File:Tf finnish.txt

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Revision as of 04:15, 26 October 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_finnish.txt for October 25, 2016 Patch.)
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Tf_finnish.txt(file size: 1.23 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

October 25, 2016 Patch (previous patches)

49634963"[english]TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate" "Setup Gate"
49644964"TR_Target_EndDialog" "Hyvää työtä! Olet suorittanut Soldierin aseharjoittelun ja avannut peruskoulutuksen! Palaa päävalikkoon painamalla VALMIS ja valitse peruskoulutus tutkiaksesi erää Team Fortress 2:ssa."
49654965"[english]TR_Target_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Soldier training and unlocked Basic Training! Return to the main menu by pressing DONE and select Basic Training to explore a round of Team Fortress 2."
4966N/A"TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Hyvin tehty! Voitit pelin kartassa %s1 ja avasit Demo-harjoittelun!\n\nHaluaisitko kokeilla muita luokkia kuten Engineeriä tai Mediciä? Mikset siis hyppäisi sisään OFFLINE- HARJOITTELUUN?\n\nValmiina pelamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ALOITA PELAAMINEN päävalikosta."
4967N/A"[english]TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Well done! You've won a game in %s1 and unlocked Demoman training!\n\nWant to try out other classes like the Engineer or Medic? Why not hop into an OFFLINE PRACTICE session?\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A4966"TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Hyvin tehty! Voitit pelin kartassa %s1 ja avasit Demo-harjoittelun!\n\nHaluaisitko kokeilla muita luokkia kuten Engineeriä tai Mediciä? Mikset siis hyppäisi sisään OFFLINE- HARJOITTELUUN?\n\nValmiina pelamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ETSI PELI päävalikosta."
N/A4967"[english]TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Well done! You've won a game in %s1 and unlocked Demoman training!\n\nWant to try out other classes like the Engineer or Medic? Why not hop into an OFFLINE PRACTICE session?\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
49684968"TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "Aseiden valinta ja ampumarata!"
49694969"[english]TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "Weapon selection and target practice!"
49704970"TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch" "Vaihda aseeseen joka mainitaan ja iske sillä maalitauluja."
83138313"[english]TR_Eng_End" "If traveling long distances it may be more effective to break down your buildings as opposed to moving each one."
83148314"TR_Eng_EndDestroy" "Paina �%slot5%-näppäintä� tuodaksesi esiin �PURKUTYÖVÄLINEEN� ja tuhoa kaikki rakennuksesi päättääksesi Engineer-harjoittelun."
83158315"[english]TR_Eng_EndDestroy" "Press �%slot5%� to bring up the �DESTROY TOOL� and destroy all your buildings to conclude Engineer training."
8316N/A"TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Onneksi olkoon, olet suorittanut Engineer-harjoituksen.\n\nTähän päättyi harjoituksesi. Kokeile OFFLINE HARJOITTELUA hioaksesi taitojasi tai kokeile muita luokkia.\n\nJos olet valmis pelaamaan netissä, ALOITA PELAAMINEN päävalikoista."
8317N/A"[english]TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Congratulations, you've completed Engineer training.\n\nThis concludes your training. Try OFFLINE PRACTICE to continue honing your skills or try new classes.\n\nIf you're ready to play online, START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8316"TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Onneksi olkoon, olet suorittanut Engineer-harjoituksen.\n\nTähän päättyi harjoituksesi. Kokeile OFFLINE HARJOITTELUA hioaksesi taitojasi tai kokeile muita luokkia.\n\nValmiina pelaamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ETSI PELI päävalikoista."
N/A8317"[english]TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Congratulations, you've completed Engineer training.\n\nThis concludes your training. Try OFFLINE PRACTICE to continue honing your skills or try new classes.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
83188318"TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "Demo"
83198319"[english]TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "The Demoman"
83208320"TR_Demo_Intro" "�Demo� on monipuolinen luokka jonka aseet soveltuvat tavoitteiden puolustukseen tai vartiotykkiasemien tuhoamiseen."
