File:Tf italian.txt
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Revision as of 02:17, 25 September 2015 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_italian.txt for September 24, 2015 Patch.)
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Tf_italian.txt (file size: 1.48 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
September 24, 2015 Patch (previous patches)
98599859"[english]Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Allows you to see enemy health"
98609860"TF_Shahanshah" "Il Shahanshah"
98619861"[english]TF_Shahanshah" "The Shahanshah"
9862N/A"TF_BazaarBargain" "Il Contratto del Bazaar"
N/A9862"TF_BazaarBargain" "Il Contratto del Bazar"
98639863"[english]TF_BazaarBargain" "The Bazaar Bargain"
98649864"TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "Ogni uccisione con colpo alla testa usando il mirino aumenta la velocità di carica del danno da un minimo del 25% a un massimo del 200%."
98659865"[english]TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "Each scoped headshot kill increases the weapon's charge rate by 25% up to 200%."
1210012100"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
1210112101"Tip_2_19" "Come Cecchino, usa il Tranquillante di Sydney per applicare l'effetto Giarate sui tuoi bersagli. Anche se non dovessi riuscire a uccidere il tuo bersaglio, supporterai comunque i tuoi compagni nel combattimento."
1210212102"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
12103N/A"Tip_2_20" "Come Cecchino, non perdi teste dal tuo Contratto del Bazaar se manchi il tuo bersaglio senza zoomare col mirino. Consideralo il tuo piano B quando non vuoi rischiare di sprecare teste."
N/A12103"Tip_2_20" "Come Cecchino, la velocità di carica del Contratto del Bazar è inizialmente bassa, ma aumenta mano a mano che ottieni uccisioni con colpi alla testa."
1210412104"[english]Tip_2_20" "As a Sniper, the Bazaar Bargain's charge rate is initially lower, but you can increase it by collecting heads. To collect heads, get a scoped headshot kill."
1210512105"Tip_2_21" "Come Cecchino, se usi la Machina potresti voler anche usare la SMG per i combattimenti ravvicinati dove il colpo col mirino diventa troppo difficile."
1210612106"[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult."
2352223522"[english]Replay_Contest_Category20127" "Best Extended"
2352323523"TF_GameModeDesc_Passtime" "Prendi la palla e segna prima della squadra nemica!"
2352423524"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Passtime" "Get the jack and score before the enemy team does!"
N/A23525"TF_GameModeDetail_Passtime" "Una nuova modalità in beta che combina lo stile di gioco di TF2 con quello di sport come calcio, hockey e pallacanestro! Due squadre si affrontano in una battaglia epica per fare più punti dell'avversario. Preparati a un gioco caotico, pieno di passaggi, lanci, intercettazioni, formazioni tattiche di attacco e di difesa, e gioco di squadra."
N/A23526"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Passtime" "A new beta game mode that smashes TF2's usual mayhem with sports like Soccer, Hockey and Basketball! Two teams face off in an epic battle to score more goals than their opponents. Coordinated passing, aerial shots and interceptions, team-based formations and plays, defensive lines and the like make for strategically chaotic play."
2352523527"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_PassTime" "PASSA-tempo"
2352623528"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_PassTime" "PASS Time"
2352723529"TF_FindersFee" "La ricompensa del cercatore"
2352823530"[english]TF_FindersFee" "The Finder's Fee"
N/A23531"TF_FindersFee_Desc" "Questo cappello si ottiene per aver contribuito a migliorare il gioco segnalando un bug importante relativo all'economia o all'esecuzione di codice da remoto. Sei davvero un grande, come Gandhi (anche lui aveva questo cappello)!"
N/A23532"[english]TF_FindersFee_Desc" "If you own this hat, that means you reported a major economy-breaking bug or a remote-code-execution bug and made the game better. And that means you're an admirable person. Like Gandhi (who also owned this hat)."
