File:Tf italian.txt

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Revision as of 02:37, 1 November 2017 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_italian.txt for October 31, 2017 Patch.)
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Tf_italian.txt(file size: 1.48 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

October 31, 2017 Patch (previous patches)

66236623"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Collect the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Haunted Metal."
66256625"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_NAME" "Masked Mann"
6626N/A"TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_DESC" "Trova un Gargoyle Fantasma in Mann Manor."
N/A6626"TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_DESC" "Trova un Gargoyle Fantasma su Mann Manor."
66276627"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_DESC" "Collect a Soul Gargoyle in Mann Manor."
66296629"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_NAME" "Sackston Hale"
82278227"[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Coach" "Be a Coach"
82288228"MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title3" "Potresti apprezzare un po' di pratica con qualche altra classe..."
82298229"[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title3" "You might want to practice with some other classes..."
8230N/A"MMenu_ResumeGame" "Ritorna al gioco"
N/A8230"MMenu_ResumeGame" "Riprendi"
82318231"[english]MMenu_ResumeGame" "Resume Game"
82328232"MMenu_CallVote" "Richiedi votazione"
82338233"[english]MMenu_CallVote" "Call Vote"
1572915729"[english]Item_HolidayGift" "�%s1� has found a holiday gift:: %s2 %s3"
1573015730"TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "Gioca in tutte le mappe evento di Halloween."
1573115731"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "Play all of the Halloween event maps."
15732N/A"TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "Esplora le mappe di Halloween del passato e del presente: Gorge Event (2015), Sinshine (2015), Moonshine Event (2015), Hellstone (2015), Circo della carneficina (2014), Helltower (2013), Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010) e Harvest (2009)."
N/A15732"TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "Esplora le mappe di Halloween del passato e del presente: Gorge Event (2015), Sinshine (2015), Moonshine Event (2015), Hellstone (2015), Carnival of Carnage (2014), Helltower (2013), Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010) e Harvest (2009)."
1573315733"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "Tour the Halloween maps, past and present: Gorge Event (2015), Sinshine (2015), Moonshine Event (2015), Hellstone (2015), Carnival of Carnage (2014), Helltower (2013), Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010), and Harvest (2009)."
1573415734"TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "Gioca a tutte le mappe della comunità di Halloween del 2015."
1573515735"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "Play all of the 2015 Halloween community maps."
2130921309"[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2014Everything" "Halloween 2014 Community Bundle"
2131021310"TF_Bundle_Halloween2014Everything_Desc" "Questo tenebroso pacchetto include CINQUANTA oggetti fantastici creati dai membri della comunità di Team Fortress 2 per celebrare il sesto evento speciale di Halloween annuale. È impossibile farli stare tutti in una sola schermata, ma proviamo:"
2131121311"[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2014Everything_Desc" "This creepy bundle contains FIFTY exquisite items created by members of the TF2 community to celebrate the Sixth Annual Scream Fortress event. There's no way to fit it all on one screen but we'll try:"
21312N/A"TF_Map_sd_doomsday_event" "Circo della carneficina"
N/A21312"TF_Map_sd_doomsday_event" "Carnival of Carnage"
2131321313"[english]TF_Map_sd_doomsday_event" "Carnival of Carnage"
2131421314"Msg_PickedUpFlagHalloween2014" "ha preso i biglietti!"
2131521315"[english]Msg_PickedUpFlagHalloween2014" "picked up the tickets!"
2702927029"[english]TF_Weapon_RocketPack" "Rocket Pack"
2703027030"TF_Weapon_HotHand" "La Mano Rovente"
2703127031"[english]TF_Weapon_HotHand" "The Hot Hand"
N/A27032"TF_Weapon_HotHand_Desc" "Questo schiaffo dice al tuo avversario (e a chiunque abbia assistito al colpo) che la tua mano ha donato un cambio di connotati gratuito ad una faccia fortunata."
N/A27033"[english]TF_Weapon_HotHand_Desc" "This melee slap tells your opponent, and anyone watching the kill feed, that your hand just gave some lucky face the gift of slapping it stupid."