83498349"[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range" "Launch sticky bombs further by holding �%attack%� to build up �charge� and release �%attack%� to fire."
83508350"TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range2" "Tuhoa kaukainen kohde jatkaaksesi. Muista pitää �%attack%-näppäintä� pohjassa laukaistaksesi tahmapommin kauemmas."
83518351"[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range2" "Destroy the target at long range to continue. Remember to hold �%attack%� and release it to launch the sticky further."
8352N/A"TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Hyvää työtä! Olet suorittanut Demo-koulutuksen!\n\nSpy-koulutus on nyt saatavilla! Valitse HARJOITTELU-kuvake päävalikossa kokeillaksesi häntä.\n\nValmiina pelaamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ALOITA PELAAMINEN päävalikossa."
8353N/A"[english]TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8352"TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Hyvää työtä! Olet suorittanut Demo-koulutuksen!\n\nSpy-koulutus on nyt saatavilla! Valitse HARJOITTELU-kuvake päävalikossa kokeillaksesi häntä.\n\nValmiina pelaamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ETSI PELI päävalikossa."
N/A8353"[english]TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
83548354"TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "Spy"
83558355"[english]TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "The Spy"
83568356"TR_Spy_Intro" "�Spy� toimii toisin kuin muut luokat, suoran taistelun sijasta hän suosii �piileskelyä� ja �yllätyshyökkäyksiä�."
84138413"[english]TR_Spy_EscapeBeginRetry" "Try again. Remember to �cloak� immediately after killing the target to disengage from combat and run out of line of sight."
84148414"TR_Spy_EscapeEnd" "�Selkäänpuukota� jäljellä oleva vihollinen samalla tavalla päättääksesi Spy-harjoittelun."
84158415"[english]TR_Spy_EscapeEnd" "�Backstab� the remaining opponent with the same method to conclude Spy training."
8416N/A"TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Hyvin tehty! Olet suorittanut Spy-harjoittelun ja avannut Engineer-harjoittelun!\n\nHaluatko kokeilla pelata Spy-luokkaa pelissä? Miksi et kokeilisi OFFLINE-HARJOITTELUA?\n\nValmis pelaamaan verkossa? Paina ALOITA PELAAMINEN-nappia päävalikossa."
8417N/A"[english]TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Well done! You've completed Spy training and unlocked Engineer training!\n\nWant to try out the Spy in a game? Why not try OFFLINE PRACTICE.\n\nReady to play online? Click START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8416"TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Hyvin tehty! Olet suorittanut Spy-harjoittelun ja avannut Engineer-harjoittelun!\n\nHaluatko kokeilla pelata Spy-luokkaa pelissä? Miksi et kokeilisi OFFLINE-HARJOITTELUA?\n\nValmiina pelaamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ETSI PELI päävalikossa."
N/A8417"[english]TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Well done! You've completed Spy training and unlocked Engineer training!\n\nWant to try out the Spy in a game? Why not try OFFLINE PRACTICE.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
84188418"TR_DemoRush_IntroTitle" "Pommilasti-pelimoodi"
84198419"[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroTitle" "Payload Game Mode"
84208420"TR_DemoRush_Intro" "Tervetuloa Goldrush-karttaan! Harjoittelussa pelataan vain ensimmäinen taso kaikkien kolmen sijaan eikä aikarajaa ole."
84558455"[english]TR_DemoRush_TipPath" "Try an alternate route if one is blocked by enemies or players. This may give you a better angle on a well entrenched enemy."
84568456"TR_DemoRush_HintCart" "Pommilasti"
84578457"[english]TR_DemoRush_HintCart" "Payload Cart"
8458N/A"TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Erinomaista! Olet auttanut tiimiäsi voittamaan ensimmäisen vaiheen kartassa %s1 ja siten suorittanut Demo-koulutuksen!\n\nSpy-koulutus on nyt saatavilla! Valitse HARJOITTELU-kuvake päävalikossa kokeillaksesi häntä.\n\nValmiina pelaamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ALOITA PELAAMINEN päävalikossa."