N/A23533"default_passtime_description" "Conquista la palla e vai a canestro!\nAiuta i tuoi compagni di squadra a segnare.\nImpedisci agli avversari di fare canestro.\nPremi il tasto di ATTACCO PRIMARIO per lanciare la palla. Tienilo premuto per mirare o seguire il bersaglio.\nPremi il tasto di ATTACCO SECONDARIO per smettere di mirare.\nTienilo premuto per impedire o annullare il passaggio automatico.\nPremi il tasto di ATTACCO SPECIALE quando un compagno ha la palla per richiedere un passaggio."
N/A23534"[english]default_passtime_description" "Get the jack and score with it!\nHelp friendly jack-carriers reach the goal.\nStop enemy jack-carriers from reaching your goal.\nPress ATTACK to throw or toss the jack. Hold to aim or maintain lock.\nPress ATTACK2 to cancel aim.\nHold ATTACK2 to prevent or cancel pass lock.\nPress ATTACK3 when a teammate has the jack to call for a pass."
N/A23535"Msg_PasstimeBallGet" "ha preso la palla!"
N/A23536"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallGet" "got the jack!"
N/A23537"Msg_PasstimeScoreCount" "ha segnato e ha ottenuto %s1 punti!"
N/A23538"[english]Msg_PasstimeScoreCount" "scored %s1 points!"
N/A23539"Msg_PasstimeScore" "ha segnato!"
N/A23540"[english]Msg_PasstimeScore" "scored!"
N/A23541"Msg_PasstimePassComplete" "ha passato la palla (%s1 %s2) a"
N/A23542"[english]Msg_PasstimePassComplete" "passed (%s1 %s2)"
N/A23543"Msg_PasstimeInterception" "ha intercettato la palla (%s1 %s2)"
N/A23544"[english]Msg_PasstimeInterception" "intercepted (%s1 %s2)"
N/A23545"Msg_PasstimeUnits" "metri"
N/A23546"[english]Msg_PasstimeUnits" "feet"
N/A23547"Msg_PasstimeSteal" "rubata"
N/A23548"[english]Msg_PasstimeSteal" "steal"
N/A23549"Msg_PasstimeBlock" "stoppata"
N/A23550"[english]Msg_PasstimeBlock" "blocked"
N/A23551"Msg_PasstimePassIncoming" "PASSAGGIO SU DI TE"
N/A23552"[english]Msg_PasstimePassIncoming" "PASS INCOMING"
N/A23553"Msg_PasstimeLockedOn" "BERSAGLIATO DA"
N/A23554"[english]Msg_PasstimeLockedOn" "LOCKED ON"
N/A23555"Msg_PasstimeInPassRange" "A PORTATA DI PALLA"
N/A23556"[english]Msg_PasstimeInPassRange" "IN PASS RANGE"
N/A23557"Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByBlue" "I BLU HANNO RUBATO LA PALLA!"
N/A23558"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByBlue" "BLUE STOLE THE JACK!"
N/A23559"Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByRed" "I RED HANNO RUBATO LA PALLA!"
N/A23560"[english]Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByRed" "RED STOLE THE JACK!"
N/A23561"TF_Passtime_HowToPlay" "Conquista la palla e vai a canestro!\nAiuta i tuoi compagni di squadra a segnare.\nImpedisci agli avversari di fare canestro.\nPremi \"%attack%\" per lanciare la palla. Tienilo premuto per mirare o seguire il bersaglio.\nPremi \"%attack2%\" per smettere di mirare.\nTienilo premuto per impedire o annullare il passaggio automatico.\nPremi \"%attack3%\" quando un compagno ha la palla per richiedere un passaggio."
N/A23562"[english]TF_Passtime_HowToPlay" "Get the jack and score with it!\nHelp friendly jack-carriers reach the goal.\nStop enemy jack-carriers from reaching your goal.\nPress '%attack%' to throw or toss the jack. Hold to aim or maintain lock.\nPress '%attack2%' to cancel aim.\nHold '%attack2%' to prevent or cancel pass lock.\nPress '%attack3%' when a teammate has the jack to call for a pass."
