Pyro este moderat de dur, pentru luptă la distanţă redusă şi este folositor. El îşi Ambuscheaza inamicii, combină atacurile cu armele lui variate, sau îi împinge prin jur cu un jet de aer. Inamicii care fug pot murii de la ardere, făcându-l o clasă bună de lovit şi fugit. El are un nivel de dificultate redus, deci este o clasă uşoară de început, dar celelalte abilităţi îi dau o profunzime pentru a fii stăpânite.
- Abilitatea Aruncătorului de flăcări, Suflul de aer este folositoare pentru curăţarea proectilelor din drum, oprirea unui ÜberCharge inamic şi împingerea inamicilor de pe margini.
- Clasele fragile ca Sniper, Scout, Spy şi Medic vor muri repede de la Aruncătorul de flăcări. Nu te obosi să schimbi arma secundara sau arma melee decât dacă ies din raza ta de acţiune. Îi vei omorî mai repede folosind Aruncătorul de flăcări decât cu o combinaţie.
- Clasele mai puternice ca Soldier te pot omorî mai repede decât Aruncătorul tău de flăcări poate. Reflectă rachetele lui, iar dacă oportunitatea apare, combate cu Pistolul de Semnalizare, Shotgun or Extinctoporul. Pagubele îţi pot salva viaţa sau pot să îţi aducă o ucidere.
- Pyro poate să distrugă uşor o Santinela de level 1 cu focul său. Dacă o santinelă de level 2 sau 3 este aproape de un colţ, el poate uneori să se ferească incercuindu-l, dând foc şi inginerului şi adăpostul lui în acelaşi timp.
- Aruncătorul de flăcări are o rază de atac scurtă. Mulţi Pyro noi îşi consuma tot rezervorul încercând să fugărească cei care îi scapă. Aminteşte-ţi să tragi în faţă şi să asculţi sunetul sfârâind al inamicilor în flăcări. Asta te va informa dacă într-adevăr loveşti un inamic.
- Ţine minte că un inamic fuge cu 10% mai încet când fuge cu spatele, deci un Pyro care fugăreşte are avantajul vitezei în cele mai multe cazuri.
- Pyro poartă un costum rezistente la foc care nu pot lua foc dar tot iau damage de la flăcările unui Pyro inamic.
- Folosing Aruncătorul de flăcări pe aliaţii tăi este o metodă bună să Verifici Spioni. Doar o mică flacără este necesară pentru că un spy să ia foc; trăgând puţin în fiecare aliat este o metodă foarte efectivă din punct de vedere al costului. Totuşi, dacă un Spy inamic este găsit, este o idee bună să petreci încă 3-4 secunde trăgând în zona apropiată ca să te asiguri că acel spy nu folosea Ceasul Morţii.
- Majoritatea jucătorilor vor trage direct în flăcări fiind în acelaşi timp urmariţi crezând că sunt într-o situaţie "w + m1". Sa tragi in timp ce te feresti vă va permite eschivarea acestori atacuri.
- Pyro poate apăra adăposturile Inginerilor surprinzător de bine pentru că pot ţine o flacără constanta pentru a ţine un Spion la distanţă şi pentru că pot reflecta proiectilele care se apropie de clădirile Inginerului.
Weapon Specific
A list of useful tidbits about the Pyro's tools.
- The Flamethrower is the in-between choice. It lacks the highly-damaging effects of the Backburner but has more utility. It deals more afterburn damage than the Degreaser but has less utility.
- You can use the compression blast to knock enemy players into map hazards or push them away if you cannot beat them one-on-one.
- Blast to blast enemies away from Health pickups they are trying to take.
- Push invulnerable Medics, phasing Scouts, and other foes into a corner where you or a friend can easily dispatch them.
- It is very difficult to reflect objects at close range, so learn the timing of your foes. Ambushed Soldiers will fire a rocket as soon as they turn. Reloading foes will fire as soon as possible.
- As of the Spy vs. Sniper update, the compression blast can put out allies on fire.
- The compression blast gains any on-hit effects of the projectile e.g. a Black Box rocket will restore 15 health, and a long-range flare will Crit on a burning enemy. All reflected shots will Mini-Crit at minimum.
- Most reflected projectiles (with the exception of grenades and baseballs) are redirected to the point underneath the Pyro's crosshairs. You can use this to actually aim the projectile in a new direction and target enemies.
- When facing a soldier or demoman or sniper using huntsman in a small spaced area ( Ex. The vents in ctf_turbine ) make it so you can reflect any grenades, arrows, and rockets.
- Without the compression blast, you rely on surprising enemies and high damage to quickly dispatch foes.
- The Backburner criticals register up to approximately a 45° angle to the back of a target's left or right, i.e. roughly a 90° angle centered behind where they are facing. This is significantly smaller than the Spy's Backstab angle, which appears to be 160°.
- You're more likely to set off Crits by strafing across the foe's back when you first attack them.
- The Backburner's extra 15% damage makes it very effective in face-to-face combat.
- A skilled Pyro can effectively mimic the Spy's stairstab by using the Backburner's criticals.
- Due to the 65% decreased weapon switch time, the Degreaser is recommended for Pyros who quickly ignite enemies and Compression Blast them into the air for quick Shotgun blasts, Flare Gun or Axtinguisher kills. Some of these combos are significantly more difficult to perform without it.
