Community Pier strategy
Community Pier strategy | |
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Basic Information | |
Developer(s): | Unknown |
Map Info | |
Environment: | Beach, Commercial, Park, Ports |
Setting: | Nighttime/Island Town |
Map Photos | |
This article is about Community Pier strategy.
Note: It is recommended to read the main Pier article first to become familiar with the names of key map locations used in this article.
General strategy
- The cart starts in front of the BLU's spawn. To reach the first checkpoint, it will have to traverse some open ground, pass a cliff and a beach, and drive through a tunnel.
- The Cliff is a very important spot to take over, as it offers vital Height advantage to whoever is occupying it.
- The most effective away of capturing it involves pushing through the Caves with an Übercharged Heavy, Demoman or a Soldier.
- While the rest of the team is attempting to conquer the Cliffs, flanking classes can go down the Beach route and proceed to the Tunnel.
- If the Tunnel is unguarded, it is possible to "wrap around it" and reach the Cliffs from the other side; blocking defenders from retreating towards checkpoint B.
- Meanwhile, anyone who is not directly attacking the Red team should position themselves on the wooden ledge, from which they will be able to support both attacking groups.
- The Cliff is a very important spot to take over, as it offers vital Height advantage to whoever is occupying it.
- The distance between the Red's first spawn and the Cart's beginning makes defending checkpoint A tricky. However, the Red team does hold vital high ground near the point.
- To prevent this huge advantage from falling into Blu's hands, defenders should save up an ÜberCharge, and power classes, for a likely push which will come from the Caves.
- On the other hand, flanking classes can utilize the Beach in order to disrupt the Blu's backline and physically defend the Cart.
- To prevent this huge advantage from falling into Blu's hands, defenders should save up an ÜberCharge, and power classes, for a likely push which will come from the Caves.
Class specific strategy
- The Bikini Beach's open nature allows you to freely exercise the Scout's incredible mobility, as well as to sneak up tot he Tunnel.
- Assuming there are no enemies present in it, you can flank through the caves in order to avoid the common Sentry Guns located on the Cliff.
- Doing this will lead you to the Minivan parking space, from which you can easily access Red team's backline.
- The entire French Quarter of the map is extremely open and filled with different height variations and side routes, granting you (for the most part) ridiculous freedom.
- The only section you should avoid would be the Bourbon street, which is commonly filled with Red Sentry Guns.
- Once Checkpoint B is captured, an overhead flank route near the Red Carpet building will open up.
- During the assault on checkpoint C, it is recommended that you take up a more supportive role, since a Blu Scout's offensive capabilities become somewhat limited in the Warehouse.
- Focus on pushing the Cart and watching out for Spies instead. Although, you might be able to attempt a flank through the Canal if no one is looking.
- As if the French Quarter was not enough, the Checkpoint D is even more spacious and elongated. Making the Baby Face's Blaster a great pick in this situation.
- There is a small dropdown on the left side of the Hallway, which can be utilized for flanking opportunities.
- It is possible to access the Cave area from the Minivan parking space via one of your jump-extending weapons, such as the Winger or the Atomizer.
- Enemies traversing through the Cliff's tunnel are susceptible to the Mad Milk's area of effect.
- Use the Canal for sneakily navigating around the Cart when on checkpoint B.
- This tactic goes hand-in-hand with the Fan-O-War, as you can patiently sit inside the Canal before jumping and marking someone for death.
- As a Red Scout, it is advised against flanking through the Wine Cellar, since counter-flanking Blu members can make short work of you inside its tight corridors.
- The Docks are excellent for sneaking past the Blu's frontline, especially if you are using the Baby Face's Blaster.
- Due to a general lack of Healthpacks inside of the Warehouse, equipping either the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol or the Mad Milk is recommended.
- Try to focus down enemy Snipers when defending checkpoint D, as they are a big threat to your fellow teammates.
- You can make use of the Sandy beaches for the purposes of quickly flanking around.
- As a Blu member, your first task should be to take over the Cliff, due to its immense High ground advantage.