N/A23563"TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Basket" "Hai PRESO la PALLA!\nLANCIALA nel CANESTRO della SQUADRA NEMICA!"
N/A23564"[english]TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Basket" "You PICKED UP the JACK!\nTHROW it in the ENEMY GOAL!"
N/A23565"TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Endzone" "Hai PRESO la PALLA!\nPORTALA al CANESTRO della SQUADRA NEMICA!"
N/A23566"[english]TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Endzone" "You PICKED UP the JACK!\nCARRY it in the ENEMY GOAL!"
N/A23567"TF_Passtime_Score" "Hai SEGNATO! "
N/A23568"[english]TF_Passtime_Score" "You SCORED! "
N/A23569"TF_Passtime_FriendlyScore" "La tua squadra ha SEGNATO! "
N/A23570"[english]TF_Passtime_FriendlyScore" "Your team SCORED! "
N/A23571"TF_Passtime_EnemyScore" "La squadra NEMICA ha SEGNATO! "
N/A23572"[english]TF_Passtime_EnemyScore" "The ENEMY team SCORED! "
N/A23573"TF_Passtime_No_Tele" "Non puoi TELETRASPORTARTI se hai la PALLA!"
N/A23574"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Tele" "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23575"TF_Passtime_No_Carry" "Non puoi portare altro se hai la PALLA!"
N/A23576"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Carry" "You cannot carry anything else while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23577"TF_Passtime_No_Invuln" "Non puoi essere INVULNERABILE se hai la PALLA!"
N/A23578"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Invuln" "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the JACK"
N/A23579"TF_Passtime_No_Disguise" "Non puoi TRAVESTIRTI se hai la PALLA!"
N/A23580"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Disguise" "You cannot DISGUISE while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23581"TF_Passtime_No_Cloak" "Non puoi diventare INVISIBILE se hai la PALLA!"
N/A23582"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Cloak" "You cannot CLOAK while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23583"TF_Passtime_No_Oob" "Non puoi USCIRE DAI BORDI DELLA MAPPA se hai la PALLA!"
N/A23584"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Oob" "You cannot be OUT OF BOUNDS while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23585"TF_Passtime_No_Holster" "Devi poter metter via la tua arma per raccogliere la PALLA!"
N/A23586"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Holster" "You cannot carry the JACK until you are able to holster your weapon!"
N/A23587"TF_Passtime_No_Taunt" "Non puoi USARE LE PROVOCAZIONI se hai la PALLA!"
N/A23588"[english]TF_Passtime_No_Taunt" "You cannot TAUNT while carrying the JACK!"
N/A23589"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_First_Place" "OWL 14 Premier - Primo posto"
N/A23590"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_First_Place" "OWL 14 Premier First Place"
N/A23591"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Premier - Secondo posto"
N/A23592"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Premier Second Place"
N/A23593"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Premier - Terzo posto"
N/A23594"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Premier Third Place"
N/A23595"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Participant" "OWL 14 Premier - Partecipante"
N/A23596"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Participant" "OWL 14 Premier Participant"
N/A23597"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 - Primo posto"
N/A23598"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 First Place"
N/A23599"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 - Secondo posto"
N/A23600"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 Second Place"
N/A23601"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 - Terzo posto"
N/A23602"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 Third Place"
N/A23603"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 2 - Partecipante"
N/A23604"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 2 Participant"
N/A23605"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 - Primo posto"
N/A23606"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 First Place"
N/A23607"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 - Secondo posto"
N/A23608"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 Second Place"
N/A23609"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 - Terzo posto"
N/A23610"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 Third Place"
N/A23611"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 3 - Partecipante"
N/A23612"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 3 Participant"
N/A23613"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 - Primo posto"
N/A23614"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 First Place"
N/A23615"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 - Secondo posto"
N/A23616"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 Second Place"
N/A23617"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 - Terzo posto"
N/A23618"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 Third Place"
N/A23619"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 4 - Partecipante"
N/A23620"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 4 Participant"
N/A23621"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 - Primo posto"
N/A23622"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 First Place"
N/A23623"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 - Secondo posto"
N/A23624"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 Second Place"
N/A23625"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 - Terzo posto"
N/A23626"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 Third Place"
N/A23627"TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 5 - Partecipante"
N/A23628"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 5 Participant"
N/A23629"TF_Map_Snowplow" "Snowplow"
N/A23630"[english]TF_Map_Snowplow" "Snowplow"
N/A23631"TF_MapToken_Snowplow" "Francobollo Mappa - Snowplow"
N/A23632"[english]TF_MapToken_Snowplow" "Map Stamp - Snowplow"
N/A23633"TF_MapToken_Snowplow_Desc" "Una mappa della modalità \"Punti di controllo\"\n\nCreata da Joe \"Fr0z3nR\" Radak, Tim \"YM\" Johnson, James \"McVee\" McVinnie, Rebbacus, Zoey \"Sexy Robot\" Smith, Dan Escobedo, Ed Harrison e John Dekker\n\nAcquistando questo oggetto sosterrai direttamente gli autori della mappa della comunità \"Snowplow\". Mostra il tuo sostegno!"
