File:Tf italian.txt
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Revision as of 18:02, 8 February 2020 by PhoneWave (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_italian.txt for January 18, 2020 Patch.)
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Tf_italian.txt (file size: 1.48 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
January 18, 2020 Patch (previous patches)
1151611516"[english]TF_POMSON_HUD" "POMSON"
1151711517"TF_KNIFE" "COLTELLO"
1151811518"[english]TF_KNIFE" "KNIFE"
11519N/A"Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Uso consentito durante: Inverno"
N/A11519"Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Uso consentito durante: Natale"
1152011520"[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Holiday Restriction: Smissmas"
1152111521"TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Builder" "PDA da Costruzione"
1152211522"[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Builder" "Construction PDA"
1173411734"[english]Foundry_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Stockyard"
1173511735"Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "la base BLU"
1173611736"[english]Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base"
11737N/A"Achievement_Group_2100" "Evento di Natale (%s1 di %s2)"
N/A11737"Achievement_Group_2100" "Evento di Natale (%s1 su %s2)"
1173811738"[english]Achievement_Group_2100" "Smissmas Event (%s1 of %s2)"
1173911739"Achievement_Group_2200" "Pacchetto di Foundry (%s1 di %s2)"
1174011740"[english]Achievement_Group_2200" "Foundry Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
2938029380"[english]halloween2018_collection_case" "Violet Vermin Case"
2938129381"halloween2018_collection_case_desc" "Questa cassa è chiusa e serve una\nChiave per Casse del Parassita Purpureo per aprirla.\n\nContiene un oggetto creato dalla comunità\ndella collezione \"Parassita Purpureo\"."
2938229382"[english]halloween2018_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nViolet Vermin Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Violet Vermin Collection."
29383N/A"halloween2018_collection_case_adtext" "-Contiene oggetti decorativi della comunità dalla collezione \"Parassita purpureo\"\n-Per aprirla serve una Chiave del Parassita Purpureo\n-Può contenere un cappello Insolito e oggetti di qualità Strana"
N/A29383"halloween2018_collection_case_adtext" "-Contiene oggetti decorativi della comunità dalla collezione \"Parassita Purpureo\"\n-Per aprirla serve una Chiave del Parassita Purpureo\n-Può contenere un cappello Insolito e oggetti di qualità Strana"
2938429384"[english]halloween2018_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Violet Vermin Collection\n-Requires a Violet Vermin Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual."
2938529385"halloween2018_collection_key" "Chiave del Parassita Purpureo"
2938629386"[english]halloween2018_collection_key" "Violet Vermin Key"
2965829658"[english]TF_dec18_snowcapped" "Snowcapped"
2965929659"TF_dec18_cool_capuchon" "Il Cappuccio Stiloso"
2966029660"[english]TF_dec18_cool_capuchon" "Cool Capuchon"
29661N/A"TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style0" "Decorazioni dipinte"
N/A29661"TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style0" "Decorazioni verniciate"
2966229662"[english]TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style0" "Paint Decorations"
29663N/A"TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style1" "Sciarpa dipinta"
N/A29663"TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style1" "Sciarpa verniciata"
2966429664"[english]TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style1" "Paint Scarf"
2966529665"TF_dec18_paka_parka" "Il Paka Parka"
2966629666"[english]TF_dec18_paka_parka" "Paka Parka"
3055830558"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_S5_Desc" "While you placed third in Ready Steady Pan Season 5, the com-pan-ion of this medal is a feast-ful opponent. Fight with them and prepare to smell the flours."
3055930559"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5" "Ready Steady Pan (Stagione 5)- Partecipante"
3056030560"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5" "Ready Steady Pan Panticipant"
N/A30561"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5_Desc" "Questa medaglia attesta la tua partecipazione alla quinta stagione di Ready Steady Pan: chiunque osi sfidarti saprà di che pasta sei fatto."