- The Degreaser's negative attribute only applies to afterburn, so don't rely on it to finish off your enemies for you. Try to deal the most damage possible before you die or he/she/it retreats.
- The Shotgun is an excellent weapon to follow up from an attack with a Flamethrower. It allows you to back off a dangerous foe while dealing good damage and aiding your afterburn.
- If you are a good shooter, the Shotgun actually overpowers the Flamethrower for single-target fighting.
- The Shotgun is the Pyro's best (and essentially the only) ranged option in situations in which fire is ineffective, such as aquatic combat, or fighting another Pyro.
- The Flare Gun does not have falloff damage, meaning it does just as much damage at close range as at far range.
- The Flare Gun is much less powerful against Pyros because they are flame retardant.
- Snipers are easy targets, and their aim is constantly shaking while they're on fire.
- The Flare Gun will Mini-Crit on burning enemies at short range, and fully Crit at medium to long range. This makes it a highly effective finisher if the opponent flees.
- The Flare Gun shots do tend to arc over long distances so adjust your aim.
- The Fire Axe is rarely used because the Pyro's other weapons are superior in close combat.
- If you like scoring surprise melee Crits, this is your best choice. You don't have to burn the enemy, so they won't know you're coming.
- The guaranteed Critical hit makes the Axtinguisher very useful when ambushing classes with high health.
- Set your foe on fire, knock them into the air with compression blast, and finish them with the Axtinguisher. This is a very effective tactic.
- When combined with the Degreaser, the Axtinguisher can be used for super-fast criticals.
- The Homewrecker can readily two-shot any building at full health in 1.6 seconds, and it instakills Mini-Sentry Guns.
- A Pyro with the Homewrecker is an Engineer's best friend. Constant flames will keep out Spies, the Compression Blast pushes projectiles and Übers away, and the Homewrecker clears Sappers even if the Engineer is dead.
- Keeping a Homewrecker equipped in the Pyro loadout, even if you aren't currently playing as Pyro, will allow you to quickly switch to Pyro and destroy Sappers on nearby friendly buildings if the Engineer is unable to save them.
- Even though the Homewrecker can destroy any building in two hits, it is inadvisable to use it to attack a sentry head-on. have a friendly Scout with Bonk! Energy Drink or a Medic with an Übercharge redirect the sentry fire while you attack the sentry from a different angle.
- The Powerjack is a good offensive alternative to the Axtinguisher, but it leaves you without a quick and decisive way to take out Soldiers, Demomen, and Heavies.
- Even at full health it can be beneficial to try to kill with the Powerjack; the +75 healing from a kill can push your health over the maximum, providing a temporary Overheal.
- Use in maps where health-kits tend to be scarce and try to surprise an enemy so you can get the initiative.
- You do not need to kill someone with the Powerjack to get the health bonus; you simply have to be holding it when you get a kill. This can be very useful if you are low on health, as you can do a quick hit and run on an enemy then gain the +75 health when they die from afterburn.
- The Back Scratcher is ideal for Medieval Mode, due to its extra Health recovery from medkits, along with the other main source of healing, the Crusader's Crossbow, being unaffected by its healing penalty.
- If there are no Medics on your team, the Back Scratcher is a good choice.
- If you are playing in a map without many medkits, this weapon can be useful.
- If a Medic has no other priority targets, healing a Back Scratcher Pyro will give him a great deal more ÜberCharge than overhealing a regular player.
- The Sharpened Volcano Fragment's use is the only weapon available in Medieval Mode which can reliably set enemies on fire. When teaming up with another Pyro using the Axtinguisher or a Scout wielding the Sun-On-A-Stick, it can be quite devastating.
- Outside Medieval Mode, the Sharpened Volcano Fragment's usefulness is very limited, since the Pyro can already ignite his enemies at short range with his primary weapon.
- The 10% movement speed increase this loadout grants you is helpful when flanking, ambushing, and chasing enemies.
- Using the compression blast with the Powerjack similarly to the Axtinguisher will allow you to get health from weakened lighter classes like Scouts.
- Your increased speed can help you defeat Spies and Medics, since you are now faster than them.
- With the Gas Jockey's Gear item set equipped, the Pyro can make some jumps that they otherwise could not, such as jumping directly onto the final point on Steel.
- The set makes the Pyro 10% more vulnerable to bullets, making encounters with the Scout, Heavy, or Engineer more risky. Due to a known bug, the Pyro is also 10% more vulnerable to all melee weapons and Medic syringe guns.
See also
Pyro |
| Arme |
Primare | | | Secundare | | | Melee |
Fire Axe ( Frying Pan, Saxxy, Conscientious Objector, Freedom Staff, Bat Outta Hell, Memory Maker, Ham Shank, Golden Frying Pan, Necro Smasher, Crossing Guard, Prinny Machete) · Axtinguisher ( Postal Pummeler) · Homewrecker ( Maul) · Powerjack · Back Scratcher · Sharpened Volcano Fragment · Third Degree · Lollichop · Neon Annihilator · Hot Hand | | | | | | |
| | Abilităţi | | | Accesorii | | | Seturi de obiecte | | | Taunturi Speciale | | | Realizări | | | Personaj | | | Strategie | | | Altele | |