8459N/A"[english]TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Excellent! You've helped your team win the first stage in %s1 and completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8458"TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Erinomaista! Olet auttanut tiimiäsi voittamaan ensimmäisen vaiheen kartassa %s1 ja siten suorittanut Demo-koulutuksen!\n\nSpy-koulutus on nyt saatavilla! Valitse HARJOITTELU-kuvake päävalikossa kokeillaksesi häntä.\n\nValmiina pelaamaan muita pelaajia vastaan? Valitse ETSI PELI päävalikossa."
N/A8459"[english]TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Excellent! You've helped your team win the first stage in %s1 and completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
84608460"TR_Eng1_IntroTitle" "Puolusta pistettä"
84618461"[english]TR_Eng1_IntroTitle" "Defend the Point"
84628462"TR_Eng1_Intro" "Tervetuloa Dustbowliin. Olet puolustamassa toista komentopistettä RED-tiimissä."
2068020680"TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co:n koekuvauskela"
2068120681"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co. Audition Reel"
2068220682"TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "Tämä lukittu kela sisältää satunnaisen pilkan Love And War -päivityksestä, minkä lisäksi sillä on mahdollisuus sisältää erikoisen pilkan erikoistehosteilla!\n\nTarvitset tavallisen Mann Co:n tarvikelaatikon avaimen avataksesi tämän. Voit ostaa sellaisen Mann Co. -kaupasta."
20683N/A"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "This locked reel contains a random taunt from the Love And War update and also has a rare chance to contain an unusual taunt with special effects!\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
N/A20683"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "This locked reel contains a random taunt from the Love And War update and also has a rare chance to contain an Unusual taunt with special effects!\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
2068420684"TF_BreadBox" "Leipäloota"
2068520685"[english]TF_BreadBox" "Bread Box"
2068620686"TF_BreadBox_Desc" "Tämä rajoitetun ajan esine voidaan hankkia vain luomalla.\nEsinettä ei voi luoda 9.7.2014 jälkeen."
2348823488"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "Ei esinettä"
2348923489"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "No item"
2349023490"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "Epätavallisia esineitä ei sallita"
23491N/A"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "No unusual items allowed"
N/A23491"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "No Unusual items allowed"
2349223492"TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "Ei käytettävissä luomisessa"
2349323493"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "Not usable in crafting"
2349423494"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoRarity" "Esineellä ei ole harvinaisuustasoa"
2395323953"[english]TF_Halloween2015Pass_desc" "The Scream Fortress VII event ended on November 12, 2015.\n\nThe Soul Gargoyle granted access to Merasmissions during the event.\nYou could level up the gargoyle by collecting souls. Souls could be found by killing enemies, completing Merasmissions and finding Soul Gargoyles.\nLeveled up at 666, 1337, and 2000 Souls.\n\nProvided access to Halloween transmutes where you can transmute 3 items for a non-tradable Halloween item from years past.\nA bonus was given for every 10 transmutes."
2395423954"halloween2015_collection_name" "Gargoilikokoelma"
2395523955"[english]halloween2015_collection_name" "Gargoyle Collection"
23956N/A"halloween2015_collection_desc" "Tämä arkku on lukittu ja sen\navaamiseen tarvitaan gargoiliavain.\n\nSisältää yhteisön luoman\nesineen Gargoilikokoelmasta."
23957N/A"[english]halloween2015_collection_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGargoyle Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Gargoyle Collection."
N/A23956"halloween2015_collection_case_desc" "Tämä arkku on lukittu ja sen\navaamiseen tarvitaan gargoiliavain.\n\nSisältää yhteisön luoman\nesineen Gargoilikokoelmasta."
N/A23957"[english]halloween2015_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGargoyle Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Gargoyle Collection."
