File:Tf danish.txt

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Revision as of 02:50, 4 August 2017 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_danish.txt for August 3, 2017 Patch.)
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Tf_danish.txt(file size: 1.37 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

August 3, 2017 Patch (previous patches)

66276627"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_NAME" "Gored!"
66286628"TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Saml den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemanns hjemsøgte metal."
66296629"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Collect the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Haunted Metal."
66316631"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_NAME" "Masked Mann"
66326632"TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_DESC" "Indsaml en sjælgargoil i Mann Manor."
66336633"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_DESC" "Collect a Soul Gargoyle in Mann Manor."
1022310223"[english]TF_Clockwerk_Hat" "Clockwerk's Helm"
1022410224"TF_DotaSniper_Hat" "Skyttens Sigteglas"
1022510225"[english]TF_DotaSniper_Hat" "Sniper's Snipin' Glass"
10226N/A"TF_Stormspirit_Hat" "Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat"
N/A10226"TF_Stormspirit_Hat" "Stormåndens Muntre Hat"
1022710227"[english]TF_Stormspirit_Hat" "Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat"
1022810228"TF_DotaGamescom2011_Hat_Desc" "DOTA 2 International Championship\nGamescom 2011"
1022910229"[english]TF_DotaGamescom2011_Hat_Desc" "DOTA 2 International Championship\nGamescom 2011"
1072010720"[english]TF_ScottishHandshake" "The Scottish Handshake"
1072110721"TF_ScottishHandshake_Desc" "Din fjender vil tro du skaber fred, lige op til det grufulde øjeblik deres hånd bliver alvorligt skåret! Her er tricket: Det er en ødelagt flaske!"
1072210722"[english]TF_ScottishHandshake_Desc" "Your enemies will think you're making peace, right up until the terrifying moment that their hand is very seriously cut! Here's the trick: It's a broken bottle!"
10723N/A"TF_OldBrimstone" "A Whiff of the Old Brimstone"
N/A10723"TF_OldBrimstone" "Et Snif af Det Gamle Svovl"
1072410724"[english]TF_OldBrimstone" "A Whiff of the Old Brimstone"
1072510725"TF_OldBrimstone_Desc" "Dine fjender vil klappe i fryd over disse gammeldags bombers tegneserieagtige udseende, hvilket gør det så meget bedre, når du sprænger armene af dem."
1072610726"[english]TF_OldBrimstone_Desc" "Your enemies will clap in delight at the cartoonish innocence of these old-timey bombs, making it that much sweeter when you blow their arms off."
1130411304"[english]TF_VoodooPin" "The Wanga Prick"
1130511305"TF_InfernalImpaler" "Den Infernalske Spidder"
1130611306"[english]TF_InfernalImpaler" "The Infernal Impaler"
11307N/A"TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011" "Spine-Chilling Skull 2011"
N/A11307"TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011" "Rygradsrystende Kranium 2011"
1130811308"[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011" "The Spine-Chilling Skull 2011"
1130911309"TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Desc" "Udtryk endnu engang dit udøende had over for alt det levende med denne årlige kranie-tematiserede hat af had."
1131011310"[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Desc" "Re-express your undying hatred for the living annually with this skull-themed hate hat."
1144811448"[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Stun" "�%player%� has stunned �MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%)�\n"
1144911449"TF_Welcome_fullmoon" "Velkommen og nyd fuldmånen!"
1145011450"[english]TF_Welcome_fullmoon" "Welcome and Enjoy the Full Moon!"
11451N/A"TF_Luchador" "Cold War Luchador"
N/A11451"TF_Luchador" "Koldkrigs-Luchador"
1145211452"[english]TF_Luchador" "The Cold War Luchador"
1145311453"TF_Luchador_Desc" "Det mest rædselsvækkende sovjet-/latino-forhold siden den cubanske missilkrise."
1145411454"[english]TF_Luchador_Desc" "The most terrifying Soviet/Latino partnership since the Cuban Missile Crisis."