- However, keep in mind that Rocket jumping up to the Cliff while there are Sentry Guns on it can be dangerous.
- You can safely bombard Red positions on checkpoint B from the Red Carpet building.
- The Wine Cellar is the perfect environment for the Direct Hit.
- Try to generally avoid open areas such as the Sandy Beach, where enemy Scouts can easily dodge your rockets.
- There is a small paltform on the left side of the Warehouse, to which you can rocket jump in order to get a better angle at Red's Sentry Guns.
- Pushing through the Warehouse is best done with the help of the Battalion's Backup.
- The best way to take over checkpoint D is to secure the Barn's roof, which grants you a powerful overview of the checkpoint.
- Red Sentry Guns on the final checkpoint will usually be facing towards the Hallway, opening them up for an attack from the Shooting range.
- Take up a position on the Cliff, but bewary of Blu Soldiers which will try to take it from you.
- Using either the Beggar's Bazooka's midair jumps or the wall jumping technique, one is capable of reaching the Bridge even from the Canal.
- Controling the Red Carpet building, whose cramped environment is ideal for you, is vital to Red's success.
- It is possible to rocket jump through the dropdown in the Hallway's left side, thus surpising enemy flankers.
- Spy checking right after leaving the spawn will usually pay off, since Red Spies love to hide either on the Bikini Beach or above the spawn exits.
- Use your Airblast to deny enemy Soldiers from bombarding the attackers from the Cliff.
- The Cliff itself can be cleared out by asking a Medic for an ÜberCharge before pushing through the Caves and onto the Cliff.
- The French Quarter of Pier has many significant height variations. Use them to either ambush your opponents from above or below.
- Conversely, this opens up an opportunity for movement-enhancing weapons, such as the Detonator or the Thermal Thruster, to shine.
- Once checkpoint B is captured, an overhead gate near the Red Carpet Building will open up, through which you can drop down on remaining defenders.
- Although the Warehouse offers an enclosed environment, it is separated in two by a canal, which will need to be crossed with the Detonator in order to reach the enemy side.
- Due to an increased threat from Snipers on the relatively open Venice Beach, the Scorch Shot's use is fully legitimate.
- The Tunnel on point A is one of the few Chokepoints on Pier where the Phlogistinator can adequately perform.
- Although not that useful, the Neon Annihilator can still help with removing Sappers, while allowing you to exploit the uncommon water areas found on Pier.
- The many flanking opportunities in Pier offer rewards for using the Backburner.
- Such as sneaking through the Caves with the Detonator. Or using the Thermal Thruster in order to unexpectedly reach the Bridge from the Canal. Or even making use of the Powerjack for quickly navigating around the Sandy Beaches on checkpoints D and E.
- Pyro's Airblast is fairly important on checkpoint D, where flanking Soldiers and Demomen like to climb onto the Barn and attack your team from above.
- The nature of your projectiles, that being that they arc, can be used to destroy the Sentry Guns on top of the Cliff from below.
- Subsequently turning your height disadvantage into an advantage.
- Once the Cliff has been captured, you can utilize it as platform from which to launch Stickybombs onto the retreating defenders.
- The Red Carpet Building offers a formidable overview of the Bourbon Street; and the Sentry Guns found in it. Allowing you to destroy them from a safe distance.
- Sticky jumping up to the Warehouse's left most entrance will grant you another angle on the Red's defensive positions.
- Beware of Red Scouts on checkpoint D, as that section of the map is very open and filled with flank routes, leaving you exposed to ambushes.
- Consequently, this abundance of flank routes also makes Demoknight a viable playstyle.
- By Sticky jumping onto the Barn, you will find yourself in a prime position for obliterating the Red defenses on checkpoint D.
- Like with Soldier, Stickyjumping is good as the map's skybox is quite high in a lot of places. Thus making the Sticky Jumper very useful.
- The entire area of checkpoint D is a good example of where the Map really widens out and becomes spacious.
- Unlike on other Payload maps, there are not a lot of Chokepoints present on Pier for you to spam out.