2703227034"TF_Weapon_FireballLauncher" "Cannone di fuoco"
2703327035"[english]TF_Weapon_FireballLauncher" "Flame Launcher"
2703427036"TF_Weapon_DragonsFury" "La Furia del Drago"
2723327235"[english]TF_RocketPack_ChargesMin" "%charge_count%"
2723427236"TF_RocketPack_Disabled" "DISATTIVATO"
2723527237"[english]TF_RocketPack_Disabled" "DISABLED"
27236N/A"TF_Disconnect" "Disconnettiti"
N/A27238"TF_Disconnect" "Esci"
2723727239"[english]TF_Disconnect" "Disconnect"
2723827240"NewItemMethod_BloodMoneyPurchase" "Acquistato con i �Biglietti Insanguinati�:"
2723927241"[english]NewItemMethod_BloodMoneyPurchase" "You purchased with �Blood Money�:"
2725327255"[english]ToolPaintKitInProgress" "Decorating your item"
2725427256"KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsEarned" "Punti Contratto ottenuti"
2725527257"[english]KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsEarned" "Contract Points Earned"
N/A27258"KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsContributedToFriends" "Punti Contratto conferiti agli amici"
N/A27259"[english]KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsContributedToFriends" "Contract Points Contributed To Friends"
2725627260"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMossrock" "Filtro Strano: Mossrock (Comunità)"
2725727261"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMossrock" "Strange Filter: Mossrock (Community)"
2725827262"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMossrock_Desc" "Aggiungere questo Filtro Strano ad un oggetto di qualità Strana gli consentirà di limitare il conteggio di una delle statistiche di cui sta tenendo traccia alla sola mappa Mossrock."
2737127375"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass"
2737227376"TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_desc" "L'attivazione del pass della campagna di Jungle Inferno ti farà ottenere un ConTracker che terrà traccia dei tuoi progressi, ti permetterà di accedere ai contratti durante la campagna e potrà essere equipaggiato in partita!\n\nLa campagna di Jungle Inferno terminerà l'11 febbraio 2018."
2737327377"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_desc" "Activating the Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass grants a Jungle Inferno ConTracker that gives access to contracts during the campaign, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game!\n\nThe Jungle Inferno Campaign ends on February 11, 2018."
27374N/A"TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Sostieni i creatori di mappe della comunità\n-Permette di accedere a dei contratti che offrono ricompense esclusive al completamento!"
N/A27378"TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Sostieni i creatori di mappe della comunità\n-Permette di accedere a dei contratti che offrono ricompense esclusive!"
2737527379"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed!"
2737627380"TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass" "ConTracker di Jungle Inferno"
2737727381"[english]TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno ConTracker"
2749527499"[english]Attrib_ChargeMeterRateMult_shortdesc" "%s1% Recharge Rate"
2749627500"Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite" "I nemici in fiamme esplodono"
2749727501"[english]Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite" "Ignited enemies explode"
N/A27502"Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite_shortdesc" "I nemici in fiamme esplodono con il danno"
N/A27503"[english]Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite_shortdesc" "Explode On Ignite"
2749827504"Attrib_SpeedBoostEnemy" "La tua velocità aumenta quando colpisci un giocatore nemico"
2749927505"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostEnemy" "Gain a speed boost when you hit an enemy player"
2750027506"Attrib_Dmg_Crit_Falloff" "Il danno dei colpi critici dipende dalla gittata"
2769127697"[english]QuestReport_Points1Scored" "%s1 Advanced points scored"
2769227698"QuestReport_Points2Scored" "Punti \"Esperto\" ottenuti: %s1"
2769327699"[english]QuestReport_Points2Scored" "%s1 Expert points scored"
27694N/A"QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Primary" "�%s1� ha completato un obiettivo principale per il suo contratto �\"%s2\"�!"
N/A27700"QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Primary" "�%s1� ha completato un obiettivo primario per il suo contratto �\"%s2\"�!"
2769527701"[english]QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Primary" "�%s1� has completed a primary objective for their �%s2� contract!"
2769627702"QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Bonus" "�%s1� ha completato un obiettivo bonus incredibilmente difficile per il suo contratto �\"%s2\"�!"
2769727703"[english]QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Bonus" "�%s1� has completed an impossibly difficult bonus objective for their �%s2� contract!"