N/A30562"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5_Desc" "Challengers of this medal should run as fast as their legs can curry them as this player was a participant of Ready Steady Pan Season 5!"
3056130563"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5" "Ready Steady Pan (Stagione 5) - Playoff"
3056230564"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5" "Ready Steady Pan-tastic Playoffs"
3056330565"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5_Desc" "Anche se le cose non sono andate come speravi, ormai è inutile piangere sul latte versato. Congratulazioni per essere arrivato ai playoff della quinta stagione di Ready Steady Pan e buona fortuna per la prossima!"
3059830600"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Contributor" "Insomnia 65 Contributor"
3059930601"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st" "Cap that Charity - Primo posto"
3060030602"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st" "Cap that Charity 1st Place"
30601N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "Hai ficcato il naso in talmente tanti affari internazionali da poterti definire un vero e proprio esperto di agende mondiali e segreti governativi. Altro che i Cinque di Cambridge, tu e la tua squadra siete diventati i Sei di 2Fort."
N/A30603"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "Hai ficcato il naso in talmente tanti affari internazionali da poterti definire un vero e proprio esperto di agende mondiali e segreti governativi. Altro che i Cinque di Cambridge, tu e la tua squadra siete diventati i Sei di 2Fort.\n\nGrazie per aver contribuito alla raccolta di 1749,22£ per la lotta contro il cancro al seno!"
3060230604"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "You have now stirred the international pot so many times that you are practically a connoisseur when it comes to juicy world agendas and reserved governmental tidbits. Forget the Cambridge Five, you guys have acquired the title of the 2Fort Six.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3060330605"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd" "Cap that Charity - Secondo posto"
3060430606"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd" "Cap that Charity 2nd Place"
N/A30607"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd_Desc" "I ranghi più alti penseranno che ti hanno battuto, ma non sanno che i tuoi numerosi infiltrati nel mercato azionario ti hanno appena informato che il prezzo dell'oro crollerà e quello dell'argento salirà alle stelle. Quindi, anche se hanno vinto, l'ultima grassa risata spetta ancora a te.\n\nGrazie per aver contribuito alla raccolta di 1749,22£ per la lotta contro il cancro al seno!"
N/A30608"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd_Desc" "The guys at the top might think they got you beat, but what they don't realize is that you keep your gloved fingers on the pulse of the stock market and one of your insiders recently informed you that gold prices are going to crash while silver is going to be the new black. So while they actually won, you still get to have the last, wealthy laugh.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3060530609"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd" "Cap that Charity - Terzo posto"
3060630610"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd" "Cap that Charity 3rd Place"
N/A30611"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd_Desc" "Arrabbiarsi per la terza posizione sarebbe come arrendersi al dottor No. Ricordati che i Servizi Segreti di Sua Maestà ti hanno pagato in anticipo e che la tua licenza di uccidere è ancora valida. Anche se il mondo non basta, puoi goderti la tua cascata di diamanti e svegliarti nella zona pericolo: la morte può attendere.\n\nGrazie per aver contribuito alla raccolta di 1749,22£ per la lotta contro il cancro al seno!"
N/A30612"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd_Desc" "Being upset about this position is a big Dr. No-No. Don't forget that the Majesty's Secret Service paid you in advance and that your license to kill still is validated. Even if you feel that the world isn't enough, diamonds are forever and you are free to wake up to the living daylights and die another day in peace.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3060730613"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant" "Cap that Charity - Partecipante"
3060830614"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant" "Cap that Charity Participant"
N/A30615"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant_Desc" "Forse i pesci grossi non ti chiameranno quando avranno bisogno di informazioni segrete su affari internazionali, ma puoi star certo che la paninoteca della tua zona si farà sentire quando dovrà scoprire quale salsa piccante viene usata dal fast food rivale. Non essere troppo duro con te stesso: quando si tratta di hamburger e patatine, puoi ancora fare la differenza.\n\nGrazie per aver contribuito alla raccolta di 1749,22£ per la lotta contro il cancro al seno!"
