential Sentry Gun trap.
  • The second point is an area that Spies can easily access on attack, as the back courtyard allows Spies of both teams to move between the first and second point areas with relative ease.
  • The roof will likely have a Sentry Gun or two on it, which can be easily sapped when the Engineer is on the ground floor, dead, or is otherwise distracted, and the courtyard on either side of the building can be jumped down into to escape.
  • Defending Snipers will often sit just behind the concrete wall next to the point and scan the main corridor, but do not try to kill them unless you are sure there are no Sentry Guns or Pyros covering the area.
  • The third point is difficult for BLU Spies to attack beyond sapping any Sentry Guns in the ditch and coordinating with your team because there are no alternate routes to the are beyond the point. As a result, it may be worth running around one of the corners and sapping a Sentry Gun so that whether or not you die, your team can destroy the Sentry Gun and hopefully capture the point.
  • You may want to hang back in blind spots such as the dark alcove next to the cart tracks to take out any Übers or kritzkriegs set to push your team back.
  • If you can get by the main chokepoint of the point, you can try to take an Engineer's Teleporter at their spawn and telefrag him, allowing you to single handedly destroy their setup for your team to take advantage and push.
  • The last point is also an area where Spies are useful due to there often being hidden Sentry Guns that only Übers can usually take care of otherwise. However, it is difficult to move around and stay in the main area as it is so open and there will be many RED players running between the spawn doors and the main ramp. To remedy this, try to spend as little time as possible in the open, and get out of there as fast as you can once you have sapped a Sentry Gun and/or killed the Engineer.
  • There are also a few good corners to hide in (including one with a Maximum Health pickup and the stairs near their lower spawn) but be cautious of Pyros around these parts. When jumping down from the balcony or windows, do be careful of fall damage revealing you as before.
  • It is not advisable to use the Dead Ringer to get behind their enemy lines unless you are very sure of your route, as there are a limited number of places to get metal on the route to the enemy spawn/the third point. Ideally though, now would be the best time to destroy BLU Teleporters and Sentry Guns though, as it is a long walk to the front lines for them otherwise and their Sentry Gun will likely be the only thing stopping your team from pushing them back and using Kritzkriegs to halt their charges.


  • On defense the rocks serve good hiding spots both behind and on top of them, but if you are using the Cloak and Dagger be careful you don't pick a place that other players will jump over and attract fire to/bump into you if they're on the enemy team.
  • The large vertical drops are also a problem while cloaked as they can reveal you when you take fall damage or even trigger your Dead Ringer. To combat this, try to move down through lower routes and crawl down ledges to minimize contact with BLU players, taking your time if necessary and choosing your moment to strike before retreating over the hill or through the tunnel.
  • You can effectively defend the second point by hiding in the BLU team's blind spots near the cart (like the alcove to the left of the cart or under the garage overhang next to the first point) and stabbing crucial targets like a Heavy to be Übered or Medic with an ÜberCharge as they pass.
  • You can also loop around the back of people coming up the stairs via the rear courtyard to foil charges at the roof, but be careful on repeat runs as the BLU team may expect you and go round another way/kill you when they see you regardless of your disguise.
  • Defending the third point is significantly easier as a Spy due to the fact you will often have the height advantage, allowing you to literally get the drop on enemies charging in. It is at this point it may be worth destroying the BLU Teleporters if they have any, as it is quite a trip from their spawn.
  • BLU Snipers may also position themselves on the roof of the second point, a spot you can easily access and hide in due to its secluded nature (just be wary of Snipers if they have Jarate or the Razorback.
  • Drop down on enemy charges from the various balconies and stab them to thin out their offense, also sapping any buildings an Engineer might be building around the corner if you can.
  • On defense your main area of action will be around the chokepoint at the top of the ramp leading to the third point, and the top right courtyard where the top window can be reached. Up there, you can take care of any intrusive Snipers and also loop around to the chokepoint ready to stifle any charges or Snipers standing at the top of the ramp.
  • If you hide in the darkness of the rooms next to the top of the ramp you can easily stab BLU players coming from either side and quickly run back into the safe zone your team is in.