2395823958"halloween2015_collection_case" "Gargoiliarkku"
2395923959"[english]halloween2015_collection_case" "Gargoyle Case"
23960N/A"halloween2015_collection_adtext" "-Gargoiliarkku\n-Sisältää yhteisön kosmeettisia esineitä\n-Avaamiseen tarvitaan gargoiliavain\n-Saattaa sisältää kummallisia esineitä tai epätavallisia hattuja.\n-Epätavallisilla on ainutlaatuisia efektejä"
23961N/A"[english]halloween2015_collection_adtext" "-Gargoyle Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gargoyle Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case"
N/A23960"halloween2015_collection_case_adtext" "-Gargoiliarkku\n-Sisältää yhteisön kosmeettisia esineitä\n-Avaamiseen tarvitaan gargoiliavain\n-Saattaa sisältää kummallisia esineitä tai epätavallisia hattuja.\n-Epätavallisilla on ainutlaatuisia efektejä"
N/A23961"[english]halloween2015_collection_case_adtext" "-Gargoyle Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gargoyle Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case"
2396223962"halloween2015_collection_key" "Gargoiliavain"
2396323963"[english]halloween2015_collection_key" "Gargoyle Key"
2396423964"halloween2015_collection_key_desc" "Käytetään gargoiliarkun avaamiseen"
2397223972"Attrib_Particle101" "Se on mysteeri kaikille"
2397323973"[english]Attrib_Particle101" "It's a mystery to everyone"
2397423974"Attrib_Particle102" "Se on mysteeri minulle"
23975N/A"[english]Attrib_Particle102" "It's a puzzle to me "
N/A23975"[english]Attrib_Particle102" "It's a puzzle to me"
2397623976"Attrib_Particle103" "Eteerinen elämys"
2397723977"[english]Attrib_Particle103" "Ether Trail"
2397823978"Attrib_Particle104" "Manalan vana"
2401224012"TF_HalloweenOffering_NoItem" "Ei esinettä"
2401324013"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoItem" "No item"
2401424014"TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "Epätavalliset esineet eivät kelpaa"
24015N/A"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "No unusual items allowed"
N/A24015"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "No Unusual items allowed"
2401624016"TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid" "Ei käytettävissä muodonmuutoksessa"
2401724017"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid" "Not usable in transmute"
2401824018"TF_HalloweenItem_SoulAppeared" "Sielugargoili on salaperäisesti ilmestynyt sinulle. Mene etsimään se!"
2427124271"[english]pl_snowycoast_authors" "E-Arkham\nFissionMetroid101"
2427224272"cp_vanguard_authors" "Maxime 'Fubar' Dupuis\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford"
2427324273"[english]cp_vanguard_authors" "Maxime 'Fubar' Dupuis\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford"
24274N/A"ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major\n"
24275N/A"[english]ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major\n"
N/A24274"ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major"
N/A24275"[english]ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major"
2427624276"koth_highpass_authors" "Yannick 'Bloodhound' Milhahn\n'Psy'\nJesús 'Drawer' Vera"
2427724277"[english]koth_highpass_authors" "Yannick 'Bloodhound' Milhahn\n'Psy'\nJesús 'Drawer' Vera"
2427824278"TF_Map_Snowycoast" "Snowycoast"
2466124661"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_PingAsText" "Display ping values as text on the scoreboard"
2466224662"TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Käytä vaihtoehtoisia luokka-ikoneita pistetaulukossa"
2466324663"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Display alternate class icons on the scoreboard"
24664N/A"MMenu_Update" "Meet Your Match -päivitys"
24665N/A"[english]MMenu_Update" "Meet Your Match Update"
N/A24664"MMenu_Update" "Esittelyssä"
N/A24665"[english]MMenu_Update" "Featured"
2466624666"Store_ViewMarket" "Näytä kauppapaikalla"
2466724667"[english]Store_ViewMarket" "View On Market"
2466824668"Store_StartingAt" "Alkaen hintaan"
2468924689"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Show" "Open Matchmaking"
2469024690"TF_Matchmaking_Title" "Pelihaku"
2469124691"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Title" "Matchmaking"
24692N/A"QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1-merkin edistyminen"
24693N/A"[english]QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 Stamp Progress"
24694N/A"QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Sopimuksia suoritettu"
24695N/A"[english]QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Contracts Completed"
N/A24692"QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1-laadun Sielugargoilin edistyminen"
N/A24693"[english]QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 Soul Gargoyle Progress"
N/A24694"QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Merasmusmissioita suoritettu"
N/A24695"[english]QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Merasmissions Completed"
2469624696"QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "Saadaksesi sopimuksia\naktivoi Tough Breakin kampanjapassi."