- The only ones which can be considered as chokepoints are: Tunnel, Warehouse, Kitchen and Hallway.
- Long-ranged weaponry, such as the Loch-n-Load or the Quickiebomb Launcher, performs exceptionally well on checkpoint D.
- On the first checkpoint, your main objective should be to help in capturing the Cliff.
- This can be done by either providing long-range supportive fire with the Tomislav, or by spearheading the attack yourself; preferably with an ÜberCharge.
- Once checkpoint A is captured, it is recommended to equip the Gloves of Running Urgently, since it is a long way to the frontlines.
- If you prefer a flank-Heavy playstyle, you can try sneaking through the Wine Cellar in order to ambush the Red Sniper on the other side.
- In this case, the Second Banana should be your secondary of choice.
- Having a Heavy lay down a never-ending barrage of fire inside the Warehouse is extremely beneficial to the Blu team.
- Use the Gloves of Running Urgently in order to swiftly reach the Barn's roof, which you can use to jump directly into the Red's defenses.
- Pier has many open areas and a lot of elevated platforms, so always keep an eye out for enemy Spies. You are their #1 target because of your slow speed and high health pool.
- While laying down fire from the Cliff, keep an eye out on Snipers, to whom you will be in full sight.
- Camping in the Red Carpet Building will produce a lot of results, as attackers eager to capture the Building will mindlessly rush in without a second thought.
- Just make sure to equip the Tomislav while doing this, so that the enemy cannot hear your ambush in advance.
- A similar strategy can be employed in the Wine Cellar, where you can wait for Blu attackers to capture the checkpoint B above, before unexpectedly emerging out of your hiding place.
- The Fists of Steel come in handy on checkpoint D, which is "criss-crossed" with multiple Sniper sightlines.
- The Short Circuit is quite useful on first checkpoint. Not for exiting your spawn, but more so for denying the immense spam which will ensue from the Cliff.
- Taking the Cliff on checkpoint A is vital for continuing the Blu's advance. So make sure to support your team in their endeavor.
- This can be done by position a Dispenser in the Caves, where it can directly support your teammates ascending up.
- Meanwhile, your Sentry Gun should be located near the Beach, where it can punish overextending opponents.
- Bringing a Wrangled Sentry into the Red Carpet Building will allow it to target the Red defenders on Bourbon Street.
- After checkpoint B get captured, remember to replace your old Teleporter entrance with a new one, since Blu spawn changes.
- Once BLU caps the fourth point, consider putting a Sentry Gun at the stairway right outside their spawn. BLU may walk into it expecting the stairs to be safe.
- When exiting your spawn, lookout for Spies camping above the Cart, as well as for Snipers looking at you from the Cliff.
- Clearing out the Cliff is a prerequisite to capturing the first checkpoint, so make sure to save up an ÜberCharge.
- Due to an abundance of Sentry Guns found on the Cliff, it is recommended to Über a Demoman when attempting to take it over.
- Make use of the Bridge's stone rails in order to conceal yourself from enemy Snipers.
- While the Cart is making its circle around the Canal, you and another teammate should focus on clearing out the checkpoint B.
- This can be done by either Übering out of the Wine Cellar, or directly out of Red Carpet building.
- Overhealing friendly Soldiers will allow them to Rocket Jump onto the Warehouse's left platform.
- Try to avoid the Sandy Beach on checkpoint D, since you will be easy prey to any Red Scouts flanking through there.
- The Crusader's Crossbow is useful when attempting to heal players on the other side of the Hallway.
- There is often a Red Sentry nest near the Shooting Range. The quickest way to neutralize it out would be to sneak an ÜberCharge through the Sandy Beach.
- Of course, under the assumption that the Sandy Beach has already been cleared out for you.
- Beware of enemy's Sniper sightlines when crossing between the two parts of the Hallway.
- At the same time, be wary of the Hallway itself. Since if you are in its upper most part, there is a real danger that you might get surrounded by Reds, without a way out.