N/A30616"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant_Desc" "You might not be called-up when the big shots require concealed information on international affairs, but you can be sure your local burger joint will give you a call when they want to find out what hot sauce the rival fast food chain is using. So don't be too disappointed in yourself; you can still make a change for the small fries.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3060930617"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor" "Cap that Charity - Donatore"
3061030618"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor" "Cap that Charity Donor"
N/A30619"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor_Desc" "Anni di truffe, falsificazioni e scoperte segrete possono lasciarti un peso sullo stomaco di cui ti vuoi liberare. Con questo fatto in mente, e grazie alla tua immensa generosità, hai permesso anche a molte altre persone di avere questa opportunità. Ti ringraziamo per aver partecipato a questo piccolo evento di beneficenza!\n\nGrazie per aver contribuito alla raccolta di 1749,22£ per la lotta contro il cancro al seno!"
N/A30620"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor_Desc" "Years of deceit, falsification and secret discoveries can leave you with a lot you just want to get off your chest. With this understanding, and a lot of generosity, you have paved the way for a lot of other people to get a burden off their chest too. So thank you for taking part in this little charity event!\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3061130621"TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style1" "Bonk"
3061230622"[english]TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style1" "Bonk"
3061330623"TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style2" "Crit-a-Cola"
3061430624"[english]TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style2" "Crit-A-Cola"
30615N/A"TF_sum19_camera_hat_style1" "Pittura: Fascia"
N/A30625"TF_sum19_camera_hat_style1" "Vernice: Fascia"
3061630626"[english]TF_sum19_camera_hat_style1" "Paint: Rim"
30617N/A"TF_sum19_camera_hat_style2" "Pittura: Cappello"
N/A30627"TF_sum19_camera_hat_style2" "Vernice: Cappello"
3061830628"[english]TF_sum19_camera_hat_style2" "Paint: Full"
30619N/A"TF_sum19_camera_hat_style3" "Pittura: Lente"
N/A30629"TF_sum19_camera_hat_style3" "Vernice: Lente"
3062030630"[english]TF_sum19_camera_hat_style3" "Paint: Lens"
3062130631"TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_1st" "Respawn League APAC 4v4 - Primo posto"
3062230632"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_1st" "Respawn League APAC 4v4 1st Place"
3074030750"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_blu_objective" "Return Redmond Mann to the RED base along with the TNT hidden inside!"
3074130751"pl_fifthcurve_event_red_objective" "Blutarch è ancora all'inferno, ma dobbiamo salvare Redmond dai maledetti BLU!"
3074230752"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_red_objective" "Blutarch is still in Hell but we need to save Redmond from the ghastly BLU team!"
N/A30753"koth_maple_ridge_event_maple" "Maple Ridge"
N/A30754"[english]koth_maple_ridge_event_maple" "Maple Ridge"
3074330755"pd_watergate_objective" "Raccogli e deposita le birre nel raggio dell'UFO per guadagnare punti!"
3074430756"[english]pd_watergate_objective" "Collect and deposit beer into the UFO beam to score points!"
3074530757"pd_monster_bash_objective" "Raccogli le parti dei cadaveri e depositale nel rianimatore per guadagnare punti!"
3075430766"[english]pd_cursed_cove_message1" "The Zone Is Shrinking!"
3075530767"pd_cursed_cove_message2" "Torna in superficie!"
3075630768"[english]pd_cursed_cove_message2" "Get Out Of The Locker!"
N/A30769"koth_slasher_objective" "Conquista e difendi il punto di controllo per vincere! Attenzione ai boss che possono comparire!"
N/A30770"[english]koth_slasher_objective" "Capture and hold the Control Point to win! Beware the threats from the Boss Battle Roulette!"
3075730771"koth_slasher_campground" "il campeggio"
3075830772"[english]koth_slasher_campground" "The Campground"
3075930773"plr_nightfall_final_objective" "Sposta il tuo carrello per distruggere il nemico neutrale prima che lo faccia la squadra avversaria!"