N/A23634"[english]TF_MapToken_Snowplow_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Joe 'Fr0z3nR' Radak, Tim 'YM' Johnson, James 'McVee' McVinnie, Rebbacus, Zoey 'Sexy Robot' Smith, Dan Escobedo, Ed Harrison, and John Dekker\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowplow community map. Show your support today!"
N/A23635"TF_MapToken_Snowplow_AdText" "-Acquistando questo oggetto sosterrai direttamente gli autori della mappa della comunità \"Snowplow\"."
N/A23636"[english]TF_MapToken_Snowplow_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowplow community map."
N/A23637"TF_Map_Borneo" "Borneo"
N/A23638"[english]TF_Map_Borneo" "Borneo"
N/A23639"TF_MapToken_Borneo" "Francobollo Mappa - Borneo"
N/A23640"[english]TF_MapToken_Borneo" "Map Stamp - Borneo"
N/A23641"TF_MapToken_Borneo_Desc" "Una mappa della modalità \"Carrello\"\n\nCreata da Sean \"Heyo\" Cutino e Matt \"vhalin\" Leahy\n\nAcquistando questo oggetto sosterrai direttamente gli autori della mappa della comunità \"Borneo\". Mostra il tuo sostegno!"
N/A23642"[english]TF_MapToken_Borneo_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino and Matt 'vhalin' Leahy\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Borneo community map. Show your support today!"
N/A23643"TF_MapToken_Borneo_AdText" "-Acquistando questo oggetto sosterrai direttamente gli autori della mappa della comunità \"Borneo\"."
N/A23644"[english]TF_MapToken_Borneo_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Borneo community map."
N/A23645"TF_Map_Suijin" "Suijin"
N/A23646"[english]TF_Map_Suijin" "Suijin"
N/A23647"TF_MapToken_Suijin" "Francobollo Mappa - Suijin"
N/A23648"[english]TF_MapToken_Suijin" "Map Stamp - Suijin"
N/A23649"TF_MapToken_Suijin_Desc" "Una mappa della modalità \"Re della collina\"\n\nCreata da Freyja, E-Arkham, Kevin \"Ravidge\" Brook e Maxime \"Fubar\" Dupuis\n\nAcquistando questo oggetto sosterrai direttamente gli autori della mappa della comunità \"Suijin\". Mostra il tuo sostegno!"
N/A23650"[english]TF_MapToken_Suijin_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Freyja, E-Arkham, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, and Maxime 'Fubar' Dupuis\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Suijin community map. Show your support today!"
N/A23651"TF_MapToken_Suijin_AdText" "-Acquistando questo oggetto sosterrai direttamente gli autori della mappa della comunità \"Suijin\"."
N/A23652"[english]TF_MapToken_Suijin_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Suijin community map."