- A good holding position right at the start of the round are the Caves. They offer good protection and escape routes, while still allowing you to heal fellow Red teammates.
- In the case that you are forced back to the Cliff, watch out for bombing Soldiers and Demomen, as well as for enemies coming up behind from the tunnel below.
- If things get really dire, you can throw yourself over the Bridge and escape your chasers that way.
- Prioritizing Scouts and Soldiers on checkpoint B can be very effective on checkpoint B, as they are able to easily hold onto the vital Red Carpet Building.
- Since the Red team is at a Height disadvantage on checkpoint B, equipping the Quick-Fix can help negate some of the incoming spam.
- Expect enemies to start dropping down on your head when the second checkpoint gets captured. Making retreat a necessity.
- The Overdose is useful in quickly getting you out of the Warehouse's canal, if you happen to fall into it.
- It can also help you to quickly traverse the Sandy Beaches of checkpoint D.
- Sniper absolutely dominates on checkpoint D, so it is recommended to prioritize his well being at all times.
- When fighting in the Hallway, look out for flanking Reds emerging from behind of you.
- Upon exiting the spawn, your first task should be to neutralize any enemies bombarding your teammates from the oppressive Cliff.
- To accomplish this, you can hide your self in a nearby palm tree, from which you will be able to stealthily fire.
- Assuming you are not using the Machina.
- Once the aforementioned Cliff has been secured, you can occupy it and use it to target retreating defenders.
- To accomplish this, you can hide your self in a nearby palm tree, from which you will be able to stealthily fire.
- The Red Carpet Building offers the best overview of the Bourbon Street, and subsequently the entire checkpoint B, but it leaves you vulnerable to being out-flanked from the Cellar.
- If you are fast enough in your advancement, you might be able to catch out a couple of Red members retreating towards the Warehouse after checkpoint B is captured.
- The Warehouse's enclosed nature is complimented well by the Huntsman.
- A Sniper on checkpoint D is immensely powerful due to the openness of that particular section, making him a very dominant class.
- However, the same applies to the enemy Sniper. So make sure to prioritize him over anyone else.
- The many long, open areas on Pier make Sniper a hard foe to deal with. Make sure to stand at the back of these areas, and ask your team to situate far in front of you.
- This is especially true when engaging in a fight around the fourth checkpoint.
- Keep in mind that this map contains Water, which coats you in water droplets when exiting it, thus making you visible even when Cloaked.
- The Bikini Beach, located on checkpoint A, offers an excellent flank route to the Tunnel, and subsequently the Minivan parking space behind it.
- Majority of Cliffs' defenders will usually be preoccupied with your team, setting them up for an easy Backstab.
- There is a small room in the water Canal where you can discretely replenish your Health and Ammo.
- When sneaking around checkpoint B, make sure to utilize the Wine Cellar, as it is an excellent flank route which no one really uses.
- Not to mention that it contains Health and Ammo.
- The area of Jetty Venice Beach is very long and sparse in ammo packs, making the L'Etranger's cloak-extension capabilities quite handy.
- The Small Barn's roof can be used to get a dropstab onto the passing Red defenders.
- On the final Point, the use of Your Eternal Reward is highly recommended, since there are often numerous Sentry Guns present.
- The Dead Ringer is good choice on Pier, as there are a lot of places to hide when the enemy pursues, and allows you to cross the map quickly.
- It can also be utilized when pushing through the Tunnel or the Warehouse, in an attempt to reach Blu's backline.
- The Big Earner is also useful, as it allows you to be just as fast as the Dead Ringer without having to feign.
- A palm tree, found in the Bikini Beach, can be used as a hiding spot while waiting for the attackers to exit their spawn.
- Just like your Blu counter, make sure to heavily utilize the Wine Cellar on checkpoint B. Due to its flanking potential.
- You can sit on one of Warehouse's numerous platforms and wait for the Attackers, which will be traveling to checkpoint B, to pass under you.
- The open areas of checkpoint D open up an opportunity for the Ambassador to shine.