11455N/A"TF_Apocofists" "Apoco-Fists"
N/A11455"TF_Apocofists" "Apoko-Næverne"
1145611456"[english]TF_Apocofists" "The Apoco-Fists"
1145711457"TF_Apocofists_Desc" "Forvandl hver af dine fingre til Apokalypsens fire ryttere! Det er over nitten Apokalyptiske ryttere per handske! Så meget apokalypse har vi aldrig turdet sætte på hver hånd før!"
1145811458"[english]TF_Apocofists_Desc" "Turn every one of your fingers into the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! That's over nineteen Horsemen of the Apocalypse per glove! The most Apocalypse we've ever dared attach to one hand!"
1192411924"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank18" "The Uber-Altruist's"
1192511925"Item_Named" "�%s1� har omdøbt sin �%s2� til �%s3�"
1192611926"[english]Item_Named" "�%s1� has renamed their �%s2� to �%s3�"
11927N/A"TF_LuckyShot" "Lucky Shot"
N/A11927"TF_LuckyShot" "Det Heldige Skud"
1192811928"[english]TF_LuckyShot" "The Lucky Shot"
1192911929"TF_LuckyShot_Desc" "Lad os se det igen, menig."
1193011930"[english]TF_LuckyShot_Desc" "Let's see you do that again, Private."
1197611976"[english]TF_Jag_Badge" "The Merc Medal"
1197711977"TF_Jag_Badge_Desc" "Der eksisterer et agentur så hemmeligt, at kun tre folk på planeten kender til dets eksistens. Dette er medaljen, de giver hinanden, når en af dem gør et godt stykke arbejde."
1197811978"[english]TF_Jag_Badge_Desc" "There exists an agency so secret that only three people on the planet even know of its existence. This is the medal they give each other when one of them does a great job."
11979N/A"TF_Jag_Haircut" "Battle Bob"
N/A11979"TF_Jag_Haircut" "Kamp-bob"
1198011980"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut" "The Battle Bob"
1198111981"TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Simpel og elegant, denne slankende hårhjelm vil fremme dine naturlige former på dit frygtsomme krigsansigt."
1198211982"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Simple and elegant, this slimming hair helmet will bring out the natural contours of your fearsome war face."
1269412694"[english]TF_GRFS_2" "The Cross-Comm Express"
1269512695"TF_GRFS_2_Desc" "Denne kampmonokel, med hele farvespektrummet, modtager signaler fra en satellit med lysets hastighed, hvilket betyder, at du muligvis skal sætte farten lidt ned, så de kan indhente dig."
1269612696"[english]TF_GRFS_2_Desc" "This full spectrum battle monocle receives signals from a satellite at light speed, which means you may have to slow down a little so they can catch up to you."
12697N/A"TF_GRFS_3" "Doublecross-Comm"
N/A12697"TF_GRFS_3" "Dobbeltkrydsnings-kommunikation"
1269812698"[english]TF_GRFS_3" "The Doublecross-Comm"
1269912699"TF_GRFS_3_Desc" "Dette bandana til slagmarksopmærksomhed er syet med nanofibre, der kan downloade slagmarker fra Wikipedia direkte til dit ansigt, så du aldrig ikke vil være opmærksomme på dem."
1270012700"[english]TF_GRFS_3_Desc" "This battlefield awareness bandanna is stitched with nanofibers that can download battlefields from Wikipedia straight to your face, so you will never not be aware of them."
1274612746"[english]TF_QC_Badge" "The Atomic Accolade"
1274712747"TF_QC_Badge_Desc" "Spring over alt det kedelige arbejde ved videnskab og gå lige til den spændende del: De fabelagtige præmier! Dette prestigefyldte bånd beviser din tapperhed i ekspertisefeltet."
1274812748"[english]TF_QC_Badge_Desc" "Skip past all the boring busywork of science and get right to the exciting part: the fabulous prizes! This prestigious ribbon certifies your bravery in the field of excellence."
12749N/A"TF_QC_Flasks" "Professor's Pineapple"
N/A12749"TF_QC_Flasks" "Professorens Ananas"
1275012750"[english]TF_QC_Flasks" "The Professor's Pineapple"
1275112751"TF_QC_Flasks_Desc" "Vi ved ikke, hvad der er i den, men vi fandt den i nogle rustne trommer, der var begravet i en lavtliggende grav i en skov, så lad os se det i øjnene; du vil nok få superkræfter, hvis du drikker det."