N/A23653"TF_Map_Snowplow_StrangePrefix" " e Congelato"
N/A23654"[english]TF_Map_Snowplow_StrangePrefix" " Frozen"
N/A23655"TF_Map_Borneo_StrangePrefix" " e Tropicale"
N/A23656"[english]TF_Map_Borneo_StrangePrefix" " Tropical"
N/A23657"TF_Map_Suijin_StrangePrefix" " e Fradicio"
N/A23658"[english]TF_Map_Suijin_StrangePrefix" " Water-Logged"
N/A23659"FreezePanel_ItemOtherOwner" "%killername% sta usando l'arma di %ownername%:"
N/A23660"[english]FreezePanel_ItemOtherOwner" "%killername% is carrying %ownername%'s:"
N/A23661"TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Profile" "Profilo"
N/A23662"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Profile" "Profile"
N/A23663"NewItemMethod_TradeUp" "Hai ottenuto dalla Lettera di scambio:"
N/A23664"[english]NewItemMethod_TradeUp" "You �traded up for�:"
N/A23665"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow" "Filtro Strano: Snowplow (Comunità)"
N/A23666"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow" "Strange Filter: Snowplow (Community)"
N/A23667"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow_Desc" "Se aggiungi questo Filtro Strano ad un oggetto di qualità Strana potrai limitare il conteggio di una delle statistiche alla sola mappa Snowplow."
N/A23668"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Snowplow."
N/A23669"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo" "Filtro Strano: Borneo (Comunità)"
N/A23670"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo" "Strange Filter: Borneo (Community)"
N/A23671"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo_Desc" "Se aggiungi questo Filtro Strano ad un oggetto di qualità Strana potrai limitare il conteggio di una delle statistiche alla sola mappa Borneo."
N/A23672"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Borneo."
N/A23673"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin" "Filtro Strano: Suijin (Comunità)"
N/A23674"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin" "Strange Filter: Suijin (Community)"
N/A23675"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin_Desc" "Se aggiungi questo Filtro Strano ad un oggetto di qualità Strana potrai limitare il conteggio di una delle statistiche alla sola mappa Suijin."
N/A23676"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Suijin."
N/A23677"GunMettleCosmetics_collection" "La collezione dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\""
N/A23678"[english]GunMettleCosmetics_collection" "Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection"
N/A23679"GunMettleCosmetics_collection_desc" "Gli oggetti della collezione dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\":"
N/A23680"[english]GunMettleCosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection:"
N/A23681"Footer_GunMettleCosmetics" "Potrebbe contenere un copricapo dei \"Colori di guerra\" Strano o Insolito"
N/A23682"[english]Footer_GunMettleCosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Gun Mettle Hat"
N/A23683"TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase" "Cassa dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\""
N/A23684"[english]TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase" "Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case"
N/A23685"TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_desc" "Questa cassa è chiusa e serve una\nchiave dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\" per aprirla.\n\nInclude un oggetto creato dalla comunità \ndella collezione dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\"."
N/A23686"[english]TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGun Mettle Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Gun Mettle Cosmetic Collection."
N/A23687"TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Cassa dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\"\n-Include oggetti decorativi creati dalla comunità\n-Va aperta con una chiave dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\"\n-Potrebbe contenere un copricapo dei \"Colori di guerra\" Strano o Insolito"
N/A23688"[english]TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Gun Mettle Hat"
N/A23689"TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey" "Chiave dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\""
N/A23690"[english]TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey" "Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key"
N/A23691"TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_desc" "Si usa per aprire le casse dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\""
N/A23692"[english]TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_desc" "Used to Open a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case"
N/A23693"TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Si usa per aprire le casse dei \"Colori di guerra decorativi\"\n-Le casse potrebbero contenere un copricapo dei \"Colori di guerra\" Strano o Insolito"
N/A23694"[english]TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Gun Mettle Hat"
N/A23695"TFUI_InvTooltip_RarityNoWear" "%s2 - %s1%s3"
N/A23696"[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_RarityNoWear" "%s1 Grade %s2%s3"
N/A23697"Attrib_ItemsTradedIn" "Oggetti usati nella Lettera di scambio : %s1"
N/A23698"[english]Attrib_ItemsTradedIn" "Items Traded in : %s1"
N/A23699"Item_TradeUp" "�%s1� ha ottenuto da una Lettera di scambio:: %s2 %s3"
N/A23700"[english]Item_TradeUp" "�%s1� has traded up for:: %s2 %s3"
N/A23701"TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Title" "Lettere di scambio"
N/A23702"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Title" "Trade-Ups"
N/A23703"TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Text" "Qui potrai scambiare dieci oggetti di rarità e attributi Strani identici per un oggetto del livello di rarità successivo. L'oggetto ottenuto sarà della stessa collezione di uno degli oggetti forniti e avrà gli stessi attributi Strani degli oggetti scambiati."