2469724697"[english]QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "To receive contracts\nactivate a Tough Break Campaign Pass."
2469824698"QuestConfirmEquipLoaners_Title" "Varusta lainatut?"
2592525925"[english]MMenu_PlayList_CreateServer_Desc" "Create your own server for others to join."
2592625926"TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Title" "Kartan valinnasta"
2592725927"[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Title" "About Map Selection"
25928N/A"TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Body" "Täällä voit säätää, mitä karttoja haluat pelata. Sinut yhdistetään vain valittujen kattojen peleihin.\n\nKarttojen nimien alla näkyvät palkit kertovat, kuinka moni hakee peliä kyseiseen karttaan. Suuri virheä palkki kertoo, että moni hakee tätä karttaa. Lyhyt harmaa palkki kertoo pienemmästä suosiosta."
25929N/A"[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Body" "Here you can tailor your selection of maps you want to play. You will only be matched into maps you have selected.\n\nThe colored bars under the map names represent how many people in the world are searching for that map. A large green bar indicates more people are searching for this map than one with a short grey bar."
N/A25928"TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Body" "Täällä voit säätää, mitä karttoja haluat pelata. Sinut yhdistetään vain valittujen kattojen peleihin.\n\nKarttojen nimien alla näkyvät palkit kertovat, kuinka moni hakee peliä kyseiseen karttaan. Suuri virheä palkki kertoo, että moni hakee tätä karttaa. Lyhyt harmaa palkki kertoo pienemmästä suosiosta.\n\nYllä olevilla painikkeilla voit tallentaa ja ladata hakuasetuksesi."
N/A25929"[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Body" "Here you can tailor your selection of maps you want to play. You will only be matched into maps you have selected.\n\nThe colored bars under the map names represent how many people in the world are searching for that map. A large green bar indicates more people are searching for this map than one with a short grey bar.\n\nUse the buttons to save and restore your settings."
2593025930"TF_Casual_MapSelection" "Kartanvalinta"
2593125931"[english]TF_Casual_MapSelection" "Map Selection"
2593225932"TF_Casual_SelectedMaps_Plural" "%s1 karttaa valittu"
2608126081"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating3" "Good"
2608226082"TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating4" "Mahtava"
2608326083"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating4" "Great"
N/A26084"TF_Wearable_Tools" "työkalut"
N/A26085"[english]TF_Wearable_Tools" "Tools"
N/A26086"koth_maple_ridge_event_authors" "Sammy 'Berry' Bunting\nTheo 'TheoF114' Fletcher"
N/A26087"[english]koth_maple_ridge_event_authors" "Sammy 'Berry' Bunting\nTheo 'TheoF114' Fletcher"
N/A26088"pl_fifthcurve_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen"
N/A26089"[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen"
N/A26090"pd_pit_of_death_authors" "Christian 'Roll' Richardson\nKenny 'Flip' Wheeler\nMichael Egan\nFissionMetroid101\nChristian James DeRosa"
N/A26091"[english]pd_pit_of_death_authors" "Christian 'Roll' Richardson\nKenny 'Flip' Wheeler\nMichael Egan\nFissionMetroid101\nChristian James DeRosa"
N/A26092"TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "Kukkulan kuningas -kartta\n\ntekijöiltä Sammy 'Berry' Bunting and Theo 'TheoF114' Fletcher\n\nOstamalla tämän esineen tuet suoraan Maple Ridge Event -yhteisökartan tekijöitä. Osoita tukesi jo tänään!"
N/A26093"[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Sammy 'Berry' Bunting and Theo 'TheoF114' Fletcher\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Maple Ridge Event community map. Show your support today!"
