File:Tf danish.txt

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Revision as of 03:41, 15 November 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_danish.txt for November 14, 2016 Patch.)
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Tf_danish.txt(file size: 1.37 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

November 14, 2016 Patch (previous patches)

497497"[english]TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Fancy Fedora"
498498"TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Texas Ten Gallon"
499499"[english]TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Texas Ten Gallon"
500N/A"TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Engineer's Cap"
N/A500"TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Lokomotivførerens Kasket"
501501"[english]TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Engineer's Cap"
502502"TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Officerens Pelshue"
503503"[english]TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Officer's Ushanka"
1733517335"[english]TF_robo_demo_buccaneer_bicorne" "The Bolted Bicorne"
1733617336"TF_robo_demo_buccaneer_bicorne_Desc" "Ét lidet kendt fakta om papegøjer: De VIL pikke hul gennem et menneskeligt piratkranie. Men de kan ikke pikke gennem massivt stål. Og hvad hvis de prøver? Denne skattebasse er strømladet til 10.000 volts. Jeres tur, papegøjer."
1733717337"[english]TF_robo_demo_buccaneer_bicorne_Desc" "One little-known fact about parrots: They WILL peck a hole through a human pirate skull. But they can't peck through solid steel. And if they try? This baby's electrified to the tune of 10,000 volts. Your move, parrots."
17338N/A"TF_robo_engineer_rustin" "Timeless Topper"
N/A17338"TF_robo_engineer_rustin" "Den Tidsløse Tophat"
1733917339"[english]TF_robo_engineer_rustin" "The Timeless Topper"
1734017340"TF_robo_pyro_figment_filament" "Filamental"
1734117341"[english]TF_robo_pyro_figment_filament" "The Filamental"
1979719797"[english]TF_BigDaddy" "The Big Daddy"
1979819798"TF_FirstAmerican" "Den Første Amerikaner"
1979919799"[english]TF_FirstAmerican" "The First American"
N/A19800"TF_FirstAmerican_Desc" "Statsmand. Videnskabsmand. Opfinder. Lad som om du er alle disse ting, og mere, med denne Benjamin Franklin-maske. Så ægte, at den rigtige Franklin ville havde troet, at han opfandt en anden version af sig selv!"
N/A19801"[english]TF_FirstAmerican_Desc" "Statesman. Scientist. Inventor. Pretend to be all of these things and more with this Benjamin Franklin mask. So life-like, the real Franklin will think he invented another version of himself!"
1980019802"TF_FortifiedCompound" "Den Sammensatte Befæstning"
1980119803"[english]TF_FortifiedCompound" "The Fortified Compound"
1980219804"TF_FortifiedCompound_Desc" " "
2486924871"[english]TF_taunt_disco_fever" "Taunt: Disco Fever"
2487024872"TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare" "Hån: Fubar-fanfaren"
2487124873"[english]TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare" "Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare"
N/A24874"TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare_Desc" "Soldier-hån\n\"Frihed er ikke gratis, maddiker! Gæt prisen! Forkert! Det er for højt! Frihed er IKKE så dyrt!\""
N/A24875"[english]TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare_Desc" "Soldier Taunt\n\"Freedom isn't free, maggots! Guess the price! Wrong! That is too high! Freedom is NOT that expensive!\""
2487224876"TF_taunt_balloonibouncer" "Hån: Balloonibounceren"
2487324877"[english]TF_taunt_balloonibouncer" "Taunt: The Balloonibouncer"
2487424878"TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat" "Civilian Grade JACK Hat"
2511325117"[english]halloween2016_collection_case" "Creepy Crawly Case"
2511425118"halloween2016_collection_case_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nCreepy Crawly-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand \nfra Creepy Crawly-samlingen."
2511525119"[english]halloween2016_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nCreepy Crawly Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Creepy Crawly Collection."
25116N/A"halloween2016_collection_case_adtext" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetikker fra Creepy Crawly-samlingen\n-Kræver en Creepy Crawly-nøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis usædvanligt."
N/A25120"halloween2016_collection_case_adtext" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetikker fra Creepy Crawly-samlingen\n-Kræver en Creepy Crawly-nøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige."
2511725121"[english]halloween2016_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Creepy Crawly Collection\n-Requires a Creepy Crawly Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual."
2511825122"halloween2016_collection_key" "Creepy Crawly-nøgle"
2511925123"[english]halloween2016_collection_key" "Creepy Crawly Key"
2512025124"halloween2016_collection_key_desc" "Bruges til at åbne Creepy Crawly-kassen"
2512125125"[english]halloween2016_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Creepy Crawly Case"
25122N/A"halloween2016_collection_key_adtext" "-Bruges til at åbne Creepy Crawly-kassen\n-Indhold er muligvis usædvanligt."
N/A25126"halloween2016_collection_key_adtext" "-Bruges til at åbne Creepy Crawly-kassen\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige."