3079230806"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPrecipice" "Strange Filter: Precipice (Community)"
3079330807"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPrecipice_Desc" "Aggiungere questo Filtro Strano ad un oggetto di qualità Strana gli consentirà di limitare il conteggio di una delle statistiche di cui sta tenendo traccia alla sola mappa Precipice."
3079430808"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPrecipice_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Precipice."
N/A30809"halloween2019_collection_name" "Collezione \"Bottino Spaventoso\""
N/A30810"[english]halloween2019_collection_name" "Spooky Spoils Collection"
N/A30811"halloween2019_collection_case" "Cassa del Bottino Spaventoso"
N/A30812"[english]halloween2019_collection_case" "Spooky Spoils Case"
N/A30813"halloween2019_collection_case_desc" "Questa cassa è chiusa e serve una\nChiave del Bottino Spaventoso per aprirla.\n\nContiene un oggetto della comunità\ndalla collezione \"Bottino Spaventoso\"."
N/A30814"[english]halloween2019_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nSpooky Spoils Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Spooky Spoils Collection."
N/A30815"halloween2019_collection_case_adtext" "-Contiene oggetti decorativi della comunità dalla collezione \"Bottino Spaventoso\"\n-Per aprirla serve una Chiave del Bottino Spaventoso\n-Può contenere un cappello Insolito e oggetti di qualità Strana."
N/A30816"[english]halloween2019_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Spooky Spoils Collection\n-Requires a Spooky Spoils Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual."
N/A30817"halloween2019_collection_key" "Chiave del Bottino Spaventoso"
N/A30818"[english]halloween2019_collection_key" "Spooky Spoils Key"
N/A30819"halloween2019_collection_key_desc" "Si usa per aprire le Casse del Bottino Spaventoso"
N/A30820"[english]halloween2019_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Spooky Spoils Case"
N/A30821"halloween2019_collection_key_adtext" "-Si usa per aprire le Casse del Bottino Spaventoso\n-Può contenere cappelli Insoliti e oggetti di qualità Strana."
N/A30822"[english]halloween2019_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Spooky Spoils Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual."
3079530823"halloween2019_collection_case_footer" "Può contenere oggetti Insoliti con un effetto di Halloween del 2019"
3079630824"[english]halloween2019_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Unusual with a Halloween 2019 effect"
3079730825"halloween2019_event_footer" "Durante l'evento di Halloween, tutti gli oggetti Insoliti saranno a tema Halloween 2019"
3083430862"[english]Attrib_Particle3028" "Terrifying Thunder"
3083530863"Attrib_Particle3029" "Scossa di Giarate"
3083630864"[english]Attrib_Particle3029" "Jarate Shock"
N/A30865"Attrib_Particle3030" "Vuoto infinito"
N/A30866"[english]Attrib_Particle3030" "Nether Void"
3083730867"TF_hwn2019_bat_hat" "Cappello Pipistrello"
3083830868"[english]TF_hwn2019_bat_hat" "Bat Hat"
3083930869"TF_hwn2019_mister_bones" "Il Signor Ossobuco"
3084030870"[english]TF_hwn2019_mister_bones" "Mister Bones"
3084130871"TF_hwn2019_binoculus" "BINOCULUS!"
3084230872"[english]TF_hwn2019_binoculus" "BINOCULUS!"
N/A30873"TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style0" "Palpebra verniciata"
N/A30874"[english]TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style0" "Paint Eyelid"
N/A30875"TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style1" "Iride verniciata"
N/A30876"[english]TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style1" "Paint Iris"
3084330877"TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss" "Boss di Halloween Tascabile"
3084430878"[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss" "Pocket Halloween Boss"
3084530879"TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_Desc" "A scelta fra quattro boss!"