N/A26094"TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_AdText" "-Ostamalla tämän esineen tuet suoraan Maple Ridge Event -yhteisökartan tekijöitä"
N/A26095"[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Maple Ridge Event community map."
N/A26096"TF_Map_FifthCurveEvent" "Brimstone"
N/A26097"[english]TF_Map_FifthCurveEvent" "Brimstone"
N/A26098"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Karttamerkki - Brimstone"
N/A26099"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Map Stamp - Brimstone"
N/A26100"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Pommilastikartta\n\ntekijaltä Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nOstamalla tämän esineen tuet suoraan Brimstone-yhteisökartan tekijää. Osoita tukesi jo tänään!"
N/A26101"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map. Show your support today!"
N/A26102"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "-Ostamalla tämän esineen tuet suoraan Brimstone-yhteisökartan tekijää"
N/A26103"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map."
N/A26104"TF_Map_PitOfDeath" "Pit of Death"
N/A26105"[english]TF_Map_PitOfDeath" "Pit of Death"
N/A26106"TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath" "Karttamerkki - Pit of Death"
N/A26107"[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath" "Map Stamp - Pit of Death"
N/A26108"TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_AdText" "-Ostamalla tämän esineen tuet suoraan Pit of Death -yhteisökartan tekijöitä"
N/A26109"[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Pit of Death community map."
N/A26110"TF_Map_Brimstone_StrangePrefix" " Helvetillinen"
N/A26111"[english]TF_Map_Brimstone_StrangePrefix" " Infernal"
N/A26112"Gametype_Halloween_Desc" "Matkaa ympäri nykyisiä ja entisiä Halloween-karttoja."
N/A26113"[english]Gametype_Halloween_Desc" "Tour all of the Halloween maps, past and present."
N/A26114"TF_MMCat_SpecialEvents" "Tapahtumat"
N/A26115"[english]TF_MMCat_SpecialEvents" "Special Events"
N/A26116"ToolUnusualifierConfirm" "Haluatko varmasti epätavallistaa tämän esineen?"
N/A26117"[english]ToolUnusualifierConfirm" "Are you sure you want to Unusualify this item?"
N/A26118"ToolUnusualifierInProgress" "Epätavallistetaan esinettä"
N/A26119"[english]ToolUnusualifierInProgress" "Unusualifying your item"
N/A26120"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMapleRidgeEvent" "Kummallinen suodatin: Maple Ridge Event (yhteisö)"
N/A26121"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMapleRidgeEvent" "Strange Filter: Maple Ridge Event (Community)"
N/A26122"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent" "Kummallinen suodatin: Brimstone (yhteisö)"
N/A26123"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent" "Strange Filter: Brimstone (Community)"
N/A26124"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Lisäämällä tämän kummallisen suodattimen kummalliseen aseeseen ja valitsemalla yhden seurattavan asian voit rajoittaa seuratut asiat karttaan Brimstone."
N/A26125"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Brimstone."
N/A26126"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath" "Kummallinen suodatin: Pit of Death (yhteisö)"
N/A26127"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath" "Strange Filter: Pit of Death (Community)"
N/A26128"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath_Desc" "Lisäämällä tämän kummallisen suodattimen kummalliseen aseeseen ja valitsemalla yhden seurattavan asian voit rajoittaa seuratut asiat karttaan Pit of Death."
N/A26129"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Pit of Death."
N/A26130"TF_Unusualifier" "Epätavallistaja"
N/A26131"[english]TF_Unusualifier" "Unusualifier"
N/A26132"TF_Unusualifier_Desc" "Lisää epätavallisia tehosteita tiettyihin esineisiin."
N/A26133"[english]TF_Unusualifier_Desc" "Used to add Unusual effects to specific items."
