Mann vs. Machine (update)/zh-hans

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< Mann vs. Machine (update)
Revision as of 05:12, 15 August 2012 by Chq (talk | contribs) (更改了第一天的翻译,第二天先挂着一会儿翻译)
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Alright, enough reading advice. It's man-to-man talk time. I am not going to lie to you: I am going to have to lie to you. You men are absolutely prepared to deal with this, and you are going to be just fine. Right. End of lie. Now get ready to absorb some bullets so they don’t hit my factories.
Saxton Hale; TF2 Official Website
Mvm logo.png

Mann vs. Machine 是军团要塞2的一次重大更新,在2012年8月13号宣布并且在2012年8月15号发布。

第一天: machines

第一天揭示了一个新的合作游戏模式,让六名玩家去对抗一整支机器人大军,以及推出一个新地图,Mannworks, 新模式中也推出了几个机器人的兵种。他们可以在宣传片上找到。




机器人 原型 装备 能力
钢铁巨人 Leaderboard class heavy.png 机枪手 钢铁手套
  • 非常耐打
  • 有伤害抗性
  • 拳头功夫了得
Demo骑士 Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破手 苏格兰长剑
  • 挥舞着剑的疯子
  • 冲锋时速度极快且距离远
弓箭手 Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙击手 猎人弓箭
  • 致命的准确度
  • 拉弓非常快
棒球联盟Scout Leaderboard class scout.png 侦察兵 睡魔
快速医疗Medic Leaderboard class medic.png 医生 快速医疗枪
  • 医疗速度快
  • 不会使用über
重量级拳击冠军 Leaderboard class heavy.png 机枪手 克格勃杀人拳套
  • 不需要任何武器就能粗暴的殴打你
  • 攻击范围大
无敌 Medic Leaderboard class medic.png 医生 医疗枪
  • 像一个疯子一样放置无敌ÜberCharges
Sydney Sniper Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙击手 悉尼沉睡者



机器人 原型 能力
速射Soldier Leaderboard class soldier.png 士兵 像机枪一样的使用火箭发射器,所以不要在一个地方呆太久
Deflector Heavy Leaderboard class heavy.png 机枪手 会击落任何火箭、榴弹等爆炸物
超级Scout Leaderboard class scout.png 侦察兵 不像其他的巨型机器人,超级Scout行动速度非常快,所以千万不要让他拿起炸弹!



机器人 原型 能力
步哨毁灭者 Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破手 会自动寻找并跑向对其攻击的步哨枪,几秒后自动爆炸。


炸弹升级 (可累积):

阶段 升级
第一阶段 防御增益,作用于附近机器人
第二阶段 自动回血
最终阶段 完全暴击


Mannworks, 为Mann vs. Machine而设计的新地图,在第一天被宣布出来。

名字 图片 游戏模式 文件名字
Mannworks Poster Mannworks.png 曼恩 vs. 机器
Mvm navicon.png

第二天: Mercs

Day 2 revealed a variety of new upgrades and power-ups that players can collect to boost their effectiveness on the battlefield, as well as Canteens. A new map, Coal Town, was also featured.


Name Picture Game mode File name
Coal Town Poster Coal Town.png 曼恩 vs. 机器
Mvm navicon.png

"Upgrade Stations give you a wide range of tactical options to choose from. Below, we’ve included a by-no-means comprehensive list of just a few of the weapon, item and ability upgrades you’ll need to hold the line against the Metal Menace."

Class Tactics

Classes Abilities
Leaderboard class soldier.png 士兵
  • Upgraded Buff Banner can empower entire team.
  • Upgraded Rocket Launcher to increase damage, firing speed, reload speed and projectile speed.
Leaderboard class medic.png 医生
  • Upgraded Medi Gun or Kritzkrieg boosts overheal amount and duration.
  • Upgraded Medic can increase Übercharge build rate and lengthen deploy duration.
  • Upgraded Medic can shear his canteen effects with heal targets.
Leaderboard class scout.png 侦察兵
  • Upgraded Mad Milk slows affected enemies.
  • All Scouts have the following innate skills:
    • Extra-large cash collection radius.
    • Health boosts from collected cash.
    • Instant respawns.
Leaderboard class heavy.png 机枪手
  • Upgraded rounds pass through multiple targets.
  • Upgraded Minigun can shoot down projectiles.
  • Upgraded Heavy can generate rage, causing rounds to knock back enemies.
Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破手
  • Use a critical Hit Boost canteen to lay deadly sticky traps.
  • Use damage-upgraded sticky bomb clusters to instantly destroy all but the strongest targets.
Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程师
  • Upgraded Engineer can build a second, disposable mini-sentry.
  • Use a critical hit boost canteen to temporarily boost Sentry Gun to three times its firing speed.
  • Remember: The Wrangler excels against long-range targets.
Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙击手
  • Upgraded Jarate slows affected enemies.
  • Upgraded Sniper Rifle rounds and Huntsman arrows pass through multiple targets.
  • Combine Jarate with bleed effect on rounds and arrows to take down larger enemies.
  • Upgraded Sniper Rifle and Huntsman cause explosive headshots.
Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵
  • Upgraded airblast pushes targets further.
  • Use airblasts to separate Medic robots from their targets and push bomb-carrying robots into mineshafts.
  • Upgraded Flare Gun becomes a lethal long-range weapon.
Leaderboard class spy.png 间谍
  • Upgraded Sapper can disable groups of regular robots and slow giants.
  • Spies' disguises fool all robots enemies; robots may detect a nearby backstab, and will always detect a Spy who is on fire.
  • Upgraded knife can penetrate armor, allowing increasing effectiveness against Giants.

第三天: Bounty



  • Mann vs. Machine was heavily teased by the second ARG, which led to the Blood Brothers comic. Hints were also included in the maps Foundry and Doomsday.
  • A robot which looks like a Bowman or Sydney Sniper without a hat appears on the Engineer Update page, and a Demoknight head appears in the teaser trailer for the update.
  • What appears to be one of the pictures of the BLU Scout's mother from Meet The Spy is being used as ante in the BLU Soldier and Demoman's card game (most visible at 1:07).

External links