2770327709"[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_Desc" "Welcome to the ConTracker, your gateway to the finest Mann Co. Contracts.\n\nMouse over the buttons below to learn more about how to use your ConTracker"
2770427710"TF_QuestMap_Intro_1" "Il ConTracker mostra dei moduli che offrono diversi contratti. Clicca su un modulo per vedere i contratti disponibili. Seleziona \"Attiva\" per accettare un contratto. Puoi attivare un contratto alla volta."
2770527711"[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_1" "The ConTracker display shows nodes that offer various Contracts. Click on a node to see what Contracts it offers. Click \"Activate\" to take on the Contract. You can have one Contract active at a time."
27706N/A"TF_QuestMap_Intro_2" "Puoi dedicarti ai tuoi contratti nelle partite della modalità Leggera. Completare un obiettivo ti farà ottenere dei Punti Contratto (PC). Assicurati di terminare la partita per salvare i tuoi progressi! Una volta completato un obiettivo principale o bonus, il contratto potrà essere consegnato per ottenerne le ricompense. Puoi riattivare in qualsiasi momento i contratti completati solo in parte."
N/A27712"TF_QuestMap_Intro_2" "Puoi dedicarti ai tuoi contratti nelle partite della modalità Leggera. Completare un obiettivo ti farà ottenere dei Punti Contratto (PC). Assicurati di terminare la partita per salvare i tuoi progressi! Una volta completato un obiettivo primario o bonus, il contratto potrà essere consegnato per ottenerne le ricompense. Puoi riattivare in qualsiasi momento i contratti completati solo in parte."
2770727713"[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_2" "You can make progress on your Contracts in Casual matches. Doing an objective will earn you Contract Points (CP). You must finish a match for your progress to be saved! Once you've completed a Primary or Bonus objective, you can turn-in the Contract to get its rewards. You can reactivate Contracts you've only partially completed at any time."
27708N/A"TF_QuestMap_Intro_3" "Otterrai oggetti e stelle completando gli obiettivi principali e bonus. Usa le tue stelle per attivare altri contratti.\n\nI contratti esclusivi ti permettono di ottenere dei Biglietti Insanguinati da spendere nel negozio di Mercenary Park."
N/A27714"TF_QuestMap_Intro_3" "Otterrai oggetti e stelle completando gli obiettivi primari e bonus. Usa le tue stelle per attivare altri contratti.\n\nI contratti esclusivi ti permettono di ottenere dei Biglietti Insanguinati da spendere nel negozio di Mercenary Park."
2770927715"[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_3" "Turning in Primary and Bonus objectives earns you items and Stars. Use your Stars to activate more Contracts.\n\nPremium Contracts can also reward Blood Money, which can be spent in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop."
2771027716"TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step1Button" "Scegli il tuo contratto"
2771127717"[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step1Button" "Choose your contract"
2781127817"[english]TF_QuestView_RedeemReward" "Redeem"
2781227818"TF_QuestView_RewardRedeemed" "Oggetti già ottenuti da questo contratto:"
2781327819"[english]TF_QuestView_RewardRedeemed" "You previously earned from this Contract:"
27814N/A"TF_QuestView_Requirements" "Non hai ancora soddisfatto i requisiti per attivare questo modulo."
N/A27820"TF_QuestView_Requirements" "Non puoi ancora attivare questo modulo."
2781527821"[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements" "You have not met the requirements to activate this node."
27816N/A"TF_QuestView_Requirement_NodeState" "È necessario completare gli obiettivi principali di tutti i moduli collegati a questo."
N/A27822"TF_QuestView_Requirement_NodeState" "È necessario completare gli obiettivi primari di tutti i moduli collegati a questo."
2781727823"[english]TF_QuestView_Requirement_NodeState" "All nodes that lead into this node must first have their Primary Objectives completed."
2781827824"TF_QuestView_Requirements_Or" " o %s1"
2781927825"[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements_Or" ", or %s1"
2782027826"TF_QuestView_Requirements_And" " e %s1"
2782127827"[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements_And" " and %s1"
27822N/A"TF_QuestView_Requirements_StarCount" "Per sbloccare questo modulo ti servono %s1 o più stelle, ma al momento ne hai %s2. Completa altri obiettivi principali e bonus per ottenerne di più."
N/A27828"TF_QuestView_Requirements_StarCount" "L'attivazione richiede %s1 o più stelle, ma al momento ne hai %s2. Completa altri obiettivi primari e bonus per ottenerne di più."