  • Junction is a map best suited for the Dead Ringer, due to its tight spaces and few possible hiding spots. You can use the normal watch or the Cloak and Dagger on offense quite well (with the numerous areas around the RED spawn letting you watch over the enemy Teleporters), but if you want to survive long enough to do some damage then use the Dead Ringer before running to the nearest BLU spawn door. On defense, any of the watches can be used depending on your personal preference, but be careful when using the Cloak and Dagger as the narrow halls and lack of potential hiding places make you easily bumped into no matter where you hide.


  • Try not to rush into a point area on your own, especially if there are many RED players lying in wait. The tight space and aforementioned lack of suitably dark places to uncloak mean that should you be discovered (likely, due to the enhanced effect of splash damage and flames the cramped space grants) you will almost certainly not make it out alive (unless using the Dead Ringer, in which case be sure to retreat to spawn and not behind the enemies as they will be able to feel you pushing through them).
  • Only sap Sentry Guns when your team is absolutely ready to charge in and take it out while you are sapping. Otherwise, it is likely the Engineer will be able to keep his Sentry Gun alive and for one of his teammates to kill you as you are sapping.
  • When attacking A, try to use the corridor that links A and B together to access the raised area from C that is normally inaccessible except to Soldiers and Demomen. This place is a good, out of the way area to watch over the point, Scout out any potential threats to your team and also remain until your team makes their push.
  • Do not hide in the stairwells that go directly to the point, as they are too tight and well lit to allow adequate hiding or waiting.
  • At B, you can use the crates dotted around the hall as cover, and move directly onto the point. Here you can uncloak safely unless there is a RED player directly on the point, and you can then walk down the stairs and stab anybody locking down your spawn.
  • If possible, try to get into the hallway behind B that joins onto C, as this area is a good, dark spot for uncloaking and following key targets.
  • At the last point, focus more on sapping Sentry Guns and killing Engineers than actually trying to capture the point. The point itself is far too cramped and easily accessible to the RED team for you to attempt a Backcap, and does not capture fast enough for you to do it as soon as both previous points have been captured (by which time the RED team will have already begun setting up at C).
  • If you are unsure of where exactly all the Sentry Guns are located, try to access the upper left ledge (though the stairwell in the windows). This lets you survey the entirety of C, and also is a good spot for uncloaking and/or hiding while the enemy team is looking for you.


  • Use the pieces of cover at A and B to hide behind, chasing enemy players as they rush into your point. This works better with the Cloak and Dagger, as you will not be seen until the last moment, if at all.
  • The multiple sets of stairs up to each point allow you to come from the least watched side of the point when the BLU team are in the process of capturing. Do not try this if there are more than 4 people on the point (or more than 2 Scouts/Pain Train Soldiers or Demos due to their increased rate of capture), as it will mean that even killing one person will not affect the maximum capture rate.
  • If you are trying to thin out the BLU team as they capture A, try using the Ambassador from a range. With enough people on the point it is likely you will often get a headshot, and may damage them enough to either kill them or weaken them for your teammates to kill them when blocking the capture.
  • When defending C, use the many different corridors going to A, B and the area between to get behind the enemy lines. Then, run back toward C via the main entrances and stab anybody moving towards the point. This will not only foil enemy pushes from that side, but also increase the likelihood of you surviving thanks to the instant transition to a safe area (C, assuming there is a least one Sentry Gun guarding the doors).
  • If the BLU team congregate on the point itself, rush in with your Knife. It may be possible to get a stab or two and block the capture slightly, thus creating a window of opportunity for your team to aid you.



  • The multitude of side routes and the multiple points favors a Spy who is willing to take the time to learn the layout of the map and get behind the enemy.
  • There is almost always a different pathway to take to any objective that is less traveled. Use these to infiltrate the enemy base.