N/A23704"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Text" "Here you're able to exchange ten items of identical rarity and strangeness for one item of the next highest rarity, with the same strangeness, and from a collection of one of the items provided."
N/A23705"TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Text" "Clicca qui per aggiungere gli oggetti da scambiare. Gli oggetti devono avere rarità e attributi Strani identici. Non sono permessi gli oggetti Insoliti.\n\nPuoi anche selezionare più oggetti dallo zaino e scegliere \"Aggiungi alla Lettera di scambio Mann Co.\" per aggiungerli tutti."
N/A23706"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Text" "Click here to attach items you're willing to trade in. All items must be of the same rarity and strangeness. Unusual items are not allowed.\n\nYou can also select multiple items from your backpack and choose \"Mann Co. Trade Up\"."
N/A23707"TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Title" "Gli oggetti da scambiare"
N/A23708"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Title" "Items to trade"
N/A23709"TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Title" "Firma"
N/A23710"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Title" "Signing"
N/A23711"TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Text" "Scrivi qui il tuo indirizzo sulle righe apposite e in modo leggibile."
N/A23712"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Text" "Write your return address here. Please write legibly and only on the lines provided."
N/A23713"TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Title" "Francobollo"
N/A23714"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Title" "Stamp"
N/A23715"TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Text" "Clicca qui per mettere il francobollo.\n\nInvieremo gli oggetti a Mann Co. dopo che avrai scritto il tuo indirizzo e aggiunto il francobollo."
N/A23716"[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Text" "Click here to apply a stamp.\n\nOnce the return address is filled out and stamp applied, you may then send your items to Mann Co."
N/A23717"Context_CraftUp" "Aggiungi alla Lettera di scambio Mann Co."
N/A23718"[english]Context_CraftUp" "Mann Co. Trade-Up"
N/A23719"Context_Style" "Stile"
N/A23720"[english]Context_Style" "Style"
N/A23721"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "Nessun oggetto"
N/A23722"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "No item"
N/A23723"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "Oggetti insoliti non permessi"
N/A23724"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "No unusual items allowed"
N/A23725"TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "Non utilizzabile nella forgiatura"
N/A23726"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "Not usable in crafting"
N/A23727"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoRarity" "L'oggetto non ha rarità"
N/A23728"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoRarity" "Item has no rarity"
N/A23729"TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchRarity" "La rarità dell'oggetto non corrisponde"
N/A23730"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchRarity" "Item's rarity mismatches"
N/A23731"TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchStrange" "Gli attributi Strani dell'oggetto non corrispondono"
N/A23732"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchStrange" "Item's strangeness mismatches"
N/A23733"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoCollection" "L'oggetto non è di una collezione"
N/A23734"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoCollection" "Item does not belong to a collection"
N/A23735"TF_CollectionCrafting_MaxRarity" "Gli oggetti delle collezioni migliori non possono essere aggiunti"
N/A23736"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_MaxRarity" "Item at the top of a collection cannot be crafted"
N/A23737"TF_CollectionCrafting_Submit" "Spedisci"
N/A23738"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Submit" "Mail In"
N/A23739"TF_CollectionCrafting_ApplyStamp" "Incolla\nfrancobollo"
N/A23740"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_ApplyStamp" "Apply\nStamp\nHere"
N/A23741"TF_CollectionCrafting_TitleJoke0" "Non ne puoi più di tutti gli oggetti inutili nel tuo inventario? Perché non darli via con la LETTERA DI SCAMBIO? Ora puoi sbarazzarti degli OGGETTI DELUDENTI e ottenere in cambio un oggetto PIÙ RARO!"
