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“ | 我该怎样才能阻止那些蛮横的粗人从身后扑过来把我打成马蜂窝?答案是: 用一把枪.如果这不管用...那就用更多的枪。
点击试听 (英语)
— 工程师正在讨论防御手段。
” |
步哨枪(Sentry Gun),或者说哨戒开火装置(Sentry Mechanical Firing Device),是工程师使用建造工具来进行放置的一种建筑。
步哨枪需要花费130金属进行放置, 每消耗200金属升级1次,因此升到3级总计消耗530金属。
工程师在放置步哨枪前,可以通过一个1100 Hammer 单位的团队色3D指示器来预览步哨枪放置后的警戒范围。部署中的步哨枪将逐渐提升其最大生命值,并在部署完成的同时抵达其上限。
As do other Buildings, Sentry Guns emit sound cues to alert players to their presence and status. A scanning Sentry Gun makes a number of beeps every time it reverses its rotation — the number of beeps corresponds to its upgrade level, where a Level 3 turret makes three quick beeps. Additionally, this beeping increases somewhat in volume with Level 2 then Level 3 Sentry Gun's level; so, the higher the level, the farther away the Sentry Gun can be heard; this fact can help attentive players find guarded areas. The Sentry Gun's scanning noise sounds slightly different when being fired on by the enemy; slight clicks can be heard along with the regular beeps. The scanning Sentry Gun also makes a distinctive noise when it detects and locks onto an enemy target just before firing — this noise both alerts the enemy of the detection by the Sentry Gun and the team of the presence of enemy within the range of the Sentry Gun. All of these scanning noises are silenced when a Sentry Gun is Wrangled.
Sentry Guns will not fire upon enemy Spies that are cloaked. In general, Sentry Guns will not fire upon enemy Spies that are disguised; however, if the Sentry was firing upon the Spy at the time the disguise was activated, the Sentry will continue to fire upon the Spy until the Spy cloaks, breaks line of sight, or moves out of range. Sentry Guns will also not fire upon enemies in its range if there is a water surface between them or if the enemy is behind cover – this cover includes the Engineer's Dispenser. Sentry Guns are also unable to fire if an enemy Spy attaches a Sapper to it or while they are being upgraded/built. Feign deaths produced by the Dead Ringer are not added to the Sentry Gun kill/assist counter, but do contribute to the Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas achievement.
Unlike most other weapons, the Sentry Gun's weapons do not gain criticals. It is possible, however, to make the Sentry Gun deal mini-crit attacks and damage if its target is coated in Jarate, under the effects of the Fan O'War, or if the Engineer who built the Sentry Gun is close to a Soldier with an active Buff Banner – boosting the damage of each bullet to 22.
Included in the Engineer Update is an unlockable secondary replacement, the Wrangler, which allows the Engineer to take direct control of his Sentry Gun by "marking" targets manually. Doing so shuts down the Sentry Gun's automated target-lock system, but diverts the excess power from the targeting system into speeding up its firing rate, effectively doubling the damage-per-second of the Sentry Gun. The Wrangler also provides the Sentry Gun with a protective shield which absorbs two-thirds of enemy fire while the Wrangler is active. A wrangled Sentry Gun has no maximum range. Once the Engineer switches away from the Wrangler, however, his Sentry Gun is unable to fire for 3 seconds while its auto-lock targeting computer reboots. It is still shielded during this time.
Since the Engineer Update, players are able to haul their buildings around. An Engineer carrying his Sentry Gun moves 10% slower and cannot fire or change weapons. However, a redeployed Sentry Gun retains its previous level and automatically sets up twice as fast. Engineers do not lose any Ammo or Metal by moving Sentry Guns (unless the Sentry Gun was picked up with the Rescue Ranger's alt-fire, which costs 100 metal for a Sentry Gun or a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun). If the Engineer is killed while hauling his Sentry Gun, it is automatically destroyed along with him and gives a notification in the kill icon area of the screen. Sentry Guns under the effects of a Sapper cannot be picked up.
An Engineer is vulnerable to damage from his own Sentry Gun's bullets. For about the first 300 Hammer units of their flight, Sentry Gun rockets will pass through the Sentry Gun's Engineer without detonating as if he were another member of the same team. However, if the rockets do strike another surface within this distance and explode, the Engineer is vulnerable to the resulting splash damage. Beyond this initial distance, the Engineer is fully vulnerable to his own Sentry Gun's rockets. (The knockback from Sentry Gun self-damage enables the Engineer to perform bullet and Sentry rocket jumps, especially with the aid of the Wrangler.)
In Mann vs. Machine mode, Sentry Guns can gain benefits from certain Power Up Canteens their owners use. An ÜberCharge Canteen will form a Wrangler-esque shield around the Sentry Gun, protecting it from attacks. Use of a Kritz Canteen doubles the Sentry Gun's firing rate. An Upgrade Buildings Canteen instantly upgrades the Sentry to Level 3. Sentry Guns can also be upgraded at Upgrade Stations to increase their health and firing rate, and the Engineer can even buy a Disposable Sentry Gun, allowing him to place a second Mini-Sentry.