Point A
  • Take the route to the right by the windows and over to cliff to quickly move behind any enemy Snipers or Heavies that may be unaware of your presence. Be aware that the RED spawn is very close to the point, so keep an eye out for reinforcements.
  • Be very careful when decloaking, there is very little cover near the point. A good place to decloak is the Sniper bunker overlooking Point E, though it may be difficult to get past the enemy spawn to get there.
  • If there is a Sentry Gun, co-ordinate with your team so that they wait just over the cliff edge while you sap it before rushing in to destroy it.
Point B
  • Taking the path from A, through E to B is the best route to take for flanking, if a bit long. This will put you behind the entire enemy team.
  • Once again, the enemy spawn is just beside the point. There is a good place to hide just below the spawn door where you can wait for a Medic or Heavy to backstab. Also keep an eye on any Snipers that may be looking out from the windows across from the spawn door. They will be easy targets to a Backstab as long as they don't hear you.
  • The pathway to point C is another good place to decloak. There is also Health and Ammo there if you need to ever retreat.
Point C
  • There are only two narrow pathways up to the elevated point. Don't linger on them if you must take them. It is almost assured that an enemy will bump into you eventually. The lack of any decent cover on or near the point also makes it easy for enemies to Spy-check and find you easily. It is recommended that you generally avoid trying to hide on the point.
  • It is possible to get behind the enemy, but the pathway is long. Go to Point D and move up the stairs towards the spawn door. Run along the plank sitting on the box and jump across to the extended platform. This pathway is very rarely used, so you may have a very good element of surprise.
Point D
  • This point has four routes to access it from; Two from point A, one from point C and one from point E. The third route is best for a Spy that wishes to get behind the enemy, though it is a long path.
  • Be careful along the windowed path from A to D, the enemy can see your legs through the windows and may notice when you Cloak or disguise.
  • If your teammates are attacking point E, start capturing point D until the enemy diverts some players to stop you, then Cloak and hide until they leave, before repeating. This will take the pressure off your teammates and you may even be able to capture it by yourself. The Dead Ringer works very well in this role. This strategy also applies on point E if your teammates are capturing point D.
Point E
  • You can only access this point if C has been captured. You can, however, help your Scouts, Demomen and Soldiers by waiting by the enemy spawn exit to E and backstabbing them as they attempt to remove your teammates. Be sure to communicate with your team so that they know what you are doing.
  • The windowed room above the RED spawn exit to E is a good place to hide, as it is out of the way and has Health and Ammo if you need it. Consider waiting here until you spot a powerful target of opportunity like a Medic or a Sentry Gun.
  • Once point D is captured, the enemy only has two pathways to E: through D or through C. Consider waiting near these spawn exits and follow the enemies, they will likely be focused on saving their point rather than Spy-checking.


Point A
  • Use the Cloak and Dagger to hide to the right of the BLU spawn exit and wait for the opportune time to kill any Medics with ÜberCharges ready. Also keep an eye on any Snipers or Heavies that may be harassing your team and consider taking them out. Communicate the enemy movements and plans to your own team to warn them of incoming attacks.
  • The shed beside the RED spawn exit contains a full health pack but be careful, there's only one exit. If you are being chased by an enemy, Cloak and make it appear you are going to grab the Health before moving away at the last second, leaving your chaser confused as to your new location. You can pick up the Health once he leaves.
  • While you cannot get up to the raised pathway that BLU may take, you can still harass the enemy with the Revolver or Ambassador. Use this to distract enemy Snipers, Demomen or Heavies that may be about to attack.
Point B
  • The pathway from A to B will likely be used for all the enemies that just captured A. Wait at the bottom of the drop in the small alcove with the Health for any targets of opportunity. Be aware that injured enemies may try to take the Health, try not to bump into them.
  • The main pathway from the BLU spawn to B has a small alcove you can hide in to surprise the enemy. Be aware that it is suspicious for the enemy to see someone exit from there if they didn't see them go in. Keep an eye on the enemy spawn and only decloak once it's clear.
  • The route that takes the enemy up onto the elevated platform is narrow and twisted. Keep an eye out for enemies as you navigate it and use the shack at the end of the platform to decloak. Note that you are still close enough to any enemies on that platform that they may hear you decloak.
Point C
  • After capturing B, the enemy will likely be grouped behind the opening gate to C. Don't try to attack them when they are milling around, there are too many people watching behind them. Wait until the door opens and they funnel through before getting a few quick backstabs and retreating.
  • Take one of the two pathways to get from C to B in order to get behind the enemy. The higher path is shorter but more dangerous while the lower path is longer and safer. Warn your team of any enemies that are moving down these pathways as you travel down them.
Point D
  • Engineers often build between point A and point D. Check here occasionally to prevent them from setting up all their buildings. Coordinate with your team to remove and Sentry Gun nests that may be constructed.
  • Snipers may start using the windowed area above point A to attack your team. Help them out by removing the threat.
Point E
  • Taking the pathway from C to E is often your best bet if D has been captured as most of your teammates will probably go from D to E.
  • Taking the pathway from D works as well if you go around towards A to come up behind any enemies that are sitting on E.