N/A23742"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_TitleJoke0" "Tired of items you don't want clogging up your inventory? Why not TRADE UP? Now you can swap those FLOP DROPS for a HIGHER TIER ITEM!"
N/A23743"TF_CollectionCrafting_SaxtonMessage" "\"Se non sei soddisfatto\ndi dieci dei nostri prodotti, sarai sicuramente\nsoddisfatto di quello nuovo!\n\nÈ stato provato scientificamente!\""
N/A23744"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_SaxtonMessage" "\"If you aren't 100% satisfied\nwith ten of our products, you will be\n1000% satisfied with one!\n\nIt is basic geography!\""
N/A23745"TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions" "Scambia 10 oggetti di rarità identica per 1 oggetto del livello di rarità successivo. L'oggetto sarà della collezione di uno degli oggetti che hai fornito."
N/A23746"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions" "Exchange 10 items of identical quality for 1 item of the next highest quality from a collection of one of the items provided."
N/A23747"TF_CollectionCrafting_AttachItem" "Aggiungi un oggetto qui"
N/A23748"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_AttachItem" "Attach item here"
N/A23749"TF_CollectionCrafting_WaitingForResponse" "In attesa di risposta..."
N/A23750"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_WaitingForResponse" "Waiting for response..."
N/A23751"TF_CollectionCrafting_ReponseTimeout" "Non c'è stata risposta dal server degli oggetti.\nGli oggetti ti sono stati restituiti."
N/A23752"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_ReponseTimeout" "There was no response from the item server.\nYour items have been returned."
N/A23753"TF_CollectionCrafting_Result0" "Hai ottenuto dalla Lettera di scambio:"
N/A23754"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Result0" "You traded up for:"
N/A23755"TF_WhoDropped" "Di %s1"
N/A23756"[english]TF_WhoDropped" "Dropped by %s1"
N/A23757"TF_OthersGun" "%s2\ndi %s1"
N/A23758"[english]TF_OthersGun" "%s1's\n%s2"
N/A23759"TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation" "La sensazione girevole"
N/A23760"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation" "The Rotation Sensation"
N/A23761"TF_cc_summer2015_the_physicians_protector" "Il protettore del dottore"
N/A23762"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_physicians_protector" "The Physician's Protector"
N/A23763"TF_cc_summer2015_the_vascular_vestment" "La corazza vascolare"
N/A23764"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_vascular_vestment" "The Vascular Vestment"
N/A23765"TF_cc_summer2015_bruces_bonnet" "La corona scozzese"
N/A23766"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_bruces_bonnet" "Bruce's Bonnet"
N/A23767"TF_cc_summer2015_outta_sight" "Il principe di Teufort"
N/A23768"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_outta_sight" "Outta' Sight"
N/A23769"TF_cc_summer2015_support_spurs" "Gli stivali da cowboy"
N/A23770"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_support_spurs" "Support Spurs"
N/A23771"TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers" "La giacca dell'infiltratore"
N/A23772"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers" "Lurker's Leathers"
N/A23773"TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style0" "Al diavolo l'eleganza"
N/A23774"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style0" "Wasteland"
N/A23775"TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style1" "L'eleganza prima di tutto"
N/A23776"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style1" "Wall Street"
N/A23777"TF_cc_summer2015_commissars_coat" "Il cappotto del commissario"
N/A23778"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_commissars_coat" "Commissar's Coat"
N/A23779"TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson" "Il cappello da sceriffo"
N/A23780"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson" "Sheriff's Stetson"
N/A23781"TF_cc_summer2015_wild_west_waistcoat" "Il panciotto del Selvaggio West"
N/A23782"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_wild_west_waistcoat" "Wild West Waistcoat"
N/A23783"TF_cc_summer2015_fortunate_son" "Il ragazzo fortunato"