- 生命修复
- 升级进度
- 弹药补给
- 机枪子弹
- 火箭飞弹
“ | 我超爱我的小机枪!
点击试听 (英语)
— 工程师如此评价他的迷你步哨枪
” |
战斗型迷你步哨枪(Combat Mini-Sentry Gun,简称“迷你步哨枪”)是一种更具战斗效率的步哨枪,它能够通过工程师装备枪炮工之臂来启用。
- 仅需100金属而非默认的130金属即可放置。因此工程师在满载200金属时,可在短时间内先后放置迷你步哨枪和补给器而不必先寻找更多金属补给。
- 建造速度比普通步哨枪快得多,并且如果在完成建造后打包放置,其部署可于1.5秒内完成。
- 开火速度比1级普通步哨枪快50%。
- 旋转速度比普通步哨枪快35%,这意味着它能够更快地锁定一个敌人。
- 体积几乎只有普通步哨枪的一半,这意味着它更难被发现与锁定。
- 由于其开火速度更快而伤害更低,使得其比普通步哨枪更适用于步哨子弹跳。
- 仅有100生命值,低于1级普通步哨枪的150生命值。
- 其生命值在刚建造时仅有50点,在建造流程完成后才上升到100点,它在这一过程中极易被摧毁。
- 尽管仍然可以修复生命值与补充弹药量,迷你步哨枪无法被升级。
- 每一发子弹的伤害仅有1级普通步哨枪的50%,即使考虑其开火速度优势,综合输出能力也比1级普通步哨枪低25%(迷你步哨枪每秒48伤害,普通步哨枪每秒64伤害)。
- 被摧毁时不会留下可供当做弹药包拾取的碎片。
- 即使用它进行步哨子弹跳,也很难在抵达的新区域建设一个防御性强的基地。
等级 | 击杀图标 | 生命值 | 消耗 (金属) |
武器 | 伤害 | 弹药 | ||
![]() |
启用遥控手柄护盾:450 |
130 | 单管机枪 |
150 发 | ||
![]() |
启用遥控手柄护盾:540 |
330 | 双联加特林机枪 |
200 发 | ||
![]() |
启用遥控手柄护盾:648 |
530 | 双联加特林机枪与火箭飞弹发射器 | 加特林机枪
火箭飞弹 伤害
伤害衰减效果由工程师到目标的距离计算,而非步哨枪到目标的距离。 攻击间隔
200 发 20 火箭飞弹 | ||
![]() |
启用遥控手柄护盾:300 |
100 | 单管机枪 |
150 发 | ||
![]() |
100 | 未启用枪炮工之臂:130
启用枪炮工之臂:100 |
单管机枪 |
攻击间隔:0.225秒 平均每秒伤害:35.56 - 42.22 注:仅在曼恩 vs. 机器中作为升级选项获得,无法为其提供护盾、维修和弹药补给。 |
150 发 |
Mann vs. Machievements
- Fixed Sentry muzzleflashes not drawing unless sentry was near the map origin.
- Engineer buildings now explode when the Engineer dies during sudden death.
- Fixed a bug in scoring Engineer building destruction.
- Sapped buildings now take slightly less damage from the Spy who sapped them.
- [未记载] Fixed model exploit in stage one allowing Sentry Gun/Teleporter to be placed behind chain link fence on Dustbowl.
- Added server log entry for buildings destroyed by their owner.
- Fixed Sentry Gun shadows being clipped.
- Changed Engineer buildings to detonate when a player disconnects instead of blinking out.
- Fixed Engineer being able to detonate buildings that are being sapped.
- Mapmakers can now place Engineer buildings directly into a map, with an option for them to be invulnerable.
- Fixed Sentry Guns firing at a fully cloaked Spy if they're still the closest target.
- Killing yourself with your own Sentry Gun no longer increments the Sentry Gun's kill counter.
- Fixed the Engineer being able to build more than 1 of each type of building.
- Added the ability to haul or move your Sentry Gun, along with having the Wrangler control the Sentry Gun
- Added a laser light to all sentry models.
- [未记载] 'Wrenching' a Sentry Gun now upgrades, repairs and restores ammunition all at once per Wrench hit, prioritizing repairs and upgrading if not in possession of enough metal.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Engineers to build level 2 or 3 mini Sentry Guns.
- Fixed an exploit where Engineers could create level 3 mini-Sentry Guns.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed team kills with Wrangled Sentry Guns.
- Fixed a Sentry Gun exploit that let Engineers build multiple Sentry Guns.
- (Supposedly) Fixed Engineers being able to build level 3 mini-Sentry Guns using the Wrangler.
- Fixed another Sentry Gun exploit that let Engineers build multiple Sentry Guns.
- Fixed Engineers being able to build level 3 mini-Sentry Guns using the Wrangler (for real this time).