3085230886"[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style2" "Pocket Monoculus"
3085330887"TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style3" "Re degli Scheletri tascabile"
3085430888"[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style3" "Pocket Skeleton King"
30855N/A"TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead" "Testa del Morto"
N/A30889"TF_hwn2019_bread_biter" "La Bocca di Pane"
N/A30890"[english]TF_hwn2019_bread_biter" "Bread Biter"
N/A30891"TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns" "Le Corna Crudeli"
N/A30892"[english]TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns" "Horrible Horns"
N/A30893"TF_hwn2019_trick_stabber" "Il Pugnalatore Pupazzo"
N/A30894"[english]TF_hwn2019_trick_stabber" "Trick Stabber"
N/A30895"TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead" "La Testa del Morto"
3085630896"[english]TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead" "Head of the Dead"
N/A30897"TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style0" "Con decorazioni"
N/A30898"[english]TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style0" "Decorated"
N/A30899"TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style1" "Senza decorazioni"
N/A30900"[english]TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style1" "Plain"
3085730901"TF_hwn2019_skullbrero" "L'Ossombrero"
3085830902"[english]TF_hwn2019_skullbrero" "Skullbrero"
3085930903"TF_hwn2019_candycranium" "La Pignatta Umana"
3087230916"[english]TF_hwn2019_avian_amante" "Avian Amante"
3087330917"TF_hwn2019_el_mostacho" "El Mostacho"
3087430918"[english]TF_hwn2019_el_mostacho" "El Mostacho"
N/A30919"TF_hwn2019_eingineer" "Eingegnere"
N/A30920"[english]TF_hwn2019_eingineer" "Eingineer"
3087530921"TF_hwn2019_pyro_lantern" "La Piro-Lanterna"
3087630922"[english]TF_hwn2019_pyro_lantern" "Pyr'o Lantern"
3087730923"TF_hwn2019_madmanns_muzzle" "La Maschera del Maniaco"
3098231028"[english]pl_borneo_cp3" "Borneo Capture Point 3"
3098331029"pl_borneo_cp4" "Punto di cattura Borneo 4"
3098431030"[english]pl_borneo_cp4" "Borneo Capture Point 4"
30985N/A"pl_snowycoast_radio" "Torre radio"
N/A31031"pl_snowycoast_radio" "la torre radio"
3098631032"[english]pl_snowycoast_radio" "Radio Tower"
N/A31033"pl_snowycoast_kennel" "i cancelli"
N/A31034"[english]pl_snowycoast_kennel" "Kennel Gates"
N/A31035"pl_snowycoast_mines" "le miniere"
N/A31036"[english]pl_snowycoast_mines" "The Mines"
N/A31037"pl_snowycoast_vessel" "il vascello congelato"
N/A31038"[english]pl_snowycoast_vessel" "The Frozen Vessel"
3098731039"pl_hoodoo_final_cp_a2" "Punto di controllo A 2"
3098831040"[english]pl_hoodoo_final_cp_a2" "Capture Point A 2"
3098931041"pl_hoodoo_final_cp_b1" "Punto di controllo B 1"
3103031082"[english]TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns_WithNoHat" "No Hat"
3103131083"TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns_WithHat" "Con cappello"
3103231084"[english]TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns_WithHat" "Hat"
N/A31085"TF_TournamentMedal_Season37" "Stagione 37"
N/A31086"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season37" "Season 37"
N/A31087"TF_TournamentMedal_Season38" "Stagione 38"
N/A31088"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season38" "Season 38"
N/A31089"TF_TournamentMedal_Season39" "Stagione 39"
N/A31090"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season39" "Season 39"
N/A31091"TF_TournamentMedal_Season40" "Stagione 40"
N/A31092"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season40" "Season 40"
N/A31093"TF_TournamentMedal_2022" "2022"
N/A31094"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2022" "2022"
N/A31095"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite - Primo posto"
N/A31096"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite 1st Place"
N/A31097"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite - Secondo posto"
N/A31098"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite 2nd Place"
N/A31099"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite - Terzo posto"
N/A31100"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite 3rd Place"
N/A31101"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite - Partecipante"
N/A31102"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite Participant"
N/A31103"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open - Primo posto"