N/A26134"Halloween_master_collection" "Scream Fortress -kokoelmat"
N/A26135"[english]Halloween_master_collection" "The Scream Fortress Collections"
N/A26136"TF_HalloweenPass" "Sielugargoili"
N/A26137"[english]TF_HalloweenPass" "Soul Gargoyle"
N/A26138"Attrib_Particle107" "Neutronitähti"
N/A26139"[english]Attrib_Particle107" "Neutron Star"
N/A26140"Attrib_Particle108" "Teslakäämi"
N/A26141"[english]Attrib_Particle108" "Tesla Coil"
N/A26142"Attrib_Particle3015" "Pirulliset lieskat"
N/A26143"[english]Attrib_Particle3015" "Infernal Flames"
N/A26144"Attrib_Particle3016" "Pirullinen savu"
N/A26145"[english]Attrib_Particle3016" "Infernal Smoke"
N/A26146"ItemDescUnusualify" "Tämän Epätavallistajan voi lisätä esineeseen %s1."
N/A26147"[english]ItemDescUnusualify" "This Unusualifier can be applied to a %s1."
N/A26148"TR_Dust_Hint_EnemySentry" "Vihollisen vartiotykki!"
N/A26149"[english]TR_Dust_Hint_EnemySentry" "Enemy Sentry Gun!"
N/A26150"TR_Dust_Hint_HealthAmmo" "Terveys & ammukset"
N/A26151"[english]TR_Dust_Hint_HealthAmmo" "Health & Ammo"
N/A26152"TF_Casual_Tip_Restore" "Lataa asetukset"
N/A26153"[english]TF_Casual_Tip_Restore" "Load saved settings"
N/A26154"TF_Casual_Tip_Save" "Tallenna asetukset"
N/A26155"[english]TF_Casual_Tip_Save" "Save current settings"
N/A26156"TF_TauntAllClassKart" "Pilkka: Kunniakierros"
N/A26157"[english]TF_TauntAllClassKart" "Taunt: The Victory Lap"
N/A26158"TF_secondrate_sorcery" "Pilkka: Rihkamariitti"
N/A26159"[english]TF_secondrate_sorcery" "Taunt: Second Rate Sorcery"
N/A26160"TF_secondrate_sorcery_Desc" "Kaikkien luokkien pilkka"
N/A26161"[english]TF_secondrate_sorcery_Desc" "All Class Taunt"
N/A26162"TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2" "Kirurgin kiiltävä kalju"
N/A26163"[english]TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2" "Colossal Cranium"
N/A26164"TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2_Desc" " "
N/A26165"[english]TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2_Desc" ""
N/A26166"TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator" "Taitolennon tekniikkataituri"
N/A26167"[english]TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator" "Aerobatics Demonstrator"
N/A26168"TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator_Desc" " "
N/A26169"[english]TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator_Desc" ""
N/A26170"TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman_Desc" " "
N/A26171"[english]TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman_Desc" ""
N/A26172"TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot_Desc" " "
N/A26173"[english]TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot_Desc" ""
N/A26174"TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper" "Sienipään silinteri"
N/A26175"[english]TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper" "The Toadstool Topper"
N/A26176"TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper_Desc" " "
N/A26177"[english]TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper_Desc" ""
N/A26178"TF_hwn2016_showstopper_Desc" " "
N/A26179"[english]TF_hwn2016_showstopper_Desc" ""
N/A26180"TF_hwn2016_big_topper" "Showmiehen silinterihattu"
N/A26181"[english]TF_hwn2016_big_topper" "Big Topper"
N/A26182"TF_hwn2016_big_topper_Desc" " "
N/A26183"[english]TF_hwn2016_big_topper_Desc" ""
N/A26184"TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie" "Syttymisherkkä söpöläinen"
N/A26185"[english]TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie" "Combustible Cutie"
N/A26186"TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie_Desc" " "
N/A26187"[english]TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie_Desc" ""
N/A26188"TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark" "Hurja haihuivi"
N/A26189"[english]TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark" "The Cranial Carcharodon"
N/A26190"TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark_Desc" " "
N/A26191"[english]TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark_Desc" ""
N/A26192"TF_hwn2016_spooktacles" "Kallokakkulat"
N/A26193"[english]TF_hwn2016_spooktacles" "Spooktacles"
N/A26194"TF_hwn2016_spooktacles_Desc" " "
N/A26195"[english]TF_hwn2016_spooktacles_Desc" ""
N/A26196"TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap_Desc" " "
N/A26197"[english]TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap_Desc" ""
N/A26198"TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism" "Raskaansarjan reissaaja"
N/A26199"[english]TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism" "Heavy Tourism"
N/A26200"TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism_Desc" " "