- Sentry Guns no longer track Your Eternal Reward Spies after they backstab someone.
- Updated Sentry kill icons.
- Combat Mini-Sentry is given a kill icon.
- Fixed the mini-sentry HUD not playing the alert sound when the sentry is sapped or low on ammo.
- Engineers who hit teammate's Sentry Guns with their Wrench now get kill assists from that Sentry Gun.
- Fixed the "Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas" Engineer achievement not counting Wrangler and Mini-Sentry kills.
- [未记载] Sentry Guns now properly target the Horseless Headless Horsemann as an enemy.
- Fixed being able to place buildings in nobuild zones.
- Fixed sentry sometimes spawning in shielded mode while the Wrangler was equipped, but not deployed.
- Fixed Sentry Gun sometimes placing wrong, being rotated into the ground and pointing upward.
- Fixed a bug where Sentry Guns would not rotate to face their target under some circumstances.
- Fixed a bug that allowed level 3 mini-Sentry Guns in Mann Vs. Machine mode.
- Fixed the Mini-Sentry range-sphere not accurately displaying the range for the sentry when it is being placed.
- Fixed a UV/skinning problem on the level 1 Sentry Gun.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Sentry Gun’s health to look overhealed when it wasn’t.
- Sentry bullets are now affected by damage falloff outside of sentry scan range.
- Sentry bullet damage has been changed so it calculates damage based on the Sentry Gun's position, not the Engineer's.
- Fixed Mini-Sentry collision hull and hitbox being scaled smaller than they should be.
- Added enemy team
volumes to the capture zone areas inctf_foundry
to prevent spawn-camping Sentry Guns.
2015年7月23日补丁 #1
- Fixed Sentry Guns shooting over the head of Spies using the Box Trot taunt.
July 23, 2015 Patch #2
- Fixed Sentry Guns having unlimited ammo.
- Fixed Sentry Gun model being set to level 1 after a Sapper is removed.
- After removing a Sapper from a Sentry Gun, there is now a 0.5s delay before the sentry is active again.
- Sentry Guns brought into a respawn room no longer detonate outside of Mann vs. Machine.
- Fixed a bug with Sentry Guns being disabled for 5 seconds instead of the desired 0.5 seconds after a Sapper is removed.
- Fixed mini-Sentry Guns not having full health when they are built quickly during the setup time on Mann vs. Machine maps
- 用默认的扳手建造步哨枪并将其升级至2级或者3级步哨, 接下来再将装备更换成快枪手机械手,此时将已造好的步哨枪捡起来并重新放置,就会得到2级或者3级的迷你步哨枪,此时步哨枪同样拥有和迷你步哨枪一样的属性---75%的威力和4倍的建造速度.当然,此时步哨枪只能进行弹药填充但无法被修复. 另外,这些步哨枪总是以红队队伍的颜色出现,尽管你身处于蓝队. 这个漏洞在随后在2010年10月8日补丁中被修复.
- 当玩家在装备了快枪手机械手的时候,选择建造迷你步哨枪,待蓝图出现时,迅速将装备更换成普通扳手或者是南方特款扳手,此时玩家将能够建造迷你步哨枪(但是要花费130单位的金属).可是这个方法反过来却行不通(比如装备了机械手却出现了正常步哨枪的蓝图).
- 当迷你步哨枪被放置了电子工兵时,没有在左上角的列表中出现警告提示.以及工程师也可能不会说出相应的人物台词.
- 迷你步哨被摧毁时无法获得复仇爆击点数.
- 最初的步哨枪是由拉迪甘·科纳亨尔(Radigan Conagher)于1890年时设计的。[2]且现用版本与最初设计的差异不大。
- Valve从维塔工作室(Weta Workshop)订购了一款等级1步哨枪的全尺寸模型。
- 在Steam游戏库中用鼠标右键点击军团要塞2并选择“查看玩家手册”,会打开一个PDF格式的步哨枪操作手册。
- 该手册中有一个回收标识来告诉阅读者,被摧毁的步哨枪零件可以用于回收。问题在于这个标识直到全球环境问题引起社会广泛关注时,才于1970年被创建出来。
- 该手册的封面形似20世纪50年代到60年代早期的风格,但游戏的故事背景设定于1968年开始。在那时,“Sentry”一词所用的印刷字体已经过时并不再使用,并且甚至在那之前“Industrial”字体就已经十分普及了(也于本游戏中大量使用)。
- 该手册是以彩色印刷的,但事实上工业产品手册基本不会采用彩色印刷,尤其是在20世纪。
- On the back of the Level 3 Sentry Gun's rocket salvo a tab connects three of the four rockets to the device.
- 游戏文件中存在一个未使用的等级1普通步哨枪击杀图标,它展示在该板块右边。
- 由于该图标中存在一束激光,与使用遥控手柄时启用的激光相类似,它可能预先被设计为步哨枪的遥控击杀图标。
- ↑ Uncle Dane - Engineer Rules
- ↑ Loose Canon comic, page 8, Retrieved 2019-03-17