N/A31104"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open 1st Place"
N/A31105"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open - Secondo posto"
N/A31106"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open 2nd Place"
N/A31107"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open - Terzo posto"
N/A31108"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open 3rd Place"
N/A31109"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open - Partecipante"
N/A31110"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open Participant"
N/A31111"TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Supporter" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander - Sostenitore"
N/A31112"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Supporter" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Supporter"
N/A31113"TF_Wearable_Garland" "Ghirlanda"
N/A31114"[english]TF_Wearable_Garland" "Garland"
N/A31115"TF_Wearable_Speaker" "Altoparlante"
N/A31116"[english]TF_Wearable_Speaker" "Speaker"
N/A31117"TF_StockingStuffer_2019" "Calza Piena di Doni del 2019"
N/A31118"[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2019" "Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2019"
N/A31119"Winter2019Cosmetics_collection" "Collezione di accessori invernali del 2019"
N/A31120"[english]Winter2019Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2019 Cosmetics Collection"
N/A31121"Winter2019Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Oggetti della collezione di accessori invernali del 2019:"
N/A31122"[english]Winter2019Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2019 Cosmetics Collection:"
N/A31123"Winter2019Paintkits_collection" "Collezione invernale del 2019"
N/A31124"[english]Winter2019Paintkits_collection" "Winter 2019 Collection"
N/A31125"Winter2019Paintkits_collection_desc" "Oggetti della collezione invernale del 2019:"
N/A31126"[english]Winter2019Paintkits_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2019 Collection:"
N/A31127"Footer_Winter2019Cosmetics" "Può contenere un cappello invernale Insolito del 2019 e oggetti di qualità Strana"
N/A31128"[english]Footer_Winter2019Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2019 Hat"
N/A31129"TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase" "Cassa degli Accessori Invernali del 2019"
N/A31130"[english]TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase" "Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case"
N/A31131"TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_desc" "Questa cassa è chiusa e serve una\nChiave degli Accessori Invernali del 2019 per aprirla.\n\nContiene un oggetto della comunità\ndalla collezione di accessori invernali del 2019."
N/A31132"[english]TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nWinter 2019 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2019 Cosmetic Collection."
N/A31133"TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contiene oggetti decorativi creati dalla comunità\n-Per aprirla serve una Chiave degli Accessori Invernali del 2019\n-Può contenere un cappello invernale Insolito del 2018 e oggetti di qualità Strana"
N/A31134"[english]TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2019 Hat"
N/A31135"TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey" "Chiave degli Accessori Invernali del 2019"
N/A31136"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey" "Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key"
N/A31137"TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_desc" "Si usa per aprire le Casse degli Accessori Invernali del 2019"
N/A31138"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case"
N/A31139"TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Si usa per aprire le Casse degli Accessori Invernali del 2019\n-Queste casse possono contenere un cappello invernale Insolito del 2019 e oggetti di qualità Strana"
N/A31140"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2019 Hat"
N/A31141"TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase" "Cassa Invernale di Vernici del 2019"
N/A31142"[english]TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase" "Winter 2019 War Paint Case"
N/A31143"TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_desc" "Realizza il tuo capolavoro con una di queste Vernici di Guerra create dalla comunità."
N/A31144"[english]TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints."
