File:Tf hungarian.txt

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Revision as of 08:51, 13 October 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_hungarian.txt for October 12, 2016 Patch.)
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Tf_hungarian.txt(file size: 1.45 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

October 12, 2016 Patch (previous patches)

15171517"[english]Tip_3_3" "As a Soldier, make sure you keep your Rocket Launcher loaded. Press %reload% to reload manually or enable auto-reloading in Advanced Multiplayer Options."
15181518"Tip_3_4" "Katonaként, ha közeli ellenségekre rakétával lősz, kockáztatod, hogy a területi sebzés téged is elkap. Próbálj fegyvert váltani, hogy elkerüld önmagad megsebzését."
15191519"[english]Tip_3_4" "As a Soldier, you risk taking splash damage when firing rockets at nearby enemies. Try switching weapons to avoid hurting yourself."
1520N/A"Tip_4_Count" "30"
1521N/A"[english]Tip_4_Count" "30"
15221520"Tip_4_1" "Robbantósként a tapadóbomba-vetőt használva a(z) %attack% megnyomásával tapadóbombát lősz ki, amit később a(z) %attack2% megnyomásával felrobbanthatsz."
15231521"[english]Tip_4_1" "As a Demoman, when using the Stickybomb Launcher hit %attack% to fire Stickybombs and then use %attack2% to detonate them later."
15241522"Tip_4_2" "Robbantósként a tapadóbomba-vetőt vagy a Skót Ellenállást használva minél tovább tartod lenyomva a tűzgombot, annál messzebb megy a lövedék."
1213612134"[english]Tip_4_28" "As a Demoman, you can use the Sticky Jumper to get to the front lines quickly. Be careful! It inflicts no damage at all, requiring you to rely on your primary and melee weapons!"
1213712135"Tip_4_29" "Robbantósként a Skót Fejtörő csökkenti a sebességed. Fontold meg, hogy a Rohamozó Paizzsal, a Pompás Pajzzsal, vagy a Szerencseforgatóval együtt használod, hogy ellensúlyozd a sebességcsökkentést."
1213812136"[english]Tip_4_29" "As a Demoman, the Scotsman's Skullcutter will reduce your speed. Consider pairing it with the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, or Tide Turner in order to offset the speed reduction."
12139N/A"Tip_4_30" "Robbantósként a Perzsa Penge minden felvett lőszert mentőládákká alakít, így megakadályozza, hogy lőszert szerezz elsődleges és másodlagos fegyveredbe. Számítson minden lövésed!"
12140N/A"[english]Tip_4_30" "As a Demoman, the Persian Persuader converts all ammo pickups into health packs, preventing you from acquiring ammo for your primary and secondary weapons. Make every shot count!"
1214112137"Tip_5_13" "Szanitécként a csontfűrésszel 25%%-kal gyorsabban ütsz, mint az Agyonfűrésszel. Használd a csontfűrészt védekező helyzetben, mikor az ÜberTöltés nem olyan fontos."
1214212138"[english]Tip_5_13" "As a Medic, your Bonesaw swings 25%% faster than the Übersaw. Use the Bonesaw in defensive situations in which an ÜberCharge isn't as important."
1214312139"Tip_5_23" "Szanitécként az Amputáló beszólása gyógyít minden közeli szövetségest."
2619726193"[english]TF_FestivizerTool" "Festivizer"
2619826194"Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "A bosszú-kritek halálkor elvesznek"
2619926195"[english]Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "Revenge crits are lost on death"
N/A26196"TF_MM_LookingForPlayer" "Játékos keresése%s1"
N/A26197"[english]TF_MM_LookingForPlayer" "Looking For Player%s1"
N/A26198"TF_MM_PlayerConnecting" "Játékos csatlakozik%s1"
N/A26199"[english]TF_MM_PlayerConnecting" "Player Connecting%s1"
N/A26200"TF_MM_PlayerLostConnection" "A játékos kapcsolata megszakadt%s1"
N/A26201"[english]TF_MM_PlayerLostConnection" "Player Lost Connection%s1"
N/A26202"TF_MM_LeaveQueue" "Sor elhagyása"
N/A26203"[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue" "Leave queue"
N/A26204"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Success" "Visszavágó megszavazva! Kezdődik a visszavágó..."
N/A26205"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Success" "Rematch vote succeeded! Starting rematch..."
N/A26206"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Failure" "Visszavágó leszavazva."
N/A26207"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Failure" "Rematch vote failed."
N/A26208"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_GCFail" "Visszavágó indítása sikertelen."
N/A26209"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_GCFail" "Rematch failed to start."
N/A26210"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch" "Visszavágót!"
N/A26211"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch" "Rematch!"
N/A26212"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RequeueNonLeader" "A társaságvezetőd választ..."
N/A26213"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RequeueNonLeader" "Your party leader is choosing..."
N/A26214"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Requeue" "Nem, keressünk új meccset"
N/A26215"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Requeue" "No, find a New Match"
N/A26216"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_JoinNow" "Csatlakozás"