N/A23784"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_fortunate_son" "Fortunate Son"
N/A23785"TF_cc_summer2015_flak_jack" "Il gilè da cadetto"
N/A23786"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_flak_jack" "Flak Jack"
N/A23787"TF_cc_summer2015_captain_cardbeard_cutthroat" "L'acconciatura del Capitan Accoppator'"
N/A23788"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_captain_cardbeard_cutthroat" "Captain Cardbeard Cutthroat"
N/A23789"TF_cc_summer2015_potassium_bonnett" "Il bananone"
N/A23790"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_potassium_bonnett" "Potassium Bonnett"
N/A23791"TF_cc_summer2015_white_russian" "Il russo bianco"
N/A23792"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_white_russian" "White Russian"
N/A23793"TF_cc_summer2015_el_duderino" "Il Drugherrimo"
N/A23794"[english]TF_cc_summer2015_el_duderino" "El Duderino"
N/A23795"cp_snowplow_description" "Obiettivo:
N/A23796La squadra RED vince difendendo i propri punti di controllo. La squadra BLU vince conquistando tutti i punti di controllo prima che il treno esaurisca la salute.
N/A23798Altre note:
N/A23799I punti di controllo non possono essere conquistati quando sono bloccati. La squadra RED non può riprendere il controllo di un punto conquistato dalla squadra BLU."
N/A23800"[english]cp_snowplow_description" "Objective:
N/A23801RED team wins by defending their Control Points. BLU team wins by capturing all control points before the train's health reaches zero.
N/A23803Other Notes:
N/A23804Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked. RED team cannot regain control of a point once BLU has captured it."
N/A23805"TF_Passtime_Goal" "CANESTRO"
N/A23806"[english]TF_Passtime_Goal" "GOAL"
N/A23807"TF_Passtime_InPassRange" "A PORTATA DI PALLA"
N/A23808"[english]TF_Passtime_InPassRange" "IN PASS RANGE"
N/A23809"TF_Passtime_CarrierName" "Portatore della palla: %s1"
N/A23810"[english]TF_Passtime_CarrierName" "Carrier: %s1"
N/A23811"TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_First_Place" "DeutschLAN - Primo posto"
N/A23812"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_First_Place" "DeutschLAN 1st Place"
N/A23813"TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Second_Place" "DeutschLAN - Secondo posto"
N/A23814"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Second_Place" "DeutschLAN 2nd Place"
N/A23815"TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Third_Place" "DeutschLAN - Terzo posto"
N/A23816"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Third_Place" "DeutschLAN 3rd Place"
N/A23817"TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Participant" "DeutschLAN - Partecipante"
N/A23818"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Participant" "DeutschLAN Participant"
N/A23819"TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Supporter" "DeutschLAN - Sostenitore"
N/A23820"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Supporter" "DeutschLAN Supporter"
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
18:02, 8 February 2020 | (2.44 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for January 18, 2020 Patch. | |
04:27, 19 October 2019 | (4.82 MB) | Kaezle (talk | contribs) | Updated the localization files | |
03:03, 18 October 2019 | (4.82 MB) | Kaezle (talk | contribs) | Updated the localization files | |
09:14, 17 October 2019 | (4.81 MB) | Kaezle (talk | contribs) | Updated the localization files. | |
03:39, 14 October 2019 | (4.77 MB) | Kaezle (talk | contribs) | ||
05:16, 20 October 2018 | (2.27 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for October 19, 2018 Patch. | |
04:13, 14 December 2017 | (2.2 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 13, 2017 Patch. | |
15:21, 2 December 2017 | (2.2 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 1, 2017 Patch. | |
04:31, 8 November 2017 | (2.2 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for November 7, 2017 Patch. | |
02:37, 1 November 2017 | (2.2 MB) | MousseBOT (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for October 31, 2017 Patch. |
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File usage
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