N/A31145"TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contiene una Vernice di Guerra della collezione invernale del 2019"
N/A31146"[english]TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Winter 2019 Collection"
N/A31147"TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey" "Chiave per Casse Invernali di Vernici del 2019"
N/A31148"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey" "Winter 2019 War Paint Key"
N/A31149"TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_desc" "Si usa per aprire le Casse Invernali di Vernici del 2019"
N/A31150"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_desc" "Used to Open a Winter 2019 War Paint Case"
N/A31151"TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Si usa per aprire le Casse Invernali di Vernici del 2019"
N/A31152"[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Used to Open a Winter 2019 War Paint Case"
N/A31153"Attrib_Particle134" "Luci scintillanti"
N/A31154"[english]Attrib_Particle134" "Sparkling Lights"
N/A31155"Attrib_Particle135" "Pioggia di ghiaccio"
N/A31156"[english]Attrib_Particle135" "Frozen Icefall"
N/A31157"Attrib_Particle136" "Gluoni frammentati"
N/A31158"[english]Attrib_Particle136" "Fragmented Gluons"
N/A31159"Attrib_Particle137" "Quark frammentati"
N/A31160"[english]Attrib_Particle137" "Fragmented Quarks"
N/A31161"Attrib_Particle138" "Fotoni frammentati"
N/A31162"[english]Attrib_Particle138" "Fragmented Photons"
N/A31163"Attrib_Particle139" "Realtà deframmentata"
N/A31164"[english]Attrib_Particle139" "Defragmenting Reality"
N/A31165"Attrib_Particle141" "Realtà frammentata"
N/A31166"[english]Attrib_Particle141" "Fragmenting Reality"
N/A31167"Attrib_Particle142" "Realtà riframmentata"
N/A31168"[english]Attrib_Particle142" "Refragmenting Reality"
N/A31169"Attrib_Particle143" "Nevicata"
N/A31170"[english]Attrib_Particle143" "Snowfallen"
N/A31171"Attrib_Particle144" "Nuvola di neve"
N/A31172"[english]Attrib_Particle144" "Snowblinded"
N/A31173"Attrib_Particle145" "Sogno di Pirolandia"
N/A31174"[english]Attrib_Particle145" "Pyroland Daydream"
N/A31175"Attrib_Particle3031" "Regali per tutti"
N/A31176"[english]Attrib_Particle3031" "Good-Hearted Goodies"
N/A31177"Attrib_Particle3032" "Illusione invernale"
N/A31178"[english]Attrib_Particle3032" "Wintery Wisp"
N/A31179"Attrib_Particle3033" "Aurora artica"
N/A31180"[english]Attrib_Particle3033" "Arctic Aurora"
N/A31181"Attrib_Particle3034" "Spirito invernale"
N/A31182"[english]Attrib_Particle3034" "Winter Spirit"
N/A31183"Attrib_Particle3035" "Spirito festivo"
N/A31184"[english]Attrib_Particle3035" "Festive Spirit"
N/A31185"Attrib_Particle3036" "Spirito magico"
N/A31186"[english]Attrib_Particle3036" "Magical Spirit"
N/A31187"TF_dec19_bumble_beenie" "Il Bombo-Berretto"
N/A31188"[english]TF_dec19_bumble_beenie" "Bumble Beenie"
N/A31189"TF_dec19_pebbles_the_penguin" "Pebbles il Pinguino"
N/A31190"[english]TF_dec19_pebbles_the_penguin" "Pebbles the Penguin"
N/A31191"TF_dec19_yule_hog" "Il Prosciutto Natalizio"
N/A31192"[english]TF_dec19_yule_hog" "Yule Hog"
N/A31193"TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann" "Il Biscotto di Pan di Zenzero"
N/A31194"[english]TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann" "Gingerbread Mann"
N/A31195"TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style0" "Aspetto zuccherato"
N/A31196"[english]TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style0" "Candied Resemblance"
N/A31197"TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style1" "Saxton di zucchero"
N/A31198"[english]TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style1" "Sugar Saxton"
N/A31199"TF_dec19_smissmas_saxton" "Il Saxton di Natale"
N/A31200"[english]TF_dec19_smissmas_saxton" "Smissmas Saxton"
N/A31201"TF_dec19_globetrotter" "La Testa di Globo"
N/A31202"[english]TF_dec19_globetrotter" "Globetrotter"
N/A31203"TF_dec19_globetrotter_style0" "Neve"
N/A31204"[english]TF_dec19_globetrotter_style0" "Snow"
N/A31205"TF_dec19_globetrotter_style1" "Sabbia"