  • The twisting hallways and tight corridors allow for excellent flanking opportunities as long as you don't run into anyone.
  • Remember that most players who are on a cart usually have their attention directed forward. This present a prime opportunity to thin out the opposition with a few quick stabs. Don't expect to live long if there are Soldiers, Heavies or Pyros on the cart.
  • Don't be afraid to move the cart a little further, even at the risk of your own death. The cart never moves backwards on even terrain, so every inch helps. This is especially helpful when the cart is very close to the final point and the Defenders are occupied. Slip in and capture the cart before they can respond.
  • At the start of the map, take the pathway through the door on the far left. This will take you above and behind the enemy. Use the elevated ground to spot Snipers, Medics and Engineers with Sentry Guns. Plan your attack, and move in.
  • The long sight lines favor Snipers, so be sure to remove them if you are in the area. Be careful, as the Respawn is usually right behind them.
  • Use the elevated wooden platform beside the cart track to hide and wait for approaching enemies before leaping over the railing to backstab them.
  • For the second section of the map, take the route in the back of your base that will take you straight to the enemy team's base, placing you behind the enemy and close to their Snipers.
  • The tunnel with the carts can be a death trap for a Spy due to all the weapons being fired in it. Attempt to flank and take other routes whenever possible.
  • Use the high platforms and balconies to Scout out the enemy team, relaying information to your teammates before attacking.
  • The third section of the map makes it difficult for Spies to effectively attack the enemy cart, as there are only two thin paths for you to follow. Communicate with teammates to distract the enemy before moving in.
  • Use the wooden pathways to get up to the enemy Sniper nest, removing the threat to your team while they move the cart


  • At the start of the match, the opposing team will always head for their Payload. This is a great opportunity to get a few backstabs, especially on slower classes.
  • Crouch-jump on the barrels to get to the Sniper perch and get some backstabs. If you are using Your Eternal Reward, grab a disguise and head into the Engineer nest one room over.
  • When in the Sniper perch, there will always be a Pyro or two who will check everybody. When you see a Pyro coming, Cloak before he sees you and hop down onto the lower levels. You can return to the perch or Engineer nest later.
  • When RED's Payload is at the final stage, there will always be a Heavy who will use his Minigun to "snipe" the Payload from the perch. Cloak, head up to the perch, and kill him. Use Your Eternal Reward to blend in.
  • When in the perch, some Engineers will set up a small hub for the Snipers, a hub that you must destroy. You have a few ways of doing this. If you have Your Eternal Reward equipped, backstab a Sniper to gain his disguise. You can use that for cover and take out the Engineer and his hub. If you are using the regular knife, stab and sap is the best method of killing off the Engineer. You can then take out the Snipers.


Gimmicks have a high chance of failing but sometimes work.


  • This taunt can be used with either of the Spy's knives to kill distracted enemies with one hit. However, due to the taunt's long duration and the minimal damage dealt by the first two swings, taunt-killing is a very risky strategy.
  • It can be effectively used to destroy Engineer buildings with one hit so the Engineer won't have time to see his building is being sapped or damaged and return to save his buildings. However, do not attempt to destroy an enemy sentry in this way, because one must remove one's disguise in order to be be able to perform the taunt, and attempting to do so will cause the Sentry Gun to target and kill its attacker.
  • However, if a sentry is close enough to a Dispenser then you can hide behind the dispenser without being detected and perform the taunt. The extra reach of this taunt means that hopefully it will destroy both buildings.
  • Also, keep in mind that even if you are able to catch anyone unaware, the Spy speaks during the taunt, and this may give your presence away. This taunt can still be used during humiliation. Also if being chased by a Heavy try to preform this taunt around a tight corner, with luck, you should be able to hit with the last swing.
  • Before a patch came out to remove this, you could perform the taunt while invisible, making it so the sentry wouldn't fire at you. This was also an easy way to get the achievement "The Man From P.U.N.C.T.U.R.E"
  • It isn't a good idea to fence with The Eternal Reward since you have to remove your disguise in order to taunt.

See also