2512325127"[english]halloween2016_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Creepy Crawly Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual."
2512425128"halloween2016_event_footer" "Under Scream Fortress-begivenheden kommer alle usædvanlige genstande med en halloween 2016-effekt."
2512525129"[english]halloween2016_event_footer" "During the Scream Fortress event, all Unusual items will come with a Halloween 2016 effect"
2513125135"[english]Attrib_Particle109" "Starstorm Insomnia"
2513225136"Attrib_Particle110" "Stjernestormslummer"
2513325137"[english]Attrib_Particle110" "Starstorm Slumber"
N/A25138"Attrib_Particle3013" "Helvedsild"
N/A25139"[english]Attrib_Particle3013" "Hellish Inferno"
2513425140"Attrib_Particle3014" "Spektralsk Hvirvel"
2513525141"[english]Attrib_Particle3014" "Spectral Swirl"
2513625142"Attrib_Particle3015" "Infernalske Flammer"
2518525191"[english]TF_hwn2016_spooktacles_Desc" ""
2518625192"TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap_Desc" " "
2518725193"[english]TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap_Desc" ""
N/A25194"TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism" "Tung Turisme"
N/A25195"[english]TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism" "Heavy Tourism"
2518825196"TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism_Desc" " "
2518925197"[english]TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism_Desc" ""
2519025198"TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho" "El Paso-ponchoen"
2519325201"[english]TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho_Desc" ""
2519425202"TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito_Desc" " "
2519525203"[english]TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito_Desc" ""
N/A25204"TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium" "Kristi Korpus' Kranie"
N/A25205"[english]TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium" "The Corpus Christi Cranium"
2519625206"TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium_Desc" " "
2519725207"[english]TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium_Desc" ""
2519825208"TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past_Desc" " "
2520125211"[english]TF_hwn2016_class_crown" "Class Crown"
2520225212"TF_hwn2016_class_crown_Desc" " "
2520325213"[english]TF_hwn2016_class_crown_Desc" ""
N/A25214"TF_hwn2016_wing_mann" "Wingmannen"
N/A25215"[english]TF_hwn2016_wing_mann" "The Wing Mann"
2520425216"TF_hwn2016_wing_mann_Desc" " "
2520525217"[english]TF_hwn2016_wing_mann_Desc" ""
N/A25218"TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann" "Væmmelig Vikingemann"
N/A25219"[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann" "Nasty Norsemann"
2520625220"TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" " "
2520725221"[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" ""
N/A25222"TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Nagende Nar"
N/A25223"[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Pestering Jester"
2520825224"TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" " "
2520925225"[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" ""
N/A25226"TF_hwn2016_mo_horn" "Mo'Horn"
N/A25227"[english]TF_hwn2016_mo_horn" "Mo'Horn"
2521025228"TF_hwn2016_mo_horn_Desc" " "
2521125229"[english]TF_hwn2016_mo_horn_Desc" ""
N/A25230"TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms" "Kirugens Sidevåben"
N/A25231"[english]TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms" "The Surgeon's Sidearms"
2521225232"TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms_Desc" " "
2521325233"[english]TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms_Desc" ""
2521425234"TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey" "Lille Bider"
2525525275"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank19" "Australian"
2525625276"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank20" "Merasmus' egen"
2525725277"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank20" "Merasmus's Own"
N/A25278"TF_Support_Message_Show_Later" "Luk"
N/A25279"[english]TF_Support_Message_Show_Later" "Close"
N/A25280"TF_Support_Message_Acknowledge" "Slet"
N/A25281"[english]TF_Support_Message_Acknowledge" "Delete"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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21:21, 1 March 2023 (1.25 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch.
21:18, 21 December 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 21, 2022 Patch.
01:27, 15 December 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch.
02:57, 8 December 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 7, 2022 Patch.
01:37, 6 December 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 5, 2022 Patch.
00:44, 2 December 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 1, 2022 Patch.
17:58, 4 November 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for November 4, 2022 Patch.
01:09, 21 October 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for October 20, 2022 Patch.
00:00, 19 October 2022 (1.23 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for October 18, 2022 Patch.
21:02, 13 October 2022 (1.22 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for October 13, 2022 Patch.
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