N/A31206"[english]TF_dec19_globetrotter_style1" "Dust"
N/A31207"TF_dec19_citizen_cane" "La Tuba di Zucchero"
N/A31208"[english]TF_dec19_citizen_cane" "Citizen Cane"
N/A31209"TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style0" "Occhiali"
N/A31210"[english]TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style0" "Glasses"
N/A31211"TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style1" "Senza occhiali"
N/A31212"[english]TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style1" "No Glasses"
N/A31213"TF_dec19_candy_crown" "La Corona Caramellata"
N/A31214"[english]TF_dec19_candy_crown" "Candy Crown"
N/A31215"TF_dec19_glittering_garland" "La Ghirlanda Scintillante"
N/A31216"[english]TF_dec19_glittering_garland" "Glittering Garland"
N/A31217"TF_dec19_winter_wrap_up" "L'Incarto Invernale"
N/A31218"[english]TF_dec19_winter_wrap_up" "Winter Wrap Up"
N/A31219"TF_dec19_public_speaker" "L'Altoparlante Pubblico"
N/A31220"[english]TF_dec19_public_speaker" "Public Speaker"
N/A31221"TF_dec19_discovision" "La Discovisione"
N/A31222"[english]TF_dec19_discovision" "Discovision"
N/A31223"TF_dec19_provisions_cap" "Il Cappello delle Provviste"
N/A31224"[english]TF_dec19_provisions_cap" "Provisions Cap"
N/A31225"TF_dec19_telefragger_toque" "Il Tocco Teletrasportatore"
N/A31226"[english]TF_dec19_telefragger_toque" "Telefragger Toque"
N/A31227"TF_dec19_pocketmedes" "Archimede Tascabile"
N/A31228"[english]TF_dec19_pocketmedes" "Pocket-Medes"
N/A31229"TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style0" "Tasca"
N/A31230"[english]TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style0" "Pocket"
N/A31231"TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style1" "Cinghia"
N/A31232"[english]TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style1" "Strap"
N/A31233"TF_dec19_spiky_viking" "Il Vichingo Appuntito"
N/A31234"[english]TF_dec19_spiky_viking" "Spiky Viking"
N/A31235"TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style0" "Stile esplosivo"
N/A31236"[english]TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style0" "Ye Sticketh Style"
N/A31237"TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style1" "Stile classico"
N/A31238"[english]TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style1" "Ye Olde Style"
N/A31239"TF_dec19_missing_piece" "Il Pezzo Mancante"
N/A31240"[english]TF_dec19_missing_piece" "Missing Piece"
N/A31241"TF_dec19_mislaid_sweater" "Il Maglione Scomparso"
N/A31242"[english]TF_dec19_mislaid_sweater" "Mislaid Sweater"
File info
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Do not delete this file even if it appears as 'unused' by the Special:UnusedFiles list. It is externally linked (which does not qualify as "used" by the software) and deleting it without consultation will disrupt its use. |
This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
File history
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.48 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.48 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.45 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.44 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:05, 15 December 2023 | (1.45 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
23:54, 27 July 2023 | (1.39 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
01:27, 15 December 2022 | (1.36 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch. | |
02:57, 8 December 2022 | (1.33 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 7, 2022 Patch. |
- You cannot overwrite this file.
File usage
The following 18 pages link to this file:
- Localization files
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- Localization files/ko
- Localization files/nl
- Localization files/pl
- Localization files/pt
- Localization files/pt-br
- Localization files/ro
- Localization files/ru
- Localization files/sv
- Localization files/tr
- Localization files/zh-hans
- Localization files/zh-hant
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