N/A26201"[english]TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism_Desc" ""
N/A26202"TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho" "Passeli poncho"
N/A26203"[english]TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho" "The El Paso Poncho"
N/A26204"TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho_Desc" " "
N/A26205"[english]TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho_Desc" ""
N/A26206"TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito" "Meksikon pikamekaanikko"
N/A26207"[english]TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito" "The Wide-Brimmed Bandito"
N/A26208"TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito_Desc" " "
N/A26209"[english]TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito_Desc" ""
N/A26210"TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium" "Konesepän kolkko kallo"
N/A26211"[english]TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium" "The Corpus Christi Cranium"
N/A26212"TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium_Desc" " "
N/A26213"[english]TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium_Desc" ""
N/A26214"TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past" "Pomminpurkajan painajainen"
N/A26215"[english]TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past" "Spirit of the Bombing Past"
N/A26216"TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past_Desc" " "
N/A26217"[english]TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past_Desc" ""
N/A26218"TF_hwn2016_class_crown" "Koppavan komea kruunu"
N/A26219"[english]TF_hwn2016_class_crown" "Class Crown"
N/A26220"TF_hwn2016_class_crown_Desc" " "
N/A26221"[english]TF_hwn2016_class_crown_Desc" ""
N/A26222"TF_hwn2016_wing_mann" "Siipipalojen suosija"
N/A26223"[english]TF_hwn2016_wing_mann" "The Wing Mann"
N/A26224"TF_hwn2016_wing_mann_Desc" " "
N/A26225"[english]TF_hwn2016_wing_mann_Desc" ""
N/A26226"TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann" "Hirveä hikiviikinki"
N/A26227"[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann" "Nasty Norsemann"
N/A26228"TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" " "
N/A26229"[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" ""
N/A26230"TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Härnäävä harlekiini"
N/A26231"[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Pestering Jester"
N/A26232"TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" " "
N/A26233"[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" ""
N/A26234"TF_hwn2016_mo_horn" "Hipiänhalkova hiussarvi"
N/A26235"[english]TF_hwn2016_mo_horn" "Mo'Horn"
N/A26236"TF_hwn2016_mo_horn_Desc" " "
N/A26237"[english]TF_hwn2016_mo_horn_Desc" ""
N/A26238"TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms_Desc" " "
N/A26239"[english]TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms_Desc" ""
N/A26240"TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey" "Pikkupuru"
N/A26241"[english]TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey" "Lil' Bitey"
N/A26242"TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey_Desc" " "
N/A26243"[english]TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey_Desc" ""
N/A26244"TF_hwn2016_mad_mask_Desc" " "
N/A26245"[english]TF_hwn2016_mad_mask_Desc" ""
N/A26246"TF_hwn2016_burly_beast_Desc" " "
N/A26247"[english]TF_hwn2016_burly_beast_Desc" ""

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

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04:01, 31 October 2017 (2.13 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for October 30, 2017 Patch.
09:12, 21 October 2017 (2.04 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for October 20, 2017 Patch.
02:50, 4 August 2017 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for August 3, 2017 Patch.
01:13, 17 June 2017 (2.02 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for June 16, 2017 Patch.
23:02, 15 May 2017 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for May 15, 2017 Patch.
00:30, 5 May 2017 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for May 4, 2017 Patch.
03:32, 28 April 2017 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for April 27, 2017 Patch.
02:48, 14 April 2017 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for April 13, 2017 Patch.
03:15, 15 February 2017 (2.01 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for February 14, 2017 Patch.
03:15, 22 December 2016 (2 MB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_finnish.txt for December 21, 2016 Patch.
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