N/A26217"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_JoinNow" "Join Now"
N/A26218"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Start" "Új meccs keresése..."
N/A26219"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Start" "Finding a new match..."
N/A26220"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchStarting" "Kezdődik a visszavágó..."
N/A26221"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchStarting" "Rematch starting..."
N/A26222"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Waiting" "Visszavágó-szavazás folyamatban..."
N/A26223"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Waiting" "Rematch vote in progress..."
N/A26224"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_AutojoinWarning" "Következő meccshez csatlakozásig: %s1"
N/A26225"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_AutojoinWarning" "Joining next match in %s1"
N/A26226"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewMatchReady" "Az új meccs csatlakozásra kész!"
N/A26227"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewMatchReady" "New match ready to join!"
N/A26228"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchOver" "Visszavágót?"
N/A26229"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchOver" "Rematch?"
N/A26230"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVoteEndTime" "A visszavágó-szavazás végéig: %s1"
N/A26231"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVoteEndTime" "Rematch voting ends in %s1"
N/A26232"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesNeeded" "Még %s1 BLU és még %s2 RED kell a visszavágóhoz."
N/A26233"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesNeeded" "%s1 more BLU and %s2 more RED needed for a rematch."
N/A26234"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesMet" "Elég játékos van egy visszavágóhoz!"
N/A26235"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesMet" "Enough players for a rematch!"
N/A26236"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_LeaveParty" "Társaság elhagyása"
N/A26237"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_LeaveParty" "Leave Party"
N/A26238"TF_Matchmaking_SafeToLeave" "Ez a meccs büntetlenül elhagyható"
N/A26239"[english]TF_Matchmaking_SafeToLeave" "This match is safe to leave"
N/A26240"TF_Matchmaking_NotSafeToLeave" "Ez a meccs nem hagyható el büntetlenül"
N/A26241"[english]TF_Matchmaking_NotSafeToLeave" "It is not safe to leave this match"
N/A26242"TF_XPSource_PositiveFormat" "%s1: +%s2 tp"
N/A26243"[english]TF_XPSource_PositiveFormat" "%s1: +%s2 xp"
N/A26244"TF_XPSource_NegativeFormat" "%s1: %s2 tp"
N/A26245"[english]TF_XPSource_NegativeFormat" "%s1: %s2 xp"
N/A26246"TF_XPSource_NoValueFormat" "%s1"
N/A26247"[english]TF_XPSource_NoValueFormat" "%s1"
N/A26248"TF_XPSource_Score" "Pontszám"
N/A26249"[english]TF_XPSource_Score" "Score"
N/A26250"TF_XPSource_ObjectiveBonus" "Feladatbónusz"
N/A26251"[english]TF_XPSource_ObjectiveBonus" "Objective Bonus"
N/A26252"TF_XPSource_CompletedMatch" "Meccs teljesítve"
N/A26253"[english]TF_XPSource_CompletedMatch" "Match Completed"
N/A26254"TF_XPSource_GoldMedal" "Aranyérmek"
N/A26255"[english]TF_XPSource_GoldMedal" "Gold Medals"
N/A26256"TF_XPSource_SilverMedal" "Ezüstérmek"
N/A26257"[english]TF_XPSource_SilverMedal" "Silver Medals"
N/A26258"TF_XPSource_BronzeMedal" "Bronzérmek"
N/A26259"[english]TF_XPSource_BronzeMedal" "Bronze Medals"
N/A26260"TF_XPSource_Comp_Abandon" "Elhagyási büntetés"
N/A26261"[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Abandon" "Abandon Penalty"
N/A26262"TF_XPSource_Comp_Win" "Meccsgyőzelem"
N/A26263"[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Win" "Match Win"
N/A26264"TF_XPSource_Comp_Loss" "Meccsvereség"
N/A26265"[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Loss" "Match Loss"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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01:50, 22 June 2022 (1.26 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for June 21, 2022 Patch.
17:21, 29 March 2022 (1.26 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for March 29, 2022 Patch.
18:59, 28 March 2022 (2.57 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for March 28, 2022 Patch.
20:34, 5 January 2022 (2.57 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for January 05, 2022 Patch.
22:52, 23 December 2021 (2.57 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for December 23, 2021 Patch.
01:18, 18 December 2021 (2.57 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for December 17, 2021 Patch.
23:38, 8 December 2021 (2.57 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for December 8, 2021 Patch.
21:26, 1 August 2020 (2.4 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for July 3, 2020 Patch.
00:36, 17 June 2020 (2.43 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for June 16, 2020 Patch.
03:57, 8 April 2020 (2.42 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for April 7, 2020 Patch.
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