2782327829"[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements_StarCount" "This node requires %s1 or more stars to unlock, but you only have %s2. Complete more Primary and Bonus Objectives to get more stars."
2782427830"TF_QuestView_CreditCost" "L'attivazione di questo contratto richiede 1 Chiave di Decodifica"
2782527831"[english]TF_QuestView_CreditCost" "It costs 1 Decoder Key to activate this Contract"
2783327839"[english]TF_QuestView_MultipleContractsInfo" "This node has multiple Contracts available, and you get to choose which Contract you want to work on. Once you've chosen a Contract, the others will become unavailable.\n\nMouse over each Contract to view its objectives. Click on a Contract to activate it."
2783427840"TF_QuestView_ActiveContractInfo" "Quando un contratto è attivo, i suoi obiettivi possono essere completati.\n\nPuoi cambiare il contratto attivo selezionandone un altro e cliccando sul pulsante \"Attiva\"."
2783527841"[english]TF_QuestView_ActiveContractInfo" "When a Contract is Active, you can make progress on it.\n\nYou can change which Contract you have activated by selecting the Contract and clicking the \"Activate\" button."
27836N/A"TF_QuestView_ObjectivesInfo" "Questi sono gli obiettivi del contratto. Completare l'obiettivo principale ti permette di consegnare il contratto per ottenerne le ricompense e sbloccare i contratti vicini."
N/A27842"TF_QuestView_ObjectivesInfo" "Questi sono gli obiettivi del contratto. Completare l'obiettivo primario ti permette di consegnare il contratto per ottenerne le ricompense e sbloccare i contratti vicini."
2783727843"[english]TF_QuestView_ObjectivesInfo" "These are the objectives for this Contract. Completing the Primary Objective allows you to turn in this Contract in order to earn rewards and unlock neighboring Contracts."
2783827844"TF_QuestView_TurnInSuccess" "ACCETTATO"
2783927845"[english]TF_QuestView_TurnInSuccess" "ACCEPTED"
2833228338"[english]TF_Competitive_PartyMatchRunning" "A member of your party is already assigned to a match, which is preventing you from queuing."
2833328339"TF_ItemPreview_ItemPaintkit" "Vernice di Guerra"
2833428340"[english]TF_ItemPreview_ItemPaintkit" "War Paint"
N/A28341"TF_HalloweenContractPackage" "Pacchetto di Halloween"
N/A28342"[english]TF_HalloweenContractPackage" "Halloween Package"
N/A28343"TF_HalloweenContractPackage_Desc" "Questo pacchetto contiene un oggetto di Halloween gratuito! Puoi aprirlo dal tuo zaino!"
N/A28344"[english]TF_HalloweenContractPackage_Desc" "This package contains one free Halloween item! You can open it from your backpack!"
N/A28345"Attrib_MeterResupplyDenied" "La barra della benzina non può essere aumentata rinascendo e usando l'armadietto dei rifornimenti"
N/A28346"[english]Attrib_MeterResupplyDenied" "Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter"
N/A28347"Attrib_MeterStartsEmpty" "La barra della benzina è inizialmente vuota"
N/A28348"[english]Attrib_MeterStartsEmpty" "Gas meter starts empty"
N/A28349"Attrib_MeterChargeType3" "La barra della benzina aumenta con i danni inflitti e/o con il passare del tempo"
N/A28350"[english]Attrib_MeterChargeType3" "Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time"
N/A28351"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_WarPaint" "Vernice di Guerra"
N/A28352"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_WarPaint" "War Paint"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
01:50, 22 June 2022 (1.29 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for June 21, 2022 Patch.
17:21, 29 March 2022 (1.28 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for March 29, 2022 Patch.
18:59, 28 March 2022 (2.6 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for March 28, 2022 Patch.
22:52, 23 December 2021 (2.6 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 23, 2021 Patch.
01:18, 18 December 2021 (2.6 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 17, 2021 Patch.
23:38, 8 December 2021 (2.59 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for December 8, 2021 Patch.
21:27, 1 August 2020 (2.43 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for July 3, 2020 Patch.
00:36, 17 June 2020 (2.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for June 16, 2020 Patch.
22:30, 1 May 2020 (2.42 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for May 1, 2020 Patch.
03:57, 8 April 2020 (2.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_italian.txt for April 7, 2020 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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