1275212752"[english]TF_QC_Flasks_Desc" "We don't know what's in it, but we found it in some rusty drums buried in a shallow grave in a forest, so let's face it, you'll probably get super powers if you drink it."
1275412754"[english]TF_QC_MedicGlove" "The Quadwrangler"
1275512755"TF_QC_MedicGlove_Desc" "Denne kvantekravede kittel inkluderer et praktisk gummirør, der dræner blod fra dit hjerte, hvor det ikke skal bruges, til din skydearm, hvor det skal!"
1275612756"[english]TF_QC_MedicGlove_Desc" "This quantum-collared lab coat includes a handy rubber pipe that siphons blood from your heart, where it is not needed, to your shooting arm, where it is!"
12757N/A"TF_MedicClipboard" "Surgeon's Side Satchel"
N/A12757"TF_MedicClipboard" "Kirurgens Side-taske"
1275812758"[english]TF_MedicClipboard" "The Surgeon's Side Satchel"
1275912759"TF_MedicClipboard_Desc" "Denne kompakte medicin-udstyrstaske er det perfekte tilbehør til lægen på farten. Behandl patienterne, når du ikke er hjemme, i den friske, usteriliserede luft, som man kan finde på slagmarken."
1276012760"[english]TF_MedicClipboard_Desc" "This compact medical equipment bag makes the perfect accessory for the doctor on the go. Treat patients out of doors, in the fresh unsterile air of the battlefield."
1290412904"[english]TF_DS_CanGrenades" "The Captain's Cocktails"
1290512905"TF_DS_CanGrenades_Desc" "Hør efter, vagabonder! Er du MAND nok til at bære rundt på dåser fuld af for gammel suppe? Er du SKØR nok til at lade, som om de er granater? Er du SULTEN nok til at, formentligt, spise suppen senere, når ingen ser på? Det vil vi vædde på!"
1290612906"[english]TF_DS_CanGrenades_Desc" "Attention, tramps! Are you MAN enough to carry around cans full of expired soup? Are you CRAZY enough to pretend they're grenades? Are you HUNGRY enough to probably eat the soup later, when nobody's looking? We bet yes!"
12907N/A"TF_Pro_SniperRifle" "Hitman's Heatmaker"
N/A12907"TF_Pro_SniperRifle" "Snigmorderens Sagslutter"
1290812908"[english]TF_Pro_SniperRifle" "The Hitman's Heatmaker"
1290912909"TF_Pro_SniperRifle_Desc" "\nHoveder vil rulle."
1291012910"[english]TF_Pro_SniperRifle_Desc" "\nHeads will roll."
1328013280"[english]TF_Sandvich_Promo_Desc" ""
1328113281"TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package" "Hvad er der i Sandvich-boksen?"
1328213282"[english]TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package" "What's in the Sandvich Box?"
13283N/A"TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package_Desc" "Åben Sandvich-kassen for afsløre dens indhold."
N/A13283"TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package_Desc" "Åbn Sandvich-kassen for at afsløre dens indhold."
1328413284"[english]TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package_Desc" "Open the Sandvich Box to reveal its contents."
1328513285"TF_Companion_Square_Promo" "Companion Square-promo"
1328613286"[english]TF_Companion_Square_Promo" "Companion Square Promo"
1445014450"[english]TF_MvM_ActivateSquadSurplus" "Activate a Squad Surplus Voucher for this game?"
1445114451"TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Title" "Tour of Duty-billetter"
1445214452"[english]TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Title" "Tour of Duty Tickets"
14453N/A"TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Text" "Der kræves en Tour of Duty Ticket for at spille på officielle Mann Co.-servere for bytte og retten til at prale. En billet opbruges kun, når en ny mission gennemføres succesfuldt. Du tjener en tilfældig genstand hver gang en billet opbruges. At gennemføre en hel Tour of Duty resulterer i et fund af en kostbar genstand."
N/A14453"TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Text" "Der kræves en Tour of Duty-billet for at spille på officielle Mann Co.-servere for bytte og retten til at prale. En billet opbruges kun, når en ny mission gennemføres succesfuldt. Du tjener en tilfældig genstand hver gang en billet opbruges. At gennemføre en hel Tour of Duty resulterer i et fund af en kostbar genstand."
1445414454"[english]TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Text" "A Tour of Duty Ticket is required to play on official Mann Co. servers for loot and bragging rights. A ticket is only consumed when a new Mission has successfully been completed. You earn a random item every time a ticket is consumed. Completing a full Tour of Duty results in a valuable loot drop."
1445514455"TF_MvM_VoucherExplanation_Title" "Gruppeoverskudskuponer"
1445614456"[english]TF_MvM_VoucherExplanation_Title" "Squad Surplus Vouchers"
1879918799"[english]Attrib_Particle75" "Chiroptera Venenata"
1880018800"Attrib_Particle76" "Forgiftede Skygger"
1880118801"[english]Attrib_Particle76" "Poisoned Shadows"
18802N/A"Attrib_Particle77" "Something Burning This Way Comes"
N/A18802"Attrib_Particle77" "Brændt Er Da På Vej Herned"
1880318803"[english]Attrib_Particle77" "Something Burning This Way Comes"
1880418804"Attrib_Particle78" "Helvedesild"
1880518805"[english]Attrib_Particle78" "Hellfire"
2074120741"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BL" "Mann Co. Stockpile Crate"
2074220742"TF_SupplyCrate_BL_Desc" "Denne kasse indeholder fire genstande tilfældigt valgt fra et lille sæt. Du kan, via din rygsæk, justere hvilke fire genstande, som skal vælges.\n\nDu skal bruge en Mann Co.-lagerkassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken."
2074320743"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BL_Desc" "This crate contains four items randomly selected from a small set. You can adjust which four items are selected from your backpack.\n\nYou need a Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
20744N/A"TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co. Audition Reel"
N/A20744"TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co.-auditionfilmrulle"
2074520745"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co. Audition Reel"
2074620746"TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "Denne låste rulle indeholder et tilfældigt hån fra Love And War-opdateringen og har også en sjælden chance for at indeholde et usædvanligt hån med særlige effekter!\n\nDu skal bruge en normal Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken."
2074720747"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "This locked reel contains a random taunt from the Love And War update and also has a rare chance to contain an Unusual taunt with special effects!\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
2118321183"[english]ItemTypeDescLimited" "%s3Level %s1 %s2"
2118421184"LimitedQualityDesc" "Begrænset "
2118521185"[english]LimitedQualityDesc" "Limited "
21186N/A"TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel"
N/A21186"TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co.-fraklipsfilmrulle"
2118721187"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel"
2118821188"TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "Denne kasse indeholder fire genstande tilfældigt valgt fra et lille sæt. Du kan, via din rygsæk, justere hvilke fire genstande, som skal vælges.\n\nDu skal bruge en normal Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken."
2118921189"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "This crate contains four items randomly selected from a small set. You can adjust which four items are selected from your backpack.\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
2186921869"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_jacket" "Snow Sleeves"
2187021870"TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Flashdance Footies"
2187121871"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Flashdance Footies"
21872N/A"TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Thermal Tracker"
N/A21872"TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Termisk Sporfinder"
2187321873"[english]TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Thermal Tracker"
2187421874"TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Kondorhue"
2187521875"[english]TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Condor Cap"
2188521885"[english]TF_EOTL_coldfront_curbstompers" "Coldfront Curbstompers"
2188621886"TF_ItemType_Journal" "Journal"
2188721887"[english]TF_ItemType_Journal" "Journal"
21888N/A"TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Jungle Booty"
N/A21888"TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Junglejeans"
2188921889"[english]TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Jungle Booty"
2189021890"TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "Det Gamle Kongeriges Krone"
2189121891"[english]TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "The Crown of the Old Kingdom"
2456124561"[english]pyroland_knife_stabbedtohell" "The Stabbed to Hell Knife"
2456224562"pyroland_medigun_flowerpower" "Flower Power Medi Gun"
2456324563"[english]pyroland_medigun_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Medi Gun"
24564N/A"pyroland_minigun_mistercuddles" "Mister Cuddles"
N/A24564"pyroland_minigun_mistercuddles" "Hr. Nuser"
2456524565"[english]pyroland_minigun_mistercuddles" "The Mister Cuddles"
2456624566"pyroland_minigun_braincandy" "Brain Candy Minigun"
2456724567"[english]pyroland_minigun_braincandy" "The Brain Candy Minigun"
2668526685"[english]TF_DataCenter_ord" "Chicago, USA"
2668626686"TF_DataCenter_waw" "Warszawa, Polen"
2668726687"[english]TF_DataCenter_waw" "Warsaw, Poland"
26688N/A"TF_DataCenter_jhb" "Johannesburg, Sydafrika"
26689N/A"[english]TF_DataCenter_jhb" "Johannesburg, South Africa"
N/A26688"TF_DataCenter_jnb" "Johannesburg, Sydafrika"
N/A26689"[english]TF_DataCenter_jnb" "Johannesburg, South Africa"
2669026690"TF_DataCenter_bt1" "Beta 1"
2669126691"[english]TF_DataCenter_bt1" "Beta 1"
2669226692"TF_DataCenter_bt2" "Beta 2"
2692126921"[english]TF_spr17_speedsters_spandex" "Speedster's Spandex"
2692226922"TF_spr17_speedsters_spandex_Desc" " "
2692326923"[english]TF_spr17_speedsters_spandex_Desc" ""
N/A26924"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_1st" "Førsteplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator"
N/A26925"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_1st" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 1st Place"
N/A26926"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_2nd" "Andenplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator"
N/A26927"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_2nd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 2nd Place"
N/A26928"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator"
N/A26929"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_3rd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 3rd Place"
N/A26930"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator"
N/A26931"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator Participant"
N/A26932"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Winner" "Vinder af Chapelaria Ultiduo"
N/A26933"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Winner" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca Winner"
N/A26934"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca"
N/A26935"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca Participant"
N/A26936"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Winner" "Vinder af Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos"
N/A26937"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Winner" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos Winner"
N/A26938"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos"
N/A26939"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos Participant"
N/A26940"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_1st" "Førsteplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus"
N/A26941"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_1st" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 1st Place"
N/A26942"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_2nd" "Andenplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus"
N/A26943"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_2nd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 2nd Place"
N/A26944"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus"
N/A26945"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_3rd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 3rd Place"
N/A26946"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Gold" "Førsteplads i TFCL 6v6"
N/A26947"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Gold" "TFCL 6v6 1st Place"
N/A26948"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Silver" "Andenplads i TFCL 6v6"
N/A26949"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Silver" "TFCL 6v6 2nd Place"
N/A26950"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Bronze" "Tredjeplads i TFCL 6v6"
N/A26951"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Bronze" "TFCL 6v6 3rd Place"
N/A26952"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Gold" "Førsteplads i TFCL Ultiduo"
N/A26953"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Gold" "TFCL Ultiduo 1st Place"
N/A26954"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Silver" "Andenplads i TFCL Ultiduo"
N/A26955"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Silver" "TFCL Ultiduo 2nd Place"
N/A26956"TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Bronze" "Tredjeplads i TFCL Ultiduo"
N/A26957"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Bronze" "TFCL Ultiduo 3rd Place"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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22:51, 23 December 2021 (2.49 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 23, 2021 Patch.
01:16, 18 December 2021 (2.49 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 17, 2021 Patch.
23:37, 8 December 2021 (2.49 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 8, 2021 Patch.
21:23, 1 August 2020 (2.33 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 3, 2020 Patch.
00:36, 17 June 2020 (2.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for June 16, 2020 Patch.
03:56, 8 April 2020 (2.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for April 7, 2020 Patch.
18:01, 8 February 2020 (2.35 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for January 18, 2020 Patch.
03:01, 18 October 2019 (4.59 MB)Kaezle (talk | contribs)Updated the localization files
09:13, 17 October 2019 (4.58 MB)Kaezle (talk | contribs)Updated the localization files.
03:37, 14 October 2019 (4.58 MB)Kaezle (talk | contribs)
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